Examples of words from the grammar dictionary. Grammar dictionary

Description. A fundamental work on morphology, where for the first time a systematic approach to the description of grammatical paradigms was proposed, including not only changes in the letter composition of words, but also stress.

The dictionary was first published in the city and has been reprinted several times since then. The electronic version of this dictionary forms the basis for most modern computer programs working with Russian morphology (spelling checking systems, automatic translation, abstracting, etc.).

On September 1, 2009, an order of the Ministry of Education and Science came into force, approving the list of dictionaries, grammars and reference books recommended by the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language under the Ministry of Education and Science. Among the 4 approved books is the Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language by A. A. Zaliznyak.

See also


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See what the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" is in other dictionaries:

    Grammar dictionary of the Russian language (Zaliznyak’s dictionary) compiled by A. A. Zaliznyak is a dictionary of approximately 100 thousand basic word forms of the Russian language with their full morphological description. Fundamental work on morphology, ... ... Wikipedia

    Grammar Dictionary N.N. Durnovo in the circle of Russian linguistic dictionaries of the 20th century- The idea of ​​writing the “Dictionary” came from N.N. Durnovo, apparently in the early 1920s. His first major works on the modern Russian language date back to the same time, for example, “A refresher course in the grammar of the Russian language” (issue I. M., 1924) ...

    Reviews of the Grammar Dictionary of N. N. Durnovo- *** In addition to the reviews published in this edition, other reviews of the “Grammar Dictionary” have been published, see: D. Bulakhovsky [Rec.] // Path of Enlightenment. No. 9. Kharkov, 1924. P. 238–240; Kulbakin S. |Rec.) // Juznoslovenski philologist. Book... ... Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    Nikolai Gogol, Russian classic writer, native of the Poltava region Vladimir Dal, compiler of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, native of Lugansk ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Gogol, Russian classic writer, native of the Poltava region Vladimir Dal, compiler of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, native of Lugansk ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Gogol, Russian classic writer, native of the Poltava region Vladimir Dal, compiler of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, native of Lugansk ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Gogol, Russian classic writer, native of the Poltava region Vladimir Dal, compiler of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, native of Lugansk ... Wikipedia

    Dictionary- Dictionary 1) vocabulary, vocabulary of a language, dialect, any social group, individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book that contains words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.) arranged in a certain order … … Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Grammar (meanings). Grammar (from the Greek γράμμα “record”), grammatical structure (grammatical system) is a set of laws of a language that regulate the correctness ... ... Wikipedia


  • , Zaliznyak Andrey Anatolievich. 720 pp. The dictionary is recommended by the Order of the Ministry of Education, which determines the list of dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. The dictionary reflects (using...
  • Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. Word change. About 110,000 words, Zaliznyak Andrey Anatolyevich. The “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” reflects (using a special system of symbols) modern inflection, i.e. the declension of nouns, adjectives, pronouns,…

The basic purpose of this dictionary is to reflect modern Russian inflection, that is, for each word included in the dictionary to provide information about whether it is inflected and, if so, how exactly it is inflected or conjugated. Combined with special algorithms Grammar dictionary allows you not only to look up words (the totality of all its forms), but also to expand your search capabilities in other dictionaries. Such possibilities include

  • lemmatization, i.e. bringing any word form to its normal (dictionary) form;
  • correcting typos or spelling errors in the request;
  • determination of stress and grammatical characteristics of a word;
  • search for lemmas and word forms by pattern, grammatical, frequency and other characteristics.

In addition, multi-parameter filtering and various types of sorting can be applied to the search results.

Search and output settings

Search mode

Search results using the word template When you type a word in the input line, a short (up to 100 words) list of “closest” options (by prefix) is dynamically generated. If there are no prefix options, a list of spelling correction options is generated. starts with Search for words using a given prefix of length at least 3 letters. Unlike the previous mode, up to 2000 words are displayed, the prefixes of which coincide with the input line. ends with Search for a given word ending (tail part) of length at least 3 letters. The mode can be used, for example, to search for all derivative words formed from the original one using the prefix ( runrun in A t, run up A t, V s run, run A t, ...). pattern Search using a simple regular expression in which the "*" (asterisk) character replaces several arbitrary letters. An asterisk can be placed anywhere in a word, but only once. There should be Russian letters in the template at least 3. For example, in*on"spring A , Valentina, Varna, quantities A , ...

The search speed in any of the template modes is noticeably lower than in the full word mode.

The paradigm of any word from the list can be viewed by selecting the corresponding lemma (or form) with the mouse. To return from the paradigm back to the list of options, press the key Back.


The search is performed either by all word forms, or only by lemmas (normal forms), depending on the choice of the "Lemma" option. For example, the word I'm running will not be found among the lemmas and its corrected versions will be displayed ( b e G, run A , run at n,...), while a search by word forms will give 2 homonyms ( run at G 1l, nst, unit; b e gu S mr,dt). Note that lemmas are searched much faster than any word forms.

Sorting results

When searching in any of the template modes, you can sort by different characteristics of the word: part of speech, frequency, number of syllables and others. Sorted results can also be grouped by the value of the sorting parameter. For example, when sorting by part of speech, the found word forms can be divided into groups: nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. Within groups, words are arranged in alphabetical order.

If the option is enabled Inversion order, then the words will be sorted alphabetically not from the beginning of the word, but from the end. For example,

This is the order used in reverse dictionaries and, in particular, in the Grammar Dictionary of A. A. Zaliznyak.


The stress in a word (or in a pattern) can be placed with an apostrophe after the stressed vowel ( lock). About 40% of paradigms in Grammar dictionary not accentuated (these are mostly proper names). Therefore, even if the input line is accented, words with undefined accent may be included in the list of options.

☑ Phonetics

This option controls the output of phonetic transcriptions of word forms. The transcription algorithm is briefly described in the section devoted to the Orthoepic Dictionary. Transcription cannot be constructed for words with unspecified stress, as well as for compound words that have collateral stress.

Grammar information

The following abbreviations are used in the filter drop-down list and in the list of template search results (in tabular form):

Generalized parts of speech
WITHnouncommon nounpoem
With nameNameNameFedor
With otchreportsurnameIvanovich
With femmefam.surnameTyutchev
C locktoptoponym (geographical name)Petersburg
From orgorg.organizationKomsomol
P lockadj.g.adjective geographicalKorelian
MS-Pm.-p.pronominal adjectiveevery
MS-PREDC predicative pronounnothing
NUMBERnumbernumeral cardinaleight
NUMBER-Pno.p.ordinal numeraleighth
Grammatical categories
for nouns
loklocative (geographical);
also for adjectives
unitsthe only thingfire, burned
plpluralthe lights were burning
dfed"de facto" units number;
for nouns
themnominativeexact, synonym
rdgenitiveexact, synonym
dtdativeexact, synonym
vnaccusativeexact, synonym
TVinstrumentalexact, synonym
etcprepositionalexact synonym
mrmalerare, epithet
zhrfemaledeep, etymology
Wedaverageextended, interpretation
appearance (animity)
for nouns
for adjectives
crshort degreered
for adverbs
for verb forms
nstthe presentgrowing up
willfutureI'll grow up
prshpastgrew up, grew up
1lfirstI am running
2lsecondyou're running
3lthirdhe is running
kind (of verb)
shape (inclination)
pvlimperative moodcome over
bezlimpersonal formit's getting colder

The most complete dictionary containing grammatical information is the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language. Word change." A.A. Zaliznyak (1977; 2nd ed. M., 1980), including about 100,000 words. It comprehensively reflects modern Russian inflection (declension and conjugation). In 1978, the “Dictionary of Indeclinable Words” by N.P. was published. Kolesnikov, containing about 1800 indeclinable nouns and other unchangeable words, most of which entered the Russian language from dozens of languages ​​of different nations. In 1981, the dictionary-reference book “Management in the Russian Language” was published by D.E. Rosenthal, including over 2100 dictionary entries (2nd ed. M., 1986). In 1996, “Management in the Russian Language” was included in the summary book of D.E. Rosenthal, dedicated to spelling issues. Management issues are also discussed in the book “Nominal and Verbal Management in the Modern Russian Language” by N.N. Prokopovich, L.A. Deribas, E.N. Prokopovich (2nd ed. M., 1981). In 1985, the second edition was published “School Grammar and Spelling Dictionary” by B.T. Panova and A.V. Tekuchev, containing information on the pronunciation and morphemic composition of words; in difficult cases, their interpretation is given and grammatical forms are indicated.

Even before the revolution, reference books and manuals were published, which, on the one hand, provided recommendations on issues of correct word usage and form formation, on the other, contained warnings against violating the relevant norms (see, for example: Dolopchev V. Experience of a dictionary of irregularities in Russian colloquial speech . 2nd ed. Warsaw, 1909).

A serious manual of this type, which has not lost its significance even today due to the abundance of material it contains, was the work of V.I. Chernyshev “Correctness and purity of Russian speech” in two editions (1914-1915), which was also published in a separate abridged edition (1915). The work fully meets its purpose of “the experience of Russian stylistic grammar.” Labor V.I. Chernyshev republished in 1970.

In 1962, the dictionary-reference book “Correctness of Russian Speech” was published, edited by S.I. Ozhegov (compiled by L.P. Krysin and L.I. Skvortsov with the participation of N.I. Tarabasova). The manual is normative in nature and contains about 400 dictionary entries on issues of word usage (2nd ed. M., 1965; about 600 dictionary entries).

A significant contribution to publications of this type was the dictionary-reference book “Difficulties of word usage and variants of norms of the Russian literary language” edited by K.S. Gorbachevich (1973). The dictionary contains about 8,000 words, selected taking into account accentological, pronunciation, word and formative difficulties. This type of publication is accompanied by the “Concise Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language. For press workers" (1968; about 400 words) and the journalist's dictionary-reference book "Difficulties of the Russian Language" edited by L.I. Rakhmanova (1974; 2nd ed. M., 1981; 722 vocabulary units).

The book “Grammatical Correctness of Russian Speech” by L.K. has a special character. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya, edited by S.G. Barkhudarova, I.F. Protchenko, L.I. Skvortsova (1976), which represents “an experience in a frequency-stylistic dictionary of variants.” Adjacent to this type of dictionary is “Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language” by D.E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkova (4th ed. M., 1985). The dictionary, containing about 30,000 words, discusses issues of standard and variable spelling, pronunciation, word usage, formation, grammatical compatibility, and stylistic characteristics. Reference manual L.I. Skvortsova “Do we speak Russian correctly?” (1980) contains a “Dictionary of pronunciation, stress and form formation” and a “Dictionary of phraseology, word usage, agreement and management.”

In 1997, the “Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language” was published / T.F. Efremova, V.G. Kostomarova.

Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language - M., 2002.

What dictionary are you looking for? Orthoepic dictionaries Etymological dictionaries General-type dictionaries Full-type dictionaries Dictionaries of new words Grammar dictionaries Phraseological dictionaries Industry reference books Spelling dictionaries Word-formation dictionaries Grammar

Before reading the text and turning to any reference publication, you need to determine for yourself the tasks and purpose of such reference. If you want to get information about objects and phenomena called by this word, then you should use an encyclopedic reference book. Such directories can be universal or sectoral. Universal reference books contain brief information about the most important objects of the real world. Industry directories store information about those objects that are studied in a particular specialty and relate to a particular branch of knowledge about the world and society.

Depending on whether you want to get information about the pronunciation of a word, its origin, the correct spelling of the word forms, clarify the compatibility of the word, its meaning, etc., you should choose the appropriate type of dictionary. The introductory article to each dictionary indicates how the dictionary should be used and what information about the word is the main object of the dictionary description. Language reference books on the Russian language are general and aspectual.

General type dictionaries include explanatory dictionaries. They contain basic information about grammatical characteristics, the meaning of words, and provide examples of their correct use in the text.

Aspect dictionaries include all those reference books whose subject of description are the individual characteristics of a word as an element of the language system. Such dictionaries include: spelling dictionaries, spelling dictionaries, grammar dictionaries, dictionaries of correctness and difficulties, dictionaries of antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, paronyms, dictionaries of foreign words, phraseological dictionaries, etc. Industry reference books also provide information related to a particular word sign . However, this information concerns objects and phenomena that are denoted by words, and not the words themselves with their meanings, used in the Russian language as a state language.

This section compares dictionary entries and compares word information presented in different types of dictionaries.

Great Dictionary of Russian language

Ed. S. A. Kuznetsova

Full type dictionaries

The principles underlying the dictionary description of vocabulary in the reviewed lexicographical manual (hereinafter - BTS) are fully consistent with both the principles of academic dictionaries and the traditions of academic lexicography in general. The BTS includes both words and meanings that have already been codified by dictionaries (including dictionaries of new words and meanings), as well as those that for some reason were not included in previous lexicographic publications. At the same time, the laconicism of the one-volume edition prompted its creators to look for original ways of detailed lexicographic description.

The purpose of the dictionary is to show the lexical-semantic system of the Russian language in its living functioning. Therefore, one of the advantageous aspects of BTS can be considered the orientation towards a fairly broad description of the scope of use of words and their meanings, the disclosure of the syntagmatic connections of words in their typical compatibility. The information about the word here is not only universal, but also much more comprehensive than in many other publications. It involves orthographic and orthoepic commentary, extended grammatical qualifications about the word, marks of a functional nature, aspectual correspondences of verbs given for each meaning of the word, morphological-syntactic restrictions, etc., multi-aspect stylistic characteristics, etymological reference and encyclopedic commentary.

Aimed at the widest range of readers, BTS gives a complete picture of the word, and does this through the non-traditional characteristics of the word: cultural (which includes an encyclopedic reference about a particular reality or its name), a zone of word-formation derivatives, which collects derivative words, information about lexicalized forms and composite lexical units of the language (compound adverbs, introductory words, conjunctions, prepositions, etc.).

Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

K. S. Gorbachevich

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

The need for a dictionary that solves normalization problems on a large lexical material is obvious. “The Dictionary of Difficulties of Pronunciation and Stress in the Modern Russian Language” is, in the full sense of the word, a response to the needs of the time and the interested reader. Therefore, the range of phenomena considered in the publication under review includes completely different linguistic spheres: the area of ​​lexical new formations, which have never previously received normative characteristics in Russian language dictionaries; “avalanche-like” borrowings, the process of adaptation of which (and all the associated processes of formation of stress and the orthographic appearance of the word) in the Russian language in the period described is significantly accelerated; changes in the stylistic stratification of the language; and, finally, the results of the process of changes in the prosodic sphere of speech, which occur much more slowly than the other listed processes and because of this are often not taken into account by dictionaries at all.

K. S. Gorbachevich’s dictionary covers an impressive lexical material (12,000 vocabulary), including the most diverse layers of vocabulary (from rare words traditionally considered the object of normative dictionaries, scientific terms to colloquial and vernacular units; from words that have returned to our everyday life with periphery of the lexical system, to the latest borrowings). This volume of material makes the dictionary both a reference book necessary for any native speaker and an important source of linguistic research. The use of this dictionary when compiling full-type academic dictionaries of the Russian language is absolutely necessary.

Difficulties of word usage and variants of the norms of the Russian literary language

Ed. K. S. Gorbachevich

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

The main task of the lexicographic publication under consideration is to evaluate the variants of words and word forms that coexist within the norms of the Russian literary language. Therefore, the object of normative assessments of the dictionary is, firstly, the categories of words of various grammatical categories, which are subject to not one, but two or more rules of formation, stress or pronunciation. Secondly, from the point of view of compliance with the norm, those words that exhibit deviations from systematically regular grammatical rules are also evaluated. The dictionary includes some categories of words, the analysis of the use of which reveals stylistic errors of various types.

The dictionary notes typical violations of norms that occur within a literary language at the boundaries of its functional styles, i.e., the use of appropriate recommendations can prevent the use of functionally assigned words in contexts unusual for them, indicate some common facts of violations of norms that occur at the borders of a literary language and irregular speech. The dictionary includes words of slang origin with prohibitive characteristics, which are widespread in colloquial speech.

The publication notes and provides appropriate comments on the most typical (fashionable) words and expressions for the time of creation of the dictionary, which have become undesirable, erased cliches due to excessive use.

The dictionary takes into account and analyzes some types of semantic errors. Mostly this is a confusion in the use of paronyms, leading to a distortion of the meaning of the statement or to a stylistic error.

A special section has also been introduced into the dictionary - the Appendix, containing a detailed description of those difficulties of the modern literary language that extend to entire categories of words. The Appendix provides not only their general normative characteristics, but also indicates the development trends of the phenomena under discussion. At the same time, as an analysis of dictionaries and reference books published at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries shows, the difficulties identified in the dictionary edited by K. S. Gorbachevich continue to be noted in the language to this day.

Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants

L. K. Graudina, V. A. Itskovich, L. P. Katlinskaya

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

This reference publication, in its genre, belongs to the number of dictionaries and reference books of a normative and stylistic nature, devoted to the problems of codification and normalization of the literary language. Based on the literary norm, on correct, exemplary speech, reference publications of this type answer the question of how best, how to say it more correctly, which option to prefer in a specific language situation.

The reference dictionary under consideration is devoted to only one side of the Russian literary language - its grammar, and only in that part where it becomes possible to express the same meaning using variant, competing forms or constructions, as well as those cases when formations that are similar in form serve to express different meanings or different shades of meaning.

It is significant that the range of the most common grammatical variants to be presented on the pages of the dictionary under consideration was established by the authors not arbitrarily, but on the basis of a preliminary serious statistical survey.

The sources of the dictionary were quantitatively extensive card indexes, records from the library of modern colloquial speech at the Institute of Languages ​​and Languages ​​of the Russian Academy of Sciences, data from dictionaries and grammars.

Despite the fact that the commentaries widely use data from special studies, the compilers limit themselves to only the most important provisions, which makes the book accessible in terms of presentation for a wide range of readers.

A special section of the dictionary is an alphabetical index of variants, which contains more than 110 pages - almost a fifth of the entire book. All word forms mentioned in dictionary entries are collected here. The index does not contain any explicit recommendations; it only indicates the pages of the dictionary on which a detailed commentary is presented. However, since the commonly used literary version is listed first in the index, even this can be used by the reader to quickly obtain information about the version recommended for use.

A brief dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language: grammatical forms, stress

N. A. Eskova

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

N. A. Eskova’s dictionary is a small in volume, but very capacious in content reference manual, which is designed to show how the forms of each word included in it are formed in the Russian literary language, a significant part of which contains some objective difficulty for the speaker and writer . The dictionary under review is normative. At the same time, it provides information not only about the correct ways of forming any forms, but also about typical deviations from these rules. It is especially important that, in addition to variants of the literary norm, the dictionary notes variants that characterize special areas of language functioning (for example, the language of fiction or professional speech). A distinctive feature of the reviewed manual is the rich illustrative material designed to conclusively demonstrate one or another linguistic feature. In some cases, this is a brief explanation, a definition belonging to the author of the dictionary; in other cases, examples and quotes are widely presented, intended to illustrate the use of specific grammatical forms in the general paradigm of the word.

Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language

T. F. Efremova, V. G. Kostomarov

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

The dictionary is normative and represents a linguistic description for didactic purposes of complex phenomena of Russian grammar. It is intended for teachers and students of the Russian language: compilers of programs and textbooks, authors of textbooks and educational dictionaries, teachers of the Russian language, high school students, students of higher and secondary educational institutions of philological and non-philological profiles. The difficulties that are described in the dictionary under consideration have previously been repeatedly the object of analysis by lexicographers, but they were almost always considered without taking into account the requirements of the school, especially the non-Russian school. At the same time, each of the difficulties was most often analyzed and described separately, and a kind of “atomization” of the difficulty occurred. For this reason, information about difficulties contained in one word turned out to be scattered across different reference books, a complete set of which was not always available to teachers, much less to students. Thus, we can conclude that the reviewed dictionary differs from the previous ones in the following features. Firstly, taking into account the expansion of the addressee, the list of universal difficulties arising from the Russian language system has been expanded, while the description of these difficulties has been systematized and simplified. Secondly, the identified difficulties are considered as a whole, as a result of which each word is described from the point of view of all the morphological complexities hidden in it. Thirdly, the dictionary completely lacks negative material, and issues related to variability are resolved in accordance with the facts presented in modern lexicographic publications that specifically develop this aspect.

Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. Inflection

A. A. Zaliznyak

Grammar dictionaries

The main purpose of the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” is to reflect modern Russian inflection, that is, for each word included in the Dictionary to provide information about whether it is inflected and, if so, how exactly it is inflected or conjugated. In other words, a dictionary makes it possible to construct a paradigm of a word, that is, a set of all its forms.

“Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” is a fundamental work on morphology, where for the first time a systematic approach to the description of grammatical paradigms was proposed, including not only changes in the letter composition of words, but also stress.

The dictionary was first published in 1977, since then it has been reprinted several times. The fourth edition included an appendix containing information on the inflection of more than 8,000 proper names, and a dictionary (in connection with the rapid invasion of hundreds of new words into Russian speech at the end of the 20th century) has undergone some modernization.

When the computer era arrived in Russia, the Dictionary found wide use in various works related to the automatic processing of Russian text. The electronic version of this publication formed the basis for most modern computer programs working with Russian morphology: spell checking and machine translation systems, automatic abstracting, etc.

Dictionary of Russian pronunciation difficulties

M. L. Kalenchuk, R. F. Kasatkina

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

The dictionary contains about 15 thousand words of the Russian language, the pronunciation of which cannot be unambiguously determined by their graphic spelling, since the same spelling of certain combinations of letters may correspond to different pronunciations. The dictionary records the diversity of pronunciation options coexisting in oral speech, which are classified according to a certain scale of normativity. The dictionary presents cases of recommended pronunciation that are difficult for the speaker. According to the authors, it is “intended for those who are concerned about the correctness and beauty of Russian-sounding speech,” who want to check their pronunciation against standard standards. The dictionary is addressed to a wide range of readers.

Consistently distinguishing between phonetic and orthoepic rules, the authors choose the latter. The dictionary reflects the literary pronunciation norm of the late twentieth century in its real diversity.

The dictionary includes 15 thousand words. The dictionary is preceded by the article “Basic information about Russian literary pronunciation,” where the basics of Russian phonetics and orthoepy are presented in a condensed form. Of particular value in this section is a summary table of the rules for pronunciation of consonants of all categories in the position before a soft consonant. It is known that spelling information, usually presented in dictionaries, has varying degrees of severity. The most acute and even socially significant information is characterized by marks associated with the place of word stress. At the same time, the accentuation system of the Russian language has a high degree of mobility, therefore, in a number of cases, dictionary fixation of changes in the place of stress seems to be the most popular.

The dictionary presents the most common words in the Russian language, in which there are phenomena that allow for variability in pronunciation.

Since the dictionary is not an explanatory one, in most cases the meaning of words is not revealed. Interpretations are given only for some words, mostly borrowed, included in the dictionary due to possible variability in pronunciation.

The dictionary adopts a complex system of marks, representing variants of the pronunciation norm, constituting the so-called “normativity scale”. In addition to the main pronunciation option, which is given first in the row, an equal option can be given (using the conjunction and), the less preferable option “and allowed.” (and is acceptable), or one of the “diachronic” options: “admissible. outdated." (acceptably obsolete) or “acceptable. new". The last mark, reflecting the orthoepic phenomena of the so-called “younger norm”, is used in the reviewed dictionary for the first time.

“Commentary to the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”. Part 2: Norms of the modern Russian literary language as the state language (Comprehensive normative dictionary of the modern Russian language)"

Ed. G. N. Sklyarevskaya, E. Yu. Vaulina

General dictionaries

Lexicographic work “Commentary to the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”. Part 2: Norms of the modern Russian literary language as the state language (Comprehensive normative dictionary of the modern Russian language)” (hereinafter referred to as the Comprehensive Dictionary) is, in essence, the first experience of a systematic and fairly complete development of the concept and phenomenon of “state language”. A striking feature of the reviewed publication was the inclusion in the scope of analysis and dictionary fixation of the cognitive component of a linguistic sign. The latter comes in two varieties: terminological, which reflects knowledge about a specific subject area of ​​reality, and encyclopedic, which allows you to structure special (terminological) knowledge, establishing and explaining the relationships between them and thereby fulfilling the role of thesaurus connections.

The vocabulary of the Comprehensive Dictionary (25 thousand units) was formed on the basis of text materials from the electronic Foundation of the Modern Russian Language and the National Corpus of the Russian Language by selecting words and expressions, the use of which causes semantic, spelling, grammatical, etc. difficulties for native speakers and needs in speedy codification. Such units include, first of all, borrowings from the last decade, including those not described in existing dictionaries, units of terminological systems that are emerging or actively developing today, religious vocabulary that has returned to current use, abbreviations widely used in modern texts, etc. Criteria word selection is associated with three characteristics: “new”, “relevant”, “difficult”.

This publication compares favorably with other explanatory and orthological dictionaries of the Russian language most of all in that it describes the dispositive norms of the modern Russian language in a user-friendly lexicographic form using the most current lexicographic material. At the same time, a comprehensive presentation of the actual linguistic information about the words being described secures the place of the lexical unit in the individual vocabulary of a native speaker, and the combination of linguistic and encyclopedic information allows the user to better navigate the modern picture of the world. It is also important that the dictionary and dictionary entry remain potentially open for additions.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words

L. P. Krysin

General dictionaries

The dictionary contains about 25 thousand words and phrases that entered the Russian language mainly in the 18th–20th centuries. (some - at an earlier time), as well as those formed in Russian from foreign language foundations. It is the first philological dictionary of foreign words, i.e. one that describes the properties of the word, and not the thing it denotes: its origin, meaning in modern Russian, as well as pronunciation, stress, grammatical characteristics, semantic connections with other foreign words , stylistic features, typical examples of use in speech, the ability to form related words.

The dictionary presents commonly used foreign language vocabulary, including the latest, borrowed in the 80–90s. XX century, as well as special terms and terminological combinations.

The first edition of L.P. Krysin’s “Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words” was published in 1998, and then, until 2005, the dictionary went through several stereotypical editions, and its 6th edition, published in 2007, was corrected and significantly expanded. In this expanded form, with a volume of about 160 registration and publishing sheets, the dictionary continues to be published (the latest edition is M., EKSMO, 2011).

Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms

Ed. R. I. Avanesova

Spelling dictionaries

The main advantages of the work under review include the scientific development and practical implementation of the principles for compiling dictionaries of this type. The authors form norms for the pronunciation of words that have orthoepic variants, i.e., in fact, they develop a single orthoepic standard for the Russian literary language, solving the problem of the most adequate (not too archaic or innovative) interpretation of specific lexical material and the dynamic characteristics of orthoepic variability, and establish your choice based both on careful observation of live speech and on your own interpretation of the processes occurring in the modern Russian language. In addition to pronunciation and stress options, the dictionary also includes options for grammatical forms.

Difficulties of the Russian language: Dictionary-reference book

Ed. L. I. Rakhmanova

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

The purpose of this dictionary-reference book, declared by its authors in the preface to the publication, is “firstly, to help the writer choose from the various ways of expression already existing in the language the more correct, more preferable or most appropriate for a given genre-speech situation, and secondly, offering this or that linguistic commentary, an objective criterion for assessing new means of expression appearing in print, to help writers improve their linguistic sense, in a deeper understanding of the laws of language development” - is successfully solved due to the fact that recommendations related to modern trends in word usage are convincing illustrated with modern texts: as illustrative material, this publication uses quotes from the texts of newspapers, socio-political and popular science magazines, radio and television programs for the period from 1963 to 1992. Thanks to this approach, the publication also examines relatively new uses of words, often found in the language of the media, but not reflected in modern explanatory dictionaries.

Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language

Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.

Dictionaries of difficulties (correctness)

This dictionary includes the most common language difficulties that arise, in particular, in connection with the spelling of certain words, their pronunciation and stress, word usage (more precisely, both with the scope of use of the word and with its stylistic coloring), grammatical characteristics of the word , inflection (for example, choosing the correct form of case and number), formation (for example, the formation of short forms of adjectives, personal forms of the verb), lexical and grammatical compatibility of words. This is a single dictionary, including information that the reader could obtain by referring to dictionaries of various types: explanatory, spelling, spelling, and also grammar. The undoubted advantage of the dictionary is its compactness, combined with high information content - the dictionary includes more than 30 thousand words, and also the fact that it not only contains difficult cases, but also provides recommendations of a normative nature.

Russian grammar

Ch. ed. N. Yu. Shvedova


The two-volume academic “Russian Grammar” (hereinafter referred to as RG-80) contains a scientific description of the grammatical structure of the Russian literary language of the second half of the twentieth century. - its morphemics, word formation, morphology and syntax, as well as information on Russian phonetics, phonology, stress and intonation, necessary in grammatical sections. The linguistic material studied in RG-80 - the modern Russian literary language - in the spirit of the established tradition is considered within wide boundaries both in the chronological aspect (from Pushkin to the present day) and in the functional aspect (the book reflects and describes many phenomena of colloquial and special speech, and sometimes vernacular - only regional dialects and jargons are left outside the literary language). The scientific description is accompanied by normative recommendations, i.e. information about which word formation possibilities, word forms, their accent characteristics, syntactic constructions are correct for the described state of the Russian literary language, and which are allowed to be used along with others that are equivalent or close to them by value. The book is based on materials extracted from written sources of various genres, as well as on materials from oral Russian literary and everyday speech. Language is a multi-level system characterized by the diverse interaction of its elements. And such interaction is constantly revealed in RG-80: for example, in the section “Word Formation” this is reflected in the morphological characteristics of word-formation types (part of speech of motivated words; gender, animation and type of declension for nouns; type, transitivity and type of conjugation for verbs, etc. . d.), partly in syntactic characteristics (the difference in the compatibility of motivated prefix verbs from the corresponding motivating ones); in the “Morphology” section - in the syntactic characteristics of morphological forms and categories, in considering the word-formation limitations of the declension and conjugation paradigms, etc. In its scientific focus and method, the new grammar continues the Russian grammatical tradition and at the same time the scientific concept implemented in it reflects the latest achievements of domestic and foreign linguistic thought, including the experience of creating the “Grammar of the Modern Russian Literary Language”, published in 1970. RG-80 is descriptive-analytical, i.e., based on actually existing linguistic facts, their properties, relationships and functioning and interpreting them from a synchronic point of view.

Russian spelling dictionary

Ed. V. V. Lopatina

Spelling dictionaries

Approved and recommended for publication by the Spelling Commission of the OIFN RAS, the “Russian Spelling Dictionary” is a normative reference book on spelling for the widest range of Russian speakers. The dictionary was created on the basis of fundamental linguistic files, the latest dictionaries and computer databases and reflects the vocabulary of the Russian language at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries. Its volume (about 200 thousand words) significantly exceeds all previous editions of spelling dictionaries. Along with active common vocabulary, this lexicographical manual includes colloquial, dialect (regional), slang, obsolete words, historicisms - to the extent that these categories of words are reflected in fiction, in the language of mass media, including electronic ones, colloquial speech. Special terminology of various fields of scientific knowledge and practical activity occupies a significant place in the dictionary. The “Russian Spelling Dictionary,” which belongs to the category of fundamental academic dictionaries of the Russian language, implements the normative concept of uniform transmission of the written form of words in the Russian language throughout the entire space of its distribution. The solution to the spelling problems of the vocabulary in ROS is carried out taking into account the action of systemic factors of Russian writing, the requirements emanating from usage, and the influence of spelling precedent. The “Russian Spelling Dictionary” in its instructions is based on the current “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” (1956), with the exception of outdated recommendations that diverge from modern writing practice (primarily this applies to the use of capital letters).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the early 21st century: Current vocabulary

Ed. G. N. Sklyarevskaya

Dictionaries of new words

The publication contains about 8,500 words and set phrases, many of which are presented for the first time in lexicography. Moreover, all materials in the dictionary are strictly documented: the presence of a particular word in the modern Russian language, its semantic content, features of its use, characteristic grammatical and stylistic properties, etc. - everything is confirmed by extensive quotation material from sources 1997–2005 ., which included fiction, popular science books and brochures in various fields of knowledge, central and peripheral newspapers, as well as recordings of live speech.

The dictionary is formed on the basis of concepts of socially significant spheres actively used in modern speech (politics, finance, computer science, jurisprudence, ecology, etc.), and also includes a significant layer of concepts that returned at the end of the twentieth century. into the active use of Orthodox vocabulary.

The set of zones in a dictionary entry provides extensive and multidirectional information about each word. All units of description are provided with detailed semantic elaboration, an indication of the features of use, characteristic grammatical features, stylistic properties, spelling and orthoepic data, information about the origin.

It is important to note that Dictionary XXI uses a multi-aspect system of stylistic and functional marks and comments that characterize the stylistic, functional, evaluative and other features of use and accompany the word, the meaning of the word, as well as a stable phrase, which helps the dictionary user determine what area of ​​activity or communication serves the word and what is its stylistic status. In a detailed stylistic development, in the differentiation of vocabulary according to a stylistic parameter, an indirect, but quite definite indication of the appropriateness/inappropriateness, possibility/impossibility of using certain words and entire lexical categories in the Russian language in the function of the state language is revealed.

Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Ed. S. A. Kuznetsova

Full type dictionaries

“The Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” (STS) is a classic representative of one-volume dictionaries - a reference book for a wide range of readers on the most important aspects of the verbal use of Russian vocabulary. The total volume of the dictionary is about 90 thousand words. According to this indicator, STS occupies an intermediate position between the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova and the “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov.

The “Preface” to the dictionary states that “the project of the Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, including its basic lexicographical principles and vocabulary, was developed on the basis of and taking into account the characteristic features of the “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.”

In the STS dictionary, unlike other explanatory dictionaries, words with reduced social-functional and genre-stylistic characteristics (from colloquial to reduced and slang) were not introduced. But new lexical meanings characterized by such properties were introduced into the dictionary. The very fact of describing such meanings in a one-volume dictionary speaks volumes. In particular, that modern Russian society has changed: the language of people who have gained access to the public platform (through literature, journalism, popular science texts, etc.) is significantly different from the language of 10–15 years ago. Such socio-political processes as the destruction of the intelligentsia layer, the emergence of the middle class, the deep erosion of social and ethical stereotypes, etc. created the conditions for the penetration of words with a specifically negative connotation into the literary language. Changes in word usage have entailed a shift in the balance of the lexical composition of the dictionary towards reduced and even obscene vocabulary, and this drift is a relevant process today.

Morphemic-word-formation dictionary of the Russian language

T. V. Popova, E. S. Zaikova

Word-formation dictionaries

The peer-reviewed dictionary contains approximately 600 words. The basis for compiling the dictionary is the principle of a continuous selection of words proposed for morphemic and word-formation analysis in the exercises of textbooks on the federal list. The authors of the dictionary have developed a structure of a dictionary entry that is logical and convenient for students and teachers, reflecting a new approach to the lexicographic description of the topics “Morphemics” and “Word Formation”. The article is clearly divided into several zones. Each word receives a complete derivational and morphemic characteristics within one dictionary entry. The dictionary uses a system of conventional symbols and font selections as linguistic marks. Graphic methods of representing morphemic-word-forming phenomena look “transparent” and evidential for schoolchildren.

School spelling dictionary of the Russian language

T. A. Gridina, N. I. Konovalova

Spelling dictionaries

The vocabulary of the reviewed dictionary includes more than 4000 words, which is quite enough for an educational dictionary. The criteria used as the basis for compiling the dictionary: frequency of commonly used vocabulary; special vocabulary; words that expand the student’s cultural field). At the same time, the authors in the preface to the dictionary do not formulate the most important thing - what orthoepic phenomena are reflected in the work. The dictionary entry in the dictionary has a traditional character for this kind of dictionaries. The dictionary entry has several zones: head word; orthoepic comment area; zone of accentological commentary. The dictionary adopts a modern branched system of markings, which allows hierarchical correlation of different accentological and purely orthoepic phenomena. Labels are both permissive (“and”, “faculty”, “additional”, “possible”, “minor”, ​​“preferred”) and prohibitive in nature (“not recommended”, “wrong.” , “grossly wrong.”). A distinctive feature of this dictionary is the system of illustrations adopted in it. This material is especially successfully presented for poetic texts, in which rhythm and rhyme help to “restore” one or another accentological variant.

School dictionary of foreign words

L. A. Subbotina

General dictionaries

The dictionary contains about 4,000 words that are most commonly used in the speech practice of students in high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and colleges. The volume of the dictionary is optimal, but it does not contain such terms used in school teaching as “algebra”, “geometry”, “mathematics”, “sine”, “cosine”, “chromosome”, etc., information about the origin and volume of which meanings in modern Russian would be useful and interesting to the student. The dictionary entry is quite simple in structure and easy for the user to understand; it contains the basic information necessary to understand the meaning of a foreign word, its origin, and word-formation capabilities. The dictionary contains a minimal number of mainly grammatical notes, but it lacks stylistic notes, which are often necessary for figurative and at the same time evaluative meanings of a word. Examples of the use of words in speech are given, but they are not delimited from the main body of the dictionary entry, which makes it difficult to find such examples and their perception.

Stress dictionary: How to pronounce words correctly?

T. A. Baykova

Spelling dictionaries

The dictionary reflects the peculiarities of stress placement in more than 700 words, and only those cases that pose a real difficulty for primary school students are selected. All selected words are relevant for modern schoolchildren. The dictionary entry of the reviewed dictionary for junior schoolchildren is well structured and rich in linguistic information. Various graphic signs and font selections act as linguistic marks in the dictionary. Of the linguistic marks accepted in ordinary accentological dictionaries, only the mark “and” is used, connecting equal pronunciation options. We can agree that this is sufficient for this age group. The author of the dictionary does not avoid variant accentological forms, does not pretend that the norm always appears in one variant. At the same time, the dictionary does not focus on outdated variants or professional variants, since it is important for a student to know the neutral type of pronunciation of words in its modern, popular version. The dictionary uses a whole system of mnemonic devices that make it easier for younger students to remember the rules for placing stress in specific words. For this purpose, lines from favorite children's poems are used as illustrations, where the rhythm or rhyme “tells” the place of stress in the word.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

N. V. Basko, V. I. Zimin

Phraseological dictionaries

The volume of the dictionary's vocabulary is 1000 phraseological units of different types. The dictionary includes both idioms themselves and collocations with a weak degree of idiomaticity. The vocabulary of the dictionary is formed by such phraseological units that belong to the mandatory phraseological minimum for schoolchildren. The dictionary includes not only general literary forms, but also colloquial expressions that are widely used both in modern colloquial speech and in modern Russian journalism. Thus, the vocabulary of the dictionary is relevant for modern schoolchildren. The dictionary entry consists of several zones, including a variety of linguistic information. A dictionary entry can have a maximum of 9 zones. Linguistic marks allow you to provide the necessary information about the grammatical features of the use of phraseological units, as well as about its stylistic characteristics. The system of linguistic markings is consistent and makes it possible to obtain significant information about phraseological units presented in the dictionary. Illustrative examples are selected from works of Russian classical literature, which are included in the compulsory school curriculum, as well as from Soviet literature of the 60–80s. XX century and modern Russian literature of the late 20th century. - beginning of the 21st century. Modern journalism is represented by such media as Izvestia, Kommersant, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Segodnya. Dictionary examples of the dictionary well illustrate the meanings of phraseological units. The examples are not complicated, which makes them easier for students to understand.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

E. L. Berezovich, N. V. Galinova

Etymological dictionaries

The dictionary contains 1600 words. The dictionary includes the most commonly used words in the Russian language, including in the speech practice of schoolchildren, about which information of a historical and etymological nature is given. A typical dictionary entry has a fairly simple and transparent structure, which allows the user to relatively easily extract from the dictionary the necessary information about the origin of a particular word or group of words. The marking system includes abbreviations of the names of languages, information about which is found in dictionary entries, as well as grammatical and some stylistic markings necessary in any linguistic dictionary. Language illustrations are focused on identifying the history and origin of words, their etymological and word-formation connections with each other.

Large legal dictionary

Ed. A. Ya. Sukhareva

Industry directories

This reference book is one of the most popular in the category of special dictionaries on jurisprudence. This, in particular, is evidenced by its regular reprints over the course of 12 years: at least four editions have already been officially published (including the stereotypical 4th edition in 2009). The dictionary is the fruit of many years of work to identify, systematize and interpret special legal vocabulary, carried out by a team of famous scientists under the leadership of a prominent Soviet and Russian lawyer Alexander Yakovlevich Sukharev. In addition to the editor-in-chief, the Dictionary's author team includes nine specialists in various fields of jurisprudence: M. E. Volosov, V. N. Dodonov, N. I. Kapinus, O. S. Kapinus, V. E. Krutskikh, E. A. Mishustina, V. P. Panov, L. R. Syukiyainen, S. P. Shcherba. All of them can be characterized as high-class professionals with experience in compiling reference literature, and, for example, L. R. Sykiyainen - as the largest researcher in the field of Islamic law in Russia.

The Dictionary contains more than 7,000 dictionary entries that explain the meaning of approximately the same number of terms and special expressions from the field of legal science and legislative practice. This circumstance brings the Dictionary to a leading position among similar legal publications. Although, for comparison, it should be noted that the authoritative American Black’s Law Dictionary, published since 1890, includes more than 25,000 dictionary entries in one volume.

The thematic completeness of the Dictionary is due to the fact that its articles cover all the main branches of Russian, foreign and international law, as well as theoretical and applied sections of legal knowledge - such as the history of domestic and foreign states and law, criminology and forensic science, forensic medicine.

The dictionary was published in the series “Library of Dictionaries “INFRA-M””, which is an additional guarantee of the qualified work of the publisher in preparing the manuscript for publication.

Unlike specialized encyclopedias that contain a relatively detailed description of a narrow range of legal phenomena and concepts, the book under review is conceived as a comprehensive terminological dictionary. On the one hand, it is intended to serve as a reference book for a wide range of non-lawyer readers interested in legal issues, and on the other hand, it represents the most complete and accurate dictionary for professional lawyers who are faced with the problem of correct selection and interpretation of terms related to various departments jurisprudence. The target audience of the Dictionary is primarily students of law and economic universities (including foreigners), entrepreneurs, deputies of all levels, civil servants and employees of so-called law enforcement agencies.

The functional structure of the Dictionary is clear to the reader; it is characterized by consistency and predictability in the selection of information, which makes it easier to find the necessary information.

The order of dictionary entries is alphabetical; no comparison links were found, but there are two types of cross-references: simple - with the concept to which the reader is being referred highlighted in light italics in the text, and complementary, when at the end of the dictionary entry there is an indication “See. Also"). A special kind of references are references, where necessary, to regulatory legal acts. They play a special role in the reference book on jurisprudence, since a feature of the legal lexicon is the presence of legal definitions, when the meaning of the term is determined not by the agreement of scientists or tradition, but by the norm-definition of a particular specialized legal act.

The arrangement of articles that explain concepts that consist of two or more terms, as a rule, corresponds to that used in legal literature. Inversions are allowed in cases where it is advisable to put the main word in first place or the title of the article contains a proper name.

In general, the composition of the dictionary can be considered relevant, since terms widely used in the media, journalism, legal popular science, educational and scientific literature are given and interpreted in the reference book.

The dictionary is written in accessible language, the presentation is distinguished by scientific objectivity and ideological neutrality.

In general, the articles of the Dictionary are a good basis for the selection of legal terms in the normative dictionary of the Russian language, since it contains the main core of classical legal terminology, which is interpreted at a high scientific level. However, there is no doubt that the catalog of legal terms should be expanded due to constantly emerging innovations in legal regulation.

The initial rejection of the encyclopedic principle led to the fact that the content of the Dictionary's dictionary entries is, as a rule, limited to a brief definition of the exact meaning of a legal concept/expression, an indication of the source/origin and scope of application. Borrowed and foreign terms are accompanied by an indication of their origin and the meaning with which the word was borrowed from the source language.

Like most specialized subject dictionaries, the reference book under review contains only fragments of the lexicographic characteristics of the word; it does not contain information about the features of pronunciation, the part-speak characteristics of the word, the rules of inflection and the order of its use in the context.

Despite this, information about the meaning of each terminological unit can be considered sufficient and reliable. Information about defined words is usually properly organized and units of the same class are described in a similar way, complex and compound terms are interpreted through simple concepts that are usually described separately.

Biology. Large encyclopedic dictionary

Ed. M. S. Gilyarov

Industry directories

The dictionary represents the first attempt to create a universal encyclopedic biological dictionary in Russian. The subject index of the dictionary contains approximately 7,200 lexical units (more than 7,000 are systematic names of organisms).

The publication is intended not only for biologists, but also for a wide range of representatives of related specialties. The dictionary is built in compliance with the basic rules adopted in domestic encyclopedic publications - alphabetical arrangement of articles, system of references, principles of abbreviations, etc. The order of arrangement of articles consisting of two or more words, as a rule, corresponds to that used in the biological literature. Inversions are allowed in cases where it is advisable to put the main word in first place or the title of the article contains a proper name. A brief etymological reference is given for most foreign language terms; a Latin or Greek equivalent is given for the main anatomical and morphological terms. A number of articles are accompanied by bibliographical references. At the end of the dictionary there are name and subject indexes, as well as an index of Latin names of organisms.

The fact that the authors of the dictionary are more than 500 leading experts in the relevant fields of biology indicates the breadth of selection of terms for the dictionary, as well as the reliability of the definitions. A large group of specialists from the literary control editorial office of the publishing house “Soviet Encyclopedia” also took part in the preparation of the dictionary, so the dictionary under review meets modern requirements for dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian language when used as the state language.

Military Encyclopedia

I. N. Rodionov, P. S. Grachev, S. B. Ivanov and others.

Industry directories

The Military Encyclopedia, published by Military Publishing House in 1994–2004, is one of the best industry encyclopedias. It inherits the traditions of the Russian and Soviet military encyclopedic school, the history of which goes back about 160 years.

"Military Encyclopedia" is a scientific reference publication intended for military personnel, as well as for a wider range of readers interested in the military history of Russia and the difficult period of formation of the Russian army.

The directory contains about 25,000 articles providing a systematic and uniform interpretation of military terms. The encyclopedia contains articles covering the heroic past of the Russian army, navy and air force, the Soviet period of development, the most important concepts of military science, military art, technology and weapons, etc.

The articles are arranged in alphabetical order. The title of each article is printed in bold capital font. Each word included in the title has an accent mark. The Dictionary consistently uses the graphic designation of the letter ё both in the headings and in the texts of dictionary entries.

If the heading word has several terminological meanings, then each of them is given under its own number. The title of an article in many cases includes two or more words. The Dictionary adopts the natural order of their arrangement. This means a single concept consisting of a qualifying phrase in which the adjective determines the noun, located in the alphabetical place of the adjective. Phrases are, as a rule, reduced to the singular, but sometimes, in accordance with accepted scientific terminology, they are preserved in plural forms.

Terms borrowed from other languages ​​have a brief etymological reference.

The Directory uses the system of abbreviations adopted in domestic encyclopedias. In addition to generally accepted abbreviations, the abbreviations adopted in this edition are also used; they are given at the end of each of the eight volumes.

The Encyclopedia maintains hierarchical relationships between the concepts being interpreted and the integral concept used in the interpretation. One can note the consistency in indicating the conceptual connections between definitions characterizing similar and semantically similar terms. The encyclopedia maintains a good correspondence between the definition of a term and the meanings in which these terms are used in other dictionary entries in this multi-volume publication. The encyclopedia does not contain factual errors - for this, it seems, significant merit belongs to the team of professionals of the scientific editorial staff and the editorial board of the Military Encyclopedia.

Geographical encyclopedic dictionary

Ed. V. M. Kotlyakova

Industry directories

The encyclopedic dictionary represents the most complete experience in 2012 in creating a universal Dictionary of general geography in Russian. The subject index of the dictionary contains approximately 16,000 lexical units.

The articles of the “Geographical Encyclopedic Dictionary” are arranged in alphabetical order. In cases where a word has several meanings, they are combined in one article, but each meaning is highlighted with a number.

For heading words that are foreign geographical names, their original (foreign) spelling is given in brackets (for languages ​​using the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet).

The publication is intended not only for geographers, but also for a wide range of readers, entrepreneurs and officials.

The vocabulary of the dictionary is distinguished by the breadth of its selection of terms and the reliability of its definitions. There are practically no inaccuracies in the definition of terms. The dictionary introduces us to the circle of general geography, as it has been understood since ancient times.

Geography: Concepts and terms: five-language academic dictionary

V. M. Kotlyakov, A. I. Komarova

Industry directories

This dictionary of geographical terms covers five languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish and German. Terms of 14 geographical disciplines are included: general geography, physical geography and landscape science, paleogeography, geomorphology, soil geography, biogeography, meteorology and climatology, land hydrology, glaciology, permafrost science, oceanology, cartography and geoinformatics, geoecology, public (socio-economic) geography. There are about 7,000 terms with brief definitions in Russian and English, more than 1,000 main synonyms, as well as a list of local names of geographical objects and phenomena, a thematic and alphabetical-nested index of Russian-language terms, as well as four alphabetical indexes of terms in English, French, Spanish and German languages.

The vocabulary of the dictionary included words directly related to geography, which made it possible to distinguish geographical terms from the words of the “common language” and from the terms of related sciences. For each term included in the dictionary, a brief definition is given, the purpose of which is not a detailed explanation of the term in question, but concise information about what exactly a particular term means and the exact equivalent terms in five languages. The definitions provided in the reference book are presented in simple and understandable language and are intended to provide a clear interpretation that shows a consistent understanding of the term. Many terms and concepts are accompanied by drawings and photographs (more than 500).

Medical encyclopedic dictionary

Ed. V. I. Borodulina

Industry directories

The vocabulary of this dictionary quite fully reflects the set of basic terms of many branches of medicine. The terminology for balneology and physiotherapy is presented in great detail. Regarding the characteristics of the resorts, the authors did not skimp on the number of geographical places characterized and the number of lines allocated to each of them. The dictionary's subject index contains more than 7,000 dictionary entries.

The dictionary is built in compliance with most of the rules adopted in domestic encyclopedic publications - alphabetical arrangement of articles, system of references, principles of abbreviations, etc. The order of articles consisting of two or more words, as a rule, corresponds to that used in medical literature. Inversions are allowed in cases where it is advisable to put the main word in first place or the title of the article contains a proper name. The vast majority of foreign language terms are given an etymological reference, which greatly simplifies the understanding of the terms for non-professionals.

The structure of dictionary entries and lexicographic, as well as semantic-conceptual characteristics of words are at a high or quite satisfactory level for a specialized non-philological dictionary. The advantage of the dictionary is its rich and original selection of illustrations and many rare photographs. There could be more compositional references to related concepts within the dictionary; there are few of them, and this does not make the dictionary easier to use.

New Philosophical Encyclopedia

Ed. V. S. Stepina

Industry directories

“The New Philosophical Encyclopedia” in 4 volumes is a fundamental work prepared by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Social Science Foundation; for the development of a scientific concept and the creation of the “New Philosophical Encyclopedia” by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2004 No. 11554, members of the scientific and editorial council B. S. Stepin, A. A. Guseinov, G. Yu. Semigin, A. P. Ogurtsov were awarded the State Prize and awarded title of laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2003. The publication includes more than 5,000 articles, in the preparation of which the world experience of encyclopedic publications in the field of philosophy was used, including the “Universal Philosophical Encyclopedia” (Encyclopédie philosophique universelle) in 6 volumes, published French university press in Paris in 1991–1999, American encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 1–10. Cambr. (Mass.), 1998) and others.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia is positioned as “new” in comparison with the previous Philosophical Encyclopedia in 5 volumes, published in our country in 1960–1970. This novelty is associated, first of all, with the liberation of philosophical thinking from the Marxist-Leninist doctrine that was mandatory in those years, including its philosophical component. However, this same remarkable circumstance is also associated with a problem that the creators of the encyclopedia were far from completely able to solve. This problem can be described as a problem of the target audience of the publication.

The fact that the authors of the encyclopedia are about 400 leading experts in various fields of domestic philosophical knowledge indicates the authority of the publication, although it cannot in itself indicate the completeness of the selection of terms for the encyclopedia, nor the reliability of the definitions associated with generally valid lexical norms.

Identity as a category of political science: a dictionary of terms and concepts

Ed. I. S. Semenenko

Industry directories

The peculiarity of the dictionary is that it is aimed not at linguistic analysis of words, but at the development and integration of the existing categorical apparatus on the topic of identity in related fields of knowledge based on the political scientific method of observation and terminological interpretation within the framework of the categorical apparatus of political science, which gives it the character of a thesaurus dictionary .

The publication includes about 50 basic for modern social science conceptual dimensions of the phenomenon of social identity, including their diverse semantic and lexical modifications, integrated terminologically on the basis of scientific political science discourse. The dictionary includes terms from fields of study adjacent to political science - sociology, ethnology, social psychology, cultural studies, historical anthropology, etc., adapted lexically and semantically to the conceptual tools of modern political science. Such original content richness of the publication became possible due to the participation in its preparation of more than 20 reputable professionals in the field of theory and methodology of research of the social process.

The conceptual basis of the created dictionary is the combination in one publication of a larger number of terms from various branches of social science knowledge on the problem of scientific description of the phenomenon of social identity, which should significantly help the researcher in his work in this interdisciplinary field. This terminological dictionary is intended both for political scientists of various profiles, and for a wide range of representatives of related disciplines, primarily sociologists, psychologists, ethnologists, and cultural scientists. The constantly growing volume of scientific information in social science leads to the differentiation of scientific knowledge and to deepening specialization, which cannot but generate the need to search for “conceptual” bridges between them, the desire to integrate knowledge from various fields that study the same object - social identity.

The dictionary is convenient to use primarily because it is rationally organized structurally based on the “mental map of identity” developed by the authors. It consists of six special sections (“Identity framework concepts”, “Social-role identity”, “identity in the political dimension”, “Identity in the sociocultural dimension”, “Spatial-territorial identity”, “Identity: discourses and practices”, available section “Information about the authors” (encyclopedic in nature).

The dictionary was built in compliance with most of the rules adopted in domestic encyclopedic publications. The order of the articles strictly corresponds to the cognitive scheme for describing the conceptual structure of the dictionary, justified in the first two articles. The volume of reference articles is clearly balanced and structured, despite the fact that the articles are authored by authors with differing methodological positions.

The dictionary, published in 2007 by a reputable domestic specialized publishing house, embodies the experience of creating the first domestic combined reference encyclopedic dictionary of modern political science, which includes content components of a terminological industry dictionary.

The object of description of the encyclopedic dictionary was the basic concepts of modern political science, which arose in the process of the evolution of political science discourse and the institutionalization of political science, concepts and categories that constitute the main content of modern political science. Along with materials devoted to the analysis of traditional political science problems, the reader will find here a theoretical description of terms that characterize a number of new political processes and phenomena. Taken together, the articles devoted to various manifestations of the world of politics provide an opportunity to see the interdisciplinary facets of this field of knowledge, obtain systematic ideas about the political sphere of life, and get acquainted with the experience and modern problems of studying its various aspects and manifestations. Dictionary entries are arranged in alphabetical order. The basis of the dictionary consists of articles characterizing the semantic and conceptual orientation of the terminological design of the main areas of research in modern political science. The dictionary also describes the terminological layer of concepts associated with interdisciplinary research at the intersection of political science and other social sciences. It is important that the dictionary entries take into account the specifics of the political system of modern Russia.

The functional structure of the dictionary and its articles reflects the subject area of ​​political science. The alphabetical index included in the contents of the publication facilitates the use of the encyclopedic dictionary. The dictionary is written in professional language, the style of describing the institutional, organizational and ideal dimensions of politics, the meaning and meaning of which is expressed by political terms, is distinguished by ideological neutrality.

It should be noted the high quality of interpretations of the meaning and content of the concepts of modern political science, accompanied by examples of the correct use of special political science terminology by authoritative representatives of modern political science. This dictionary in its interdisciplinary manifestations makes it possible to use existing political science knowledge from a scientific position of observing new political and linguistic realities in Russia.

The dictionary is addressed not only to doctors, but also to a wide range of representatives of related specialties: scientists in the field of medicine, students of medical schools, as well as linguists. It is built in compliance with the basic rules adopted in domestic encyclopedic publications - alphabetical arrangement of articles, a system of references, principles of abbreviations, placement of stress in words, etc. The order of arrangement of articles consisting of two or more words, as a rule, corresponds to the one used in medical literature. Inversions are allowed in cases where it is advisable to put the main word in first place or the title of the article contains a proper name. A brief etymological reference is given for most foreign language terms; a Latin or Greek equivalent is given for the main anatomical and morphological terms. As an appendix, the dictionary includes an etymological reference book of Greek-Latin terminological elements. A number of articles are accompanied by bibliographical references.

The dictionary is built in compliance with the basic rules adopted in domestic encyclopedic publications - alphabetical arrangement of articles, system of references, principles of abbreviations, etc. A number of articles are accompanied by bibliographical references. The procedure for highlighting key information units of the description is clear and understandable. The functional structure of the dictionary, focused on finding the necessary information, is such that it does not cause difficulties for the reader. Many foreign language terms and concepts are given a Latin or Greek equivalent. The dictionary has a subject index. The publication is well illustrated. Unfortunately, the defined terms do not indicate emphasis. The total number of articles is about 4–5 thousand lexical units, which fully covers the declared topics of the dictionary.

The authors of the dictionary are more than 30 leading experts (employees of universities and academic institutes of St. Petersburg) in the relevant field of natural sciences, which indicates the breadth and impartiality of the selection of terms for the dictionary, as well as the reliability of the definitions. The dictionary is characterized by consistency and predictability in the selection of information in the stated area. The quality of interpretations and uses of special terminology allows the use of the dictionary in those natural science areas of knowledge that are relevant from the point of view of socio-political and cultural-linguistic construction, and also makes it possible to use professional knowledge about new realities and concepts of modern life in the conditions of using the Russian language as state

The reference publication is characterized by uniform principles for presenting information about the objects of description. The content of the articles is presented in clear and understandable language. If there are different ideas among scientists about a certain concept, the authors cite them and, as a rule, adhere to a neutral style of presentation. Simplicity of presentation, however, does not lead to simplified interpretations or restrictions in the choice of terms. Analysis of the content of the articles shows that the dictionary contains reliable information accumulated by modern biological science and practice. The dictionary opens up ample opportunities for the assimilation and accumulation of reference information for the purpose of teaching the language of a specialty and expanding the public zone of conscious, professional use of terms.

Explanatory dictionary of selected medical terms: Eponyms and figurative expressions

Ed. L. P. Churilova, A. V. Kolobova, Yu. I. Stroeva

Industry directories

The dictionary contains about 1,700 lexical items, mainly eponyms and figurative terms. The linguistic material included in the dictionary, rich in content, is distinguished by its novelty and is presented for the first time in a Russian-language publication of this kind.

The publication is of interest not only to physicians, but also to a wide range of representatives of related medical and biological specialties, as well as historians of natural science and medicine. The objects of study of the authors were terms that arose through a metaphorical rethinking of well-known expressions. In addition, the authors identify a special group of terms, the so-called eponyms, which are understood as terms derived from the names of doctors and scientists who described various symptoms, syndromes and diseases, and sometimes from the names of patients who were diagnosed with a particular disease.

Naval Dictionary

Ed. V. N. Chernavina

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“Naval Dictionary” is a scientific and reference encyclopedic publication intended for military personnel, as well as for a wider range of readers interested in naval affairs. The dictionary contains about 11,000 entries, giving in a concise form a systematic and uniform interpretation of not only naval, but also basic military terms.

Entries in the Dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. Each word included in the title has an accent mark. If the heading word has a common literary spelling, it is given in brackets along with the main term. If a heading word in Russian has several meanings, then the Dictionary contains only those that denote terminological concepts related to maritime affairs. Single-order terms are combined into complex entries with a general name in the heading part of the dictionary entry.

The title of an article in many cases includes two or more words. In this case, phrases are usually reduced to the singular, but sometimes, in accordance with accepted scientific terminology, they are preserved in plural forms.

Terms borrowed from other languages ​​have a brief etymological reference. Links to other articles are provided only if they contain additional information on this subject-conceptual area.

The Dictionary uses the system of abbreviations adopted in domestic encyclopedias. In addition to generally accepted abbreviations, abbreviations specially developed for this publication are also used.

The language of interpretation in the “Naval Dictionary” has the properties of an encyclopedic description of an object or concept. In practice, this means that interpretations of this type are characterized by subject-specific specificity, and the vocabulary contains a significant number of unique concepts that characterize events and objects of the real world. The description of linguistic concepts - terms - in this dictionary does not have a primary, but an equal meaning with encyclopedic objects.

The dictionary maintains hierarchical relationships between the concepts being interpreted and the integral concept used in the interpretation. One can note the consistency in indicating the conceptual connections between definitions characterizing similar and semantically similar terms. The dictionary maintains a good correspondence between the definition of a term and the meanings in which these terms are used in other dictionary entries of the same dictionary. The dictionary does not contain factual errors - for this, it seems, significant merit belongs to the team of professionals of the scientific editorial staff and the editorial board of the “Naval Dictionary” of the Military Publishing House.

Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Ed. I. T. Kasavina

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“Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science” is a reference publication prepared in the section of social epistemology of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The total volume of the publication is 1248 pp. “Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science” is aimed at a specific target audience of readers. This determined not only the quality of the published materials, the chosen format of their organization, the composition of the recommended literature, but the possibility of using it as a scientific and information resource in the creation of dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian language when used as the state language.

The encyclopedia is intended not only for teachers of philosophy in higher education and those who pass the candidate minimum in the history and methodology of scientific knowledge, but also for those students and teachers for whom connections between scientific disciplines are important, which, due to their integral significance, acquire a comprehensive general scientific and philosophical character. The authors of the encyclopedia manage to combine accuracy in reproducing the logic of the development of basic concepts and ideas of scientific and philosophical thinking with the spirit of understanding the world as an intellectual and psychological adventure. This is evidenced by the selection of literature for many articles and the stereoscopic nature of the descriptions. Thus, the problem of consciousness - one of the most difficult and important in modern human sciences - is devoted to three independent articles written by different authors and viewing it from different angles.

Legal encyclopedia

Edited by B. N. Topornin

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In modern Russia, this encyclopedia is the most authoritative scientific reference book on jurisprudence. This is a joint project of the Institute of State and Law (IGP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the publishing house “Yurist”, outstanding in terms of its participants and scientific level, which has no precedents in the recent history of domestic jurisprudence. Among the 27 members of the editorial board and project leaders were two deceased full members and one living corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, another 18 doctors and six - then - candidates of legal sciences. But in general, the team of authors, consisting of leading specialists, numbers 180 people: apparently, the entire composition of the scientific staff of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences by the beginning of the 21st century, headed by its then director of the Institute of State History, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Nikolaevich Topornin. The encyclopedia contains about 2,300 dictionary entries, including reference ones, which explain the meaning of a proportionate number of terms and special expressions from the field of legal science and legislative practice. The thematic completeness of the encyclopedia is due to the fact that its articles cover all the main branches of Russian, foreign and international law, as well as theoretical and applied sections of legal knowledge: agrarian and administrative, nuclear and civil, land and constitutional, international public and international private, business and banking, financial and tax, Roman, family and labor, criminal and penal law, environmental law, arbitration and civil procedure, criminal procedure, as well as the sciences of the history of state and law in Russia and foreign countries, the history of political doctrines, the theory of state and law - in total about three dozen branches, disciplines and areas of jurisprudence. Being a type of industry encyclopedia, this publication is intended for a wide range of readers, i.e. e. everyone who is interested in law, its origin, development and current state, including law makers and law enforcers, government and political figures, deputies of legislative and representative bodies, administrative staff, judges, prosecutors, lawyers. The encyclopedia articles are also designed for use in the educational process by teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions. The sources of information used in compiling the encyclopedia are not specifically specified in the publication, but given the highest level of scientific qualifications of the author’s team, you can be sure that, in addition to Russian and foreign legislation, as well as special scientific literature, scientists relied on the results of their own scientific research. Thus, this book is independent in terms of the sources of formation of the dictionary, the completeness of the thematic selection of concepts included in it, and the novelty of information in comparison with previous similar publications. The functional structure of the encyclopedia is clear to the reader; it is characterized by consistency and predictability in the selection of information. The order of dictionary entries is strictly alphabetical; comparison references were not found, however, there are traditional cross-references of two types: simple - with the concept to which the reader is referred to highlighted in light italics in the text, and complementary, when at the end of the dictionary entry there is an indication “See. Also"). A feature of the structure of the encyclopedia's dictionary entries is that several entries are sometimes combined under one title. This is usually due to the multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary nature of the concept or phenomenon being defined, which is interpreted differently by representatives of individual legal disciplines.

Grammar dictionaries are dictionaries that contain information about the morphological and syntactic properties of a word. Grammar dictionaries include words arranged in direct or reverse alphabetical order. The principles of selection and the amount of information about a word vary depending on the purpose and addressee of each grammatical dictionary.

One of the best grammatical dictionaries is “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language. Word change" A.A. Zaliznyak (Moscow, 1977). It contains about 100,000 words, arranged in reverse alphabetical order, for which a unique system of indexes has been developed, assigning words to a specific category, type within it, type of stress, etc.

Educational “Grammar and Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language” B.T. Panova and A.V. Tekuchev was published in Moscow in 1976. In 1985, the second (revised and expanded) edition of the dictionary was published with a new name “School Grammar and Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.” The authors of this dictionary provide various information about the word: its composition (division), spelling, pronunciation, grammatical forms, meaning (information on the morphology and semantics of the word is given in difficult cases).

In 1978, the “Dictionary of Indeclinable Words” by N.P. was published. Kolesnikov, which contains 1,800 indeclinable nouns and other inflexible words, mostly of foreign origin. In addition to information about the origin of words, an interpretation of their meanings is given, features of pronunciation are indicated, and grammatical notes are given.

Dictionary-reference book for press workers D.E. Rosenthal's “Management in the Russian Language” (Moscow, 1981) contains 2,100 dictionary entries that give an idea of ​​the possible choice of construction options that differ in semantic or stylistic shades. In 1986, the 2nd, significantly expanded (about 2500 dictionary entries, edition of this dictionary) was published. “Russian verb and its participial forms: Explanatory and grammatical dictionary” - under this title the dictionary-reference book by I.K. was published in 1989. Sazonova.

Educational dictionary of the Russian language V.V. Repkina describes 14,100 words, incl. 3100 main (capital) and over 2700 synonyms and anonymous words for them in 8300 words derived from the main ones. The dictionary is part of a set of textbooks for students in grades 2-5 studying the Russian language under developmental education programs.

* Prokopovich N.N., Deribas A.A., Prokopovich E.N. Nominal and verbal control in modern Russian. M., 1975.

* Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V. Grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1976.

* Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of indeclinable words. M., 1978.

* Russian semantic dictionary: Experience in automatic construction of a thesaurus: from concept to word / Comp. Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Molchanov, V.A. Afanasyev, N.V. Mikhalev; Rep. ed. S.G. Barkhudarov. M., 1982.

* Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V. School grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1985.

* Rosenthal D.E. Management in Russian: Dictionary-reference book for press workers. M., 1981; 2nd ed. M., 1986.
