Marco polo life in china. The famous traveler Marco Polo: what he discovered

Marco Polo came from a merchant family. His father and uncle carried on extensive trade, in particular with Persia. In 1271, when they went on a long journey, they took with them Marco, who from childhood was noted for his keen powers of observation and intelligence. For 17 years, the Marco Polo family was engaged in trade in the Celestial Empire. Marco very quickly learned languages ​​and won the favor of the Chinese emperor, moreover, to such an extent that his family was given the most important assignment - to accompany the Chinese princess to Asia, and in the spring of 1292 a flotilla of 14 ships sailed from the port. Polo was about to make a big cruise, the first in the history of navigation, in which Europeans took part.

The path ran along the eastern and southern coasts of Asia. The phenomenal memory of Marco Polo captured the smallest details travel: what he saw with his own eyes, he never forgot.

Only in 1295 did the Polo family return to Venice, bringing with them great wealth.

After some time, war breaks out between Venice and Genoa. These two prosperous port city-states have long fought for supremacy in commerce. At his own expense, Marco Polo equips the ship, but in one of the battles he fails: the ship was captured, and Polo ended up in a Genoese prison. In order not to become discouraged, he begins to talk about his travels to his cellmates. His story aroused keen interest not only among the prisoners, but also among the guards, who began to carry them around the city. And now the inhabitants of Genoa begin to visit the prison in order to hear for themselves what Marco Polo tells. In the end, he comes to the idea that he needs to capture his memories on paper. Rusticiano, a cellmate, became the "chronicler". Day after day, under his pen, a work is born, which to this day is read like a fascinating novel. Polo himself never gave a name to this work. It went down in history as "The Book of Marco Polo". The draft book was completed by the end of 1298. Perhaps this played a role in the fact that Marco Polo was soon released, and, moreover, without a ransom. Returning to Venice, he continues to work on his narrative, significantly supplementing it.

It was still far from the invention of printing, but the "Book of Marco Polo" began to diverge throughout Europe, translated into many languages. Shortly before his death, Polo said: "I did not write even half of what I happened to see." But what he wrote cannot be overestimated, since the "Book" significantly expanded the horizons of Europeans, for the first time gave them information about countries that they knew only by hearsay.

One of the chapters of the book is devoted to the description of our country. "Great" he calls her. In it, Marco Polo gave a fairly reliable description of Rus'.

... Marco Polo died in 1344. For the last ten years of his life he was engaged in trade and never returned to his book. He never had to learn that his geographical observations and discoveries were long ahead of their time.

Marco Polo
Born: unknown
Died: 1324


Marco Polo- the famous Italian traveler, Venetian merchant, writer.


birth documents Marco not preserved, so all information is approximate and inaccurate. It is known that he was born in merchant family, which was engaged in the trade of jewelry and spices. He was a nobleman, had a coat of arms and belonged to the Venetian nobility. Polo became a merchant by inheritance: his father's name was Nicolo, and it was he who introduced his son to travel in order to open new trade routes. Your mother Marco did not know, since she died in childbirth, and this event occurred when Nicolo Polo was far from Venice, on his next trip. The boy was raised by his paternal aunt until he returned from a long journey. Nicolo with my brother Maffeo.


There are no records of whether he studied anywhere Marco. But the fact is known that he dictated his book to his cellmate, a Pisan Rusticiano while he was a prisoner of the Genoese. It is known that in the future he learned many languages ​​​​during his travels, but whether he knew the letter is still a moot point.

life path

Your first trip Marco committed with his father to Jerusalem in 1271. After that, his father sent his ships to China, to the Khan Khubilai, at whose court the family Polo lived 15 years. M arco polo Khan liked his fearlessness, independence and good memory. He, according to his own book, was close to the khan, participated in solving many state issues. Together with the khan, he recruited a great Chinese army and suggested that the ruler use catapults in military operations. Khubilai appreciated the quick and smart Venetian youth beyond his years. Marco traveled to many Chinese cities, carrying out the most complex diplomatic assignments of the khan. Possessing a good memory and powers of observation, he delved into the life and way of life of the Chinese, studied their language, never tired of marveling at their achievements, which sometimes surpassed even European discoveries in their level. All that I saw Marco in China over the years wonderful country he described in his book. Shortly before leaving for Venice Marco was appointed ruler of one of the Chinese provinces - Jiangnan.

Khubilai never agreed to let his pet go home, but in 1291 he sent the entire Polo family to accompany one of the Mongol princesses married to the Persian ruler to Hormuz, the Iranian island. During this journey Marco traveled to Ceylon and Sumatra. In 1294, when they were still on the road, they received news of the death of the khan. Khubilai. Polo no longer had any reason to return to China, so it was decided to go home to Venice. A dangerous and difficult path lay through Indian Ocean. Of the 600 people who sailed from China, only a few managed to reach the final destination of the journey.

At home Marco Polo participates in the war with Genoa, with which Venice competed for the right of sea trade routes. Marco, participating in one of the naval battles, is captured, where he spends several months. It was here that he dictated to his comrade in misfortune, the Pisan Rusticiano, who found himself in the same cell with him, his famous book.

Nicolo Polo he was not sure that his son would return alive from captivity and was very worried that their family might be interrupted. Therefore, the prudent merchant remarried, and he had 3 more sons in this marriage - Stefano, Maffio, Giovanni. Meanwhile, his eldest son returns from captivity, Marco.

Upon return of the case Marco go well: he successfully marries, buys big house He is called in the city Mr Aktjory/Million. However, the townspeople were derisive towards their compatriot, considering this eccentric merchant a liar who tells tales about distant lands. Despite material well-being recent years his life, Marco yearns for travel and in particular - for China. He could never get used to Venice, until the end of his days remembering love and hospitality Khubilai. The only thing that pleased him in Venice was the carnivals, which he attended with great pleasure, as they reminded him of the splendor of Chinese palaces and the luxury of the khan's outfits.

Personal life

Returning from captivity in 1299, Marco Polo married a rich, noble Venetian Donata, and in this marriage they had three lovely daughters: Bellela, Fantine, Maretta. However, it is known that Marco he was very sorry that he did not have a son who could inherit his merchant property.


Marco Polo was ill, and in 1324 he died, leaving a prudent will. He was buried in the church of San Lorenzo, which was demolished in the 19th century. luxury home Marco Polo burned down at the end of the 14th century.

Main achievements of Polo

Marco Polo is the author of the famous Books about the diversity of the world”, About which the controversy has not subsided so far: many question the reliability of the facts described in it. Nevertheless, the story of the journey is very masterfully described in it. Polo across Asia. This book has become an invaluable source on the ethnography, geography and history of Iran, Armenia, China, India, Mongolia, Indonesia in the Middle Ages. It has become a reference book for such great travelers as Christopher Columbus, Fernando Magellan, Vasco da Gama.

The right to be called Motherland Marco Polo presented by Croatia and Poland: the Croats found documents according to which, until 1430, the family of a Venetian merchant lived on the territory of their state, and the Poles argue that “polo” is not a surname at all, but the national identity of the great traveler.

By the end of life Marco Polo turned into a rather stingy, stingy person who sued for money with his own relatives. However, historians still remain puzzled as to why Marco shortly before his death, he released one of his slaves into the wild and bequeathed to him enough a large sum money from your inheritance. According to one version, the Peter was a Tatar Marco did it in memory of his friendship with Mongol Khan Khubilai. Maybe, Peter accompanied him to famous journey and knew that most of the stories in his master's book were far from fiction.

In 1888, a butterfly was named after the great traveler, Jaundice Marco Polo.

Marco Polo short biography will help to write a report about the Venetian traveler.

Marco Polo biography briefly

Born in 1254 in the family of the Venetian merchant Niccolo Polo. In 1260, Marco's father and uncle went to Beijing, which Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, made the capital of his possessions. Khubilai made them promise to return to China and bring some Christian monks with him. In 1271, the brothers again set out on a long journey to the east, taking Marco with them. The expedition reached Beijing in 1275 and was warmly welcomed by Khubilai.

Marco was a capable young man and knew 5 foreign languages. While his father and uncle were engaged in trade, he studied the Mongolian language. Khubilai, who usually brought talented foreigners closer to the court, hired Marco into the civil service. Soon Marco became a member of the secret council, then for some time served as governor of Yangzhou.

For 15 years of service, Marco studied China, collected a lot of information about India and Japan. Khubilai in every possible way prevented the return of Marco to Venice, so Polo's stay in China dragged on for fifteen years.

In 1291, the khan nevertheless released Makro Polo and his comrades, ordering them to deliver the Mongol princess to Hormuz. On fourteen ships, the procession circled Indochina, visited Ceylon, India and reached the Persian island of Hormuz. Marco Polo returned to Venice only in 1295.

Returning to Venice, Marco, once on board a Venetian merchant ship, was captured by the Genoese in the eastern Mediterranean. From 1296 to 1299 he was in prison in Genoa, where he wrote The Book of the Diversity of the World. The book contains descriptions not only of China and the Asian mainland, but also of the vast world of islands, from Japan to Zanzibar.

In 1299 Marco was released, returned to Venice and married (he had three daughters). In the eyes of fellow citizens, he remained an eccentric, no one believed his stories.

Marco Polo's book consists of four parts. The first describes the territories of the Middle East and Central Asia that Marco Polo visited on his way to China. The second describes China and the court of Kublai Khan. The third part refers to the coastal countries: Japan, India, Sri Lanka, South-East Asia and east coast of Africa. The fourth describes some of the wars between the Mongols and their northern neighbors. The Book of Wonders of the World is one of the most popular objects of historical research.

thirteenth century, for European history was of great importance. An era has ended crusades, and with it the Middle Ages went into the past, the Renaissance began. At that time, a new political system- trading republic. Of a number of such countries, Genoa and Venice reached the greatest power. The second gained its strength after 1204, when it took several rich territories in the eastern Mediterranean from Byzantium.

The basis of the power of Venice was the fleet and the incredibly profitable trade with the East, which gave a profit of 35-40% of the initial capital spent. The republic prospered, but all this would have been impossible without people who, for the sake of profit, were not afraid to take risks and could go anywhere to return home with wealth.

The Polo family and the East. Journey to China

In the second half of the 13th century, many Venetians lived in Constantinople on the basis of a contract with the Byzantines. The city, despite the catastrophe of 1204, was still a world trade center, a bridge between Asia and Europe, a stronghold of culture and the Christian faith. It was here that the father and uncle of our hero lived.

Surely they were in contact with Persian merchants who told about the untold riches of the East. The Polo brothers decided to try their luck and went to the Crimea (to the modern city of Sudak) to the third brother Marco, who had his trading post there. From there, the travelers, pursuing the goal of replenishing their fortune, crossed over to Saray, and then to a large shopping mall East Bukhara. The city turned out to be rich, but the territory Central Asia unsafe, especially during a war.

The Polo family spent 3 whole years here, until a Persian caravan passed through the city, which was heading to, to the palace of Khan Kublai. The meeting with the ruler of Asia promised great prospects. The Polos joined the caravan to meet the Khan. Arriving at the residence in 1266, they were able to make a huge impression on the khan.

The ruler of Asia at that time conquered the Song Empire. Therefore, the khan did not trust the “locals” and happily accepted foreigners into his palace, planning to use them in the administration. And then, by the way, several Venetians appeared (the Venetians were skillful liars, and who knows what they said to the Khan). The Polo brothers received a golden letter from Khubilai, granting the protection of the khan and freedom of movement throughout the Mongol empire. Khubilai sent the Venetians back to Europe, taking a promise to return with pundits, according to Marco Khan himself, he asked the Pope to send missionaries to China through them.

Returning home in 1269, Niccolo met his son, who was born in 1254. The son was already 15, and the father decided to take him with him to China, not being able to leave him in Venice. The Polo family flatly refused to look after him, as he was already an adult, but not experienced enough, and it was too risky to leave an inexperienced son to trade.

In 1271, the Polos first went to Jerusalem, to take some oil from the Holy Sepulcher for the khan, and only by 1275 did they reach the city of Dunhuang, and therefore to Kublai's summer residence in Shangdu. Khan was very pleased with the return, and according to Marco himself, was greatly fascinated by him. How a young guy with practically no education could charm the khan is a mystery. A more plausible version seems that Polo's father left his son to the khan as an adviser, in exchange for privileges in trade. Polo remained at court, where a capable and curious young man could well gain authority.

Polo, in memory of the years spent at the court, left us a description of the Khan's palace and the capital of the Yuan Empire - the city of Khanbalik (future). In particular, Marco describes the straight and spacious layout of the city, decorated with gold and Chinese dragons, the Khan's palace. The fact that he definitely had close contacts with the Mongols is also indicated by the description of their traditions. Moreover, he did not need to communicate with the Chinese in everyday life, therefore, in the "Book of Wonders of the World" there is practically no description of the life of the Chinese. However, there is no description.

Of course, Marco, as an adviser to the Khan, saw her when he traveled around the country on his behalf, but what we call the Great Chinese wall now, built by the Ming dynasty, to protect against the same Mongols much later. In the 13th century, these were mostly earthen fortifications, only in a few areas fortified with stone. There was no need for the Mongols to support her, not to put up walls against themselves? In addition, it is very difficult to surprise a person who grew up in Europe in the 13th century with such fortification, especially after the walls of Jerusalem.

He does not remember Marco and tea, since at that time it was widespread in Persia and did not represent anything special for the Venetians. He had long been accustomed to porcelain. The Venetians stayed in China for 17 years. Only in 1291 did they begin their journey home. This time they sailed by ship, as the khan married his daughter to the Persian ilkhan Arkan, and was afraid to let her go by land. The ruler of Asia did not really want to let go of such valuable people from myself, but apparently I had to.

The expedition left modern Quanzhou and, according to Polo's words, lasted 21 months. The squadron visited Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Persia. Through last family I got to Constantinople, and then home to my native Venice.

Marco Polo and his medieval bestseller

The adventures of Marco Polo are known to contemporaries only by chance. According to one version, during the war with Genoa, Marco fell into the plan and was imprisoned in Genoa. There was a writer chivalric romances- Rusticello from Pisa, who wrote down Polo's story. Polo himself did not have a systematic education, and most likely did not know how to write a long and extensive text.

Rusticello wrote in Franco-Latin (Marco himself dictated in his mother tongue). Perhaps something was missed by Mark, something was omitted by Rusticello himself, later there may have been incorrect translations (the book was translated into Venetian, Latin, and then back into French from the Latin version). In this form, the "Book of Wonders of the World", or "The Travels of Marco Polo" came to us.

Despite the inaccuracies in the text, also related to the fact that Marco himself often used the stories of other people about certain events, it serves as a valuable source on the history of China in the 13th century, a reference book for geographers and travelers, even Christopher Columbus used this book in his expedition.

Of particular value in the book are stories about. Polo very colorfully describes Khanbalik (modern Beijing) as a city very rich in goods. Especially silk, up to 1000 wagons a day arrived in the capital, according to him. The port of Sinju on the Yangtze River also deserves attention. The history of China became known in Europe thanks to Marco, the Europeans learned about the manufacturing process paper money, about the work of those that we today call public utilities, fire brigades, the Mongolian administration.

But the main problem is the exaggeration of the role of Marco himself. It is not known for certain whether he embellished himself, or whether this was an initiative of translators, but his role was as a full-time adviser to Kublai, no more and no less. In fact, the book is a description of the life of a person, a traveler, a merchant, and simply a European who is passionate about traditions, architecture, culture, and geography.


The journey of Marco Polo and his uncle and father was not the first in history; shortly before them, other Europeans also came to China. China at that time was part of the vast Mongol Empire, and its capital, Khanbalik, was also located there. Therefore, to get there, even in such a position, was a great honor for any person on earth, not to mention the prestige, experience and wealth that can be obtained here.

The book became a medieval bestseller, because both then and now people love the exotic and adventure. Unfortunately, the Mongol Empire was not united for long. In 1368, the Chinese were finally able to drive out the conquerors. Khanbalik and the palaces of the Mongol khans were destroyed by the first Ming emperor, Zhu Yuanzhan. The city was renamed Beiping (literally - the pacified north). Under the third emperor, the city was finally renamed Beijing (“Server Capital”), and the famous

Marco Polo - famous Italian traveler, Venetian merchant, writer.

Marco's birth documents have not been preserved, so all information is approximate and inaccurate. It is well known that he was born into a merchant family that was engaged in the trade of jewelry and spices. He was a nobleman, had a coat of arms and belonged to the Venetian nobility. Polo became a merchant by inheritance: his father's name was Nikolo, and it was he who introduced his son to travel in order to open new trade routes. Marco did not know his mother, since she died during childbirth, and this event happened when Nicolo Polo was far from Venice, on his next trip. The boy was raised by a paternal aunt until Nicolo returned from a long journey with his brother Maffeo.


No documents have been preserved on whether Marco studied anywhere. But the fact is known that he dictated his book to his cellmate, the Pisan Rusticiano, while he was a prisoner of the Genoese. It is known that in the future he learned many languages ​​​​during his travels, but whether he knew the letter is still a moot point.

life path

Marco made his first journey with his father to Jerusalem in 1271. After that, his father sent his ships to China, to Khan Kublai, at whose court the Polo family lived for 15 years. Khan liked Marco Polo for his fearlessness, independence and good memory. He, according to his own book, was close to the khan, participated in solving many state issues. Together with the khan, he recruited a great Chinese army and suggested that the ruler use catapults in military operations. Khubilai appreciated the quick and intelligent Venetian youth beyond his years. Marco traveled to many Chinese cities, carrying out the most complex diplomatic missions of the khan. Possessing a good memory and powers of observation, he delved into the life and way of life of the Chinese, studied their language, never tired of marveling at their achievements, which sometimes surpassed even European discoveries in their level. Everything that Marco saw in China over the years he lived in an amazing country, he described in his book. Shortly before leaving for Venice, Marco was appointed ruler of one of the Chinese provinces - Jiangnan.

Khubilai never agreed to let his pet go home, but in 1291 he sent the entire Polo family to accompany one of the Mongol princesses married to the Persian ruler to Ormuz, the Iranian island. During this trip, Marco visited Ceylon and Sumatra. In 1294, when they were still on the road, they received news of the death of Khan Kublai. Polo no longer had any reason to return to China, so it was decided to go home to Venice. A dangerous and difficult path lay across the Indian Ocean. Of the 600 people who sailed from China, only a few managed to reach the final destination of the journey.

At home, Marco Polo is involved in the war with Genoa, with which Venice competed for the right of sea trade routes. Marco, participating in one of the naval battles, is captured, where he spends several months. It was here that he dictated to his comrade in misfortune, the Pisan Rusticiano, who found himself in the same cell with him, his famous book.

Nicolo Polo was not sure that his son would return alive from captivity and was very worried that their family might be interrupted. Therefore, the prudent merchant remarried, and he had 3 more sons in this marriage - Stefano, Maffio, Giovanni. Meanwhile, his eldest son, Marco, returns from captivity.

Upon his return, things are going well for Marco: he successfully marries, buys a big house, he is called Mr. Million in the city. However, the townspeople were derisive towards their compatriot, considering this eccentric merchant a liar who tells tales about distant lands. Despite the material well-being of the last years of his life, Marco yearns for travel and, in particular, for China. He was never able to get used to Venice, until the end of his days remembering the love and hospitality of Khubilai. The only thing that pleased him in Venice was the carnivals, which he attended with great pleasure, as they reminded him of the splendor of Chinese palaces and the luxury of the khan's outfits.

Personal life

Returning from captivity in 1299, Marco Polo married a rich, noble Venetian Donata, and in this marriage they had three lovely daughters: Bellela, Fantina, Maretta. However, it is known that Marco was very sorry that he did not have a son who could inherit his merchant property.


Marco Polo was ill, and in 1324 he died, leaving a prudent will. He was buried in the church of San Lorenzo, which was demolished in the 19th century. The luxurious house of Marco Polo burned down at the end of the 14th century.

Main achievements of Polo

  • Marco Polo is the author of the famous "Book of the Diversity of the World", about which the controversy has not subsided so far: many question the reliability of the facts described in it. Nevertheless, it very masterfully describes the story of Polo's journey through Asia. This book has become an invaluable source on the ethnography, geography and history of Iran, Armenia, China, India, Mongolia, Indonesia in the Middle Ages. It has become a reference book for such great travelers as Christopher Columbus, Fernando Magellan, Vasco da Gama.

Important dates in Polo's biography

  • 1254 - birth
  • 1271 - the first journey with his father to Jerusalem
  • 1275–1290 - life in China
  • 1291–1295 return to Venice
  • 1298-1299 - war with Genoa, captivity, "The Book of the Diversity of the World"
  • 1299 - marriage
  • 1324 - death
  • The right to be called the Motherland of Marco Polo is presented by Croatia and Poland: the Croats found documents according to which, until 1430, the family of a Venetian merchant lived on the territory of their state, and the Poles argue that “polo” is not a surname at all, but a national identity of the great traveler.
  • By the end of his life, Marco Polo turned into a rather stingy, stingy man who sued his own relatives for money. However, for historians, the fact that Marco, shortly before his death, released one of his slaves into the wild and bequeathed to him a fairly large amount of money from his inheritance, remains mysterious. According to one version, the slave Peter was a Tatar, and Marco did this in memory of his friendship with the Mongol Khan Kublai. Perhaps Peter accompanied him on his famous journey and knew that most of the stories in his master's book were far from fiction.
  • In 1888, a butterfly, the Marco Polo Jaundice, was named after the great explorer.
