Proposals with separate additions. What are the rules for separating additions? In what cases are additions isolated?

Separating add-ons

Objects expressed by nouns can be attached to the main word (in most cases a predicate verb) using derived prepositions despite, in spite of, starting from, proceeding from, excluding, including, thanks to, according to, contrary to, in view of, as a result of, due to, on occasion, for lack of, due to, not counting, besides, apart from, in connection with, instead , along with With etc. In this case, separately common additions are intonationally highlighted in speech, and in writing they can be isolated.

1. Complements with prepositions are necessarily isolated anywhere in the sentence. despite, despite , formed from gerunds, as they gravitate towards participial phrases:

Despite the difference in morals , the brothers strongly adored each other.

Brothers, regardless of the difference in morals, strongly adored each other.

The brothers strongly adored each other, regardless of the difference in morals.

2. Additions with other prepositions are separated optionally. As a rule, complements with these prepositions are isolated, in this case they are in the middle of the sentence and occupy a place directly before the predicate verb, in other words, in reverse word order. Then the entire turn has the meaning of clarification with a special semantic load:

Our parking lot is in the bay, contrary to the expectations of many, dragged on.

Whole week, starting from Mon., Sun was shining.

3. Additions, most often, are not isolated, in which case they stand first or at the end of the sentence. At the beginning of the sentence they serve as a distributor of the entire expression (determinant), and at the end they take their usual place after the predicate and are deprived of any special semantic load:

Starting around 1797 Derzhavin's old age is filled with loving thoughts and quests.

The doctor made a diagnosis based on the patient's condition.

4. Turnovers with the union not to mention are isolated, in which case they have the meaning of exceptions from the general context of the sentence (preposition not to mention synonymous with preposition except ):

There was no other furniture in the room, apart from (=except for) a small table with a mirror.

The same phrases are not isolated; in this case, they have the meaning of being included in the general context of the sentence (here the preposition not to mention synonymous with preposition along with ):

Apart from a small table with a mirror, there was a bed in the room (= Together with a small table with a mirror, there was a bed in the room).

5. In that case the pretext instead of has the meaning “for”, “in exchange”, then the turnover with it is not isolated: Instead of a fur coat I put on a coat(instead of a fur coat); He sat in the cab of the car instead of the driver(for a driver, as a driver).

6. Turnover besides in the meaning of the introductory combination it is always separated by commas.

Since the isolation of additions is mainly optional, it is necessary to closely monitor the teacher’s intonation when dictating, and when performing exercises, take into account the word order.

Exercise for the topic “Isolating additions”

Exercise: arrange punctuation marks, focusing on the norm of isolating additions.

1. Apart from a few willow trees that are always ready to serve and 2-3 skinny birches, we will not see anything.

2. Apart from French spelling, my father seemed to know nothing thoroughly.

3. In addition to the daytime predators of eagles, hawks and falcons, various nocturnal eagle owls and owls also live in our forests.

4. The editor listened to him and smiled against his own will.

5. Instead of naked cliffs, I saw greenish mountains and trees around me.

6. In the back room of the monastery, damp and cool, on a wretched bed covered with a fluffy cloak with a blanket instead of a pillow, lay Tchertop-hanov, no longer pale but yellowish-green.

7. To Kashtanka’s majestic surprise, the carpenter, instead of being horrified, stretched out to the front and put all his fingers under the visor.

8. I was already beginning to think that there was no other place for me besides literature.

9. The words that gave rise to our quarrel seemed even more vile to me when, instead of indecent mockery, I saw in them a well-thought-out insinuation.

10. Apart from a few minor shortcomings, Polutykin was a good person.

11. I lived in the garden all summer, except for naturally rainy days.

12. The black-necked swan has white plumage, but the head, except for the snow-white eyebrows, and three-quarters of the neck are dark.

13. I looked in all directions, expecting to see the harsh bastions of the tower and rampart, but I saw nothing except a village surrounded by a log fence.

14. Rahim and I are cooking fish soup from freshly caught fish and we are both in that mood when our hearts are so pure and simple and there are no other desires except the desire to think.

15. Who, besides the hunter, has experienced how difficult it is to wander through the bushes at dawn?

16. Apart from a damaged extendable table with 13 legs of unequal length and 4 old straw chairs, there was nothing in the room.

17. My cab driver told me that Yermolov never visits anyone, except like his own father, an ordinary pious old man, that he only sees city officials.

18. Accompanied by my chilled dog, I went up to the porch in the hallway, opened the door, but instead of the usual utensils of the hut, I saw a few tables littered with papers, two burgundy cabinets, tin sandboxes weighing a pound, long feathers, and so on.

19. He undressed because he routinely undressed in the monastery, preparing to lie down under a flannelette blanket, in other words, he took off everything except his underwear, then he sat down on a stool and, looking in the mirror, began to perform amazing things on himself.

20. He was a decent quitter and, besides, very stupid.

21. In the black distance there was nothing except sparkling lights.

22. Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side.

23. The entire crew of the ship, including the captain and chief engineer and barman, consisted of eight or 9 people.

24. In addition to the pretzel shop, our owner also had a bakery.

25. The plane, along with the passengers, also captured mail.

27. Instead of telling the content of the story, we will present only a short outline of its basic morals.

28. Everyone except Varya loudly applauded the singers.

29. The mood of the crew was higher than usual.

30. All material, including travelers’ diaries, is painstakingly studied.


1. Apart from a few willow trees, always ready to serve, and 2-3 skinny birches, we will not see anything.

2. Father, apart from French spelling, seemed to know nothing thoroughly.

3. In addition to predators, daytime eagles, hawks and falcons, various nocturnal eagle owls, owls, and owls also live in our forests.

4. The editor listened to him and, despite his own will, smiled.

5. Instead of naked cliffs, I saw greenish mountains and trees around me.

6. In the back room of the monastery, damp and cool, on a wretched bed covered with a fluffy cloak with a blanket instead of a pillow, lay Tchertop-hanov, no longer pale, but yellow-green.

7. To Kashtanka’s great surprise, the carpenter, instead of being horrified, stretched out to the front and put all his fingers under the visor.

8. I was already beginning to think that there was no other place for me, apart from literature.

9. The words that gave rise to our quarrel seemed even more vile to me when, instead of indecent mockery, I saw in them a well-thought-out insinuation.

10. Apart from a few minor shortcomings, Polutykin was a good person.

11. All summer, excluding, of course, rainy days, I lived in the garden.

12. The black-necked swan has white plumage, but the head, except for the snow-white eyebrows and three-quarters of the neck, is dark in color.

13. I looked in all directions, expecting to see the harsh bastions of the tower and rampart, but I saw nothing, except for a village surrounded by a log fence.

14. Rahim and I are cooking fish soup from freshly caught fish and we are both in that mood when our hearts are so pure and simple and there are no other desires, except for the desire to think.

15. Who, besides the hunter, has experienced how difficult it is to wander through the bushes at dawn?

16. There was nothing in the room, apart from a damaged extendable table on 13 legs of unequal length and 4 old straw chairs.

17. My driver told me that Yermolov never visits anyone, except like his own father, an ordinary pious old man, that he sees only city officials.

18. Accompanied by my chilled dog, I went up to the porch, opened the door in the hallway, however, instead of the usual utensils of the hut, I saw a few tables littered with papers, two burgundy cabinets, tin sandboxes weighing a pound, long feathers, and so on.

19. He undressed as he usually undressed at the monastery, preparing to lie down under a flannelette blanket, in other words, he took off everything except his underwear, then sat down on a stool and, looking in the mirror, began to perform amazing things on himself.

20. He was a decent quitter and, besides, very stupid.

21. There was nothing in the black distance, except for sparkling lights.

22. Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side.

23. The entire crew of the ship, including the captain, the chief engineer, and the barman, consisted of eight or 9 people.

24. Apart from the pretzel shop, our owner also had a bakery.

25. The plane, along with the passengers, also captured mail.

26. Nikolai had to work in place of a suddenly ill comrade.

27. Instead of telling the content of the story, we will present only a short outline of its basic morals.

28. Everyone, except Varya, loudly applauded the singers.

29. The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high.

30. All material, including travelers’ diaries, is painstakingly studied.

See also: exercise on the topic “Punctuation marks in phrases with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion and substitution” (isolating additions).


  • §95 “Separate additions” in the manual by Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. "Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing"
  • Chapter “Punctuation marks in phrases with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion and substitution” in the manual by N.S. Valgina, V.N. Svetlysheva. "Russian language. Spelling and punctuation"
  • Exercise from the manual by Kazarina S.G., Milyuk A.V., Usacheva M.P. “Punctuation” (link to download manual)
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What are the rules for placing commas for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions?
  • What are the rules for placing commas in separate definitions?
  • When is a hyphen used in an application?
  • What are the rules for placing dashes in isolated applications?
  • What are the rules for using commas in stand-alone applications?
  • When are adverbial phrases separated by commas?
  • When are adverbial phrases not separated by commas?
  • Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

    § 21. Separate additions

    § 21. Separate additions

    1. Depending on the semantic load, the degree of distribution of the phrase, proximity to the main part of the sentence, etc., nouns with prepositions (or prepositional combinations) can be separated. except, instead of, apart from, over, except for, along with s, etc. (conventionally called additions) with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion, substitution, i.e., restrictive or expansive meaning. The optionality of their isolation is evident from the following comparisons:

    At the outpostinstead of a sentrythere was a collapsed booth(P.). - IN a place of bare cliffs,I saw green mountains and fruitful trees around me(P.); He wanted to speak again, butinstead of wordssome kind of dull bubbling sound came from his chest(Grieg.). - With quick steps I walked through the long “square” of bushes, climbed the hill and,instead of the expected familiar plain with an oak forest to the right and a low white church in the distance,I saw completely different places unknown to me(T.);

    And Mikhail Sinitsky became a Red Army guard, a participant in all the glorious deeds of his magnificent battalion, bearingalong with everyone elsehardships of battle(Floor.). - Mr Hopkins,along with other people in gray helmets,stood motionless(Cor.);

    No matter how much a person strivesbesides school,to acquire knowledge on his own, he will still be, as they say, self-taught. - Many of the fightersbesides his rifle,were armed with captured machine guns(Floor.);

    You will receive everything you needabove pension(T.). - Grandfather orderedover a monthgive the poultry house half a pound of wheat flour every month for pies(Ax.).

    Examples of stand-alone additions: The crowd dispersedexcept for a few curious people and boys(T.); Beyond all expectationgrandma gave me several books(Ax.); Everyone took part in the general conversation,except Kitty and Levin (L.T.); Here, in addition to a small table with a mirror, a stool and rags,hung in the corners, there was no other furniture and,instead of a lamp,a bright fan-shaped light was burning(Ch.); For lack of space in the outbuilding,I was given a room in the count's mansion(Ch.); I really liked the storyexcept for some details(M.G.); Crew's moodbeyond the usualwas elated(N.-P.); All,with the exception of Varya,the singers applauded loudly(Step.); Four guns alternately sent shells there, but,beyond Grigoriev's expectations,the gunfire did not cause any noticeable confusion in the ranks...(Sh.)

    2. Pretext except has two meanings:

    1) “except for someone or something”, “not counting someone or something”: Except for the seagulls,there was no one at sea(M.G.);

    2) “above someone or something”, “in addition to someone or something”: Except the old mantwo more came to us that day(Ch.). In both meanings the turnover is with a preposition except usually stands apart:

    1) (exception) In addition to the big smoke in Zamoskvorechye,nothing reminded me of the night fight(Leon.); House,except this room,stood boarded up(A.T.); Everyone smiledexcept for the lieutenant(Kaz.); He expected anythingBesides;

    2) (inclusion) In addition to dishes and gravy boats,there were many pots on the table(G.); Now we heardexcept for rooks,human voices(A.T.); Except for the wild beastThere are also different kinds of birds in these places.

    However, in the press there are also non-isolated phrases with the preposition except with enable value: Besides salarythey also receive bonuses;In addition to drawingsmore drawings were attached;Except the ownersthere were guests in the room;Except your chemistryThere are other sciences too.

    Variability of punctuation allows, in some cases, to clarify the text; compare: Others were also invitedexcept you(meaning of exception: “others were invited, but you were not invited”). - P invited others tooexcept you(meaning of inclusion: “you were invited along with others”).

    Sometimes the volume of isolated turnover with a preposition except with the meaning of inclusion changes depending on the meaning introduced into the sentence. Wed: In addition to recordings of live dialect speech,locally there are other sources of replenishing our knowledge about the vocabulary wealth of folk dialects(i.e. recordings of live dialect speech are an additional source to those already available in the field). - In addition to recordings of live dialect speech in the field,there are other sources of replenishing our knowledge about the vocabulary wealth of folk dialects(i.e., field records are a complementary source to other available sources).

    Usually, is isolated turnover from except with negative pronouns nobody, nothing and interrogative pronouns who, what: I couldn’t distinguish anything,except for the muddy torsion of a blizzard (P.);While hunting, Uncle Eroshka ate one piece of bread for a day and drank nothing but water (L.T.); Nobody,except the sun and blue sky,doesn't look at him(M.G.); Who,except ourselves,should care about nature conservation?; What,besides condemnation,may cause disrespect for society?

    Separate themselves revolutions with combinations other than that, no joke And Besides(in the meaning of the introductory word): We are evil to no one,except for bears,we don't(Mark.); Jokes aside,do you really like such books?(Adv.); Mechik finally convinced himself that Baklanov was much better and smarter than him, that Baklanov,Besides,very brave and strong person(F.). Turnover Besides is also separated after the union: And besides…; But besides that...; If, in addition...; Although, besides that... etc.

    3. Turnover with preposition instead of used and is isolated in two cases:

    1) as an addition depending on the predicate verb: Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg,boredom awaited me in the deaf and distant side(P.) - the turnover is connected with the predicate, since both “could have been waiting for me”; separation is optional;

    2) as a special construction not controlled by a predicate verb: Instead of answeringKirila Petrovich received a letter(P.) - the phrase is not syntactically related to the predicate, since a phrase is not formed submit a response;Instead of answering some request,Zurin wheezed and whistled(P.) - the same: word answer lexically does not combine with words wheezed and whistled; separation Necessarily.

    Wed. Also: Besides my work,I now also work at the Radio Committee(Paul.).

    But if the excuse instead of has the meaning “for”, “in exchange”, then the turnover with it is not isolated: Instead of a bay stallionKorzh was given a thick white gelding(Dick.); Instead of a fur coatput on his coat; Went to the meetinginstead of the manager.

    From the book Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

    § 18. Separate definitions Agreed definitions1. Common definitions expressed by a participle or an adjective with words dependent on it (the so-called

    From the book Murphy's ABCs author author unknown

    § 19. Separate applications 1. A common application is isolated, expressed by a common noun with dependent words and relating to a common noun (usually such an application comes after the word being defined, less often - in front of it):

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DO) by the author TSB

    § 20. Special circumstances

    From the book 100 Great Museums of the World author Ionina Nadezhda

    § 21. Isolated additions 1. Depending on the semantic load, the degree of distribution of the phrase, proximity to the main part of the sentence, etc., nouns with prepositions (or prepositional combinations) can be isolated except, instead of, besides, over, except,

    From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

    Additions Jackson's Law of Accessibility As soon as an idea becomes clear to everyone, it is time to change it. Axiom of Anonymous Sr. Science is a strict classification of what is considered facts today. Science is the creation of dilemmas through the systematic destruction of mysteries. Axiom

    From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

    From the book A Million Plants for Your Garden author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

    Additions Football Museum In London, there is perhaps the only Football Museum in the world. Fans of this sport can watch fifteen-minute films there about outstanding matches of the past, as well as photographs telling the history of football. And the history of football

    From the author's book

    7.37. Decoupled Applications Applications come in different flavors: consistent, inconsistent, and distributed applications. Each application is isolated and separated by commas or dashes (quotes) in the sentence. If the agreed application and defined by it

    From the author's book

    7.38. Isolated additions Additions that consist of prepositions except, besides, excluding, including, with the exception of, over, along with, instead, are isolated and highlighted in writing with commas: Who, except a hunter, can know and love his native places! The plane, along with

    From the author's book

    7.39. Special circumstances There are several types of circumstances, for example, circumstances of reason, assignment, time, condition. In a sentence, these circumstances are expressed by phrases that denote a situation or event. Included in the circumstances

    From the author's book

    § 92. Separate definitions 1. As a rule, common definitions expressed by a participle or an adjective with words dependent on them and standing after the defined term are separated (separated by a comma, and in the middle of the sentence separated by commas on both sides)

    From the author's book

    § 93. Separate applications 1. A common application is isolated, expressed by a common noun with dependent words and relating to a common noun (usually such an application comes after the word being defined, less often - in front

    From the author's book

    § 94. Isolated circumstances 1. The participle phrase, as a rule, is isolated regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the predicate verb, for example: Walking next to him, she was silent, looking at him with curiosity and surprise (Gorky); Joy in entering one

    From the author's book

    § 95. Separate additions Nouns with prepositions or prepositional combinations are separated optionally (depending on the semantic load, the volume of the phrase, emphasizing its role in the sentence, etc.) except, instead of, besides, over, except,

    From the author's book

    § 180. Place of the complement in a sentence 1. The complement usually follows the control word, for example: proofread the manuscript, correct typos, ready for typing. An object (most often direct), expressed by a pronoun (personal, indefinite), may precede the manager

    From the author's book

    Some additions to the introduction The most common plants in our gardens are the Asteraceae Dum. family. This family includes plants whose flower baskets consist of white or colored smooth and, as a rule, flat marginal petals and yellow

    Isolation is the punctuation and intonation highlighting of any member of a sentence. In writing, the secondary members of the sentence are highlighted. Let's consider cases of isolation of additions.

    Additions expressed nouns with prepositions , can be attached to the main word (most often a predicate verb) using prepositions except, instead of, apart from, over, except for, along with s and others with the meaning:



    substitution, i.e. restrictive or expansive meaning.

    Squad, except for three or four people, as usual, broke up into groups.

    Objects expressed by a noun with prepositions over, besides, except for, outfit at s, etc., stand out intonationally in speech, and in writing, in at the beginning and at the end of a sentence, may become isolated comma.

    Besides books , there were papers and pens on the table.

    Beyond all expectations , my son showed good results on the Unified State Exam.

    Complements expressed by a noun with a preposition except, are isolated.

    There was no other furniture in the house, except chair, table and couch.

    Turnover with preposition except may also matter exceptions, and value inclusions:

    Except the hostess , there was no one in the hut.- Meaning exceptions: the hostess was there, but no one else was there.

    Except pieces of bark There were bundles of dry herbs and roots on the table.- Meaning inclusion: everything listed was on the table.

    Usually turnover is not separated with a pretext except with the meaning of inclusion in sentences where there is tight semantic connection between components.

    Except basic spells, other information important for witchcraft was written down in the book.

    Turnover Besides in meaning introductory combinations always stand out commas:

    Baba Yaga remembered all the spells by heart for a long time, besides, she lost the book a long time ago.

    Turnover with preposition instead of may include nouns denoting actions and objects. In the first case, the turnover is always separated by commas:

    Instead of an answer , Baga Yaga held out a pine cone.

    In the second case separation not necessary:

    Instead of In the familiar forest, Baba Yaga saw an impenetrable dark thicket.

    If the pretext instead of has the meaning "for", "in return" then the turnover with him is usually not isolated:

    Instead of Baba Yaga's guard dog had a feisty black cat.

    Instead of felt boots He pulled his gloves over his heels.


    1. Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Litnevskaya E.I. and others. Russian language.
    2. Barkhudarov. S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu., Cheshko L.A. Russian language.
    3. All about complicated sentences ().
    4. Punctuation marks for isolated additions ().
    5. Exercises ().
    6. Tests ().
    1. Rosenthal D.E. and others. Directory. ().
    2. Complete academic reference book edited by V.V. Lopatina ().
    3. Presentation "Separate additions" ().


    Exercise: Place punctuation marks based on the rule for separating additions.

    1. Apart from a few willow trees, always ready to serve, and two or three skinny birches, we will see nothing.
    2. My father didn’t know anything other than French spelling.
    3. In addition to the daytime predators of eagles, hawks and falcons, various nocturnal eagle owls and owls also live in our forests.
    4. The editor listened to him and smiled against his will.
    5. Instead of bare cliffs, I saw green mountains and trees around me.
    6. In the back room of the house, damp and cold, on a wretched bed covered with a shaggy cloak with a blanket instead of a pillow, Tchertop-hanov was no longer pale, but yellow-green.
    7. To Kashtanka’s great surprise, the carpenter, instead of being frightened, stretched out to the front and put all his fingers under the visor.
    8. I was already beginning to think that there was no other place for me except literature.
    9. The words that gave rise to our quarrel seemed even more vile to me when, instead of obscene ridicule, I saw in them deliberate slander.
    10. With the exception of a few minor shortcomings, Polutykin was an excellent person.

    Separating add-ons

    Hello guys!

    Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook.

    During the lesson, you will remember the rules for isolating additions, consolidate the ability to find isolated additions in a sentence, and distinguish them from isolated definitions. Practice placing punctuation marks in sentences with additions.

    Watch the video tutorial carefully.

    Write it down in your linguistic notebook (for those who didn’t write it down in class).

    Rule Example

    1. Usually clarifying additions with prepositions are isolated except, instead of, besides, including, excluding, over, along with, in differences from and others with the meaning of exclusion, addition, substitution, distinction.

    Instead of shaved cheekbones, he now hadgoatee.

    2. The isolation of additions is associated with their prevalence, emphasizing their role by the author.Ifinstead of = for, no separation.

    The qualifying and qualifying words can be different parts of the sentence.

    At the outpost, instead of a sentry, there was a collapsed booth.

    3 Clarifying additions can be separated usingdash (author's - highlight for some reason).

    Everyone - with the exception of the guilty - was severely punished.

    Read more about cases of isolating complements with prepositions >>

    Exercise 1.

    Place punctuation marks. Emphasize grammatical basics and special additions.

    1) Lisa along with everyone elseI had to look for a service. 2) The entire field is overgrown with bushes except for a small clearing. 3) Many of the fighters, in addition to their rifles, werearmed with captured machine guns. 4) Instead of a coat, he put on a jacket. 5) Unlike his strong grandfather, my father looked frail and sickly.

    Exercise 2.

    Divide the notebook paper into two columns.

    Determine which part of the sentence is isolated and write it in the appropriate column.

    While hunting, Uncle Eroshka ate one piece of bread for days and drank nothing but water. (L. Tolstoy.) 2) Instead of answering some request, he [Zurin] wheezed and whistled. (A. Pushkin.) 3) He, with his intelligence and experience, could have already noticed that she was marking him. (A. Pushkin.) 4) Beyond Grigoriev’s expectations, the gunfire did not cause noticeable confusion in the ranks of the Reds. (M. Sholokhov.) 5) Surprised, he even almost stopped. (I. Bunin.) 6) Everyone, with the exception of Varya, loudly applauded the singers. (A. Stepanov.)

    Underline the isolated parts of the sentence.


    Separating add-ons

    Testing knowledge on the topic.

    Russian language 8th grade | Date: 03/23/2014 | Questions: 10 |

    Question No. 1

    Find the sentence(s) with a separate object.

    Question No. 2

    What numbers should be replaced by commas? Approaching the intersection (1) I (2) against my will (3) turned onto a familiar street (4) and (5) only after walking about fifteen meters (6) I caught myself and went back.

    Question No. 3

    Indicate which sentence has a separate complement.

    Question No. 4

    Indicate a sentence that is complicated by separate additions.

    Question No. 5

    Which phrase with the word instead should be isolated?
