Comic fortune telling magic bag New Year. Comic fortune telling for guests at the table


  • fake fortune telling cards with wishes. You can use regular cards and stick wishes on the front side. You can create, print and laminate your cards with wishes and any decor (for a corporate party, for example, cards with the company logo are suitable. For an anniversary - with a photo of the hero of the day and his family members in the form of kings, jacks and queens)

Dancing, the gypsy enters the hall and addresses the guests:

Good afternoon romale. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh, piles, oops, oops, stacks.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine!

I wanted to tell you what an obsession this is,
I can tell your fortune for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
You won’t find a better Aza, don’t even try!

Who here wants to be enlightened?
about luck and love,
Come to us one by one,
just have the money ready!

Aza takes out cards and invites the guest to choose the one that is looking at him.

Card meanings

Distribute the cards by face value and suit as you see fit.

And I'll look into your eyes -
I see luck in them
Because this time,
It can't be otherwise!

Well, handsome, gild your pen, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

And I'll tell you this:
Smile darling
After all, with your smile
You are very beautiful.

And you know exactly what will happen tomorrow
- Monday (if today is Sunday).

Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts...

To be you, beauty,
Tomorrow morning, like an asterisk,
Pussy, fish, and give me some beer -
you will become a wife again.

Wow, wow, honey. Take it seriously......
. to your glass. Don't let it pass your mouth!

Wow, darling, be on the lookout,
avoid coldness from a partner of the opposite sex,
otherwise you will get sick!

Wow, my dear, it will be bad for will have to go to work!

Wow, what a hard blow awaits you!
In the morning, when you step on the scale...

Wow, dear, I see you will be a big man!
You will gain 50 kg!

Your boss at work
wink with his right eye.
But don't even think about answering
he will file a report on you!

You have a rich admirer
will call you to nature -
He has 6 acres in his garden
and the beetle is gnawing on the potatoes!

You have vision problems
may soon await:
Don't see troubles
Don't notice fools!

Your health line
will take you far!
We would look for the end
Only my wife will kill us!

I see the queen of spades
is interested in you!
Selling his apartment
to buy you a Mercedes!

Giving birth to eight children a year?
This is impossible!
Oh, you're not married!
Be careful!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer,
in the evening - for the girls!

You will find treasure in the apartment,
it's in the wall where the wardrobe is.
Well, if you don’t find it -
update your interior!

You will receive an inheritance
seventh cousins ​​-
House in Paris, villa in Nice
and some islands!

They say love is mutual
everyone is obedient to age!
Every year now I fall in love
You'll be a hundred years old!

Get ready for a great battle!
Have you eaten red caviar?
Pink salmon will come for revenge!

Today they will give you two bags of happiness,
one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

You've been thinking for a long time, girlfriend.
Who to marry down the aisle with:
At seventy-four years old
you will finally get married!

I see the house - the cup is full,
It's almost overflowing!
So that my fortune-telling comes true,
Pour a strong glass!

There will be friends around you today. Friends are faithful, devoted.
Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan.

A big loss awaits you...
You'll lose your tie.
You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning... On your neighbor's belt.

Endless distances, unknown distances are waiting for you.
You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!

Be careful tomorrow………
and be careful not to fall asleep on your neighbor's plate.

My golden one, great love awaits you.
…..Weighs 120 kilograms!

Your husband will become an oligarch,
will take you everywhere -
But he will turn into an engineer,
if you cut!

Your husband is a secret overseas prince,
to disenchant him,
When the children are all asleep,
you need to kiss hard!

There are three lines on the hand with lily petals: ,
This is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you!

Our life is changing
everything in her is changeable,
But luck awaits you
and love will come to you.

Unexpected gift
Fate has in store for you:
What from now on after drinking
your head will be clear!

Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today,
I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue,
and on top there is something long, so thin………’s hard to see.
…..ahhh herring!

You will sing so that your neighbor will cry.
And everyone else will fall asleep!

Fruitful work with spoon and fork at today's table,
by the evening it will bear certain fruits!

Today you may have a tendency
for privacy with someone!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money,
The one you will lose today.

1. If you take the initiative, success will follow.
2. Important news will come very soon.
3. The answer to your question is connected with some man, perhaps well known to you.
4. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
5. Your hopes are not in vain!
6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
7. You are on the right track! Do not stop!
8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
9. The results of the business you have in mind may disappoint, or they may greatly surprise you.
10. The problem is not where you think it is.
11. Forward and only forward: the thing you are thinking about is right!
12. Your goal is achievable!
13. Success will come if you don’t listen to anyone’s advice.
14. The time of doubt and hesitation has come for you. But don’t worry – everything will work out!
15. Time must pass from sowing grain to harvest.
16. Live an ordinary life, but in an unusual way.
17. Remember that true partnership can only exist between complete individuals.
18. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
19. Gain comes from what you have to part with.
20. Act not in accordance with old authorities, but in accordance with what you consider right for yourself.
21. It's time to finish the old and start new.
22. Don't expect too much and don't think about the end result.
23. Finish first what you started.
24. Be patient and if your decision is right, the Universe will support it.
25. Don't get emotional.
26. Take a closer look at your health.
27. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
28. Focus on the present.
29. Don't expect quick results.
30. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
31. Trust what happens to you.
32. Reflect and do not rush into action.
33. The time has come to take action, even if it requires you to jump into the void.
34. Don’t try to stubbornly show your WILL.
35. Unexpected news awaits you.
36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then your thoughts.
38. This week your wish will come true.
39. Be more careful on Thursday - an interesting event awaits you.
40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
41. A new acquaintance awaits you.
42. Expect a surprise. Very soon!
43. All your wishes will definitely come true.
44. You will soon find your lost thing!
45. You will be very surprised by something!
46. ​​You will do a useful thing!
47. If you want to have success, you have to look like you have it.
48. The best is the enemy of the good. Don't overdo it!
49. The stupidest desire is to please everyone.
50. What we pray for, we receive.
51. The only difference between a winner and a loser is that he rises one more time than he falls.
52. In life there is the main thing and the unimportant, and we often waste our energy on trifles.
53. Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad as it could have been!
54. Do what you must, and come what may.
55. The other side of the crisis is new opportunities.
56. When God closes a door, he opens a window for you.
57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
58. Never be afraid to do what you don’t know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic!
59. It’s better to regret what you did, rather than what you didn’t do.
60. He who stands still goes back.
61. Whatever is not done is for the better.
62. No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.
63. Struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
64. Don’t strive to be a hero until they call you.
65. These people and these events in your life ended up here because you yourself brought them here. What happens to them next depends on you.
66. Never ask anyone for anything, especially those who are stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything.
67. Only fools are lucky once. Smart people are always lucky.
68. Evil is not what goes into a person’s mouth, but what comes out of them.
69. Do what you can with what you have where you are.
70. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t start anything. And if you don’t start anything, then nothing will happen.
71. Today the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday has just arrived.
72. There are no hopeless situations: even if you are eaten, you at least have two options.

Nata Karlin July 26, 2018, 10:24

Trying to diversify the festive evening, the organizers come up with comic wedding predictions for the guests. To do this, they dress up one of the presenters or invite an actress to play the role of a fortune teller, write predictions on pieces of paper, which are sealed into cookies or nuts. The easiest way is to tie leaves with a fortune to candies of the same color, put them in a vase and invite guests to choose and find out their fate in the near future.

Fortune nuts

Organizing a scene for a wedding with a gypsy

Gypsies were always welcome guests at weddings. Colorful and colorful, with numerous jokes, jokes, songs and dances, they could lighten the mood, make all guests have fun without exception. Today, these cheerful people are rarely invited to weddings, but tradition is tradition, so competitions and jokes with gypsies remain very popular.

If you want to organize a comic fortune telling from a gypsy for guests, it is not necessary to hire a professional actress. Dress up your friend or relative in a colorful outfit and prepare a text for her.

Even if you don’t have enough time to rehearse and learn everything, you can read the words from a piece of paper

When the guests are already a little bored, you can start the game. Entering the hall to the music, a woman should approach each of the guests and say “ gild your pen, dear"say your predictions. The gypsy's words could be as follows:

  1. Wow, I see, my dear, you will become a big shot. You will be fat and happy!
  2. I know, dear, you love her, don’t go outside, don’t look for a cold partner of the opposite sex, you’ll catch a cold and get sick!
  3. Wow, dear, they are waiting for you high relations, ninety meters, no less!
  4. Drink your glass, darling, you'll have some privacy with someone tonight!
  5. Gild your pen, good one, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! A hangover awaits you tomorrow!
  6. You will sleep sweetly today, dear, you will sleep very sweetly until the cake is taken away from under you!
  7. Friends are waiting for you, dear! Oh, and faithful and devoted friends are waiting. You'll spend the whole night with them! Their names are Bobik, Sharik and Tuzik.
  8. Happiness is waiting for you, my dear, in the morning! Unprecedented luck! You will find a wallet that you will lose today.
  9. The sea of ​​flowers awaits you tomorrow morning! Beautiful flowers with tall stems! You'll wake up in a flowerbed!
  10. The battle awaits you, falcon! Terrible battle! Have you eaten black caviar? The sturgeon will come for revenge!
  11. Wai, loss awaits you! You'll lose your tie! You'll find it at your neighbor's in the morning.
  12. Tomorrow you, beauty, will be sweet, the only one, desired and loved until you give me a beer. Then you will turn into a wife again.
  13. You love horror movies, dear? No? Then don't look in the mirror tomorrow morning!

Beautiful gypsy girl

You can come up with a lot of similar jokes. Use jokes from famous comedians or look at scenarios that involve a gypsy coming to a wedding.

The main thing is to approach the game with enthusiasm and humor. Guests are sure to be very pleased

How to make a comic horoscope for guests?

Another option to diversify the evening and allow your guests to have a good laugh is to make a comic astrological forecast for them. For this dress up a friend in a stargazer costume. If you don't have the appropriate props, find large glasses and make a cap decorated with stars out of blue cardboard. You can use a tablecloth or bedspread as a mantle.

For the first day it will be enough to predict that all zodiac signs have an equal chance of having a great time today. A forecast can be made for the next day for each horoscope constellation. You can call it “Hangover forecast for tomorrow morning.”

Aries. A surprise awaits you tomorrow morning! You will see in the reflection of the mirror that your gorgeous horns have suddenly become even, like Cupid’s arrows, and now you have to work hard to get through the doors.

Taurus. On the eve of your wedding banquet, you drank a pack of activated charcoal and suddenly decided that now everything will be fine with you? You will still see this very coal and understand that everything is not as good as you wanted.

It is unlikely that tomorrow morning, when you open your eyes and look in the mirror, you will see a person absolutely similar to yourself.

Cancers. Tomorrow you will need today's training. Now you will be crawling backwards for a long time from every glass you pour, remembering the hangover.

Lions. Early in the morning you will let out such a desperate roar that your neighbor will take pity and bring you a bottle of mineral water.

Virgo. I don’t recommend going to your favorite mirror in the morning. You will lose faith in yourself.

Scales. Tomorrow you will be confused, counting how much alcohol a normal person can drink and comparing it with the amount you drank.

Scorpios. Place a bottle of beer next to your bed at night. As soon as you open your eyes, drink! Otherwise, you will sting everyone around you the entire next day.

Sagittarius. Hide a glass of champagne for tomorrow so you don't shoot in the morning.

In the morning, look carefully in the mirror to make sure there are no new horns.

Aquarius. In the morning you will go visit again to continue having fun.

Fish. Don't fight like a fish against ice! The holiday was a success, and whoever didn’t like your behavior should die of envy.

You can come up with a lot of comic horoscopes.

If you have a talent for poetry, try to describe the character of each zodiac sign in a simple quatrain

If not, supplement the descriptions of the morning after the wedding day with representatives of the constellations with your text.

Wedding Fortune Cookies

The idea of ​​wedding fortune cookies came to us from the West. This fun raffle guarantees every guest a sweet treat and opportunity to draw a lucky ticket. The lottery can be held in the banquet hall, but it will be more interesting to distract guests who are a little tired from a busy day for a walk. Just imagine if you give a basket of such cookies to a friend and ask her to distribute them to those present. People's spirits will immediately lift!

Fortune Cookies

You can bake such delicacies yourself, but it must be said that this is a long process, so it is better to order them from pastry chefs or wedding salons. As a rule, such cookies are sold in beautiful, themed boxes, they are made in the shape of hearts or figurines of the bride and groom, and inside there is a piece of paper with a prediction written in food paint.

For needlewomen, here is a simple recipe for wedding cookies:

  • egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sifted premium flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar – 8 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • starch – 1.5 tsp.

You can add a little if you wish cinnamon, vanilla, almond or any other essence.

Beat the butter and egg whites into a foam, add all the other ingredients and stir thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Place small flat cakes and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove the cakes from the baking sheet, wrap the fortune leaves in them, and place in a glass bowl until cool.

You can write texts with food coloring and a pen.

Write different predictions, so that guests don’t get the same leaves. Come up with the texts yourself or choose from those listed below:

  1. There are 2 news for you - bad and good. The bad news is that you will become fatter! Good - in the wallet area!
  2. Loss awaits! Today you you'll lose your head, having met your happiness!
  3. You'll be going to a resort soon, choose your companion today!
  4. Your summer will be sunny, warm and cheerful.
  5. Today, by morning, the whole fairy tale will dissipate, and you will return to reality.
  6. Today will be your best day! Those following him will be even more successful!
  7. The newlyweds will really like your gift!
  8. Carefully! Soon a big pile will fall on you!

Happy couple

It's very easy to make your wedding interesting, fun and funny. All you need to do is put in a little effort and read about it. How did other newlyweds celebrate?. Rest assured, you will find many interesting ideas that are easy to implement.

To make the upcoming New Year's holiday memorable for the atmosphere of fun, excitement, and expectation of changes for the better, on this joyful day people not only congratulate each other, exchange gifts and souvenirs, but also prepare a real surprise - comic advice and predictions for the new year 2019.

Celebrating the funniest holiday with funny predictions will bring pleasure to all those present: after all, every adult wants to feel like a child, believe in miracles and find out what will happen ahead, even in a playful, relaxed manner.

Entertainment forecasts are good because they carry optimism and goodness. They can warn in a cheerful manner and give unobtrusive, wise advice that is not a sin to listen to.

How to apply

Playful prophecies will revive the spirit of company among family, friends, and colleagues. The main thing here is relevance. On New Year's Eve, along with a general holiday, family or corporate dates may coincide: birthdays and anniversaries of relatives, the creation of a family, organizations, service dates of managers and employees.

Often short comic predictions for the New Year become a successful poetic toast or part of a fun game.


There are a great many humorous forecasts:

  • with jokes;
  • in poetry and prose;
  • according to the signs of the Zodiac.

You can show originality by placing notes with predictions and wishes in:

  • cookies or candy;
  • glass bottles or jars;
  • Balloons.

Other options are also available. For example, predictions are written on large paper snowflakes and placed in one hat. Each guest takes out a snowflake of their choice. Notes are also attached to souvenirs and given as keepsakes.

And if you want to add additional solemnity, then they record the numbers on the glasses and after the chiming clock, they read out advice and jokes corresponding to the numbers.

A festive bag, sewn specifically for beautiful cards with predictions, will be a kind of center of fun from which guests will take out their coveted tickets.

Divinations will fit harmoniously into jokes as a prize after performing a dance, song, riddle, poem or other performance. Whatever form the forecasts are presented in, it is very important that their number be in reserve. Then the last person who wishes will also be able to choose a mysterious prediction for the New Year.

Reading each prophecy out loud adds to the fun, which causes humorous comments, laughter, approval, and even a continuation in the form of an anecdote on the topic or an incident from life told briefly.


For various options for celebrating the most beautiful winter holiday, a wide variety of funny forecasts are suitable. The most relevant topics are: well-being, work, friends, love, health, change.

About well-being

Optimism will help you, it will tell you to keep your nose up.

Move forward cheerfully, luck awaits you there.

Luck will not leave you! He will give you a new dacha!

All year long you will enjoy the fruits of success. Isn't this luck?

About work

As you flutter up the career ladder, don’t forget to look down sometimes so as not to stumble.

If next year you always try to enter your boss’s office with your left foot, you will get a promotion.

There will be a lot of money and a successful journey!

Next week, expect success at work, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

You must continue to be creative in the future.

As always, you are in the thick of things; being busy with work is your lot.

Everything related to production, communication and advanced training will bring you success.

The first month of the year will be the start of your creative upswing.

Success in your career will require maximum patience, endurance and the ability to work around “sharp corners.”

They talk about your successes and failures, but that’s not the main point: in the end, you will receive a rare business offer.

Calculate your strength wisely: before winter ends, you will need it.

About friends

Your sad circle will be broken, because your faithful friend will return to you!

Don’t be upset in vain, more friends will come!

Expect the best news from your family and friends!

When you take on an unfamiliar task, do not forget about reliable and truly devoted friends.

The year will be successful for meetings that will inspire you to new achievements!

A summer trip with close friends will be bright and memorable.

A long trip will be beneficial: you will be in a familiar aura and will gain strong friendships.

About love

Wait for the sunset, wait for the dawn, wait for a sweet, gentle greeting.

During the week the lights went out - someone is thinking about you.

The sun warms again - you will meet new love.

Beautiful, mutual and not in vain love awaits you!

Love will fill your days and they will become bright.

It’s very rare to be so lucky, great love awaits you!

You are on the verge of a whirlwind romance.

You will meet your happiness unexpectedly.

The second half of the year will give you love.

Great love will come into your life.

In the coming year, your charm is irresistible. You are waiting for new miracles and fabulous transformations.

The New Year brings pleasant events, you will be happy and loved.

The second half of the year will be decorated with love adventures. Happiness is knocking on your home.

In the new year, perhaps you will learn a new lesson in your personal life.

We know for sure this year

Love will give you!

To be lucky in everything else -

Don't go ahead!

About health

Live energetically, and the year will be great!

A toast to your health! And for your career growth!

Your health will become stronger, your second youth will come,

It will breathe peace and harmony into the family!

You are destined to be a hundred years old

To live without knowing major troubles!

You won’t burn your wings and take care of your health.

From now on, you will begin to look prettier and younger.

As you celebrate your successes, stock up on plenty of tea.

About change

Changes are coming to you at the beginning of January,

You won’t scare them away, don’t fuss in vain.

You can meet your destiny even when crossing the street when the light is green. Therefore, it is not harmful to look around.

A pleasant surprise awaits you in the first half of January.

You will experience many different adventures,

But oblivion and damage are neither seen nor heard.

We strive in time: we run, flow, soar,

You will soon experience unprecedented extreme.

Your life in frost and heat

It will turn into the best and most successful side.

Proud mountains and sun to boot are waiting for you.

A budget replenishment awaits you this summer!

An unexpected meeting will brighten up your Saturday evening

Important meetings, gifts and good news are just around the corner.

Life will gain stability, you were looking forward to it.

Others will have happy changes, but this is also very important for your life.

In the new year, problems will be replaced by the implementation of bold plans, the success of which will be helped by colleagues and fate.

More than ever, this year you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your natural gift; at the same time, new plans, people, and priorities will appear.

Having gone on vacation, you will look at the world in a new way, and therefore many problems will disappear by themselves.

The good tradition of giving comic predictions to loved ones and acquaintances on New Year's Day lifts the mood, gives hope for all the best in life, and strengthens relationships between people.

Corporate events at work are a pleasant dilution of the work process. And to make the banquet fun, you can prepare comic predictions for the employees for the New Year 2020. Since the company is an adult, the predictions can also be adult.

Predictions for colleagues and co-workers

To leave pleasant memories, prepare pleasant predictions for the coming year for each colleague and definitely for your boss.

Life without sadness and troubles
The coming year will bring.

Salary increase,
Finding penates
Meeting your destiny -
For you, my dear,
The coming year has prepared
So that you don't get upset.

Yachts and cars
May we lead you into the New Year,
We need it together at this very hour
Make a wish right away.
And without unnecessary sentimentality
Everything will be fulfilled instantly.

Let the tool be necessary,
And the client is always obedient
Waiting for you in the coming year.
And adversity will pass by,
The results will surpass
All your expectations
The new year will be successful.

Colleagues will listen
Offer a lot of strategies
Business will trample uphill -
This is the schedule awaiting you.

The service will be very easy,
Each of the orders is accurate.
Both in water and above land
There will be peace for you and me.

We will defeat our competitors
We are without unnecessary sentimentality.
The department will rush forward,
A big prize awaits.
This year will be successful
We'll hit a very tasty jackpot!

A vacation awaits you in the Maldives,
There are ebbs and flows.
And also many clients
This new year brought.

You will curb your luck,
It will be like this and not otherwise:
For your work and patience
The boss will give you a promotion.
You are a very nice man
As a boss, you will be in charge.

Let's-let's have fun
Sing songs, whistle, dress up.
After all, our specificity is
Making a holiday is all for you.
It will be the best prediction -
New people with a task.
We will give them happiness
It's a thrill to get a kick out of it.

Work will be smooth
The coffee will be tasty and sweet.
And the client is always satisfied
And I’m set to pay for everything.
In general, wait, my friend, for miracles -
An angel will descend from heaven.

New cars will come,
There will be new storefronts,
Expansion is coming -
This coming year.
Chief, it’s a prediction for you,
Make a wish
So that everything goes well,
It brought in a lot of money.

There will be a new office.
Chairs, shelves, internet.
Promotion is coming
This coming year.
Be ready, friend, for anything,
This is what I mean to you:
You will be our boss,
Request a report once an hour.

Coming this year
He will be greedy for troubles
Failures and troubles
If you are not a parasite.
Great profit awaits us all,
Here's the story.

Directions, translations,
Documents, flight –
This is all waiting for the military,
This coming year.
But income on the highest grid,
There are marks on the shoulder straps again -
This will also bring
It's a new year for the military.

Go away, by God,
Make way for predictions!
You will be happy in the New Year,
Well, you are very beautiful.
In an Armani wallet
There will be money in your pocket.
And to you in the coming year
Replenishment is underway.
Our boss will be rich
And he will raise everyone’s wages.

Loyalty in love and friendship,
Wallet full of money
And a little bit of luck -
He'll bring it with him
Coming this year.

We bring good news -
We won't be able to count the new year
We orders and clients,
Let's throw our competitors behind.
We will overtake them in everything,
We will be in the top three.
And for this we immediately
Salaries will triple.

It's better not to joke with the boss,
Look at him -
He sits quite seriously
He is sad and very menacing.
To cheer him up,
We need to give him a drink.
And say that New Year -
It will bring a lot of money.

Get rid of your thoughts
Buy a suit quickly -
You will be our new boss.
Why? What a question?
Because Santa Claus
Brought a promotion.

There will be clients in the New Year,
Competitors will go bankrupt
Profit will flow like a river,
Rake it quickly with your hand.
Because in the new year
Good luck awaits us.

Year 20 is coming to us,
This is what he carries with him:
To the lonely - all the love,
So that the blood boils.
Those who are very friendly with the boss.
Wallet full of dough
So that life is easy.

New Year brings you
A lot of joyful troubles.
There will be a departure soon,
Moving to a new office.
Increase in salary,
A chair in the highest office.
You will be our new boss -
But don't turn your nose up.

Boss, you are a very brave guy,
Very dexterous and skillful.
Your clients love you very much
And competitors are afraid.
Coming this year
Will bring a lot of money
Deals, meetings, flights -
All pleasant worries.

Cabinet update,
Banquet celebration,
New key to the apartment
And good luck, warm ray -
This is all it brings to you
Coming this year.

Non-working Saturdays
Very easy reports
Clients who agree to everything,
Weakening competitors -
Yes, this awaits us all soon -
This coming year.

Waiting for you and me in the new year
A sea of ​​joyful worries.
Good luck will be with us,
Let's forget the troubles
There will be profit
And inspire clients
We are looking forward to new achievements
So that they come to us for a solution.

New Year brought with it
Lots of money and boss
I didn’t believe it right away,
I checked everything three times,
And then he immediately
The premium was raised fivefold.
Let it be like this in the new year,
Let the profit come to us.

Predictions for friends

Give your friends a festive atmosphere by preparing bright and unusual predictions for them. And don’t forget to wish them that everything said will definitely come true.

Will be with you in the New Year
Joy, happiness will not diminish.
There will be a house full of guests,
Relationships - passions,
Heat and great love.
Catch the prediction.

In the new year we will see you
Let's clean it up:
Profit will flow like a river,
You will be forever young.
A girl to match you
So that everything is perfect!

I know you will have it
Cool family.
There will be a wife and a daughter,
And two little sons.
will bring you happiness
Coming this year.

I see it will be in the new year
Many joyful worries -
House and vacation and car,
Conquered peaks.
Let there be a big income
And a beautiful ship.

Dear friend, I’ll tell you:
I value friendship very much.
The year is preparing for you
Your long-awaited trip.
You will conquer mountains
You meet new people.
May everything succeed for you,
The main thing, brother, is not to be timid.

I want to tell you
It will be waiting for you soon
Happiness, joy and love,
And the blood will boil in the veins.
You will be happy, my friend,
The world around will be a fairy tale.

Your New Year's wish
Will exceed all expectations.
Everything will be fulfilled in full -
All dreams, not just one.
Happiness will come to your home
And love will take with it.

Friend, do you know what?
Has it been waiting for you for a long time?
You'll buy a car soon
You will conquer your peak.
And you will find your love,
You will be happy with her again.
You will have joy
You will live loving the whole world.

I'll give you a prediction
That your wish will come true,
What has been in the heart for a long time,
Where it is very dark.
The new year will be happy
Joyful, a little fussy.
But luck will be there
And love is your reward.

Friend, I'll tell you a secret:
There is no better friend in the world.
I know what the year has in store
What will he bring you?
It will be joy, laughter,
And success in all matters.
There will be a new car
Conquered peak.
A lot of money in the wallet
House key on a keychain.

I'll predict your fate:
You will drive a Porsche.
You will be perfect in sex,
Only clothes from Calvin Klein.
In general, you will be cool,
Stylish, fashionable, young.

In the coming year
I will tell your fate:
Loyalty and luck in friendship.
A wallet full of money,
You will be happy, my friend!

I'll tell you what, my friend,
The circle of night will open,
And it will be in your hand
From wealth in the chest
The key is so small.
May happiness be with you.

Prediction is ready:
And it promises this:
Joy, happiness and success,
Peace and sonorous children's laughter.
You will have a family
You will shine with happiness.

Prediction now
I’ll open it for you once.
You will be very happy.
Kind, smart and beautiful.
And you will achieve everything
You will be your own king.

Friend, I'll tell you
And I will show you the whole truth.
Expects you
I’ll say everything without concealing it.
You will be handsome in sex -
Hot, passionate Italian,
And in the kitchen you will be a god,
You will bake a big pie.
You'll be the boss at work
So that your income grows faster.

waiting for you this year
Joy, happiness, peace and take-off.
At work - a promotion,
All wishes come true.
A high income awaits you,
You won't be alone.

There is a prediction for the New Year -
Everyone's wishes will come true.
There's no end to the girls
You will live to be a hundred years old.

I want to tell you:
You will have to accept
Joy, happiness and success,
So that you will amaze everyone.

You will soon become a champion
And a dream come true.
You will always be happy
They will keep you for years.

You will be a hero in the New Year,
Stand up for your family.
You will be very happy
Your dreams will come true.

You will always be beautiful
And smart and very sweet.
You will be happy in the New Year,
Joyful and beloved.

I want to tell you:
You will soon win.
You will be on top
You will fly to your dream.

You will have a good one
My beloved and handsome husband.
He will carry it in his arms,
Give a fur coat and flowers.
And there will be God in bed,
He will be stately and tall.

You'll buy a car soon
You will conquer your peak.
Will you win the lottery?
You will become better, healthier.
It will all come to you
This coming year.

Will be with you in the New Year,
Joy, happiness and peace.
And dreams will come true -
You will get married soon.

You will be lighter than a light deer,
In a dress made of beautiful fabric.
You will be happy in the New Year,
You are joyful and beloved.

This coming year
Love will come to your home.
And will give a ringing laugh,
And success in your deeds.

I want to predict for you
Joy in your destiny.
Fulfillment of desires -
The best of predictions.

Believe me, a miracle will happen -
You'll be happy soon.
I give a prediction
And I tell you:
You are lucky and a hero,
Girls are always with you
After all, you are skillful in bed,
A smart guy, very brave.

Funny predictions based on zodiac signs

Predictions based on zodiac signs are a great way to congratulate a friend on the upcoming holiday. This option is suitable for both employees and friends.
