Destruction of myths. Mythbusting (13 photos)

What is the first association you have with the word Avtozavod? Probably, if you are a resident of the upper part of the city, then most likely plain stereotypes about “gopniks” waiting around every corner of Yuzhka, Monchaga and Molodega will come to mind.

If you are a resident of Avtozavod, then most likely you will find the myths composed about your area strange and unfair. Perhaps all the time you have to prove to your friends and colleagues that your Avtoz not worse and in many ways even better Pokrovok, Pecher and Sherbinei. Let's try to understand the essence of the matter, where do these stereotypes come from and why are they often not justified?

Myth #1. There is a lot of crime at the Avtozavod

The automobile plant in Soviet times was one of the most prosperous areas of Gorky. It was here, in the 1930s, that one of the largest enterprises in the USSR, the Gorky Automobile Plant, was built. After the collapse of the Union, the plant, despite the fact that it tried to adapt to market conditions, nevertheless ceased to be advanced, its star went down: no industry that was in demand among the population, no good wages, no prospects. But the main blow was the collapse of the system in which Soviet values ​​played a huge role.

This system overnight became a fake in the opinion of the new elites. The proletarian, who ascended for 70 years on a pedestal, who faithfully served the precepts of Ilyich, was an Octoberist, a pioneer, a Komsomol member, a defender of the motherland, an alternative to decaying capitalism became useless, backward and obsolete. Many lost their jobs, and many - the meaning of life - and began to make ends meet, washing down with Sasha cologne, if there was nothing stronger than a bitter thought about the fate of their homeland.

The automobile plant, as we have already said, was the advanced region of the Soviet era, but what happens to those who were everything? Usually in the minds of people living at the crossroads of epochs, there is a change from one picture of the world to another. Everything that was good becomes bad. A typical phenomenon for the mass consciousness.

Many in the 90s really began to drink too much, to go along a crooked path, but it was not only at the Avtozavod, it was like that everywhere. Just mass exclusion played out on the most soviet area, so to speak, and created the myth of a rough, proletarian, criminal area. Only time goes by, more than one generation has changed the inhabitants of the Avtozavodsky district: probably, among your acquaintances there are many interesting, creative and well-read people living there. Yes, and mass Internet culture affects the modern teenager much more than parents or drinking neighbors.

Therefore, if we talk about the quantitative ratio of gopniks and hipsters, then probably, as elsewhere, there are much more of the latter. Finally proving the myth wrong, here are the statistics of 2016: the Nizhny Novgorod region was recognized as the most criminal area.

Myth #2. The car factory is boring and ugly

Analyzing urban slang, it can be noted that the entire architectural essence of the Avtozavod in the views of Nizhny Novgorod residents can be expressed in godonyms (street names) Yuzhka, Monchaga, Molodega. What can be located on the streets with such names? The same type of kopeck piece and treshka with carpets on the walls, with herring for vodka and chanson? In fact, Avtozavod is a unique area that reflected all the throwing of Soviet architects from the whimsical art deco of the 30s to the massive buildings of the Stalinist Empire era, from the experimental communal apartments of the 20s to the Brezhnev panel high-rise buildings.

In 1929, on the site of the former village Monastery(now Avtozavodsky district), it was decided to start building residential buildings around the future automobile plant. An all-Union competition was announced for the design of new types of dwellings, proletarian communes. A group of students led by an architect won A. Mordvinov. The layout was based on a scheme based on 3 highways, converging to the central square and the park. The entire area was divided into quarters of two communal houses with a large number of green spaces. In the early 30s, the project was finalized A. Zilbert.

st. Krasnodontsev. House of Stalin's construction of the 40s - 50s of the XX century

The idea of ​​the houses was as follows: a Soviet person, the builder of a socialist future, needed to engage in spiritual and physical education in his free time, devote less time to everyday life, therefore, instead of kitchens, one large dining room was conceived, instead of a bath - showers, in addition, reading rooms, gyms, schools and kindergartens near the house. True, the idealistic dream did not come true, due to lack of money, it was decided to postpone large-scale construction and for now get by with cheap lightweight two-story houses.

In the 30s, after winning the competition - projects Palace of Soviets B.Iofana made in the style art deco, this style prevailed in urban construction. Sotsgorod took a course on new forms. Compared to the early 1930s, in the mid-1930s construction was in full swing. It is worth walking along Kirova Avenue or Molodyozhny Avenue to see these cozy 3.4-storey houses that combine the eclecticism of modernity, neoclassicism and constructivism in their facade. They are very attractive with cozy open balconies with flowers, stylized columns on the facades and transitions between houses in the style of urban communes of the 20s.

Busyginsky house

You can’t do without cultural heritage sites: in quarter No. 4 of Sotsgorod, there is the famous Busyginsky house (architect I. Golosov). In addition, there is another miracle of that time on Molodyozhny Ave. Radius house (architect N.Krasilnikov, P.Polyudov), which cannot but surprise with its plastic expressiveness and the play of light and shadow throughout the day. In the morning and before sunset, due to the lighting, the shadows become deeper and longer, which seems to change the shape of the building.

In the post-war years, construction continued, now in a pompous, but firmly standing Stalinist Empire- a vivid example of this is the partial development of the street. Krasnodontsev is very similar in style to the Art Deco houses of the 30s, as well as the park ensemble Avtozavodskoy park of culture and recreation.

In the late 50s - the first half of the 60s, the architecture underwent major changes. In 1957, a party resolution “On the development of housing construction in the USSR” was issued, the main essence of which was that. to eliminate the shortage of housing through accelerated construction. Therefore, it was decided to make housing cheaper by reducing the area (from 40-45 to 20-25), reduce construction time by transferring the main part of the work to the factory (manufacturing of solid blocks), increase the output of construction products, and also reduce the excesses of previous epochs. In a word, the architecture was moving towards simplification.

radius house

The streets began to be built up with the same type of houses made of cinder blocks. In addition, in the late 1950s, a phenomenon arose folk construction based on the labor participation of the population. This is how the famous 2-3-storey houses from folk materials arose without any special financial investments. For example, we can see these small houses painted mainly in yellow on the street. Yanka Kupala: front gardens, greenhouses with cucumbers, dogs in booths - time seems to have stopped here. New people to transfer a particle of something of their own, folk: at that time, many moved from the villages.

In the 70-80s. architecture has not undergone any drastic changes, the course was continued towards standard construction, although panel houses became much higher (9-storey buildings prevailed, and sometimes 14-storey buildings), apartments became larger and more comfortable (in some apartments a balcony and a loggia appeared, kitchens became wider, instead of 2-room apartments, 3-room apartments began to prevail). At that time, entire avenues and quarters were being built: at the Avtozavod - the Southern Highway, Monchegorskaya, Kosmicheskaya, Vedenyapina, Kolomenskaya, etc.

The Zarechny district also does not lag behind innovations, nowadays fashionable 17-storey giants painted in all the colors of the rainbow have grown here with modern playgrounds nearby, outdoor sports equipment (on which anyone can work out), benches and parking lots. These are residential complexes: “South”, “Water World”, “Monchegoria”, “My House on Kolomenskaya”. In a word, the area is developing, constantly being completed and updated.

In such an architectural mixture, it cannot but be interesting, as if you are slipping through time, running into the sunny streets of the 30s, and you go out into the strict Empire style of the great victory, you pass by the same type of panel 9-storey buildings, and you approach the skyscrapers of modern architecture. In a word, interesting, diverse, in Nizhny Novgorod.

Myth #3. The car factory is not the best place to walk

Many people think: “What to do at the Automobile Plant? There is nowhere to go…” If we consider that our city, in principle, is not particularly developed in terms of tourism, then we can make a small comparative analysis. As in all areas, there is a large park with a pond and a beach, sports complexes, sushi bars, McDonald's and shopping centers. Another thing is that there are no galleries, few cinemas and generally fashionable art spaces. But after all, all art spaces are concentrated only in the area of ​​​​st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, pl. Minina and st. Christmas. Therefore, to say specifically about Avtozavod that “there is nowhere to go here” is very unfair, in principle there is nowhere to go anywhere.

On the other hand, if you are lovers of walking and new sensations, then why not walk along the same Soviet streets with beautiful architectural buildings, with a light retro atmosphere. Yes, and a walk, it will be nice to admit, the car factory is one of the cleanest areas of Nizhny Novgorod: garbage is regularly removed, ice is sprinkled on time, and even fish are caught on the lake in winter. And again the question: “Why?” Why not look at the Oka not from the Dyatlovy Mountains of the Fedorovsky embankment, but from the other side, from the side of the river. Push the boundaries of consciousness, abandon stereotypes, come and see with your own eyes what has been hidden behind the screen of mass neglect for so long.

The image of Avtozavod in connection with the ideological upheavals, the first place in the ranking of the most criminal district in the 90s and 2000s was very spoiled. Myths about an integral part of our city simply do not allow new people here.

But it’s not fair like that, we close our eyes to one of the most interesting places in our city, thus we are indifferent to it, but we should update our knowledge, it can tell us a lot. It is necessary to try to modernize it in our minds, to rehabilitate it, to wash off the stigma of a district for gopniks and scum from it.


Neo-Protestants, as well as marginal pseudo-Christians like Jehovah's Witnesses, love to destroy orthodox myths. More often these myths exist only in their heads, but sometimes it happens that they speak to the point. Before us is an article by a neo-Protestant who decided to prove that there should be no ordination of a sacred hierarchy in the Church. This idea itself is not serious, but the article has a lot of useful and correct things. My commentary on the article, which I gave on the author's blog, will also be posted here, at the bottom of the article.

Original taken from vsekh in Mythbusting Thursdays...

The myth of the ordination of Timothy

I remember being shocked a decade ago when I heard a series of sermons in a Baptist church about the so-called "New Testament priesthood." It was assumed that in the Church of the New Testament there should be special people who should be called "priesthood" and only they have the right to perform "sacred rites", such as baptism, communion, marriage, blessing children, consecrating houses of prayer, etc.

Then it seemed to me that this violates the fundamental Protestant conviction about the universal priesthood of believers, since again, according to the Old Testament model, it obliges us to have mediators between us and God, while there is only one such Mediator in the New Testament - Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:5) . I still believe that although each member of the Church has his own unique gift, yet our status before God is absolutely the same and there is no need to wait for an ordained minister to perform, for example, the breaking of bread. We have different functions in God's economy, but the same status before God.

However, this is not the point. (We'll talk about this some other time.)

But one thing especially alarmed me then - the verse was used as a justification for the doctrine of the “caste of New Testament priests”:

Neglect not the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the priesthood. (1 Tim. 4:14)

It is interesting that the word "priesthood" here for some reason translated the word "πρεσβυτέριον" - "presbytery", "council of presbyters" or "council of elders". The word "presbyter" in the New Testament is very often not translated at all, either as "old man" or as "elder", so it is strange that it is in this place that the text seems to be veiled.

And I wondered why Orthodox translators went for such a substitution?

The answer is simple: to support the Orthodox myth that Timothy was the bishop of Ephesus, and therefore belonged to the highest of the levels of the priesthood.

After all, an Orthodox and Catholic Bishop is a Bishop - the head of several local churches. He, as a rule, alone rules over the churches of large areas, consisting of several cities.

And according to Orthodox teaching, a bishop cannot be ordained by presbyters, but only by bishops. Presbyters, from the point of view of Orthodox theology, do not have the right to perform ordination (ordination) at all, so the Orthodox translator had no choice but to hide the clear teaching of Scripture to the contrary.

The fact is that the New Testament makes no difference at all between the ministry of a bishop and an elder. These are synonymous words. "Bishop" - guardian, overseer. "Presbyter" is an elder. These words are often used interchangeably in the New Testament. (And some of the Orthodox researchers agree with this).

For example, in Acts, chapter 20, Paul “sent to Ephesus, ... called presbyters church” (Acts 20:17), and immediately in verse 28 calls the same group of leaders bishops “Therefore, pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has placed you guardians (in Greek "episcopus"), to shepherd the Church of the Lord and God, which He purchased for Himself with His own blood. (Acts 20:28).

In a letter to Titus, Paul orders: “... that you complete the unfinished and put in all the cities presbyters , as I commanded you: if anyone is blameless, the husband of one wife, has faithful children, not reproached for debauchery or disobedience. For bishop must be blameless, as God's steward…” (Tit. 1:5-7)

Thus, we see that the bishop and presbyter are the same person.

In New Testament times, local churches were either governed by apostles and prophets or by bishops and deacons.

This is evidenced by the ancient Christian text “Didache”: “Ordain for yourselves bishops and deacons worthy of the Lord, men who are meek and not greedy, and true, and tested, for they also fulfill the ministry of prophets and teachers for you. Therefore, do not despise them, for they are your honored equal to the prophets and apostles. (Didache 15:1,2)

Those. each local church had SEVERAL bishops, who were sometimes called presbyters.

The New Testament also testifies to this: “Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with bishops and deacons…” (Phil. 1:1) (It can be seen that the Philippian church did not know the three-level hierarchy). And Acts chapter 15 tells us that the Jerusalem church was ruled by the apostles and presbyters. Thus, we again see the interchangeability of the terms "bishop" and "presbyter". We especially note that there were several of them in the local church, and not one.

By the second century, however, significant changes had been made to New Testament terminology. Mainly thanks to Ignatius of Antioch. For some reason, he decided that among the presbyters-bishops there should be one chief. And so it is he who should be called a bishop, and the rest presbyters.

It should be noted that even Ignatius does not yet speak of the bishop as the head of SEVERAL local churches. According to Ignatius, a bishop is simply the chief elder in a local church. Judge for yourself:

“Therefore, just as the Lord without the Father, in His union with Him, did nothing either by Himself or through the apostles, so do nothing without the bishop and presbyters ... but in the general meeting may you have one prayer, one petition, one mind, one hope in love and in undefiled joy.” (Magnesians 7) Here we see that the bishop and the elders are members of the same congregation.

Ignatius also does not build a clear hierarchy: bishop - presbyter - deacon, as modern Orthodox and Catholics do.

“... since the bishop presides in the place of God, the presbyters take the place of the council of the apostles, and the deacons, sweetest of me, are entrusted with the ministry of Jesus Christ, who was before the age with the Father, and finally appeared visibly. Therefore, everyone, having entered into cohabitation with God, respect one another, and no one look at his neighbor according to the flesh, but always love one another in Jesus Christ. Let there be nothing between you that can divide you; but be in union with the bishop and those who sit, in the image and teaching of incorruption.” (Magnesians, chapter 6)

We see that, according to Ignatius, the bishop is like God, the presbyters are like the apostles, and the deacons are like Jesus Christ (!).

Strange, right?

Is Christ, from the point of view of Ignatius, lower than the apostles? No way! Therefore, Ignatius does not speak of hierarchy, but of functions: the bishop rules (presides), the presbyters teach (perform the function of a council), and the deacons serve like Christ (and even Ignatius himself clearly prefers the deacon's ministry - sweetest to me).

And his bishop is inseparable from presbyters and deacons, just as God is inseparable from the apostles and Christ: beautifully woven crown of your presbytery and deacons in God. Obey bishop and each other just as Jesus Christ obeyed the Father according to the flesh, and the apostles to Christ, the Father and the Spirit, so that there would be unity both bodily and spiritual. (Magnesians, 13 chapter)

However, Ignatius did his job - he gave rise to a change in New Testament terminology (he always has one bishop, not several) and, as a result, to the birth of the myth of a three-stage, hierarchical priesthood. This myth was picked up, and later Irenaeus of Lyons elevated the role of bishops even more. And off we go...

The myth led to a distortion of the text of Scripture in the synodal translation, as well as to a distortion of relations in the local church and its management. And even some Protestants suddenly, unfortunately, became fascinated by this myth.

I'm sure it shouldn't be like this!

Pavel Begichev pavel_begichev


I'm afraid you attribute to Ignatius the creation of what he only states as having been created in the Church by his time. And the fact that the hierarchical system that exists today was formed in time, and was not an original given, is not at all denied by the orthodox Churches. Well, except for the marginal freaks. Those really can consider that already under the apostles of the ball of the Russian Orthodox Church or the Pope (depending on the church affiliation of the freak).

The structure of the hierarchy in the Church was already formed at an early stage, when Christians were still persecuted and their truth cannot be questioned even by neo-Protestants who oppose themselves to the already statified Church of the post-Constantine period, with their councils, dogmas, popes and patriarchs. Therefore, it is not very reasonable for neo-Protestants to criticize the tripartite hierarchy system as something that violates biblical norms. But it would not hurt to criticize the excessive sacralization of the higher hierarchy, although such criticism is more appropriate from orthodox theologians. However, some benefit can be from external criticism.

Neo-Protestants, on the other hand, can create any structure of management and pastoral work for themselves. It is their business to understand what is "right" based on their own interpretations of Scripture. They can even live in the likeness of the original Jerusalem community, a commune, when there were no presbyters or deacons, and the people sold their property and gave it to a common fund collected and distributed by the apostles. Another thing - where do you take the apostles? Appoint yourself? Or will there be those who appoint themselves? However, the practice of amateur pastoring and apostolate is a natural practice of neo-Protestantism. Without this, there would be no neo-Protestantism itself, as well as marginal, pseudo-Christian sects, such as Jehovah's Witnesses.

In a strict sense, the main difference between the orthodox Churches and neo-Protestantism lies precisely in the origin of the hierarchy, and not in its structure. You probably know that the orthodox claim the truth of their hierarchy on the succession from the apostles, while the hierarchy (and it certainly exists) of neo-Protestants arose in an amateur way. Some James about three hundred years ago, or some Vasya last year read the Bible, realized that he was chosen by God and had the mission of restoring the Church and declared himself a "prophet", having gathered the "church" around him, and already from this James or From Vasya comes the continuity of one or another neo-Protestant.

Therefore, apostolic succession in the Church is where the subject for discussion is. And the structure of the church hierarchy is just an application. The structure can be absolutely anything, at least three times artificial and new, but the continuity of the Church from the apostles cannot be bought in a store.


The groove on the blade blade (hole), which is erroneously called a bloodstream, is actually a dol. It is made so that sufficiently thick and durable weapons have less weight. It does not promote blood flow.

killer sharks

Between 1916 and 1969, there were 32 recorded attacks on humans by white sharks, the largest and most dangerous species in the world. 13 of them were fatal, i.e. less than one case per year. If you add other sharks, such as tiger and blue sharks, then the number of victims will increase, but still not enough to compare with the number of people who die every year from dog attacks.

Rainy London

London receives 590 millimeters of precipitation a year, Rome 760, Florence 870, Milan 1000 and Genoa even 1100. It can be argued that London is one of the driest cities in Europe.

Arabic numerals were invented by the Arabs

Arabic numerals came to us from India. It's just that the Arabs brought this form of writing numbers from there, which then spread through North Africa and Spain to Europe. The true advantage of Arabic numerals over Roman numerals is not in their writing, but in the positional number system, in which the "weight" of a digit is determined by its position. So, 5 in the number 15 means only five, and in the number 2523 - five hundred (after all, 2523 is 2 times a thousand, 5 times a hundred, 2 times ten and 3).

"And yet she spins! .."

Galileo never uttered such words. They are not in the protocols of the Inquisition, nor in the letters of Galileo, nor in any other contemporary written sources. The first mention of these words - in the infamous for its inaccuracies "Literary Sources" ("Querelles Litteraires") Abbot Irelli, who seems to have simply invented them.

Indians have red skin, Chinese have yellow

The myth of the "red skin" of the Indians was invented by the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus, who in the 18th century divided people into "homo europaens albescens, homo americus rubescens, homo asiaticus fuscus, homo africanus niger" (European white man, American red man, Asian yellow man, African black man), but did not take into account that the red complexion of the American Indians is often associated with the color of their war coloring. The natural complexion of Indians is pale brown. So as not to get up twice: a typical Chinese is not at all yellower than a typical European. The first mention of the yellow color of the skin appears in the XVIII century, when they began to divide humanity into races. This "needed" an intermediate race between whites in the north and blacks in the south. It was then that the yellow race was invented, to which the Indians were first ranked, and then, so to speak, the Chinese were also attributed by official decree. As a rule, the inventors of this classification did not see anyone except Europeans.

Napoleon's campaign against Russia turned into a disaster due to severe frosts

Napoleon's phrase is well-known: "We were defeated by winter, we became a victim of the Russian climate", but this is nothing more than an unwillingness to admit our own mistakes. In fact, the weather during almost the entire Russian campaign was average - perhaps even warmer than usual. There are eyewitness accounts that say: the average temperature in October, when the French had already begun to retreat to Kyiv and Warsaw, was 10, in Reval and Riga - 7 degrees above zero. Even by the end of November, during the famous crossing of the Berezina, the river was not yet icebound. The terrible losses of the French army leaving Russia were due to bad planning, and the weather here had nothing to do with it. Leaving Moscow, the army had only one week's supply of fodder for horses, so the horses died like flies. Even in November, the temperature in Kyiv was still above zero, as there is irrefutable evidence, and the coldest night near Smolensk, when the temperature dropped to minus 8 degrees. Severe cold did come to Russia, but only in December, a few weeks after Napoleon's army had fled the country.

Spiders - insects

Attributing spiders to insects is completely wrong. They belong to the class of arachnids, which differ from insects in many ways: they do not have antennae, they have four pairs of legs, and not three, like insects.

"Religion is the opium of the people"

This minted definition does not belong to Marx or Lenin, as everyone thinks, but to the German writer Novalis. “Your so-called religion acts like opium: it lures and numbs pains instead of giving strength,” Novalis wrote in 1798. By the way, most of the other "Marxist" sayings also belong to non-Marxists: "Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains" (Jean-Paul Marat), "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" (Karl Schapper), "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat" (Blanquis), "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (Louis Blanc), and so on.

Scalping came from the Indians

The custom of removing the skin from the head as a trophy and a symbol of triumph was already known in antiquity. The Scythians cut off the skin from the head of their enemies - Herodotus testifies to this. This practice was common among the peoples of Western Siberia and among the ancient Persians. In contrast, the American Indians were not so cruel. Some historians generally doubt that the Indians resorted to scalping before the arrival of white people. It was the whites, and by no means the redskins, who began to remove the skin from the heads of defeated enemies (after all, in order to receive the appointed bonus, one had to present a scalp). At first, scalping was known only in the east of what is now the United States, the lower St. Lawrence River, and the Gran Chaco in South America, and from there the phenomenon spread to Central and Northwest America.

You can get tetanus by stepping on a rusty nail with your heel.

Tetanus, or tetanus, is transmitted by the bacterium Clostridih3m Tetani, which thrives in the intestinal flora of herbivores. With their feces, the bacterium enters the soil. If, of course, the nail was lying in the manure, and then its tip hit the heel, you can become infected with tetanus, but rust has nothing to do with it.

Reading at dusk is bad for the eyes

Nothing like this. This is just as harmful to the eyes as, say, photographing in poor light - for the camera, that is, nothing. Of course, in order to see the letters in poor lighting, we need to strain our eyes more and the result may be a headache, but this does not harm the eyes.

Shaved hair grows back faster and becomes coarser and darker

The results of a clinical study of the 1928 sample show that the hairline on shaved areas of the body is no different from other areas not affected by shaving. The reason for the delusion is an optical illusion. The cut tops of hair growing after shaving seem more noticeable at first, but over time this difference completely disappears. The ancient Scandinavians believed that the nails of the dead continue to grow after death and serve as building material for Naglfar. Apparently, this gloomy mythological image deeply cut into the subconscious of modern Europeans: many still believe that the hair and nails of the dead grow like those of living people. And yet, this is not so: the growth of nails and hair requires a constant supply of nutrients and complex mechanisms of hormonal regulation - both of which are possible only in a living organism.

Vikings wore horned helmets

The misconception arose when a shaman's ritual helmet, adorned with horns, was found. But the Scandinavian warriors did not wear horns - this form of helmet was unstable and dangerous. Viking helmets were similar to the helmets of Russian knights: domed or round.

32 teeth is normal

This norm was relevant in Neanderthal times, when the jaws of human ancestors were larger. Now the norm for a person is 28 teeth. The remaining 4 are "wisdom teeth", which usually erupt at the age of 15-20. Often they "are born" already rotten or begin to deteriorate quickly. They often have to be removed.

Noisy reeds

What is usually meant by reeds - a coastal plant with brown "plush" candles - is not a reed at all. This is cattail. And the reed is a light plant with panicles at the ends of the stems. Inside the cattail is a wet-looking "filling" from which a coarse fabric was made - matting. Reeds are hollow and fragile like reeds.

The hedgehog eats mushrooms and apples, carrying them on his back.

Hedgehogs are predators, their favorite food is frogs, worms, insects and small animals - voles, for example. The hedgehog does not eat apples. And even more so - it does not tolerate on its thorns. It's a delusion

Red wine is made from red grapes, white wine is made from white

The juice of most grape varieties is light, and if, after crushing the berries, it is separated from the skin and denser parts of the berry, then the wine obtained from this juice will always be white. Thus, white wine can be obtained from all white and pink grape varieties, as well as from most reds (with the exception of two or three with colored flesh).

All that you know very well, and therefore are not even going to read the post, but still.

Judging by the book of the American author Irving Washington, it was so. Everyone thought the Earth was flat, but Columbus convinced everyone otherwise. In fact, from the 4th century BC. no one thought that the Earth looked like a flat pancake. Columbus, however, could not prove that the Earth was round, since he himself did not believe in it! He believed that the earth was pear-shaped. He has never been to America, but only got to the Bahamas, which are just pear-shaped.

Even if you believe in higher powers (weakness, especially on Monday mornings), then with a thorough study of the Bible, there is nowhere to find a place that Eve ate an apple, and not a pineapple, banana or even a coconut. There appears a modest "fruit". Nobody argues, maybe it was an apple.

Everyone is simply sure that Newton uttered a wonderful law after it flew into his tower. Yes, and how not to believe - in his essay on Newton, Voltaire himself spoke about this! And he could find out only from one source who had information before the publication of the essay - from Newton's sister - Catherine Conduit.

Mickey drew Yub Iwerks, who was incredibly fast at drawing and was invaluable as a cartoonist. But when the voice acting appeared - yes, Disney personally began to speak for Mickey.

In 1766, Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote about an event that supposedly happened 25 years earlier. Allegedly, when Marie Antoinette found out that people in the French countryside did not have enough bread, she offered them cakes. The problem is that in those years, Mary was 11 years old, and still lived in her homeland in Austria.

Van Gogh, who in his life hardly sold one canvas (people of that time understood the quality of his paintings many times better), allegedly decided to start with his ear before committing suicide. However, he sawed off not everything, but a tiny piece of the left lobe. What can you do when you're drunk...

Many are sure (at the suggestion of school teachers) that the little man realized the ambitions that arose due to an inferiority complex associated with growth. In fact, his height was 168 cm, which is higher than the average Frenchman of those years.

Sir Walter Reilly is an explorer, ladies' man and one of the most mysterious and mythological figures in English history. In modern portraits, he is portrayed as exceptionally handsome, although no real portraits of him have been found. He was considered a ladies' man, and allegedly liked the English Queen Elizabeth I. Is it true that he threw his cloak into a puddle so that the queen could cross it? Not true. It is true that he did not return from his trip to America with the first potatoes and tobacco in the history of England. Although it is claimed that Reilly introduced the potato in 1586, in fact the first potato crop was harvested in Spain in 1585, after which it quickly spread throughout Europe and even "crossed" the English Channel. Tobacco was introduced to France in 1560 by Jean Nicot (nicotine got its name from his last name). So smokers all over the world are wrong to accuse Sir Walter Reilly of spreading a bad habit.

Everyone knows two things about Magellan: that he made a trip around the world, and that during this trip he was killed in the Philippines. One excludes the other. In fact, Magellan went exactly half the way: Juan Sebastian Elcano, his deputy, completed the journey.

William Shakespeare is known as the greatest playwright in human history. However, most of his plays were not his own creations, but rather imaginative adaptations of stories, stories, and lore. The play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", according to historians, was based on an ancient Scandinavian tradition.

1093 patents: Edison is a great inventor. But most of his inventions are made by unknown employees of his laboratory. And besides, four decades before the birth of Edison, electric light was discovered by a certain Davey Humphrey. His lamp could only burn for 12 consecutive hours, and Edison had only to find the right material for the filament so that the lamp could burn constantly. Yes, an achievement, but not a discovery.

December 25 - Christmas. But there is no evidence in the Bible or anywhere else that Jesus was born on this particular day. But why was December 25th the birthday of Jesus? Maybe because on this day the Hellenes celebrated the day of the god Mitros, born of a virgin, and at the same time it was the Shepherd's Day?

Everyone knows that George Washington was the first of 43 US presidents. But no! The first was Peyton Randolph - it was he who was chosen by the revolutionary Congress. His first step in high office was the creation of the Continental Army to protect against British troops and the appointment of the commander in chief ... General Washington! Randolph was succeeded in 1781 by John Hanson, who sent a congratulatory letter to George Washington after his victory at the Battle of Yorktown and signed "I, John Hancock, President of America". And Washington became the first popularly elected president of the United States - but the fifteenth in a row.

It just so happened that among the many myths about Jews, the myth of their bodily weakness is one of the oldest and often, when it comes to the participation of Jews in "combat" sports such as boxing, wrestling or fencing, there is some gap in public consciousness . I will try to fill it in with a brief digression into the history of sports.

Physical perfection among the Jews, according to Halakha, is an important element of human education. And it is no coincidence that among the main skills that need to be instilled in a child, they included, for example, swimming. The Tanakh allowed running and ball games even on the Sabbath, when a believing Jew had no right to work at all. One of the most common sports among the ancient Jews was weight lifting and belt wrestling, which gave rise to the well-known expression "gird the loins", as well as throwing slings. Let's remember the legendary Samson and David. Martial arts were usually held during the days of religious meetings and celebrations in the Jerusalem Temple.

Judaism did not allow the participation of Jews in any type of spectacle of the Hellenic-Roman world. However, at the turn of the 1st c. BC. and I c. AD, or rather, during the reign of Herod, Judaism was not able to protect itself from the planting of institutions of Greco-Roman culture. Herod built a circus, a theater, and an amphitheater not only in Caesarea, the administrative Roman capital of Judea, but also in Jerusalem, and held games every five years in honor of the emperor.

At the beginning of the 1st century AD not only in Syria and Lebanon, but also in Judea, there were a lot of robbers. Among them were Jews, some of whom went to the gladiators.
But mainly the gladiators - Jews turned out to be participants in open anti-Roman uprisings in Judea. When Emperor Titus crushed the First Great Revolt (66-70 AD), he sent so many Jews into the arena that in all historical writings, captive gladiators are almost always associated with Jewish captives.

There was no shortage of Jewish gladiators among the rebels even after the fall of Jerusalem. According to the latest research, the riots in Judea have never subsided. It suffices to cite one remarkable impression of Marcus Aurelius. When one day, passing through, he found himself in Palestine, he sadly exclaimed: “O Marcomanni, o Quadi, o Sarmatians, at last I found a people more restless than you” (“Writers of the History of Augustov”, Mark, XXII). Some Jews sold themselves into slavery or became gladiators out of need. In the Jerusalem Talmud we read: "It is impossible to redeem a Jew who sold himself into slavery several times, but if he sold himself into slavery once, then they redeem him." And then there is an important addition: "If a Jew sold himself to the gladiators even once, he is not redeemed."

However, not all Jews sold themselves as gladiators because of dire need. The Roman way of life beckoned, and gladiatorial games, as already noted, became the main entertainment and even some kind of honorable occupation. All this could not but affect the Jews: those of them who became gladiators of their own free will. And only later did the Jews begin to treat sports as a means of strengthening health and developing strength and dexterity. There is some evidence that Jews were involved in sports in the Middle Ages. So, it is known that the Jews of Spain were distinguished in fencing. Jewish youths in Syria in the 4th c. trained by lifting heavy stones. In Provence, Jews participated in falconry on horseback. There is evidence that at the end of the 14th century. Jews competed in running, jumping and throwing stones in Germany and Italy. There is even a song dedicated to Jewish runners, composed in Italy in 1513.

In the 16th century At the Augsburg Games, an Austrian Jew named Ott became famous. He compiled a wrestling manual called Ott Wrestling. André Hud has released a similar fencing manual. From the beginning of the 19th century the revival of interest in sports captured the whole world and the Jews took a certain part in this process. As a rule, Jews were strong in those sports that were especially fond of in the countries where they lived (in Hungary - swimming, in the USA - boxing, in Russia - chess). However, there are certain general tendencies that manifest themselves among Jewish athletes, regardless of their country of residence. So, Jews are traditionally strong in checkers and chess. But a high percentage of Jews in intellectual sports does not yet say that they do not have and have not had any serious achievements in “combat or power” sports.

1. Fight

1.1 Freestyle

Olympic champions were: K. Karpaty (Hungary) in light welterweight (1936), H. Wittenberg (USA) in light heavyweight (1948), he also won a silver medal in this weight category at the Olympics in Helsinki (1952), from Kiev B Gurevich in middleweight (1968). The Americans S. Gerson and F. Meyer, S. Rabin (Great Britain, 1928), N. Hirschl (Austria, 1932) and L. Shimon (Romania, 1976) became the winners of the Olympics.

1.2 Classic

The Olympic champions in 1952 were the representatives of the USSR B. Gurevich in the bantamweight and J. Punkin in the featherweight, in 1908 R. Weiss (Hungary) became the Olympic champion. The winner of the Olympics was A. Kurland (Denmark).
A special place in the history of Soviet sports is occupied by Belarusian wrestlers of the classical style Oleg Karavaev and Leonid Lieberman.

Oleg Karavaev became the brightest star of Greco-Roman wrestling. He became addicted to wrestling following the example of his older brother Igor, champion and prize-winner of the USSR championships in freestyle wrestling.
The successes of Oleg Karavaev were stunning: at the age of 18 he was the champion of the USSR among youths, a year later he was the winner of the 1st Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR, as well as the second in 1959. For six years in a row, Oleg Karavaev became the champion of the USSR and twice the world champion (1958,1961 gg.). Gold medalist of the Roman Olympics in 1960. After the end of his sports career, he worked as a coach for several years. Passed away in 1978 at the age of 42.

Leonid Lieberman became world champion in 1973 at the age of 21. In 1970 he won the tournament "Olympic Hopes", "International Tournament in Memory of Ivan Poddubny" and became the champion of the USSR and Europe among youths. Second prize-winner of the 4th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR (1971), winner of the World Universiade (1973).

The most significant successes in classical and freestyle wrestling were achieved by repatriates from the former USSR who advocate Israel. Thus, in 2003 Gocha Tsitsiashvili, a repatriate from Georgia, became the world champion in classical wrestling in the weight category up to 84 kilograms. The winners of the world championships were Tsitsiashvili, Yuri Evseichik (1998 in the super heavy weight category) and Michael Beilin (2001 in the category up to 63 kg) in classical wrestling and Viktor Zilberman (1974, in the weight category up to 71 kg.) in free.
In 1991, M. Geller became the silver medalist of the European Championship (1993) in freestyle wrestling in the weight up to 68 kg; N. Zagranichny (weight up to 48 kg) became the silver medalist of the European Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling; A. Zeevi became the European champion among youth (1995).

1.3 Judo

Olympic medalists in Judo were A. Bogolyubov (USSR) and D. Bragman (USA) in 1964, M. Berland (USA) and M. Berger (Canada) in 1984.

The first Soviet world champion in sambo (1973) was the repeated champion of the USSR in this sport in the period from 1965 to 1973. David Rudman. He was also a European judo champion. Ilya Tsipursky became the European champion in judo (1964). He also won the USSR championships in sambo twice.

Judo is the most popular martial art in Israel. In addition to three Olympic medals, Israeli athletes successfully perform at world and European championships. Ariel Zeevi is a three-time European champion in the weight up to 100 kilograms and a world championship medalist in the absolute weight category. Yael Arad also became the European champion (1993 in the weight category up to 61 kg and vice world champion in the same year). Oren Smadzha, Yoel Razvozov, Gal Yekutiel, Andrian Kordon and Alisa Schlesinger also became winners of the World and European Championships.

1.4 Krav Maga

Israel can be proud not only of the success of individual athletes in various martial arts (judo, taekwondo, boxing, karate, wushu, muay thai), but also of such national hand-to-hand combat integral systems as "Krav Maga" (contact combat) and "Kapap" (fight face to face). "Krav Maga" hand-to-hand combat system is not a sport, but the defense system is a kind of art. The art of not being a victim. The founder is Imre (Imai) Lichtenfeld (1910-1998), a native of Slovakia, a multiple European champion in Greco-Roman wrestling and boxing.
Growing up in a sports family, he studied French wrestling and English boxing, and was actively interested in jujutsu, which was then fashionable in Europe. He soon had to hone his Krav Maga skills in the sports arena in street skirmishes with Nazi thugs. In the mid-1930s, during the period of the tightening of Nazi terror in Europe, Lichtenfeld organized a self-defense detachment to maintain order and security in the Jewish region. A few years later, he volunteered for the British Expeditionary Force, in which he participated in the most risky operations against the Nazis, sometimes reaching open hand-to-hand clashes.

In 1940, Lichtenfeld was forced to leave Europe and go to Palestine. Here, since 1944, he has been training the personnel of the Jewish police and special forces. Invariably coming out the winner, he began to teach his colleagues the techniques of "his" martial art. In 1948, after the establishment of the State of Israel, Imai Lichtenfeld joined the Israel Defense Forces as the chief instructor of the army in physical training and hand-to-hand combat. The result of the teaching work and personal experience of Imrich Lichtenfeld, who changed his name to Imi Sde-Or, was the creation of a new system of aggressive and purely practical hand-to-hand combat - "Krav Maga". It was officially adopted for the training of the Israel Self-Defense Forces, Mossad, police and special forces and arose almost simultaneously with the formation of the State of Israel in 1948. In 1972, he took the first course for civilian instructors, and in 1981, Krav Maga entered the international arena and is currently in demand by the special services of many countries of the world.

Already at the dawn of modern boxing - the English prize fight, whose rules were promulgated in 1743, we immediately meet a Jewish character. This is Daniel Mendoza (1763-1836), a descendant of Spanish Jews, nicknamed "The Light of Israel". So he was the strongest boxer in England in 1787-1795. Mendoza has always emphasized his Jewish origin and at the same time defended his own national dignity. He was the first Jew King George III spoke to. The image of Mendoza was brought out in the story "Rodney Stone" (1896) by the king of the detective himself and the "father of Sherlock Holmes" Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Other Jewish fighters are also depicted on the pages of an old sports chronicle about a friendly dinner of the best boxers in England. For example, "Dutch Sam", whose real name was Samuel Elias (1775-1816), is one of the strongest heavyweights of that era. His son, nicknamed "Young Dutchman Sam" in the 20-30s of the nineteenth century was considered the world welterweight champion and has never been defeated in his entire career. Among the British pioneers of boxing, Barney Aaron, nicknamed the "Star of the East", also occupies an honorable place. He was recognized as the strongest lightweight in the world in 1819–1834.

These worthy Jewish characters have been included in the "International Boxing Hall of Fame", which has existed since 1989. Here they were accompanied by another three dozen fellow tribesmen who left their bright mark on the world history of boxing. And outside of this venerable elite assembly, there are many Jewish boxers left, including world, European and Olympic champions, prize-winners and participants in these and other prestigious amateur and professional tournaments. In addition, since 1981, at the Israeli Institute of Physical Education and Sports. O.Ch. Wingate in Netanya, the "International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame" was opened, in which 31 boxing representatives were already listed.

The Concise Jewish Encyclopedia lists the names of 22 Jewish former professional boxing champions and three Olympic champions. This list is by no means complete. For, when reprinting the corresponding article from the Encyclopedia Judaica, for some reason they did not include three world champions in categories whose names began with the word junior, apparently deciding that we were talking about juniors. These are champions Jack Bernstein, Mushi Callahan and Jackie Berg. This list is also not accurate: for example, the weight category of the famous Benny Bass is incorrectly indicated. In the history of sports there are also the names of Jewish boxers, although they did not become champions, but achieved outstanding success. Such as, say, Joe Hoinsky and Lev (Lew) Tendler, awarded a place in the same Hall of Fame. Lev Tendler, a Philadelphia fighter who is considered by some to be the greatest southpaw in boxing history and by others the greatest non-champion boxer. Over the 15 years of his career, Tendler won 69 fights (37 by knockout) with 11 defeats.

From Mendoza's England, let's move on to America. It was there that professional boxing flourished according to the rules of the Marquis of Queensberry (introduced in 1867), where it became a powerful industry, where many ring geniuses showed their talents to the world. However, the reasons for which already at the beginning of the twentieth century the children of Jewish immigrants from Tsarist Russia began to succeed in boxing are quite understandable. On the one hand, it is the cruel necessity to assert oneself on the streets of various East Sides in fights with Irish and Italian peers. On the other hand, there is no less cruel necessity to earn a living for large Jewish families. Finally, with the third - the inescapable desire of the Jewish diaspora to succeed in the most popular activities of the natives. Hence the achievements of American Jewish boxers, baseball players, basketball players and football players (of course, American football players, not European soccer players). This is confirmed by Allen Bodner's 1997 book, with the characteristic title When Boxing Was a Jewish Sport.

The clearest example of bringing this theme to life is boxing genius Abe Attel - Abraham Washington Attel. "The Great Abe", world featherweight champion 1901–1904 and 1906-1912, who many experts consider to be the absolute best boxer of all time, regardless of weight (pound per pound). Abe Attel got the second part of his name because he was born on the birthday of the first American president. As a teenager and living in the South Market area of ​​San Francisco, Abe fought Irish boys between 3 and 10 times a day. This school was very useful to him in August 1900, when he had his first professional fight, vowing to his mother that this fight would be the last (there were already two professional boxers in the family - older brothers Cesar and Monty). However, after seeing the $15 fee and Abe's undamaged face (he won by knockout in the second round), Mrs. Attell asked: “Abi, when is the next fight? Abe Attel, nicknamed “Little Champion”, fought in the featherweight featherweight throughout his career, but at the same time willingly fought with heavier opponents - and successfully beat them. His professional record is 165 fights, 92 wins (51 KOs), 10 losses, the rest of the fights ended in a draw or no result. He started out as a straightforward puncher (24 out of 28 of his first fights), but then two of his great teachers, James Corbett and George Dixon, taught Abe the art of blocks and dives, and, most importantly, inspired that you can and should fight smartly, keeping yourself and not crippling the enemy. In such a beautiful and noble style, Abe Washington Attel continued and ended his glorious career.

In the same 1901 year that Attell, aged 17, won the featherweight (featherweight) championship, Chicago-born Harry Harris (1880–1959), nicknamed the Scissor Man, became the world champion in the cock (lightweight) division. . A year later, he put on weight, moved to another category, where he no longer had the highest achievements. His worthy successors on the bantamweight championship podium years later were four Jewish fighters. In the twenties, the Americans Abe Goldstein and Charlie Rosenberg owned the title, in the fifties - French Jews, immigrants from Algeria Robert Cohen and Alphonse Halimi. They were great boxers.

In San Francisco in 1888, the professional career of heavyweight Joe Choinsky (1868–1943), nicknamed "Little Joe", began. Joe Choinsky is considered the best Jewish heavyweight of all time. But let's not forget that there was a brilliant and unique Max Baer (1909-1959) in the history of boxing. He, the absolute world champion in 1934-1935, is incomprehensibly not recognized by many boxing experts as a Jewish boxer either by the Wingate Institute or by the mentioned Jewish encyclopedias. And this despite the fact that in the photographs and newsreel frames Magendovid is clearly visible on his shorts! And that the movie, The Boxer and the Lady (1933), which opened his glorious career in Hollywood, was banned from distribution in Nazi Germany precisely because of the Jewish origin of Max Baer (his paternal grandfather was a Jew). In 1930, when he had 24 knockouts in 28 fights (and he had incredible punching power), Max killed Frankie Campbell in the ring, after which he had problems with justice and even quit boxing. Returning to the ring, under the guidance of the great Jack Dempsey, he mastered a new style of fighting, as if shortening his overly powerful arms. True, they sometimes began to beat him, but Max Baer no longer took a sin on his soul. In June 1934, he defeated the then world champion Primo Carnera in phenomenal style - this two-meter Italian giant was knocked down 11 times before the referee stopped the fight in the 11th round. True, Max carried the proud champion title for only a year and lost it at the first defense - he lost on points to James Braddock, moreover, solely because of his own negligence and disrespectful attitude towards the opponent, which sport does not forgive even the brilliant grandchildren of Jews. And, if there was no place for Max Baer in the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, then his presence since 1995 in the International Boxing Hall of Fame is beyond doubt.

However, let us return to the tenth years of the twentieth century. In 1914, middleweight Al McCoy, whose real name was Alexander Rudolph, knocked out George Chip in the first round of a title fight and became the first left-handed champion in history. He held the title for three years.

In 1915, the English fighter Ted "The Kid" Lewis, whose real name was Gershon Mendeloff, became the world welterweight champion. Among his achievements, in addition to a twenty-year career and 283 fights (215 wins, 71 knockouts) in six weight categories, is the fact of the first ever use of a protective gum for teeth - a mouthguard (1913).
The championship title "Aldgate Sphinx" (nickname - from the name of one of the districts of London) held until 1919.

In 1916, Battling (“Brawler”) Lewinsky from Philadelphia, real name Barney Lebrowicz, rises to the throne of the world light heavyweight champion. A former boxing instructor for the US Army during World War I, Battling held the title for four years and had an impressive record of 287 fights (192 wins). 1917 marks the rise of the (certainly six-pointed) star of the greatest Jewish lightweight boxer of all time, Benny Leonard, real name Benjamin Leiner. His statistics are amazing: eight years of holding the title, leaving undefeated, in the first year - 14 defenses (!), 213 fights, of which 180 wins (70 by knockout). Benny Leonard came from an Orthodox New York family and never performed on Jewish holidays.

According to one of the journalists, "Leonard did more to destroy anti-Semitism than a thousand books." During World War II, he served in the US Navy. After the war, Leonard became a referee, and died in the ring at the St. Nicholas Arena from a heart attack during a fight he was refereeing.

The twenties have arrived. New Jewish names shone in the world rings. So, in 1923, Jack Bernstein interrupted the championship of the famous Johnny Dundee in the first lightweight weight for seven months. In May of the same year in New York, he defeated the champion on points, but in the rematch (in the same place, in December) he lost on points. Abe Goldstein became the world champion in the “cock weight” (lightest) in 1924, and Charlie Phil Rosenberg in 1925. Charlie is a rare, if not unique, boxer who has never been knocked out in 65 fights of his professional career.

In the same 1925, the era of two natives of Kiev began in featherweight: Louis "Kid" ("Baby") Kaplan defeated Danny Kramer in the 9th round in New York and won the champion title. Then he moved to lightweight and there he ran into a problem: the best fighters in this category refused to meet him. In 1933, Kaplan left the ring undefeated.

In 1927, when Louis Kaplan left the title of featherweight king, two other Jews entered the dispute for him - Benny Bass, nicknamed "Little Fish" from Kiev, and Maurice Kaplan, who performed under the pseudonym Red Chapman. The winner in their amazing fight, which took place in Philadelphia, was, to the great joy of his countrymen, Benny Bass, who, however, was born in Kyiv, and got to Philadelphia at the age of two. He played in the professional ring from 1921 to 1940, spent more than two hundred fights, won 172 victories, in 1927-1928. was world featherweight champion, and in 1929-1931 in the first lightweight. Of the 28 lost fights, he only lost twice, getting knocked out: in battles against the legendary champions Kid Chocolite (in 1931, in the 7th round) and Henry Armstrong (in 1937, in the 4th round).

In 1926, Mushi Callahan (Vincent Scheer) became world welterweight champion. However, Mushi Callahan lost to Jackie Berg four years later. In 1927–1929 the world champion in flyweight (flyweight) was Izzy (Isroel) Schwartz, nicknamed "Corporal". Two Olympics in the twenties of the 20th century brought gold medals to two American Jews - lightweight Samuel Mosberg in Antwerp in 1920 and featherweight Jackie Fields in Paris in 1924.

It should be mentioned that the first Jewish Olympic gold in boxing was won in 1904 at the Olympic Games in St. Louis by American heavyweight Samuel Berger. Jackie Fields from Chicago (Jacob Finkelstein) has had a brilliant career in the professional ring. He won the world welterweight title twice (1929-1930, 1932-1933), and managed to return to the ring after a car accident in which he was blind in one eye. Out of 87 professional fights, he won 74 (30 by knockout).

It was Jackie Fields who was the first in the history of boxing to be awarded the nickname "Golden Boy", becoming the prototype of the protagonist of the film of the same name, the famous director Ruben Mamulyan (1939). Under very curious circumstances, Jackie lost his title: the referee, allegedly by mistake, after winning the fight on points against Young Corbett, raised his opponent's hand, for which he was punched in the face by the manager of the robbed champion in the locker room. Having lost his earned capital during the years of the Great Depression, the ex-champion later proved that he was not called the “Golden Boy” for nothing: Fields managed to rise again in business and died a wealthy man.

The thirties also showed the world a lot of champion Jewish names. In July 1930, in New York, Al (Abraham) Singer, nicknamed the Bronx Brawler, knocked out Sammy Mandell in the first round, becoming the world lightweight champion. In November of the same year, Singer lost the title to the great Italian Tony Canzoneri. But already in April 1931 in Chicago, Jack "Kid" Berg from London (Yeuda Bergman) took a kind of Jewish revenge by knocking out Canzoneri in the third round. Berg, who received the nickname "Whitechapel Windmill" (from the name of the district in London) at home, had 192 fights, of which he won 157 (57 by knockout).

World Champion 1930–1934 light heavyweight champion Maxi Rosenblum earned his nickname "The Slap" for occasionally throwing punches with an open glove. The blows with a closed glove brought him 223 victories in 299 fights held in 16 years of an intense career. In the status of a champion, Maxi had 106 fights and has no equal in this indicator. Like his namesake Baer, ​​he became a successful film actor and showman. Like him, Rosenblum lost the title to a much more ordinary boxer - Bob Olin, remarkable for us primarily for his Jewishness.

The traditions of these masters - light heavyweights were continued in a time closer to us by Mike Rossman ("Jewish Bombardier"). In September 1978, in New Orleans, he defeated Victor Galindes by TKO in the 13th round and won the WBA world light heavyweight title. However, already in April of the following year, he lost to the same Galindes in the 10th round and said goodbye to the title.

Let's go back to the thirties. A native of Tunisia, Victor Peretz first became the champion of metropolitan France in 1931, and in October of the same year in Paris, having knocked out Frankie Genaro in the second round, Victor Peretz became the world flyweight champion. He held the title for two years. Victor Peretz entered the history of boxing not only as a world champion. His fate was tragic: in October 1943 he was taken to Auschwitz along with a thousand prisoners from France. The Gestapo identified the former champion, and he was forced to box like a gladiator. The plots of films like "Triumph of the Spirit" or "The Boxer and Death", alas, were not fictional. By the victorious spring of 1945, Peretz was among the three dozen prisoners who survived from that thousand. In March, before the concentration camp was evacuated, the Nazis shot the champion.
Another Jewish boxer from Greece, Salamo Arouch, who entertained Nazi officials at Auschwitz, survived the Holocaust.

The Second World War also played a fatal role in the fate of the great American boxer Barney Ross, whose real name is Burl-Dovid Rozovsky, nicknamed "The Pride of the Ghetto". His life in general was full of drama. The grandson of a rabbi who came from Russia ended up in an orphanage after his father, who worked as a cashier in a store, was shot dead by robbers, and his mother went mad from grief. Like the cinematic Rocky, young Berle worked as a racket on the streets of Chicago. Legend has it that Al Capone himself banned his criminal business, saying that the grandson of a rabbi should not be a gangster, and giving 20 dollars for a new life. In this new life, a talented Jewish guy took place first as a classy amateur boxer, and then as a great professional. Having defeated Tony Canzoneri, already familiar to us, in 1933, he became the first world champion in two weight categories at the same time - in light and first welterweight. From 1934 to 1938 he became a champion even in three categories, defeating the toughest boxers and always giving his opponents the opportunity for revenge. Barney Ross was distinguished by courage and nobility. His track record includes 74 wins in 82 fights and only 4 losses, and only on points. Not once was he even knocked down, although his last fight in his life against the great "Hurricane" Henry Armstrong was incredibly difficult. When the war began, Barney Ross, who was not subject to conscription due to age, volunteered for the Marine Corps. In battles against the Japanese, he earned awards and a bunch of wounds and diseases, including malaria and dysentery, from which doctors saved him with morphine. The champion returned from the front as a heavy drug addict, gradually slipped to the very bottom, but found the strength to undergo treatment and return to a decent life.

In the thirties, world champions in the middleweight were: in 1932-1933, Ben Jeby (Morris Zebaltowski) and in 1938-1939, Solly Krieger. The years of the fifties opened two classy bantamweight boxers who came to France from Algeria - Robert Cohen (b. 1930) and Alphonse Halimi (b. 1932), we have already mentioned them. The fate of both of these Sephardim was manipulated by the famous French promoter Gilbert Benaim (Ben-Chaim). Robert Cohen held the world title from 1954-1956. Then, in a strange fight with the deaf-mute Italian Mario D "Agata, the judges took away his well-deserved victory, and in April 1957, the Italian lays down under Alfons Halimi, and he becomes the world champion.

Cohen and Halimi's compatriot Fabrice Benichou was IBF World Featherweight Champion from 1989-1991. Over the years, English boxers became European champions: Anshel Joseph (1910, welterweight), Matt Wells (1911–1912, lightweight), Harry Mason (1923, lightweight), Johnny Brown (1923, bantamweight) ), Al Philips (1947, featherweight) and French boxers: Albert Yvel (1950–1951, light heavyweight), Gilbert Cohen (1978, 1st middleweight) and Gilles Elbilia (1983, welterweight).

A native of Gomel (Belarus) and an Israeli citizen Yuri Forman (31), who has been living in Brooklyn for 12 years, became the owner of the "big belt" in the second welterweight according to the WBA.
Boxer Dmitry Salita has 30 wins and only one loss. Back in 2000, he became the American boxing champion. Then he became the winner of the Golden Gloves tournament. The son of Odessa immigrants, he began boxing at the age of 13 in a club run by Jimmy O'Farrow. His teacher spoke of Dima like this: “He looks like a Russian, prays like a Jew, fights like an African American.”

It is impossible not to recall the famous coach - Charles (Israel) Goldman, who raised four world champions, among them the great Rocky Marciano. It may well be that it was precisely because of the screenwriter's acquaintance with his fate on the screen that Rocky's old Jewish coach appeared. It is impossible not to name the most successful coach in the history of professional boxing, Ray Arcel. For seventy years of work, he has trained more than two thousand boxers, including twenty world champions. Among them are five of our heroes: E. Goldstein, C. Rosenberg, D. Berg, B. Ross and B. Olin, as well as boxing giants such as James Braddock, Ezzard Charles and Larry Holmes. When Charlie Goldman's pet Rocky Marciano defeated the great black champion Joe Louis in his last fight, legendary referee Ruby Goldstein was the judge in the ring. Real name - Reuven, nickname - "Jewel of the Ghetto". In a long refereeing career from 1943 to 1964, he had 39 title fights, including: Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Walcott and Ingemar Johansson vs. Floyd Patterson.

The most outstanding of the many Soviet Jewish boxers is the Honored Master of Sports of the USSR and Honored Coach of the USSR Lev Segalovich. He was a six-time Soviet flyweight champion (1940–1948) and raised Olympic champion Vyacheslav Lemeshev (Munich).

Vladimir Kogan is the most famous Belarusian boxer and trainer, comes from one of the most “sporty” families in Belarus, the youngest of four champion brothers. The elder Aron was the champion of the republic in weightlifting in the 30s. Alexander was the champion of the BSSR in Greco-Roman wrestling in the 30s, and the next Matvey was the champion of the republic in boxing in 1936-1938. Aron's son Dmitry is a master of sports of international class, champion of the USSR among youths (1955), six-time champion of the republic in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honored Coach of Belarus (1974). Vladimir Kogan became widely known in the republic when, at the age of 17, he won the BSSR adult boxing championship. For three years in a row, the brothers became champions of the republic. During the war years, he made 140 sorties as a gunner-radio operator of bomber aircraft, and reached Berlin. He had 140 fights in the ring. Here is such a coincidence. In January 1945, once in Moscow, he accidentally enters the Moscow Championship. Takes part in it and becomes the champion of the capital. And then again flies to bomb Berlin. He was recalled from the active army, and a year later Kogan became the winner of the All-Union Championship of the Dynamo Society. In the same year, he was demobilized, returned to Minsk and began working as a boxing coach in the District House of Officers. At the same time, he competes in competitions: silver medalist of the All-Union Championship in 1947 and 1948, champion of the BSSR in 1947, 1949 and 1950. In 1949, Vladimir Kogan became the first Belarusian boxer to receive the gold medal of the USSR champion. In the same year, he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports and included in the USSR national team. For 32 years of professional coaching V.Kogan trained 40 masters of sports of the USSR. His students were the most famous boxers in the USSR Boris Prupas (seven-time champion of the republic, bronze medalist of the USSR), Nikolai Belykh (six-time champion of the republic), Alexei Zasukhin (champion of the USSR, three-time champion of the republic, vice-champion of Europe) and many others. In total, V. Kogan trained 120 (!) champions of the BSSR, for many years he headed the national team of the republic.

The title of champions of the country boxers - the Jews won more than once. Among the Soviet boxers, N. Stein, A. Greiner, L. Sheinkman, E. Kaufman and others became champions and prize-winners of the USSR championships. In the thirties, this title was held by Yakov Braun, who had a crushing blow. Later, the virtuosos of the fight in the ring were “Mukhach” Lev Segalovich and the lightweight Anatoly Greiner, still unsurpassed in technique, the seven-time champion of the country. In the 60s, the welterweight Leonid Sheinkman became the national champion twice. Boxing Champion of Azerbaijan 1983-1986 - Leonid Gertsenzon.

According to the well-known Russian sports popularizer Leonid Mininberg, more than 200 Jews were Olympic champions. Belarusian Jewish athletes made a great contribution to many strength sports and boxing.
Already at the first championship of the USSR, which took place in 1926, among the nine winners, three were Jews: J. Braun, F. Brest and V. Rukteshel. Among the Soviet Jewish boxers, the champions of the USSR, in addition to J. Braun, F. Brest and V. Rukteshel, were G. Katz (1940), L. Segalovich (1940, 1944-1948), G. Khanukashvili, V. Kogan (1949), A. Greiner (1951, 1953), L. Sheinkman (1957, 1959), V. Botvinnik (1959), E. Kaufman (1968), A. Berezyuk (1972, 1974) ). Y.Brown, V.Kogan, A.Berezyuk and V.Botvinnik come from Belarus.

Among the Israeli boxers, Hagar Shmoulfeld Finer should be noted. She began her career in sports at the age of 13 with karate. By the age of 17, she won the title of Israeli champion, after which she changed direction to boxing. At the age of 24, she won the WIBF (World Boxing Association of Women) world boxing title in the super light weight category and has already confirmed this title twice (2009-2010). Dan Aarono in 2009 won a silver medal at the Junior World Championships, the first World Championships medal in Israel's history.

Ran Nahash, as a boxer, had his first fight in a professional fight in 2006 and won all 17 fights (13 by knockout), and in 2008 won the vacant Global Boxing Union belt. In addition, he is an IDF hand-to-hand combat instructor and is considered the number one expert on the Israeli Krav Maga combat system. He is the Israeli champion in karate, kickboxing and freestyle fighting. In 1997, Nahash competed in the Muay Thai World Championship.

Roman Grinberg started boxing at the age of 11 in Kiryat Bialik. In 1997 and 2000 won a silver medal at the world championships among juniors, in 1999 he became the youngest champion of Israel in the heavyweight division. He made his debut in professional boxing in November 2001, and in March 2006 won the title of Intercontinental World Champion.

And finally - about modern world boxing stars. But first, a romantic story ... The Ukrainian town was occupied by the Nazis, and for many months the young lad, at the risk of his life, hid in the underground the young Jew Tamara Etinzon, whose relatives died at the hands of the Nazis. They got married, and after the war they were exiled as those who were in the occupation. After Stalinism, their son Vladimir became an officer. His sons, who were born in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, grew up in Kyiv and now live in Germany. In German, they have a “speaking” surname: Klitsch - means “hit”, and its ending in boxing terminology can be interpreted as “knockout” - K.O. Many are convinced that the two-meter giants-athletes brothers Vitaliy and Wladimir Klitschko have been and will be world champions more than once.

2.1 Thai boxing (muay thai).

Thai boxing, although not yet included in the number of Olympic sports, is a very popular sport in the world. Israeli Ilya (Eli) Grad excelled in this sport. He has a victory in the "Baltic Cup" (2007), a bronze medal at the World Championships (Thailand, 2009), a gold medal in the weight category up to 71 kg, the Asian Open Championship (Uzbekistan, 2010), successful performances in the professional ring. Eli came to Israel with his parents as a very young boy. His family settled in Jerusalem, and he started practicing Thai boxing at the age of 16 with coach Beni Kogan, a world-class master who studied with Thai boxing masters for several years in Paris, and then trained in Bangkok.

Do you need any more proof of the Jewish presence in boxing?

3. Fencing

Judaism has never contributed to the development of sports; moreover, Jews involved in sports were considered apostates. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that in the Middle Ages Jews were engaged in various sports and fencing turned out to be in a special place. It is known, for example, that the Jews of Spain excelled in swordsmanship. In the fifties, fencers from three countries claimed all the championship titles: the USSR, France, Hungary, gathered in the lobby of the hotel where they lived during the world championship and easily spoke the same language among themselves. Guess three times which one. No, not in English and not in French. Alas, and not in Russian, as it could happen today. They spoke Yiddish. You can read about this in the book of David Tyshler, a professor and world champion in fencing, who was then the coach of the Soviet team.

It so happened that in this sport the Jews achieved significant victories. Between 1896 and 1968 34 Jewish athletes have won 71 Olympic medals (38 gold, 20 silver and 13 bronze). The Jews of Hungary, the USSR, Belgium and France were especially distinguished. P. Anspach from Belgium (1912) and G. Criss from the USSR became Olympic champions in fencing with swords in individual competitions. In the team competition in 1912, the Belgian team won, consisting almost entirely of Jews (P. Anspach, A. Anspach, J. Ox, G. Salmon), as part of the French team, which won in 1908, there were two Jews ( A. Lipman and J. Stern). A. Lipman was also part of the team that won in 1924. In foil fencing, K. Netter (France) became the Olympic champion in team competitions in 1952, M. Midler (USSR) won twice (1960 and 1964) . Jewish athletes have especially many victories in saber fencing. E. Fuchs (Hungary, 1908 and 1912) won two gold medals in individual competitions, and his compatriot E. Kabosh (1936) won one. The Hungarian saber team, which won the Olympics more than once, almost entirely consisted of Jews: E. Fuchs, O. Gerde, L. Werkner - 1908; E. Fuchs, O. Gerde, Z. Schenker, L. Werkner - 1912; Sh. Gombos A., Pechauer - 1928; E. Kabosh, A. Pechauer - 1932; E. Kabosh - 1936 In the 1960s in saber fencing, the Soviet team was the strongest at the Olympics. It consisted of Jews: M. Rakita, Ya. Rylsky - 1964 Olympics; E. Vinokurov - 1968 Olympics

For women, competitions are held only in foil fencing. Olympic champions were Hungarian foil fencers Ilona Elek (1936, 1948) and Ildiko Uylaki-Reite - 1964, in individual and team competitions.
Among the winners of the Olympics are N. Hermitage (USA), A. Axelrod (USA), I. Dreyfus (France), O. Hershman (Austria), A. Jay (Great Britain), A. Muyal (France), I. Osier ( Denmark), E. Zeligman (Great Britain), D. Tyshler (USSR) and I. Vitebsky (USSR).
Year 2009. Israeli epee fencer Daria Strelnikova won a gold medal at the World Fencing Championship held in Austria.

1. Rosa Lyast, In the arena,
2. Semyon Liokumovich, Jews in Belarusian sports,
3. Igor Levenshtein, From bale to burl,
4. E. Geller, On the path of David and Samson,
5. Evgeny Lankin, Krav Maga,


Andrey, you are a thinking person and not a timid one, and I like your historical digressions, courage and eccentricity of the proposed hypotheses. It harms, not even so much to you, but to the debunking of harmful myths, the vehemence and excessively aggressively demonstrated anti-Semite (and love, like faith, are intimate things) .Moreover, anti-Semitism and Judophilia have a lot in common, it's just such a mental illness and it manifests itself in the irrational perception of Jews. Both Judophiles and anti-Semites believe in the uniqueness and chosenness of the Jewish people. And, if the former claim that the Jews are the chosen people, then the latter think that this is true ... :). And therefore, it is necessary to fight myths, deliberately false ideas among a fairly large group of people who are not indifferent to us, if they do not consolidate, but work with a minus sign. don't "disappear" please... :)). If not us, then who?

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