Bulk measure. Who is Alexei Navalny: biography, fight against corruption, political activity

Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny is a lawyer, popular opposition blogger and public figure, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, chairman of the Progress Party. In the past, he was a member of the board of directors of Aeroflot. He ran for mayor of Moscow in the 2013 elections and finished second.

The main activity of Navalny is aimed at combating corruption. Among the most high-profile investigations by FBK Navalny and his team are the case of Igor Chaika (son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika), Vladimir Yakunin's "fur coat store", Dmitry Peskov's watch, Vladimir Pekhtin's real estate, Sergei Shoigu's mansion, the plane and Igor Shuvalov's "king-apartment", "secret empire" Dmitry Medvedev. Navalny also actively advocated the ratification in Russia of the 20th article of the UN Convention, which provides for punishment for illegal enrichment of officials.

In 2013, Navalny was found guilty in the "Kirovles case", but three years later, the European Court of Human Rights recognized the case as politically fabricated and sent the verdict for review, but the court again returned a guilty verdict.

In December 2016, Navalny announced his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential election.

Childhood. Education

Alexei Navalny was born in the military town of Butyn near Moscow. His father, Anatoly Navalny, a native of the Chernobyl region, graduated from the Kiev Military School, after which he was assigned to Moscow. Mom, Lyudmila Ivanovna, grew up in a village near Zelenograd, graduated from the State University of Management, worked as a laboratory assistant at a research institute that produced microelectronics, and later worked at a woodworking factory.

In 1993, Navalny's parents opened a wicker weaving workshop in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region on the basis of a bankrupt factory, where Lyudmila Navalnaya had previously worked.

In 1994, a young man graduated from the Alabinsky school in the village of Kalininets near Moscow and entered the law faculty of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, missing one point for admission to Moscow State University. In 1999, he became a student at the Financial Academy under the Russian government, studied at the Faculty of Finance and Credit, and in 2001 received a diploma in the specialty "Securities and Exchange Business".

Much later, in 2010, he became a Yale World Fellow. Every year, the university selects about 15 gifted people, mostly from third world countries, and invites them to Yale for six months to study the global problems of our society.

Labor activity and business

While still studying at RUDN University, Navalny got a job as a lawyer at Aeroflot Bank. In 1997, he registered Allekt LLC, and in 1998 he began working for the Chigirinsky brothers' ST-group (now Snegiri). There he worked for about a year, dealing with currency control and antitrust law. In 1999, two things happened - Navalny left the ST-group and received a law degree.

Public and political activities

In 2000, Alexei Navalny joined the Yabloko Democratic Party and was a member of the party's Federal Political Council. Two years later, he was elected to the regional council of the capital branch of Yabloko. From 2004 to 2007, Navalny headed the apparatus of the Moscow regional branch of the party.

In 2007, Navalny was expelled from Yabloko. The reason given was "causing political damage to the party, in particular, by nationalist activities." As Navalny himself argued, the real reason for his exclusion is the demand for the resignation of Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky.

In 2004, Navalny founded the Committee for the Defense of Muscovites, a city-wide movement against corruption in urban planning and the violation of citizens' rights. A year later, Alexey, together with like-minded people, stood at the origins of a new youth movement called "DA!". He also began to coordinate the project "Police with the people."

Since 2006, Navalny has coordinated the Political Debates project and acted as the chief editor of the Fight Club program on TVC.

In 2007, he co-founded the national democratic movement "People" along with writer Zakhar Prilepin and Sergei Gulyaev. It was planned that subsequently the "People" would join the "Other Russia" coalition, but this did not happen.

Political debate between Navalny and Lebedev

In 2008, Navalny founded the Union of Minority Shareholders, an organization that protected the rights of private investors.

Navalny took part in the nationalist marches "Russian March". In 2008, he witnessed the brutal detention of the leader of the "Slavic Union" Dmitry Demushkin by riot police, and was ready to defend him in court.

In 2008, information appeared about the creation of the "Russian National Movement", which included the organizations "Great Russia", "People", DPNI. Navalny said that the movement plans to participate in the elections to the State Duma. But in 2011, the movement ceased operations.

Navalny's video in support of the People movement

In 2009, Navalny became a freelance adviser to the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who, as the site's editors would like to note, was arrested in the summer of 2016 on charges of accepting a bribe.

Anti-corruption activities

In May 2008, Navalny announced on his blog that, together with like-minded people, he intended to find out why the oil of large Russian state-owned companies was being sold by trader Gunvor. According to Alexei, he appealed to the leaders of Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz and Gazprom Neft, but did not receive an explanation. By the way, Navalny is a minority shareholder in the companies Surgutneftegaz, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, VTB.

At the end of 2010, Navalny announced the creation of the RosPil project, which intended to fight abuses in public procurement. By May 2011, the project reported on the discovery of fraud with state auctions in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles, and with the help of RosPil participants, fraud worth 337 million rubles was stopped. The project received an award from The BOBs international blog competition as the most useful resource for society.

In 2011, Navalny registered the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK). Economist Sergey Guriev, entrepreneurs Vladimir Ashurkov and Boris Zimin invested in the project.

"Party of crooks and thieves" - the author of this famous Internet meme is Alexei Navalny. The phrase was born on February 2, 2011 on the air of Finam FM. Soon there was information that ordinary members of the party were offended and plan to sue. In response, Navalny initiated a poll on his blog: "Is United Russia a party of crooks and thieves?" 96.6% of the respondents, the total number of which was 40 thousand, answered “yes”.

Navalny on the air of "Fimam FM"

In mid-2011, Alexei Navalny launched the RosYama Internet project as part of the FBK, which was supposed to encourage the Russian authorities to improve the condition of roads in the country. On the pages of the project, users posted pictures of damaged roads, on the basis of which the system generated complaints to the traffic police. In the absence of a response within the stipulated time, RosYama employees sent a letter to the prosecutor's office.

In early 2012, Navalny and his team launched the RosVybory project to monitor the presidential elections. About 17 thousand observers took part in the project.

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation positions itself as the only non-profit organization in Russia that investigates acts of corruption among the highest echelons of power.

The head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, to whom the Foundation attributed the presence of a “modest” dacha near Domodedovo with an area of ​​​​several tens of hectares, fell under the FBK’s sights more than once. Most of all, Internet users were struck by a separate room given over to a “fur coat store”.

A lot of noise was made by the private plane of Igor Shuvalov, discovered by Navalny, on which they flew to exhibitions of his Welsh Corgi dog breed, as well as the official buying up apartments on one floor of an elite high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. FBK estimated the total cost of pre-repair apartments at 600 million rubles.

Navalny in the election of the mayor of Moscow

Alexei Navalny put forward his candidacy for the post of mayor of Moscow in the 2013 early elections from the RPR-Parnassus party.

And about. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin commented on Navalny's actions as follows: “To be honest, I don't know what prospects Navalny's candidate has. We have done everything possible to register it, so that Muscovites have the opportunity to have a greater choice among candidates for mayor of Moscow.”

Judicial persecution. Case of Kirovles

On December 5, 2011, that is, the day after the elections to the State Duma, Alexei Navalny spoke at a sanctioned rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard. The Muscovites who came to the rally expressed their disagreement with the results of the elections, made accusations of fraud against the election commission and the United Russia party.

After this action, Navalny and like-minded people went on an unauthorized march to the Central Election Commission of Russia, where he was detained by the police. The next day, Navalny was found guilty of resisting law enforcement officers and sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest. Navalny was released on December 21.

On May 9, 2012, Navalny was again sentenced to 15 days in prison. This time - for participating in an illegal public event on Kudrinskaya Square, the so-called Folk Festivals, which became a mass sign of protest against the dispersal of the March of Millions, which took place earlier, on May 6. The participants of the march were dissatisfied with the fact of Vladimir Putin's inauguration. This detention and arrest Navalny appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.

In May 2011, a criminal case was opened against Alexei Navalny under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust." It was about the fact that Navalny and businessman Pyotr Ofitserov, the owner of the Vyatka Forest Company, allegedly misled the director of the State Unitary Enterprise Kirovles Vyacheslav Opalev, as a result of which he signed a contract unfavorable for his enterprise and suffered damage of 16 million rubles.

Navalny denied his guilt, citing the biased nature of the case, since shortly before that he presented information on cuts in Transneft on his blog, and also accused Opalev of “creating completely unthinkable schemes” for the sale of logging. According to Navalny, he achieved the dismissal of Opalev and a complete audit of Kirovles, which was the reason for initiating the case.

Navalny: "The Truth about Russia, Power and Putin", 2011

After litigation, the case was dismissed on April 10, 2012. The reason is the absence of corpus delicti. Later it was resumed by order of the leaders of the TFR. However, on May 29 of the same year, the decision to dismiss the case was canceled.

The case was brought back to court in April 2013. Testimony of witnesses for the prosecution indicated that cooperation between Kirovles and VLK was unprofitable for the former. However, VLK's partners testified that the timber was shipped to them at market prices, and they have no claims against both defendants in the case. The governor of the Kirov region, Belykh, who spoke at the trial, also stated that the activities of VLK did not harm the region.

On July 18, 2013, Navalny was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine (500,000 rubles), Officerov was sentenced to four years in prison and a similar fine. The verdict was made during the election campaign of Navalny in the mayoral elections.

During the next day's appeal hearing, Navalny and Ofitserov were released on bail. In the course of further consideration, violations were found in the issuance of a guilty decision, and the real terms were replaced by conditional ones, while maintaining the fine. Alexei Navalny appealed to the ECHR, which in February 2016 confirmed the violation of the rights of the accused in the Kirovles case, but did not recognize the case as politically motivated, as Navalny's and Ofitserov's lawyers insisted.

The Kirovles case: Navalny's last word

At the end of 2016, the court again began considering the Kirovles case. The new verdict, according to Navalny, literally repeated the previous one. The defendants were again sentenced to 4 and 5 years probation. On the same day, the ECHR condemned the verdict, calling the goal of the entire process the exclusion of Navalny from the country's political process.

Alexey Navalny 2018

In December 2016, Navalny announced that he intended to take part in the 2018 presidential election, thereby launching his election campaign, during which he, along with like-minded people, opened a number of campaign headquarters in major Russian cities.

Alexei Navalny is aiming for the presidency

In March 2017, the Foundation posted on YouTube a 50-minute film “He is not Dimon to you”, which was an investigation of a “multi-level corruption scheme” with the participation of Dmitry Medvedev. Three weeks later, thousands of people rallied across Russia demanding answers from Medvedev about the information contained in the video.

"He is not Dimon to you"

On March 26, during an unsanctioned rally on Tverskaya Street, Alexei Navalny was detained by law enforcement agencies. He was fined (20,000 rubles) for organizing an unsanctioned rally, and also sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest for "resisting the lawful demand of a police officer."

On June 12, Russia was swept by the second wave of opposition rallies. This time, Alexei did not have time to leave the entrance, as he was detained by the police. The Simonovsky District Court of Moscow arrested him for 30 days, accusing him of repeatedly violating the rules for holding rallies: on the evening of June 11, he called on supporters to go to an unauthorized procession on Tverskaya Street, where the festival of reenactors was taking place at that time, instead of the agreed rally on Sakharov Avenue. In total, more than 800 people were detained during the opposition rally in Moscow.

As part of the election campaign, the politician held a number of large-scale rallies in Russian cities.

The Central Election Commission refused to register Navalny for the presidential elections due to a criminal record in the Kirovles case, despite the decision of the ECtHR, which recognized him as politically engaged. After that, Aleksey called for a boycott of the elections and announced the date of the all-Russian voter strike - January 28th.

How Mikhail Prokhorov bought a villa from Alexander Khloponin

For the action against the inauguration of Vladimir Putin “He is not your king” (held on May 5, 2018), ten days later, Navalny was arrested for 30 days. The election campaign ended, and the FBK returned to its main activities: it caught Mikhail Prokhorov in a bribe to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin, found a Parisian apartment for 2 million euros from propagandist Aram Gabrelyanov, etc.

Personal life of Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny is married. The oppositionist's wife's name is Yulia, Abrosimova's maiden name. They met in 1999 at a resort in Turkey. The couple are raising two children: daughter Daria (born 2001) and son Zakhar (born 2008).

For a long time, the couple lived in a small apartment in one of the panel houses on Lyublinskaya Street, Maryino. However, at the end of 2016, the oppositionist said that he was looking for housing for rent, as his grown children began to live in the same room.

Alexey Navalny now

In August 2018, the FBK posted a video investigation involving State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and his 82-year-old mother, Lidia Barabanova, a former school teacher. The oppositionist cited evidence that the woman owns an apartment worth more than 200 million rubles, as well as several businesses, one of which was registered quite recently. Navalny's team claimed that Barabanova was a figurehead for registering companies, and that her son was their true owner. The video caused a wide response, given that a few days earlier, Volodin publicly predicted the complete abolition of pensions in the absence of pension reforms and advised the people gathered in the hall to play more sports in order to live to retirement age.

FBK: Vyacheslav Volodin's mother's apartment and business

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Where is Navalny now and what is he doing? The arrest of an oppositionist for participating in a rally for 30 days did not surprise anyone - this happens almost after every protest action. Considering that Alexei Navalny is currently serving a suspended sentence in the Kirovles case, according to the Criminal Executive Code, the politician faces a real term for systematic violation of public order. However, the Russian authorities are in no hurry to put Navalny in jail.

There are several possible versions for this:

  • Navalny is a representative of the Kremlin's "pocket opposition";
  • The figure of Navalny is beneficial in the election campaign, since his candidacy will be removed due to a criminal case, and government officials may legally lose an important competitor;
  • They do not want to get involved with Navalny because of external pressure and the growth of protest moods.

The latter, however, can hardly be called a serious reason for refusing criminal prosecution, since the people in Russia did not react properly even to the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Moreover, Navalny's work with the people seems to be specifically aimed at depriving the opposition of its main activists. For example, even agreed-upon protests are moved to illegal venues, causing protesters to pay hefty fines by refusing to participate in subsequent events.

Therefore, the location of Navalny can be easily chosen from three options: work at the headquarters, a rally, an insulator. The politician actively travels around Russia, opens new headquarters, is engaged in information coverage of compromising evidence, after that he appoints a protest action, and safely sits in a monkey house.

Where does Alexey Navalny live?

Alexei Navalny lives with his family in Moscow, in the Maryino district, on Lyublinskaya street. In the most ordinary panel high-rise building. Navalny's three-room apartment in Moscow is an extremely modest option with laconic furnishings and a total area of ​​75 m2. The footage of searches in the house of the oppositionist was repeatedly broadcast by TV channels and YouTube, the declaration of income confirms the existence of this property.

Also, information flashed on the Internet that Navalny owns a house in France worth 3 million euros. However, the politician has not visited this country in recent years, and the news about overseas real estate has not been confirmed by anyone.

At the same time, according to the income statement, Navalny's wife owns a Ford Explorer SUV, and the politician himself was seen driving a luxury Infinity car.

What does Navalny do?

Alexei Navalny is engaged in political activities, and at the same time is a shareholder in a number of companies. Previously, the politician took part in the management of various corporations, including being a member of the board of directors of Aeroflot.

From a political point of view, Alexei Navalny has taken a win-win position by starting an active fight against corruption in the public sector. He founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation, made the films The Seagull and He Is Not Dimon to You, which received hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.

Despite pro-Western statements and accusations of links with the current government, Navalny's activities have found great support in Russia, especially among the younger generation. However, people of the older generation, who never received support from the state, also often go to opposition rallies.

At the same time, it cannot yet be said that Navalny's activities are capable of influencing the situation in Russia. Rallies continue to be held in unauthorized places, not a single lawsuit on their films has been won by politics.

Where Navalny is now and what he is doing in view of the extremely banal “film-illegal rally-prison” scheme is easy to predict.

Alexei Navalny was doused with brilliant green in Barnaul

View from abroad. Who is Alexei Navalny? Oppositionist Alexei Navalny, a rising figure in competition with Putin's system of power
The popularity of the blogger Navalny, who knows how to attract young people and declare himself as an alternative political figure, is steadily growing.

Lawyer specializing in financial matters. He is 38 years old, his blog is very popular, the number of visitors to his Twitter account reaches 900 thousand people.

Thanks to his eloquence and modern manner of communication, he managed to win over many young representatives of the middle class. He speaks in a fresh and ironic language, far from solemnity, despite his obscure contacts with ultranationalists and neo-Nazis.

For several years now, he has been actively participating in the political life of Russia through social networks, subjecting the current government to the most severe criticism and leading the largest opposition demonstrations. Thanks to the uncompromising fight against corruption (“ United Russia is a party of thieves and bandits "- his program slogan ), he managed to make himself known, despite the fact that the media controlled by the official authorities try not to mention his name.

His best spokesmen are social networks, the opinion of citizens and court cases in which he appears as the main accused. Many analysts see Navalny as a major political problem for Putin, threatening his continued tenure, especially as the economic crisis deepens. Others, on the contrary, consider him just a figure used by the US State Department to weaken the Russian government. Perhaps they are all right to some extent.

The other day, Navalny was placed under house arrest in connection with a new criminal case. Alexei and his brother Oleg are accused of stealing 30 million rubles from two private firms (one of them, French Yves Rocher). Oleg is already in prison, and Alexei was deliberately left at home, sentenced to 3.5 years in prison on probation. The judge pronounced the verdict on December 30, despite the fact that it was originally scheduled for January 15. There are a variety of suggestions, but almost all of them agree on one thing: the authorities wanted to avoid mass protests, and they succeeded thanks to an unexpected change in the date, which caused confusion among Navalny's supporters.

A master of decisive and spectacular response, Navalny on the same day, December 30, violated the conditions of his house arrest and joined the protest march initiated by his supporters, rather modest in scope compared to previous actions. Law enforcement agencies did not respond to this. There was no response this week either, when Navalny twice tried to provoke law enforcement. First, he posted on social networks a photo of an electronic bracelet cut with scissors that controlled his movement, and two days later, as if nothing had happened, he went out into the street “for milk”, where he was accompanied by three law enforcement officers.

The role of the victim

Alexei Navalny has already served a prison sentence on charges of embezzlement of public funds. But then, as a gesture of goodwill, he was released from prison so that he could take part in the Moscow mayoral elections in September 2013. With 27% of the vote, Navalny took second place after the candidate nominated by the authorities. Skillfully using sarcastic rhetoric, this blogger is well aware that in a country like Russia, the role of the victim always brings great political dividends. “It feels like there is some crazy screenwriter in the Kremlin who decides which politician to support. The fact that I was arrested is very good. People who didn’t like me at all are now worried about me,” he said recently.

People from Navalny's inner circle claim that all criminal cases against him are fabricated. Still, it's hard to imagine this lawyer and blogger as an innocent victim of Russian authoritarianism. But on the other hand, it is just as difficult to refute the claims of his supporters, given that in recent years, Putin's main opponents (politicians, journalists, artists) have either ended up behind bars, or were forced to leave the country, or died. Many of them were prominent oligarchs who made their fortunes during Yeltsin's privatizations. Media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky left for Israel, and his former partner Boris Berezovsky, who had contributed in no small measure to the nomination, settled in the UK.

Berezovsky was not at all a naive boy, ran a very dubious business and maintained close ties with the former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who opposed Putin and died in London from radioactive poisoning. Berezovsky himself was found dead in the bathroom of his house in January 2013. It is claimed that he committed suicide.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former owner of Yukos and once considered the richest man in the country, spent ten years in prison. He was convicted of tax evasion, although everyone was well aware that the main reason was his political ambitions. On December 30, 2013 (it seems that the Russian authorities chose this date for important announcements), Putin announced a general amnesty, according to which members of a punk band who staged an anti-government rally in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Savior were also released from prison.

Putin's Russia and its president himself are now going through difficult times. The collapse of the ruble as a result of a sharp drop in oil prices and sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea plunged the country's economy into the biggest crisis since the Yeltsin era.

In 2008-2009, as prime minister, Putin managed to avoid a global crisis thanks to high commodity prices. But now, after 15 years in power, the economy is still dominated by primary industries, and its diversification has not been carried out. The country is on the verge of serious problems, a decline in production is imminent, which can seriously weaken the position of the current head of state. There is a well-known truth: corruption cannot control the government, but money can.

Navalny was born in 1976. This means that his childhood passed under Soviet rule. The USSR collapsed when he was 15 years old. He learned the rules of capitalism from childhood and gravitates towards the global world, although his liberalism has its limits, like many Europeans who profess right-wing and xenophobic views. This explains his strange contacts with neo-Nazis, bizarrely interspersed with participation in various kinds of liberal movements oriented towards the EU and the USA. The diplomatic circles of these countries, interested in reducing , see Navalny as an ideal candidate for this role: young, energetic, wielding modern technologies. In 2010, he received a grant from Yale University's Worldwide Scholarship Program, which aims to "create a global network of emerging leaders and promote international understanding." Do you need any comments on this?

His main ability lies in the ability to attract young people who are proud that they are Russian, but at the same time completely alien to the slogans and ideas of the older generations, who, even in conditions of hard capitalism, adhere to the socio-political norms characteristic of the times of Soviet power. He also has an uncommon ability to establish international contacts and tell the world about himself using Internet resources, while other prominent opposition leaders do not appear in Russia.

He equally energetically speaks at court hearings and criticizes those who made their fortunes as a result of mass privatization. But at the same time, it is obvious that Navalny’s main goal is not the chair of the mayor of Moscow, but the presidential elections in Russia in 2018.

The punishment for civic passivity is the power of villains.(Plato)

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny- who is he? A truth-seeker who longs for justice for his people, or another character who believes that it is his turn to buy yachts and planes at the expense of the state budget? A fighter for the well-being and sovereignty of his country or a crazy nationalist? Is he really ready to prove his statements with deeds, or is this another Druzhko who came for the sake of hype, only from the side of politics?

So let's start with who is Navalny? Opposition politician, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation and extremely active against the current government. Besides, is a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation in 2018.

Very little is known about Alexei's childhood years. Navalny was born and raised in the village Butyn, Odintsovsky district, Moscow region. His father is from Ukraine, from the village of Zalesye, which was located in the Chernobyl zone, where little Alyosha spent every summer with his grandmother, grazed cows and dug in the beds, but after the accident at the nuclear power plant, the village was erased from all maps. Mother also comes from a village located near Zelenograd in the Moscow region.

As Navalny himself once said: “I consider myself mostly Ukrainian, in terms of my roots and genetics”.

As for the rest of the family, today, Navalny has wife and two children.

After school, Alexey enters the Faculty of Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and a year after graduation, he enters the Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, specializing in Securities and Exchange Business.

Studying at higher educational institutions, Navalny along the way, he tries to do business, but he does not find much success in this area. He was the founder of several firms, but they all did not generate income and went bankrupt.

Alexei felt the first taste of success when he got involved in politics. Since the early 2000s, he has worked as a deputy director in the company "Allect" and things were going mediocre, but in 2007 there were elections to the Duma, and the firm on the advertisement of the party of right forces cut down 99,000,000 rubles from which Navalny received a commission of almost 5,000,000 rubles.

Advertising for right-wing parties was not Aleksey's only connection to politics. In 2000 he joined the party "Apple" and rose to the position of head of the Moscow branch of the party, at the same time broadcast on the radio "Echo of Moscow", but was soon expelled from the ranks of the party with the wording: "For nationalistic activity". Navalny, on the other hand, said that he was removed for criticizing the leadership, and he himself considers himself to be normal nationalists.

A rather contradictory statement, because for many of us, nationalists are bald thugs in berets under the banner of the black-yellow-white tricolor. It is unlikely that Alexei is like one of them.

If we consider the nationalist ideas and proposals of Navalny, they do not seem so absurd. And later Navalny creates moderate nationalist party "People". One of the most interesting ideas of which is introduction of a visa regime with the countries of the Caucasus.

Despite the scandal, Navalny does not lose touch with the party "Apple" and on their recommendation goes to study at Yale University.

Upon return passes exams and gets a lawyer's crust, creates its own law office, which didn't win a single case, and in less than a year, was eliminated.

But the most important thing that Alexey began to do after returning from Yale University was to conduct corruption investigations, to criticize the current government in the country more intensively and to create anti-corruption projects like RosPila And RosYama.

He starts his own blog where publishes an article like During the construction of an oil pipeline in China, 4 billion US dollars were stolen. The blog takes off to the first lines of the top Yandex blogs and brings Navalny the first unthinkable popularity on the network. In 2011, the blog ranked first place among the blogs of politicians and public figures.

After his participation in protest movements begins, the courts for " Kirovles and Yves Rocher, as a result of which he almost sat down, but the cases were obviously fabricated against him.

Participation in the elections for the post of mayor of Moscow, where Navalny takes second place, losing to Sobyanin. By the way, even then Alexey received the approval of many media personalities at a concert in support of his election campaign performed absolutely free several show business stars. Such as Diana Arbenina(gr. Night Snipers) and Vladi(gr. Kasta). By the way Caste not so long ago she released her new album, where she raises acute social topics in her tracks.

And the most important thing - Navalny epic breaks into Russian YouTube with film "He is not Dimon to you". He finds a platform that is not limited by censorship and allows him to convey the truth to the maximum number of viewers. Alexei becomes one of the top bloggers in the country, while not conducting challenges with condoms on their heads and not surveying expensive cars.

Although… He became an excellent observer of expensive yachts, cottages and estates of Usmanov and Medvedev. However, he became an observer of the entire life of the Russian people, who, outside the Moscow Ring Road, plunged into poverty and continuous problems. He denounced the true face of people's poverty in the vastness of the richest country. He found the root of the problems and was never unfounded, confirming his every word with weighty facts and documents revealed in the course of his own investigations, on which years were spent.

Each of us is free to judge for himself how honest this character is with the audience when he promises: "Give me power and it will work for you". Our resource is by no means a supporter of imposing our conclusions on the reader, but looking at the reaction of the authorities, which makes custom videos in which it highlights unsubstantiated facts about Navalny or buys "pop prostitutes" And "true" rappers like Ptakhi who were drug addicts yesterday, and today they are on the side of the government.

Close-minded bloggers are invited to the Duma to dissuade young people from going to rallies.

It’s easy to take the right side, even if you are extremely critical of the statements of both opponents (Navalny vs. the current government), and we live in an era when YouTube viewers need “proofs”.

And Navalny provides them to us, unlike the newly minted richest billionaire blogger Alisher Usmanov, which not only unable to provide evidence for his statements and hardly fits even in widescreen monitors of the audience, so also behaves familiarly and in places rudely in relation to both Navalny and the viewer.

We do not in any way call on our readers to take radical action and do not say that we are full supporters of the oppositional ideas of Alexei Navalny. All we want to convey is that corruption in Russia has become an obvious fact. And it flourishes to the very top. Servants of the people simply have their own people, and we are resigned to the fate of the slaves of our servants.

And if we sum up the full analysis of Navalny’s activities, then for now he is a clear people’s leader, but as practice shows, it’s not the one who collects views and subscribers, receiving popular recognition, standing with the people in the squares, who wins, but the one who has power over the ballot boxes at the polling stations. In general, referring to the words of the great:

Good luck, friends and good mood to you!


Parents of Alexei Navalny: father - Anatoly Ivanovich Navalny, co-owner and general director of the Kobyakovo wicker weaving factory, mother - Lyudmila Ivanovna Navalnaya, co-owner and commercial director of the Kobyakovo wicker weaving factory.

Wife - Yulia Borisovna Navalnaya, daughter Daria (born 2001), son Zakhar (born 2008).

Brother - Oleg Anatolyevich Navalny.


Alexei Navalny was born on June 4, 1976 in the military town of Butyn, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region.

In 1993, Navalny graduated from the Alabinsky secondary school in the military settlement of Kalininets. In the same year (according to other sources - in 1992) he moved to Moscow for permanent residence.

In 1993, Navalny entered the Faculty of Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In 1998 he graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and in 1999 he entered the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, from which he graduated in 2001.

Even while studying at PFUR, Navalny begins to gain work experience. For some time he worked in the legal department of the Aeroflot bank (until the bank's license was revoked in January 1997).

In 1997, Alexei Navalny enters the field of entrepreneurial activity.

In 1997 he registers LLC "Nesna" to organize hairdressing services, but the company was soon sold.

In 1997, Navalny registered Allekt LLC, in which until 2005 he served as deputy director for legal issues.

In 1998-1999, Navalny worked as a lawyer in the development company ST Group, owned by a businessman Shalva Chigirinsky(where he dealt with currency control and antitrust law), and then, according to media reports, he traded on the stock exchange and worked as a lawyer in various companies.

Alexei Navalny himself recalls the following about himself in the late 90s: " After jurisprudence, I graduated from "Securities and Exchange Business" at the Financial Academy. But there was a financial crisis, I lost what little money I had, and I never had to deal with it further. In addition, as it turned out, it was impossible to do this on the principle of "but I'm still a little trader", as a hobby, and I was not ready to devote myself to trading on the stock exchange".

In 2000, Navalny, together with fellow students at RUDN University, opened the company N.N. Securities, where he was the owner of 35% of the shares and held the post of chief accountant in it. "N. N. Securities" traded securities on the stock exchange, but the company went bankrupt.

In 2001, Navalny became a co-founder of the company "Eurasian transport systems"(Navalny's share is 34 percent of the shares), which specialized in logistics and road freight transportation.

In addition, Alexei Navalny participated in the family business of his parents: he owns 25% of the authorized capital of LLC "Kobyakovskaya basket weaving factory".

In 2006, Navalny worked as the host of the Urban Chronicles program at the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

In 2007, the firm "Allekt" was an agent of the party Union of Right Forces for advertising placement, and spent 99 million rubles through its accounts. According to official data, Navalny received a commission of 5% from the agreement with the Union of Right Forces, that is, approx. 5 million rubles. Subsequently, the firm "Allekt" was liquidated.

In 2008, Navalny founded "Union of Minority Shareholders", which, according to its own statement, should be engaged in protecting the rights of private investors. In the same year, Navalny bought shares in Rosneft, Gazprom, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Neft, Sberbank, and VTB for about 300,000 rubles.

Following the results of 2009, Alexei Navalny became the laureate of the fifth annual award of the Finance magazine in the nomination "For protecting the rights of minority shareholders".

In 2009, Navalny established LLC "Navalny and Partners" However, already in 2010 this company was liquidated.

In 2009, having become an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, Alexei Navalny moved to the Kirov region for a while.

In 2009, Navalny passed the qualification exam at the Chamber of Advocates of the Kirov Region and in 2010 transferred to Moscow city bar association.

The profession of a lawyer did not become the main source of income for Alexei Navalny: in his entire legal practice, he participated in 11 cases in arbitration courts, and only in two of them personally, and in other cases his representatives spoke on his behalf.

In 2010, Alexei Navalny completed a six-month training at Yale University under the program "Yale World Fellows", on the recommendation, Evgeniya Albats, And Oleg Tsyvinsky.

In June 2012, Navalny joined the board of directors "Aeroflot" according to the decision of the annual meeting of shareholders. Navalny was included in the profile committees for personnel, remuneration and audit.

In February 2013, the media reported that Navalny was not nominated as a candidate for the new board of directors of Aeroflot.

On July 18, 2013, Alexei Navalny was sentenced under the so-called "case of Kirovles": 5 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

On October 16, 2013, the Kirov Regional Court changed the conviction, giving Navalny a suspended sentence. The verdict came into force.


The political career of Alexei Navalny began in 2000 when he joined the Yabloko party.

In 2002, Navalny was elected to the regional council of the Moscow branch of the party, and from April 2004 to February 2007, Navalny headed the apparatus of the Moscow regional branch of the Yabloko party.

During this period, Navalny began active political cooperation with a number of young liberals, for example, Nikita Belykh, Natalia Morari And .

In 2004, Navalny founded a citywide movement "Committee for the Protection of Muscovites" directed " against corruption and violation of the rights of citizens in the course of construction in Moscow".

In 2005, Navalny, together with Denis Terekhov was the founder "Foundation for the Support of Democratic Initiatives".

In 2005, together with Maria Gaidar, Natalya Morar and other liberals, Navalny participated in the creation of the Youth Movement "YES!", where he manages the project "Police with the people".

Since 2006, Navalny has been working as the coordinator of the Political Debates project and the chief editor of the TV version of the project called Fight Club. In several programs where Navalny took part, Maria Gaidar appeared, Eduard Bagirov, Maksim Kononenko, Julia Latynina, , , Maxim Martsinkevich and other public figures.

June 23, 2007 Alexei Navalny becomes one of the co-chairmen of the movement "People"(together with writers and Sergey Gulyaev). This political entity was of a national character, its ideology was declared as " democratic nationalism - the struggle for democracy and the rights of Russians".

A certain circle of supporters of the novice politician Navalny has formed in the People movement. For example, the published Manifesto of the movement was signed by the communist Peter Miloserdov, leader of the St. Petersburg branch of the NBP Andrey Dmitriev, editor-in-chief of Limonka Alexey Volynets, National Bolshevik writer Zakhar Prilepin, as well as Pavel Svyatenkov, Igor Romankov, Mikhail Dorozhkin and other persons.

A well-known political scientist appeared among the sponsors of the "People" movement Stanislav Belkovsky. As Navalny himself later recalled: " Belkovsky came up to me and said: here, you are doing everything right, well done, and somehow we became friends with him on this topic. He introduced me to many people.".

In December 2007, a meeting of the Bureau of the Yabloko party was held on the issue of expelling Navalny from the party. Navalny was expelled from the Yabloko party with the wording " for causing political damage to the party, in particular for nationalist activities".

In 2008, the media announced the creation of the "Russian National Movement", which included organizations DPNI(leader - Alexander Belov), "Great Russia"(leader - Andrey Saveliev) and "People". Alexei Navalny said that the new association will participate in the next elections to the State Duma, having a chance to win:

"I think such an association will receive a fairly large percentage of votes and will claim victory ... Up to 60 percent of the population adheres to spontaneous nationalism, but it is not politically formalized in any way".

Most of the public organizations established with the participation of Navalny were "disposable" structures that quickly ceased to exist for various reasons. The same fate befell the "Russian National Movement", which, according to Navalny himself, "organizationally did not take place."

In May 2008, Alexei Navalny announced that the companies "Rosneft", Gazprom Neft And "Surgutneftegaz" hide information about their activities from shareholders. In the future, Navalny will collect a lot of political PR by "trolling" state corporations as a minority shareholder. Navalny will report embezzlement in VTB, Transneft and other state-owned companies.

In 2009, Alexei Navalny became a freelance adviser to the Governor of the Kirov Region, the former leader of the Union of Right Forces, Nikita Belykh.

In 2009, Navalny co-founded the Foundation for Supporting the Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region.

In 2010, having studied in the United States, Alexei Navalny begins systematic work to separate his person as an independent politician.

In November 2010, Navalny spoke at Helsinki Commission of the US Congress, headed by Senator Benjamin Cardin, where hearings were held on corruption in Russia.

In December 2010, Alexei Navalny announced the creation of the project "RosPil" aimed at combating abuses in public procurement.

In May 2011, Navalny launches the project "RosYama" directed, in his words, " to encourage the Russian authorities to improve the condition of roads".

In September 2011, Alexei Navalny established the Anti-Corruption Fund. Entrepreneurs became sponsors of the fund Boris Zimin And . Other public figures also supported the Navalny Foundation, for example, economist Sergei Guriev:

“I publicly supported Navalny. Now they say that many supported Khodorkovsky and advocated for Navalny. This is true. But nine people, including three foreigners, took part in the examination of the second Yukos case. Publicly supported the Fund ... only 16 people, including me and my wife."

On December 5, 2011, Navalny spoke at a government-sanctioned and movement-led rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Speaking to a crowd of thousands, Navalny in particular called " party of crooks, thieves and murderers".

After the end of the event, Navalny took part in an unauthorized march to the building of the Russian Central Election Commission on Lubyanka, during which he was detained by the police. Ilya Yashin, an opposition leader and co-chairman of the Solidarity UDM, was detained with him. The next day the judge Olga Borovkova found both guilty of resisting law enforcement officers and sentenced them to 15 days of administrative arrest.

After his release from arrest, Alexei Navalny continued his street activity.

Navalny took part in the rallies on Sakharov Avenue on December 24, 2011, in the procession along Yakimanka on February 4, 2012, in the White Ring action on February 26, in the rally on Pushkin Square on March 5, the "march of millions" on May 6 and other rallies and processions, as an independent political figure.

On May 9, 2012, Navalny was again sentenced to 15 days in prison for participating in an illegal rally on Kudrinskaya Square.

In May 2012, Navalny launches the Kind Machine of Truth campaign project, with the help of which Navalny plans to spread information about abuses and corruption in power.

On October 20-22, 2012 elections were held in Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition. Navalny, who ran on the civil list, received the largest number of votes - more than 43,000. In addition to him, Garry Kasparov, Ilya Yashin,,, and other opposition figures received a significant number of votes. However, the opposition Constitutional Court did not last even a year.

On November 8, 2012, Navalny launched an Internet service designed to file complaints about various shortcomings in the work of housing and communal services. The service was named "RosZhKH".

On April 4, 2013, on the air of the Dozhd channel, Alexei Navalny announced that he plans to take the post of president of Russia in the future.

In 2013 on early Moscow mayoral elections Alexei Navalny was nominated as the party's candidate. On July 10, 2013, Navalny submitted documents for registration to the Moscow City Electoral Committee, including 115 signatures of municipal deputies (which included representatives of United Russia at the request of the acting mayor of the capital). Sergei Sobyanin himself commented on this fact:

"Honestly, I don't know what the prospects for candidate Navalny are. We have done everything possible to register him so that Muscovites have a greater choice among candidates for mayor of Moscow."

During the elections, Navalny repeatedly announced fundraising in his support. During the campaign, the politician collected about 108 million rubles.

According to the results of the elections held on September 8, 2013, Alexei Navalny took 2nd place and received 27.24% of the votes of active voters.

In the fall of 2013, Alexei Navalny headed an unregistered party "People's Alliance", which was created by his associates in the Anti-Corruption Fund and the Opposition Coordinating Council.

Russian President Vladimir Putin about Alexei Navalny:

"This gentleman saddled a very fashionable topic of fighting corruption. I repeat once again, in order to fight corruption, first of all, you yourself need to be crystal clear. But there are problems. In this regard, I, unfortunately, have a suspicion that this just a way to win points, not a true desire to solve problems."

In 2013, on his blog, Navalny published documents that confirmed the presence of an undeclared apartment with a State Duma deputy from United Russia. Vladimir Pekhtin. As a result of the scandal that broke out in the media, Pekhtin voluntarily resigned his deputy mandate. This scandal was later referred to as "pehting".

In February 2014, the statement of "RosPil" became the reason for the arrest of the Deputy Mayor of Chita Vyacheslav Shulyakovsky, suspected of manipulating the apartments of orphans.

On February 28, 2014, the Basmanny Court changed the measure of restraint for Alexei Navalny from recognizance not to leave to house arrest until April 28: he was forbidden to leave his apartment without the permission of the investigator, use the telephone, mail and Internet, Navalny can communicate only with his relatives. On April 24, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow extended Navalny's house arrest until October 28, 2014.

During the Crimean events, March 20, 2014, the newspaper The New York Times published an article by Navalny in which he asked for additional sanctions against "Putin's inner circle", in particular, Navalny called on Western countries to freeze financial assets and confiscate the property of large Russian businessmen. The Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation has prepared an expanded list of persons for sanctions by the European Union. This document was published on the website of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.

On October 8, 2015, Alexei Navalny was restricted the right to travel abroad due to the fact that he did not pay off a debt in the amount of 4.5 million rubles (according to the lawyer Kobzev, Navalny paid 3 million rubles).

On December 1, 2015, the Anti-Corruption Foundation, headed by Navalny, published the results of its own investigation, in which it was alleged that the prosecutor general's relatives were engaged in illegal activities.

The materials also said that the ex-wife of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Gennady Lopatin Olga ran a joint business (Sakhar Kuban LLC) with the wives of gang members from stanitsa Kushchevskaya in the Kuban. Lopatina stated that this information is not true.

Prosecutor General Chaika said: It is obvious to me that this is an order that was obviously not executed with the money of the performers. Big money! The information presented is deliberately false and has no basis. It is absolutely clear to me who and what is behind this. I think I'll post it in the near future".

In response, Navalny said that he would file a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity.

Scandals, rumors

In the fall of 2006, a number of media reported that the then little-known "Yabloko" Navalny was one of the organizers of the nationalist "Russian March", Navalny himself rejected this. Nevertheless, Navalny subsequently repeatedly took part in the Russian Marches, including in 2006 as an observer from Yabloko.

The media reported that in 2010, many future pro-American "orange revolutionaries" studied at the same Yale course with Navalny: for example, Fares Mabrouk, an activist in the Tunisian revolution, and Lumumba Di-Aping, an activist in the revolution in Sudan.

In 2010, a resident of Penza appealed to law enforcement agencies for "desecrating the coat of arms of Russia" in the form of an image of a two-headed eagle with two saws in its paws on the logo of the RosPil project. In 2011, a similar statement was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation by a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from United Russia.

In April 2011, Alexei Navalny published a post on his blog citing the results of an investigation by the Hermitage Capital Management fund. In July 2011, a businessman Vladlen Stepanov filed a lawsuit against Navalny for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, compensation for moral damage. In October 2011, the court decided to partially satisfy the claim and recover 100 thousand rubles from Alexei Navalny, demanding that he publish a refutation of the information.

In May 2011, it became known that a criminal case was initiated against Navalny under Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust in the absence of signs of theft”). According to investigators, Navalny misled the director SUE "Kirovles" Vyacheslav Opalev, persuading him to conclude an unprofitable contract.

In August 2011, the infamous hacker hell hacked Navalny's email and made public his correspondence for several years. Navalny's correspondence revealed his connections with a number of politicians, businessmen and public figures, as well as foreign "partners".

In December 2012, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against Alexei Navalny and his brother Oleg Navalny for fraud. According to investigators, Navalny created a company LLC "Main Subscription Agency", with which in the spring of 2008 an unnamed trading company entered into an agreement for the implementation of cargo transportation of mail. In total, 55 million rubles were transferred to the account of the "Main Subscription Agency", while the actual cost of services was 31 million rubles.

In April 2013, the main investigative department TFR filed a criminal case against Oleg Navalny and his brother Alexei on the fact of fraud based on the statement of the general director of LLC "Multipurpose Processing Company" (IPC). According to the investigation, the brothers established the Alortag Management Limited company in Cyprus, which acted as the founder of the Main Subscription Agency LLC (GPA).

In 2008, Oleg Navalny, acting in collusion with his brother, convinced the representatives of the LLC to terminate contracts with direct counterparties for the provision of services for printing invoices, as well as for the delivery of terminal equipment to the regional departments of the federal postal service. This criminal case was combined in one proceeding with the criminal case on charges of the Navalny brothers of fraud against the company "Yves Rocher East".

On February 27, 2013, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that Alexei Navalny was interrogated in the main investigation department on the circumstances of his obtaining a lawyer's status. During the investigation of the criminal case on the facts of embezzlement of the property of the Kirovles company, the investigation "had doubts about the legality of obtaining a lawyer's status" in 2009 by Alexei Navalny, who at that time was an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region.

During the election campaign for the post of mayor of Moscow, it became known that Alexei Navalny, together with Maria Gaidar and Mikhail Eshkin, is the founder of the MRD COMPANY construction company registered on November 20, 2007 in Montenegro.

According to the electoral law, candidates must provide information about income, property and foreign assets, so Navalny's headquarters put forward the version that the site of the Montenegrin tax service was hacked, and later claimed that the company was registered without Navalny's knowledge. However, the Tax Service of Montenegro denied both the version of the hacking of the site and registration without the knowledge of the co-founder, stating that there are documents signed by all the co-founders.

The Central Election Commission of Russia considers the collection of donations for the campaign funds of Alexei Navalny through the Yandex.Money system a violation of electoral and tax laws. In August 2013, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced that they would check the data on the misappropriation by Navalny's supporters of part of the money transferred to his election campaign.

The material claimed that the opposition politician was financed by the authorities through the company of the common-law wife of Vladimir Ashurkov (one of the associates of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny and head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation) Alexandrina Markvo. The authors of the material pointed out that Bureau 17, owned by Markvo, "over and over again won competitions for holding various events for the Moscow City Hall and the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications in the period from 2012 to 2014." According to the authors' calculations, Markvo's company earned about 100 million rubles from tenders.

Soon the Investigative Committee of Russia began checking on the information contained in the publication. The investigation sees in it signs of a crime under the article "Fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale" when concluding and executing government contracts.

In August 2014, the human rights society "Memorial" included Alexei Navalny in the list of political prisoners in connection with his placement under house arrest in the case of fraud against "Yves Rocher", in which, according to human rights activists, there are political motives.

The case was considered by a judge of the Zamoskvoretsky Court Elena Korobchenko. The sentencing was expected on January 15, 2015 (on the same day the opposition planned to hold protests on Manezhnaya Square), but then it was unexpectedly postponed to December 30.

On that day, the court announced the operative part of the verdict: Oleg Navalny was sentenced to 3.5 years in a penal colony, Alexei Navalny was given 3.5 years of probation. The brothers must pay more than 4 million rubles to the MPK company, in addition, each of them was sentenced to a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

On the evening of December 30, an unauthorized opposition rally in support of the Navalny brothers took place on Manezhnaya Square. According to media reports, about 1,000 people gathered on the street under police control. The crowd chanted, among other things, pro-Ukrainian slogans "Glory to Ukraine!". There have been several arrests. Including on the way to Manezhnaya Square, Alexei Navalny himself was detained, who, having violated the regime of detention under house arrest, arrived at the rally.

In February 2015, the Russian media reported that opposition leader Alexei Navalny had a cousin in Ukraine who was active in anti-Russian activities.

Earlier, in the summer of 2013, Ukrainian journalists from Vesti discovered the relatives of the disgraced blogger in Ukraine during the elections in Moscow in the summer of 2013. It turned out that the brother of Navalny's father, Ivan Navalny, and his wife Lyubov live in the city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky.

Marina Navalnaya- the daughter of the uncle of the oppositionist and his cousin - turned out to be a very active representative of the anti-Russian propaganda front deployed in Ukraine. He is a city deputy of four convocations of the infamous "People's Party" of Ukraine.
