Irina Shayk revealed to Ivan Urgant the secret of the tinfoil hat and held a make-up master class. "Evening Urgant" attempts by Irina Shayk to strangle Ivan Urgant live (video) Ivan Urgant's show with Irina Shayk

Ivan Urgant's lip is not stupid. The famous showman strives to invite to his program " Evening Urgant" beautiful girls. Natalia Vodianova and Elizaveta Boyarskaya have already visited the studio of the program, and now it is the turn of top model Irina Shayk.

Irina's schedule is crazy, but once in Moscow (Irina received the "Top Model of the Year" award from "Glamour"), the girl could not refuse Ivan. Yesterday she came to the Urgant show and immediately took the initiative into her own hands. As a hospitable man, Ivan offered Irina a mug of tea. The beauty accepted the mug, drank the drink and remarked with mock annoyance: "I thought it was vodka." Urgant had to explain that "not everything is the same with us as in your life."
After exchanging jokes, Ivan, just in case, clarified whether it was true that Shake was from a small town. "Yes, this is a city southern Urals where there are many factories. But a beautiful city, in fact ... You come in a mask - and it's normal, - the top model continued to ironically. - This mining town, all the mines have already, however, been closed ... By the way, I am often asked: "Why do you have such beautiful girls". And I say that, probably, because we have very high level radiation…”

The conversation then turned to Cristiano Ronaldo. "Irina, tell us about a man who, by the way, is better known here in Russia than there in America," Ivan asked. - “We look at secular photographs, where you hug him this way, that way, we look and envy both you and him ....” “Do you envy him?”,- playfully clarified the beauty.
Urgant decided to go on the offensive and presented the public with a joint photo of Irina and Krishtian, and then showed a photo collage in which Ksenia Sobchak took Shayk's place. “Not bad, by the way, they look,” the model calmly remarked.

Despite the mutual "hairpins", Ivan and Irina parted friends. Urgant presented the beauty with a bouquet of roses and asked to "be photographed more often." “In what form, Ivan?” the model asked. - " Maybe you have special requests?

Started on Channel One new season program "Evening Urgant". Among the first guests of the entertainment show was Irina Shayk. The supermodel appeared in the transfer studio in a tight lace cocktail dress, which greatly embarrassed Ivan Urgant. The host showed with all his appearance that he was subdued by the beauty of the star.

However, as soon as the conversation began, it became clear that Irina was not in the mood to answer the host's tricky questions. Shayk flatly refused to tell Urgant anything about her ex-boyfriend Cristiano Ronaldo and current lover Bradley Cooper. But the supermodel hinted that she was in great shape. physical form and can even demonstrate the technique of jiu-jitsu. The star is engaged in Japanese freestyle wrestling and a special system of self-defense without weapons.

Ivan could not refuse the lady, after which he was captured from behind by her graceful, but strong arms. Irina almost strangled the host while performing the exercise. Urgant caught his breath and commented with a laugh that oil from the model's body was left on his beard.

After such a dangerous and unexpected moment of the program, Ivan suggested that Irina, as a professional in the field of beauty, transform his appearance with the help of cosmetics. The only condition was that the model had to apply makeup blindfolded. Shayk showed complete imperturbability, thickly applying makeup around Urgant's eyes, and also painting his lips with scarlet lipstick.

Seeing the result in the mirror, Ivan suggested that it would be possible to show him again the method of strangulation from behind, they say, it would look more spectacular, but Irina modestly refused to repeat what she had done.

By the way, it is possible that Shayk refused to talk about her personal life on the air of Evening Urgant due to the fact that now her relationship with Bradley Cooper is going through a difficult moment. Recently, in the influential Western tabloid The Sun, information appeared that the lovers had cooled off towards each other. Allegedly, the couple even quarreled.

“Bradley told Irina that he would not tolerate such behavior. The model proudly packed her things and slammed the door to Mrs. Campano's house. Of course, Irina hoped for reconciliation with her beloved, but Bradley was adamant - the couple broke up less than a year after the start of the novel, ”the insider quotes the publication.

In the program "Evening Urgant" Irina Shayk tried to strangle the host in live.

The famous top model Irina Shayk, who became a guest of the Evening Urgant program on September 5, demonstrated to the presenter a strangling combat technique and told why she walks in a foil cap.

"Evening Urgant" revealed the new abilities of Irina Shayk

Famous Russian top model Irina Shayk took part in the filming next issue popular program "Evening Urgant".

On the air of the First Channel show, the model not only talked about participating in fashion shows and filming in Hollywood films, but also demonstrated self-defense skills. As the beauty admitted, in addition to fitness hobbies, she also practices martial arts, in particular jiu-jitsu.

In confirmation of her words, the model demonstrated a suffocating combat technique to the host Ivan Urgant.

“I don’t like running, but you can use jiu-jitsu as a cardio workout. Or you can use it as a means of self-defense. By the way, I can show you one of the tricks,” the model suggested.

After Urgant agreed, Shayk showed him the technique. According to Urgant, he was not in pain.

“But the oil that was on your body is now all on my beard,” Ivan joked.

The model also commented on a photograph that appeared on social networks, in which she is depicted in an unusual foil headdress.

“Someone suggested that this was a connection with space. In fact, I went to a spa in Italy. It was a hair mask, and so that it was absorbed into the skin, my hair was wrapped in foil,” Shayk explained.

At the same time, the model refused to comment on information about her relationship with the striker of Real Madrid and the Portuguese national football team Cristiano

Top model Irina Shayk became a guest of the Evening Urgant program. The TV presenter and viewers of the program were interested in high-profile novels with football player Cristiano Ronaldo and Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper.

Irina came out to the presenter in a tight-fitting mini-dress with a deep neckline. Ivan could not help but appreciate the beautiful forms of the model and complimented her:

Well, in general, you look as usual. As usual, it’s good, - Urgant praised. And immediately took the bull by the horns:

Can we talk to you about what all the tabloids in the world are talking about? he asked, hinting at Shake's private life. But Irina was adamant:

Photo: video frame

Most likely, the model's managers warned Urgant in advance that Irina was bound by non-disclosure contracts. It is a common thing for girls to sign such documents with their star boyfriends in the Western show business. And therefore he cannot talk about his gentlemen. But Ivan did not let up:

You know, I was preparing for this broadcast. Now, then, films can be thrown away, - and with these words, a stack of DVDs with paintings by Bradley Cooper went into the basket.

Forgive me guys. But to be honest, Ira, we support your choice with the whole country, ”the TV presenter said, hinting at Irina’s current boyfriend Bradley Cooper and rumors about Cristiano’s gay orientation.

Continuing the theme of Hollywood, Ivan asked Ira about her film debut: Shayk starred in the film "Hercules" with Dwayne Jones. Irina played the tragically deceased wife of Hercules.

I had a very small role, - the fashion model stated with regret. - They killed me right away. I said only one phrase, and they immediately decided to remove me. I'm a model, not an actress.

We also talked about the most scandalous picture of Irina recent months: The paparazzi photographed the model in a tinfoil hat.

In the summer, such a photograph appeared, ”Urgant began, showing a picture of Irina in a bikini. - You are on some kind of vacation, and you have some kind of metal cap on your head. You are a trendsetter, many women, seeing this, can say: "I want the same." Explain to us what it is?

Someone suggested that this is a connection with the cosmos, - the model recalled laughing. “Actually, I went to a spa in Italy. It was a hair mask, and in order for it to be absorbed into the skin, my hair was wrapped in foil.

Irina is fond of fitness, and last love models - martial arts, and in particular - jujitsu.

I don't like running, but you can use Jiu Jitsu as a cardio workout. Or you can as a means of self-defense. I can show you, by the way, one of the tricks, - suggested Shayk.

Break my finger? Vanya tensed up.

No, I need to come up behind you, - with these words, Irina stood behind Urgant. It's called a rear naked choke. I won't hurt you...

But, judging by Ivan's face at the moment when the model's arms wrapped around his neck, she strangled him thoroughly.

Did I squeeze you too hard? Ira asked sympathetically.

No. But the oil that was on your body is now all on my beard, commented Urgant.

You will be my first man, Ivan, with whom I do this, - Ira admitted.

Irina Shayk has become a guest of the Evening Urgant show for the third time, and each episode is accompanied by increased interest from viewers. This time, Irina flew to Russia to participate in Fashion's Night Out-2016, but before that she met with Ivan. Irina flatly refused to talk about relations with Cristiano Ronaldo's ex-boyfriend and current lover Bradley Cooper, but she revealed the secret of the tinfoil hat in which she was captured during a recent vacation in Italy, and took part in a fun contest.

What purpose did not come up with this hat in the media, including communication with space. As we thought, the cap was needed to increase the effectiveness of the hair mask.

I went to a spa in Italy, and they made me a hair mask there. For it to be absorbed into the skin, I was offered this. They didn't have a plastic cap, so they decided to wrap their hair in foil.

Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper in Italy

Irina also spoke about her favorite on this moment sport - jiu-jitsu. The model could not show many tricks because of the narrow dress, but one - suffocating - nevertheless offered to demonstrate on Ivan.

Irina Shayk demonstrates a choke hold on Ivan Urgant

The next no less interesting proposal was made by Ivan Irina. The TV presenter invited the model to participate in the competition - to do a quick make-up with her eyes closed. Irina put on a sleep mask, and... It's better to see it for yourself.
