Holy Trinity Day. Feast of the Holy Trinity

Pentecost or the Feast of the Holy Trinity is considered one of the most important Orthodox holidays. On this day, thousands of Orthodox Christians sing the Holy Trinity and remember how the holy spirit descended on the apostles. And this happened as described in the Gospel exactly on the 50th day after the ascension of Jesus Christ. What date is Trinity in 2016 and how should this significant date be celebrated.

According to the Gospel, the feast of the Holy Trinity symbolizes the creation of God's home for people - the church. Exactly 50 days after Easter, the holy spirit descended on the apostles, and they began to bring people faith in God.

After this event, and it happened in the very upper room where on the eve of the crucifixion Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, the apostles began to understand and speak all dialects and languages. The people who witnessed this could not understand how such simple and uneducated Galileans could know foreign dialects. However, according to the legend, God awarded the apostles with this gift so that they could convey the true faith to any person, regardless of his nationality.

How the holiday is celebrated

The Feast of the Holy Trinity represents the rebirth to life. In 2016, this date, according to church calendars, falls on June 19. On this day, all people should decorate their house with branches or flowers, serve lunch and invite guests.

You need to prepare for the holiday ahead of time. You need to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. This also applies to old things in the house, which are associated with unpleasant memories; you cannot store trash and garbage.

It is believed that on this day nothing should overshadow the holiday, which means that everything old and unnecessary should be thrown away without regret.

Decorating your home for the holidays has a special meaning. On this day off, nature, like man, is reborn and comes to life. June is a month rich in greenery. You need to cut fresh fragrant green branches or make flower arrangements to decorate your home.

Like all significant church holidays, Trinity Day is always celebrated on Sunday. This means that the whole family should come together to celebrate the occasion. In 2016, the date June 19 will be Sunday. You will be able to invite not only all members of your family, but also the people closest and dearest to you to your home this weekend. You can't do anything on this day.

After the church service is completed, public festivities will take place on June 19, 2016. On June 19, you should wear new elegant clothes to church, and after the liturgy, decorate your heads with wreaths of beautiful flowers.

Rituals for the Holy Trinity

Trinity in 2016 is celebrated on a special scale. Signs on this day say that if a person definitely wants to get rich, he needs to cut off a branch of yarrow and hide it under his shirt. With this branch, you need to fully defend the entire lyurgy in the temple, and after that you need to go to the steam room. There you should steam yourself with a branch to attract the desired wealth. You can’t envy or spread gossip on this day.

Another sign can be very useful for gardening lovers. If you are tormented by weeds in your garden or garden, you can easily get rid of them on this holy day. To do this, you need to pull out the weed and stick it into the ground upside down. It is believed that after this, this type of parasite will never settle on your site again.

Another sign will help you get rid of any diseases. It is believed that if we prepare medicinal herbs on this day, when we rest, they will have unique powers. This sign was used by traditional healers.

On this day, brides were recommended to collect the remains of pies and dry them. These crackers should be saved until the wedding itself and then grind them and add them to the wedding cake dough. It was believed that this would protect the newlyweds from conflicts and bring them happiness and prosperity.

Folk rituals for the holiday

On this day off you cannot do any work other than cooking. Swimming is also prohibited, because according to legend, it is on this day that mermaids can lure swimmers into their underwater possessions.

On the sixth day of the week before the great holiday, it is customary to go to the graves of relatives and remember the dead. It is believed that if this tradition is not followed, the dead may come and take the person with them.

In the old days it was believed that on Monday, Spiritual Day, a treasure could be found.

It is on this day that the earth celebrates its birthday and gifts good people with valuable finds. You cannot work on the ground on this day.

And if you are going to get married this year, then you need to get married on this date. In the villages it was believed that by getting a bride on this day you can be sure that the family will be happy, and that there will be prosperity and love in the house.

Modern holiday

Of course, today many of us do not observe many traditions and rituals of celebrating the Holy Trinity. However, since the holiday falls on a weekend and we all have a rest, you can spend time pleasantly in parks or outside the city, enjoying the fresh air and recharging your energy from nature.

For lovers of all kinds of fortune telling, on this day you can try to find out your future. Unmarried girls should weave wreaths and release them into the water. It is believed that where the wreath goes, the groom will come from there. If the wreath does not float away from the shore, it is not the girl’s destiny to get married. And if the wreath drowns, this is a sign of the bride’s imminent death.

During such fortune-telling, you cannot remove the wreath from your head, but you need to bend over the water so that it flies into the pond itself.

Well, if you want to see your future groom in a dream, stock up on birch branches. Before going to bed, you need to put twigs under your pillow. In this case, it is believed that you will definitely dream about the groom.

Today, many of us, unfortunately, have forgotten about the great Orthodox holidays and do not celebrate them. We do not rest on the required days, we are chasing extra rubles and do not stop to rest. The Holy Trinity is an important and favorite holiday for every Orthodox Christian. If you want to get new emotions and impressions, leave all your affairs on this day and go to church, in this case you will definitely feel the grace of God and your life will be filled with joy.

Sunday evening July 28, 2019 residents St. Petersburg will be able to enjoy the festive artillery salute and fireworks dedicated to the celebration.

The fireworks will begin at 22:30 and will last 10 minutes.

30 volleys of artillery guns and more than 2,000 fireworks will be launched into the evening sky of St. Petersburg.

Where is the best place to watch the fireworks display on Navy Day, July 28, 2019:

To hold the festive salute and fireworks on July 28, 2019, 2 sites will be organized. The first will be located on the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the second - in Kronstadt.

Fireworks on Navy Day 2019 will be visible from different parts of the city. However, it is best to watch the fireworks from a safe distance as close as possible to the launch sites. To view it, it is better to take a place in advance on the Palace Embankment, the spit of Vasilyevsky Island, on one of the bridges (Dvortsovy, Liteiny, Birzhevoy, Troitsky).

The fireworks dedicated to Navy Day 2019 will be clearly visible from the Neva water area. To do this, you need to rent a place on the “water craft” in advance, which will cost one and a half to two thousand rubles per person.

Over the course of 10 minutes, 30 salvos will be fired by a battery of 12 D-44 guns, and two thousand fireworks will be launched using 12 fireworks installations based on KamAZ.

Trinity is one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated annually on Sunday, the 50th day after Easter. In 2020, Trinity Sunday falls on June 7th. The official church name of the holiday is Holy Trinity Day. Pentecost. It was established in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The holiday symbolizes the unity of the Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son.

history of the holiday

The holiday is dedicated to the events that occurred on the 50th day after Easter - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary. At this time, the disciples of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God were in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem. At three o'clock in the afternoon they heard a loud noise, and the blessed fire descended on them. After this, the apostles received the gift of speaking in different languages ​​in order to preach the teachings of Christ to the nations of the world. This event is described in the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

Trinity has well-established church and folk traditions of celebration.

In the Orthodox Church it is celebrated for three days. The clergy dresses in green clothes, which symbolizes eternal life and life-giving. Temples are decorated with tree branches and the floor is covered with fresh grass.

On the eve of Saturday an all-night vigil is served. On the day of the holiday, the Gospel of John is read, and the festive liturgy is performed. The third day of Trinity is called the day of the Holy Spirit. On this day, it is customary for churches to bless water. People take the grass and branches that were used to decorate the temples and bring them home. They are dried and stored all year - they protect the house from diseases and troubles.

On holidays, people attend services in churches. On the eve of Trinity, they remember the dead: they go to cemeteries and leave treats for the spirits.

According to folk traditions, on the eve of the celebration, housewives carry out general cleaning of houses and courtyards. They prepare holiday treats, bake bread or loaf, which symbolizes fertility and prosperity. Houses and icons are decorated with tree branches and herbs. On the day of the Holy Trinity after the service, it is customary to visit or invite close relatives and friends and give gifts. After the festive dinner, folk festivities are held. People go to nature, where they perform ritual dances, sing songs, and light fires.

Traditional healers collect herbs on this day. They believe that nature gives them special miraculous properties.

Fortune telling for Trinity

On the day of the Holy Trinity, young girls make fortunes about future events, marriage, love. When performing rituals, they use plants and water.

Fortune telling on a wreath. On the evening of the holiday, you need to make a wreath of birch branches and four types of grass: thyme, Ivan-da-Marya, burdock and bear's ear and leave it overnight in the yard. If it withers the next morning, then you can expect minor difficulties in the near future. A fresh wreath heralds a successful year.

Fortune telling by the river. The girl must weave a wreath, insert a lit candle into it and launch it down the river. If he drowns near the shore, then the relationship with the guy will be short and unsuccessful. If a wreath floats far down the river with a lit candle, then a fateful meeting awaits its owner. A wreath washed ashore marks this year's wedding.

Fortune telling for St. John's wort. In order to find out whether a young man has feelings for a girl, she must take a bunch of St. John's wort and twist it with such force that the juice flows out of it. If the juice is clear, then the love is unrequited, and if it is red, then the feelings are strong and mutual.

What can you eat on Trinity Sunday?

There is no fasting on this day, so you are allowed to eat any dishes and products.

How to decorate a house for Trinity

People use young branches of trees, meadow grasses and flowers to decorate their houses. The main symbol is the birch tree. Young green foliage symbolizes the cycle of life and youth. The white color of the branches represents the pure thoughts of believers. Branches of oak, linden, maple and rowan are designed to protect the house from evil spirits.

Among meadow herbs, people use cornflowers, lovage, thyme, fern, mint, lemon balm, and burdock. They weave wreaths from them and hang them on the door, make bouquets that they place on the table or near the icons. Unmarried girls put herbs under their pillow.

What not to do on Trinity

Trinity is a great Orthodox holiday. On this day you should not engage in heavy physical labor or household chores. You should devote time to prayers and loved ones. You can’t quarrel and get angry with others. According to popular beliefs, on this day it is forbidden to swim in natural reservoirs. People believe that on Trinity, evil spirits take the form of mystical characters (mermaids, merman) and are capable of causing harm.

Signs and beliefs for Trinity

  • A rainy day means a good harvest of mushrooms in the fall.
  • You should not have a wedding on this holiday, otherwise the marriage will be unsuccessful.
  • Arranging matchmaking on Trinity is a good omen. The future marriage will be strong and happy.
  • Pentecost is a good time to search for treasures. On this day, the earth is able to generously bestow wealth on a person.
  • It is considered a good sign to shed tears during the service. Mourning the grass symbolizes a bountiful harvest and wealth.


    Happy Trinity Day, I congratulate you,
    I wish you prosperity, love, and earthly blessings.
    On a sublime holiday, a holy holiday
    Feel great joy in your soul!

    Peace in the family, understanding, care,
    New victories, achievements in work.
    Blessings and a beautiful life,
    Celebrate the Trinity holiday with your family!

    I want to congratulate you on the Holy Trinity,
    Look at the sky with your soul today.
    Let the holiday fill your heart with warmth,
    And let the sun shine inside you.

    I also wish you good health,
    And find peace of soul in fragrant herbs.
    Let an angel always hover at your head,
    And may he protect all your paths.

What date is Trinity in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
20 June Sun12 June Sun4 June Sun
What date is Trinity in 2016?
The Holy Trinity is one of the most important holidays in the Christian tradition. In 2016, it is celebrated on June 19. Trinity or Pentecost traditionally falls on the 50th day after Easter.
History of the Trinity Day
The Feast of Trinity glorifies the apostles on whom the Holy Spirit descended. This event was promised by the Savior before his ascension to Heaven. The descent showed people that God exists in three forms - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the day of the Holy Trinity, the good news was preached throughout the world.
The holiday of Trinity means that God did not reveal himself to people immediately, but did it in stages. Modern Christians identify the Trinity with the creation by God the Father of all life on Earth, after which He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Spirit. Thus, on the Holy Trinity, believers praise God in all his forms.

Trinity 2016: customs and traditions this day is traditionally associated with birch
Before celebrating Trinity, you should do a thorough cleaning of your home and throw away all rubbish, especially items with which negative memories are associated.
Trinity or Pentecost is traditionally associated with the birch tree. Temples are decorated with branches of this tree. People have been hanging birch branches on Trinity Day since ancient times. Christians attach them to the walls and cover the floor. According to legend, such rituals promised a fruitful summer.
On the eve of Trinity, the girls performed the “curling of birch trees” ritual: they went into the forest and bent the tops of young birch trees to the ground, after which they wove wreaths from the branches. It was important to maintain this “perm” until Trinity - then it was believed that all wishes would come true, and there would be peace and order in the house.
Matchmaking was also common on Trinity, although you cannot get married on this day. In addition, on Trinity Sunday the girls wondered about their betrothed and their fate.
On Trinity Day, it was customary to organize mass celebrations with gifts and treats in the form of pies, gingerbread and jelly.
Signs for Trinity in 2016
It was believed that with Trinity, spring ends and real summer comes, and the cold weather recedes until autumn.
Rain on Trinity Day promises a good harvest year and an abundance of mushrooms in the forests. It also meant warm summers and no frosts.
Trinity in 2016: what not to do?
On Trinity you cannot work at home, in the garden or in the field, cook food or even feed birds and animals. On this day, it is better to put off needlework, haircuts, grass cutting and wood chopping.
For the entire “mermaid” week (three days before Trinity and three days after) you cannot swim in reservoirs or even just wash at home. It was believed that mermaids and other evil spirits could destroy the swimmer.
Spirits Day in 2016: what date?
The day after Trinity, Orthodox Christians celebrate Spiritual Day. In 2016 it falls on June 20. On this day you also cannot work on the land, which is considered the birthday girl, but on Spirits Day you can look for treasure.

One of the main Christian holidays, the Holy Trinity, is usually celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In 2016, Trinity falls on June 19th.

How to celebrate Orthodox Trinity 2016

The Orthodox celebrate Trinity for three days:

Parents' Saturday. On this day it is supposed to visit the cemetery and go around the graves of all deceased relatives, remembering each one. Flowers are brought to the graves. But church tradition prohibits drinking alcohol during a visit to the cemetery. Upon returning home, you can gather your loved ones at the dinner table and have a memorial meal.

Trinity Sunday. Believers go to church services in the morning and carry simple bouquets with them - these can be wildflowers, birch branches and even small armfuls of wild greenery. You can pick medicinal herbs - lemon balm, mint, chamomile and so on. During the service, these bouquets are blessed by the priest. They can then be stored all year long - it is believed that they are “charged” with miraculous power and will ward off all adversity from the home. And if these are also medicinal plants, then it is best to brew healing teas based on them and give them to the whole family during the “cold” period.

Whit Monday. The last day of Trinity 2016. It is also celebrated with a festive service, during which parishioners pray for the departed. It begins on the evening of Trinity Sunday. Even suicides are allowed to be commemorated.

What you can and cannot do on Trinity

It is believed that on the Orthodox Trinity the earth celebrates its birth, covered with flowers and fresh greenery. Therefore, one of the main prohibitions says that you should not disturb it: dig, mow the grass and plant plants. You should also treat the trees with care and love: girls entwine them with ribbons, decorate them with wreaths, sawing and, especially, cutting down trees, and preparing firewood for Trinity should not be done.

It is believed that mawkas and mermaids that are dangerous to humans can walk in forests and reservoirs; according to legend, they can tickle and lead to death. Therefore, it is not recommended to walk alone in fields and forests on the days of the Orthodox Trinity, or to take livestock there. There is also a taboo on swimming in bodies of water - there is a high risk of drowning.

Just like on other Orthodox religious holidays, you should not do housework. According to legend, anyone who decides to break the ban and work on a holiday will regret it. Whoever plows the land on Trinity Day may lose his livestock, whoever is sowing will lose his harvest due to hail, whoever spins wool will lose his sheep when they get lost, etc.

Symbols of the Orthodox Trinity

The symbol of the holiday is the birch tree; this tree is considered “feminine”, and therefore girls try to dress it up, decorate it and even make a wish around it to make it come true. The birch tree is one of the first to wake up in the spring, delighting people with its lush greenery.

It has become a tradition to decorate houses with branches of this tree. The Slavs considered the birch a beautiful tree that brings happiness, writes
