Literature tutor preparing for the exam profile. Online literature tutors via skype

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Often looking for tutors:

Literature tutors

Moscow, Electrozavodskaya

Age 26

Experience 5 years

The price of the service is from 400 rubles / 45 minutes

Experience in school 1st grade (art, labor, ethics, natural history); Grades 5-9 (Russian language and literature) - 1 year. 1.5-2 years gardening experience (early development, Lego, art, isolepka, baby fitness,... Experience in school 1st grade (art, labor, ethics, natural history); Grades 5-9 (Russian language and literature) - 1 year. Experience in gardening 1.5-2 years (early development, Lego, art, isolepka, baby fitness, preparation for school). Experience as a tutor 2.5-3 years (teaching Russian as a foreign language). I myself am a native speaker of the Russian language, a Korean by nationality. to uncover...

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Preparation for the Unified State Examination in Literature at our Center is based on many years of teaching experience of our teachers and a specially designed course that will make it easy to study even the largest and most complex topics from scratch. We have a comprehensive approach to studying the subject program from grades 6 to 11, which has proven more than once in practice the effectiveness of the methodology - the high scores of our students allow them to successfully pass the exam in literature and study at specialized faculties of universities throughout Russia.

Understanding the subject and love for literature are one of the important criteria for successful preparation for the exam.

The objectives of the USE preparation course in literature at the Na Excellent training center in Moscow (Novo-peredelkino district):

  • repetition of the school literature course with special attention to the authors and works included in the USE program in the subject
  • learn to analyze literary works
  • preparation for the exam in literature includes an essay, therefore, an important task is to master the technique of writing an essay according to all the rules: plan, composition, epigraph, analysis of the topic of the essay
  • detailed analysis of typical USE tasks
  • pass a trial exam in literature in conditions close to a real exam

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in Literature in our Center is based on training in groups of 6-8 people, formed in accordance with the level of initial training of students.

Literature tutor in preparation for the exam will teach students:

  • analyze works based on the biography of the writer and the historical era in which the author lived
  • independently draw up a plan for writing an essay, essay or a detailed answer to a question
  • write interesting, detailed, well-structured essays on literature
  • correct writing and general literacy

The content of the exam in literature - what to prepare for the student

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in Literature prepare for both parts of the examination paper.

The first part contains analytical questions on literary works. In this block, the skills of the key components of the content and plot structure of determining the examined works of fiction (the problems touched upon, characters, literary and artistic devices, etc.) are controlled. Part 1 includes 2 logical partitions:

  • the first section is devoted to a fragment of a dramatic work;
  • the second section reveals the lyrical work.

In the second part of the examination paper, it is required to compose and write a full-fledged structured essay on a given topic with a volume of at least 200 words, according to certain criteria. Preparing for an essay takes up most of the time in the USE courses in literature. In the process of completing the task, the examinee is asked to choose 1 of 4 topics of different formats:

  • Theme of literary character;
  • The context of the analysis of a literary work of a particular author;
  • Topics of independent literary review;
  • Determination of one's own position in the format of a "reader's diary".

The total maximum score for the examination paper is 58 for 17 tasks.

You have 235 minutes to complete.

The minimum test score for the Literature exam for 2018 was 32.

Applicants who have overcome this threshold can count on participation in the competition for places in universities in the following areas:

  • Training program for teachers, teachers of the Russian language and literature;
  • Library and information activities;
  • Domestic philology (in the field of the Russian language and literature);
  • Management of socio-cultural activities and many others.

The benefits of the Unified State Examination are debatable. Some specialists, parents and connoisseurs of fine sciences are sure that this is almost the most important exam in a person's life. In addition, its obvious benefits are clear - children from disadvantaged families have an equal chance of entering various positions at the country's prestigious university.

Supporters of the Unified State Examination are sure that such a system will be able to bring up a decent number of people who could be called worthy performers. These people say that the country has enough managers, administrators and other upper class, the fear of the Unified State Examination weeds out those people who can go to work in hairdressing salons or in a factory.

Also, the specifics of the Unified State Examination can create a favorable sphere of those people who have already entered, educating them in the skills of high-quality executive activity. Also, smart but timid applicants can get rid of the obsessive need to communicate directly with the examiners, this, you see, is a definite plus, although the easiest way is to teach the timid to interact with people. But the opponents of the Unified Exam believe that the USE dulls the nation, like any non-creative type of exam without the possibility of open interaction with the examiners. The strangest type of exam is considered to be the literature exam necessary for admission to philological and other language faculties. Its complexity is relative and depends on the teaching of this exam directly at school. If everything is bad with her, then you need an individual teacher in literature.

Everything is clear with such exams as mathematics, Russian. Everything is clear with foreign languages, as well as everything is clear with biology, chemistry and physics. But what about literature exams? Questions, tests and parts of the tasks of the exam in literature have already become a parable in the languages ​​of our time. Stupid, illogical tasks, both from the point of view of any sane person and from the point of view of a person with a philological education, puzzle unprepared children. A private literature teacher in Moscow will help children understand the intricacies of the language and understand what the assignment wants from them. In addition, the skills that the teacher will develop in the future will help your child in the future with his profession and admission to the university. And they will also help with studying at the faculty.

Literature is a rather ambiguous subject in terms of the exam. It doesn't need to be taught, it's just worth reading. But the child really read all these "Woe from Wit", "Crime and Punishment", "War and Peace", and what should he do next? How to get a child to think and reflect on the text in order to understand what to do next.

At school, the teaching of literature is rarely on the level. Most often this translates into the fact that children with these personality tests refuse to start reading at all. Reading tires them, infuriates and infuriates them. And they are still offered to do a personality analysis. Who will like it?

The task of a literature teacher is not only to try to instill in the child a desire to read, but also to make it clear that these books carry some kind of emotional load. To understand who is hiding behind all these heroes, to understand their motives, their languishing personality and be able to describe it in words. A huge layer of literature needs to be sorted out, talked about and understood what is required of you.

But it's still half the trouble. Some of the educational material from short stories, novels and everything else can be drastically different when compared with different school programs. In some school programs there are more poems, in others - a little more school literature, in others - more additional materials from the life of that era and the life of writers. A private teacher of literature must understand that all these aspects can be encountered in the exam, and he must make it clear to the student what to read, what to think about and what to form their own opinion about.

400,000 students have already found teachers with the help of the Association of Tutors - including for classes in literature. To improve your knowledge and catch up with the school curriculum, individual lessons with a private tutor are ideal.

Many of our teachers offer training in Russian language and literature as related disciplines. To get good grades and enter a liberal arts school, a student must know both subjects. Until the ninth grade, students are concerned about the same questions: be able to read fluently, write a test, get a good grade. Senior students are determined with the choice of a profile subject. What are the challenges facing the graduate?

  • Write an essay for a high score;
  • Prepare for the exam, GIA, OGE;
  • Pass an entrance exam or pass a creative competition;
  • Understand classical literature and express thoughts competently.

By the way, the last point is also of interest to older students. Many adults simply want to improve their cultural level and learn to understand books “for themselves”.

Finding a literature tutor is easy with the help of an accurate search in the database of the site. Choose a place and method of classes, indicate the estimated cost, and real reviews from parents and a rating system will help you make the best decision.

My name is Lyubov Nikolaevna. Teaching experience - 17 years, tutoring for 10 years. My students are schoolchildren, applicants and university students. After graduating from school, I entered the philological faculty of the Penza Pedagogical Institute. I have been conducting classes remotely for quite a long time, almost 4 years, and I am very successfully preparing for the Unified State Examination in literature with “good” and “excellent”. My students easily enter the universities of their choice for humanitarian and philological specialties.

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Svetlana Sergeevna - tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

Good afternoon, dear students! I am a highly moral, responsible, erudite teacher. I work with students of all levels of educational institutions. Allow me to introduce myself - Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher / tutor of Russian language and literature via Skype. General teaching experience - 15 years. I have been tutoring for 10 years. I help schoolchildren, graduates, applicants and, of course, future philologists - today's students in acquiring valuable knowledge.

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Irina Gennadievna - tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

My name is Irina Gennadievna - Russian language and literature tutor via Skype. After studying for five years, simultaneously undergoing retraining in the specialty "Jurisprudence" and becoming a bachelor of pedagogical sciences, I received a diploma with honors and went to "sow reasonable, good, eternal" in a regular high school in my native city. I am working on preparing students for the passing of the Central Test and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and literature. In 2018, the average score in the Russian language of my class was 4 points higher than the republican one, the students passed the USE with 87, 91 and 100 points.

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Lyudmila Georgievna - remote tutor in Russian language / literature, preparation for the exam

Good time of the day! My name is Lyudmila Georgievna - I conduct tutoring in Russian language and literature via Skype. I have higher education. Graduated from the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute. M.S. Olminsky. Specialty - Russian language and literature. I am a senior lecturer, researcher at the Faculty of Journalism of one of the higher educational institutions of our country. Work experience - 18 years.

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Ekaterina Yurievna - remote tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello, dear parents and students, site visitors. My name is Ekaterina Yurievna, I am a teacher of Russian language and literature. Now I work at a school with children in grades 5-11, and also help some who want to master the intricacies of their subjects by tutoring via Skype. Yes, the path of knowledge is difficult, considerable efforts are needed to achieve something, but I never set impossible tasks for my students, but only by gradually increasing the level of complexity of classes, I identify and reveal the child's abilities, which often do not lie on the surface.

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Ilya Alexandrovich - online tutor in Russian language and literature

Hello, let's get acquainted! My name is Ilya Alexandrovich. I am a teacher, an online tutor in Russian language and literature at a distance learning school. I offer you interactive remote classes in Russian language and literature using skype and google docs environment. A little about myself: I received my general education at gymnasium school No. 15 in Sarov. In parallel, he graduated from art and music schools.

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Anna Vladimirovna - tutor in Russian language and literature online

Good afternoon To begin with, let me introduce myself: my name is Anna Vladimirovna, I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. I teach these subjects to students in grades 5-11. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. My dream came true when I graduated from the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute in 1989 with a degree in Russian language and literature.

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Olga Alexandrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello, my name is Olga Alexandrovna. I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. Graduated from the Southern Federal University (Rostov State University) in 2008 with a degree in Philology. Teacher of Russian language and literature. I worked for a year at a boarding school of the 8th type, but for 4 years now I have been a teacher at the Center for Distance Education. I really enjoy working with children, discovering the world of the Russian language and literature for them.

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Olga Ernestovna - tutor in school Russian language and literature, MHC in Skype, Ph.D. Phil. Sciences.

My name is Olga Ernestovna. I have two higher educations in the specialties "Russian Language and Literature" and "Ukrainian Language and Literature". She completed a course of study, giving the right to teach the subject "World Artistic Culture". In 2008, she defended her dissertation in the specialty "Russian language" on the topic "Generalizing and emphasizing pronouns of the modern Russian language: semantics, grammar, features of functioning" and received the degree of candidate of philological sciences.

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Andrey Ivanovich - online tutor of Russian language and literature

Hello! Andrei Ivanovich is an online tutor in Russian language and literature, a Crimean, I live and work in Simferopol. I have five children: 1 boy and 4 girls. I have a higher philological education. In 1999 he graduated from the Simferopol State University named after M.V. Frunze, which is now called the Taurida Academy and is part of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. During his studies, he specialized in the Russian language department in the field of stylistics. Received the right to teach the discipline "World Artistic Culture".

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Elina Albertovna - teacher of Russian language, literature online

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Elina Albertovna. I am a remote tutor of Russian language and literature. In 1993 I graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical College and started working as a primary school teacher in a secondary school. Then I graduated from Rostov State University. Now I have the highest qualification category. Since 1996 I have been teaching Russian language and literature in grades 5-11. Over the years of teaching, I have accumulated a lot of experience.

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Galina Anatolyevna - teacher of Russian language and literature

Good afternoon My name is Galina Anatolyevna - Russian language and literature tutor via Skype. Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been working at the school for 10 years. I have been tutoring for 8 years. I have higher education. I constantly attend webinars, which allows me to keep abreast of all new technologies and actively monitor changes in the USE exams in Russian language and literature. In 2015, she completed advanced training courses. I love my job and take it very seriously.

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Tatyana Alexandrovna - online tutor in Russian language and literature

My name is Tatyana Alexandrovna - an online tutor in Russian language and literature online. I have a higher education, I graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Orsk State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1986, diploma qualification - teacher of Russian language and literature. Work experience in the position of "Teacher of the Russian language and literature" 31 years, the highest qualification category.

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Nina Georgievna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello! Welcome to the remote teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category Nina Georgievna. A little about myself: In 1974 I graduated from the philological faculty of Rostov State University with a degree in philology, teacher of Russian language and literature. From the same time, my pedagogical activity began. For many years I worked in a general education school not only as a teacher, but also as a head teacher.

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Yana Georgievna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello! My name is Yana Georgievna. I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. My teaching experience is 12.5 years. After graduating from the institute, she got a job at a school as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. Worked in 7th and 9th-11th grades. At the same time, she taught Russian language and literature in business classes at the school (grades 10-11). Then she led a circle of journalism at the TsVR. After that, from 2011 to the present, I have been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature remotely (via Skype).

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Russian literature tutors via Skype - online learning without borders

Teaching literature for a schoolchild is often mistakenly perceived as simply reading works of art, but this is far from the case. It is also a deep analysis of what has been read, high-quality memorization of all the nuances and details of works, drawing parallels in storylines, etc.It can be extremely difficult for a student to understand all this himself and one has to look for a competent specialist who can help the student in mastering this discipline. Where can you find this teacher? Of course we have!

Professional tutors in literature on Skype of the school will readily help students in mastering the theory and history of the discipline, as well as tell about all the intricacies of the exam in the subject.

Online Literature Tutors:

  • Close the gaps in the current knowledge of students throughout the course, increase academic performance;
  • Develop a plan for preparing for the passing of the OGE or the Unified State Examination in Literature via Skype;
  • They will form in schoolchildren the correct vision of the work they have just read, teach the basics of logic;
  • They will teach how to correctly express their thoughts and opinions in writing, as well as their attitude to the work in the form of a statement;
  • They will teach the correct formulation of the problem, topic, plot idea, characteristics of the characters;
  • Prepare for the Olympics "Lomonosov".

Online tutors in literature essay - now everyone can do it!

This exam to test the knowledge of students is considered one of the most difficult and it is simply unrealistic to prepare for it “in a short time”. In addition, the tasks include a lot of details that the school teacher simply does not understand with the guys in the classroom.

Online tutors of literature via Skype on the Unified State Examination conduct individual training with each student, identify previously misunderstood topics, advise on any issues of interest from the literature course, talk about all the intricacies of writing an essay, the "pitfalls" of the exam. Parents should understand that only advance preparation and use of the services of a literature tutor via Skype can give a very good result.

Remote tutors of literature, pluses:

  1. Training is conducted separately with each student, taking into account all his individual characteristics. Skype remote tutors organize literature lessons based on state norms and educational standards;
  2. A good literature tutor on Skype (Skype) for children is always positively disposed towards the child, classes are held in a comfortable environment and taking into account all the wishes of the parents;
  3. Online tutors of literature not only enrich the student with knowledge, in addition, they lay down the following important character traits: discipline, diligence, focus on results;
  4. Saving money, that is, the price of the services of online literature tutors via Skype is much lower than the cost of similar lessons in the traditional format of education (the difference is especially noticeable for students from large cities).

The service site cooperates only with qualified literature teachers with extensive teaching and tutoring experience:

  • Teachers of secondary schools and lyceums with a humanitarian bias;
  • Lecturers-philologists working in the humanitarian specialties of universities;
  • Acting teachers-experts in checking the Unified State Examination and Olympiads;
  • Private tutors with extensive experience in individual work.

Literature tutors on Skype conduct the first introductory lesson for absolutely every student. On it, the teacher will get to know the student, determine his goals and objectives, test for knowledge, and form a further perspective of work.
