Conditions for the socialization of youth. Features of socialization of Russian youth

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Man is a social being, but, being born into society, he must go through a long process of inclusion in it in order to become a full-fledged and full-fledged member of society. For this purpose, society has created educational institutions for the younger generation - kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions, the army. The essence of socialization of young people is integration into society through the assimilation of generally accepted norms and rules, as well as the establishment of their own, interpersonal connections and relationships through active activity. The main task of a person in this process is to become part of society, while remaining an integral personality.

The relevance of this topic, in our opinion, lies in the fact that at the present time, when all social relations and social institutions are radically changing in our country, the study of the characteristics of the socialization of youth is becoming a particularly popular and pressing problem, attracting the attention of not only scientists, but also teachers , parents and teenagers themselves.

The problem of this topic is that the emergence of new directions and a radical change in traditional trends in the socialization of the younger generation in a modern transitional society have led to an increase in the number of young people leading an asocial and immoral lifestyle.

Our interest in this issue is explained by the fact that we are one of the representatives of the modern generation of young people who are experiencing new processes of change in society. And since radical changes in the world have a huge and not always positive impact on the development of young people, we want to reveal this problem in detail in order to know exactly what can stand in our way of life and the path of our peers.

Purpose Our work is to consider the process of socialization of youth in modern Russian society, to identify the main problems and prospects for the socialization of youth in Russia.

We have supplied the following tasks:

    Define socialization.

    Consider factors influencing socialization.

    Analyze the process of personality formation.

    Show the influence of economic and socio-political factors on the socialization of youth.

    Determine the role of youth socialization for the future of Russia.

And the following are used research methods:

    Theoretical analysis of literature


Youth as an object of study

It is believed that a person reaches physical maturity at an average age of 14 years. Around this age, in ancient societies, children underwent a ritual initiation— initiation into the number of adult members of the tribe.

However, as society became more advanced and complex, it took more than just physical maturity to be considered an adult. It is expected that an accomplished person should acquire the necessary knowledge about the world and society, acquire professional skills, and learn to independently provide for himself and his family. Since the volume of knowledge and skills has continuously increased throughout history, the moment of acquiring adult status has gradually been pushed back to a later age. Currently, this moment corresponds to approximately 25 years.

When I was young It is customary to call the period in a person’s life from 14 to 25 years - between childhood and adulthood.

The youth- this is a generation of people going through the stage of growing up, i.e. formation of personality, assimilation of knowledge, social values ​​and norms necessary in order to become a full-fledged and full-fledged member of society.

If we consider youth from the point of view of leading activities, then this period coincides with the end education(educational activities) and entry into working life.

Let's consider this difficult concept from the points of view of various sciences:

    From a psychological point of view youth is the period of acquiring one’s “I”, establishing a person as an individual, unique personality; the process of finding your own special way to achieve success and happiness.

    From the perspective of law, youth - the time of coming of age (in Russia - 18 years). An adult person receives full legal capacity, i.e. the opportunity to enjoy all the rights of a citizen (voting rights, the right to enter into a legal marriage, etc.) At the same time, the young man assumes certain responsibilities, including compliance with laws, paying taxes, caring for disabled family members, and protecting the Fatherland.

    From a general philosophical point of view youth can be seen as a time of opportunity, a time of looking to the future. Youth is a time when nothing has happened yet, when everything can be done and done.

Based on all these characteristics, we can say that youth- this is the time of our life path when a person gets to know himself, and whose character is determined by a combination of (1) age characteristics, (2) characteristics of social status and (3) a special psychological make-up.

Socialization of youth

As we have already said, youth is, first of all, the formation of ideals, the development of social norms and attitudes, the acquisition of skills that help to exist and function successfully in society. Let's take a closer look at this process. In the modern world, this process is commonly called socialization.

In different dictionaries, socialization is defined as:

    “the process of assimilation by an individual throughout his life of social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs”

    “as a process of assimilation and further development by an individual of socio-cultural experience”

    as “the process of personality formation, learning and assimilation by an individual of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in a given society, social community, group”

    as “a complex, multifaceted process of including a person in social practice, acquiring social qualities, assimilating social experience and realizing one’s own essence through fulfilling a certain role in practical activity”

Main factors influencing socialization

In the modern world, there are many factors and problems that influence the process of a person acquiring the skills necessary for a full life in society.

Consider these main influencing factors:

    Economic forces most of all influence the situation of young people. For the most part young people are not well off financially, does not have her own home, and is forced to rely on financial assistance from her parents. The desire to get an education delays the start of working life to a more mature age, and the lack of experience and knowledge prevents people from obtaining highly paid positions. Young people's wages are much lower than the average wage.

    Spiritual factors no less important. In modern times it is intensifying the process of losing moral guidelines, erosion of traditional norms and values. Young people, as a transitional and unstable social group, are most vulnerable to the negative trends of our time. Thus, the values ​​of labor, freedom, democracy, interethnic tolerance are gradually leveled out, and these “outdated” values ​​are replaced by consumer attitude towards the world, gregariousness.

    The most important problem remains the problem of fathers and children", associated with the conflict of values ​​between youth and the older generation. In any type of culture, the family is the main unit in which the socialization of the individual occurs. In modern society, socialization occurs mainly in small families. As a rule, a child chooses a lifestyle or behavior that is inherent in his parents and family.

Relationships between generations

In our opinion, the most important factor in the process of personality development is intergenerational relations. It is the relationship between “fathers and children” that deserves special attention in our work.

Now there are three types of intergenerational relationships:

    postfigurative - have long been established, acquired clear contours, took shape in the form of habitual, stable figures of thinking and behavior and imply an orientation towards the past and traditional values. Young people learn from the experiences of the older generation. The development of post-figurative cultures is slow, innovations have difficulty making their way;

    configurative- are in the process of formation, focused on the present: both young people and adults correlate their actions with the changing modernity. Socialization occurs mainly in the process of communicating with peers. A youth counterculture is born;

    prefigurative- not yet defined, aimed at the future. Old values ​​and stereotypes are abandoned because past experiences turn out to be useless or harmful. The older generation is increasingly learning from young people.

Obviously, the question of which is preferable—the values ​​of fathers or the values ​​of children—does not have a precise answer. But still, we must say that in a steadily developing and sustainable society, the values ​​of the older generation are in demand, but in conditions of a deep social crisis we have to abandon many outdated values ​​and begin to search for new guidelines that correspond to the changed living conditions.

Trends in the development of youth culture

Youth as a special demographic group is characterized by the following main features:

    high level of social mobility;

    active search for one’s place in the social structure, a satisfactory way of life;

    mastering professions and career prospects;

    assimilation and critical assessment of generally accepted social norms, values, standards of behavior;

    territorial mobility;

    instability and internal contradictions of the psyche;

    radicalism of social, political, cultural views;

    the desire to stand out, to be different from others;

    association in informal, unofficial groups based on interests and hobbies;

    the existence of a specific youth subculture.

Therefore, the following trends in the development of youth culture can be identified:

1. The crisis state of society has led to stratification and polarization of youth social groups and strata in terms of material well-being, quality of life, and, consequently, in terms of the level of development of cultural goods. The previously existing system of mass-accessible forms of culture has collapsed. The distribution of benefits in the field of youth culture occurs according to the principle of ability to pay.

2. The privatization of cultural objects has led to the fact that The main place for young people to spend their free time is increasingly becoming the street, the entrance and a person’s apartment, which is due to the increased need for relaxation, rest, and lower material costs for home leisure.

3. One of the results of the crisis is an increase in socio-psychological tension, which is expressed in an increase in the deviant behavior of young people on the one hand, and in health problems on the other. The desire to relieve these conditions leads young people to try to get away from life’s problems with the help of mysticism, religion, drug addiction, suicide. From within, the need of young people to suppress strong stressful emotions is intensifying, and here the search for ways and mechanisms of “peace” is very important.

Thus, modern reality has confronted the young man with a lot of problems. They are determined both by macrotrends (general civilizational changes, the nature of political and economic development of Russia, etc.) and miscalculations in state youth policy.

What are modern youth interested in?

According to the survey results, the Internet ranks first among interests. Why? Now the younger generation cannot imagine life without social networks and other Internet resources. The Internet is used in all areas of life (study, work, communication). Of course, the Internet is a necessary and useful thing, but in no case should we forget about the real world. Besides the Internet, clubs and cinemas are the most popular entertainment among young people.

Second place is given to communication. The communication of young people themselves is noticeably different from communication with the older generation. They have their own interests, life views, their own opinions, which can be very difficult to challenge. Popular topics of conversation: music, films, hobbies, cars, fashion.

Money is another integral part of our life. It is not surprising that today’s youth are thinking about their future income now.

Let’s talk separately about the popularity of sports among young people. It has now become even more important than ever. Our generation is really interested in this. Football, hockey, volleyball, basketball are the most popular sports among young people.

What else are young people interested in? Undoubtedly, it is worth noting education, modern art, and fashion trends. But, unfortunately, many drink alcohol and energy drinks and smoke.

The younger generation is trying to create a beautiful, carefree life for themselves. But to achieve all this, you need to make a lot of effort. We are the future of our country and must live up to this definition, achieve new heights, improve and pave our own path to a happy tomorrow!

Deviant behavior

Unfortunately, teenagers' behavior does not always correspond to norms. This is manifested in the use of drugs and alcohol, harsh treatment of the environment, and vandalism. All this can be attributed to one concept - the concept of “deviant behavior”.

Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the most common, generally accepted, and established norms and standards.

Deviant, negative behavior is eliminated by applying certain formal as well as informal sanctions (treatment, isolation, correction, punishment of the offender). The problem of deviant behavior has been a central problem that has attracted attention since the emergence of sociology.

The reasons for the deviant behavior of adolescents lie in insufficient supervision, lack of attention from loved ones, in anxiety and fear of punishment, in fantasy and daydreaming, in the desire to get away from the care of teachers and parents, in cruel treatment from comrades, in an unmotivated desire to change a boring environment.

Separately, I would like to note the early alcoholism and drug addiction of adolescents. Among delinquent adolescents, most are familiar with drugs and abuse alcohol. The motives for such use are the desire to be in the company of others and become an adult, to satisfy curiosity or to change one’s mental state. In subsequent times, they take drugs and drink for a cheerful mood, as well as for self-confidence and relaxedness. The emergence of a group addiction to getting drunk at a meeting of friends carries the threat of alcoholism. And a teenager’s desire for drug use is an early sign of drug addiction.

Deviant behavior of adolescents is marked by a characteristic orientation towards material and personal well-being, as well as towards life according to the principle “how I want”, asserting oneself by any means and at any cost. In most cases, young people are not driven by the desire to satisfy needs and self-interest through criminal means, but are attracted to participate in the company in order to be considered brave. Adolescent deviations are a common phenomenon that is accompanied by the process of maturity and socialization, increasing throughout adolescence and decreasing after 18 years.

Deviant behavior of adolescents includes antisocial, anti-disciplinary, illegal, as well as auto-aggressive (self-harm and suicidal) actions. Actions are determined by various deviations in personality development. Often these deviations include children's reactions to difficult life circumstances.

The causes of adolescent deviation are associated with the conditions of upbringing, characteristics of physical development and social environment.

Reproaches and hints from others regarding appearance, as well as awkwardness, provoke violent emotions and distort behavior. The emergence of deviant behavior is determined by psychological characteristics. Features of deviant behavior of adolescents are noted in the unstable mood of adolescents.

Thus, the development of a teenager’s personality is carried out under the influence of society and culture and is directly related to the economic.


While working on this study, we studied the process of socialization, its characteristics and phases. And they concluded that the term “socialization” refers to the totality of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society.

We studied the features of the process of socialization of youth and the problems that the younger generation faces during socialization.

We came to the conclusion that during the reform of Russian society, modern youth, as a social group, faced the problems of self-determination, finding work, acquiring a guaranteed social status, and obtaining a quality education.

To summarize, we can say that the changes occurring in society affect all spheres of its life, and especially the younger generation. Young people are constantly forced to adapt to these changes. In this regard, new problems arise in the process of socialization, therefore, in modern Russian society there is an urgent need to understand the main problems of socialization of youth.


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Federal State Educational Institution

Higher professional education

Orenburg State Agrarian University

Faculty of Law

Department of Sociology and Social Work

Course work

Socialization of youth in modern Russian society


law student

social work departments

21social group Iskindirov R.K.


teacher Spasenkova S.V.

Orenburg 2007


    Theoretical aspects of socialization……………………………........4

    1. Basic provisions of the theory of socialization…………………............4

      Phases of socialization………………………………………………………...…...5

      Basic approaches to the periodization of socialization……………….....8

    Socialization of youth in modern Russian society............14

    1. Channels of socialization of modern Russian youth…….….14

      Mechanism of socialization of young people…………………………...20

      Problems of socialization of youth in modern

Russian society…………………………………………………………….22


List of references……………………………………………………….…..30

Appendix No. 1…………………………………………………………….…32

Appendix No. 2…………………………………………………………….....35


An analysis of the problems and characteristics of the socialization of youth cannot but begin with a clarification of the concept of “youth.” In my opinion, youth is not only the future, it is the “living present,” and it is important to understand how much the younger generation today determines the content and character of the future, how much it carries the “spirit of the new time.” But a more specific scientific concept of “youth” should be given. So, youth is a socio-demographic group with its characteristic age, socio-psychological properties and social values, which are determined by the level of socio-economic, cultural development, and characteristics of socialization in Russian society. 1 That is Among the factors of the sociological definition of “youth,” researchers highlight: age limits and socio-psychological characteristics; specifics of social status, role functions, sociocultural behavior; the process of socialization as a unity of social adaptation of youth and individualization. 2

The problem of this topic is that the emergence of new and radical changes in traditional channels of socialization of younger generations in a modern transitional society have led to an increase in the number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle. For various reasons and to varying degrees, these include: disabled people, alcoholics, vagrants, “professional beggars,” and persons who have served sentences in correctional labor institutions. At the moment, the lumpenization and criminalization of youth is taking place.

The relevance of this topic, in my opinion, is that at the present time, when all social relations and social institutions are radically changing in our country, the study of the characteristics of the socialization of youth is becoming a particularly popular and relevant research problem, attracting the attention of not only scientists, but also practitioners at various levels - from politicians to teachers and parents.

In this regard, the purpose to which this course work is aimed can be formulated as an analysis of the specifics and characteristics of the socialization of youth as a socio-demographic group in modern Russian society, when the latter is in the conditions of the formation of market relations, taking into account the demographic situation in the world and country.

My interest in this issue is explained by the fact that I am one of the representatives of the current generation of young people experiencing modern processes of change in political, economic and social institutions and organizations in modern Russian society, which has had a contradictory impact on the situation and development of youth, so I want to cover in detail this problem in order to know exactly what problems can really get in the way of my life path and the life path of my friends and peers.

    Theoretical aspects of socialization

    1. Basic provisions of the theory of socialization

Socialization covers all processes of cultural inclusion, training and education, through which a person acquires a social nature and the ability to participate in social life. 1

There are two most expressed views on the essence of socialization. According to one of them, it means the process of development of the born human organism into a full-fledged human personality during the interaction of the individual with the social environment . In this process, on the one hand, the natural psychobiological inclinations inherent in a person are realized, on the other hand, they are transformed into socially significant personality traits in the course of education and upbringing and with the active participation of the person himself. According to another position, socialization acts, first of all, as the self-development of an individual in the course of his interaction with various social groups, institutions, and organizations. As can be seen, in this interpretation the natural-biological side of socialization is not specifically emphasized or highlighted. 2

Leaning more towards the latter point of view, in the most general form, socialization can be understood as the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, values ​​and norms accepted in society, in specific social communities . Socialization can be presented as a process of mastering social norms that become an integral part of an individual’s life not as a result of external regulation, but as a result of the internal need to follow them. This is one aspect of socialization.

The second aspect concerns its characterization as an essential element of social interaction, suggesting; that people want to change their own image, improve their image in the eyes of others, carrying out their activities in accordance with their expectations. Consequently, socialization is associated with the fulfillment of social roles of an individual. 1

This interpretation of socialization is widespread in Western sociology. It was most fully outlined by T. Parsons and R. Bales in a book devoted to the problems of family, socialization and interaction processes. It pays special attention to the consideration of such an organ of primary socialization as the family, which “includes” the individual in social structures. 2

Thus, we can conclude that socialization is a two-sided a process that includes, on the one hand, the individual’s assimilation of social experience by entering the social environment, a system of social connections; on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity, active inclusion in the social environment.

It should also be said that one of the most important in the theory of personality socialization is the question of its stages and phases. Upon closer attention, it turns out that these are not the same thing. The number of stages is called differently, but the phases, as a rule, are considered the same. Moreover, each stage of personality socialization may include the same phases that are inherent in other stages.

1.2. Phases of Socialization

The phases have a substantive, specific nature, manifesting themselves differently at each stage of socialization. They are usually defined as phases of adaptation and interiorization (internalization). Whether we are identifying the characteristics of the socialization of a child, a schoolchild, a student, or an employee - a member of a work collective, in any case we will have to analyze both of these phases. Therefore, before considering the stages of socialization sequentially, it is necessary to reveal the content of each of its phases.

Adaptation phase.

The concept of adaptation, which occupies one of the central places in biology, means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. In relation to sociology, it began to denote the process of a person’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment. 1

The meaning of this development is the individual’s acceptance of the norms and values ​​of the environment, be it a social community, an organization, an institution, the inclusion of a person in various forms of objective activity and interaction available in these social formations. Adaptation is the initial stage of the process of inclusion and integration of an individual into the social, educational, professional environment, based on real, everyday, regular interaction with him. The main function of adaptation is the development of relatively stable environmental conditions, the solution of recurring, typical problems by using accepted methods of social behavior and action.

Adaptation acts as an insufficiently deep, predominantly external process of socialization, while acquiring an active and passive form. The active form consists in the individual’s desire not only to understand and master the norms and values ​​of the social environment, the types of activities and interactions accepted in it, but also to express his individual attitude towards them, often manifested in dissatisfaction with them and the desire to change them. The passive form of adaptation is manifested in the “tacit” acceptance of these norms and values ​​and unconditional submission to them. Of course, it does not necessarily mean approval of everything that needs to be adapted to.

The essence of adaptation processes is the interaction of the individual - the subject of adaptation and the social environment. In the process of this interaction, adaptive activity does not always have a positive orientation. This happens in cases where an individual chooses an adaptive “niche” for himself from conservative elements of the environment, or when the influence of the adapting environment is so strong that it suppresses the possibilities of creative self-realization of the adapter and preserves them for a long time. In such a situation, a state arises, the outcome of which depends not so much on the subjective qualities and properties of the individual, the efforts made by him, but on the activity of the adapting environment.

If this environment provides a number of necessary conditions for an adapter to achieve compatibility with it, then his actions will be aimed at accelerating the pace of this process, consciously mastering certain methods of adaptive activity. As a result, signs of adaptation will increase, and socialization will be carried out safely.

Consequently, the adaptation process can be successful or unsuccessful, which is expressed in the corresponding sociological indicators. In the first case, this may be the high social and professional status of the individual, his satisfaction with the content of the objective activity and interaction with the social environment. In the second case, these indicators will be diametrically opposed, and the extreme form of unsuccessful adaptation will be disadaptation and its specific manifestations - staff turnover, migration, divorce, deviant behavior, etc. It is these characteristics of maladaptation that act as desocializing factors.

Adaptation of young people has a wide variety of species, acting as socio-professional, social-everyday, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural. 1 This classification is based on the species diversity of adaptation processes. Of course, in objective reality, all these areas of adaptation are not isolated, but are interconnected and interdependent.

In the conditions of modern Russia, which is experiencing a transitional state from socialism and post-Soviet society to a new social arrangement, the problem of youth adaptation acquires special importance within the framework of the overall process of their socialization. Adaptation turns into the social and psychological ability of young people to survive an emergency, crisis situation of transition from one social order to another.

Internalization phase.

The second phase of personality socialization is internalization (interiorization). It means the essential, deep inclusion of the individual in the process, mastering it in such a way that there is an organic transformation of norms, standards, behavioral stereotypes, values ​​characteristic of the external environment into the internal “belonging” of the individual. This is the process of translating external requirements into a person’s internal attitudes.

Internalization as a phase of socialization is always carried out on the basis of adaptation and in this sense it turns out to be more “drawn out” in terms of the time of its implementation, longer and more fundamental. As a result of internalization, the individual develops a system of solid social regulators of behavior that meet both the requirements of society and a specific social community (or social institution, organization).

Internalization of a personality means its complete inclusion in one or another social structure, in some cases even “merging” with it. The latter occurs when the activities of any particular structure are difficult to imagine without this or that person. This may be the head or founder of this structure (although, in general, this is not at all necessary); A person who becomes necessary and indispensable in a particular environment, the very fact of such status indicates the success of his internalization. Its important factor is active and close interaction with members of a given social environment regarding the implementation of one or another type of substantive activity.

      Basic approaches to the periodization of socialization

Now it is necessary to consider the stages of socialization. This problem is controversial, starting with the question of whether socialization has boundaries, and ending with a discussion of the number of its stages. Regarding the first, there are two main points of view. Some authors - the vast majority of them - believe that the process of socialization “accompanies” a person throughout his entire life journey and ends only with his death. Others believe that socialization, beginning in early childhood, ends period of reaching social maturity and entry into the stage of professional and labor activity.

An even greater diversity of views is associated with the question of the stages within which the socialization of the individual takes place. One of the most common points of view is that there are three main stages of socialization - pre-labor, labor, post-labor (associated with a person’s retirement). In this position, it is not difficult to detect the well-known thesis of K. Marx and his followers about the decisive role of work in human life as a criterion for identifying the stages of socialization. This approach seems completely justified and has every right to exist and study the main stages of socialization. However, its weak point is the significant, even excessive duration of each stage. In fact, within any of them there are a number of periods of socialization that are more fractional in time.

Another approach is characterized by the same vulnerability, according to which its authors consider it more appropriate to distinguish between primary and secondary socialization (or resocialization). At the same time, the stage of primary socialization includes the period from the birth of a person to the formation of a mature personality, and the stage of secondary socialization (resocialization) includes the period of its social maturity.

When talking about the criteria for the stages of socialization, you need to keep in mind, first of all, three main ones: the time of physical and social maturation; the nature (features) of the dominant forms (types) of activity; main social institutions (agents) of socialization. In accordance with these criteria, the following stages of socialization can be distinguished: 1

The first is infancy (from birth to about three years of age), The main form of activity at this stage is communication. According to some researchers (quite controversial), at this stage, “socialization actually does not yet convey its effects to the child.” The main agents of socialization are the family and immediate relatives.

Second- childhood (from 3 to 6-7 years). Here the main form of activity becomes a game, primarily role-playing. The child learns, “trying on” various social roles - mother, father, kindergarten teacher, store clerk and many others. Along with the family, a new social institution of socialization is emerging - a preschool educational institution.

The third stage covers the period from 6-7 to 13-14 years. Within this stage, several drastic changes occur, real turning points that characterize the features of socialization. Firstly, the main form of activity changes: instead of play (although it often continues to retain a significant place in the child’s life), study appears, which becomes the main means of understanding the world, life, and relationships. Secondly, the preschool institution is being replaced by the institution of school as the main (along with the family) factor of socialization. Thirdly, puberty occurs, leaving its own special stamp on the process of socialization.

Fourth stage has a lower limit of adolescence(13-14 years old) and is characterized by a certain temporary uncertainty of the upper limit. In terms of content, this is the completion of studies and the transition to professional work. For some it occurs at the age of 18, for others at 23-25 ​​and even later. The main form of activity continues to be educational, but serious competition comes from leisure activities and communication. Puberty of the individual ends, and most often sexual activity begins.

Within the framework of this particular stage, the choice of profession, the way to achieve a career, and ways to build a future life occur, which is sometimes of decisive importance in the process of socialization. All conditions are created for ideological reflection, adequate awareness of oneself, one’s abilities and purpose. Considering the role of socialization institutions at this stage, it is necessary to note the decreasing importance of the family, the remaining importance of educational institutions and the sharply increasing importance of the social microenvironment and friendly environment.

The fifth stage covers the time frame for the functioning of thesocially mature personality (from 20-25 to 35-40 years). It is characterized by her (usually) high activity in the professional sphere, the creation of her own family, and in connection with this, the transformation of the individual from an “object” into a “subject” of socialization. At this stage, personal potential is fully revealed, which can be facilitated by the main institutions of socialization - the production (labor) team, family, media, education, etc. The leading forms of activity, along with professional and labor, can be family and everyday, educational, socio-political, leisure, communication activities.

Sixth stage associated with the age period from 35-40 to 55-65 years,those.from the time of peak maturity to retirementZionist existence. Some scientists attach extreme importance to this stage of socialization. Thus, E. Erickson (USA) believes that it is at this time that a person’s pronounced desire for either active development, creativity, or constancy, peace and stability manifests itself. In this regard, the institution of work and its ability to create conditions for interesting, rich, active work acquires a special role.

The main forms of activity, along with professional labor, are family and household (including raising children and grandchildren), socio-political, and leisure. If this stage of socialization, Erikson believes, is not marked by an interest in work and active professional activity, then a desire for stability will arise, and fear of the new and its rejection will stop the process of self-development and become disastrous for the individual.

Finally, the final one,the seventh stage of socialization begins in conditions of retirement age and the individual’s refusal to actively work professionally. Of great importance in the process of socialization can be a person’s switch to other forms of activity that could become dominant for him and bring deep satisfaction.

At this stage, there is a comprehension of the life path passed, its evaluation, which can lead to consequences of a twofold order: there is either an awareness of identity, the integrity of the life lived, or dissatisfaction with it and even despair because it turned out to be worthless and did not bring any benefit to anyone. A person’s not very good physical condition, caused by age and poor health, can worsen psychologically and lead to neuroticism. 1

When considering the socialization of the younger generation, the most important period is either the phase of beginning work activity or professional preparation for it. It is here that self-awareness, social consciousness and value systems are formed that will determine the trajectory of personal development throughout subsequent life. This stage is characterized by a large role of educational influence. Therefore, in almost any society, socialization that occurs in the first stages has a pronounced educational character. Society’s refusal to purposefully carry out the educational function through official institutions leads to a deformation of socialization, the dominance in it of the adaptive, i.e. adaptive aspect. This trend is especially dangerous for the socialization of young people in a transitional society, characterized by the loss of clear social guidelines and norms. As modern domestic researchers note, “in the conditions of an extremely negative social environment, in the absence of officially declared norms of behavior and acceptable ways for an individual to achieve his goals, sanctions for violating them, in a word, in the absence of social control, adaptation leads to the subordination of the individual to the environment, its passive perception reality to withdrawal from life as a consequence of rejection of this reality or various types of deviant behavior.” 1

Currently there is a special role at the stage; Socialization plays a role in professional training during the period of studying at a university. This is explained by the fact that the university stage of socialization is distinguished by the content of a large share of educational influence on the individual. Socialization takes place in conditions of spontaneous interaction of the individual with the social environment. Education is a process of targeted influence on an individual, when the educator (whether represented by family members, a teacher, or an entire institution - religion, university) initially has a certain educational program aimed at developing given qualities in the individual. 2

In the context of a decline in production and mass unemployment, which disproportionately affects young people, educational institutions remain the social institution that is aimed at developing professional guidelines and work ethics. Higher school determines the formation of work ethics in the group that will join the ranks of the managerial and intellectual-humanitarian layers of professionals and who, in turn, will determine the vector of further social development. 1

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that socialization is a lifelong process of personality development, which is carried out in the process of its interaction with diverse factors and the more social factors are involved in the socialization process, the richer and more intense it is.

    Socialization of youth in modern Russian society

      Channels of socialization of modern Russian youth

First of all, in my opinion, it would be more appropriate to consider in this chapter the theoretical aspects of the factors influencing the process of socialization, so that then, when considering the channels of socialization of modern Russian youth, have a clear idea of ​​the mechanism of influence.

Socialization factors can be considered in their various combinations. One of them is the identification of macro-, meso- and microfactors influencing the socialization of an individual. Macro factors are, first of all, society, the state, its social institutions, and the media. Mesofactors include those that make up the individual’s society in a broad sense: the type of settlement (region, city, village), the ethnic group to which he belongs (or identifies himself), local media, enterprise, educational institution, institution in which the individual works or studies. Apparently, the church should also be considered a mesofactor. Microfactors are those that directly influence the process of socialization of the individual: family, friendly environment, study group, primary work collective, other structures with which a person directly interacts. In other words, this is a society in a narrow sense, or a microsociety of an individual.

Macro and mesofactors can influence the socialization of an individual both directly and through microfactors. It is obvious that the information a person receives from the media affects the process of his socialization without any “intermediaries.” However, a significant share of this influence spreads through its transformation through factors of a particular society, through agents of socialization, i.e. those people with whom the individual interacts directly. It is clear that at each stage of socialization the composition of people changes, although the “core” of socialization agents may remain the same for many years. This is, first of all, the immediate family environment: parents, wife (husband), children, brothers (sisters), as well as friends or close comrades. 1

Now, having understood the theoretical prerequisites of socialization channels, we can move on to highlighting the problem of factors influencing the socialization of youth in modern society.

Based on the above typology, it is possible to build another hierarchical series of social factors that determine the vector of the socialization process, for example, of student youth.

Macro-level factors are socio-economic and socio-political processes occurring in society as a whole. The possibility of the younger generation mastering the value ideals and norms declared by society directly depends on them.

Medium-level factors are the higher education system, the reform of which should adjust the motivation for studying in higher education and the meaning of educational activities.

Finally, micro-level factors include the influence of the process of organizing educational activities at the university, the student group, and the teaching staff of the university. The nature and content of the educational process at a university directly depend on this group of reasons. 2

The identified three groups of factors should complement each other and resonate. However, such a harmonious interaction is not necessary: ​​a contradiction of these factors is also possible. In the context of a systemic crisis in Russian society, there is no doubt that the dominant role in the process of socialization belongs to factors at the macro and meso levels. Of great interest is not only the study of the specific development of the socialization process, but also the analysis of its contradictions. 3

Let's look at these factors in more detail. The rapid pace of radical changes in the life of modern peoples, the strengthening of probabilistic and stochastic trends in the social life of the Earth's population make the life of any society subject to numerous social risks and especially actualize the processes of human survival; in connection with which the problem of socialization of youth, the main wealth of any society, comes to the fore. 1

The emergence of new and radical changes in traditional channels of socialization of younger generations in Russian society necessarily raise questions about the meaning and essence of the socialization process, about the similarities and differences in the processes of upbringing, education and training of younger generations, about modern youth, which is significantly different from the youth of previous times.

In recent decades, in modern Russia, as in other post-socialist countries, fundamentally new channels of socialization have appeared, which have a strong influence on the processes of formation of youth and their adaptation in a radically changing society. The most significant of these channels are: the labor market, the institution of entrepreneurship, informatization of all spheres of social life, the formation of the foundations of a new type of society as its basic characteristics. Under these conditions, the labor market turns into one of the significant social indicators of market relations, which is determined by the existing demand and supply, as well as the availability of free jobs that can be offered to young people entering this market for the first time and having, firstly, a certain level of knowledge, and secondly, specific wishes regarding their future work. It is the market that tests all the qualities of the younger generations: moral and business, their cultural worlds and professional skills. The degree of “security” of young people with such social qualities that will be in demand throughout their active economic life will ultimately determine possible contacts with the world, with partners, as well as form the ability to work in a constantly transforming society and unstable living conditions However, this goal stands before all institutions of society where the socialization of youth takes place. 1

In the conditions of modern Russia, there is an ever-decreasing number of young people, which poses another problem for Russian government institutions related to the replacement of existing jobs with necessary workers, in connection with which immigration to the Russian Federation will be carried out at an accelerated pace over the next three decades, with all associated these complex socio-cultural problems, including the socio-cultural adaptation of immigrants in the context of aggravated emotional relations of Russian youth towards immigrants.

The reality of Russian society in the first half of the 90s. XX century was the inclusion of Russia in the global information space. The means of mass communication, including all types of information operating in this space created with the help of new technologies (multimedia, audiovisual means of communication), have become the most important agent of socialization of youth. They disseminate and popularize certain patterns, styles and norms of behavior, model and introduce into the mass consciousness an image of reality to which it is necessary to strive. Such influence is carried out directly through advertising.

It should be noted that the impact of telecommunications can be assessed as both negative and positive. On the one hand, the commercialization of television channels leads to the predominance on television screens of low-quality Western films, full of violence, aggression, and cruelty. In addition, advertising takes up significant space on the screen. On the other hand, the emergence of new types of video programs helps young people both in their studies and in broadening their horizons, opening up completely new horizons of knowledge. A new type of information field permeates all spheres of social life, affecting socialization processes in various institutions of socialization.

A person’s daily activities are gradually charged with “externalization” due to excessive exposure to audiovisual media, computer games, etc., displacing free thinking, individual thinking, and social communication.

The fundamental difference between Soviet television and current Russian television illustrates the transformation of one of the aspects of social reality. But a person of Russian society, brought up on trust in the media, inclined to trust information, was not immediately ready to select from it what he needed for himself. 1

A widespread phenomenon of Russian reality has become the youth subculture, which is a multifunctional phenomenon that meets the essential needs of personal development, and, above all, the need for social and cultural identity, a person’s “embeddedness” in a certain socio-cultural community. Age groups that are formalized as carriers of a youth subculture become a socializing factor. Their role increases when the main institutions that ensure the socialization of young people (family, school, public organizations, the media) promote very diverse and different values ​​and behavior patterns, which complicates the process of finding oneself and gaining social status. 2

Thus, from all of the above, we can draw a general conclusion that among the new channels of socialization of young people, the media and the Internet are becoming most important. The audiovisual world plays the role of powerful channels of socialization: television, advertising, gaming technologies of modern media, as well as the activities of radically changed social organizations. In contrast to global ones, regional and local traditions are developing and strengthening in the modern spiritual culture of younger generations, which must be taken into account in the process of working with youth.

      Mechanism of socialization of young people

Speaking about the influence of these social factors, it should be noted that they manifest themselves through a special reflexive mechanism of socialization of young people. This mechanism acts as their internal dialogue, a kind of auto-communication, within the framework of which they analyze, evaluate, accept or reject the norms, standards, values, and rules “offered” to them by social factors. This dialogue itself, alone with oneself, can probably be represented in two ways: as a mental conversation with other people (who, as it were, represent social factors of socialization: family, friendly microenvironment, public institutions and organizations, the media, work and educational groups, etc.) d.) and with various personal selves.

According to sociologists, there are not only reflexive, but also other mechanisms of socialization. Moreover, such a mechanism should be understood as a certain connection, “coupling” of factors characterizing the conditions of the social environment with intrapersonal factors. In this sense, they speak of a traditional mechanism, which is the process of young people assimilating norms, values, standards of family behavior, and the immediate social environment (comradely, professional, leisure, etc.). They call the interpersonal mechanism of socialization, which means the process of communication of a young person with “significant others” (parents, teachers, respected adults, peers and friends). Here, at the same time, it must be emphasized that communication with “significant others” from certain social groups and organizations and their influence on the socializing individual is not identical to the influence exerted by this group or organization as a whole.

Another mechanism of socialization of young people is called stylized, because it is associated with the lifestyle of a group of people characterized by a certain subculture - a complex of moral, psychological and behavioral traits typical of certain youth groups. A subculture can become a powerful socializing factor for a long time to the extent that its carriers turn out to be representatives of the reference group for a given individual.

Special mention should be made about the institutional mechanism of socialization, which means, as follows from the term itself, the socialization of the individual in the process of its interaction with social institutions created both specifically for this purpose and simultaneously realizing it in the course of their activities. The first should include, first of all, institutions of education and upbringing, the second - production, political, educational, religious, leisure institutions, the media and others.

The importance of social institutions for the process of socialization of young people lies, first of all, in the fact that under their influence, as a result of the proposed patterns of behavior, certain social roles, norms, and values ​​are adopted. Of course, first of all, the institutions of family, education and upbringing have the greatest influence on the individual. However, from the point of view of socialization tasks, they are not identical in their functions. If in the family the individual masters sociocultural standards and universal human norms and values, then within the framework of educational institutions the mastery of knowledge, the social experience accumulated in it, and the realization of the abilities and gifts of the individual take place. 1

Thus, we can conclude that a young man is formed as a personality as his social qualities develop, defining him as a member of a specific historical society. The socialization of the younger generation should be proactive, taking into account possible changes in the future. There are at least three systems of socialization - the “growing in” of young people into the world of adults. The first is the so-called directed socialization . It is created by the social system. The second is the “spontaneous” system socialization. This usually includes everything that is summarized by the word “street” (children’s and teenage companies), as well as the influence of the media, books, art, etc. And the third system is self-education of the individual, her ability to make intelligent decisions.

      Problems of socialization of youth in modern Russian society

All mechanisms of socialization, one way or another, relate to solving three groups of problems: socio-psychological, natural-cultural and socio-cultural. . Social and psychological problems are associated with the formation of self-awareness of young people, their self-determination, self-actualization, self-affirmation and self-development. At the stage of youth, these problems of socialization have a special, specific content, and different ways to solve them appear.

Natural-cultural problems also influence the process of socialization of youth in modern Russian society. Its content is associated with a person’s achievement of a certain level of physical and sexual development. These problems often relate to regional differences, since the pace of physical and sexual maturation can vary markedly: in the south they turn out to be much higher than in the north. Natural and cultural problems of socialization may also affect the formation of standards of masculinity and femininity in various cultures, ethnic groups, and regions.

Socio-cultural issues socialization has as its content the introduction of an individual to a certain level of culture, to a particular body of knowledge, skills and abilities.

All of the listed problems of socialization and their solutions are an objective necessity for the individual. If such problems are realized, it is quite capable of solving them fruitfully - of course, if there are the necessary objective prerequisites for this. This means that then a person acts as a subject of his own development, a subject of socialization.

However, it must be borne in mind that if any problems of socialization are not solved at one or another stage, this can hinder the process of personality development and make it incomplete. Understanding such a situation can force a person to set new goals and change the ways of achieving them. Overall it's not scary. It is much worse if unresolved or unsolvable problems are not recognized by the individual, and he does not look for any turns in the process of socialization.

In this case, a phenomenon may arise that some authors, in relation to such a person, define with the term “victim of socialization.” The fact is that the process of socialization is contradictory. On the one hand, it presupposes the individual’s successful assimilation of social values, norms, and standards of behavior; on the other hand, a person’s ability to resist society in a certain way if it (or its individual structures) interferes with the satisfaction of his needs for socialization.

Therefore, it is necessary, on the one hand, to identify the individual with society, on the other hand - isolation in it . Here two extremes are possible, which lead a person to become a “victim of socialization.” Firstly, in the case of complete identification with society and “absolute” acceptance of its role prescriptions and role expectations, the inability to resist it in any way, the individual turns into a conformist. Secondly, rejection of many social demands of a fundamental nature for society can turn a person into a fighter against its foundations (which is especially characteristic of a totalitarian or authoritarian regime). The severity of this contradiction is associated not only with the nature of society, but also with the process of socialization, as well as the influence of social factors on the individual.

Summarize. In the above discussions about personality and its socialization, attention was focused on factors that can make this process effective. Meanwhile, socialization presupposes a high degree of internal activity of the individual, the need for self-realization . In other words, a lot depends on the person and his ability to manage his own activities. But this process takes place when objective living conditions give rise to certain needs and interests and create certain incentives for activity in the individual. This is the essence of the transition from objective determination of personal activity to subjective.

Socialization connects different generations, through it the transfer of social and cultural experience is carried out. The central link of socialization is meaningful activity. And if it is not there, the energy is directed to a “disco-consumer” pastime, establishing oneself only in the entertainment sector. The constant imposition of consumer psychology and lack of spirituality on our youth has led to a crisis of moral ideals and meaning-forming goals, the cultivation of momentary hedonistic pleasures, which contributes to the widespread spread of deviant-delinquent behavior. 1

An example of such behavior is the massive spread of alcoholism among young people. As a result of the analysis of the questionnaire study I presented in hostel No. 2 in Orenburg (Appendix No. 1), I came to the conclusion that addiction to alcohol has taken root among young people. Most young people are susceptible to this bad habit, in particular: 93% of boys and 86% of girls. The main purpose of drinking alcohol is to improve mood – 50% (53% girls, 46% boys). In addition, 46% of young people drink alcohol to keep company – also 46%; Among girls, the most popular reason is stress relief – 53%. 20% of boys and 6.7% of girls can no longer refuse an offer to drink.

The degree of dependence on alcohol is shown by the following indicators:

    6.7% of men and 0% of women drink alcohol daily.

    no more than three times a week – 67% of men and 46% of women.

    no more than three times a month – 33% of men and 46% of women

Thus, the defect in the socialization of young people is clearly visible, when the role of a socializing agent was the street, communication with any informal youth groups (the word “informal” in this case is used to emphasize the fundamental difference with officially registered and led by adult public youth organizations ), a negative impact of the family in which the young man lives and is raised is also possible.

The most dangerous thing in the current state of Russian society is the growing feeling of spiritual emptiness, meaninglessness, futility, and temporaryness of everything that is happening, which visibly embraces more and more layers of Russians. The breakdown of value orientations is reflected in the mood of young people. The most important and fundamental thing here is the growing disappointment in prospects, the psychology of “nouvism” (“here and now”), the spread of legal nihilism, and the decline of moral criteria. The younger generation finds itself in an absurd, difficult and difficult situation when, by the logic of history, called upon to continue development on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced, being in the formative stage, to participate in the development of these values, often to carry out this work independently, often in spite of relapses of the old thinking of their fathers, their attempts to restore the past. As a result, the natural contradictions between “fathers and sons” in our society have taken on an exaggerated character and have also become a source of conflict against the background of the processes of alienation of young people in society, the decline in their social status, the reduction of social youth programs, opportunities for education, work, and political participation. 1

From all of the above, we can conclude that the present, isolated from the past and future, remains in its “own juice” - in a self-closed, hopeless space. Socialization disintegrates when, along with the necessary culture cultivated for centuries (cult of spirit, tradition, space, quality) arises, grows, takes shape as a cult (external temporary, everyday, quantitative). The socialization of modern Russian society is a kind of socialization that does not teach, but teaches not to rely on anything either in the past, or in the future, or - finally - in the present, i.e. - exist on the basis of vacuum. Socialization is a process with a delayed effect. But in the no longer traditionally fast New Time, there is no time to wait, and therefore they do not wait long for the effect; they strive for a quick, or rather urgent, “recoupment of costs.” Essential, proper knowledge developed over centuries loses its authority - and along with it, faith in the past loses its meaning. For the time being, there remains hope for the future. But no matter how delayed the effect of neglecting the past is - it is postponed indefinitely, it comes and is expressed in the loss of hope for the future.


Based on the above, we can draw a general conclusion that one of the most important universal aspects of the relationship between generations is the socialization of children and youth. The term "socialization" denotes the totality of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society. Socialization is a process that plays a significant role in the life of both society and the individual, ensuring the self-reproduction of social life.

Socialization includes not only conscious, controlled, targeted influences, but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality.

Thus, the reform of Russian society led to a change in the standards of successful socialization of youth, the set of rules for the transmission of social norms and cultural values ​​from generation to generation. We can highlight the following features of the socialization of Russian youth at the turn of the century, taking into account the transition from the Soviet model of socialization (uniform in normativity, with equal starting opportunities and guarantees that ensure predictability of the life path) to another model (so far only emerging, variable, stratified): transformation of basic institutions socialization; regulation and establishment of a new system of social control; imbalance of organized and spontaneous processes of socialization towards spontaneity; changing the balance of public and personal interests towards expanding the autonomy of the emerging personality and space for individual activity, creativity and initiative.

In three reports to the Government on the situation of youth in 1993, 1994, 1996. Research Center researchers emphasized that despite the severity of the socio-economic situation of youth, one cannot help but see the overall positive results of the impact of “perestroika” and “reforms” on the younger generation. The main achievement of the post-Soviet period, as noted in the first report, is the acquisition of freedom by young people as a necessary condition for fruitful activity, self-affirmation of every young person and the entire socio-demographic group (youth received economic freedom, freedom of political beliefs, freedom of civil convictions, freedom of religion). 1

We can conclude that a significant part of young people have fit into the economic development program and are contributing to its development. This is manifested through the not always obvious, but no less significant result of the changes that are introduced into social relations. Youth is the most important source of the formation of new structures and layers of the non-state sector of the economy (41-43% of older categories of youth), in the process of gradual “rejuvenation” of the leading elite of society, in that “youth wave” of 30-40 year olds who came to politics, banks, entrepreneurship, business of the highest level; is that the value system of the developing entrepreneurial Layer, its guidelines are becoming more and more attractive for a significant part of the younger generation (the share of those who managed to open their own business ranges from 2.5 to 3.5% of the total number of young people, and desire to start a business up to 55% of respondents). At the same time, young businessmen become a factor in the “cultivation” and selection of the upper stratum of entrepreneurs and the growth of the middle class. To an increasing extent, the economic activity of young people is realized in the sphere of new economic relations - in trade, intermediation, personal services (16% of the number of respondents). 2

For the majority, attitudes towards paternalistic care of the state and society have changed, turning into orientations towards their own independence. In their minds work the values ​​characteristic of a private, private person - hope in oneself, one’s strengths, one’s home, family. It is the reliance on personal initiative and activity, as world experience shows, that really develops the market. Research shows that market standards of behavior are emerging (economic freedom of action, entrepreneurship, risk-taking). The stability of life and value orientations can be seen in the answers to the question of how they would like to see themselves in 15 years (for 17-year-olds), in 7-8 years (for 24-year-olds) (research by the Research Center for MI in 1998) , i.e. approximately at the end of the upper limit of youth age (Appendix No. 2).

At the forefront and responsible areas of transformation of a transitive society there should be young people who, through socialization channels, are included in innovative processes, their activities are directed, formed and organized by older generations, organically combining the activity of youth and their desire for something new with the existing cultural traditions of a post-socialist society, with ethno-national norms and mentality.


    A.M. Karaev Socialization of youth: Methodological aspects of the study. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. – 2005. No. 3, pp. 124-128.

    A.V. Marshak Features of social connections of socially disoriented youth // Sociological studies. 1998. No. 12.

    A.I. Kovaleva, V.A. Lukov Sociology of youth: Theoretical issues - M.: Sotsium, 1999. - 325 p.

    B.A. Ruchkin Youth and the formation of a new Russia – Socis. No. 5. 1998 - 90 p.

    V.V. Kasyanov, V.N. Nechipurenko, S.I. Samygin Sociology. Rostov-n/D, 2000 – 306 p.

    IN AND. Chuprov Socialization of youth in post-communist Russia. Socio-political magazine, No. 6. 1996

    V.T. Lisovsky Sociology of Youth: Textbook. St. Petersburg, 1996 – 141 p.

    G.M. Andreeva Social psychology: Textbook for higher educational institutions - 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Aspect Press, 2002. – 267 p.

    D.P. Derbenev Social adaptation of adolescents // Social Journal. 1997. No. 1/2.

    E.Emchura Modern youth and channels of its socialization. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and political science. 2006. No. 3 – 135 p.

    E.S. Topilina Features of socialization of the younger generation in modern Russia. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. 2006. No. 3 – 140 p.

    E.P.Belinskaya, O.A.Tikhomandritskaya Social psychology of personality. – M.: Prospekt, 2001. – 573 p.

    L.L. Shpak Sociocultural adaptation in Soviet society: philosophical problems. Krasnoyarsk, 1991. – 21 p.

    L.G.Borisova, G.S. Solodova Sociology of personality. Novosibirsk, 1997. – 427 p.

    L.N. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova. Human and society. Social science. Textbook for 11th grade students. general image Institutions. Part 2. – M.: Education, 2003. – 214 p.

    P.D. Pavlenok Sociology: Selected works 1991 – 2003. / P.D. Pavlenok. – M.: Publishing and Trading Corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2004. – 298 p.

    T.N. Goryaeva Socialization of Youth – Postgraduate student and applicant. No. 2. 2006 -164 p.

    T.V. Kovaleva, S.P. Stepanov Teenagers of troubled times. On the problems of socialization of high school students. Sociological research. 1998. No. 8.

    The university is an environment for the socialization of youth. Higher education in Russia. – 2006, No. 10, pp. 97-99.

    Yu.V. Mugil Some aspects of social conflict and conditions for its stabilization. Social education, social work in rural areas: Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference. – Orenburg: Publishing Center of OSAU, 2001. – 136 p.

Appendix No. 1

Dear student!

We ask you to answer the questions in this questionnaire; anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed. Most questions require you to choose one of the options provided; you can skip questions that do not apply to you.m b. Thanks in advance!

What's your gender

a) male

b) female

    Do you drink alcohol?

a) yes

b) no

    For what purpose do you drink alcohol? (several answer options are possible)

a) to relieve tension (stress)

b) to improve your mood

c) to support the company

d) your answer option ________________________________________


    Can you always refuse an offer to drink?

a) yes

b) no

    How often do you drink alcohol?

a) daily

b) no more than three times a week

c) no more than twice a month

    What alcoholic drinks do you prefer?

a) vodka

b) beer

c) wine

d) gins, cocktails

e) your own version ______________________________________________

    Do you know about the harm alcohol causes to the body?

a) yes

b) no

    Do you think that the alcoholic drinks you drink are harmful to your health?

a) yes

b) no

    Do you like being drunk?

a) yes

b) no

    How does a person who refuses alcohol during a feast make you feel?

a) surprise

b) dissatisfaction

c) resentment that he refuses to drink with you

d) pity

e) your own version _______________________________________________

    How old were you when you first tried an alcoholic drink?

a) up to 12 years old

b) 12 – 16 years old

c) 17 – 20 years old

d) after 21

Table for recording data obtained as a result of carrying out a nquetting among residents of Dormitory No. 2 in Orenburg

Question No.

Possible answer

Number of responses


Total percentage


Appendix No. 2 1

They want to see themselves at the upper limit of youth age (at % to the number of respondents)

2 Belinskaya E.P., Tikhomandritskaya O.A. Social psychology of personality. – M.: Prospekt, 2001. – 294 p.

1 Goryaeva T.N. Socialization of youth. Postgraduate student and applicant, No. 2, 2006 – 166 p.

1 Kasyanov V.V., Nechipurenko V.N., Samygin S.I. Sociology. Rostov-n/D, 2000 – 325 p.

2 The university is an environment for the socialization of youth. Higher education in Russia. – 2006, No. 10, pp. 97-99.

3 Kovaleva T.V., Stepanov S.P. Teenagers of troubled times. On the problems of socialization of high school students. Sociological research. 1998. No. 8.

1 Emchura E. Modern youth and channels of its socialization. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and political science. 2006. No. 3 – 135 p.

1 Topilina E.S. Features of socialization of the younger generation in modern Russia. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. 2006. No. 3 – 140 p.

1 Bogolyubova L.N., A.Yu. Lazebnikova. Human and society. Social science. Textbook for 11th grade students. general image Institutions. Part 2. – M.: Education, 2003. – 214 p.

youth V modern Russia." The purpose of the work is to review the process socialization youth V modern Russian society, identification of main problems and prospects socialization youth ...
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    Abstract >> Sociology

    They also influence the process socialization youth V modern Russian society. Its content is associated with a person’s achievement...

  • Sociological analysis of political attitudes in the process socialization youth

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    Installations youth in the process socialization. Object of study: features socialization youth V modern Russian society. The goal... Unfortunately, in modern Russian society some of the political agents socialization or significantly lost...

  • Socialization personalities (11)

    Abstract >> Sociology

    Problems of social adaptation of youth in modern Russian society All mechanisms socialization, one way or another, relate... also influence the process socialization youth V modern Russian society. Its content is related to the achievement...

  • Socialization of youth

    Society is the unity of sociality and culture, with which the individual is inextricably linked. Wherein:

    • society – a set of subjects interacting with each other;
    • personality is the subject of interaction;
    • culture is a set of values ​​and norms, meanings, etc., which objectify and reveal these meanings and which are owned by subjects.

    Youth is a socio-demographic community formed on the basis of a combination of age characteristics and characteristics of social status.

    Note 1

    Socialization of youth is the process of establishing interaction and relationships between society and a young person. This interaction is the relationship between the individual and the social in the personality, an orientation towards the priority of public or personal interests, which are formed during the socialization of the individual.

    The socio-psychological characteristics and social status of young people are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture and the patterns of socialization characteristic of a given society.

    Successful socialization of youth is impossible without the institution of the family, which must have the features of a healthy, complete, stable structure. In the absence of one of the conditions for socialization, the socializing function of the family is not fully realized, which leads to the growth of deviant and destructive phenomena in society.

    Modern types of youth socialization

    In modern science, there are several types of socialization of the younger generation:

    1. Ecumenical socialization. The formation of young people in a certain natural environment, the assimilation and implementation of certain programs of interaction with nature, the formation of a certain type of consciousness, and, accordingly, forms and methods of life.
    2. Mesosocialization. The specific historical process of the formation and development of youth in the infraspheres of the parental family, health care, everyday life, upbringing and education, free time, one’s own young family, in which certain programs and corresponding forms and methods of life are gradually implemented.
    3. Economization. Mastering by young people certain professions and specialties, participation in the production of spiritual and material values.
    4. Political socialization. The process of youth entering the political life of society, implying the mastery of certain political norms, values, and patterns of behavior.
    5. Ethnocultural socialization. Formation of abilities to preserve national culture, maintain interethnic communication, and renew traditions.

    Features of the socialization of youth in the modern world

    The specificity of young people is manifested in the fact that they are in the process of transition from childhood to adulthood, experiencing the stage of family and extra-family socialization, internalization of norms and values, formation of social statuses and roles, and professional expectations.

    This process manifests itself in:

    • specific youth forms of behavior and consciousness,
    • concepts of youth music, fashion, language;
    • formation of youth subculture.

    Recently, such important components of generational continuity as education and upbringing have been noticeably pushed aside. Their place is taken by the institutions and cultural values ​​of mass society.

    Characteristic features of youth socialization:

    1. Prestigious status consumption becomes a priority. The personality is increasingly alienated from spiritual values, the structure of their development is deformed, the means become the goal. Mass culture determines the cultural self-identification of young people and the socialization of each individual.
    2. Civilization, or global crisis of identity, accompanied by cultural fragmentation, disorganization of large structures and communities, destruction of traditions, globalization of world processes, postmodernization, destruction of traditions and values, destruction of ideological attitudes.
    3. Providing opportunities for the formation and development of individual characteristics of the younger generation by society increases the dynamics of the development of society, however, sometimes it destabilizes society, leads to a decrease in the resource of its viability, and disrupts systemic connections.

    The sociocultural development of youth is observed with the simultaneous interaction of various socionatural factors and processes, such as:

    • self-education;
    • professional pedagogical impact;
    • large and small groups of people;
    • family;
    • culture;

    Problems of youth socialization

    In the modern world, the younger generation faces a number of difficulties:

    • a variety of social connections that limit the possibilities of a holistic perception of the surrounding world;
    • increasing speed of life rhythms;
    • “means of life” replacing spiritual life goals;
    • hedonic orientation towards pleasure;
    • speed and unpredictability of modern social transformations;
    • cultural heterogeneity of society;
    • political pluralism.

    Appendix No. 3.

    To the Regulations on the Olympics.


    Stavropol region №_______

    (full name of the region) (the field is filled in when registering the job).


    (the field is filled in when registering the work).

    Annual All-Russian Olympics

    development of the National Economy of Russia.

    « Socialization of youth in modern Russian society »

    (full title of the work)

    Nomination No."60" title " Managerial, economic and financial support for youth and family policy in Russia"

    Federal State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Stavropol State Agrarian University"

    (university name – IN FULL!!!)

    Well 3 .

    Specialty: Accounting, analysis and audit

    (name of the future specialty according to the diploma).

    (indicate the address through which feedback will be provided to the author).

    tel: (8-962) 4270263 e-mail: [email protected]

    http:// _____________________________ ICQ: ______________

    Scientific adviser: Pogorelova Irina Viktorovna

    (Last name, first name, patronymic – FULL!!!)

    (Place of permanent work).

    Practical leader: ________________________________________

    (Last name, first name, patronymic – FULL!!!)


    (Academic degree, academic title of scientific supervisor - COMPLETELY!!!).


    (Place of permanent work).

    Contact coordinates: _____________________________________________

    (Please indicate contact coordinates convenient for communication).


    (name of the locality where the work was prepared).

    2010 .


    1. Theoretical aspects of socialization………………………………………………………5

    1.1 Basic provisions of the theory of socialization.................................................. .....5

    1.2 Phases of socialization.................................................... ............................................7

    1.3 Basic approaches to the periodization of socialization.................................................10

    2. Socialization of youth in modern Russian society..............14

    2.1. Channels of socialization of modern Russian youth......................14

    2.2. Mechanism of socialization of young people………………………......18

    2.3. Problems of socialization of youth in modern

    Russian society……………………………………………………......20

    2.4. Ways to solve the main problems of youth socialization.................................25


    List of references……………………………….…............34

    List of basic terms (concepts) used in the work.


    1. The process of development of the born human organism into a full-fledged human personality during the interaction of the individual with the social environment . In this process, on the one hand, the natural psychobiological inclinations inherent in a person are realized, on the other hand, they are transformed into socially significant personality traits in the course of education and upbringing and with the active participation of the person himself.

    2. Self-development of the individual in the course of his interaction with various social groups, institutions, organizations. As can be seen, in this interpretation the natural-biological side of socialization is not specifically emphasized or highlighted

    Adaptation is, from a sociological point of view, the process of a person’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment.

    Interiorization (internalization) (French interiorization - transition from outside to inside, from Latin interior - internal)

    1. Formation of the internal structures of the human psyche through the assimilation of external social activities, the appropriation of life experience, the formation of mental functions and development in general.

    2. Essential, deep inclusion of the individual in social processes, the process of translating external requirements into the internal attitudes of a person.

    Subculture – (from Latin sub - under, around and cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, veneration)

    1. A system of values, behavioral patterns, and life style of a social group, which is an independent holistic formation within the framework of the dominant culture.

    2. A set of some negatively interpreted norms and values ​​of traditional culture, functioning as the culture of the criminal layer of society.


    An analysis of the problems and characteristics of the socialization of youth cannot but begin with a clarification of the concept of “youth.” In our opinion, youth is not only the future, it is the “living present,” and it is important to understand how much the younger generation today determines the content and character of the future, how much it carries the “spirit of the new time.” But a more specific scientific concept of “youth” should be given. So, youth is a socio-demographic group with its characteristic age, socio-psychological properties and social values, which are determined by the level of socio-economic, cultural development, and characteristics of socialization in Russian society. Those. Among the factors of the sociological definition of “youth,” researchers highlight: age limits and socio-psychological characteristics; specifics of social status, role functions, sociocultural behavior; the process of socialization as a unity of social adaptation of youth and individualization.

    The problem of this topic is that the emergence of new and radical changes in traditional channels of socialization of younger generations in a modern transitional society have led to an increase in the number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle. At the moment, the lumpenization and criminalization of youth is taking place.

    The relevance of this topic, in our opinion, lies in the fact that at the present time, when all social relations and social institutions are radically changing in our country, the study of the characteristics of the socialization of youth is becoming an extremely popular and relevant research problem, attracting the attention of not only scientists, but also practitioners at various levels - from politicians to teachers and parents.

    In this work, we will analyze the specifics, features and problems of socialization of youth as a socio-demographic group in modern Russian society.

    1. Theoretical aspects of socialization

    1.1 Basic provisions of the theory of socialization

    Socialization covers all processes of cultural inclusion, training and education, through which a person acquires a social nature and the ability to participate in social life.

    There are two most expressed views on the essence of socialization. According to one of them, it means the process of development of the born human organism into a full-fledged human personality during the interaction of the individual with the social environment . In this process, on the one hand, the natural psychobiological inclinations inherent in a person are realized, on the other hand, they are transformed into socially significant personality traits in the course of education and upbringing and with the active participation of the person himself. According to another position, socialization acts, first of all, as the self-development of an individual in the course of his interaction with various social groups, institutions, and organizations. As can be seen, in this interpretation the natural-biological side of socialization is not specifically emphasized or highlighted.

    Leaning more towards the latter point of view, in the most general form, socialization can be understood as the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, values ​​and norms accepted in society, in specific social communities . Socialization can be presented as a process of mastering social norms that become an integral part of an individual’s life not as a result of external regulation, but as a result of the internal need to follow them. This is one aspect of socialization.

    The second aspect concerns its characterization as an essential element of social interaction, suggesting; that people want to change their own image, improve their image in the eyes of others, carrying out their activities in accordance with their expectations. Consequently, socialization is associated with the fulfillment of social roles of an individual.

    This interpretation of socialization is widespread in Western sociology. It was most fully outlined by T. Parsons and R. Bales in a book devoted to the problems of family, socialization and interaction processes. It pays special attention to the consideration of such an organ of primary socialization as the family, which “includes” the individual in social structures.

    Thus, we can conclude that socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the individual’s assimilation of social experience by entering the social environment, a system of social connections; on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity, active inclusion in the social environment.

    It should also be said that one of the most important in the theory of personality socialization is the question of its stages and phases. Upon closer attention, it turns out that these are not the same thing. The number of stages is called differently, but the phases, as a rule, are considered the same. Moreover, each stage of personality socialization may include the same phases that are inherent in other stages.

    1.2. Phases of Socialization

    The phases have a substantive, specific nature, manifesting themselves differently at each stage of socialization. They are usually defined as phases of adaptation and interiorization (internalization). Whether we are identifying the characteristics of the socialization of a child, a schoolchild, a student, or an employee - a member of a work collective, in any case we will have to analyze both of these phases. Therefore, before considering the stages of socialization sequentially, it is necessary to reveal the content of each of its phases.

    Adaptation phase.

    The concept of adaptation, which occupies one of the central places in biology, means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. In relation to sociology, it began to denote the process of a person’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment.

    The meaning of this development is the individual’s acceptance of the norms and values ​​of the environment, be it a social community, an organization, an institution, the inclusion of a person in various forms of objective activity and interaction available in these social formations. Adaptation is the initial stage of the process of inclusion and integration of an individual into the social, educational, professional environment, based on real, everyday, regular interaction with him. The main function of adaptation is the development of relatively stable environmental conditions, the solution of recurring, typical problems by using accepted methods of social behavior and action.

    Adaptation acts as an insufficiently deep, predominantly external process of socialization, while acquiring an active and passive form. The active form consists in the individual’s desire not only to understand and master the norms and values ​​of the social environment, the types of activities and interactions accepted in it, but also to express his individual attitude towards them, often manifested in dissatisfaction with them and the desire to change them. The passive form of adaptation is manifested in the “tacit” acceptance of these norms and values ​​and unconditional submission to them. Of course, it does not necessarily mean approval of everything that needs to be adapted to.

    The essence of adaptation processes is the interaction of the individual – the subject of adaptation and the social environment. In the process of this interaction, adaptive activity does not always have a positive orientation. This happens in cases where an individual chooses an adaptive “niche” for himself from conservative elements of the environment, or when the influence of the adapting environment is so strong that it suppresses the possibilities of creative self-realization of the adapter and preserves them for a long time. In such a situation, a state arises, the outcome of which depends not so much on the subjective qualities and properties of the individual, the efforts made by him, but on the activity of the adapting environment.

    If this environment provides a number of necessary conditions for an adapter to achieve compatibility with it, then his actions will be aimed at accelerating the pace of this process, consciously mastering certain methods of adaptive activity. As a result, signs of adaptation will increase, and socialization will be carried out safely.

    Consequently, the adaptation process can be successful or unsuccessful, which is expressed in the corresponding sociological indicators. In the first case, this may be the high social and professional status of the individual, his satisfaction with the content of the objective activity and interaction with the social environment. In the second case, these indicators will be diametrically opposed, and the extreme form of unsuccessful adaptation will be disadaptation and its specific manifestations - staff turnover, migration, divorce, deviant behavior, etc. It is these characteristics of maladaptation that act as desocializing factors.

    Adaptation of young people has a wide variety of species, acting as socio-professional, social-everyday, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural.

    In the conditions of modern Russia, which is experiencing a transitional state from socialism and post-Soviet society to a new social arrangement, the problem of youth adaptation acquires special importance within the framework of the overall process of their socialization. Adaptation turns into the social and psychological ability of young people to survive an emergency, crisis situation of transition from one social order to another.

    Internalization phase.

    The second phase of personality socialization is internalization (interiorization). It means the essential, deep inclusion of the individual in the process, mastering it in such a way that there is an organic transformation of norms, standards, behavioral stereotypes, values ​​characteristic of the external environment into the internal “belonging” of the individual. This is the process of translating external requirements into a person’s internal attitudes.

    Internalization as a phase of socialization is always carried out on the basis of adaptation and in this sense it turns out to be more “drawn out” in terms of the time of its implementation, longer and more fundamental. As a result of internalization, the individual develops a system of solid social regulators of behavior that meet both the requirements of society and a specific social community (or social institution, organization).

    Internalization of a personality means its complete inclusion in one or another social structure, in some cases even “merging” with it. The latter occurs when the activities of any particular structure are difficult to imagine without this or that person. This may be the head or founder of this structure (although, in general, this is not at all necessary); A person who becomes necessary and indispensable in a particular environment, the very fact of such status indicates the success of his internalization. Its important factor is active and close interaction with members of a given social environment regarding the implementation of one or another type of substantive activity.

    1.3. Basic approaches to the periodization of socialization

    Now it is necessary to consider the stages of socialization. This problem is controversial, starting with the question of whether socialization has boundaries, and ending with a discussion of the number of its stages. Regarding the first, there are two main points of view. Some authors - the overwhelming majority - believe that the process of socialization “accompanies” a person throughout his entire life and ends only with his death. Others believe that socialization, starting from early childhood, ends with the period of achieving social maturity and entering the stage of professional and labor activity.

    An even greater diversity of views is associated with the question of the stages within which the socialization of the individual takes place. One of the most common points of view is that there are three main stages of socialization - pre-labor, labor, post-labor (associated with a person’s retirement). In this position, it is not difficult to detect the well-known thesis of K. Marx and his followers about the decisive role of work in human life as a criterion for identifying the stages of socialization. This approach seems completely justified and has every right to exist and study the main stages of socialization. However, its weak point is the significant, even excessive duration of each stage. In fact, within any of them there are a number of periods of socialization that are more fractional in time.

    Another approach is characterized by the same vulnerability, according to which its authors consider it more appropriate to distinguish between primary and secondary socialization (or resocialization). At the same time, the stage of primary socialization includes the period from the birth of a person to the formation of a mature personality, and the stage of secondary socialization (resocialization) includes the period of its social maturity.

    When talking about the criteria for the stages of socialization, you need to keep in mind, first of all, three main ones: the time of physical and social maturation; the nature (features) of the dominant forms (types) of activity; main social institutions (agents) of socialization. In accordance with these criteria, the following stages of socialization can be distinguished:

    The first is infancy (from birth to about three years of age), the main form of activity at this stage is communication. According to some researchers (quite controversial), at this stage, “socialization actually does not yet convey its effects to the child.” The main agents of socialization are the family and immediate relatives.

    The second is childhood (from 3 to 6-7 years). Here the main form of activity becomes a game, primarily role-playing. The child learns, “trying on” various social roles – mother, father, kindergarten teacher, store clerk and many others. Along with the family, a new social institution of socialization is emerging - a preschool educational institution.

    The third stage covers the period from 6-7 to 13-14 years. During this stage, several drastic changes occur, real turning points that characterize the features of socialization. Firstly, the main form of activity changes: instead of play (although it often continues to retain a significant place in the child’s life), study appears, which becomes the main means of understanding the world, life, and relationships. Secondly, the preschool institution is being replaced by the institution of school as the main (along with the family) factor of socialization. Thirdly, puberty occurs, leaving its own special stamp on the process of socialization.

    The fourth stage has a lower limit of adolescence (13-14 years) and is characterized by a certain temporary uncertainty of the upper limit. In terms of content, this is the completion of studies and the transition to professional work. For some it occurs at the age of 18, for others at 23-25 ​​and even later. The main form of activity continues to be educational, but serious competition comes from leisure activities and communication. Puberty of the individual ends, and most often sexual activity begins.

    Within the framework of this particular stage, the choice of profession, the way to achieve a career, and ways to build a future life occur, which is sometimes of decisive importance in the process of socialization. All conditions are created for ideological reflection, adequate awareness of oneself, one’s abilities and purpose. Considering the role of socialization institutions at this stage, it is necessary to note the decreasing importance of the family, the remaining importance of educational institutions and the sharply increasing importance of the social microenvironment and friendly environment.

    The fifth stage covers the time frame of functioning of a socially mature personality (from 20-25 to 35-40 years) . It is characterized by her (usually) high activity in the professional sphere, the creation of her own family, and in connection with this, the transformation of the individual from an “object” into a “subject” of socialization. At this stage, personal potential is fully revealed, which can be facilitated by the main institutions of socialization - production (work) collective, family, media, education, etc. The leading forms of activity, along with professional labor, can be family, household, educational, socio-political, leisure, communication activities.

    The sixth stage is associated with the age period from 35-40 to 55-65 years, i.e. from the time of peak maturity to the “deserved rest” of pensioner life . Some scientists attach extreme importance to this stage of socialization. Thus, E. Erickson (USA) believes that it is at this time that a person’s pronounced desire for either active development, creativity, or constancy, peace and stability manifests itself. In this regard, the institution of work and its ability to create conditions for interesting, rich, active work acquires a special role.

    The main forms of activity, along with professional labor, are family and household (including raising children and grandchildren), socio-political, and leisure. If this stage of socialization, Erikson believes, is not marked by an interest in work and active professional activity, then a desire for stability will arise, and fear of the new and its rejection will stop the process of self-development and become disastrous for the individual.

    Finally, the final, seventh stage of socialization occurs in conditions of retirement age and the individual’s refusal of active professional work. Of great importance in the process of socialization can be a person’s switch to other forms of activity that could become dominant for him and bring deep satisfaction.

    At this stage, there is a comprehension of the life path passed, its evaluation, which can lead to consequences of a twofold order: there is either an awareness of identity, the integrity of the life lived, or dissatisfaction with it and even despair because it turned out to be worthless and did not bring any benefit to anyone. A person’s not very good physical condition, caused by age and poor health, can worsen psychologically and lead to neuroticism.

    When considering the socialization of the younger generation, the most important period is either the phase of beginning work activity or professional preparation for it. It is here that self-awareness, social consciousness and value systems are formed that will determine the trajectory of personal development throughout subsequent life. This stage is characterized by a large role of educational influence. Therefore, in almost any society, socialization that occurs in the first stages has a pronounced educational character. Society's refusal to purposefully carry out the educational function through official institutions leads to a deformation of socialization, the dominance in it of the adaptive, i.e. adaptive aspect. This trend is especially dangerous for the socialization of young people in a transitional society, characterized by the loss of clear social guidelines and norms. As modern domestic researchers note, “in the conditions of an extremely negative social environment, in the absence of officially declared norms of behavior and acceptable ways for an individual to achieve his goals, sanctions for violating them, in a word, in the absence of social control, adaptation leads to the subordination of the individual to the environment, its passive perception reality to withdrawal from life as a consequence of rejection of this reality or various types of deviant behavior.”

    Currently there is a special role at the stage; Socialization plays a role in professional training during the period of studying at a university. This is explained by the fact that the university stage of socialization is distinguished by the content of a large share of educational influence on the individual. Socialization takes place in conditions of spontaneous interaction of the individual with the social environment. Education is a process of targeted influence on an individual, when the educator (whether represented by family members, a teacher, or an entire institute - religion, university) initially has a certain educational program aimed at developing given qualities in the individual.

    In the context of a decline in production and mass unemployment, which disproportionately affects young people, educational institutions remain the social institution that is aimed at developing professional guidelines and work ethics. Higher school determines the formation of work ethics in the group that will join the ranks of the managerial and intellectual-humanitarian layers of professionals and who, in turn, will determine the vector of further social development.

    Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that socialization is a lifelong process of personality development, which is carried out in the process of its interaction with diverse factors and the more social factors are involved in the socialization process, the richer and more intense it is.

    2. Socialization of youth in modern Russian society

    2.1 Channels of socialization of modern Russian youth

    First of all, in our opinion, it would be more appropriate to consider in this chapter the theoretical aspects of the factors influencing the process of socialization, so that then, when considering the channels of socialization of modern Russian youth, have a clear idea of ​​the mechanism of influence.

    Socialization factors can be considered in their various combinations. One of them is the identification of macro-, meso- and microfactors influencing the socialization of an individual. Macro factors are, first of all, society, the state, its social institutions, and the media. Mesofactors include those that make up the individual’s society in a broad sense: the type of settlement (region, city, village), the ethnic group to which he belongs (or identifies himself), local media, enterprise, educational institution, institution in which the individual works or studies. Apparently, the church should also be considered a mesofactor. Microfactors are those that directly influence the process of socialization of the individual: family, friendly environment, study group, primary work collective, other structures with which a person directly interacts. In other words, this is a society in a narrow sense, or a microsociety of an individual.

    Macro and mesofactors can influence the socialization of an individual both directly and through microfactors. It is obvious that the information a person receives from the media affects the process of his socialization without any “intermediaries.” However, a significant share of this influence spreads through its transformation through factors of a particular society, through agents of socialization, i.e. those people with whom the individual interacts directly. It is clear that at each stage of socialization the composition of people changes, although the “core” of socialization agents may remain the same for many years. This is, first of all, the immediate family environment: parents, wife (husband), children, brothers (sisters), as well as friends or close comrades.

    Now, having understood the theoretical prerequisites of socialization channels, we can move on to highlighting the problem of factors influencing the socialization of youth in modern society.

    Based on the above typology, it is possible to build another hierarchical series of social factors that determine the vector of the socialization process, for example, of student youth.

    Macro-level factors are socio-economic and socio-political processes occurring in society as a whole. The possibility of the younger generation mastering the value ideals and norms declared by society directly depends on them.

    Medium-level factors are the higher education system, the reform of which should adjust the motivation for studying in higher education and the meaning of educational activities.

    Finally, micro-level factors include the influence of the process of organizing educational activities at the university, the student group, and the teaching staff of the university. The nature and content of the educational process at a university directly depend on this group of reasons. The university is an environment for the socialization of youth.

    The identified three groups of factors should complement each other and resonate. However, such a harmonious interaction is not necessary: ​​a contradiction of these factors is also possible. In the context of a systemic crisis in Russian society, there is no doubt that the dominant role in the process of socialization belongs to factors at the macro and meso levels. Of great interest is not only the study of the specific development of the socialization process, but also the analysis of its contradictions.

    Let's look at these factors in more detail. The rapid pace of radical changes in the life of modern peoples, the strengthening of probabilistic and stochastic trends in the social life of the Earth's population make the life of any society subject to numerous social risks and especially actualize the processes of human survival; in connection with which the problem of socialization of youth, the main wealth of any society, comes to the fore.

    The emergence of new and radical changes in traditional channels of socialization of younger generations in Russian society necessarily raise questions about the meaning and essence of the socialization process, about the similarities and differences in the processes of upbringing, education and training of younger generations, about modern youth, which is significantly different from the youth of previous times.

    In recent decades, in modern Russia, as in other post-socialist countries, fundamentally new channels of socialization have appeared, which have a strong influence on the processes of formation of youth and their adaptation in a radically changing society. The most significant of these channels are: the labor market, the institution of entrepreneurship, informatization of all spheres of social life, the formation of the foundations of a new type of society as its basic characteristics. Under these conditions, the labor market turns into one of the significant social indicators of market relations, which is determined by the existing demand and supply, as well as the availability of free jobs that can be offered to young people entering this market for the first time and having, firstly, a certain level of knowledge, and secondly, specific wishes regarding their future work. It is the market that tests all the qualities of the younger generations: moral and business, their cultural worlds and professional skills. The degree of “security” of young people with such social qualities that will be in demand throughout their active economic life will ultimately determine possible contacts with the world, with partners, as well as form the ability to work in a constantly transforming society and unstable living conditions However, this goal stands before all institutions of society where the socialization of youth takes place.

    Currently, the role of traditional and new channels of socialization of youth has changed, each of the most significant social institutions that carry out the socialization of youth in post-socialist countries has changed significantly in conditions of transitivity: the family becomes more unstable and has fewer children, all parts of the education system are commercialized, which becomes a service-oriented field of activity, and not the main form of transmitting culture to younger generations. In our opinion, the commercialization of education violates the legislatively established principles of its humanization and democratization, since it destroys equality of chances in acquiring knowledge and culture, and deepens property and social inequality in society. The state, not finding use for the high educational potential of young people, not providing them with normal opportunities to earn a living, has brought most of them to the brink of poverty, and inevitably pushes them into criminal structures.

    The reality of Russian society in the first half of the 90s. XX century was the inclusion of Russia in the global information space. The means of mass communication, including all types of information operating in this space created with the help of new technologies (multimedia, audiovisual means of communication), have become the most important agent of socialization of youth. They disseminate and popularize certain patterns, styles and norms of behavior, model and introduce into the mass consciousness an image of reality to which it is necessary to strive. Such influence is carried out directly through advertising.

    It should be noted that the impact of telecommunications can be assessed as both negative and positive. On the one hand, the commercialization of television channels leads to the predominance on television screens of low-quality Western films, full of violence, aggression, and cruelty. In addition, advertising takes up significant space on the screen. On the other hand, the emergence of new types of video programs helps young people both in their studies and in broadening their horizons, opening up completely new horizons of knowledge. A new type of information field permeates all spheres of social life, affecting the processes of socialization in various institutions.

    The fundamental difference between Soviet television and current Russian television illustrates the transformation of one of the aspects of social reality. But a person of Russian society, brought up on trust in the media, inclined to trust information, was not immediately ready to select from it what he needed for himself.

    A widespread phenomenon of Russian reality has become the youth subculture, which is a multifunctional phenomenon that meets the essential needs of personal development, and, above all, the need for social and cultural identity, a person’s “embeddedness” in a certain socio-cultural community. Age groups that are formalized as carriers of a youth subculture become a socializing factor. Their role increases when the main institutions that ensure the socialization of young people (family, school, public organizations, the media) promote very diverse and different values ​​and behavior patterns, which complicates the process of finding oneself and gaining social status.

    Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that among the new channels of socialization of young people, the media and the Internet are of greatest importance. The audiovisual world plays the role of powerful channels of socialization: television, advertising, gaming technologies of modern media, as well as the activities of radically changed social organizations. In contrast to global ones, regional and local traditions are developing and strengthening in the modern spiritual culture of younger generations, which must be taken into account in the process of working with youth.

    2.2 Mechanism of socialization of young people

    Speaking about the influence of these social factors, it should be noted that they manifest themselves through a special reflexive mechanism of socialization of young people. This mechanism acts as their internal dialogue, a kind of auto-communication, within the framework of which they analyze, evaluate, accept or reject the norms, standards, values, and rules “offered” to them by social factors.

    According to sociologists, there are not only reflexive, but also other mechanisms of socialization. Moreover, such a mechanism should be understood as a certain connection, “coupling” of factors characterizing the conditions of the social environment with intrapersonal factors. In this sense, they speak of a traditional mechanism, which is the process of young people assimilating norms, values, standards of family behavior, and the immediate social environment (comradely, professional, leisure, etc.). They call the interpersonal mechanism of socialization, which means the process of communication of a young person with “significant others” (parents, teachers, respected adults, peers and friends). Here, at the same time, it must be emphasized that communication with “significant others” from certain social groups and organizations and their influence on the socializing individual is not identical to the influence exerted by this group or organization as a whole.

    Another mechanism of socialization of young people is called stylized, since it is associated with the lifestyle of a group of people characterized by a certain subculture - a complex of moral, psychological and behavioral traits typical of certain youth groups. A subculture can become a powerful socializing factor for a long time to the extent that its carriers turn out to be representatives of the reference group for a given individual.

    Special mention should be made about the institutional mechanism of socialization, which means, as follows from the term itself, the socialization of the individual in the process of its interaction with social institutions created both specifically for this purpose and simultaneously realizing it in the course of their activities. The first should include, first of all, institutions of education and upbringing, the second - production, political, educational, religious, leisure institutions, the media and others.

    The importance of social institutions for the process of socialization of young people lies, first of all, in the fact that under their influence, as a result of the proposed patterns of behavior, certain social roles, norms, and values ​​are adopted. Of course, first of all, the institutions of family, education and upbringing have the greatest influence on the individual. However, from the point of view of socialization tasks, they are not identical in their functions. If in the family the individual masters sociocultural standards and universal human norms and values, then within the framework of educational institutions the mastery of knowledge, the social experience accumulated in it, and the realization of the abilities and gifts of the individual take place.

    Thus, we can conclude that a young man is formed as a personality as his social qualities develop, defining him as a member of a specific historical society. The socialization of the younger generation should be proactive, taking into account possible changes in the future. There are at least three systems of socialization. The first is the so-called directed socialization . It is created by the social system. The second is a system of “spontaneous” socialization. This usually includes everything that is summarized by the word “street” (children’s and teenage companies), as well as the influence of the media, books, art, etc. And the third system is the self-education of the individual, his ability to make competent decisions.

    2.3 Problems of socialization of youth in modern Russian society

    All mechanisms of socialization, one way or another, relate to solving three groups of problems: socio-psychological, natural-cultural and socio-cultural. . Social and psychological problems are associated with the formation of self-awareness of young people, their self-determination, self-affirmation and self-development. At the stage of youth, these problems of socialization have a special, specific content, and different ways to solve them appear.

    Natural and cultural problems also influence the process of socialization of youth in modern Russian society. Its content is associated with a person’s achievement of a certain level of physical and sexual development. These problems often relate to regional differences, since the pace of physical and sexual maturation can vary markedly: in the south they turn out to be much higher than in the north. Natural and cultural problems of socialization may also affect the formation of standards of masculinity and femininity in various cultures, ethnic groups, and regions.

    Socio-cultural problems of socialization have as their content the introduction of an individual to a certain level of culture, to a particular body of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    All of the listed problems of socialization and their solutions are an objective necessity for the individual. If such problems are realized, it is quite capable of solving them fruitfully - of course, if there are the necessary objective prerequisites for this. This means that then a person acts as a subject of his own development, a subject of socialization.

    However, it must be borne in mind that if any problems of socialization are not solved at one or another stage, this can hinder the process of personality development and make it incomplete. Understanding such a situation can force a person to set new goals and change the ways of achieving them. Overall it's not scary. It is much worse if unresolved or unsolvable problems are not recognized by the individual, and he does not look for any turns in the process of socialization. In this case, a phenomenon may arise that some authors, in relation to such a person, define with the term “victim of socialization.”

    Consequently, it is necessary, on the one hand, to identify the individual with society, and on the other hand, to isolate himself from it. . Here two extremes are possible, which lead a person to become a “victim of socialization.” Firstly, in the case of complete identification with society and “absolute” acceptance of its role prescriptions and role expectations, the inability to resist it in any way, the individual turns into a conformist. Secondly, rejection of many social demands of a fundamental nature for society can turn a person into a fighter against its foundations (which is especially characteristic of a totalitarian or authoritarian regime). The severity of this contradiction is associated not only with the nature of society, but also with the process of socialization, as well as the influence of social factors on the individual.

    Summarize. In the above discussions about personality and its socialization, attention was focused on factors that can make this process effective. Meanwhile, socialization presupposes a high degree of internal activity of the individual, the need for self-realization . In other words, a lot depends on the person and his ability to manage his own activities. But this process takes place when objective living conditions give rise to certain needs and interests and create certain incentives for activity in the individual.

    Let us take a closer look at the social factors influencing the socialization of young people today. According to government statistics, the number of young people in Russia is almost 40 million people, 27% of the population. Who are they? What do they think and dream about? What awaits them and what is their social well-being?

    Today we are forced to state:

    1. The number of young people in Russia is declining;

    2. The new generation is less healthy than the previous one, young people are dying out faster than the older generation;

    3. The intellectual potential of young people is falling, mental degeneration of the younger generation is occurring;

    4. The problem of youth employment has sharply worsened;

    5. The social status of young people and their material and living situation are declining;

    6. Self-awareness, self-identification, organization, role in public life and politics have fallen significantly and continue to fall; young people are left to the mercy of fate;

    7. There is a spiritual and moral decay of youth. The traditional foundations of upbringing and education are being replaced by “more modern” Western ones:

    Pedagogy of respect for elders and joint work - the development of a creative egoistic personality;

    Chastity, abstinence, self-restraint - permissiveness and satisfaction of one's needs;

    Love and self-sacrifice - Western psychology of self-affirmation;

    Interest in national culture - exceptional interest in foreign languages ​​and foreign traditions.

    Young people are seized by the spirit of consumerism and immoral enrichment at any cost, they are increasingly criminalized, alcoholism, drug addiction, and prostitution are on the rise.

    There is only one conclusion, and it is terrifying: Russian society is degrading. The process of youth depopulation continues, the birth rate is declining and mortality is increasing. The number of 8-year-olds is now 2 times less than 18-year-olds, which means that in 10 years Russia may become a country with a minimum number of young generation of reproductive and working age. The economy loses 2.5 million people between the ages of 16 and 30 every year.

    The share of young people employed in the national economy is constantly declining, especially in industry, construction and transport. Due to the structural changes taking place in the economy, the share of young people in the non-productive sector is growing. Data from scientists in recent years show that the activities of 52% of young people do not correspond to their professional training. The number of young people in rural areas has decreased by 25% over 10 years and makes up only 9% of the rural population of Russia.

    The introduction of market relations has exacerbated the problem of social security in the world of work. In this regard, an increasingly noticeable characteristic of the socio-economic situation of young people is the growth in the number of unemployed among them. The problem of employment of graduates of schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions is acute. .

    According to Rosstat, as of February 2010, the average age of the unemployed was 35.6 years. Young people under 25 years old make up 25.8% of the unemployed, including those aged 15-19 years - 5.3%, 20-24 years old - 20.5%. A high level of unemployment is observed in the age group 15-19 years old - 32.4% and 20-24 years old - 17.1% (a graphical display of these data is presented in Appendix 1).

    On average, among young people aged 15-24 years, the unemployment rate in February 2010 was 18.9%, including among the urban population - 16.9%, among the rural population - 23.6%. The excess rate of unemployment among youth on average for the age group of 15-24 years compared to the unemployment rate of adults aged 30-49 years is 2.7 times, including among the urban population - 2.8 times, rural population - 2 ,4 times .

    The problems of alcoholism and drug addiction are acute. Today, more than 60 thousand children are officially registered as alcoholics, 40% of schoolchildren and more than 80% of young people drink alcohol. Among drug addicts, 80% are children and youth. Every year, 40 thousand Russians, most of them young people, die from alcohol. This is three times more than the losses of the USSR during the entire Afghan war! More than 35 thousand young people die from drugs.

    Among school graduates, only 10% are relatively healthy. According to WHO, out of 100 school graduates in 2009 in Russia, only 40 will survive to retirement age.

    In addition, the youth environment is becoming a dangerous crime zone. Such unfavorable trends as the rejuvenation of crime and the strengthening of its group nature are growing. At the same time, not only quantitative indicators have increased, criminal acts have become more brutal.

    The number of “female” crimes is growing from year to year. Law enforcement agencies are greatly concerned about the trend toward “rejuvenation” of female crime. Today, about 500 teenage girls are kept in the three educational and labor colonies for minors in Russia. Most of them were convicted of serious crimes, including infanticide. As a rule, young women who have not found themselves in life: without a family, without a means of subsistence, without housing, choose to kill children.

    The younger generation, for the most part, found itself without reliable social guidelines. The destruction of traditional forms of socialization based on the social predetermination of life's path, on the one hand, increased the personal responsibility of young people for their destiny, presenting them with the need to choose, on the other hand, it revealed the unwillingness of most of them to engage in new social relations. The choice of life path began to be determined not by the abilities and interests of the young man, but by specific circumstances.

    Thus, the defect in the socialization of young people is clearly visible, when the role of a socializing agent was the street, communication with any informal youth groups (the word “informal” in this case is used to emphasize the fundamental difference with officially registered and led by adult public youth organizations ), a negative impact of the family in which the young man lives and is raised is also possible.

    The most dangerous thing in the current state of Russian society is the growing feeling of spiritual emptiness, meaninglessness, futility, and temporaryness of everything that is happening, which visibly embraces more and more layers of Russians. The breakdown of value orientations is reflected in the mood of young people. The most important and fundamental thing here is the growing disappointment in prospects, the psychology of “nouvism” (“here and now”), the spread of legal nihilism, and the decline of moral criteria. The younger generation finds itself in an absurd, difficult and difficult situation when, by the logic of history, called upon to continue development on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced, being in the formative stage, to participate in the development of these values, often to carry out this work independently, often despite the relapses of the old the thinking of their fathers, their attempts to restore the past. As a result, the natural contradictions between “fathers and sons” in our society have taken on an exaggerated character and have also become a source of conflict against the background of the processes of alienation of young people in society, the decline in their social status, the reduction of social youth programs, opportunities for education, work, and political participation.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that the present, isolated from the past and future, remains in its “own juice” - in a self-closed, hopeless space. Socialization falls apart when, along with what has been cultivated for centuries (the cult of spirit, tradition, space, quality), the present arises, grows, and takes shape as a cult (external, temporary, everyday, quantitative). The socialization of modern Russian society is a kind of socialization that does not teach, but teaches not to rely on anything either in the past, or in the future, or - finally - in the present, i.e. - exist on the basis of vacuum. Socialization is a process with a delayed effect. But in the no longer traditionally fast New Time, there is no time to wait, and therefore they do not wait long for the effect; they strive for a quick, or rather urgent, “recoupment of costs.” Essential, proper knowledge developed over centuries loses its authority - and along with it, faith in the past loses its meaning. For the time being, there remains hope for the future. But no matter how delayed the effect of neglecting the past is - it is postponed indefinitely, it comes and is expressed in the loss of hope for the future.

    2.4 Ways to solve the main problems of youth socialization.

    First of all, it is necessary to solve the problem of spiritual and moral education of children and youth.

    In a situation of acute spiritual and moral crisis in the country, a consistent solution to the identified problems is ineffective. One-time and local measures will not lead to a fundamental change in the situation. What is needed is an integrated, systematic approach and a programmatic form of organizing the spiritual and moral education of children and youth.

    It is proposed to organize program management of the spiritual and moral education of children and youth at the regional level. Through the efforts of the Foundation for Spiritual Culture and Education "New Rus'", such a Program has been developed, based on the best traditions of domestic pedagogy, scientific developments and practical experience, taking into account the development trends of modern regional education, the characteristics of the cultural, historical and socio-economic development of Russian regions. In our opinion, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of this Program to improve the moral and spiritual culture of children and youth.

    In addition, at the moment, there are so many immoral, dirty, vulgar things on television that destroy the psyche of teenagers, meaning such television programs as Dom-2, Comedy-club, and many programs of the MTV channel. To improve the moral and spiritual culture of young people, it is necessary to limit their display, or even ban it altogether.

    The problem of youth health is also acute today.

    A careless attitude towards one's health is a distinctive feature of Russian youth. Many representatives of the younger generation not only do not know how or do not want to take measures to improve their health, but also easily cause serious harm to themselves by adopting bad habits. Surveys show that less than half of teenagers and a third of students have not yet acquired bad habits. The rest are, to one degree or another, involved in the use of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and drugs. In addition, Russia has one of the youngest HIV epidemics in the world: people under 30 make up 75% of those infected, while in Europe young people make up only 30% of HIV-positive people.

    In general, to improve the health of children and youth, it is proposed to place the main emphasis on sports and healthy eating. It is necessary to widely promote them, and not be limited to one-time events in the form of “Health Day”, to make sports accessible, and free for children from low-income families. Provide schoolchildren with information about the dangers of various food additives, individual products and the possible consequences of their use.

    In determining methods of combating HIV/AIDS, we agree with the opinion of the Youth Public Chamber, which plans:

    Conducting round tables and discussions on this issue with the involvement of interested structures and public opinion leaders, based on the results of which reasonable options for improving the situation will be proposed.

    Organization of an all-Russian competition for the best concept of an information campaign to combat HIV/AIDS with the further implementation of this concept;

    Carrying out the campaign “A condom in every first aid kit”, aimed at introducing a norm on mandatory stocking of car first aid kits with condoms;

    Development of legislative norms obliging nightclubs, restaurants and other entertainment establishments to place condom vending machines.

    Smoking and alcoholism among adolescents and young people are becoming a serious social problem in Russia. Several factors can be identified that influence the increase in the number of minors smoking and drinking: including the ineffectiveness of legislation in the field of restricting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, “fashion”, the desire to appear older, the availability of tobacco products, and the example of adults.

    Accordingly it is necessary:

    1. Strengthen public and state control over the implementation of current legislation restricting the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages to minors.

    3. Introduce criminal liability for the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age.

    4. Introduce additional special training for personnel of retail enterprises in order to stop the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages to children and adolescents.

    The problem of drug addiction among young people, as well as drug addiction among teenagers, is dangerous because by using drugs a person destroys not only his body, but also his life. He closes the door to the real world behind him, plunging into a world invented by his own consciousness.

    To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide effective prevention, as well as treatment of drug addiction. Namely, to carry out widespread social advertising against drugs, tighten legislation and strengthen control over its implementation, more extensively organize outpatient and inpatient care for drug addicts, as well as their subsequent rehabilitation, and fully help such people start a new life.

    A very important problem of the socialization of youth in modern Russian society is unemployment, which in turn is a factor that negatively affects the demographic situation in the country.

    The following problems of youth employment are identified:

    1. Lack of length of service and work experience required by employers and the difficulty of obtaining this experience.

    2. Discrimination against women in hiring.

    3. Imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market.

    4. The problem of adaptation to the labor market of university graduates who are privates in the Russian army reserve.

    5. Lack of jobs in a certain specialty.

    Let us consider these problems and ways to solve them in more detail.

    1. Lack of length of service and work experience required by employers and the difficulty of obtaining this experience:

    Having experience and work experience, preferably in a specialty, is today one of the essential requirements for candidates to fill vacancies offered on the labor market. Accordingly, those without work experience and length of service in this case are often reluctant to hire. Consequently, some representatives of Russian youth do not have not only work experience, but also the opportunity to gain such experience.

    The solution to this problem can be found in the implementation of such a mechanism as quotas of jobs for graduates. Currently, this practice is applied to such categories of citizens as disabled people, orphans, and members of large families. However, there is currently no effective mechanism for implementing this practice.

    An alternative to the practice of quotas could be a system of conditions under which it would be profitable for employers to hire graduates, in particular, a system of tax incentives introduced at the municipal level for employers who hire graduates of educational institutions. The implementation of this idea is possible through deputy commissions and committees of executive government structures. First of all, we need specific financial calculations that will allow us to determine the strategy for implementing the idea.

    Another opportunity to gain the necessary work experience may be the practice of temporary hiring for one-time jobs. Such as various kinds of advertising campaigns, marketing research, sociological surveys, work in the field of politics, employment in public works, activities in public organizations as volunteers.

    Here it would be useful to introduce the practice of receiving letters of recommendation from places of such work. Temporary employment of graduates in this case will not only allow them to gain experience, but also earn a reputation, which plays a significant role in the modern labor market.

    At the federal level, it is necessary to create and implement a job creation program specifically for young professionals.

    The practical implementation of this program is still unlikely due to a lack of budget funds, but the idea should be promoted now.

    2. The problem of discrimination against women in hiring:

    The problem is that when hiring, employers prefer to hire men rather than women. The least desirable candidate for a job is a young married woman with no children. In this case, the employer assumes that such a woman may become pregnant soon and, not wanting to incur extra expenses for maternity leave, clearly makes a choice in favor of other candidates.

    It is extremely difficult to change the situation. In this situation, the following solutions to the problem can be proposed.

    First of all, use the capabilities of the services and course network of the Department of Employment to provide women with the opportunity to undergo special training, which will subsequently allow them to interact with the employer more successfully and overcome prejudices leading to gender discrimination.

    Another proposal was to use some workarounds that would allow a woman, despite the current situation, to get a job. These ways can be: working from home, casual work, self-employment. The last option is proposed for women who are highly qualified and want to have a job that allows them to unleash their intellectual and creative potential.

    3. The problem of imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market:

    The problem is that there is a discrepancy between what specialties are currently required in the labor market and what specialties universities graduate from. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the labor market is currently difficult to predict even approximately for the same five to six years, since the economic situation in society is unstable. By acquiring a seemingly prestigious specialty, a graduate risks finding himself unclaimed upon graduation due to the sharply changed ranking of prestigious specialties.

    In this case, the most important thing is that graduates have skills that allow them to quickly adapt to the changed situation. These skills must be cultivated in the process of socialization of the individual, both in the family and during training in a specialty.

    Another mechanism for adapting to market requirements is the retraining of specialists in the employment service and in universities. For this purpose, mechanisms for obtaining various types of student education loans from employers can be used, which allows graduates to decide on their future place of work.

    In addition, it is possible to establish a mechanism in which universities will enter into direct contracts with enterprises for the training of specialists in the required specialties.

    4. The problem of adaptation in the labor market of university graduates who are privates in the Russian army reserve:

    The problem of “university-army-market” is that young people who have received a specialty at a university, during military service, lose their qualifications and, possibly, their existing job. After returning from service, these citizens often, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to renew their qualifications. As a result, the labor market is losing qualified specialists, and citizens who have served in the army are losing the opportunity to get a decent job. This is partly due to the fact that in this situation, it turns out, it is almost impossible to obtain unemployed status and register with the labor exchange.

    As a possible solution, it can be proposed to develop at the municipal level, through the employment department, a special program for adaptation to the labor market of university graduates who are privates in the Russian army reserve. Public organizations of the city could join in the implementation of this program. One of the steps in implementing such a program could be the creation of advisory centers at public organizations on employment issues for private reserve soldiers of the Russian army.

    It is also necessary to protect these citizens at the legislative level. In particular, to ensure that this category of young people receives unemployed status. Why do public organizations need to reach the federal level with appropriate legislative initiatives?

    5. The problem of lack of jobs in a certain specialty:

    Currently, young people are striving to obtain a prestigious and highly paid profession. For example, such as an economist, lawyer, journalist and others. And after graduation, he faces difficulties in finding employment. After all, every year there are more and more specialists in these areas. Therefore, each subsequent graduate of the Faculty of Economics or Law finds it more difficult to find a job than the previous one, since the demand for these labor resources decreases and the supply increases. The same cannot be said, for example, about the teaching profession: in this case, demand exceeds supply and it is easier for graduates of pedagogical educational institutions to get a job. But this profession is low-paid, so there are few people willing to get it. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to it by the state. Take measures to involve young people in all areas of employment.

    Another serious problem for young people in Russia today, which creates a demographic problem, is the high cost of housing, its inaccessibility for citizens precisely at the time when the time is right to start a family and raise children. The state is developing mortgages, but in order to take out a loan, you need to have a high income and need to save a decent amount. This is available to only a few.

    It is possible to solve this problem by uniting young families into a housing construction cooperative, which itself, without involving intermediaries, builds private houses in which these families receive their own housing. In this case, the lack of material interest of the developer allows the housing to be sold not at the market price, but at cost. At the same time, the state must provide benefits for such cooperatives in the form of free allocation of land and preferential taxation. For such construction, it becomes feasible to take out a loan even for poor young families.

    If there is political will on the part of the state, this project will be successfully implemented and can be adopted by youth initiative groups throughout the country.

    An integrated tool for solving youth problems is a strong state youth policy, which is the state’s activities to create socio-economic, legal, organizational conditions and guarantees for the social formation and development of young citizens, the fullest realization of the creative potential of youth in the interests of society.

    In the context of modernization of society and growing demands on human capital, state youth policy should become an instrument for the development and transformation of the country. This requires all participants in the process of social development of youth and the youth themselves to develop and consistently implement approaches focused on the direct involvement of young people in solving their own problems and national tasks. The tasks of state youth policy of this scale can only be solved through the use of a project and network approach, the formation of a system of national youth projects that are understandable and in demand among youth and society.


    Summarizing the above, we can conclude that one of the most important universal aspects of the relationship between generations is the socialization of children and youth. The term “socialization” denotes the totality of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society. Socialization is a process that plays a significant role in the life of both society and the individual, ensuring the self-reproduction of social life.

    Socialization includes not only conscious, controlled, targeted influences, but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality.

    Thus, the reform of Russian society led to a change in the standards of successful socialization of youth, the set of rules for the transmission of social norms and cultural values ​​from generation to generation. We can highlight the following features of the socialization of Russian youth at the turn of the century, taking into account the transition from the Soviet model of socialization (uniform in normativity, with equal starting opportunities and guarantees that ensure predictability of the life path) to another model (so far only emerging, variable, stratified): transformation of basic institutions socialization; regulation and establishment of a new system of social control; imbalance of organized and spontaneous processes of socialization towards spontaneity; changing the balance of public and personal interests towards expanding the autonomy of the emerging personality and space for individual activity, creativity and initiative.

    Despite the severity of the socio-economic situation of young people, one cannot help but see the overall positive results of the impact of “perestroika” and “reforms” on the younger generation. The main achievement of the post-Soviet period is the acquisition of freedom by young people as a necessary condition for fruitful activity, self-affirmation of every young person and the entire socio-demographic group (youth received economic freedom, freedom of political beliefs, freedom of civil beliefs, freedom of religion).

    It can be concluded that a significant portion of young people have fit into the economic development program and are contributing to its development. This is manifested through the not always obvious, but no less significant result of the changes that are introduced into social relations. Youth is the most important source of the formation of new structures and layers of the non-state sector of the economy (41-43% of older categories of youth), in the process of gradual “rejuvenation” of the leading elite of society, in that “youth wave” of 30-40 year olds who came to politics, banks, entrepreneurship, business of the highest level; the fact that the value system of the developing entrepreneurial layer and its guidelines are becoming increasingly attractive to a significant part of the younger generation (the share of those who managed to open their own business ranges from 2.5 to 3.5% of the total number of young people, and up to 55% express a desire to start a business from among the respondents). At the same time, young businessmen become a factor in the “cultivation” and selection of the upper stratum of entrepreneurs and the growth of the middle class. To an increasing extent, the economic activity of young people is realized in the sphere of new economic relations - in trade, intermediation, and personal services.

    For the majority, attitudes towards paternalistic care of the state and society have changed, turning into orientations towards their own independence. In their minds work the values ​​characteristic of a private, private person - hope in oneself, one’s strengths, one’s home, family. It is the reliance on personal initiative and activity, as world experience shows, that really develops the market. Research shows that market standards of behavior are emerging (economic freedom of action, entrepreneurship, ability to take risks

    At the forefront and responsible areas of transformation of a transitive society there should be young people who, through socialization channels, are included in innovative processes, their activities are directed, formed and organized by older generations, organically combining the activity of youth and their desire for something new with the existing cultural traditions of a post-socialist society, with ethno-national norms and mentality.


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    Annex 1

    Structure of the unemployed population as of February 2010

    Employment of youth 15-19 years old as of February 2010

    Employment of youth 20-24 years old as of February 2010

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