Why you can't keep antlers at home. My husband brought animal horns from a hunt and hung them on the wall.

My husband bought antlers and hung them on the wall. What does it mean? - a question was asked from the Internet.

Sympathizers answered: “Probably his dreams...

Someone thought: “He’s an esthete with an innate sense of taste.” One warned: “An owl is not allowed into the house, the horns are allowed.”
There was advice to check my husband's crown: - What if?...))

And someone remembered that “the formations on the heads of deer have a disgusting power from damage and evil spirits - they are rubbed and drunk with water.”
Someone chided: “I bought it, but didn’t install it.” Deer antlers. And you can hang everything on the wall.
The following can be classified as “trolling”: - It’s obvious. | - We should ask you why your husband has horns. | - Maybe these are not reindeer ones, but as a keepsake?!?

There were some heart-warming stories:

At one time, my husband and I bought deer antlers (in Norway), or rather, I bought them, my husband resisted... The antlers lay in the basement for 4 years, because I didn’t know where to put them. My husband forbade it in the corridor, but there was no place in my room. Finally, I found a place for them on the TV, they look great. As for our relationship with my husband, it has not undergone any special changes - it remains the same.

My mother-in-law has horns hanging in her house. Everything is fine in the house, BUT... our friend took a photo under these horns and after some time he got betrayed and divorced. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but no one else even stands under these horns.

I’ve had horns hanging in my house for about 20 years now. Until another man gets under the horns, everything is ok.

We had one too - as a result we got divorced. Throw them out!!!

Hence the conclusion: Russian people are not accustomed to deer antlers. In a family of two people there will always be one who is “for” and one who is “against”.
But there are “horn-loving hoarders” in the world who fill their entire home with controversial elements.

1. Quiet, rural Columbia County. A very famous photographer in Manhattan and his two dogs live in a house that looks like a barn:

2. Dining room filled with old furniture. Bull horns.

3. In the living room there is also an antique, made in France, about 200 years ago:

5. In an authentic house, only the bedroom reveals the glamorous profession of the owner:

6. Everything else is a chaotic brocant world. Mixing expensive things with simple ones.

7. Antique wooden table.

8. Terrace, where a company of 12 people can easily fit. The rusty chairs and table date back to 1900.

Wild animals served the Slavs as no less accurate predictors than domestic animals. And although a modern person can rarely see a fox, a hare, and even more so a large animal like a moose anywhere other than a zoo, such encounters do happen from time to time. What do they portend?

Signs about the fox

Tradition considers the fox not the best companion for a person. The red color was disliked in Rus', seeing in it a sign of belonging to evil spirits, and human rumor endowed the animal itself with a bushy tail with unsurpassed cunning and resourcefulness back in the pagan era. Who wants to deal with a cheat who is just waiting to trick the first person they meet?


  • If you see one fox, there is no reason to be alarmed - this is good luck.
  • But the sign only works until the red-haired sly one crosses the road. Whoever the fox cuts off should expect trouble.
  • A bad sign and several animals walking somewhere in one red company: such a sign foreshadows several unpleasant events, one after another.

In earlier times in Europe it was believed that a witch could turn into a fox. Of course, with the most vile intentions! Therefore, a meeting with a red beast in mystical places - in wastelands, abandoned villages or cemeteries brought double horror. You never know what the evil creature will come up with!

The heroine of Russian fairy tales promises the driver continuous expenses and troubles

Shoot down

Drivers don’t like the fox either:

  • If an animal passes in front of a car, it will get into an accident before evening. True, it’s minor, nothing threatens the lives of passengers.
  • If you hit a fox, the car will no longer be of any use: breakdown after breakdown, scratch after scratch, and you will start getting into accidents literally out of the blue. If you are a suspicious person, this will happen. A nervous driver behind the wheel is a real disaster.

Other superstitions

A fox running near a home was perceived as a prophecy of illness and death. But there is a huge plus! No one is forcing you to view a red-tailed fortune teller as a bad sign. Remember, in popular belief one fox promises good luck. This means that there is always the possibility that she came running to announce her impending success. But what if? If you keep chickens, the questions disappear by themselves. Check that the door to your chicken coop is securely locked and sleep soundly.

About hares and bunnies

Fluffy, harmless, soft... Who would dare call big-eared guys whom you just want to pick up and cuddle as a bad sign?! That's right, no one has. Brother rabbits in all cultures embody pure positivity.

Rabbit in the house

A domestic rabbit in a private house or apartment is:

  • Wealth. It must have been the thick fur that brought people to such associations, which, although valued several times lower than sable, coped with the task of warming and pleasing the skin with a silky touch.
  • Friendly family and many children. There is no need to explain anything here. It is known that “they breed like rabbits.”
  • Luck. It is unknown why, but several nationalities immediately declared the lop-eared creature a symbol of success. And they didn’t even consider it shameful to carry around a dubious talisman - a rabbit’s foot. But you will have four paws that will be jumping around the apartment together with its vigorous and cheerful owner. There will be four times more happiness!

wild hare

Only a white animal is considered a bad omen

There is a widely known legend about how Pushkin, on his way to St. Petersburg to meet with the Decembrists, saw a hare on the road. And he immediately ordered the carriage to be turned around, which later saved him from Siberia and hard labor. Reasoning logically, we can assume that the great poet was tormented by bad doubts, and the hare became the last straw and did not predict anything. But the fact is a fact: an educated, intelligent and gifted person did not hesitate to admit that no, no, and he is guided in his actions by signs. Times have passed, but the scythe still scares superstitious drivers on forest roads.

  • Not every hare is bad. White promises problems, black - good luck. If you meet a brown animal, remember your cherished wish and it will come true.
  • When a white animal rushes along the road, it warns of a fire; If he decides to cross it, he will bring misfortune.
  • If a hare crosses the path of the young, family life will not work out.
  • If he passes in front of a sailor, he is in danger. It is better to stay away from water on this day.
  • Cut the path of a pregnant woman? A child may be born with a defect in appearance - a “cleft lip”. But if you remember how many of these animals darted along the roads before, such decoration should have appeared in half the population of Russia and Europe.

Shoot down

Some beliefs believe that a person who kills a hare brings on many problems, so an animal accidentally falling under the wheels of a car does not bode well. On the other hand, how many hunters hunted for this harmless fur-bearing animal! If the sign worked, who would decide to go into the forest with a gun?

About moose

A sure sign: if an elk steps out onto the road in front of you, it means that the forests in your area are dense and extensive, because only a few manage to encounter this miracle these days. What does folk wisdom say about this?

It's better not to quarrel with a forest giant

See on the road

It doesn't matter whether the moose stepped onto the highway in front of a car or met a traveler on foot. In both cases, the road will not go as smoothly as planned. Either something will break, or you will have to return, or the traffic police will find something to complain about. It is useless to go around the forest animal; honking is even worse. Wait until the elk decides to move on, and then pick up three pebbles from the ground and throw them over your left shoulder with the words: “Go your way, and don’t touch me.” After this, the belief requires that you pick up the stones and throw them away only after you have safely reached your destination.

Shoot down

Our ancestors did not leave instructions regarding the downed elk, and modern car enthusiasts have made mistakes in this matter. This must be a sign of losing money: for hitting a moose, there is a rather large fine, and you don’t want to imagine what will happen to your car after such a collision.

It could also be a sign that it's time to improve your driving skills! If you didn’t notice such a giant in time, then next time you might run into a smaller pedestrian on two legs.

About the horns

Some people have no luck meeting horned forest animals. But we manage to get up close and personal with its most noticeable part – the shed antlers. What do beliefs suggest to do in this case?

Deer antlers will provide an entire army of sons!


  • If you find a horn, you will find good luck. And it doesn’t matter whether an elk or another ungulate dropped its bag. You'll still be lucky.
  • If you come across a deer antler, a son will be born.
  • The bull's horn was considered protection from evil spirits.

Horns as home decoration

  • Care is required here. First: a piece of jewelry “voluntarily” shed by an animal is considered to be filled with good energy, because its owner was alive and well when he parted with the horns. Esotericists do not like things taken from a shot animal. It is believed that it carries bad energy, which will slowly undermine the well-being of the house and adversely affect the health of its inhabitants.
  • It is also believed that horns will provoke one of the spouses to betrayal or divorce. But the origin of this sign is easy to trace: almost everyone knows who the mocking saying calls cuckolds. Decide for yourself whether to trust the superstition, which was born out of a joke, or your soul mate.
  • To leave no doubt about how the original decorative item was obtained, buy horns... wooden ones. They, unlike real ones, should fill your home with joy and attract wealth. Just don’t hang new decorations in the bedroom - you’ll give insomnia!

These are, perhaps, all the signs associated with foxes, hares and horned forest animals on the road. What else should I add? Be careful while driving, decorate your house as you please and love animals. Good omens will come, bad ones... Why should you think about them?

Recently, a pressing question has arisen on the Internet: why do people buy moose antlers? In some countries, dried growths of wild animals are bought for a thousand dollars. In Russia they offer more than $300 for a pair. With such a high cost, some businessmen decided to enrich themselves by reselling goods abroad. Poaching is in full swing.

History of popularity

Why people buy elk antlers can be determined by the beneficial properties of the substances made from the powder. The Chinese are the first connoisseurs of traditional medicine in which saiga horns were used. The manufactured product is intended against severe complications. Has similar properties

Having realized why elk antlers are being bought, many people turn to poaching in the hope of receiving a high fee for catching wild animals. However, Russian law prohibits hunting saigas. It takes a long time to raise livestock, but farm owners are already making good money by cutting down ripe shoots. But in nature there are only a few individuals left that are on the verge of extinction.

What's the benefit?

According to ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine, horn powder in an amount of 1-3 grams is used for the following purposes:

  • Extend life by increasing the strength of the person taking the powder.
  • Strengthen willpower and resistance to disease.
  • Used as an effective medicine against purulent abscesses in the bones.
  • Restore male strength or help improve kidney function.

Why they buy elk antlers becomes clear from the treatises of modern Chinese medicine. Doctors give patients powder for diseases:

  • Stroke.
  • Stomach ulcers.
  • For liver diseases.
  • To cleanse the blood, get rid of toxins and waste.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Powder from the horns can even bring a patient out of a coma.

All the beneficial properties of horns have been proven by scientists and confirmed in practice. This does not end the extensive list of amazing properties of the powder.

Use in production

Both medicines and nutritional supplements are made from powder from elk or deer antlers. The benefits of using them are immediate. After the first course of treatment, the patient notices a significant improvement in well-being.

Producers are ready to buy red deer, elk, saiga, roe deer, and zucchini. The price varies from 6 to 11 dollars per kilogram. Among them there are wholesale buyers; when selling large quantities, no delivery fee is charged.

The horns are used to make souvenir items, which, by imparting antiquity, can positively influence the future of their owner’s home. Beautiful amulets hanging on the wall exude positive energy. Solid material is also used in the production of boxes, tables and other household items. If nature has awarded an animal with huge horns, then the price of the products increases tens or hundreds of times.

Cost on the Internet

It’s not difficult to find an ad now; there are messages everywhere saying “I’ll buy moose antlers.” The price per kg is small for pets - a couple of pieces cost from 500 rubles and more. But beautiful and finished options, not for medicine, can cost tens of thousands of rubles.

When calculating the price, the region of residence of the animal, age, weight and even gender are taken into account. Females of some species may also have horns. What is made from elk antlers is important. The price depends on this; the routes of intermediaries to the final buyer are also taken into account.

Horns can be transported to China through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The border on the territory of the Russian Federation with these countries is the Far East and Primorye. Under such conditions, the price varies within 20 thousand rubles per pair, which is quite profitable.

To believe signs or not is a personal matter. But our ancestors collected them for all occasions. According to popular belief, some human habits or interior items can attract good luck or vice versa - problems and bad luck.

For example, artificial flowers, which most people like to decorate their rooms with, are undesirable interior elements. You shouldn’t keep them in a living room, as they seem to cause conflicts in the family, worsen your well-being, and prophesy bad news. Peacock or pheasant feathers attract trouble, and the worst thing, as people believe, is to keep wax flowers at home: it is believed that wax is a sign of the grave.

Don't keep horns at home

Those who like to decorate their home with images of predatory animals or hunting trophies should take into account the fact that this attracts negative energy into the house. And deer antlers can generally cause heavy losses and separation from loved ones. Sea shells provoke a regular return to unpleasant memories.

It is also not recommended to keep broken or chipped dishes at home. You should get rid of it immediately, because the family will be haunted by troubles. In any case, you should not keep a photo in a cracked frame, even if it is a gift dear to your heart, since the positive energy and inner peace of this person will also crack. Indoor plants climbing along walls or a special frame can become a harbinger of illness and disorder in the family.

Elderly people know many different beliefs, believe in them themselves and tell them to their children and grandchildren. For example, you should not place forks or knives crosswise; sharp corners provoke family squabbles. You should also not give a knife, even if asked for it, because there will be a quarrel. You cannot take salt from the same salt shaker at the same time as someone else; they say that a “black cat” will run between people. If this has already happened, then in order to prevent conflict, both should smile. And if you suddenly cough while eating, then you should expect guests.

From a bad word, from an unkind eye

Various objects with folk painting can serve as an amulet against troubles. They relieve nervous tension and set a person up for positivity. And sofa cushions with embroidery provide mutual understanding between family members and home comfort. If you come across a nesting doll somewhere, you should definitely buy such a souvenir. In addition, when there are a pair of figures in it, it will support financial wealth in the family, and an unpaired number will protect against unwanted guests, the evil eye and conflicts.

If a black cat crossed the road

We are used to thinking that a black cat means bad luck. But owners who keep black cats and dogs can rest assured: such animals will protect the house from thunderstorms and thieves. And this sign is probably interpreted in a modern way: office workers say that you shouldn’t often remember your boss so that he doesn’t come back angry. To be sure to get from someone what you ask for, you need to try to walk around that person three times.

Home should be a space in which you can and should restore strength, feeling protected. However, it is not so rare that negativity follows us outside, from the “big world”, into the house; and we make other mistakes ourselves, making our homes potentially dangerous.

Guard at the door

In the Feng Shui tradition, in the hallway there should be a pair of fighting “unicorns” - rhinoceroses, with horns pointing towards the front door. Such a double talisman (guardians of most peoples of the world, cultures and traditions walk in pairs) is often considered to protect only from robberies and “dashing people” - but, believe me, the rhinoceros horn also reflects invisible evil that can penetrate from outside the house.
If there is no man in the house, or he is small or old, you can resort to an even stronger pair of guards - crocodiles or alligators. These are the recognized “guardians of the gates”! However, in a family in which there are many men, teenage boys, especially those with difficult characters, rhinoceroses are preferred. Alligator guards can awaken excessive fighting ambitions and aggression in the active, courageous head of the family.

Slavic traditions of protection from negativity involve, first of all, the use of a “salt path”. Near the outside of the door, right under the jamb, sprinkle a strip of salt. Renew it on new and full moons.

If you are sure that an unpleasant person with an “evil eye” is coming into your house, place a new broom tied with a red ribbon in the corner of the hallway. After the unwanted guest leaves, throw a pinch of salt on the threshold and sweep with a broom.

In a country house, hang an antler or a pair of deer or elk antlers outside, above the front door. It is not advisable to keep such an item inside the house, but outside it will serve as an excellent protective amulet against energetic aggression of any kind.

Negativity inside the house

We ourselves create areas of necrotic, stagnant energy inside our homes. It stops and delays our vital forces, the egregor of luck, the egregor of love. Everything good drowns in it, like in a swamp. These are deposits and warehouses of old things that are stored “just in case.”

The smaller the housing, and the more people live in it, the more carefully the contents of each shelf and each drawer should be assessed and examined. An item that has not been used for more than a year (except for gold and silver items, as well as crystal) becomes a source of weak necrotic radiation, a kind of “smell of decay.” Old textiles - clothing, bed linen, blankets, pillows - are especially dangerous in this regard.

It is very important where and how knives are stored. The tips of knives and forks in utensil drawers should not point into the room. Otherwise, they create “deadly arrows” of the Sha, which will constantly disturb the peace and undermine the energy defenses of the inhabitants of the house.

Now look under the bed. In theory, there should be a smooth, well-worn floor. The contents of boxes, packages (what else do you have there?) stored under the bed or in a bed drawer are a figurative reflection of what is happening in your health and in your energy. Like? By the way, Feng Shui masters have noticed that women who sleep on beds with storage drawers underneath have a much harder time losing excess weight. And energetically such people are less protected, since at night their natural protective aura is involuntarily “distracted” by the contents of the “underbed” and cannot be fully restored. If you can't move all these things to another place, at least place a layer of aluminum foil between the mattress and the storage area.

Inside your home, to attract good energy and prevent any negativity, keep an image or figurine of the mythical white unicorn. This animal has exceptional strength.

In to the world!

We cannot spend our entire lives within four walls. This means that we will go out into the world - to work, to study, and to go on business and tourist trips.

Clothing turned inside out has long been considered a reliable protection against negativity. Every closet has a hidden piece of clothing that can be worn just like that.

Hand stitches have protective power. If you sew your clothes inside along the seams (the most critical places are near the armpits and at the back of the neck) manually with red thread - it will become armor against negativity and will deter unintentional attacks of envy, anger, etc., which may be directed in your direction from strangers of people. Inside the child’s clothes, I would advise mothers to embroider an image of an eye, in an inconspicuous place on the lining.

And finally, you can resort to the help of a real talisman - a semi-precious stone. Agate and cat's eye have long been seen as having protective powers. These must be real natural stones, not pressed or fake; you can use them as keychains, pendants, bag charms or wallet clasps.

If we believe that evil is everywhere, and is only looking for a crack to penetrate our soul and into our lives, so it will be. Work with the dark, fearful areas of your consciousness, strengthen your spirit - and then you will be able to resist any external negativity.

The case is a pipe

We can also be subject to a negative attack over the phone. It has happened that talking on the phone itself already evokes more unpleasant emotions; They call you at the wrong time, talk about exhausting topics, and hanging up or cutting off the conversation seems indecent? Then twist a “fig” from your free hand. Kukish is a strong protection against any negativity! If it is there, it will be reflected; if it is not there, well, then just exercise your fingers.

Another way is to burn wooden matches after an unpleasant conversation. If the matches flash and go out, there has been negativity breaking your protective field. Light new matches until one of them burns evenly. In general, I advise you to have wooden matches in every home - this is the simplest indicator of a problem and an object of protective magic.

If you often use a mobile phone and you need to protect yourself from the unwanted energy of this device, hang a jade or cut crystal bead on it.
