Kir Bulychev girl from the earth full version. "Girl from the Earth" Kir Bulychev

Actually, Kira Bulychev does not have a story or story with a similar title. That was the name of the collection, which was published more than a quarter of a century ago - in 1974.

Bulychev K.V. Girl from Earth: Fantasy. novels and short stories / Fig. E. Migunova. - M.: Det. lit., 1974. - 288 p.: ill.

It included: a selection of short stories "The Girl With Whom Nothing Happens" and two stories - "Alice's Journey" and "Alice's Birthday". This collection, in fact, opened an endless series about a girl from the XXI century, Alisa Selezneva.

No one realized then that a real little revolution had taken place. And this is not an exaggeration, because at that time there was simply nothing like "The Girl from the Earth" in Soviet children's literature. That is, writers, of course, wrote fiction for children, but, with rare exceptions, so dull and instructive that longing took.

What did Bulychev manage to do? Not a lot and not a little. First of all, he came up with a charming heroine who became truly “his own” for several generations of readers from 7 to 12. He did not “stole” this heroine from Lewis Carroll at all, but only copied from his own growing daughter, by the way, named at birth Alice. Alice was the most ordinary - restless, curious, resourceful, sticking her freckled nose everywhere - in a word, a normal girl, and not a philosophizing Electronics. And she had her own world, invented by the generous imagination of her father, the writer Kira Bulychev.

You can scold Bulychev or, conversely, admire him, but the fact remains: for his heroine, he created the whole universe - children's, toy, fabulous, carnival, call it what you want. But this cozy world is a space of limitless possibilities, where nothing really can happen to Alice, although, what can I say, it constantly happens. There you can easily tame a brontosaurus, make a scientific discovery that turned out to be beyond the power of an adult scientist, save an entire planet from a cosmic plague, or become a real princess. The favorite mode of transport in this world is not even a starship, which in a matter of minutes will take you to visit an alien friend named Rrrr, and nothing more than a time machine. There, an unfamiliar dwarf will give you a cap of invisibility, and brave space captains will promise to take you on a journey to another galaxy. Truly this is Wonderland, and how good it is in it! After all, one can only dream of such friends as the temperamental and naive archaeologist Gromozek from the planet Chumaroz, who has three kind, stupid hearts. Or the boring mechanic Zeleny, whose melancholic question “well, what's wrong with us?” entered the conversation. Even the villains there are real darlings and charms, such as, for example, fat, fat Veselchak U.

This densely populated and beautifully lived space is free from any stillborn ideology. After all, no Alice is a pioneer! And there is no such word in Bulychev's books and never was, no matter what critics unfriendly to the writer invent on this score. From the moment when the first stories about Alice appeared in the almanac "World of Adventures" in 1965, much has changed in our lives, but it seems that for a very, very long time they will be read by generations and generations of teenagers. And obviously, the words of another critic, friendly, will turn out to be fair: “It will not be too bold to assume that a book about Alice will be read in a hundred years, because we also read and reprint books a hundred and even one hundred and fifty years ago. And, probably, schoolchildren and schoolgirls of the 70-80s of the 21st century will compare the author's ideas with the reality around them with interest, they will probably laugh at something, they will probably grieve over something. But, we are ready to argue that the "girl from the Earth" will be as close to them as to today's schoolchildren, because the heroes of fantastic tales, who have absorbed the essential features of children's characters, are destined to have a long life. The wooden man Pinocchio-Pinocchio does not age, and the girl Ellie from Oz with her true friends, and Carlson, who lives on the roof, and many other characters in favorite children's books ”(Vs. Revich).

Still, an amazing girl, this Alice. There is no other like it. Recently, in honor of the beloved heroine of Russian schoolchildren, one celestial body was even named. No, no, not in Kir Bulychev's book, but in reality. And now, somewhere far, far away in endless space, a small star named Alice is following her path ...

Kir Bulychev is a very prolific writer. And to date, he has written so many books about Alice that it seems that even his most devoted fans have lost count (and the score has already gone to dozens!). Alas, it has been said more than once that Bulychev failed to overcome the main drawback of all series - each subsequent story or story inevitably turned out to be weaker than the previous ones. Probably the best in the cycle about a girl from the future were the first three books: "The Girl from the Earth", "One Hundred Years Ahead", which served as the literary basis for the most popular television series "The Guest from the Future", and "A Million Adventures". Moreover, perhaps, the story "The Purple Ball", which, being printed next to the other two stories in the collection "Fidget", for some reason faded and lost a significant share of the amusement and mystery of the newspaper version published in the first half of the 80s in Pioneer Truth.

Alice's popularity, of course, was largely facilitated by the film adaptation - especially the full-length cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" and the television series "Guest from the Future" already mentioned. But the first to offer readers the visible appearance of their beloved heroine was the wonderful artist Yevgeny Tikhonovich Migunov. After his witty, dynamic and inventive drawings, it became almost impossible for Alice to imagine otherwise.


Bulychev Kir. Girl from Earth: Fantasy. story / [Art. E. Migunov]. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 444 p.: ill.

Contents: Alice's Journey; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. Preserve of fairy tales: Fantast. novels and short stories / Khudozh. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 396 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: Reserve of fairy tales; Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich; Purple ball: Tales; Girl from the Future: Stories.

Bulychev Kir. A Million Adventures: Fantasy. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 395 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: Prisoners of the asteroid; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. Alice's Journey: Fantasy. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 428 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: A girl with whom nothing will happen; Rusty field marshal; Alice's Journey; Alice's birthday.

Bulychev Kir. One hundred years ahead: Fantastic. story / [Art. K. Lee]. - L.: Lenizdat, 1991. - 637 p.: ill.

Contents: Girl from Earth; One hundred years ahead; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. One hundred years ahead: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 298 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

In recent years, all books about a girl from the future have been published in the "Alice's Adventures" series by the Moscow publishing house "Armada".

Kir Bulychev

girl from earth

The Girl That Nothing Won't Happen to

Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father

Instead of a preface

Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances have been videophoning, and everyone is congratulating her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

- Alice, sleep immediately, otherwise ...

- What is it, dad?

“And then I’ll videophone Baba Yaga.”

- And who is this Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a terrible, evil grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

- Why?

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

- Why are you hungry?

“Because she doesn’t have a product pipeline in her hut.

- Why not?

- Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work in the reserve?

- Alice, go to sleep now!

“But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

- I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

But I was wrong. The videophone screen brightened, lit up brighter, there was a click - someone pressed the receive button on the other end of the line, and before the image appeared on the screen, a sleepy voice said:

“The Martian embassy is listening.

- Well, dad, will she come? Alice called from the bedroom.

"She's already asleep," I said angrily.

“The Martian embassy is listening,” the voice repeated.

I turned to the videophone. The young Martian looked at me. He had green eyes without eyelashes.

“Sorry,” I said, “I obviously got the wrong number.

The Martian smiled. He wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Of course, Alice got out of bed and stood barefoot on the floor.

“Good evening,” she said to the Martian.

- Good evening, girl.

- Does Baba Yaga live with you?

The Martian looked at me questioningly.

“You see,” I said, “Alice can’t sleep, and I wanted to videophone Baba Yaga so that she would punish her. But here's the wrong number.

The Martian smiled again.

“Good night, Alice,” he said. - You need to sleep, otherwise dad will call Baba Yaga.

The Martian said goodbye to me and hung up.

“Well, are you going to bed now?” I asked. “Did you hear what your uncle from Mars told you?”

- I'll go. Will you take me to Mars?

“If you behave well, we’ll fly there in the summer.”

Eventually Alice fell asleep and I sat down to work again. And stayed up until midnight. And at one o'clock a videophone suddenly squealed muffledly. I pressed the button. A Martian from the embassy was looking at me.

“I'm sorry to disturb you so late,” he said, “but your videophone is not switched off, and I assume that you are still awake.

- Please.

– Could you help us? said the Martian. “The entire embassy is awake. We looked through all the encyclopedias, studied the videophone book, but we cannot find who Baba Yaga is and where she lives ...

A brontosaurus egg was brought to us at the Moscow Zoo. The egg was found by Chilean tourists in a landslide on the banks of the Yenisei. The egg was almost round and remarkably preserved in the permafrost. When specialists began to study it, they found that the egg was completely fresh. And so it was decided to place him in a zoo incubator.

Of course, few people believed in success, but after a week, x-rays showed that the brontosaurus embryo was developing. As soon as this was announced on Intervision, scientists and correspondents began to flock to Moscow from all directions. We had to book the entire 80-story Venera Hotel on Tverskaya Street. And even then she did not fit all. Eight Turkish palaeontologists slept in my dining room, I sat in the kitchen with a journalist from Ecuador, and two correspondents for Women of Antarctica settled into Alice's bedroom.

When our mother called in the evening from Nukus, where she is building a stadium, she decided that she had come to the wrong place.

All the satellites in the world showed the egg. Egg on the side, egg on the front; brontosaurus skeletons and egg...

The congress of cosmophilologists in full force came on an excursion to the zoo. But by that time, we had already stopped access to the incubator, and philologists had to look at polar bears and Martian mantises.

On the forty-sixth day of such a crazy life, the egg shuddered. My friend Professor Yakata and I were sitting at that moment by the hood, under which the egg was kept, and drinking tea. We have already stopped believing that someone will hatch from the egg. After all, we no longer shined through it, so as not to damage our “baby”. And we could not do predictions, if only because no one before us had tried to breed brontosaurs.

So, the egg shuddered, once again ... cracked, and a black, snake-like head began to protrude through the thick leathery shell. Automatic cameras chirped. I knew that a red fire had been lit above the door of the incubator. Something very reminiscent of panic began on the territory of the zoo.

Five minutes later, everyone who was supposed to be here gathered around us, and many of those who didn’t have to be at all, but really wanted to. It immediately became very hot.

Finally, a small brontosaurus emerged from the egg.

- Dad, what's his name? I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

- Alice! I was surprised. – How did you get here?

- I'm with reporters.

But children are not allowed here.

- I can. I told everyone that I am your daughter. And they let me in.

“Do you know that using acquaintances for personal purposes is not good?”

“But, papa, little Bronte might be bored without children, so here I am.

The Girl That Nothing Won't Happen to
Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father


Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances have been videophoning, and everyone is congratulating her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

- Alice, sleep immediately, otherwise ...

- What is it, dad?

“And then I’ll videophone Baba Yaga.”

- And who is this Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a terrible, evil grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

- Why?

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

- Why are you hungry?

“Because she doesn’t have a product pipeline in her hut.

- Why not?

- Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work in the reserve?

- Alice, go to sleep now!

“But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

- I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

But I was wrong. The videophone screen brightened, lit up brighter, there was a click - someone pressed the receive button on the other end of the line, and before the image appeared on the screen, a sleepy voice said:

“The Martian embassy is listening.

- Well, dad, will she come? Alice called from the bedroom.

"She's already asleep," I said angrily.

“The Martian embassy is listening,” the voice repeated.

I turned to the videophone. The young Martian looked at me. He had green eyes without eyelashes.

“Sorry,” I said, “I obviously got the wrong number.

The Martian smiled. He wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Of course, Alice got out of bed and stood barefoot on the floor.

“Good evening,” she said to the Martian.

- Good evening, girl.

- Does Baba Yaga live with you?

The Martian looked at me questioningly.

“You see,” I said, “Alice can’t sleep, and I wanted to videophone Baba Yaga so that she would punish her. But here's the wrong number.

The Martian smiled again.

“Good night, Alice,” he said. - You need to sleep, otherwise dad will call Baba Yaga.

The Martian said goodbye to me and hung up.

“Well, are you going to bed now?” I asked. “Did you hear what your uncle from Mars told you?”

- I'll go. Will you take me to Mars?

“If you behave well, we’ll fly there in the summer.”

Eventually Alice fell asleep and I sat down to work again. And stayed up until midnight. And at one o'clock a videophone suddenly squealed muffledly. I pressed the button. A Martian from the embassy was looking at me.

“I'm sorry to disturb you so late,” he said, “but your videophone is not switched off, and I assume that you are still awake.

- Please.

– Could you help us? said the Martian. “The entire embassy is awake. We looked through all the encyclopedias, studied the videophone book, but we cannot find who Baba Yaga is and where she lives ...


A brontosaurus egg was brought to us at the Moscow Zoo. The egg was found by Chilean tourists in a landslide on the banks of the Yenisei. The egg was almost round and remarkably preserved in the permafrost. When specialists began to study it, they found that the egg was completely fresh. And so it was decided to place him in a zoo incubator.

Of course, few people believed in success, but after a week, x-rays showed that the brontosaurus embryo was developing. As soon as this was announced on Intervision, scientists and correspondents began to flock to Moscow from all directions. We had to book the entire 80-story Venera Hotel on Tverskaya Street. And even then she did not fit all. Eight Turkish palaeontologists slept in my dining room, I sat in the kitchen with a journalist from Ecuador, and two correspondents for Women of Antarctica settled into Alice's bedroom.

When our mother called in the evening from Nukus, where she is building a stadium, she decided that she had come to the wrong place.

All the satellites in the world showed the egg. Egg on the side, egg on the front; brontosaurus skeletons and egg...

The congress of cosmophilologists in full force came on an excursion to the zoo. But by that time, we had already stopped access to the incubator, and philologists had to look at polar bears and Martian mantises.

On the forty-sixth day of such a crazy life, the egg shuddered. My friend Professor Yakata and I were sitting at that moment by the hood, under which the egg was kept, and drinking tea. We have already stopped believing that someone will hatch from the egg. After all, we no longer shined through it, so as not to damage our “baby”. And we could not do predictions, if only because no one before us had tried to breed brontosaurs.

So, the egg shuddered, once again ... cracked, and a black, snake-like head began to protrude through the thick leathery shell. Automatic cameras chirped. I knew that a red fire had been lit above the door of the incubator. Something very reminiscent of panic began on the territory of the zoo.

Five minutes later, everyone who was supposed to be here gathered around us, and many of those who didn’t have to be at all, but really wanted to. It immediately became very hot.

Finally, a small brontosaurus emerged from the egg.

- Dad, what's his name? I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

- Alice! I was surprised. – How did you get here?

- I'm with reporters.

But children are not allowed here.

- I can. I told everyone that I am your daughter. And they let me in.

“Do you know that using acquaintances for personal purposes is not good?”

“But, papa, little Bronte might be bored without children, so here I am.

I just waved my hand. I didn't have a free minute to get Alice out of the incubator. And there was no one around who would agree to do it for me.

“Stay here and don’t go anywhere,” I told her, and I rushed to the cap with the newborn brontosaurus.

All evening Alice and I did not speak. We quarreled. I forbade her to appear in the incubator, but she said that she could not listen to me, because she felt sorry for Bronte. And the next day she snuck into the incubator again. It was carried out by astronauts from the Jupiter-8 spacecraft. The astronauts were heroes, and no one could refuse them.

“Good morning, Brontea,” she said, going up to the cap.

The brontosaur looked sideways at her.

- Whose child is this? Professor Yakata asked sternly.

I almost fell through the ground. But Alice does not go into her pocket for a word.

- You do not like me? she asked.

- No, you are quite the opposite ... I just thought that you might be lost ... - The professor did not know how to talk to little girls at all.

“All right,” Alice said. - I'll come to you, Bronta, tomorrow I'll come. Do not be bored.

And Alice did come tomorrow. And she came almost every day. Everyone got used to it and let it pass without any conversation. I did wash my hands. Anyway, our house is next to the zoo, there is no need to cross the road anywhere, and there were always fellow travelers.

Brontosaurus grew rapidly. A month later, he reached two and a half meters in length, and he was transferred to a specially built pavilion. Brontosaurus roamed the fenced paddock and chewed on young bamboo shoots and bananas. Bamboo was brought by cargo rockets from India, and farmers from Malakhovka supplied us with bananas.

Warm brackish water splashed in the cement pool in the middle of the paddock. The brontosaurus liked this.

But suddenly he lost his appetite. For three days the bamboo and bananas remained untouched. On the fourth day, the brontosaurus lay down on the bottom of the pool and placed a small black head on the plastic board. It was obvious that he was about to die. We couldn't allow this. After all, we only had one brontosaurus. The best doctors in the world helped us. But it was all in vain. Bronte refused grass, vitamins, oranges, milk - everything.

Alice did not know about this tragedy. I sent her to my grandmother in Vnukovo. But on the fourth day, she turned on the TV just as the brontosaurus was being reported in declining health. I don’t know how she persuaded her grandmother, but on the same morning Alice ran into the pavilion.

- Dad! she screamed. How could you hide from me? How could you? .. - Later, Alice, later, - I answered. - We have a meeting.

We actually had a meeting. It hasn't stopped for the last three days.

Alice said nothing and walked away. A minute later, I heard someone nearby gasp. I turned around and saw that Alice had already climbed over the barrier, slid into the paddock and ran towards the face of the brontosaurus. She had a white bun in her hand.

“Eat, Bronte,” she said, “otherwise they will starve you here.” I'd be sick of bananas too, if I were you.

And before I could reach the barrier, the incredible happened. Something that glorified Alice and greatly ruined the reputation of us biologists.

The brontosaurus raised its head, looked at Alice, and carefully took the roll from her hand.

“Hush, dad,” Alice shook her finger at me, seeing that I wanted to jump over the barrier. “Bronte is afraid of you.

"He won't do anything to her," said Professor Yakata.

I saw for myself that he would not do anything. But what will happen if the grandmother sees this scene?

Then scientists argued for a long time. They still argue. Some say that Bronte needed a change of food, while others say that he trusted Alice more than us. But one way or another, the crisis is over.

Now Bronte has become quite tame. Although it is about thirty meters long, there is no greater pleasure for him than to ride Alice on himself. One of my assistants made a special step-ladder, and when Alice comes to the pavilion, Bronte stretches his long neck into the corner, takes the step-ladder standing there with triangular teeth and deftly puts it to his black shiny side.

Then he rolls Alice around the pavilion or swims with her in the pool.


As I promised Alice, I took her to Mars with me when I flew there for a conference. We arrived safely. True, I do not tolerate weightlessness very well and therefore preferred not to get up from my chair, but my daughter fluttered around the ship all the time, and once I had to remove her from the ceiling of the control room, because she wanted to press the red button, namely: the button emergency braking. But the pilots were not very angry with her.

On Mars, we toured the city, went with tourists to the desert and visited the Great Caves. But after that I had no time to study with Alice, and I sent her to a boarding school for a week.

Many of our specialists work on Mars, and the Martians helped us build a huge dome of a children's city. It's good in the town - real earthly trees grow there. Sometimes the kids go on excursions. Then they put on small spacesuits and go out into the street in a row.

Tatyana Petrovna - that's the name of the teacher - said that I need not worry. Alice also told me not to worry. And we said goodbye to her for a week.

And on the third day, Alice disappeared. It was an absolutely exceptional occurrence. To begin with, in the entire history of the boarding school, none of them disappeared or even got lost for more than ten minutes. On Mars in the city it is absolutely impossible to get lost. And even more so for an earthly child dressed in a spacesuit. The first Martian he comes across will bring him back. What about robots? What about the Security Service? No, you can't get lost on Mars.

But Alice was lost.

She had been gone for about two hours when I was called from the conference and brought to the boarding school on a Martian all-terrain vehicle. I must have looked bewildered, because when I appeared under the dome, everyone who had gathered there fell silent sympathetically.

And who was not there! All the teachers and robots of the boarding school, ten Martians in spacesuits (they have to put on spacesuits when they enter the dome, into the earth's air), space pilots, the chief of rescuers Nazaryan, archaeologists ...

It turns out that the city's television station has been broadcasting a message every three minutes for an hour that a girl from Earth has disappeared. Every videophone on Mars was blazing with alarms. In the Martian schools, classes were stopped, and schoolchildren, divided into groups, combed the city and its environs.

Alice's disappearance was discovered as soon as her group returned from a walk. Two hours have passed since then. Oxygen in her suit - for three hours.

I, knowing my daughter, asked if they had examined the secluded places in the orphanage itself or next to it. Maybe she found a Martian mantis and is watching him...

I was told that there were no basements in the city, and all secluded places were examined by schoolchildren and students of the Martian University, who know these places by heart.

I got angry with Alice. Well, of course, now she will come around the corner with the most innocent look. But her behavior has done more trouble in the city than a sandstorm. All Martians and all earthlings living in the city are cut off from their affairs, the entire rescue service has been raised to its feet. In addition, I was seriously overwhelmed with anxiety. This adventure of hers could have ended badly.

All the time there were messages from the search parties: “Schoolchildren of the second Martian progymnasium examined the stadium. Alice is gone”, “The Martian sweets factory reports that no child has been found on its territory…”

“Maybe she really managed to get out into the desert? I thought. “The city would have found her by now. But the desert... The Martian deserts have not yet been properly explored, and you can get lost there so that you won't be found even in ten years. But after all, the nearest areas of the desert have already been examined on all-terrain jumpers ... "

– Found! - suddenly shouted a Martian in a blue tunic, looking at a pocket TV.

- Where? How? Where? – the people gathered under the dome got excited.

- In a desert. Two hundred kilometers from here.

- In two hundred?!

Of course, I thought, they don't know Alice. You could expect that from her."

The girl is doing well and will be here soon.

“But how did she get there?”

- On a mail rocket.

- Well, of course! - said Tatyana Petrovna and began to cry. She suffered the most.

Everyone rushed to console her.

- We were passing by the post office, and automatic mail rockets were being loaded there. But I didn't pay attention. After all, you see them a hundred times a day!

And when, ten minutes later, the Martian pilot introduced Alice, everything became clear.

“I climbed in there to get a letter,” said Alice.

- Which letter?

- And you, dad, said that mom would write us a letter. So I looked into the rocket to take the letter.

- Did you get inside?

- Well, of course. The door was open and there were many letters inside.

- And then?

- As soon as I got in there, the door closed and the rocket flew. I started looking for a button to stop her. There are a lot of buttons there. When I pressed the last one, the rocket went down, and then the door opened. I went out, and there was sand around, and there was no aunt Tanya, and no guys.

She pressed the emergency landing button! – the Martian in the blue chiton said with admiration in his voice.

I cried a little, and then decided to go home.

– How did you know where to go?

I climbed up the hill to look from there. And there was a door in the hill. Nothing could be seen from the hill. Then I went into the room and sat there.

- Which door? the Martian was surprised. “There is only desert in that area.

– No, there was a door and a room. And there is a big stone in the room. Like an Egyptian pyramid. Only small. Do you remember, dad, you read me a book about the Egyptian pyramid?

Alice's unexpected announcement caused the Martians and Nazaryan, the head of the rescuers, to become very agitated.

- Tootexes! they shouted.

Where was the girl found? Coordinates!

And half of those present were licked off like a tongue.

And Tatyana Petrovna, who undertook to feed Alice herself, told me that many thousands of years ago there was a mysterious civilization of tuteks on Mars. Only stone pyramids remained from it. Until now, neither Martians nor archaeologists from Earth have been able to find a single structure of the Tutexes - only pyramids scattered across the desert and covered with sand. And then Alice accidentally stumbled upon the structure of the tuteks.

“You see, you’re lucky again,” I said. “But still, I’m taking you home immediately. Get lost there as long as you want. Without a space suit.

“I also like to get lost at home,” said Alice ...

Two months later, I read an article in the magazine "Around the World" entitled "That's what the tuteks were like." It said that in the Martian desert it was finally possible to discover the most valuable monuments of the Tutek culture. Now scientists are busy deciphering the inscriptions found in the room. But the most interesting thing is that an image of a tutex was found on the pyramid, which is magnificent in terms of safety. And then there was a photograph of a pyramid with a portrait of a tuteks.

The portrait seemed familiar to me. And a terrible suspicion seized me.

“Alice,” I said very sternly, “be honest, didn’t you draw anything on the pyramid when you got lost in the desert?”

Before answering, Alice came up to me and carefully looked at the picture in the magazine.

- Right. It's you drawn, daddy. Only I did not draw, but scratched with a pebble. I was so bored there...

Shy Shusha

Alice has many familiar animals: two kittens; the Martian praying mantis that lives under her bed and imitates the balalaika at night; a hedgehog that lived with us for a short time, and then went back to the forest; brontosaurus Bronte - Alice visits him at the zoo; and, finally, the neighbor's dog Rex, in my opinion, a dwarf dachshund of not very pure bloodlines.

Alice got another animal when the first expedition from Sirius returned.

Alice met Poloskov at a meeting of this expedition. I don't know how she arranged it: Alice has wide connections. One way or another, she was among the guys who brought flowers to the astronauts. Imagine my surprise when I see on TV - Alice runs across the airfield with a bouquet of blue roses larger than herself and hands it to Poloskov himself.

Poloskov took her in his arms, they listened to the welcoming speeches together and left together.

Alice returned home only in the evening with a big red bag in her hands.

- Where were you?

“Most of all I was in kindergarten,” she replied.

- Where have you been least of all?

- We were also taken to the spaceport.

- And than?

Alice realized that I was watching TV and said:

– I was also asked to congratulate the astronauts.

- Who asked you to?

One person, you don't know him.

- Alice, have you ever come across the term "corporal punishment"?

- I know, it's when they spank. But, I think, only in fairy tales.

- I'm afraid that the fairy tale will have to come true. Why do you always go where you shouldn't?

Alice was about to take offense at me, but suddenly the red bag in her hand stirred.

– What is this?

- This is a gift from Poloskov.

- You asked for a gift! This is still not enough!

“I didn't ask for anything. This is Shusha. Poloskov brought them from Sirius. Little shusha, shushonok, one might say.

And Alice carefully took out of her bag a small six-legged animal that looked like a kangaroo. Shushanka had big dragonfly eyes. He quickly rotated them, firmly clinging to Alice's suit with his upper pair of paws.

“You see, he loves me already,” said Alice. I'll make a bed for him.

I knew the history of the Shushas. Everyone knew the history of Shushi, and we, biologists, in particular. I already had five shushas in the zoo, and from day to day we were expecting an addition to the family.

Poloskov and Zeleny discovered shush on one of the planets in the Sirius system. These cute, harmless animals, which did not lag behind the astronauts a single step, turned out to be mammals, although in habits they most of all resembled our penguins. The same calm curiosity and eternal attempts to climb into the most inappropriate places. Zeleny even had to somehow save a fur coat, who was about to drown in a large can of condensed milk. The expedition brought a whole film about Shushi, which was a great success in all cinemas and video frames.

Unfortunately, the expedition did not have time to properly observe them. It is known that Shushi came to the camp of the expedition in the morning, and at nightfall they disappeared somewhere, hiding in the rocks.

One way or another, when the expedition was already returning back, in one of the compartments Poloskov found three shushs, which, probably, got lost in the ship. True, Poloskov thought at first that one of the expedition members had smuggled the shush onto the ship, but the indignation of his comrades was so sincere that Poloskov had to give up his suspicions.

The appearance of shush caused a lot of additional problems. First, they could be a source of unknown infections. Secondly, they could die on the way, not withstand overloads. Thirdly, no one knew what they were eating… And so on.

But all fears were in vain. Shushi endured disinfection well, obediently ate broth and canned fruit. Because of this, they made a blood enemy in the face of Zeleny, who loved compote, and during the last months of the expedition he had to give up compote - he was eaten by "hares".

During the long journey, the shushikha gave birth to six shushats. So the ship arrived on Earth overflowing with shushats and shushats. They turned out to be intelligent little animals and did not cause any troubles or inconveniences to anyone except Zeleny.

I remember the historic moment of the expedition's arrival on Earth, when a hatch opened under the guns of film and television cameras and instead of the astronauts, an amazing six-legged beast appeared in its hole. Behind him are several more of the same, only smaller. A sigh of surprise swept across the land. But it was cut off at the moment when, after the shushs, a smiling Poloskov came out of the ship. He carried in his arms a fur coat smeared with condensed milk ...

Some of the animals ended up in the zoo, some remained with the astronauts who fell in love with them. Alice got Poloskovsky's little cloak. God already knows how she charmed the stern cosmonaut Poloskov.

Shusha lived in a large basket next to Alice's bed, did not eat meat, slept at night, was friends with kittens, was afraid of the praying mantis and purred softly when Alice stroked him or talked about her successes and troubles.

Shusha grew rapidly and in two months became the size of Alice. They went for walks in the garden opposite, and Alice never put a collar on him.

“What if he scares someone?” I asked. Or get hit by a car?

No, he won't be scared. And then, he will be offended if I put a collar on him. He's so whimsical.

Somehow Alice couldn't sleep. She was capricious and demanded that I read to her about Dr. Aibolit.

“No time, daughter,” I said. - I have an urgent job. By the way, it's time for you to read the books yourself.

- But this is not a book, but a microfilm, and there the letters are small.

- I'm cold to get up.

- Then wait. I will add and turn on.

- If you don't want, I'll ask Shusha.

“Well, ask,” I smiled.

And a minute later he suddenly heard a gentle microfilmed voice from the next room:

"... And Aibolit also had a dog Abba."

So Alice still got up and reached for the switch.

"Now back to bed!" I shouted. - You'll catch a cold.

- And I'm in bed.

- You can't cheat. Who turned on the microfilm then?

I really do not want my daughter to grow up deceitful. I put aside work, went to her and decided to have a serious talk.

There was a screen on the wall. Shusha operated at the microprojector, and on the screen the unfortunate animals crowded at the door of the good doctor Aibolit.

How did you manage to train him like that? I was genuinely surprised.

“I didn’t train him. He can do everything himself.

Shusha shyly moved his front paws in front of his chest.

There was an awkward silence.

“And yet…” I finally said.

"Sorry," a high-pitched, husky voice said. Shusha said it. “But I actually taught myself. It's not difficult after all.

“Sorry…” I said.

“It's not difficult,” Shusha repeated. “You yourself showed Alice the story about the praying mantis king the day before yesterday.

- No, I'm not talking about that. How did you learn to speak?

“We studied with him,” Alice said.

– I don’t understand anything! Dozens of biologists work with Shushas, ​​and not a single Shusha has ever said a word.

- A little.

He tells me so many interesting things...

“Your daughter and I are great friends.

“So why were you silent for so long?”

“He was shy,” Alice answered for Shusha.

Shusha lowered his eyes.

Kir Bulychev

girl from earth

The Girl That Nothing Won't Happen to

Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father

Instead of a preface

Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances have been videophoning, and everyone is congratulating her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

- Alice, sleep immediately, otherwise ...

- What is it, dad?

“And then I’ll videophone Baba Yaga.”

- And who is this Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a terrible, evil grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

- Why?

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

- Why are you hungry?

“Because she doesn’t have a product pipeline in her hut.

- Why not?

- Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work in the reserve?

- Alice, go to sleep now!

“But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

- I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

But I was wrong. The videophone screen brightened, lit up brighter, there was a click - someone pressed the receive button on the other end of the line, and before the image appeared on the screen, a sleepy voice said:

“The Martian embassy is listening.

- Well, dad, will she come? Alice called from the bedroom.

"She's already asleep," I said angrily.

“The Martian embassy is listening,” the voice repeated.

I turned to the videophone. The young Martian looked at me. He had green eyes without eyelashes.

“Sorry,” I said, “I obviously got the wrong number.

The Martian smiled. He wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Of course, Alice got out of bed and stood barefoot on the floor.

“Good evening,” she said to the Martian.

- Good evening, girl.

- Does Baba Yaga live with you?

The Martian looked at me questioningly.

“You see,” I said, “Alice can’t sleep, and I wanted to videophone Baba Yaga so that she would punish her. But here's the wrong number.

The Martian smiled again.

“Good night, Alice,” he said. - You need to sleep, otherwise dad will call Baba Yaga.

The Martian said goodbye to me and hung up.

“Well, are you going to bed now?” I asked. “Did you hear what your uncle from Mars told you?”

- I'll go. Will you take me to Mars?

“If you behave well, we’ll fly there in the summer.”

Eventually Alice fell asleep and I sat down to work again. And stayed up until midnight. And at one o'clock a videophone suddenly squealed muffledly. I pressed the button. A Martian from the embassy was looking at me.

“I'm sorry to disturb you so late,” he said, “but your videophone is not switched off, and I assume that you are still awake.

- Please.

– Could you help us? said the Martian. “The entire embassy is awake. We looked through all the encyclopedias, studied the videophone book, but we cannot find who Baba Yaga is and where she lives ...

A brontosaurus egg was brought to us at the Moscow Zoo. The egg was found by Chilean tourists in a landslide on the banks of the Yenisei. The egg was almost round and remarkably preserved in the permafrost. When specialists began to study it, they found that the egg was completely fresh. And so it was decided to place him in a zoo incubator.

Of course, few people believed in success, but after a week, x-rays showed that the brontosaurus embryo was developing. As soon as this was announced on Intervision, scientists and correspondents began to flock to Moscow from all directions. We had to book the entire 80-story Venera Hotel on Tverskaya Street. And even then she did not fit all. Eight Turkish palaeontologists slept in my dining room, I sat in the kitchen with a journalist from Ecuador, and two correspondents for Women of Antarctica settled into Alice's bedroom.

When our mother called in the evening from Nukus, where she is building a stadium, she decided that she had come to the wrong place.

All the satellites in the world showed the egg. Egg on the side, egg on the front; brontosaurus skeletons and egg...

The congress of cosmophilologists in full force came on an excursion to the zoo. But by that time, we had already stopped access to the incubator, and philologists had to look at polar bears and Martian mantises.

On the forty-sixth day of such a crazy life, the egg shuddered. My friend Professor Yakata and I were sitting at that moment by the hood, under which the egg was kept, and drinking tea. We have already stopped believing that someone will hatch from the egg. After all, we no longer shined through it, so as not to damage our “baby”. And we could not do predictions, if only because no one before us had tried to breed brontosaurs.

girl from earth
Kir Bulychev

One of the first editions of the collection about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva. Includes the first stories about Alice (The Girl Whom Nothing Happens to); stories - "Alice's Journey", on which the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" was later filmed and "Alice's Birthday" - about the excavation of a dead city on a distant planet.

Kir Bulychev



Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father.


Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances have been videophoning, and everyone is congratulating her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

Alice, sleep now, otherwise ...

What is it, dad?

And then I'll videophone Baba Yaga.

Who is Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know that. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a scary, angry grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

Why is she hungry?

Because she has no product pipeline in her hut.

Why not?

Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work at the reserve?

Alice, sleep now!

But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

But I was wrong. The screen of the videophone cleared up, lit up brighter, there was a click - someone pressed the receive button on the other end of the line, and before the image appeared on the screen, a sleepy voice said:

The Martian embassy is listening.

Well, dad, will she come? Alice called from the bedroom.

She's already asleep," I said angrily.

The Martian embassy is listening, the voice repeated.

I turned to the videophone. The young Martian looked at me. He had green eyes without eyelashes.

Sorry, I said, I obviously got the wrong number.

The Martian smiled. He wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Of course, Alice got out of bed and stood barefoot on the floor.

Good evening, she said to the Martian.

Good evening girl.

Does Baba Yaga live with you?

The Martian looked at me questioningly.

You see, - I said, - Alice cannot fall asleep, and I wanted to make a videophone to Baba Yaga so that she would punish her. But here's the wrong number.

The Martian smiled again.

Good night, Alice, he said. - You need to sleep, otherwise dad will call Baba Yaga.

The Martian said goodbye to me and hung up.

Well, are you going to bed now? I asked. "Did you hear what your uncle from Mars told you?"

I'll go. Will you take me to Mars?

If you behave well, we'll fly there in the summer.

Eventually Alice fell asleep and I sat down to work again. And stayed up until midnight. And at one o'clock a videophone suddenly squealed muffledly. I pressed the button. A Martian from the embassy was looking at me.

Please excuse me for disturbing you so late,” he said, “but your videophone is not switched off and I assume you are still awake.


Could you help us? said the Martian. - The entire embassy is awake. We looked through all the encyclopedias, studied the videophone book, but we cannot find who Baba Yaga is and where she lives ...


A brontosaurus egg was brought to us at the Moscow Zoo. The egg was found by Chilean tourists in a landslide on the banks of the Yenisei. The egg was almost round and remarkably preserved in the permafrost. When specialists began to study it, they found that the egg was completely fresh. And so it was decided to place him in a zoo incubator.

Of course, few people believed in success, but after a week, x-rays showed that the brontosaurus embryo was developing. As soon as this was announced on Intervision, scientists and correspondents began to flock to Moscow from all directions. We had to book the entire 80-story Venera Hotel on Tverskaya Street. And even then she did not fit all. Eight Turkish palaeontologists slept in my dining room, I sat in the kitchen with a journalist from Ecuador, and two correspondents for Women of Antarctica settled into Alice's bedroom.

When our mother called in the evening from Nukus, where she is building a stadium, she decided that she had come to the wrong place.

All the satellites in the world showed the egg. Egg on the side, egg on the front; brontosaurus skeletons and egg...

The congress of cosmophilologists in full force came on an excursion to the zoo. But by that time, we had already stopped access to the incubator, and philologists had to look at polar bears and Martian mantises.

On the forty-sixth day of such a crazy life, the egg shuddered. My friend Professor Yakata and I were sitting at that moment by the hood, under which the egg was kept, and drinking tea. We have already stopped believing that someone will hatch from the egg. After all, we no longer shined through it, so as not to damage our “baby”. And we could not do predictions, if only because no one before us had tried to breed brontosaurs.

So, the egg shuddered, once again ... cracked, and a black, snake-like head began to protrude through the thick leathery shell. Automatic cameras chirped. I knew that a red fire had been lit above the door of the incubator. Something very reminiscent of panic began on the territory of the zoo.

Five minutes later, everyone who was supposed to be here gathered around us, and many of those who didn’t have to be at all, but really wanted to. It immediately became very hot.

Finally, a small brontosaurus emerged from the egg.

Dad, what's his name? I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Alice! - I was surprised. - How did you get here?

I'm with reporters.

But children are not allowed here.

I can. I told everyone that I am your daughter. And they let me in.

Do you know that using acquaintances for personal purposes is not good?

But, papa, little Bronte might be bored without children, so here I am.

I just waved my hand. I didn't have a free minute to get Alice out of the incubator. And there was no one around who would agree to do it for me.

Stay here and don't go anywhere, - I told her, and I myself rushed to the cap with the newborn brontosaurus.

All evening Alice and I did not speak. We quarreled. I forbade her to appear in the incubator, but she said that she could not listen to me, because she felt sorry for Bronte. And the next day she snuck into the incubator again. It was carried out by astronauts from the Jupiter-8 spacecraft. The astronauts were heroes, and no one could refuse them.

Good morning, Bronte, she said, going up to the cap.

The brontosaur looked sideways at her.

Whose child is this? asked Professor Yakata sternly.

I almost fell through the ground. But Alice does not go into her pocket for a word.

You do not like me? she asked.

No, you're quite the opposite... I just thought you might be lost... - The professor didn't know how to talk to little girls at all.

Okay, said Alice. - I'll come to you, Bronta, tomorrow I'll come. Do not be bored.

And Alice did come tomorrow. And she came almost every day. Everyone got used to it and let it pass without any conversation. I did wash my hands. Anyway, our house is next to the zoo, there is no need to cross the road anywhere, and there were always fellow travelers.

Brontosaurus grew rapidly. A month later, he reached two and a half meters in length, and he was transferred to a specially built pavilion. Brontosaurus roamed the fenced paddock and chewed on young bamboo shoots and bananas. Bamboo was brought by cargo rockets from India, and farmers from Malakhovka supplied us with bananas.

Warm brackish water splashed in the cement pool in the middle of the paddock. The brontosaurus liked this.

But suddenly he lost his appetite. For three days the bamboo and bananas remained untouched. On the fourth day, the brontosaurus lay down on the bottom of the pool and placed a small black head on the plastic board. It was obvious that he was about to die. We couldn't allow this. After all, we only had one brontosaurus. The best doctors in the world helped us. But it was all in vain. Bronte refused grass, vitamins, oranges, milk - everything.

Alice did not know about this tragedy. I sent her to my grandmother in Vnukovo. But on the fourth day, she turned on the TV just as the brontosaurus was being reported in declining health. I don’t know how she persuaded her grandmother, but on the same morning Alice ran into the pavilion.

Dad! she screamed. - How could you hide from me? How could you?..

Then, Alice, then, - I answered. - We have a meeting.

We actually had a meeting. It hasn't stopped for the last three days.

Alice said nothing and walked away. A minute later, I heard someone nearby gasp. I turned around and saw that Alice had already climbed over the barrier, slid into the paddock and ran towards the face of the brontosaurus. She had a white bun in her hand.

Eat, Bronte, she said, or they will starve you here. I'd be sick of bananas too, if I were you.

And before I could reach the barrier, the incredible happened. Something that glorified Alice and greatly ruined the reputation of us biologists.

The brontosaurus raised its head, looked at Alice, and carefully took the roll from her hand.

Hush, dad, - Alice shook her finger at me, seeing that I want to jump over the barrier. - Bronte is afraid of you.

He won't do anything to her," Professor Yakata said.

I saw for myself that he would not do anything. But what will happen if the grandmother sees this scene?

Then scientists argued for a long time. They still argue. Some say that Bronte needed a change of food, while others say that he trusted Alice more than us. But one way or another, the crisis is over.

Now Bronte has become quite tame. Although it is about thirty meters long, there is no greater pleasure for him than to ride Alice on himself. One of my assistants made a special step-ladder, and when Alice comes to the pavilion, Bronte stretches his long neck into the corner, takes the step-ladder standing there with triangular teeth and deftly puts it to his black shiny side.

Then he rolls Alice around the pavilion or swims with her in the pool.


As I promised Alice, I took her to Mars with me when I flew there for a conference. We arrived safely. True, I do not tolerate weightlessness very well and therefore preferred not to get up from my chair, but my daughter fluttered around the ship all the time, and once I had to remove her from the ceiling of the control room, because she wanted to press the red button, namely: the button emergency braking. But the pilots were not very angry with her.

On Mars, we toured the city, went with tourists to the desert and visited the Great Caves. But after that I had no time to study with Alice, and I sent her to a boarding school for a week.

Many of our specialists work on Mars, and the Martians helped us build a huge dome of a children's city. It's good in the town - real earthly trees grow there. Sometimes the kids go on excursions. Then they put on small spacesuits and go out into the street in a row.

Tatyana Petrovna - that's the name of the teacher - said that I need not worry. Alice also told me not to worry. And we said goodbye to her for a week.

And on the third day, Alice disappeared. It was an absolutely exceptional occurrence. To begin with, in the entire history of the boarding school, none of them disappeared or even got lost for more than ten minutes. On Mars in the city it is absolutely impossible to get lost. And even more so for an earthly child dressed in a spacesuit. The first Martian he comes across will bring him back. What about robots? What about the Security Service? No, you can't get lost on Mars.

But Alice was lost.

She had been gone for about two hours when I was called from the conference and brought to the boarding school on a Martian all-terrain vehicle. I must have looked bewildered, because when I appeared under the dome, everyone who had gathered there fell silent sympathetically.

And who was not there! All the teachers and robots of the boarding school, ten Martians in spacesuits (they have to put on spacesuits when they enter the dome, into the earth's air), space pilots, the chief of rescuers Nazaryan, archaeologists ...
