Scenario of an open event for the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression. Scenario for the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression on the topic: “Interrupted flight Political repression event scenarios

Rally scenario

dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

12-00 o'clock KFOR area

Background music is playing.

Near the memorial sign to the victims of political repression there is a guard of honor from among the students of secondary school No. 3. The state flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been installed, with a flag bearer standing next to it.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear villagers and guests of the village!

Today our country celebrates for the 17th time the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in 1997.

For Kazakhstan, this date has a special meaning. History turned out that our republic became a place of deportation for millions of Soviet citizens.

History, saturated with the blood of hundreds of thousands of those executed without trial and the endless grief of millions with crippled destinies, is our common history. It is impossible to count the exact number of all victims of the totalitarian regime, but remembering national tragedies and what still resonates with pain in the popular consciousness is just as necessary as victories and great achievements. Preserving the memory of previous generations and their tragedies is our moral duty.

Today the whole country pays tribute to the victims of political repression. We bow our heads low to those to whom the lawlessness of the bygone era dealt a heavy blow, who went through camps and exile, did not spare their strength and lives in the name of faith in Goodness and Justice.

Storyof our Pioneer rural district is inseparable from the history of Kazakhstan. A special page in the chronicle of our region is devoted to special settlers who arrived in the territory of our district 84 years ago. People on our land had to endure a lot of grief and hard years.

As a sign of deep gratitude and respect for the people of the older generation, a memorial sign to the victims of political repression of the 1930s-1940s is unveiled in our village.

The right to unveil a memorial sign to the victims of political repression is granted to the akim of the Osakarovsky district, Serzhan Zhanabekovich Aimakov, and the son of special settlers, Nikolai Antonovich Rasskazov.

The monument is unveiled.

Leading: Dear villagers and our guests!

Let us consider the meeting dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression open.

The Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan sounds

Leading: The floor for the speech is given to the akim of the Osakarovsky district, Aimakov Serzhan Zhanabekovich.

The floor is given to the Chairman of the Council of Veterans, Alexey Kuzmich Kryukov.

The floor for the speech is given to Nikolai Antonovich Rasskazov.

The floor for the speech is given to the daughter of the special settlers, Lydia Kirillovna Khramova.

Performance by secondary school No. 3.

Leading: Today our task is to prevent a repetition of the tragedy of the people, to rethink the lessons of history so that our state becomes rightfully democratic and legal.

The melody of a requiem sounds.

Leading: As a sign of deep gratitude and respect for those affected by the totalitarian regime, I ask you to lay flowers at the memorial sign.

Laying flowers.

Leading: We invite the chief imam of the Baigozy mosque kazhy Yakhiyaev Zholaman Abilkhan to the microphoneUly and protopriest,the rector of the Kazan-Bogoroditsky Church in the village of Osakarovka, Maxim Ivanovich Senkin, to conduct the memorial service.

Memorial service.

Leading: The tragedies of history do not repeat themselves when they are remembered and when lessons are learned from them.

We must take care of our history, of those who gave their strength, talent, knowledge, and finally their lives, in the name of their homeland, dreams of its independence and prosperity. The memory of millions of innocent victims of political repression should be a warning to current generations. We must not allow the tragedy of the past to happen.

Leading: Word for speechprovidedakimPioneer rural district Akizhanov Serik Tanzharykovich.

Leading: Dear villagers!

The meeting dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression is declared closed.

The Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan sounds

Leading: Dear villagers and our guests! In the foyer of the SDK there is an exhibition of museum exhibits from the primary school of the village. Central. We invite everyone to visit the exhibition.

The music “Requiem” is playing.

Our meeting today is being held on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression. I'll start it with verses:

who was branded by Article fifty-eight,
who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,
who in court, without trial, by special meeting
was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,
who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

The floor is given Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

1st presenter: It was not by chance that October 30 was chosen by the President of the Russian Federation as the Day of Victims of Repression: 19 years before, this day was chosen, if you like, by God. On this day in 1972, Yuri Galanskov died in a Mordovian camp, having received a sentence for his protest against the imprisonment of Sinyavsky and Daniel, writers convicted of publishing their stories abroad.

Two years later, in October 1974, a group of Galanskov’s convicts managed to convey to the public a proposal to celebrate this day throughout the world as the Day of Political Prisoners. This is what was accepted by the international community. And it was carried out in Soviet camps - through hunger strikes - despite the inevitable punishment cells, bans on visits, transfers to prison regime and other delights. Until 1974, another date was celebrated as the Day of Political Prisoners - September 5 - the anniversary of the famous decree of 1918 “On the Red Terror”, which, in addition to the execution of “all persons related to White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions, introduced concentration camps in Soviet Russia...”.

2nd presenter: The presidential decree marked the new state's break with the repressive Soviet regime. To what extent this gap is confirmed by new practice, we can judge for ourselves.

But did the president, when signing his decree, think about the fact that the word “repression” hardly corresponds to what happened with the establishment of Soviet power in our country.

Indeed, - What is repression? This is when the government punishes people for some of their actions against it - right? Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of those whom we remember today did not even think about any actions against the authorities.

3rd presenter: Not the thousands of engineers arrested in connection with the “Shakhty case”; nor the hundreds of thousands tortured, shot, and killed in 1937–1938. party members who naively believed that they, the mind, honor and conscience of the era, were building a bright future for all working people; nor the millions of peasants who believed in the “new economic policy” announced in 1921 and who, 7 years later, found themselves victims of the “policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class.” Neither the executed marshals and generals - almost the entire Soviet generals, nor the poets: Gumilyov, Tabidze, Smelyakov, Zabolotsky - fought against the authorities; neither the artists - Ruslanova, Dvorzhetsky, Mikhoels, nor the author of the trajectory of the future American flight to the Moon Kondratyuk, or the future head of the Soviet space program Korolev, or the aircraft designer Tupolev, nor the geneticists Vavilov, Pantin, Timofeev-Resovsky, nor our physicist Rumer, astronomer Kozyrev, historian Gumilyov, not the completely destroyed Jewish anti-fascist committee, not the victims of the post-war “Leningrad affair”, not to mention the millions of captured soldiers...

1st speaker: “On the conditions of detention of prisoners.”

The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki and Kolyma. The conditions of detention of prisoners in these camps led to great loss of life. The security on Solovki consisted of OGPU employees who were convicted of sins in their service and were sent to Solovki for correction. And they did arbitrariness there. New prisoners were greeted with the words: “This is not the Soviet Republic, but the Solovetsky Republic!” Get it! The prosecutor has never set foot on Solovetsky soil, and never will! Know! You weren't sent here to fix it! You can’t fix a hunchback.”

Life was like a theater of the absurd. They published their own magazine “Solovetsky Islands”. And since 1926, an All-Union subscription was announced for it. There was also its own drama group, because there were a lot of cultural figures there. And botanists and art historians were members of the Solovetsky Society of Local History.

There were only two escapes from the Solovetsky Islands. There were different measures for killing people. Of the 84 thousand people, 43 thousand people died.

Over the years, 2.5 million people served their sentences in Kolyma, of which 950 thousand died.

They died from exhaustion and related diseases.

The size of the ration became the main means for the camp administration to force prisoners to give all their best at work. Shock workers were entitled to increased rations and the possibility of early release, and those who did not fulfill the quota had their rations mercilessly cut.

Since 1938, mass executions began, thereby getting rid of unwanted prisoners.

4th presenter: This is not repression, this is - stupid violence, which can’t even be called political. Simply the violence of power, which feels itself to be power only in acts of violence, the more causeless, the more delightful!

The Soviet regime did not invent anything new in this regard. If you think about it, violence served as the main productive force. True, this system was unable to produce anything but violence. But she produced this on an expanding scale.

“What does the word repression mean for your family?”

1st presenter: Years of the “Great Terror”(1937-38) claimed a hitherto unknown number of lives of our compatriots. They even amaze officially published results of this company: 1,344,923 arrested, 681,692 executed. The famous historian R. Conquest (BT) names other numbers: 12-14 million arrested, at least 1 million. shot; Commission of the Central Committee (1962) and even more: 19 million arrested, at least 7 million executed.

As it were, both names – Yezhovshchina and BT – are inaccurate. The NKVD, which carried out mass arrests and executions in those years, was indeed headed by N. Yezhov, but the idea of ​​this action was not his. If we were to associate this with someone’s name, then we should call it: Stalinism. Suffice it to remember that during the BT they were destroyed? members of the Central Committee are almost all of Lenin’s closest associates, 95% of the top generals are the founders of Lenin’s Red Army. All of them are by no means enemies of Stalin, much less of the Soviet regime.

1st reader: “About Anna Akhmatova.”

1935 – 1940

No, and not under an alien sky,
And not under the protection of alien wings, -
I was then with my people,
Where my people, unfortunately, were.

During the terrible years of the Yezhovshchina, she spent seventeen months in prison lines in Leningrad. One day someone “identified” her. Then the woman standing behind her with blue lips, who, of course, had never heard her name in her life, woke up from her characteristic daze and asked her in her ear (everyone there spoke in a whisper):

– Can you describe this?

And Akhmatova said:

Then something like a smile crossed what had once been her face.

2nd reader: Anna Akhmatova “Dedication”.

Mountains bend before this grief,
The great river does not flow
But the prison gates are strong,
And behind them are “convict holes”,
And mortal melancholy.
For some the wind is blowing fresh,
For someone the sunset is basking -
We don't know, we are the same everywhere
We only hear the hateful grinding of keys
Yes, the soldiers' steps are heavy.
They rose as if to early mass,
They walked through the wild capital,
There we met, more lifeless dead,
The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy,
And hope still sings in the distance.
Sentence…. And immediately the tears will flow,
Already separated from everyone,
As if with pain the life was taken out of the heart,
As if rudely knocked over,
But she walks....Wobbles....Alone.
Where are the involuntary friends now?
My two crazy years?
What do they imagine in the Siberian blizzard?
What do they see in the lunar circle?
To them I send my farewell greetings.

March 1940

Correspondent addresses invited guests (formerly repressed) with a question

2nd presenter: The Great Terror was carefully planned - as a kind of military operation. Moreover, the murder of Kirov on December 1, 1934 only externally looked like a reason for unleashing terror; rather, it was one of the measures of his personnel and psychological preparation.

The BT plan itself, with a breakdown of the entire population into groups and categories, percentage standards for each category and limits on arrests and executions by region and republic, was submitted by Yezhov for approval by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 2, 1937. No liquidation or imprisonment was subject to only the remnants of the “hostile classes” (including children) and former members of hostile parties and participants in the white movement (and their children), but also communists - former members of all opposition movements in the CPSU (b) - 383 lists of the most prominent party and government figures.

3rd reader: Anna Akhmatova “Introduction”.

It was when I smiled
Only dead, glad for peace.
And dangled like an unnecessary pendant
Leningrad is near its prisons.
And when, maddened by torment,
The already condemned regiments were marching,
And a short song of parting
The locomotive whistles sang,
The death stars stood above us
And innocent Rus' writhed
Under bloody boots
And under the black tires there is Marussia.

3rd presenter: Apparently, at the same plenum the issue of torture investigation was discussed. Mass torture began on the night of August 17-18, 1937.

Ideologically, BT was justified back in 1928 by Stalin’s thesis about the intensification of the class struggle as we move towards socialism; this thesis was proven by the repressions themselves: “Shakhtinsky trial” - summer of 1928, more than 2000 engineers were arrested, 5 of them were shot; trial of the “Industrial Party” - 1930, world-class economists Chayanov and Kondratiev were shot; “case of sabotage at power plants” - 1933, hundreds of specialists were arrested in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust, Baku.

I. Stalin: “It has been proven that the sabotage of our specialists, the anti-Soviet actions of the kulaks... were subsidized and inspired from outside.”

4th reader: Anna Akhmatova “The Verdict”

And the stone word fell
On my still living chest.
It's okay, because I was ready
I'll deal with this somehow.

I have a lot to do today:
We must completely kill our memory,
It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,
We must learn to live again.

Otherwise... The hot rustle of summer
It's like a holiday outside my window.
I've been anticipating this for a long time
Bright day and empty house.

The correspondent addresses the invited guests (formerly repressed) with a question “How did your family achieve rehabilitation?”

4th presenter: 25.11.38 Beria was appointed to the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, most of the Yezhov investigators were arrested and shot, 327,400 “Yezhov” prisoners were released. Yezhov himself was appointed People's Commissar of Water Transport, then this People's Commissariat was abolished, and Yezhov was arrested and shot. But his arrest, trial and execution were never officially reported; only the word “Yezhovshchina” appeared in the language, but it was not used officially either.

The number of BT victims is stated above: counting in the millions, it remains uncertain; their burial places are discovered by chance. The heirs of the NKVD are doing everything to prevent the publication of the executed lists. For example, a mass grave was discovered in Karelia near Medvezhyegorsk. Here on October 27, 1937, 1,111 people were shot.

5th reader: Anna Akhmatova “Epilogue”.

I learned how faces fall,
How fear peeks out from under your eyelids,
Like cuneiform hard pages
Suffering appears on the cheeks,
Like curls of ashen and black
They suddenly become silver,
The smile fades on the lips of the submissive,
And fear trembles in the dry laugh.
And I’m not praying for myself alone,
And about everyone who stood there with me
And in the bitter cold and in the July heat
Under the red, blind wall.

2nd speaker: “Repressed on the territory of our region (in the Tyumen region)”

Residents of the Tyumen region fully experienced mass terror in 1937-1938. In one month (from July 3 to August 1, 1937), more than 3 thousand people were arrested under execution charges. By August 13, 5,444 people had already been arrested.

In Tyumen, Tobolsk, Ishim, Khanty-Mansiysk, Salekhard, all political exiles were shot. Former tsarist and white officers, priests, many participants in the peasant uprising of 1921. December 10, 1937 - 11 thousand 50 people were convicted under the first category (execution), and more than 5 thousand people under the second category (deportation to camps).

A special page in the chronicle history of our region should be given to the so-called special settlers. Entire peoples who were forcibly deported to the eastern regions of the country found themselves under the moloch of repressive policies during the war.

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted a decree “On the resettlement of Germans living in the Volga region.” More than a million deported to the areas of the present Tyumen region, 31 thousand 890 people were shot.

In 1943 – 1944 Trains with deported Chechens, Balkars, Ingush, Kabardians, and Crimean Tatars began to arrive beyond the Urals. Many of them ended up on Tyumen land and fully experienced the bitter fate of special settlers. In 1944, 14 thousand 147 Kalmyks were taken to the Tyumen region. Most of them were located in the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets districts. However, having found themselves in unusual natural and climatic conditions and being placed in barracks unsuitable for winter conditions, many Kalmyk special settlers died and rest in Tyumen soil. The survivors were allowed to return to their homes only in 1954.

The fate of the repressed peoples was shared by the indigenous inhabitants of Yamal - the Nenets. In November–December 1943, the security forces provoked a revolt by a group of Nenets, who dissolved collective farms, divided public reindeer and migrated deeper into the tundra. This situation was presented as an uprising organized by Hitler's intelligence. A company of machine gunners was sent from Omsk to suppress the “uprising”. Having gathered unarmed Nenets by deception, the soldiers opened fire on them: seven were killed and the same number were wounded, the rest were arrested and taken to Salekhard. There, out of 50 Nenets, 41 died from illness and exhaustion.

By 1950, more than 60 thousand people lived in the region as exiles. The most difficult situation was for special settlers who worked in logging and the fishing industry. They lived in hastily built barracks, suffering from hunger and cold, from insults and mockery from those in power.

The correspondent addresses the invited guests (formerly repressed) with a question “How did the repression affect your destiny?”

2nd presenter: But there was another result of BT - the one for which all these getacombs of corpses were piled up - the completion of the creation of a system of violence as the productive force of society. This is also mentioned above. One way or another, the “cleansing”, to use modern slang, was completed, although its terms had to be extended twice, early, as well as increasing regional limits on executions (based on requests from the localities). Socialism, as the leader and teacher understood it, was “basically” built on 1/6 of the land. It was possible to move on to preparing its distribution to the remaining 5/6.

Organizer of the evening (history teacher): Dear guests! We wish you health, long life, a prosperous old age, prosperity for you and your families, and also to be insured against various disasters and surprises!

1st presenter: Insure yourself against numerous professions.
2nd presenter: Insure yourself against the proletarians of all countries.
3rd presenter: Insure yourself against political repression.
4th presenter: Insure yourself against funeral telegrams.
1st presenter: Protect yourself from discolored skies.
2nd presenter: Insure yourself from the inevitable fuss.
3rd presenter: Insure yourself against the impersonal sky.
4th presenter: Insure yourself from hopeless fuss.

Music is playing.
Oginsky's Polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland”.

Scenario "Day of Remembrance of the Repressed"
Throughout the entire event, fragments of documentary chronicles are shown on the screen, photographs of the repressed are projected, and screensavers on the topic are projected.

Mountains bend before this grief,

The great river does not flow

But the prison gates are strong,

And behind them are “convict holes”

And mortal...deadly melancholy.

For someone the wind is blowing fresh,

For someone the sunset is basking -

We don't know, we are the same everywhere

We only hear the hateful grinding of keys

Leading: On October 30, Russia marks the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression.
Repressions began immediately after the October Revolution of 1917. At the same time, not only active political opponents of the Bolsheviks, but also people who simply expressed disagreement with their policies became victims of repressions. Repressions were also carried out on social grounds (against former police officers, gendarmes, officials of the tsarist government, priests, as well as former landowners and entrepreneurs).

The most severe repressions were those of Stalin's times, carried out in the USSR in the 1930s - 1950s and usually associated with the name of I.V. Stalin, the de facto leader of the state during this period.
Leading: On April 25, 1930, by order of the OGPU, in pursuance of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "Regulations on forced labor camps" dated April 7, 1930, the Administration of the camps was organized. In November 1930, the name GULAG began to appear (the Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps of the OGPU). Gulag camps were scattered throughout the territory our country.

The date of this memorable day was chosen due to the fact that on October 30, 1974, political prisoners of the Mordovian and Perm camps went on a hunger strike to protest against political repression in the USSR and against the inhumane treatment of prisoners in prisons and camps. Since then, Soviet political prisoners annually celebrated this day with a hunger strike, calling it the Day of Political Prisoners. There are known cases when other convicts supported them. Since 1987, Political Prisoner's Day has been celebrated with demonstrations taking place in Moscow and other cities of the USSR.
2.Slide"Prison Window"

On October 30, 1989, demonstrations took place in dozens of cities from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk, and in Moscow, about 3 thousand people with candles in their hands lined up in the form of a “human chain” around the building of the KGB of the USSR. When the participants of this action went in a procession to Pushkin Square with the aim of holding a rally, they were brutally dispersed by riot police.
Leading: On October 30, by resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, since 1991, the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression has been celebrated in Russia.
Today, the number of victims of political repression throughout the history of the formation of the Russian state has reached about 800,000 people. This figure includes not only those who became victims of political repression, but also those who suffered from the repression of loved ones and relatives, were deprived of a normal childhood in a full-fledged family and lost hope for love, reciprocity and respect from others.
Leading: It is very difficult to say today exactly how many people have suffered from the cruelty of politicians and new transformations in the country. An accurate calculation is practically impossible here. After all, many political cases opened against people were strictly classified, carried out without unnecessary attention, or even completely absent.
Approximate estimates of the number of innocently repressed citizens, whose cases were simply fabricated and used to intimidate the public, number in the millions.
Leading: The Law on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression acquitted more than 600,000 political prisoners out of 800,000. The number of those rehabilitated included such famous personalities as Rudolf Nureyev, Patriarch Tikhon, scientists and researchers, members of the Menshevik Party and others.

Monuments to victims of political repression, annually on October 30, attract large crowds of people who come to honor the memory of the innocent dead. Annual rallies are held.
2.Slide"Prison Window"
- Everyone,

who was branded under Article fifty-eight,

who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,

who in court, without trial, by special meeting

was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,

who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,

Our tears and sorrow belong to them, our eternal memory!
^3.Slide"War", the melody sounds
Leading: Many severe trials, sacrifices, and hardships befell our country in the 20th century. Two world wars and a civil war, famine and devastation, political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing the restoration of the destroyed country again and again.
Leading: But even against this background, political repression became a terrible page in our history. Moreover, the best of the best, who never even dreamed of fighting against their people, were humiliated and destroyed. Thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands of tortured, shot, murdered party members, millions of peasants who were victims of dispossession, marshals and generals, scientists and poets, writers and artists who were truly devoted to the Motherland. Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. And what is most tragic is that the system initially struggled with

completely innocent people, inventing enemies for themselves, and then destroying

4.Slide"Archival documents"

Chopin's melody "E minor" sounds
There were no friends in the Gulag,

And there were prisoners of different stripes:

From criminals and executioners,

And slandered in vain.
To be corrected by labor

They were driven to Siberia in stages, across fields.

Frost, hunger, fire

Their willpower was killed.
Half-dead "goons"

Waste stuffed into the mouth,

At the mine and logging site

They served their hard time.
And rest was unloading

70 kilo bags,

And death is malicious, not in Russian,

I was waiting on the lookout: who else?
^ 5.Slide. "Gulag camps"
The sadistic overseer beat until he bled,

He had a blast.

They were jealous of those who died

That his death was easy.
Suspected of espionage

In the betrayal of imaginary enemies,

And they even tried to turn

All in a herd of shriveled slaves.
At night rats clung to my ears,

In the hospital there is a groan, a rotten stench,

And the doors to the morgue are always open,

Everyone was accepted there.
Buried in the same grave

Or buried in the snow.

In the Gulag even children were baptized,

Those who were born in prison.
Prayers alone saved

And souls... souls of mothers,

Soaring under the skies...

And people's sense of humor.
Talents were also kept there,

There was no peace for the mind.

Without being offended by the state,

They were looking for their Star there!
The same prisoner, no doubt,

He was almost a fellow countryman,

We understand it was painful...

Sorry everyone, Rauschenbach!
^ 6.Slide. "Arrest"

Leading: Today is the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression, as confirmation that nothing is forgotten - neither a high feat, nor a vile betrayal, nor a black crime. It is the sacred duty of the state to return their good name to all innocent victims.

In our village live people of a family who were subjected to repression during the war. People who survived these terrible and difficult years.

Our guest today is: (list, brief information about several repressed people).
^ 7.Slide"Flowers"
Leading: Our generation does not know the tragedy that you experienced. Therefore, we have many questions.

Study questions:
- How did the years of repression affect your family?

What did your family members endure during that tragic time?

Were you rehabilitated?

If so, how did you get the unjust sentence overturned?

Has your good name been restored?
Today they came to congratulate you:

Yakushova L.G. - Chairman of the Council of Deputies.

Galych T.V. –

And the children of our school have prepared gifts for you.

Students give gifts.
8. Slide “Prison”

Leading: Nowadays we know incredible numbers of people executed, repressed, imprisoned, and scattered in orphanages.

Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. The system fought against completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for itself, and then mercilessly destroyed these people. Eternal memory to those who died innocently.
9.Slide."Burning Candle"
And according to good tradition, I ask you to honor all victims of Stalinist political repression with a minute of silence. (Minute of silence.)
The poems of Viktor Gadaev do not need comment. They are a call to action:
Will all this really happen again on the planet?

My tongue goes numb here, but I want to scream.

Look, people, look at both,

Now everything is answered

For a life!

You guys will soon enter independent adult life. You must do everything possible to ensure that both the future of Russia and its present are bright and joyful, and that the life of every Russian is worthy. And so that you are a generation that keeps in your heart the memory of the tragic past, loving your Motherland.
10.Slide"Basket of flowers",

The song “Clouds in Blue” is playing
Leading: We lost millions of people in the war with our own people. And they almost lost themselves. But it’s never too late to stop, think, call on history, conscience, memory for help!
11.Slide"Letters from the Repressed"


(Three girls come out: History, Conscience, Memory.)
Conscience. But was everyone really silent at that time, not noticing absolutely nothing?
Story: No, no and NO! Many spoke and wrote, and they faced the fate of many who died in that terrible time.
Memory: A real civil feat is the “Open Letter to Stalin” of a man who was rehabilitated only in our days. For reading his letter to Stalin he was expelled from the party.
Story: Fedor Fedorovich Raskolnikov - hero of the Civil War, journalist, diplomat, citizen.
Memory: August 17, 1939
(Music from the song “Moscow in May” sounds.)
(Conscience, Memory, History and 10th grade students “in a chain” read a letter from F.F. Raskolnikov to I.V. Stalin.)
Story: Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence states:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: All men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Conscience: We must always remember this. And not only remember, but also do everything in our power to ensure that this crazy, terrible time never happens again!
^ Memory: And it depends only on us!
History hides its loose ends:

They will hide, cover and quietly rejoice.

But what the fathers hid in the water

Children fish it out and publish it.

The experience of history showed her:

You hide - you don’t hide,

You drown - you don’t drown,

Whoever ordered this,

You don’t slow down the mystery, you rush it.
^ 12.Slide “Rejected applications for clemency”
Chopin's "E minor" sounds

...And both these and those were silent
And taught the children to be dumb,
Otherwise - to Solovki for a year,
Otherwise, no trial, no trace...
At night-midnight a “funnel” drove up,
And neither God nor the devil helped.
The lips of the slain are silent,
No grave for you, no cross.
13. Slide"Birch"

Musical number: Song “Birches”

A poem sounds

Anatoly Zhigulin, who went through Stalin’s camps:
How did this happen
I can't understand
I'm walking under escort
Getting stuck in the snow.
Not in German captivity,
Not over black ash.
I'm walking along the Soviet route,
On the beloved land.
14. Slide"Flowers"
Leading: The judgment of history... But in fact, it never took place. Not said

the whole truth about the methods and forms of repression; the good name of millions of citizens convicted not only for political reasons has not been returned. History cannot be corrected; the only thing that remains is to restore justice and legality, so that not a single event, not a single date, not a single fate is forgotten.
Leading: We are glad that you are with us, because life is beautiful and continues, surprising with its versatility. Every day brings the joy of meetings, many of which are unforgettable and remain in the memory for a long time. We really hope that our meeting will leave good and bright memories for all those present.
Musical number. Song “Corner of Russia”

With all our hearts we wish you

May your sky be clear

The star of joy does not go out,

And all the sorrows and hardships

They will disappear forever.

Over the years, without question,

We wish you with all our hearts

Health and health again

And life, good and big!

G: And now we invite all guests to our hospitable dining room. All the best to you!

It was such a terrible time.

The enemy of the people was the people themselves.

Any word, any topic...

And as the country progresses... forward!

N oh we remember! Now we know.

There are bans on everything, a seal on everyone...

The crowd of people was driven along the stage,

To make it easier to manage...

On July 2, 1937, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution PB-51/94 “On Anti-Soviet Elements.” In pursuance of this, on August 5, 1937, the NKVD of the USSR issued order No. 0044, which marked the beginning of the operation of mass purges. By mid-November 1938, 681,692 death sentences had been issued without trial and carried out immediately. More than 1.7 million people were sent to camps.

Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression - takes place in Russia and other former USSR republics annually on October 30, starting in 1991. On this day, rallies and various cultural events are held, during which victims of political repression are remembered; some schools organize “live” history lessons to which witnesses to these tragic events are invited.

According to the Memorial human rights center, there are about 800 thousand victims in Russia (according to the Law on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, their number also includes children left without parental care).

Traditional venues for rallies and mourning events

- amara : Sign of memory in the park named after. Gagarin (during excavation work in this park, one of the mass graves of executed repressed people was discovered).

-Tomsk : A square in memory of the victims of Stalin's repressions, located next to the former NKVD building, which now houses the memorial museum "NKVD Investigation Prison". The Stone of Sorrow is installed in the park. In total, during the years of Stalin’s repressions, about 20 thousand Tomsk residents suffered from them.

Memorial stone to those politically repressed in Omsk:

Historical reference

October 30, 1974 - 36 years ago - Political Prisoner Day was marked by one- and two-day hunger strikes in the Mordovian and Perm camps, as well as in the Vladimir prison. This breadth of coverage was unwittingly facilitated by the camp administration, which suspected that something was being prepared and could not find anything better than to scatter the “conspirators” into different camps. The last place where they learned about the Day of Political Prisoners was Vladimir Prison.

At the same time, on October 30, A.D. Sakharov and the initiative group for the defense of human rights in the USSR organized a press conference.

Correspondents were given open letters from prisoners and other materials received from the camps and written specifically for the Day of Political Prisoners. Among them were letters, appeals and interviews with prisoners in Mordovian and Perm camps so that Mordovian materials could see the light of day.

Subsequently, Political Prisoner Day was also celebrated with hunger strikes in the camps. The largest number of participants in protests in the camps was noted in 1981, when about 300 political prisoners took part in hunger strikes and strikes.

Since 1978, the Country and World Society has annually published on October 30 the “List of Political Prisoners of the USSR.”

Since 1987, Political Prisoner Day has been accompanied by demonstrations in Moscow, Leningrad, Lvov, Tbilisi, etc. If dozens of people took part in the first demonstrations, then in 1988 there were already hundreds; the number of participants in the “human chain” organized by the public organization “Memorial” around the KGB building on October 30, 1989 was already from 2 to 10 thousand, and demonstrations took place in dozens cities from Kaliningrad to Irkutsk. In 1987-1988, demonstrations were dispersed, and their active participants (V.V. Navodvorskaya) were arrested for 15 days. Later, the authorities came to terms with the demonstrations; in 1990, KGB representatives even laid a wreath at the Solovetsky Stone.

On October 30, 1990, on Dzerzhinsky Square (now Lubyanka), a boulder was installed, brought from the Solovetsky Islands, where in the 20s-30s of the last century there was one of the most terrible Soviet camps - the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON), in which About a million people were killed. The inscription was carved on the stone: “This stone was delivered from the territory of the Solovetsky special purpose camp by the Memorial Society and installed in memory of the millions of victims of the totalitarian regime on October 30, 1990, the Day of Political Prisoners in the USSR.” The funeral service for those killed was celebrated by Father Gleb Yakunin.

From that moment on, Solovetsky Stone became one of those places in Moscow where victims of repression can remember their relatives and friends.

In 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, October 30 was declared a national day of remembrance for victims of political repression. And on October 18, 1991, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” was adopted.

The state admitted guilt to the citizens of its country for the crimes of the Bolshevik party-Soviet regime.

In 2004, by Decree of the Governor of the Omsk Region, the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Rehabilitated Victims of Political Repression of the Administration of the Government of the Omsk Region was created.

“...The future of Russia and its people does not lie in returning to the past, but in moving forward, in persistent and persistent creative work. The older generation, who survived the repressions, remembers this tragic time. Victims of political terror appeal to the memory of their descendants. Our duty is to restore historical justice, to justify the honest names of the slandered and innocently repressed citizens of Russia.” These are the words from the Omsk Book of Memory of Victims of Political Repression “Not Subject to Oblivion,” created over the course of more than ten years by the creative editorial team by order of Governor L.K. Polezhaev (1995).

The published eleven volumes of the Book of Memory are a stunningly powerful historical document, composed of painfully brief, just a few lines, descriptions of the destinies of innocently convicted people: born, worked, arrested, convicted under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, shot (in bold) or served his sentence... rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti. Thirty-two thousand of our fellow countrymen, forever written in alphabetical order on the pages of eleven 400-page volumes! The Book also contains more detailed essays about the fates of those repressed, as well as documents from that time, and other materials.

In an interview with the newspaper “Omsky Vestnik” dated July 25, 2007, “Crying over the hair, removing the head,” an employee of the book’s editorial office, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the famous poetess Tatyana Georgievna Chetverikova says: “The published eleven volumes of the Book of Memory, as it seems to us, in some This has changed the climate in the region. He became warmer and more trusting, because thousands of Omsk residents learned about the fate of their loved ones who died during the years of repression. Many, many good names of citizens, our fellow countrymen were restored: peasants, workers, doctors, teachers, clergy...". The State Archive of the Omsk Region contains about thirty thousand files on repressed peasants. There is a need to publish new volumes of the Book of Memory dedicated to the dispossession of peasants: the robbery and expulsion of thousands and thousands of families from their native land.

“...Most of the victims were children. Those who had to grow up with an unhealed wound in their hearts and yet, in a difficult hour for their homeland, stand up and protect it at the cost of their lives. They and their parents, hardworking peasants, deserve to be remembered so that there are no broken links in the chain of our family trees. This is especially important for our children, let them know how deep and strong their roots are in their native land.”

In 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, October 30 was declared a national day of remembrance for victims of political repression. On this day, former prisoners, their relatives and friends gather at memorial signs and at mass grave sites to honor the memory of the victims and demonstrate their firm commitment to never allow a return to lawlessness.

The Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression is a special day. This is a sad date in our history. It is impossible to leave it without the attention of the younger generation, since historical and artistic material on this issue contributes to the formation of civic qualities of the individual, an active life position, and makes it possible to form the moral foundations of every young person. At the same time, this is a complex and controversial date - the day of repentance of the state before its people, and when holding events on this topic, it is necessary to present any information related to this topic as objectively and historically as possible.

Events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression are recommended to be carried out with middle and high school students. On this topic, you can design exhibitions, hold rallies, memorial hours, invite real witnesses and participants in the tragic events of the past, design stands and library posters, discuss literary works dedicated to the topic of the consequences of the regime of political terror for an individual, people, and the state as a whole (Shalamov V .T. - “Kolyma Tales”, A.A. Akhmatova - “Requiem”, A.I. Solzhenitsyn - “The Gulag Archipelago”, E.I. Zamyatin - “We”, A.P. Platonov . The purpose of such events is to arouse in schoolchildren interest and an emotional response to the events of the history of our country during the times of totalitarianism and Stalinist repression, and to form an idea of ​​​​the inadmissibility of state lawlessness against citizens.

Annex 1.

Full text of Dmitry Medvedev's address

on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression (2009)

Today is the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression. 18 years have passed since this day appeared on the calendar as a memorable date.

I am convinced that the memory of national tragedies is as sacred as the memory of victories. And it is extremely important that young people have not only historical knowledge, but also civic feelings. They were able to emotionally empathize with one of the greatest tragedies in Russian history. But here everything is not so simple.

Two years ago, sociologists conducted a survey - almost 90% of our citizens, young citizens aged 18 to 24, could not even name the names of famous people who suffered or died from repression in those years. And this, of course, cannot but worry.

It is impossible to imagine the scale of the terror from which all the peoples of the country suffered. Its peak occurred in 1937–1938. Alexander Solzhenitsyn called the “Volga of people’s grief” the endless “stream” of those repressed at that time. Over the course of 20 pre-war years, entire strata and classes of our people were destroyed. The Cossacks were practically eliminated. The peasantry was dispossessed and bled dry. The intelligentsia, workers, and military personnel were subjected to political persecution. Representatives of absolutely all religious denominations were persecuted.

October 30 is the Day of Remembrance of millions of crippled destinies. About people shot without trial or investigation, about people sent to camps and exile, deprived of civil rights for the “wrong” occupation or for the notorious “social origin.” The stigma of “enemies of the people” and their “accomplices” then fell on entire families.

Let's just think about it: millions of people have died as a result of terror and false accusations - millions. They were deprived of all rights. Even the rights to a decent human burial, and for many years their names were simply erased from history.

But you can still hear that these numerous victims were justified by some higher state goals.

I am convinced that no development of the country, no successes, no ambitions can be achieved at the cost of human grief and loss.

Nothing can be placed above the value of human life.

And there is no justification for repression.

We pay a lot of attention to the fight against falsification of our history. And for some reason we often believe that we are talking only about the inadmissibility of revising the results of the Great Patriotic War.

But it is no less important to prevent, under the guise of restoring historical justice, the justification of those who destroyed their people.

It is also true that Stalin’s crimes cannot detract from the exploits of the people who won the Great Patriotic War. Made our country a powerful industrial power. Raised our industry, science, and culture to the world level.

It is equally important to study the past, overcome indifference and the desire to forget its tragic sides. And no one but ourselves will do this.

A year ago, in September, I was in Magadan. The Ernst Neizvestny Memorial “Mask of Sorrow” made a deep impression on me. After all, it was erected not only with state funds, but also with donations.

We need museum and memorial centers that will pass on the memory of what we experienced from generation to generation. Of course, work must continue to search for places of mass graves, restore the names of the victims, and, if necessary, their rehabilitation.

Without the complex history, the essentially contradictory history of our state, it is often simply impossible to understand the roots of many of our problems, the difficulties of today's Russia.

But I would like to say again: no one but ourselves will solve our problems. It will not instill in children respect for the law, respect for human rights, for the value of human life, for moral standards that originate in our national traditions and in our religion.

No one except ourselves will preserve historical memory and pass it on to new generations.

Appendix 2.

Repression: how it happened

Scenario for the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

The music “Requiem” is playing.

1st presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! Our meeting is held on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression. And we will begin it with verses:

2nd presenter:Everyone,
who was branded by Article fifty-eight,
who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,
who in court, without trial, by special meeting
was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,
who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
They are our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

1st presenter: October 30 was not chosen as the Day of Victims of Repression by chance: 19 years before, this day was chosen, if you like, by God. On this day in 1972, Yuri Galanskov died in a Mordovian camp, having received a sentence for his protest against the imprisonment of Sinyavsky and Daniel, writers convicted of publishing their stories abroad.

Two years later, in October 1974, a group of Galanskov’s convicts managed to convey to the public a proposal to celebrate this day throughout the world as the Day of Political Prisoners. This is what was accepted by the international community. And it was carried out in Soviet camps - through hunger strikes - despite the inevitable punishment cells, bans on visits, transfers to prison regime and other delights. Until 1974, another date was celebrated as the Day of Political Prisoners - September 5 - the anniversary of the famous decree of 1918 “On the Red Terror”, which, in addition to the execution of “all persons related to White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions, introduced concentration camps in Soviet Russia...”.

2nd presenter:The presidential decree marked the new state's break with the repressive Soviet regime. To what extent this gap is confirmed by new practice, we can judge for ourselves.

But did the president, when signing his decree, think about the fact that the word “repression” hardly corresponds to what happened with the establishment of Soviet power in our country.

3rd presenter:Not the thousands of engineers arrested in connection with the “Shakhty case”; nor the hundreds of thousands tortured, shot, and killed in 1937–1938. party members who naively believed that they, the mind, honor and conscience of the era, were building a bright future for all working people; nor the millions of peasants who believed in the “new economic policy” announced in 1921 and who, 7 years later, found themselves victims of the “policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class.” Neither the executed marshals and generals - almost the entire Soviet generals, nor the poets: Gumilyov, Tabidze, Smelyakov, Zabolotsky - fought against the authorities; neither the artists - Ruslanova, Dvorzhetsky, Mikhoels, nor the author of the trajectory of the future American flight to the Moon Kondratyuk, or the future head of the Soviet space program Korolev, or the aircraft designer Tupolev, nor the geneticists Vavilov, Pantin, Timofeev-Resovsky, nor our physicist Rumer, astronomer Kozyrev, historian Gumilyov, not the completely destroyed Jewish anti-fascist committee, not the victims of the post-war “Leningrad affair”, not to mention the millions of captured soldiers...

The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki and Kolyma. The conditions of detention of prisoners in these camps led to great loss of life. The security on Solovki consisted of OGPU employees who were convicted of sins in their service and were sent to Solovki for correction. And they did arbitrariness there. New prisoners were greeted with the words: “This is not the Soviet Republic, but the Solovetsky Republic!” Get it! The prosecutor has never set foot on Solovetsky soil, and never will! Know! You weren't sent here to fix it! You can’t fix a hunchback.”

Life was like a theater of the absurd. They published their own magazine “Solovetsky Islands”. And since 1926, an All-Union subscription was announced for it. There was also its own drama group, because there were a lot of cultural figures there. And botanists and art historians were members of the Solovetsky Society of Local History.

There were only two escapes from the Solovetsky Islands. There were different measures for killing people. Of the 84 thousand, 43 thousand people died.

Over the years, 2.5 million people served their sentences in Kolyma, of which 950 thousand died. They died from exhaustion and related diseases. The size of the ration became the main means for the camp administration to force prisoners to give all their best at work. Shock workers were entitled to increased rations and the possibility of early release, and those who did not fulfill the quota had their rations mercilessly cut.

Since 1938, they began to carry out mass executions, thereby getting rid of unwanted prisoners.

4th presenter: This is not repression , This - stupid violence, which can’t even be called political. Simply the violence of power, which feels itself to be power only in acts of violence, the more causeless, the more delightful!

The Soviet regime did not invent anything new in this regard. If you think about it, violenceserved as the main productive force. True, this system was unable to produce anything but violence. But she produced this on an expanding scale.

1st presenter:Years of the “Great Terror”(1937-38) claimed a hitherto unknown number of lives of our compatriots. They even amaze officially published results of this company: 1,344,923 arrested, 681,692 executed.The famous historian R. Conquest gives other numbers: 12-14 million arrested, at least 1 million. shot; Commission of the Central Committee (1962) and even more: 19 million arrested, at least 7 million executed.

As it were, both names - Yezhovshchina and Great Terror - are inaccurate. The NKVD, which carried out mass arrests and executions in those years, was indeed headed by N. Yezhov, but the idea of ​​this action was not his. If we were to associate this with someone’s name, then we should call the word Stalinism. Suffice it to remember that during the great terror, members of the Central Committee were destroyed - almost all of Lenin’s closest associates, 95% of the top generals - the creators of Lenin’s Red Army. All of them are by no means enemies of Stalin, much less of the Soviet regime.

1st reader:

No, and not under an alien sky,
And not under the protection of alien wings, -
I was then with my people,
Where my people, unfortunately, were.

These are lines from Anna Akhmatova's Requiem.During the terrible years of the Yezhovshchina, she spent seventeen months in prison lines in Leningrad. One day someone “identified” her. Then the woman standing behind her with blue lips, who, of course, had never heard her name in her life, woke up from her characteristic daze and asked her in her ear (everyone there spoke in a whisper):

– Can you describe this?

And Akhmatova said:

- Can.

Then something like a smile crossed what had once been her face.

2nd reader:

Mountains bend before this grief,
The great river does not flow
But the prison gates are strong,
And behind them are “convict holes”,
And mortal melancholy.
For some the wind is blowing fresh,
For someone the sunset is basking -
We don't know, we are the same everywhere
We only hear the hateful grinding of keys
Yes, the soldiers' steps are heavy.
They rose as if to early mass,
They walked through the wild capital,
There we met, more lifeless dead,
The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy,
And hope still sings in the distance.
Sentence…. And immediately the tears will flow,
Already separated from everyone,
As if with pain the life was taken out of the heart,
As if rudely knocked over,
But she walks...Wobbles...Alone.
Where are the involuntary friends now?
My two crazy years?
What do they imagine in the Siberian blizzard?
What do they see in the lunar circle?
To them I send my farewell greetings.

2nd presenter: The Great Terror was carefully planned - as a kind of military operation. Moreover, the murder of Kirov on December 1, 1934 only externally looked like a reason for unleashing terror; rather, it was one of the measures of his personnel and psychological preparation.

The Great Terror plan itself, with a breakdown of the entire population into groups and categories, percentage standards for each category and limits on arrests and executions by region and republic, was submitted by Yezhov for approval by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 2, 1937. Liquidation or imprisonment was subject to not only the remnants of the “hostile classes” (including children), former members of hostile parties and participants in the white movement (and their children), but also communists - former members of all opposition movements in the CPSU (b) - 383 lists of the most prominent party and government figures.

3rd reader:

It was when I smiled
Only dead, glad for peace.
And dangled like an unnecessary pendant
Leningrad is near its prisons.
And when, maddened by torment,
The already condemned regiments were marching,
And a short song of parting
The locomotive whistles sang,
The death stars stood above us
And innocent Rus' writhed
Under bloody boots
And under the black tires there is Marussia.

3rd presenter:Ideologically, the Great Terror was justified back in 1928 by Stalin’s thesis about the intensification of the class struggle as we move towards socialism; this thesis was proven by the repressions themselves: “Shakhtinsky trial” - summer of 1928, more than 2000 engineers were arrested, 5 of them were shot; the process of the “Industrial Party” - 1930, Chayanov and Kondratiev - world-class economists - were shot; “case of sabotage at power plants” - 1933, hundreds of specialists were arrested in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust, Baku.

4th reader:

And the stone word fell
On my still living chest.
It's okay, because I was ready
I'll deal with this somehow.

I have a lot to do today:
We must completely kill our memory,
It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,
We must learn to live again.

Otherwise... The hot rustle of summer,
It's like a holiday outside my window.
I've been anticipating this for a long time
Bright day and empty house.

4th presenter:On November 25, 1938, Beria was appointed to the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, most of the Yezhov investigators were arrested and shot, 327,400 “Yezhov” prisoners were released. Yezhov himself was appointed People's Commissar of Water Transport, then this People's Commissariat was abolished, and Yezhov was arrested and shot. But his arrest, trial and execution were never officially reported; only the word “Yezhovshchina” appeared in the language, but it was not used officially either.

Counting in the millions, the number of victims of the Great Terror remains uncertain; their burial places are discovered by chance. The heirs of the NKVD are doing everything to prevent the publication of the executed lists. For example, a mass grave was discovered in Karelia near Medvezhyegorsk. Here on October 27, 1937, 1,111 people were shot.

5th reader:

I learned how faces fall,
How fear peeks out from under your eyelids,
Like cuneiform hard pages
Suffering appears on the cheeks,
Like curls of ashen and black
They suddenly become silver,
The smile fades on the lips of the submissive,
And fear trembles in the dry laugh.
And I’m not praying for myself alone,
And about everyone who stood there with me
And in the bitter cold and in the July heat
Under the red, blind wall.

2nd presenter:But there was another result of BT - the one for which all these hecatombs of corpses were piled up - the completion of the creation of a system of violence as the productive force of society. This is also mentioned above. One way or another, the “cleansing”, to use modern slang, was carried out, although its terms had to be extended twice, as well as regional limits on executions had to be increased (based on requests from the localities). Socialism, as the leader and teacher understood it, was “basically” built on 1/6 of the land. It was possible to move on to preparing its distribution to the remaining 5/6.

Music sounds. Oginsky’s Polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland.”

1st presenter: Insure yourself against numerous professions.
2nd presenter: Insure yourself against the proletarians of all countries.
3rd presenter: Insure yourself against political repression.
4th presenter: Insure yourself against funeral telegrams.
1st presenter: Protect yourself from discolored skies.
2nd presenter: Insure yourself from the inevitable fuss.
3rd presenter: Insure yourself against the impersonal sky.
4th presenter: Insure yourself from hopeless fuss.

1st presenter:Dear guests! We wish you health, long life, a prosperous old age, prosperity for you and your families, and also to be insured against various disasters and surprises!


Appendix 3.

There can be no oblivion

Scenario of literary and musical composition,

dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

To everyone who was branded under Article fifty-eight,

who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,

who in court, without trial, by special meeting

was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,

who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,

Our tears and sorrow belong to them, our eternal memory!

Tariverdiev “Two in a cafe”, 3. Slide War

Many severe trials, sacrifices, and hardships befell our country in the 20th century. Two world wars and a civil war, famine and

Devastation and political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing the reconstruction of the destroyed country again and again.

But even against this background, political repression became a terrible page in our history. Moreover, humiliated and destroyed

the best of the best, who never even dreamed of fighting against their people. Thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands tortured, executed,

ruined party members, millions of peasants who found themselves victims of dispossession, marshals and generals, scientists and poets, writers and artists who were truly devoted to the Motherland.

Chopin "E minor", 4. Slide "boy"

Nowadays we know incredible numbers of people executed, repressed, imprisoned, and scattered in orphanages.

Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. The system fought against completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for itself,

and then mercilessly destroying these people.

Doga “Waltz”, 5. Slide “Burning Candle”

Much has been written about the mass repressions of the 1930s. Many camp memoirs and manuscripts of former prisoners of Kolyma and the Gulag have been published, and documents from the archives of the NKVD have become available. But the most impassive witnesses in the court of history are letters from camp prisoners.

“Polonaise” by Oginsky, 8. Slide "Archival documents"


May 5, 1938. “My dear Anechka, Lorochka and Lyalechka! Yesterday we were brought to Kotlas. We are now at the transit point of the Ukhtapechora NKVD camp. From here they must be sent to a place where they will have to serve out their long term of camp imprisonment. When and where the shipment will take place is unknown. What kind of work you will have to do is also still unknown...”

July 8, 1938 “.. I am writing from the Ustvymlag transit point. They brought me here the day before yesterday, and from here they will take me further to Zheldorlag. It seems that this will be the last stage of our journey to the place of our imprisonment... My whole soul, my whole spirit is only you, my dears. Don't forget yours

unfortunate daddy... Be healthy. I kiss you deeply, deeply. Your father"

September 11, 1938 “...Today I am sent for treatment to point 42, and from there to Knyazh-Pogost, obviously, to a stationary hospital. Bye

It doesn't matter to me at all. I’m all swollen and swollen, I can’t walk, I’m suffocating. But I hope that all this is a temporary phenomenon and with good treatment in the hospital

Everything will pass quickly and I will be able to work. Be healthy. I kiss you deeply, deeply. Your father"

Chopin "E minor" 9. Slide “Crying wives”

The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki and Kolyma. Conditions of detention

prisoners in these camps resulted in great loss of life.

With the receipt of operational order No. 00486 of August 15, 1937, arrests of wives of traitors to the Motherland began throughout the country.

10-11. Slide "Camps"

Tariverdiev “Two in a cafe”, 12. Slide "Father's arrest", 13. Letter

From the memoirs of the daughter of the professor, head of the department of Kazan University, Deputy People's Commissar of Education of the TASSR Galina Tarasova:

“Father was arrested on the night of January 26-27, 1937. The days of bewildered silence and fear have come. Every night they took away one of the neighbors. Our yard is empty, no children. They stopped coming to our house. Neither my mother nor my brother and I believed that our father was guilty. In March, the director called my mother and offered to leave work of her own free will. We had absolutely nothing to live on. On the night of August 20-21, my mother was arrested. When she was arrested, she was told that she did not need to take anything with her. So in prison she ended up wearing only a summer dress, but in the camp she went barefoot. Kind people shared their clothes with her when she walked along the stage, barely alive.

For two years she did not know where her children were or what was happening to them. Mom will sit in the corner of the cell, look at the constantly burning light bulb and remain silent. My brother and I were sent to an orphanage.”

Melody Clauderman, 14. Slide "Burning tree"

As throughout the country, repressions in the Omsk region were widespread and affected all layers of society. In total, about 32,000 people were affected.

15. Slide shoe

In our village there are witnesses to those ancient and terrible events. They were torn from their usual life, experienced hunger and cold, and separation from relatives.

Tariverdiev “Two in a cafe”, 16-37 Slides “Repressed”

How can family forget? Karl Emmanuilovich Shaibel about that terrible time? A wave of repression overtook their family in 1941. They lived in the Saratov region, in the Volga region. He even remembers the exact date to this day - August 28. My father was taken to the labor army, and the entire village was told to take no more than one suitcase with them and prepare for eviction. He was then four years old. They were evicted to the Tyumen region, Ishim station. They were separated from their mother, she was sent to the labor army, and he and his younger brother, who was a little over a year old, were sent to an orphanage. They stayed there for three months, and the fear of getting lost forced them to hold hands the entire time. By some incredibly lucky chance, when they were about to evacuate the orphanage, it turned out that the mother was working nearby. And it’s quite a miracle that she managed to get them out, beg them from the authorities, take them from the orphanage with her. And now they are already traveling in calf carriages to Vorkuta, but the fear that they will now be separated again, taken away from their mother, makes them hide under bunk and beg mom not to tell anyone that they are there.

On the way, the only bundle was stolen and they were left in what they were wearing when they arrived at the place of settlement at the Zapolyarny state farm. It was a colony. They were housed in a barracks where more than 200 people lived. The mother worked for days, and they were left alone. The living conditions were unbearable: hunger, bedbugs, rats. Women with older children lived on the second tier, and with infants on the lower bunks. This is how rats chewed off babies' fingers while they slept. Karl Emmanuilovich remembers all this as if it were yesterday. All this time they knew nothing about their father. There was no news about him for 10 years. The mother wrote to all authorities, many times, repeatedly, and one day she received an answer that he was in Yakutia, in the gold mines. He answered their letters and even sent money so that the mother and children could come to him. Having received this money, she bought clothes for the children, and distributed the rest to the same lonely and needy women she lived next to. Later, the father himself returned to them, the family united. The children studied, Karl Emmanuilovich graduated from the Izhevsk Medical Institute and was assigned to Yakutia, where he met his future wife and moved with her to Muromtsevo. This is fate.

Stepushkina Lyubov Lavrovna. They had an ordinary peasant family - father, mother, five children. A little arable land, a house, a horse and a cow, one problem - my father was literate. They fell under dispossession. Everything was taken away from them, life became unbearable, and the father was forced to move with his family to the Krasnodar region to live with relatives. Living here already, he, perhaps by chance,

let slip that he was dispossessed, and later they found out that this was done through a denunciation. He was taken away and shot at the age of 45. Then half the village was arrested and the children were taken away in an unknown direction. Children were taken away from their mothers, but their mother hid in the cellars for a long time, so she saved all five. She raised them alone. Is it possible to convey how difficult it was for her then? For everyone, they were enemies of the people, and wherever they turned for help, they were driven out from everywhere. The children had nothing to wear or put on. They waited for each other to grab clothes and go to school, even becoming swollen from hunger. But their mother went out, raised them all, and died without ever receiving news from their father. “Mom waited for him until her death, believed that he was alive, that he would return, he was not to blame for anything!” - Lyubov Lavrovna recalled. One day, to her next request to government agencies, she received an unexpectedly quick answer: he died in custody from anemia, and they even awarded him a pension. And in 1938, the NKVD “troika” sentenced him to death. They were shot in a prison in Minusinsk on the banks of the Abakan River. There were many of them then, sentenced to death, they were taken ashore, shot, and the corpses were thrown into the river. To this day, Lyubov Lavrovna remembers everything.

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Scenario "Day of Remembrance of the Repressed"

Today we have gathered here to honor the memory of those who became victims of political repression, that most terrible page in our history.

Presenter 1.

Who was branded by Article fifty-eight,

Who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,
Who in court, without trial, by special meeting
Was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,
Who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
To them are our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

Presenter 2:

Many severe trials, sacrifices, and hardships befell our country in the 20th century. Two world wars and a civil war, famine and devastation, political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing the restoration of the destroyed country again and again.

Presenter 3:

Against this background, political repression became a terrible page in our history. Moreover, the best of the best, who never even dreamed of fighting against their people, were humiliated and destroyed. Thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands of tortured, shot, murdered party members, millions of peasants who were victims of dispossession, marshals and generals, scientists and poets, writers and artists who were truly devoted to the Motherland.

Presenter 4:

Nowadays we know incredible numbers of people executed, repressed, imprisoned, and scattered in orphanages. Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. The system fought against completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for itself, and then mercilessly destroyed these people. Eternal memory to those who died innocently. A minute of silence is announced.

Presenter 1

Annually October 30 Since 1991, Russia and the former USSR countries have celebrated the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression. On this memorable day, mourning actions and commemorative events take place: rallies, laying of wreaths and flowers at monuments to the repressed, “memory lessons” in educational institutions, etc.

Presenter 2

- Today is the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression, as confirmation that nothing is forgotten - neither a high feat, nor a vile betrayal, nor a black crime. It is the sacred duty of the state to return their good name to all innocent victims.
Presenter 3. It was such a terrible time.

The enemy of the people was the people themselves.

Any word, any topic...

And as the country progresses... forward!

But we remember! Now we know.

There are bans on everything, a seal on everyone...

The crowd of people was driven along the stage,

To make it easier to manage...

Presenter 1.

The repressions that took place in the USSR can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1: political repression by the Bolsheviks V Soviet Russia which started immediately after October revolution 1917, as well as during the Civil War. At the same time, not only active political opponents became victims of repression. Bolsheviks, but also people who simply expressed disagreement with their policies.

Presenter 4.

Stage 2: started with forced collectivization of agriculture And accelerated industrialization at the end 1920 -x - early 1930s, as well as strengthening Stalin's personal power. Many researchers classify those convicted as victims of Stalinist repressions. Art. 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR 1926 (“counter-revolutionary crimes”), as well as victims dispossession(early 1930s). In the second half of the 30s in Buryat-Mongolia, the closure of churches, temples, houses of worship, monasteries, and datsans continued. Compared to other indicators, the special services were most successful in fighting “pests in robes.” Particular emphasis was placed on the fight against the Buddhist clergy.

Presenter 1.

Stage 3 of Stalin’s repressions in history is called the policy of “Great Terror”. In May 1936, a “Special Folder” of the Buryat-Mongol OK CPSU(b) was prepared, which contained special recommendations on methods for reducing the number of Buryat lamas. According to the materials of the database of the Republican Book of Memory of Victims of Political Repression, 101 clergymen of the Orthodox Church, 1701 people of the Buddhist Church, and 24 people of the Old Believer Church were repressed. In March 1937, the NKVD was purged, then the prosecutor's office and the courts. In May 1937, the Great Terror unfolded, lasting until the end of 1938. It became the peak of Stalin’s repressions.

Presenter 2.

Subsequently, the repressions were more orderly. In the pre-war years, the mass eviction of entire peoples began. The victims of deportation were Poles, Kurds, Koreans, Buryats and other peoples. 3.5 million is the number of people repressed on ethnic grounds from the mid-40s to 1961. The deportation affected 14 nations entirely and 48 partially. In the post-war years, repression was applied to prisoners, enemies of the people who went over to the side of the fascists. According to the KGB of the USSR in 1930-1953. 3,778,234 people were subjected to repression, of which 786,098 were shot, and the rest were sent to the giant slave farms of the Gulag system.

Presenter 3.

The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki, Kolyma, and Kazakhstan. As a result, all forced labor camps were included in a single system of the Main Directorate of Camps and Settlement Places (GULAG). This is how a system of camps was formed that covered almost the entire country. In Buryatia, already from the 20s, there was a network of small and large camps, which later merged into Bamlag. In 1940 after Bamlag was transferred to Taishet (Irkutsk region), Dzhidalag was created in the Zakamensky district for the construction of the Dzhidinsky plant.

Prisoners were used in the most difficult and dangerous work: underground mining of ore and coal and their processing, logging, construction of industrial and civil facilities. Forced labor, poor nutrition and difficult living conditions led to rapid physical exhaustion of prisoners. Thus, we see that Buryatia was also an integral part of the Gulag.

Presenter 4. The conditions of detention of prisoners in these camps led to great loss of life. The wives of prisoners and their children, as a rule, were also subjected to repression. Women were sent to camps and forced labor. And the children either go to camps or orphanages. The wildest stories happened, for example, “When the former People’s Commissar of Finance G. Sokolnikov and his wife, writer G. Serebryakova, were arrested, their young daughter spent two days in the sandbox near the house until the NKVD car arrived - none of the neighbors came up to her or caressed her.” , didn’t feed me, didn’t give me shelter.” People were simply afraid.

Presenter 1. Here is the story of Gelya MARKIZOVA. This is the daughter of the Minister of Agriculture of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1936, at one of the receptions, she presented Stalin with a bouquet with the words: “These flowers are given to you by the children of Buryat-Mongolia.” The leader took Gelya in his arms and kissed her. The next day, a photograph of Stalin with Gelya in his arms and the caption: “Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood” appeared in the newspapers.

And in 1937, her dad was taken away. For “ten years without the right of correspondence.” And posters with her and Stalin continued to be printed throughout the Soviet country. Everyone knew her, but under a new name - Mamlakat Nakhangova, a young cotton picker who received the Order of Lenin. Gelya and her mother ended up in exile in Kazakhstan.

Presenter 2. How many of them were there, innocently killed, buried alive in the Gulags, sometimes forgotten out of fear even by their relatives? Think about this number. In 1934, the Writers' Union included 2,500 people. And 2000 were repressed!

Why? For what?

Akhmatova Anna. The husband was shot, the son was repressed. They didn't print.

Klyuev Nikolay. In 1934, he was expelled to the Narym region on false charges of “kulak propaganda.” Died in Tomsk prison.

Mandelstam Osip. Poet, translator, critic. Illegally repressed.

Tsvetaeva Marina. Poetess, prose writer, translator. The husband and daughter were repressed. She committed suicide.

Barkova Anna. Poetess. She was serving a prison sentence on unfounded charges.

Vasilenko Victor. Poet, art critic. From 1947 to 1956 he served imprisonment on unfounded charges.

Andreev Daniil. From 1947 to 1956 he served imprisonment in Vladimir prison on unfounded charges.

Presenter 3: Anna Akhmatova did not leave Russia. She was not in prison, but for seventeen months she knew nothing about her only son, and she spent three hundred days and nights in line for prison.

I wish I could show you the mocker

And the favorite of all friends,

To the cheerful sinner of Tsarskoye Selo,

What will happen to your life -

Like a three hundredth, with transmission,

You will stand under the Crosses

And with my hot tears

Burn through New Year's ice.

How the prison poplar sways

And not a sound - but how much is there

Innocent lives are ending...

Presenter 4: Often, many poetic lines were preserved not on paper, but in memory. Humiliated, but not broken, the poets tried to find an answer to the question “Why?” Many firmly believed in the infallibility of Stalin and the authorities, they wrote lines full of bewilderment and faith.

To date, many camp memoirs, manuscripts of former prisoners of Kolyma and Gulag have been published, and documents from the archives of the NKVD have become known. But the most dispassionate witnesses in the court of history are letters from camp prisoners. Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s work “The Gulag Archipelago” is known, which was included in the compulsory school literature curriculum for high school students.

Presenter 1. For many decades, the Soviet state not only destroyed millions of repressed people, it sought to erase the memory of people. Destroying the memory of a person is one of the forms of repression. Today, more than two thousand citizens live in Buryatia who suffered from political repression. 20 thousand people were repressed in the republic, of which 6 thousand were shot in 1937-1938. Therefore, restoring memory in the form of monuments is one of the forms of rehabilitation in the eyes of contemporaries and future generations.

Presenter 2. The first monuments and memorial signs in memory of the victims of political repression were installed on the territory of the USSR in 1989. Today, in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR, more than 1,200 monuments and memorial signs (including memorial plaques) to victims of political repression have been installed.

The most famous monuments in Russia:

"Solovetsky Stone on Lubyanka Square in Moscow,

Monument "Mask of Sorrow" - in Magadan,

Memorial complex "Katyn" - in the Smolensk region.

Memorial complex "Mednoye" - in the Tver region.

Memorial cemetery in the Sandromakh tract - in Karelia

Memorial signs at the Levashovsky cemetery near St. Petersburg

Monument to the victims of Stalin's repressions - in Vladivostok

Monument to the victims of Stalin's repressions - in Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva

Monument to victims of terror - in Tomsk

Memorial at the site of mass graves of victims of repressions of 1937-1940 - in the village. Pivovarikha, Irkutsk region.

Presenter 3. Many monuments and memorial signs have been installed in Russian regions. For example, in Ulan-Ude in 2008, a monument appeared on Linkhovoina Street, where there is a two-story building in which the NKVD was located in the 30s. The memory of those who died during the years of repression is also honored in regional centers, towns, villages and hamlets.

In 2006, a monument to the victims of political repression in Zaigraevo appeared, located opposite the district administration.

Presenter 4. Preserving the historical memory of the people about the terrible events of the recent past will help avoid their repetition in the future.

The Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression in Russia is a reminder to us of the tragic pages in the history of the country, when innocently repressed citizens of their native country died and suffered from the cruelty of politicians and new transformations in the country. Preserving the historical memory of the people about the terrible events of the recent past will help to understand the roots of these phenomena and avoid their repetition in the future.

I ask one thing from those living at this time: don’t forget!

Don't forget the good or the bad. The time will come when the present will become

To the past, when they will talk about the great time and the nameless

heroes who made history. It is necessary for everyone to know that there were no nameless heroes,

And there were people who had their own name, their own appearance, their own aspirations and hopes, and therefore

The torment of the most unnoticed of them was no less than the torment of the one whose name will go down in history. Let these people be close to us, like friends, like family...
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