Oblomov and Stolz have been friends since childhood. Oblomov and Stolz: comparative characteristics

Why are Stolz and Oblomov friends?

The idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" arose by the end of the 50s of the XIX century, at the same time Goncharov in the "Literary collection with illustrations" published the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", which later became the compositional center of the work. The novel was published in full in 1859 in the journal Domestic Notes.

The whole work of Goncharov is built on the antithesis, which helped the author to better reveal the characters of the characters, to reveal the author's intention. The novel contrasts the central characters - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz.

From the first pages of the novel, starting with the portrait characteristics of the characters, the reader notices the difference between them. The antipode of the “flabby beyond his years”, bored and apathetic Oblomov is Stolz, all made up of “bones, muscles and nerves”, energetic and prudent. However, despite all the differences between the heroes, the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz lasts for many years. What is the reason for the close friendship of the characters?

The secret of the long friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, first of all, lies in the fact that the characters have known each other since childhood. Goncharov shows how the years of childhood and general studies bring together such different characters: "...they were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs." Drawing pictures of life in Oblomovka, the writer draws attention to the scenes of joint games of children and notices that Stolz was accepted as one of his own in the Oblomov family. Being by nature an inquisitive and active boy, Oblomov enjoys exploring the world around him with Stolz. According to Goncharov, it is the difference in education that determines the different formation of characters. In the composition “Oblomov’s Dream”, a large place is given to the school years of the heroes: if Oblomov’s parents left the child at home at every opportunity, spoiled him, then Stolz’s father taught Andrei to work and earn money from an early age, brought up in him industriousness, dedication.

The relationship between Stolz and Oblomov persists into adulthood, remaining as trusting as in childhood. The reason for this is the ability to appreciate the best qualities of each other. Stolz, despite Oblomov's apathy and laziness, saw in him his "pure", "crystal" soul. Oblomov, in turn, sincerely appreciates the best features of Stolz: efficiency, deep mind, decency. Ilya Ilyich, escaping from real life into the beautiful world of dreams, and Andrei Stolz, rational, controlling everything, find in each other those qualities that they cannot reveal in themselves.

Friendship of heroes is built not only on mutual understanding and empathy, but also on mutual assistance. It is the arrival of Stolz that brings diversity to Oblomov's life, introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya and thereby contributes to the transformation of Ilya Ilyich. In turn, only next to Oblomov does Stolz find peace of mind, calmness, can reflect on the meaning of life. In the episode of the dispute between the heroes (part 2, chapter 4), the worldview of each of them is revealed. To Oblomov’s thoughts about the meaninglessness and emptiness of secular life and romantic dreams of life in the village, Stolz exclaims: “Yes, you are a poet, Ilya!” So Stoltz recognizes the spiritual beauty, the sublimity of a friend.

The topic of friendship Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" reveals on the example of the relationship between two characters, whose characters and lifestyle are opposed to each other. However, the differences between Oblomov and Stolz are only external, since both heroes are individuals who are in constant search of their own "I", but have not been able to fully reveal themselves and realize their full potential. The images of the heroes are dramatic, since neither the constantly active, prudent Stolz, nor Oblomov, who lives in illusions, find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual. This leads to the death of Ilya Ilyich and Stolz's internal conflict.

The main characters of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" are Oblomov and Stolz. The essay must begin with a description of the writer's intention. Goncharov shows the gradual death of the human soul. Of course, the author was not the first to bring such an image to the pages of the work, but he portrayed it in such a scale and versatility that literature did not know before him.

Barin Ilya Oblomov

From the beginning of the novel, the writer introduces the reader to an unremarkable gentleman. This is a typical image of the Russian nobility. Sedentary, imposing, loose, passive. The plot is devoid of action, intrigue. The apathy of Ilya Oblomov seems absolutely incomprehensible. All day Ilya lies on the sofa in a greasy dressing gown and thinks about everything. Many ideas hovers in his head, but none finds further continuation. Oblomov has no desire to start a conversation. He tries not to disturb the peaceful course of life in Oblomovka. His lazy daydreaming is interrupted only by petitioners who profit from him. But Oblomov doesn't care. He is so far from reality that he does not even notice the true intentions of his "guests". And here Goncharov introduces which takes us to the childhood of the hero. This is where the reason for this behavior lies. It was in childhood that a boy was raised to be a person unadapted to life. Indulging his desires, protecting him from any action, Ilyusha was inspired with the idea that nothing needs to be done, there will always be someone who will do it for him. A typical position of the nobles living at the expense of the peasants.

friend's arrival

The life of Ilya Oblomov changes with the arrival of Andrey Stolz, an old friend. Oblomov sincerely hopes that Stolz is able to change the current situation, is able to bring him out of his state of half-asleep. And indeed, a handsome young man arrives, who has gained both experience and money. No wonder Goncharov compares him with a blooded English horse. Unlike his friend, Stolz in Oblomov is alien to daydreaming and laziness. He is practical in everything.

It cannot be said that Oblomov has always been the same as he is now. In the days of their youth, Ilya and Andrey studied science together, enjoyed life, and strived for something. However, then the lively and active Andrei could not captivate Oblomov with his enthusiasm, and gradually this young gentleman revived in his estate the atmosphere to which he was accustomed from childhood. Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is the exact opposite of the main character and at the same time the closest person. And it helps to reveal the features of Ilyusha, to identify and emphasize his strengths and weaknesses.

Friends since childhood

The characters are childhood friends. These are two completely different people who were brought together by fate. Ilya Oblomov was a family favorite from an early age. He lived in harmony with himself and with the world around him. Ilyusha had everything he wanted. Relatives protected him from all troubles. He grew up as a kind of darling of fate, brought up on nanny's fairy tales, in an atmosphere of laziness and serenity, without much desire to learn, to learn something new. As a teenager, Oblomov met Stolz in the nearby village of Verkhlevo. The little gentleman, accustomed to bliss in his estate, - Ilya, enters a completely different world, energetic, new. Andrei Stolz's father taught his son to be independent early, instilling German pedantry in him. From his mother, Oblomov's friend Stolz inherited a love of poetry, from his father - a craving for science, for accuracy and accuracy. From childhood, he not only helps his father in business, but works and receives a salary. Hence Andrey's ability to make bold and independent decisions, to be responsible for his actions. Even outwardly friends are absolutely opposite. Ilya is a fat, loose, lethargic man who does not know what labor is. On the contrary, Andrei is a fit, cheerful, active person, accustomed to constant work. Lack of movement is like death for him.

The table "Oblomov and Stolz", located below, will allow you to more clearly present the difference in the images of the characters.

Love in the lives of heroes

Both experience love in different ways. And in love, Oblomov and Stolz are completely opposite. The essay, due to its volume, cannot cover the totality of the differences between the heroes of the novel. However, the theme of love should be considered.

When Olga brightens up Ilya's boring everyday life, he comes to life, from a flabby creature turns into an interesting man. Energy in Oblomov is in full swing, he needs everything, everything is interesting. He forgets about his old habits and even wants to get married. But suddenly he begins to be tormented by doubts about the truth of Olga's love. The endless questions asked by Oblomov to himself, in the end, do not allow him to change his life. He returns to his former existence, and nothing touches him anymore. Andrei Stoltz loves selflessly, passionately, surrendering to the feeling without a trace.

Opposites converge

In other words, we see that Oblomov and Stolz (the essay reflects the generally accepted point of view) are completely different people who grew up in a different environment. However, it was this difference that brought them together. Each of them finds in the other what he himself lacks. Oblomov attracts Stolz with a calm and kind disposition. And vice versa, in Andrey Ilya admires vital activity. Time tests both of them for strength, but their friendship only grows stronger.

Table "Oblomov and Stolz"

Ilya Oblomov

Andrey Stoltz


Oblomov is a family nobleman who lives in accordance with patriarchal traditions.

Stolz is the son of a German who manages the estate of a Russian noblewoman.


He was brought up in an atmosphere of idleness. He was not accustomed to either mental or physical labor.

Since childhood, he was fond of science and art, early began to earn money and make independent decisions.

Life position

Half asleep, daydreaming, lack of desire to change anything

activity, practicality

Character traits

Kind, calm, weak, lazy, sincere, dreamer, philosopher

Strong, smart, hardworking, life-loving

It is these that are presented to readers by Oblomov and Stolz. The essay can be completed with the words of the author himself: “It contained something that is more precious than any mind: an honest, faithful heart! This is his natural gold; he carried it unscathed through life."

The famous Russian writer I. A. Goncharov in 1859 publishes his next novel, Oblomov. It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to be divided into two parts. A minority understood the need and stood up for improving the lives of ordinary people. The majority turned out to be landowners, gentlemen and wealthy nobles, who were directly dependent on the peasants who fed them. In the novel, Goncharov invites the reader to compare the image of Oblomov and Stolz - two friends who are completely different in temperament and fortitude. This is a story about people who, despite internal contradictions and conflicts, remained true to their ideals, values, their way of life. However, sometimes it is difficult to understand the true reasons for such trusting closeness between the main characters. That is why the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz seems so interesting to readers and critics. Next, we will get to know them better.

Stolz and Oblomov: General characteristics

Oblomov is undoubtedly the main figure, but the writer pays more attention to his friend Stolz. The main characters are contemporaries, however, they turn out to be completely different from each other. Oblomov is a man in his 30s. Goncharov describes his pleasant appearance, but emphasizes the absence of a definite idea. Andrey Stolz is the same age as Ilya Ilyich, he is much thinner, with an even dark complexion, with practically no blush. The green expressive eyes of Stolz are also opposed to the gray and hazy look of the protagonist. Oblomov himself grew up in a family of Russian nobles who owned more than one hundred serf souls. Andrey was brought up in a Russian-German family. Nevertheless, he identified himself with Russian culture, professed Orthodoxy.

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz

One way or another, the lines connecting the fates of the characters in the novel "Oblomov" are present. It was necessary for the author to show how friendship arises between people of polar views and types of temperament.

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is largely predetermined by the conditions in which they were brought up and lived in their youth. Both men grew up together, in a boarding house near Oblomovka. Stolz's father served there as a manager. In that village of Verkhlev, everything was saturated with the atmosphere of "Oblomovism", slowness, passivity, laziness, and simplicity of morals. But Andrey Ivanovich Stolz was well educated, read Wieland, learned verses from the Bible, recalculated the illiterate summaries of peasants and factory workers. In addition, he read Krylov's fables, and with his mother he analyzed sacred history. The boy Ilya sat at home under the soft wing of parental care, while Stolz spent a lot of time on the street, talking with the neighbors. Their personalities were formed in different ways. Oblomov was the ward of nannies and caring relatives, while Andrei did not stop doing physical and mental labor.

The Secret of Friendship

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is amazing and even paradoxical. Differences between the two characters can be found a huge number, but, of course, there are features that unite them. First of all, Oblomov and Stolz are connected by strong and sincere friendship, but they are similar in their so-called "life dream". Only Ilya Ilyich is dozing at home, on the sofa, and Stolz falls asleep in the same way in his life full of events and impressions. Both of them do not see the truth. Both are unable to give up their own way of life. Each of them is unusually attached to his habits, believing that such behavior is the only correct and reasonable one.

It remains to answer the main question: "Which hero does Russia need: Oblomov or Stolz?" Of course, such active and progressive personalities as the latter will remain in our country forever, will be its driving force, will feed it with their intellectual and spiritual energy. But it must be admitted that even without the Oblomovs, Russia will cease to be the way our compatriots have known it for many centuries. Oblomov needs to be educated, patiently and unobtrusively awakened, so that he, too, would benefit the homeland.

They are people of the same time. It would seem that, living in the same environment, they should be similar in character. But, reading the novel, we are surprised to find in Oblomov and Stolz the various components that make up their personality. What makes them so different? To answer this question, let's trace the physical and spiritual development of the heroes from childhood, when the foundations of characters are laid. Stolz. He was brought up in a poor family. His father was of German origin. Mother is a Russian noblewoman. All the days of the family were spent at work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences, taught him the German language. Then Stoltz began to send his son to the city with instructions, "and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake." His mother taught him literature and managed to give an excellent spiritual education to her son. So, Stolz was formed as a strong, intelligent, independent young man.

Oblomov. His parents were nobles. Their life in Oblomovka followed its own special laws. The most important thing in their lives was food. She devoted a lot of time. They decided as a family "what dishes will be for lunch or dinner." After dinner, a long sleep followed. The whole house fell asleep. So passed all the days: sleep and food. When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge. They dreamed of getting a certificate proving that "Ilya went through all the sciences and arts." As for physical education, he was hardly even allowed to go outside. They were afraid that he would not be killed, would not get sick. So, Oblomov grew up as a "home" boy, without education, but kind at heart.

Now let's analyze their views on life. Work for Stolz was part of his life, a pleasure. He did not shun even the most menial work. For Oblomov, it was a burden. I'm not even talking about physical labor. He was too lazy to get up from the couch, to leave the room to be cleaned there. The character of the characters is also reflected in their way of life. Oblomov spends his life in existence on the couch. He does nothing, he is not interested in anything. He still cannot bring himself to finish reading the book Journey to Africa, even the pages of this book have turned yellow. Stolz leads an active life. From the moment he left home, he lives by work. Thanks to work, willpower, patience, he became rich and known to a wide range of people. Oblomov's ideal of happiness is complete peace and good food. And he achieved this: he slept peacefully on the couch and ate well. Servants cleaned up after him, and at home he had no big problems with the household. Stolz's ideal of happiness is life in work. He has it. He works hard, his life is in full swing.

Opposites attract - this common phrase is most appropriate here. The heroes complement each other, each subconsciously sees in a friend what he himself lacks. Obviously, Goncharov outlined in these two types of human character those features that, from his point of view, can make up an ideal, harmonious personality.

I. A. Goncharov in his novel "Oblomov" showed the society of the middle of the XIX century, then
Russia was in the decline of serfdom. Trade and industry developed in our country, there were many educated and intelligent people. These include the main characters of the novel: Stolz and Oblomov. They are connected by an old friendship, they are educated, thinking and feeling people. But, despite the friendship, Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different people in character and worldview, and let's look at their differences. Oblomov is a meek, soft, dreamy, trusting and gentle nature, in short, a “pigeon soul”. Oblomov cannot stand up for himself when Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are pumping money out of him. He also likes to dream about how he will arrange life on his estate, but for several years he has not been able to get together and do it. Stolz is distinguished by energy and willpower. For him, he said - so he did. Andrei Ivanovich made his way into high society from among the raznochintsy, and this requires considerable will. Oblomov is devoid of complacency, ambition, in him the heart prevails over the mind. Ilya Ilyich understands that he is leading a miserable lifestyle, but he cannot do anything about it. Stolz is a rational, prudent nature. He is an entrepreneur, and without rationality and prudence in business you will never make money. Oblomov, on the other hand, is very skeptical about the life of business people: “Look, where is the center around which all this revolves,” he says in a conversation with Stolz. Oblomov is inclined to philosophical reflections on the high purpose of man. And therefore he does not rotate in a secular society, where

everything, in his opinion, is boring and mundane. Stolz is distinguished by a practical mind. He does not indulge in meaningless reasoning and daydreaming. Oblomov and Stolz lead a completely different lifestyle. Oblomov is distinguished by idleness and passivity. He sleeps for a long time and does not get up from the sofa, he does not go anywhere, he is too lazy even to read. Stolz, on the contrary, does not sit still: “He came for a week on business, then to the village, then to Kiev, then God knows where.” traditions were observed strictly, books and newspapers were not recognized at all. Stolz, on the contrary, says that work is the main thing.
in a person’s life: “Labor is the image, content and purpose of life,” Stolz says to Oblomov. Oblomov grew up in the village of Oblomovka, where traditions were observed sacredly, where Ilya Ilyich was protected from everything and tried not to think about anything. Stolz, on the other hand, grew up in a family where he was forced to work and study hard. His parents took little care of him, and he grew up in a constant and difficult struggle with life. The meeting with Olga Ilyinskaya changed Oblomov for a while. Under the influence of a love feeling, incredible transformations take place with him: a greasy dressing gown is abandoned, Oblomov gets out of bed as soon as he wakes up, reads books, looks through newspapers, he is energetic and active. But love, which carries the need for action, self-improvement, is doomed in the case of Oblomov. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich cannot stand such a stressful life and gradually parted with her. When Stoltz finds out this, he allows his own feelings to manifest, and at the end of the novel we find Andrei Ivanovich and Olga Sergeevna husband and wife. Goncharov treats the two main characters of his work differently. The author has a good attitude towards Oblomov - while denying the foundations of his life. The writer has an impartial attitude towards Stolz, he does not condemn, but does not approve of the way of life that Andrei Ivanovich leads.

So, we have traced how the main characters of the novel differ, and now we can draw a conclusion. Stolz is a man of the new capitalist era, which came to Russia from the middle of the 19th century. Oblomov is the product and consequence of Oblomovism, a historical type, a bearer of noble culture. Goncharov portrayed the tragedy of a typical
Russian character, devoid of romantic features and not colored by gloominess, but nevertheless found itself on the sidelines of life through its own fault and through the fault of society. Roman I.A. Goncharov was written more than one hundred and forty years ago, but the types he created are still modern, and now there are many Stoltsev and Oblomovs in Russia.

Each of us can recognize the features of Oblomov or Stolz in ourselves. If they ask me which type of people is better, then I will answer this way: “For all that Oblomov is pleasant to me as a person, Stolz sympathizes with me more, because it is these people who lead a brighter, more interesting and eventful life.”

The main character of the novel by I. A. Goncharov is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a kind, gentle, kind-hearted person who is able to experience a feeling of love and friendship, but unable to step over himself - get up from the couch, do some activity and even settle his own affairs. But if at the beginning of the novel Oblomov appears before us as a couch potato, then with each new page we penetrate more and more into the soul of the hero - bright and pure.

In the first chapter, we meet with insignificant people - acquaintances of Ilya Ilyich, who surround him in St. Petersburg, busy with fruitless fuss, creating the appearance of action.

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The novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov has not lost its relevance and its objective significance in our time, because it contains a universal philosophical meaning. The main conflict of the novel - between the patriarchal and bourgeois ways of Russian life - the writer reveals on the opposition of people, feelings and reason, peace and action, life and death. With the help of antithesis, Goncharov makes it possible to understand the idea of ​​the novel with all the depth, to penetrate into the souls of the characters.

Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz are the main characters of the work. These are people of the same class, society, time. It would seem that people of the same environment have similar characters and worldviews. But they are completely opposite to each other. Stolz, unlike Oblomov, is shown by the writer as an active person, in whom reason prevails over feeling. Goncharov makes attempts to understand why these people are so different, and he looks for the origins of this in origin, upbringing and education, since this lays the foundations of characters.

Stolz was brought up in a poor family. His father was a German by origin, and his mother was a Russian noblewoman. We see that the family spent all day at work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences, taught the German language, that is, he brought up in his son respect for knowledge, the habit of thinking, doing business. Then Stolz began to send his son to the city with instructions, “and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake.” The writer shows us how zealously, persistently this person develops economic tenacity in Andrei, the need for constant activity. The mother taught her son literature and managed to give him an excellent spiritual education. So, Stolz was formed as a strong, intelligent young man.

But what about Oblomov? His parents were nobles. Their life in the village of Oblomovka followed its own special laws. The Oblomov family had a cult of food. The whole family decided "what dishes will be for lunch or dinner." And after dinner, the whole house fell asleep, plunged into a long sleep. And so passed every day in this family: only sleep and food. When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. But we see that Ilyusha's parents were not interested in their son's knowledge. They themselves came up with pretexts in order to free their adored child from study, they dreamed of receiving a certificate proving that "Ilya went through all the sciences and arts." They didn’t even let him go outside again, because they were afraid that he would be crippled, would not get sick. Therefore, Oblomov grew up lazy, apathetic, did not receive a proper education.

But let's look deeper into the characters of the main characters. Rethinking the pages I read in a new way, I realized that both Andrei and Ilya have their own tragedy in life.

Stolz at first glance is a new, progressive, almost ideal person. Work for him is part of life, pleasure. He does not shun even the most menial work, leads an active life. From the moment he left home, he lives by work, thanks to which he became rich and famous to a wide circle of people. Stolz's ideal of happiness is material wealth, comfort, personal well-being. And he achieves his goal by hard work. His life is full of action. But despite the external well-being, it is boring and monotonous.

Unlike Oblomov, a man of a subtle soul, Stolz appears to the reader as a kind of machine: “He was all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle ... his complexion is even, swarthy and no blush. Stolz lives strictly according to plan, his life is scheduled by the minute, and there are no surprises, interesting moments in it, he almost never gets worried, does not experience any event especially strongly. And we see that the tragedy of this man lies precisely in the monotony of his life, in the one-sidedness of his worldview.

And now let's turn to Oblomov. Work for him is a burden. He was a gentleman, which means that he did not have to devote a drop of time to work. And I'm not talking about physical labor, because he was even too lazy to get up from the sofa, leave the room to be cleaned there. He spends his whole life on the couch, doing nothing, not interested in anything (he can't bring himself to finish reading the book "Journey through Africa", even the pages of this book turned yellow). Oblomov's ideal of happiness is complete peace and good food. And he reached his ideal. Servants cleaned up after him, and at home he had no big problems with the household. And before us is revealed another tragedy - the moral death of the hero. Before our eyes, the inner world of this person is getting poorer, from a kind, pure person, Oblomov turns into a moral cripple.

But despite all the differences between Stolz and Oblomov, they are friends, friends since childhood. They are brought together by the most beautiful character traits: honesty, kindness, decency.

The essence of the novel is that inaction can destroy all the best feelings of a person, corrode his soul, destroy his personality, and work, the desire for education will bring happiness, subject to the rich inner world of a person.
