Light salads for spring. Best Recipes: Spring Salads

In spring, you want more bright colors and light salads. Fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables will help us replenish the vitamin and mineral balance.
Salads are a mixture of chopped cold vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc., seasoned with sauce. To keep the salad from giving a lot of juice, season and salt the salads just before serving, as pre-salted vegetables release a lot of juice. It is better to serve salads on chilled plates.

Mixed salads. The products included in the salad are mixed with each other and with salad dressing or sauce. The products are mixed together with part of the sauce or dressing in a separate bowl, preferably with two large forks, so that the pieces of the constituent products retain their cut shape as much as possible. The finished salad is transferred to a dish or salad bowl. The dish or salad bowl is not filled to the brim with salad - the edges remain 2-3 cm free. The finished salad is poured with the rest of the sauce and decorated.

Unmixed salads. The products from which the salad is prepared are laid out separately in different dishes or on a large dish in separate portions. Salad dressing or several different sauces are served on the table in gravy boats or small bowls. This serving is convenient because it allows you to choose products and salad dressings to taste.

Salads filled with sauce or dressing. The chopped products prepared for the salad are placed on a dish or in a salad bowl, in which the salad is served on the table, mixed, in layers or in separate (according to the type of products) portions. The salad is poured on top of the sauce and not mixed, which allows you to maintain the integrity of each type of product. Such salads are prepared from tender, easily decaying foods: soft vegetables, boiled or hot-smoked fish, green peas.

Compatibility of products in salads

Fresh cucumbers:
eggs, fresh herbs (onions, dill, parsley, cilantro), green salad, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, zucchini, fresh apples, cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, yogurt, croutons.

fresh tomatoes:
cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, fresh herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley), green salad, onion, olives, black olives, fresh sweet pepper, baked sweet pepper, hot pepper, baked eggplant, boiled barley, pasta.

Boiled beets:
herring, green onions, onions, canned beans, boiled potatoes, green peas, fresh apples, fresh pears, fried tofu, sprouted sprouts, pickled cucumbers, garlic.

Boiled potatoes:
fried mushrooms, salted mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, green onions, onions, green lettuce, fresh apples, green peas, boiled meat, ham, boiled poultry, boiled tongue, fresh cucumber, stalked celery, fried bacon, cheese, cheese blue, green beans.

Boiled rice:
stewed fish or in its own juice (salmon, tuna, trout), cod liver, boiled chicken, boiled eggs, green onions, olives, pine nuts, walnuts, cheese, garlic, canned corn, fresh apples, fresh pears, nectarines, dried apricots , nuts, fresh mint.

Fresh white cabbage:
fresh carrots, fresh cucumbers, radishes, fresh apples, green onions, hot peppers, sweet peppers, celery root, fresh oranges and grapefruits, basil, parsley, grapes.

Salad dressings
Lemon juice, salt, pepper.
Vegetable or olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.
Vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper.
Vegetable oil, chopped garlic, salt, pepper.
Mayonnaise with chopped herbs, garlic and lemon juice.
Mayonnaise with chopped gherkins, parsley, lemon juice and onions.
Sour cream with garlic, chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Mayonnaise or sour cream mixed with pureed tomatoes and garlic.

  • April 07, 2010, 21:10
  • 219287

Light salads with hints of spring and warmth: 7 excellent and simple recipes that will diversify your menu.

Spring salad with radish and orange dressing

The recipe for this salad is simple, but the magic of taste is in its dressing. For 4 servings you need:

  • 14-16 radishes, washed and cut into large slices (as in the photo of the salad);
  • 100g feta cheese, cut or broken into small pieces
  • 2 tbsp chopped mint leaves;

For refueling:

  • 1 glass of orange juice;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder;
  • salt to your taste.


Put the chopped radishes in a salad bowl, mix with feta cheese and mint.

Now let's prepare the dressing: pour the juice into a small saucepan or pan, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil it for 8-10 minutes, then mix with curry and olive oil. Pour into saucepan and let cool.

Dress salad when serving.

Salad with apple, radish and red cabbage

Fresh, juicy and spring vegetable salad for every day. For it you will need:

  • 2 cups finely chopped red cabbage;
  • 8-10 chopped radishes;
  • 2 medium apples, peeled and core removed
  • 1 small red onion;
  • bunch of parsley.

Cut the apples into strips, cut the onion into half rings. Mix shredded cabbage, radishes, apples and onions in a large bowl.

Spring salad with cucumber and yogurt dressing

For 4 servings of this refreshing salad you will need:

  • 3 small cucumbers, cut into slices;
  • 0.5 kg cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • half a red onion, cut into half rings;
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped;
  • 2 tbsp chopped mint;
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped parsley;

For refueling:

  • 100 ml. natural yogurt;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • salt, pepper to your taste.

Preparing such a salad is very simple: mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Dressing is also simple: mix yogurt with lemon juice and add "pepper". Dress up the salad and start eating it quickly!

Mediterranean salad - recipe with photo

Elegant and light, this simple vegetable salad is the perfect companion for any lunch or dinner. For 4-6 servings, you need the following ingredients:

  • 4 cups of any salad mixes (fortunately, there are enough of them in stores now);
  • 2 small tomatoes;
  • 3 medium cucumbers;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 100 gr Feta cheese

Salad with radish, iceberg lettuce and avocado

For the salad you need to take:

  • a small head of iceberg lettuce;
  • 8-10 radishes (fresh), cut into circles;
  • a couple of stalks of green onions, finely chopped;
  • 1 avocado, peeled and cut into slices;
  • some dill.

Cut or tear iceberg lettuce into small pieces. Mix lettuce leaves with chopped radish, green onion and dill. When serving, garnish the salad with avocado slices and drizzle.

Spring salad with radish and blue cheese

An excellent salad for lunch or dinner - light, crispy and so springy. For 4 servings you will need:

  • 2 carrots, peeled and washed;
  • 15 radishes, washed;
  • 100 gr. blue cheese;
  • small head of iceberg lettuce

Dressing that will pleasantly enrich the salad:

  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar;
  • 1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce (can be substituted for soy sauce)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Let's get cooking:

Cut carrots into bars or rings, as you like more. Cut the radish into thin circles. Break the cheese into small pieces with your hands. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands into pieces of 5-6 cm.

Put the vegetables in a salad bowl and mix everything. Sprinkle with cheese on top.

To prepare the dressing, mix all the ingredients in one bowl. Salad should be watered with dressing immediately before serving.

Spring salad with strawberries and goat cheese

An original salad of greens and strawberries, you can surprise your guests and household with it.

For 4 servings of salad you need:

  • 3 art. baby spinach;
  • 3 cups watercress;
  • 2.5 cups fresh strawberries, chopped
  • 1/3 st. green onion, finely chopped;
  • handful of pecans, cut into small pieces
  • 70 gr. goat cheese

For refueling:

  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup or brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt;
  • freshly ground pepper to taste.


Whisk maple syrup (or brown sugar), vinegar, oil, salt and pepper in a large bowl.

Mix watercress, spinach and strawberries in a bowl. Divide the salad between plates when serving. Sprinkle portions with goat cheese and nuts, and drizzle with dressing.

Advice! If you want the nuts in the salad to be crunchy, fry them in a dry frying pan over medium heat for about 2-4 minutes.

The main ingredients of the spring salad are, of course, fresh cucumbers, greens in the form of onion feathers, parsley, dill, you can also add radishes and cabbage. But all these vegetables are best served in conjunction with vegetable oil or vegetable fats (sour cream, cream or mayonnaise).

The greater the variety of vegetables, the greater the benefits of a spring salad that will help our bodies cope with beriberi after a long and cold winter.

In addition to vitamins, this salad saturates the body with fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Salad is rightfully considered dietary as it is easily digestible and brings only benefits.


Fresh cabbage 100-150 grams.

Fresh cucumber 2-3 pcs.

Radishes 3-4 pcs.

A bunch of dill.

A bunch of green onion feathers.

3-4 boiled eggs.


Sour cream 100 grams.

Olive oil 25-30 grams (can be replaced with any vegetable). 4-5 tablespoons.

Lemon juice 15-20 grams. Tablespoon

10-15 grams of mustard ready. Tea spoon

Salt pepper to taste.

A teaspoon of honey.


☑ Let's start cooking spring. It needs to be shredded.

☑ Then cut the straw in half for greater convenience.

☑ After the cabbage, cut the cucumber. It can be cut in any shape.

☑ Mode radishes into quarters then quarters in half.

☑ Finely chop the dill.

☑ Cut the green onion.

☑ Eggs are pre-cooked and cooled to room temperature. Cut them with an egg cutter.

☑ If you don't have it on hand, you can cut the eggs into cubes.

☑ We put all the chopped vegetables in a bowl and proceed to prepare the dressing for our salad.


☑ In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and mix everything well until smooth with a whisk.

☑ We send our dressing to vegetables and mix everything well.

☑ If necessary, you can salt to your liking.

☑ Spring salad of fresh vegetables is ready to eat

Bon appetit.

This salad has been popular for hundreds of years. And its relevance is growing every day. It is not difficult to cook it; it is important to cook it only from fresh vegetables, as wilted cucumbers or greens can give off bitterness, which will definitely spoil your culinary masterpiece.



1-2 fresh cucumbers.

0.5 onion heads.

Parsley, dill, cilantro optional.

Salt and allspice to taste.

Vegetable oil for dressing.


☑ Rinse vegetables well under running water.

☑ If the cucumber does not give off bitterness, then you can not remove the peel from it, but be sure to cut off the “ass”.

☑ Cut tomatoes only with a well-sharpened knife. If you cut with a blunt knife, all the juices will flow out of the tomato and the salad will not be so juicy. And in general, the knife of a good cook should always be sharp.

☑ Onion cut into half rings.

☑ Tomatoes diced mode.

☑ Cucumbers are also cut into cubes.

☑ Finely chop the greens and send this whole story into one large bowl.

☑Salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil and mix well, lifting vegetables from the bottom.

☑ Be sure to check for salt before serving.

Now your salad is completely ready to be served on the table. Bon appetit.

Salad with cucumber garlic and sesame seeds video

Very original salad recipe. There is something new in this salad, namely, combinations of such products as cucumber, garlic and sesame, I think you don’t see such a combination every day. Nevertheless, the salad is very edible.

Bon appetit.

Spring salad with chicken breast and cheese

Chicken meat, especially the breast, will complement the vegetables in the salad well, so why not make a spring salad with the addition of chicken meat. It will turn out tasty and satisfying. Two in one so to speak.


Tomatoes 2-3 pcs.

Chicken fillet 200-250 grams.

Hard cheese 120-150 grams.

Some greens (lettuce, dill)

Sour cream or mayonnaise.

Canned corn 1 can.

Canned pineapple (pieces).

Salt pepper to taste.


☑ Boil the chicken fillet, cut into cubes and fry in a pan until a pleasant blush appears.

☑ Wash the tomatoes and cut into cubes.

☑ Grate the cheese.

☑ Finely chop lettuce or dill.

☑ It remains to collect the salad. Put the sliced ​​​​food into a deep bowl.

☑ We open canned foods (pineapple and corn), drain the brine and send the contents to the rest of the products.

Corn can be replaced with green peas or beans.

☑ Dress the salad with sour cream or mayonnaise, salt and mix everything well. Taste for salt, add salt if necessary.

Leave the salad for 20-30 minutes to soak. And in the future it will already be possible to lay it out in salad bowls and serve it to the table.

Bon appetit!!!

Winter is finally over, and the first spring vegetables and herbs appeared on the market stalls and at the eternal grannies at the bus stops. Here it is, happiness! Crispy radishes, fresh green onions, fragrant wild garlic, sour sorrel and much, much more can be combined into the most delicious spring salads. And how many benefits they have!

Spring salads also help in matters of weight loss - there are a lot of vitamins in them, a minimum of calories, and if you conjure with dressings and do not pour sour cream or mayonnaise with a generous hand, then you can eat such salads at least all day, the figure will only become slimmer and healthier.

Protein can be added to any delicious spring salads - a boiled egg, chicken breast or other boiled meat, any cheese, crab sticks or meat, corn or boiled beans. In this case, the salad can become a full dinner. However, any spring salad goes well with a good piece of pork - only without bread, please!

The site has collected for you some simple recipes for spring salads. Help yourself!

Salad "Spring"

1 bunch of radishes
3-4 hard boiled eggs
1 small bunch of basil
sour cream, salt - to taste.

Thoroughly washed young radishes are cleaned of tops and tails, cut into thin circles or slices and put in a salad bowl or deep bowl. Send the basil, torn into small pieces with your hands, there. Chop the eggs very finely and mix with sour cream, add salt to taste. Then put the resulting dressing in a salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients and mix.
In this salad, you can use any other greens instead of basil.

Salad "Good mood"

2 fresh cucumbers
3 apples
300-400 g of hard cheese,
1 bunch of green onions
1 garlic clove
mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

Cut the cheese into small cubes, apples and cucumbers into small neat pieces, green onions into thin rings, chop the garlic. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise, salt and mix.

Salad of sorrel, eggs and potatoes

1 large bunch of sorrel
6 boiled eggs
2 small boiled potatoes
1 boiled carrot
1 can of green peas
sour cream, salt - to taste.

Finely chop the pre-washed and dried sorrel. On a coarse grater, grate the potatoes, and cut the eggs and boiled carrots into small pieces. Put the ingredients in a bowl or salad bowl, add green peas, sour cream and salt to taste.

Salad "Vitamin" of sorrel, vegetables and herbs

350 g white cabbage,
2-3 sweet peppers
100 g leaf lettuce,
1 bunch of sorrel
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch dill,
1 carrot
½ st. cream,
salt - to taste.

Cut sweet pepper and cabbage into thin strips and send to a salad bowl. Add to them chopped or torn by hand lettuce leaves, chopped dill, parsley, sorrel cut into thin strips, carrots grated on a coarse grater. Salt the salad and season with cream, mix well.

Salad "Green"

2 cucumbers
1 tomato
1 onion
1 garlic clove
1 bunch dill,
1 bunch of parsley

mustard oil - for dressing.

Roughly chop all the vegetables, except for the onion. Cut it into thin half rings, and fresh herbs into large pieces. Salt, pepper and season the salad with mustard oil. The whole secret of this salad lies precisely in mustard oil. You can use any other vegetable oil, however, the salad will clearly lose both in taste and originality.

Salad of vegetables and herbs "Delicious"

4-6 large heads of radishes
2 small cucumbers
2 tomatoes
1 bunch of green onions,
1 red onion
dill, parsley - to taste,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
sour cream of maximum fat content.

Cut all the vegetables into equal squares or half circles, and the onion into thin half rings. In a deep bowl or salad bowl, combine radishes, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, and then add chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Then season the salad with sour cream and mix.

Salad "Country"

1 bunch of wild garlic,
1 boiled potato
1 fresh cucumber
5 green onion feathers,
¼ red onion
1 small bunch of dill,
100 g canned green peas
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 tsp lemon juice
salt, ground black pepper, mustard - to taste.

Cut potatoes and cucumber into small cubes, wild garlic and green onions - into 1 cm long pieces, red onion - into half rings, chop the dill. Combine all the ingredients, pour over the dressing, for the preparation of which mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and mustard.

Salad "Spring Day"

250-300 g of white cabbage,
2-3 carrots
1 bunch of green onions
2-3 garlic cloves,
3 art. l. vegetable oil,
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp red ground pepper.

Chop the cabbage into thin strips, salt and rub lightly with your hands until the juice appears. Cut carrots into thin strips and mix with cabbage. Chop the garlic and green onions and combine them in a separate bowl, add ground red pepper to them, mix and send to the cabbage with carrots. Add vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar to the total mass and mix.

Vegetable salad with chicken breast

1 chicken breast (boiled)
1 onion
200 g cherry tomatoes,
1 cucumber
bunch of lettuce
1 lemon
30-40 ml vegetable oil,
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
30 g pine nuts (if any).

Cut the boiled breast into thin strips. Chop the onion in half rings, cut the cucumber lengthwise into 8 parts. If the cucumber is long, cut it in half crosswise. Tear the salad with your hands. Place lettuce leaves in a salad bowl. Mix chicken, cucumbers and onions separately and place on salad. Combine vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar and pour over vegetables. Salt, sprinkle with nuts. Instead of nuts, you can take sesame seeds, and use olive oil in the dressing.

Radish salad with soy sauce

1 large bunch of radishes
1 red bell pepper,
2 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
1 st. l. apple cider vinegar
1 st. l. Sahara,
1 st. l. vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Cut the radish into thin strips. Cut the sweet pepper also and fry in a pan with vegetable oil. In a deep salad bowl, combine radishes and fried peppers, salt, add sugar, season with apple cider vinegar and soy sauce and mix.

On the pages of our site there is still a great variety of different spring salads. We are waiting for you again!

Bon appetit and new culinary open!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Are you about to lay a festive table? You do not know how else you can surprise guests and loved ones? Prepare more delicious, unusual salads, and luck is guaranteed to you! After all, salads are the best option not only for the daily diet, but also for the festive table. Thanks to the variety of products, you can prepare salads for every taste, taking into account the taste preferences of each person. Someone loves light vegetable salads - there are a huge number of types. Others prefer hearty meats, and there are plenty of them too. And how many recipes for fish and fruit salads! Salads fill our body with all the necessary substances and elements - fiber, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins, so necessary for our body in early spring.

Avocado salad with tomatoes and sweet peppers


1 avocado
1 large tomato
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 sweet red pepper
1/2 chili pepper
1 clove of garlic
1-2 tablespoons chopped green onions
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro, parsley or dill
1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
ground black pepper and salt

Instruction: Peeled pitted avocado, mash with a fork until gruel is obtained, add lemon juice and mix. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin, and finely chop the pulp. Chop the peeled garlic. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper and chili and chop very finely. Combine prepared products, add green onions, mix well, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix again. Keep the finished salad for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator and serve with chips or salty croutons.

Arugula salad with shrimps


1 tomato
115 g peeled king prawns
75 g arugula
5 ml oyster sauce
50 ml olive oil
10 ml soy sauce
20 g pine nuts

Instruction: Arugula has a bright taste. However, a girl who watches her weight and health has other reasons to love this salad: it improves metabolism and digestion, contains a lot of vitamin C and iodine. Lay the washed and dried arugula on a serving plate. Separately mix together the oyster sauce and some of the olive oil. Pour the arugula with the resulting sauce. Fry the shrimp in the remaining olive oil, adding soy sauce at the end of cooking. Cut the tomato into slices, fry the pine nuts. Arrange the shrimp and tomato slices around the edges of the arugula, and sprinkle the dish with toasted pine nuts.

Pineapple salad with cheese


250 g canned pineapples
250 g hard cheese
3 garlic cloves
3-4 st. l. mayonnaise

Instruction: Drain the liquid from the pineapple and cut into large cubes together with the cheese. Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press or grate, mix with mayonnaise, season pineapples with cheese with this mixture, salt, mix. Let the salad stand for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Salad "Spring"


50 g boiled beets
1 orange
1 fresh cucumber
1 green onion
100 g balsamic vinegar
30 g sugar (3 tsp)
10 ml olive oil (1 tablespoon)
70 g feta cheese
2 g sesame (a pinch)

Instruction: Boiled beets cut into small cubes. We peel the orange, remove the film from each slice, cut the slices into 3 parts. We clean the fresh cucumber from the skin and seeds and cut into cubes, like beets. Making balsamic syrup. To do this, heat balsamic vinegar with sugar on the stove, evaporate by 1/3.
Add to beets. In another bowl, mix cucumbers with orange, a pinch of salt and olive oil. We spread the salad in layers: the first layer is half the volume of beets, the second is half the volume of orange and cucumbers, the third is feta cheese, cut into neat cubes. Top the feta with toasted sesame seeds (if the sesame is not fried, it will be damp) and finely chopped green onions. Decorate the dish with balsamic syrup.

Avocado, grape and cheese salad


200 g avocado
1 small bunch of green and black grapes
150 g edam cheese
1 fig
1 teaspoon mustard
1/2 tablespoon chopped green onion
1 tablespoon peeled pine nuts
white wine vinegar

Instruction: Rinse the grapes, dry them, separate the berries from the twigs and cut them in half, removing the seeds. Cut the avocado in half, cut off the peel, and cut the pulp along with the cheese into small sticks. Pour the pine nuts into a dry frying pan and, stirring, fry. Prepare the dressing: wash the figs, cut in half, take out the pulp with a spoon and mash it slightly. Add mustard, green onions, vinegar, salt and ground pepper to it and mix well. Then, continuing to stir, add vegetable oil. Combine grapes, avocado and cheese, pour dressing over, mix, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with pine nuts, let stand for 10 minutes, and then serve.

Beet salad with cheese


600 g young medium-sized beets
3-4 st. l. olive oil
6-7 art. l. balsamic vinegar
salt and black pepper
150 g blue cheese (roquefort, gorgonzola)
1-2 tsp sesame

Instruction: Boil the beets and cut into 4 parts (if the tubers are large - into 6-8). Heat the oil in a saucepan, put the beets in it and fry for 2-3 minutes. Pour in the vinegar, season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a bowl, let cool and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, crumble the cheese on top of the beets and then sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds. Can be served with arugula.

Mixed salad with chicken and vegetables


120 g chicken fillet
1 egg
40 g white bread pulp
5 g curry
10 g grated parmesan cheese
30 g green salad mix
1 radish
1 cucumber
orange juice from 1/3 orange
2 g mustard
10 g honey
30 g olive oil

Instruction: Beat the chicken fillet on one side, roll in the egg and breading from white bread, curry and parmesan. It turns out a yellow fillet. Drizzle it with olive oil. Radishes, apple cut across, cucumbers - slices. Make the dressing: Combine orange juice, mustard, honey, olive oil, and salt in a blender.
Roast the chicken in a preheated oven for 180°C for 10 minutes. Remove, cut obliquely into small plates and carefully spread over the entire plate. Put the salad mixture on top of the chicken fillet. On top of the salad - plates of vegetables: radish, cucumber, apple in random order. Pour in the sauce. Garnish the dish with hard goat cheese.

Eggplant, mint and feta salad


1 eggplant
2 tbsp. l. olive oil
1/4 pumpkin
100 g feta cheese
2 tbsp. l. freshly chopped mint
1 st. l. lemon juice

Cut the eggplant in half, cube the pumpkin and bake the vegetables in the oven, drizzling with olive oil for 15-20 minutes. Mix pumpkin in a deep bowl with feta, fresh mint and lemon juice. Add salt and black pepper. Stuff the eggplant halves with the mixture.

Salmon salad with herbs


150-200 g salted salmon
150 g soft lightly salted cheese
80 g mixed salads
3 cucumbers
1 small lemon
3-4 st. spoons of olive oil
dried italian herb blend
salt pepper

Instruction: Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly and dry them, put them in a salad bowl. Cut the fish into thin slices. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with vegetable oil, season with salt, pepper and dry herbs. Pour half the dressing over the chopped fish, mix well and leave for 10 minutes.
Cut the peeled cucumbers into thin slices, add to the salad. Cut the cheese into cubes, add to the salad. Add remaining dressing to salad and toss to combine.
Put prepared fish in a salad bowl, mix lightly so as not to damage the fish. Arrange the salad on plates and serve.

Tuna salad with pomegranate


Lettuce and arugula 200 g
1 can of canned tuna
1 pomegranate
2 eggs
salt, black ground pepper
lemon juice
cherry tomatoes

Instruction: Remove the tuna fillet from the jar, let the juice drain and cut into small cubes. Cut the pomegranate with a knife, carefully break it in half and remove the seeds. Mix finely chopped eggs, pomegranate seeds, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and tuna, add salt and pepper to taste. Dress the salad with sunflower oil and lemon juice.
