Flounder in the oven. Flounder in the oven - sea fish on the home menu

Flounder is a fish that has snow-white meat with a small number of small bones. That is why many housewives give preference to it when planning to feed their family with a representative of the water element. Like any other fish, flounder can be prepared in different ways (boiled or stewed, baked or fried). But, unfortunately, its meat often turns out to be dry and not very appetizing. Especially if we talk about cooking by frying in a frying pan, which also requires a considerable amount of oil. But this is not suitable for every stomach. But unlike fried, flounder in the oven turns out very juicy and soft. Moreover, this method of cooking requires virtually no oil, perhaps just a little bit. So be sure to take note of this one, you can’t help but like this fish.


  • flounder carcasses of any size;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices (paprika, ground pepper and salt);
  • onions (in this case it is more convenient to use large heads);
  • olive oil (or any vegetable oil);
  • tomatoes.
  • You can also safely use lemon juice, turmeric, soy or cheese sauce, and mustard.

  • Cooking time for baked flounder in the oven is no more than 60 minutes.

How to cook flounder in the oven:

Clean the fish by removing the fins, tail and scales with a knife, rinse thoroughly under cool running water. Remove the peel from the onion, cut the stem from the tomato, and rinse the vegetables.

Divide the flounder into portions, cut the tomato and onion into thin rings.

Mix spices with mayonnaise and literally two tablespoons of oil, thereby preparing a marinade.

Coat each piece of fish with this mixture and place in a bowl. Soak the flounder in the marinade for at least a quarter of an hour (preferably longer, then the fish will turn out even more tender and juicy).

Meanwhile, turn on the oven to preheat to t = 200 °C. Place foil on a baking sheet and grease with oil. Place a layer of onion rings and all the fish on them.

Thanks to this “cushion” of onions, all the fat will drain from the flounder, and it will turn out lean, but at the same time juicy.

Place tomato rings on top of several fish pieces and onions on the rest. Or whatever you prefer (only onions or tomatoes, or a slice of both).

Bake the formed dish for 30 (maximum 35) minutes, placing it in an already preheated oven.

Serve baked flounder with a side dish of cereals or vegetables. Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Irina Kalinina.

Flounder baked in the oven is an incredibly tasty, tender, juicy dish. At the same time, culinary delights will not require much effort. How to cook flounder deliciously in the oven is in our article.

Fish like flounder is an excellent product for cooking. It can be prepared in a variety of ways, the result will always be “five”. How to cook flounder - recipes below.

Health benefits of flounder meat

Flounder meat contains only 3% fat, so it is considered dietary. At the same time, it contains up to 20%. complete proteins. Fish protein is absorbed faster than the animal, so fish is healthier. See how to cook flounder in the oven with photos.

The protein in flounder meat has a balanced set of amino acids. It contains a substance such as methionine, which stimulates the utilization of fat in the liver. Fish is rich in vitamins A, B, E.

Other beneficial substances: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic and pantothenic acid, pyridoxine.

In turn, cooking flounder in the oven allows you to preserve the entire range of benefits and the unique taste of tender white meat, which cannot be confused with anything else. Flounder can be fried, stewed, baked; cook with vegetables, in sauce. In any case, you will not disappoint your guests. See the recipe for cooking flounder in the oven here.

Flounder baked whole in sour cream

Now I’ll tell you one simple recipe for cooking flounder in the oven. This is flounder baked whole in sour cream. To prepare it we will need 1 or 1.5 kg of fish, as well as:

  1. Sour cream – 200 g;
  2. Butter – 3 tbsp;
  3. Wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  4. Pepper, salt - to taste.

How to cook whole flounder in the oven? We gut, clean the fish, separate the fillet - along with the skin. Rub the fillet pieces with salt and place them in a deep frying pan - preferably in a ceramic saucepan. Cover with foil and place in a preheated oven for an hour.

Cooking flounder in the oven with sour cream also involves the sauce itself.

To prepare it, fry the flour in a spoonful of butter; Stirring constantly, gradually add sour cream. Salt and pepper the sauce and pour it over the almost finished flounder. Then bake for another 10 minutes - and the dish is ready! This is the recipe for how to cook whole flounder in the oven.

Secrets of cooking flounder

In general, there are many recipes with flounder. For example, you can describe in a nutshell how to cook flounder in the oven with potatoes: just bake the fish with potatoes!

It would be useful to mention some nuances of how to cook flounder in the oven in foil. For example, Atlantic and Mediterranean flounder has the aroma of fresh cucumber. If you don't like it very much, you can lightly sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

Another secret concerns how to cook flounder so that it does not fall apart. Black Sea flounder, which has a characteristic iodine flavor, is pre-soaked in milk.

But don’t overdo it—soaking it for too long will cause the fish to fall apart during cooking. Now you know how to cook tasty flounder in the oven.

Flounder in foil with sour cream, cheese and tomatoes

Let's see how to cook flounder in the oven in foil
- with tomatoes and cheese. To prepare we will need:

  1. Flounder – 1 kg.
  2. Hard cheese – 150 g.
  3. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  4. Sour cream – 4 tbsp.
  5. Lemon – 1 pc.
  6. Dill.
  7. Salt pepper.

The video will show you how to cook flounder clearly. We prepare the fish: clean it, wash it. Salt, pepper, and you can add lemon juice. The next step is to prepare the sauce from sour cream with lemon zest and dill.

Place each fish (if there are several) on foil. Place tomatoes cut into slices on them. Pour sour cream sauce on top, sprinkle with herbs and cheese. Wrap in foil.

Bake the flounder in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour. The best indicator of readiness is the amazing smell! Watch how to cook delicious flounder in the oven - video attached.

Never say “never”, and it’s better not to say other categorical words either. I just had to recently announce that - and fate throws a gift in the form of chilled flounder in a shop near my house, which is somehow even inconvenient to torment with filleting and frying. But baking such flounder in the oven is the right idea: crispy skin, incredibly tender meat, and juicy bones that you, forgetting decency, will take with your hands...

The funniest thing here is that cooking cabala in the oven, the description of which sounds like a fairy tale, is as easy as shelling pears. If the flounder is small, we won’t have to do everything that you are used to doing before cooking the fish - after all, flounder is usually sold already gutted, and its scales are unlikely to cause you any inconvenience. It is also not necessary to prepare the sauce: cherry tomatoes go into the oven along with the flounder, and even without them, a couple of drops of olive oil will be more than enough seasoning for this self-sufficient fish.

Flounder recipe in the oven

The recipe for focaccia is a classic Italian bread, a fluffy and spongy flatbread, to which you can add a slice of cheese or ham for a more filling snack.
Alexey Onegin

Take a flounder (or two smaller flounders), rinse them and dry them. You can scratch the skin without fanaticism to remove the scales, but, as mentioned above, it will not cause you much trouble. Brush the surface of the flounder with olive oil, season it with salt and black pepper on both sides and inside, and place on a baking sheet, before placing a couple of sprigs of rosemary under the fish.

Scatter the rest over the surface of the fish, cutting the skin with a knife if desired: most likely, it will burst in the oven anyway, and the cuts in this sense look more neat. Cut the cherry tomatoes into two or four pieces, depending on their size, and place them on a baking sheet next to the flounder.

Bake the flounder in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 15 minutes. Take the fish out of the oven and cut it up so that everyone gets a fillet, a fried skin, some baked cherry tomatoes, and bones from the fins - I know, many people think that if you didn’t suck the bones, it means you didn’t eat flounder, and this time I joined their ranks. Pour the juices remaining at the bottom of the baking sheet over the fish, and if this does not seem enough to you, sprinkle with good olive oil.

Flounder is an interesting fish. How to cook flounder deliciously? How do you like flounder baked in the oven? It seems to me that flounder in the oven is what you need.

It all started when I saw flounder in our store. We have never had such fish before. Of course, like most sea fish, or rather all of them, it was frozen. But that didn't stop me.

Flounder is a fish with an interesting structure: it is flat with eyes on one side (usually on the right). Such an asymmetrical body has different colors on both sides: dark on top and light on the bottom. An interesting fact is that at first, in the process of development from egg to fry, flounder has an ordinary appearance, like all other fish, and then some kind of metamorphosis begins, and one of the eyes begins to move towards the other, and the body becomes flat. Isn't it strange?

They say that there is a known case in the world when a flounder fish was caught in Alaska, which weighed 105 kg and its length was 2 meters! Bigger than a person's height!

The fish I bought weighed almost a kilogram. To celebrate, I decided to cook it today.


  • 1 kg flounder
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2-3 onions
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 0.5 lemon
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Italian herbs
  • A few sprigs of parsley


  • Before deciding how to cook flounder in the oven, the very first question that arises is: is it necessary to remove the skin from flounder? I was once treated to fried flounder in Crimea, and I remember exactly that it came with skin. You can fry with the skin on. And if you want to fry it, then connoisseurs recommend starting with the dark side. They say it will taste better this way. I decided to remove the skin, because during the cooking process it acquires an iodine smell, which not everyone likes.

How to clean flounder?

  • First you need to cut off the head, if it has one. Mine was already without a head. Then cut off the fins with kitchen scissors (this is easy), gut the insides and remove the black film after removing the skin.
  • Wash the fish.

  • And then you need to peel off the skin. To do this, you need to cut a little skin with a knife from the side of the tail, and then grab this end with your hand (it is better to do this with cotton gloves or a towel, since the skin will slip out of your hands) and tear off the skin, just like removing a glove. This is done first from the dark side, and then from the light side.

  • Here is a detailed video instruction.

  • So, the flounder carcass was left without skin. Next you need to make transverse cuts diagonally on both sides of the carcass. These cuts serve so that, firstly, the fish is better marinated, and, secondly, to make it more convenient to place it on plates after cooking. You will get these mini portions.

  • Then put the carcass in some kind of vessel where it can marinate, pour lemon juice on both sides, salt and pepper and leave to marinate for half an hour or an hour.
  • While the fish is marinating, you need to peel and wash the onions and wash the tomatoes. Cut the onion into large rings, and the tomatoes into small cubes. I really like baked and stewed onions, so I take more. But less is possible. It’s also good to use red onions, then the dish turns out more interesting. Simply place the raw onion on the bottom of a mold in which you can bake the fish in the oven, forming a “bed” for the fish.

  • Place our fish on top, sprinkle with tomato cubes. The tomatoes can be cut into circles, but I thought that they would look better this way when finished, since the circles would still fall apart.
  • Top it all with salt and pepper, pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with Italian herbs.

  • If you want to add potatoes to this set, you need to cut them into slices and fry or simmer in vegetable oil until almost ready, since flounder cooks quickly in the oven, and the potatoes will not be cooked during this time. And I made it without potatoes, because I prefer the lighter version.
  • Next, place the dish with fish in the oven for baking. At 180 degrees, the fish is baked in 20 minutes. I covered mine with foil, and when I took it out, the baked cabbage was almost floating in juice (you also need to take into account the fact that I had it defrosted, and, I think, it was just soaked in water). Therefore, it is probably better not to cover it. Or open halfway through so that the juice evaporates a little.

  • Let the fish rest slightly, and you can serve it along with the vegetables with which it was stewed, sprinkled with pieces of parsley and a few slices of lemon. Lemon will never go amiss with fish. Due to the fact that there were cuts, this tender white meat was easily removed with a knife and did not fall apart, despite its fragility. Here's how to cook flounder deliciously.

After a short cooking time, the meat simply melts in your mouth. It is similar to a soufflé in its tenderness. Flounder baked in the oven turns out very tender.

Do you have a recipe for how to cook flounder in the oven?

Flounder in the oven is not only tasty, but also a very healthy fish, which is easy to prepare and combined with many interesting spices and products. One of its main advantages is its relatively low bone content. This makes it easy to fillet the flounder or bake the whole fish. The finished dish will delight gourmets with its tender white meat and the absence of an unpleasant fishy smell. The flattened shape of the flounder will also allow you to experiment with decorating the dish.

Flounder is baked in the oven whole, in portions, stuffed, cut into steaks or fillets. To prevent the fish from drying out during baking, sauce is added to it. Most often, it plays the role of ordinary sour cream, but you can also add mayonnaise, mustard, cream, etc. Another way to prepare juicy flounder is a bed of fresh vegetables, on which the fish is placed.

The calorie content of a dish with flounder is low, so you can use it as a light dinner during a diet. The minimum fat content also speaks in favor of this fish - only 3%! But there is more than enough healthy protein and amino acids in flounder.

You can bake flounder in the oven on a baking sheet, wrap it in foil or baking paper, or use a special sleeve for cooking. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to add additional ingredients to the fish. For a tasty dish, simply pour lemon juice over the carcass and season with spices. In this case, the flounder should be served with a side dish of potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Secrets of cooking perfect flounder in the oven

Flounder in the oven is a light, tender, very tasty and healthy dish for the whole family. Even those who are usually not enthusiastic about fish treats will like it, because there are practically no bones, and the meat is very soft and juicy. Secrets and recommendations, how to cook flounder in the oven, experienced chefs will share:

Secret No. 1. Flounder is a sea fish, and the smell of the sea invariably accompanies even frozen carcasses. Adding lemon juice can better reveal the taste characteristics of the dish, as well as remove the unpleasant aroma that scares many away from this amazingly tasty fish.

Secret No. 2. If you decide to bake flounder directly on a baking sheet, it is better to grease it with butter rather than vegetable oil. This way the fish will turn out with a golden crust.

Secret No. 3. Even if you bake the whole flounder, be sure to remove the dark part of the skin, because it adds an unwanted iodine aroma to the dish and can also be bitter.

Secret No. 4. To further improve the aroma of flounder, you can sprinkle the finished carcass with a small amount of lemon zest.

To cook delicious flounder, you don't need many ingredients. Moreover, all the listed products can be found in the refrigerator of any housewife. The flounder itself is small, so this recipe makes about two servings. If you need to feed a large family a hearty dinner, you should increase the amount of ingredients, observing their proportions. An air fryer is also great for cooking this fish.


  • 1 flounder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 pinch of thyme;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 5 stalks of green onions;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut off the head, fins and tail, and carefully remove the skin from the fish.
  2. Gut the insides and cut the carcass into 4 parts.
  3. Salt and pepper the flounder pieces on both sides.
  4. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and thyme.
  5. Place the fish on a greased baking sheet and spread a thick layer of sauce on top.
  6. Bake the flounder at 220 degrees for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.
  7. Sprinkle the finished flounder with chopped green onions and place lemon slices on top.

Interesting from the network

Flounder is an almost boneless fish, so baking it whole is a pleasure. With vegetables it will turn out even more juicy and appetizing. In total, the weight of the fish should be approximately one kilogram. Place the flounder on foil so that the darker skin is on the bottom. Some cooks also use regular baking paper instead of foil, joining it with toothpicks.


  • 4 flounder carcasses;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the flounder from scales, cut off the head and fins, and gut the entrails.
  2. Dry the carcasses, then sprinkle with lemon juice and rub with spices on all sides.
  3. Leave the fish to soak in the spices for 20 minutes.
  4. Place the tomatoes in boiling water and remove the skins.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes and bell peppers into cubes, chop the parsley.
  6. Place the flounder on foil, cover the fish with a mixture of vegetables and herbs, and grate cheese on top.
  7. Wrap everything in foil, but not too tightly, and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

It is most convenient for any housewife to prepare both a side dish and a main dish at once. You should definitely add this fish to your collection of similar recipes. The result is a low-fat, balanced dinner that even the youngest members of the family will enjoy. When seasoning fish, do not forget about the various aromatic spices that a thrifty cook will probably have on hand. The easiest way is to take ready-made mixtures in bags so as not to miscalculate the proportions.


  • 800 g flounder;
  • 450 g potatoes;
  • 200 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g canned green peas;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the skin from the fish, rinse and pour lemon juice over each carcass.
  2. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and place green peas on it.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them on top of the peas in one layer.
  4. Pour boiling water over the contents of the baking sheet (about half a glass will be needed).
  5. Sprinkle the flounder on both sides with salt and pepper and place on the tomatoes.
  6. Cut the potatoes into thin circles and place them in the last layer, completely covering the fish.
  7. Mix sour cream with a little salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  8. Coat the potatoes with the resulting sauce and bake everything at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Now you know how to cook flounder baked in the oven according to the recipe with photo. Bon appetit!
