Test work in the Russian language perspective. Training and testing work in the Russian language for the educational complex "Perspective"_2nd grade

The Perspective work program is quite popular in schools today. All textbooks are included in the Federal State Educational Standard. In this section of the site you can freely download and print textbooks, printed workbooks, teaching aids for the "Perspective" program for primary grades (grades 1, 2, 3, 4).

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook, grade 1, part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

    We continue to publish answers to the mathematics textbook for the first grade for children who study under the Perspective program. GDZ (ready-made homework) for part 2 of the mathematics textbook for grade 1, authors Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka.

  • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 3, part 2 Klimanova, Babushkina

    Here you are holding in your hands the second part of the workbook on the Russian language, authors Klimanova and Babushkina. You probably need answers to assignments for her? We all understand that there is a lot of homework, and there is not much time left to complete assignments in a printed workbook, especially if you take into account clubs, sections, outdoor walks that are mandatory for children, and so on. To make life easier for students and

  • GDZ Mathematics 4th grade workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

    On this page is the GDZ for the second part of the mathematics workbook for grade 4, the authors of which are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Answers to the 7th edition. This is the “Perspective” program; the style of the notebook is already familiar to everyone who studies with it. In the same way as in the previous ones, problems and examples are given, and you need to write the answers in the boxes or in the empty spaces. Unlike the textbook, the tasks in the workbook are much simpler;

  • GDZ Russian language textbook 4th grade, part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

    Those who study from a perspective are familiar with this series of textbooks on the subject of the Russian language, the authors of which are Klimanova and Babushkina. The fourth grade was no exception, the same authors are with us again and give us new tasks. But we are also with you - GDZ for 7 gurus, so doing exercises in the Russian language will be much easier. We only have the correct answers to the tasks. Answers to the 3rd edition.

  • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 3, part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina

    Again and again, I will start with the fact that even though these printed Russian language notebooks are provided by the Perspective program, the school is not allocated money for them and parents are forced to buy notebooks at their own expense. They cost a lot, 250-300 rubles for 1 part, but they don’t make much sense. Therefore, parents, together with the teacher, often decide not to buy workbooks by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. In this case, the teacher

  • GDZ Mathematics 4th grade textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

    Answers to the 4th edition of the textbook. Those schoolchildren who continue or for some reason began studying the “Perspective” program in the fourth grade again encounter textbooks by authors with the already well-known names of Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. The program becomes more complicated, but not too much. The textbook begins with a repetition of what was covered in the third grade within the framework of operations with numbers from 100 to 1000. Half of the textbook is spent studying

  • Vocabulary words 1-4 grades according to the educational complex "Perspective", Klimanova

    List of vocabulary words for grades 1-4 according to the educational complex "Perspective", author of textbooks Klimanova.

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 4 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

    Answers to the 7th edition. If you continue to study under the “Perspective” program in the current academic year, then we have a joyful prospect for you: check your homework with our correct GDZ. Dear parents, this is for you, if you are still checking your child’s homework, and for you, fourth grade students, if you are already so independent that you do your homework and check

  • GDZ Mathematics 3rd grade textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to assignments, solution book

    Ready-made homework for the textbook Mathematics 3rd grade, its first part, according to the Perspective program. The authors of the textbook are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. What we will go through in the textbook: these are again numbers from 0 to 100. There will be addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will review quantities and how to convert them into each other, and practice solving problems.

  • GDZ Literary reading 2nd grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

    GDZ "Literary reading" 2nd grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti. The creative notebook “Literary Reading” for grade 2, authors Klimanova, Koti, keeps pace with the textbooks for the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers must be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ on 7 gurus, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

  • GDZ Literary reading 4th grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

    GDZ "Literary reading" 4th grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti.

  • Tests in mathematics grade 4 "Perspective"

    Tests from the manual "Mathematics. Methodological recommendations." The authors are the same as those of the mathematics textbook itself (Dorofeev and Mirakova), from which the teacher teaches lessons, so the tests are synchronously consistent with the completed curriculum.

  • GDZ Russian language 2nd grade textbook part 2. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to tasks ✍

    In the "Perspective" program of the elementary school, the reference book for students in the subject Russian is the textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We continue to work with textbooks and workbooks by these authors. The program is becoming more and more complex; in the second part you will increasingly look into our State Database. We hope you quickly

  • GDZ "Mathematics 3rd grade". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

    Math workbook for the Perspective program for 3rd grade. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for the workbook for grade 3, the second part of the workbook, its authors, like the first, are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers have been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

  • GDZ "Mathematics 2nd grade". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

    We continue to study mathematics using the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buk. This semester we will learn to count by tens, learn what round numbers are, go over the topic of forming numbers greater than twenty, and learn how to easily operate with two-digit numbers. Regular for

  • GDZ "The world around us, grade 4". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to the 5th edition. The second part of the workbook for grade 4 on the subject “The World Around us” by Pleshakov, Novitskaya (Perspective program) is quite complex, but the children are no longer small, capable of understanding both history and archeology.

  • GDZ "Russian language grade 3". Textbook part 1. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

    Ready-made homework assignments on the subject "Russian language grade 3" for part 1 of the textbook (authors of the textbook Klimanova, Babushkina) continue the series of GDZ according to the "Perspective" program. The textbook for the third grade contains both repetition and deepening of knowledge for the 2nd grade, as well as new material, new rules and exercises to consolidate them. Tasks

  • Write down on a separate sheet of paper a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object - this is one of the creative tasks in the subject “The World Around You”, grade 4, using Pleshakov’s textbook. And if everything is clear with the first part of the task, namely, you can write any fairy tale involving

  • To write the test correctly, let's repeat the topic. Homogeneous members of a sentence are those that answer the same question, relate to the same member of the sentence and perform the same syntactic function (i.e., occupy the position of one member of the sentence). All members of a sentence can be homogeneous: subjects, predicates, definitions, complements,

  • Biography of Vitaly Bianchi for children

    Bianchi's love for nature and interest in science developed in childhood. Vitaly Bianki was born in 1894 in St. Petersburg, in the family of an ornithologist, curator of the collections of the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Valentin Lvovich Bianki. An ornithologist is a scientist who studies birds. Bianchi's apartment was located directly opposite the museum where the boy's father worked. The children - three sons - often visited the halls of this museum.

  • GDZ Russian language grade 2 workbook part 2. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

    The second part of the Russian language workbook for grade 2 by Klimanov and Babushkin is no different in complexity from the first. The tasks are quite simple, but sometimes creative, which confuses parents involved in preparing and checking their child’s homework. Sometimes you just need to check in and make sure you're on

  • "Rocking chair and sandbox" technology 3rd grade

    The technology textbook on "Perspective" is full of interesting master classes. But the fact is that the authors of the textbook successfully scanned them from somewhere, without going into details, whether they drew everything there correctly or not. Without a textbook, and most schools don’t issue technology textbooks, it’s even more difficult to figure it out. For example, the topic for 3rd grade is “Rocking chair and sandbox”. From

  • Tests, quizzes and tests on literary reading, grade 3, Perspective program

    Options for tests and tests on literary reading for grade 3 according to the Perspective program, as well as the final test for the year.

  • Control dictations for grade 3 according to the "Perspective" program

    KIMs (control dictations) according to the method “Lesson lessons in the Russian language”, Perspective program, 3rd grade.

  • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 4 part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina ✍

    We have already written a lot of words about workbooks in the Russian language on the printed basis of the “Perspective” program, authors Klimanova, Babushkina, we never tire of repeating that another workbook, now for the fourth grade, is a waste of time for the student and parents. It would be nice if they were given out at school for free, but you also need to buy them, and they don’t cost a penny. The tasks are simple, but, as usual, there are some

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook 1st grade, part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚✍

    Let’s immediately say that this textbook is suitable for children who are not at all familiar with numbers and have little knowledge of counting, and such children are, frankly speaking, rare in our time. Of course, those parents who are for “that very Soviet education system”, which gave everything from scratch and at school the child really learned to read, will be happy.

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook, grade 2, part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

    So we finally made it to second grade safely. Lessons have started again and again they are homework. To make doing homework with your child and checking answers much easier, you can use our ready-made math homework in the form of a workbook. GDZ in this section of the site

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 3 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

    At numerous requests from students and their parents, we are publishing a math worksheet for the Perspective program for grade 3. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for the workbook for grade 3, or rather the first part of it, the authors of which are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers are checked and approved

  • GDZ Russian language grade 2 workbook part 1. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

    Ready-made homework assignments in the subject Russian language for grade 2 for the first part of the workbook according to the perspective program, authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina for the current school year will help check the child’s answers without spending a lot of time on busy parents.

  • Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov... Determine the hair color of Ryzhov (or each)

    Three friends met in a cafe: Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov. “It’s amazing that one of us is blond, the other is a brunette, the third is red, and yet none of us has a hair color that matches our surname,” the black-haired man noted. “You’re right,” said Belov. Determine the color of Ryzhov's hair.

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 2 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

    So our students moved to second grade. We continue to study the mathematics course using the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by the authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buk, and those who suddenly switched to this program for some reason will become familiar with them. The tasks are quite simple, except for a few inappropriate ones.

  • In the opinion of many elementary school teachers, this is a rather stupid creative notebook, and therefore most do not even purchase them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go through this creative notebook briefly, without stopping or special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook is for a textbook on

  • GDZ "The world around us, grade 4". Workbook part 1. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to the 5th edition. By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality ready-made homework assignments for the Perspective program. This time, the solution book on the subject of the world around us for 4th grade will be in view.

  • Comprehensive final test work 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade Federal State Educational Standards

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  • GDZ Mathematics textbook 2nd grade, part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks

  • The tests were compiled for the textbook by G.V. Dorofeeva, T.N. Mirakova "Mathematics 2nd grade" UMK "Perspective". At the beginning of the page there are test options compiled by primary school teachers, at the end there are test options from the compiler of the UMK mathematics textbook

  • Options for test work on literary reading for grade 2, UMK Perspective. Partly on knowledge of the program, partly on logic and attentiveness. The tests will help in preparing for the unified test in grade 4, since it is also given in the form

  • GDZ "Write beautifully" workbook 1st grade Klimanova, Abramov. Answers to tasks 📚

    Ready-made homework for the workbook on the subject Russian language “Write beautifully” for 1st grade. Authors L.F. Klimanova, A.V. Abramov. It is known how difficult writing is for children. So, the children have already learned the alphabet and finished the “My Alphabet” notebooks. Interesting and

  • GDZ "The world around us, grade 3". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Ready-made homework assignments with answers for the second part of the workbook on the subject The world around us, 3rd grade. The authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Perspective program. The workbook will be useful to every student

  • GDZ "The world around us, grade 3". Workbook part 1. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to assignments in the workbook on the subject The world around us for grade 3, part 1 of the workbook, authors Pleshakov and Novitskaya, Perspective program. The workbook will help you with your homework.

Test work 1

Word, sentence and text in speech communication

1. Write down only words denoting actions that can be performed in physical education class. Write down three examples of your own words.

Listen, run, jump, yawn, tumble, spin, jump, quarrel, stand up, sit down, squat.




2. Complete the proverbs. What punctuation mark should you put at the end?

Measure seven times, once ___________________________

Done the job - go for a walk ______________________________

Underline words with two syllables.

3. Make a riddle from a group of words. Add punctuation at the end.

Brothers, they look, no, water, never, two, will come together.



4. Select the sentences and write them down on the correct lines.

The purpose of the sentence is to ask the question:




The purpose of a sentence is to communicate something:




The purpose of a sentence is to encourage action, to ask for something:




The purpose of the proposal is to advise:




The purpose of the sentence is to order:




Suggestions for selection: Are you ready to go? Morning has come. We leave tomorrow morning. Please take your skis with you. Don't touch the dog! Please dress warmly. Do not be late! Please don't be bored without me.

5. Fill in the missing letters. Write down what else communication cannot exist without.

According to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, without friendship, no ____communication between people has value.








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Test work 2

Word, sentence and text in verbal communication (continued)

1. Mark the sentences at the end of which the punctuation marks are INCORRECT.

 Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place!

 Doggie, little white ear, have you seen where Tanya is?

 It’s true, children, I’m good.

 Well, Africa. That's how Africa is.

2. Write down the number of participants in the conversation.

I fell today and hurt myself badly.

Did you cry?

But no one saw it. (K. Chukovsky)


Write the correct word into the sentence.

A recorded conversation is a _______________________________________ speech.

The participants in the conversation are __________

3. From words with uncheckable spelling, select any words and make one sentence with them. Write it down.

Suddenly, fun, wind, sparrow, car, Saturday, last name, good, language.


Write down the words that are not included in the sentence and separate them for transfer.

4. Number the sentences in the order in which they should be meaningful in the text.

 I wish I could turn everything upside down!  And the trees would rustle outside the window.  And when I went outside, I would soar into the clear sky.  We live on the top floor.  Then we would live on the first floor.

(N. Dubina)

5. Title the text from the previous assignment. Please tick the correct answer.

 this is a story

 this is the description

 this is reasoning

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Test work 3

Native language is the main assistant in communication

1. Read the statements of preschool children. Do they know their native language well? Replace words invented by children with generally accepted ones. Write them down.

Seryozha clung to his mother, she hugged him.

I'm all pissed off! - he boasts.

Look how it's raining!


Oh, what a bubble I blew!


(K. Chukovsky)

2. Connect figurative expressions with their meaning with arrows.

Keep your mouth shut.

The tongue does not turn.

Bite your tongue. Talk in vain.

Spill the beans.

Grind with your tongue. Be silent.

The tongue itches.

Tongue without bones.

3. Mark sayings that have the same meaning.

 You can’t keep up with my tongue barefoot.

 Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat.

 He won’t reach into his pocket for words.

 You can’t spoil porridge with oil.

 If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.

4. Choose a proverb from task 3 with which you can end the text and write it down.

My desk neighbor loves hints. He comes out to the board and catches every whisper.

And today the guys agreed to remain silent.



5. Read the text. Insert the missing letters. Write down what the person responded.

One person was asked what ___language is the most beautiful.

He replied:

Certainly, ____________________________________________________________ !

Hint words: sonorous, rich, native, unfamiliar, foreign, melodious, melodic.

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Test work 4

Sounds and letters. Syllable. Accent

1. Guess the riddle.

The baby is dancing, but only one leg.

Underline the consonants in the highlighted word that are paired according to deafness and voicedness.

2. Write down in numbers how many are in the guess word from task 1:

letters ___________; sounds ___________;

vowels __________; consonants _________.

3. Underline words that cannot be divided for hyphenation. Write the first line syllable by syllable.

A goat walked along the bridge and wagged ponytail,

I got caught on the railing and landed straight in the river -


Come up with and write down proper names.

A goat named ___________________________ lives in a village called ______________________________.

4. Write down the sound pattern of the word highlighted in the text of task 3.

5. What words denoting action can replace the wordbang ? Write down at least three, separating them for transfer.



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Test work 5

Sounds and letters. Syllable. Accent (continued)

1. Fill in the missing letters and recognize the fairy-tale characters.

M___l___n___, K___r___chk___ R___b___, Zm___y G___r___n___ch.

Underline the correct answer.

 Vowels were written in.

 Consonants were written in.

2. Put an accent mark in the words. Underline those words in which there is no need to put an accent mark.

The smoke from the stove reached towards the smoke,

And it was leaning because

Sun for the winter, for the winter,

For the frosty winter.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

3. Form new words without swapping a single letter. What do I need to do?

Castle, fall asleep, squirrels all around, horns, already.

4. Read the words out loud, put an accent mark in them.

Augustovsky, pamper, to the children, envious, calling, catalogue, quarter, garbage chute, start, cakes, owners, gypsies, scoop.

Are all words written in alphabetical order? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

5. Which vowel is always stressed? Write down five words with this letter.




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Test work 6

The sound [th, ] and the letter Y

1. Add the name of the colors of the pencils so that the rhythm of the poetic lines is maintained.

Sima has pencils:

Purple and blue


Choose any one for yourself!

Words to choose: green, black, red, pink, white, purple, blue.

Write down four words for the colors of the pencils. Words must consist of two syllables.



2. Check the box that contains the most words with the letter you are studying.

 Sima, please lend me a white pencil.

3. Write the words in alphabetical order.

Tea, barn, loaf, land, harvest, tram.



4. Write down the words from task 3 in this order: first consisting of one syllable, then two, then three.



5. Underline words with a letterth , which CANNOT be divided into syllables. Underline proper names.

Whose barking am I hearing?

You, my friend, be silent, don’t bark.

You see, my friend Egor

He's climbing over the fence towards us.

(S. Mikhailova)

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Test work 7

Sound [e] and letter E

1. Write it down in one word.

Environmental Science - _____________________________________________________ .

The line dividing the globe in half is ____________________________________.

Visiting of museum - _______________________________________.

Items in the museum, at the exhibition - _____________________________________.

Words to choose: popsicle, escalator, ecology, equator, excursion, exhibits, screen.

2. Write the words in rhyme so that they contain the letter being studied.

Anya and I sing a duet. Kolya wants to become ______________________.

Completed ______________________. Sveta came running first.

Words to choose: driver, poet, excavator operator, sports contest, relay race, Olympics.

3. Choose the correct answer. Mark it with a checkmark.

 In task 2 a coherent text is given.

 In task 2, sentences of different content are given.

4. Emma, ​​Elya, Elvira and Eleanor came running after Sveta in the relay race. What did they exclaim in unison at the finish line?


Words to choose: Oh!, Ah!, Eh!, Wow!

5. Read the statement.

An electrician is the brother of an electric train.

Do you agree with him? _____________________

Explain the meaning of these words in writing.

An electric train is ____________________________________________________________.

An electrician is ________________________________________________________________.

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Test work 8

Hard and soft consonants. Their designation in writing

1. Read. Find the highlighted words. First write down the word starting with a hard consonant, and then with a soft one.

Young man was on watch somehow carried.

Clap! Fell. Raskvasil nose.

Well, what is the demand from the poor guy?

He's a cabin boy - not a sailor!

(S. Mikhailova)


Select the correct answer using the arrow.

be on duty on the ship.

Keeping a watch means

drag something heavy.

2. Confirm or refute the statement. Please tick the correct answer.

In the third line of the poem about the cabin boy there is not a single soft consonant sound.

 That's true.  This is not true.

3. In these words, underline the same letters that indicate different sounds in terms of hardness and softness. Write down the letters next to each other that indicate the softness of the consonants.

Honey and raspberries.

The letters __________________ add softness.

4. Compare the sounds [m] and [m , ]. Underline the correct answer.

 They are deaf and unpaired.

 They are voiced and paired.

 They are voiced and unpaired.

5. Write the name of the place where you live. Make a diagram of the word next to it.


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Test work 9

Hard and soft consonants. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1. Fill in the missing letters in the poem. Underline words that differ in one sound. Circle the vowels that indicate the softness of consonants with an oval.

Don't break your neck from laughing here.

There's a smart little girl in the house.

M___shka, master, all the cracks are forgotten,

But I forgot to put a mousetrap.

So the ____fish fits into the window,

It's still throwing food into the hole.

(S. Mikhailova)

2. Write out always hard consonants from the text of task 1 as many times as they appear in it.


3. Read the phrases.

Sing louder, pike tail, bird squeak.

Find and write down a word in which all consonants are unpaired soft.


4. Change the words to form the plural according to the model.

Door - doors, nail - ________________________,

drill - _________________________________, swan - ______________________________,

drake - _______________________________.

5. Write down words with the opposite meaning that contain a non-separatingb .

Light - _____________________, truth - _______________________,

labor - ___________________, sadness - __________________________,

purity - _________________________.

Words to choose: fun, joy, lies, lies, dirt, dust, darkness, darkness, laziness, idleness.

Insert the correct words into the proverb.

Yes ____________________ - a day away.

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Test work 10

Hissing consonant sounds. Letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA –SCHA, CHU-SCHU, CHK, CHN, SHCHN

1. Fill in the missing letters in the tongue twisters.

Scales near the cheek, bristles near the cheek. Dragging___, not dragging___, I'm afraid that I'll release___. The wolves are prowling___t, squealing___ searching___t.

2. Complete the rules with examples.

Consonant sounds [ch, ], [sch, ] are always soft, and in letter combinations ______________________ the letters are written _________________. For example: _______________________________________________________________________.

Consonant sounds ___________________________ are always soft, and in letter combinations _________________________ the letter ____________ is always written. For example:

3. Read an excerpt from a poem by V. Suslov. Underline the letter combinations you are learning.

Hush, Rustle, don't breathe!..

Do you hear the reeds have died down?

I hear you. Through the swamp

The herons went hunting.

The herons are in a hurry to have dinner,

They are looking and looking for frogs.

Select and write down the necessary tips for the frogs so that they do not get caught in the heron’s beak.

Word combinations to choose from: don’t rustle, don’t breathe loudly, don’t rush upstairs, don’t stick your head out, look out for each other, don’t tremble with fear, stick together.



4. Find in the incomprehensible word invented by A. Kochergina five understandable ones that have some meaning. Each of them must contain the letter combination being studied. Write these words down.

skisfish halos



5. Guess the riddle. Write down in order all the letter combinations related to the topic being studied.

I'm happy - I whistle, I'm sad - I'm silent,

I'm looking for worms and flying into the grove.


Find and underline words in the riddle that have opposite meanings.

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Test work 11

Hissing consonant sounds. Letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU, CHK, CHN, SHCHN


1. In the names of fairy tales, find and underline the letter combinations whose spelling you need to remember.

“Ryaba Hen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Little Mermaid”.

2. Read and guess the riddle. Underline the letter combinations you are studying. Write the answer.

In a wooden house

Dwarves live.

Such good-natured people -

They hand out lights to everyone.


3. Cross out the word in each row that does not contain the letter combinations being studied.

Barrel, dot, leaf, bud.

Exactly, urgently, on purpose, daughter.

Powerful, hand-to-hand, predatory, residential.

4. Underline the words that contain the letter combinations being studied.

Three little fairies were sitting on a bench.

(S. Marshak)

5. Write out all the letter combinations you are studying from the poem as many times as they appear in it.

We bought it for our daughter

White socks,

And also excellent,

Durable, practical,

Very cute


(S. Mikhailova)


Is the highlighted word in the text divided into syllables correctly? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

Select from brackets a word with one of the letter combinations you are studying, cross out the rest.

Of course, we chose shoes (yellow, red, brown).

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Test work 12

Syllable. Hyphenation

1. Underline the words in the text that CANNOT be hyphenated.

When I was little, in winter the thermometer outside the window sometimes showed such frosts that it became scary. Then I rubbed the thermometer with a mitten and breathed on it. It immediately became warmer.

(S. Georgiev)

2. Divide the words first into syllables, and then according to the rules of transfer.

Small, in winter, sometimes warmer.






3. Read and guess the riddle.

B said:

Listen, A,

Let's run to look for words!

They look - a barrel.

Barrel letters

We rolled along the sand.

The barrel has become light,

Carried away under the clouds.

Write down the guess word, dividing it into syllables.


4. Write down the tongue twister syllable by syllable.

There is a magpie on the gate, a crow on the fence, a sparrow on the road.




How do you understand the expressioncount crows ? Use an arrow to indicate the correct answer.

To sit back, to be distracted from something.

Do math

5. Write down the first five words, dividing them according to the rules of transfer. Write down the other five words, dividing them by syllables.

Girl, village, Saturday, fun, thank you.

Shawl, city, berry, harvest, soon.









Test work 13

Emphasis. Stressed syllable

1. Underline the word that in this poem is pronounced with the wrong accent and misspelled.

A bird sat in the meadow,

A cow crept up to her.

And she grabbed the naga:

Birdie, be healthy!

Write the word correctly and add an accent mark.


2. Find two words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently. Write them down and emphasize them.

We write “rye” with a soft sign,

I've been familiar with this for a long time.

(According to A. Kochergina)


3. Compose and write simple sentences so that the different meanings of words in pairs are revealed.

Roast - hot,

mugs - mugs.





4. Place emphasis in the highlighted words. In parentheses after each word, indicate with a number which syllable the stress falls on.

He was allowed shoot(______) on the target. Boy out of breath(_____) and wanted to rest. Girl got drunk(_____) from the stream and caught up(_____) comrades who went ahead. Do not forget put(_____) thing to where took (_____).

5. Put the correct emphasis in words that are written the same but pronounced differently so that the poems and tongue twister read in rhyme and are understandable.

The clay is dry,

Nina got angry

Not flour, but flour, -

Science for bakers.

The needle goes up and down

The leaves have appeared.

Alyonushka sucks iris,

And the iris embroiders.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

There’s no point in breaking the tower, it’s really strong and costs a lot of money.

(S. Mikhailova)

Test work 14

Unstressed vowel sounds. Their designation in writing

1. Read the riddle, insert the missing letters. Write the answer.

I saw such a flower - a golden rim.

For a long time he was in tr___ve with__affairs, became with__smoke and st__tel.


2. Compare the sound and spelling of the vowels in the guess word from task 1. How many sounds in it are pronounced differently from how they are written? Circle the required number with an oval.

3. Choose a test word for each of the words. Write below in order.

Wall, rock, trunks, flowers,

Thunderstorm, arrow, pine, leaves.

(According to Yu. Shcherbakov)





4. Underline the words where all unstressed vowels can be checked.

A goat and seven kids. Kitty, little gray cat. Kolobok. Puss in Boots. A straw, a bubble and a bast shoe.

5. Underline the words that can be used to check the missing letters.

What a crop of rye! K___l___juice to k___l___sk. All ears are smooth and strong. Each ear is full and elastic.

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Test work 15

Unstressed vowel sounds. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1. Put emphasis on the first word. Write a related word into the rhyme.

The donkey was angry today:

He found out that he _________________ .

(According to S. Marshak)

2. Insert the missing letters and write the test word.

M___dovy, m___dovik, m___dved, _______________________.

3. Compare the two counters. Which one should you choose to check the spelling of words? Please tick the correct option.

 I am an animal, and you are an animal, I am a bunny, you are a ferret.

You are cunning, and I am smart. Those who are smart, get out of the circle!

 I am a beast, and you are a beast. I am a hare, and you are a ferret.

You are cunning, and I am smart. Whoever is smart, get out of the circle!

4. Check the box where you can check the unstressed vowel in all words.

 Wave, sea, sand.

 Mushrooms, path, forest.

 Mountain, peak, wind.

 Steppe, fly, falcon.

Make up one sentence with words from any line.

_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________


5. Insert the missing letters. Underline the word with the uncheckable spelling.

One little girl half___flowers on her balcony. Her classmate named St___pan passed by. The girl spilled the rest of the water from the watering can on St___pan, which she later really regretted.

(According to S. Georgiev)

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Test work 16

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Their designation in writing

1. Check the box where in all words the consonant sound at the end of the word needs to be checked. Write down the test words on all lines.

 Tooth, forehead, nose. __________________________________________________________

 Fisherman, bite, catch. ______________________________________________________________

 Step, suddenly, defender.__________________________________________________________

 Garden, grandfather, corner. ______________________________________________________________

Make two sentences from the words in the second line.





2. Change the form of the words according to the model.

Waterfalls - waterfall, rockfalls - ________________________, views - _______________________, eyes - ________________________, potholes - ___________________________, pillars - ___________________________.

3. Complete the words and write test words next to them.

Sugro____ - ____________________, sleep___ - __________________, bear_____ - ___________________________, my___ - _________________, arbu___ - ___________________________, ogoro___ - ____________________________.

In the fall, a gu___flies to rain, and a swan flies to snow.

The horse___ snores before bad weather.

The rooster crows in the cold___ before the warming.

Piglets raise vis___ in winter to cold, in summer to bad weather.

Underline words with a separatorb .

5. Choose the correct answers and underline them.

1) Who took the sun out of the crocodile’s mouth?

bear ox elephant

2) Who saw his reflection in the pond and got scared?

squirrel hare raccoon

3) Who was friends with the monkey and the parrot?

turtle boa constrictor newt

4) Who asked Goodwin for courage?

lion Toto Ellie

5) Which bird is never mentioned in Russian fairy tales?

magpie crow ostrich

Clue: in all answer words, at the end there is a paired consonant sound in terms of deafness and voicedness.

Test work 17

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1. Fill in the missing letters.

The fish___ki swam, dived,

They played hide and seek having fun.

But one day the letter A

She swam to visit the rivers.

It immediately became clear to the fishermen:

With letter A making friends is dangerous.

2. Select and underline those fish names that have a consonant sound at the end that can be verified by deafness-voicedness.

Crucian carp, carp, tench, carp, whitefish, ruff, burbot.

3. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets.

Buttons___ki (_____________________________), scratch___ki (__________________________), edges___ki (___________________________), packs___ki (______________________________)

Sold out completely...

Except for the salesman's uncle (_________________________).

(M. Boroditskaya)

4. Check the row where in all words the paired consonants in terms of deafness and voicedness are in the middle of the word.

 Russula, chamomile, ladybug, meadow.

 Radish, parsley, turnip, dill.

Eyes, legs, eyebrows, ears.

 Paws, rag, pussy, soup.

5. Make a word from the five sounds described here.

1) Voiced, paired with sound [f].

2) Voiced, paired with sound [t].

3) Unpaired voiced, second in a word mole.

4) Stressed vowel, as in a word skirt.

5) Voiced, paired sound [k].

Write down the resulting word.


Is it possible to check the consonant sound at the end of a composed word? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

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Test work 18

Words with double consonants

1. Write the words into two groups according to their meaning.

Tennis, mass, gram, hockey, swimming, kilogram, cross, ton.

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

2. Write down the words that answer the question using the modelWho? orWhat? Circle with an oval those words where the double consonant is not preserved.

Passenger - passenger, Saturday - _________________________, cash - _______________, cool - _____________________, lunar - ____________________, sleepy - ___________________, sailor - _______________________.

3. Write down a word with a similar meaning with a double consonant.

A certain amount of money is ______________________________.

Kind of sport - ________________________________.

Study room at school - ___________________________________.

The measure of weight is ________________________________________.

Complete the sentence by inserting a word with a double consonant that is similar in meaning.

The team is _____________________ friendly children.

4. Find mistakes in words. Write the sentences correctly.

Anyone who gets a low score will not go to the school prom.


The sunset, the alley, was burning, the whole alley was glowing.


5. Choose the correct word in brackets and write it next to it.

Beautiful, clean and tidy,

In other words - (neat, well done, excellent student) ____________________________.

Here's the cotton and it flies up

Festive (serpentine, confetti, firecrackers) ___________________________________.

We're going the fastest

Along Mozhaisky (route, alley, highway) _______________________________.

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Test work 19

Words with unpronounceable consonants

1. Read the poetic lines. Insert the missing letters.

The heart is inseparable from the Russian song,

Sincere, affectionate to the point of tears.

She makes me happy___but then sad___,

She is warm in bad weather and frost___.

(O. Fadeeva)

Underline the word in the poem that can be used to check the wordstormy .

Write down the short and full name of our Motherland.



2. Check the box that contains all words with an unpronounceable consonant.

 Stairs, sun, wonderful.

 Holiday, prankster, feelings.

 Honest, famous, hello.

 Cabbage, local, clear.

3. Add words from task 2 to the sentences according to their meaning.

Today is _________________________________, ________________________________, just some ________________________________! _________________________ warms us with its rays. A butterfly -______________________________ flutters nearby.

4. Write down the answers to the questions, choosing the necessary words from brackets.

What was Karabas-Barabas like? (terrible, wonderful, powerful)


How did Artemon protect Malvina? (furiously, pitifully, valiantly)


Where did Tortilla live? (in the reeds, in the swamp, in the pond)


What fairy tale are we talking about? (about the famous, about the sad, about the interesting)


5. Change the words to answer the question.What? Write them down.

Local - _____________________, hearty - __________________________, cabbage - _________________________, sensitive - __________________________, giant - ______________________, happy - ___________________________.

6. Select and write down the ending of the text.

This student succeeds in everything, he succeeds in everything. He doesn't lag behind in his studies and excels in sports. The guys respect him, the teachers praise him. They say about such people that he is ________________________________________________________________________________


...feels out of place.

... goes his own way.

...born under a lucky star.

Test work 20

Words with dividing soft (ь) and hard (ъ) signs

1. Complete the saying. All words with a soft separator(b) underline.

At the command of the pike, ________________________________________________


Words to choose: according to my desire, according to my desire, according to my order.

From the expressions below, check the box with which you can complete the text.

What a hulk Emelya is! By the time he gets going and gets down to business, the day has already passed.

 You can’t reach him.

 Everything falls on deaf ears.

 He is heavy to climb.

2. Write down the answers, which should contain a spelling on the topic studied.

Sons of the same parents are _____________________________________________________.

You, your mom and dad - ____________________________________________________________.

The road up is ______________________________________________________________.

A message about something - __________________________________________________________.

Mushrooms that should not be eaten are ___________________________________________________.

3. Change the words so that they can be used to refer to girls.

Dancer - _____________________________, talker - ____________________________,

silent - _____________________________, talkative - ______________________________,

naughty - ____________________________, liar - ______________________________,

screamer - _____________________________, grumbler - _____________________________.

4. Write the sentences correctly, choosing words with the studied spellings.

The broth / jelly was drunk / eaten by the postman Pechkin / Little Thumb. Olga/Tatiana put on the medallion/chain. Kolya/Ilya drove in stakes/sticks. The branches/branches are cracking from the blizzard/blizzard.






5. Correct the essay of the second-grader Dunno. Write this text down without errors.

On Sunday I was in the forest with friends. We collected suchev, lit a fire and cooked buckwheat porridge. The donut ate the stump and ate more than anyone else. Bulka stole all the buns. They only drank tea with jam. But it was great.

(According to L. Gaidina)










Test work 21

(one text per text)

A trained bear escaped from the circus. It happened during a festive performance. Mishka rode around the arena on a motorcycle, and when he had to return backstage, he gave in to speed, rushed past the elephant barn like a meteor, knocked down the back gate and soon found himself outside the city.

The bear arrived in the local native forest, gathered all his relatives and loudly announced:

That's it, brothers, long live freedom! Now I am with you forever!

Now feed me properly, give me a bath, then comb my fur... Oh, and don’t forget to fill my motorcycle with gasoline!

(According to S. Georgiev)

2. Answer the questions in writing.

How do animals really communicate? Who can use speech? What should the speech be like?






3. Enter the required numbers in the sentence.

The text contains ______ narrative, ______ interrogative and ______ incentive sentences.

4. Underline words that are pronounced differently from how they are written.

(From) the circus, escaped, time, traveled, backstage, forest, motorcycle, forever.

5. Check the box for words that have more sounds than letters.

 speed  announced  brothers  wool  drove

6. Mark the words in which all consonants are hard.

 bear  when  gasoline  freedom  knocked out

7. Separate words for hyphenation.

Dear, bathe me. __________________________________________________________

8. Fill in the missing words.

Bear! ______________ is not a circus for you, but a forest. There are no combs here. _________________ You made everyone laugh with your stupid requests!

Words to choose: well, come on, oh, this, here, these, yours, there.

9. Fill in the missing letters. Select words in the text that can be used to check the spelling of vowels and write them in brackets.

L___snoy (____), time___mena (____________________), speedy (____________________), wool___wool (_____________________).

10. Prove that almost all words of these sentences contain letter combinations, the spelling of which must be remembered. Underline these letter combinations.

In the heat of the moment, without thinking, getting carried away, the bear rushed into the thicket on a powerful motorcycle. The predator jumped over the hummocks, crushed leaves and flowers, and, of course, not on purpose, scared the whole grove. Siskins and swifts flew away, chirping, snakes and hedgehogs crawled away, hissing and snorting - just hold on!

11. Add a word from the text of task 1 to each row. Underline the double consonants.

Train, training, _____________________________________________.

Bath, under the bath, _____________________________________________________.

Give in, give in, ________________________________________________.

To rush, to rush, _____________________________________________.

Feed, feeder, _____________________________________________________.

12. Choose the correct answer. Circle the desired number.

The text contains 0 1 4 5 words with unpronounceable consonants.

13. Find in the text a word that has the same meaning as this phrase. Write it down.

Made an announcement - _____________________________________________________.

14. What birds and insects have a soft separator in their name?(b) , could a bear on his motorcycle scare you? Write it down.



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Test work 22

The word and its meaning

1. Underline the lines with words that you understand.

Shivandars, shivandars,

Hazelnuts and hazelnuts!

It's good that Varvara is not there!

It's more fun without Varvara!

(K. Chukovsky)

2. Find pairs of words that are similar in meaning. Connect them using arrows.

hippopotamus sad

work eyes

rejoice work

eyes have fun

sad hippo

3. Unravel long words, write down proverbs.

The sun came out at our end.


The stairs cannot be swept from below.


4. Write the words into two groups.

Tags, skates, gates, bouncers, hide and seek, skis, ball, stick, Cossack robbers, puck.

Children's games: ________________________________________________________________


Sport equipment: _______________________________________________________


5. EnterONE multiple meaning word in every sentence.

Our dacha is ______________________ by dad himself. The physical education teacher ____________________ the guys in a line. He ______________________ big plans for the future. Baba Yaga not only ____________________ intrigues, but sometimes helps the heroes.

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Test work 23

Proper and common nouns

1. Find the names of fairy tales that contain proper names. Please check these names.

 “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”



 "Twelve months"

 “Varvara-beautiful, long braid”

2. Write your short biography.

My name is _______________________________________. I was born in the city (village, village) ________________________________, I live on the street _______________________________________, I go to school No. __________. I have a friend, his (her) name is ___________________________. I also want to get a puppy (kitten) and name him _____________________________________.

3. Remember the fairy tale that talks about a milk river with jelly banks. Come up with a name for this river and write it down.


4. Guess and enter the name of the country.

Its forests are huge, its fields are wide, the snow is deep, and the sunrises are blue.

Her name is _________________________.

5. Remember your favorite books and cartoons, answer the questions in writing.

On what street did Dunno live? _____________________________________________

In what village did postman Pechkin work? __________________________________

What was the patronymic name of the hero Dobrynya? _______________________________________

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Test work 24

Words with multiple meanings

1. Check the lines where words are given that have only ONE meaning.

 Flu, girl, birch, pencil.

 Pencil case, trolleybus, pen, suitcase.

 Book, piece of paper, album, notebook.

 Button, dishes, food, athlete.

Enter the desired word by selecting it from the fourth row.

Book - ________________________________ for the mind.

2. The word is mixed up in the poetic lines. Replace it and write what you need next to it.

One day early in the morning

The driver was spinning the donut (________________________).

Greeted the birches,

Chamomiles, dragonflies.

(According to E. Axelrod)

3. Remember and write down five ambiguous words.



4. Fill in the missing letters. In an excerpt from S. Cherny’s poem “Song of the Wind”, find and underline polysemantic words.

Hello___hello, Katya! Are you from school?

Two little tits, a button nose.

I'm your friend in___sely...

Pull off the hat with your___los?

5. Write down the polysemantic words found in task 4 with other words to show their different meanings.





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Test work 25

Words that are similar in spelling but different in meaning (homonyms)

1. Guess the riddle of O. Emelyanova, write a polysemantic word below.

Maybe even cause a flood,

At least pour some water into a glass,

Build a hundred-story house

And stop the train.


2. Write down and add another meaning for each word.

Fastener on jacket, trousers.



Detail of the tank chassis.



Words to choose: natural phenomenon, sister of thunder, heavenly arrow, garden pest, beetle's girlfriend.

3. Write homonym words from the words to choose. Write the same words next to each other again, breaking them into syllables.

They store perfumes and medicines. They hit your nose when you drink lemonade.

This ______________________________. ___________________________________

Board game. Special emblem on taxi.

This ______________________________. _____________________________________

Words for reference: bottles, vials, boxes, checkers, sabers, knives.

4. Guess and write homonym words into the sentences.

1. ___________________________________ has already become the moon in the sky, and dad ___________________________________ is not coming back from a business trip. 2. I’ll pick up the fallen _______________________ and paste it onto the landscape ___________________________. 3. _______________________, _______________________ - there will be a hole, and maybe not just one, but whole _______________________.

Come up with your own sentence using homonym words zebra And zebra.




5. Insert the missing letters (where necessary) and answer the question in writing.

What kind of bird___ is hiding in our test___works?


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Test work 26

Words similar in meaning (synonyms)

1. Check the row in which all words are similar in meaning (synonyms).

 Gloomy, sad, sorrowful, angry.

 Dwarf, baby, midget, little boy.

 Take off, soar, rise, overtake.

 Simple, easy, uncomplicated, interesting.

2. Think about the order in which the words should be arranged. Write them down in the correct order.

Big, gigantic, universal, huge, immense.



Are these words close in meaning? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

Make up and write down word combinations with any two of these words.



3. Read the text. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the word from brackets and write it in the sentence. In the penultimate sentence, underline words that are similar in meaning.

She went out into the garden and _________________________ (gasped, screamed, was surprised). The sun is not quite _________________________ (rose, rose, rose), but its first rays were already shimmering in drops of dew. The apricot trees were __________________________ (fabulous, beautiful, unusual)! They shone and sparkled with a red summer glow. And they smelled.

(According to A. Mironenko)

4. Write down the sentences, replacing each word with something close in meaning if possible.

Grandma's apricot jam was special. Whole apricots swam in a thick, amber and surprisingly fragrant syrup.





5. Compare two poetic passages. Find and write down words that are similar in meaning according to the example.

1. You offended me, but tell me why? 2. You upset me, but tell me why?

I held the lollipop in my hand, I won’t eat it all! I hid the lollipop in my fist, but I’ll take it all away!

I asked for just a little bit, I asked for a tiny bit, I finished just a little bit, I begged for a little bit,

I would carefully bite off a corner. I would carefully break off the edge.

(I. Tokmakova) (S. Mikhailova)

Sample. Offended - offended, ______________________________________________________________





Test work 27

Words with opposite meanings (antonyms)

1. In proverbs and sayings, find and underline words that have opposite meanings.

Know more, say less. Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a foolish friend. If you get used to the book, you will gain intelligence.

Write down the first proverb, separating all the words for transfer.


2. Fill in the missing letters. Guess the riddle, write the answer. Underline words that have opposite meanings.

In a linen line___on a r___sheet

The passage floats, then backwards, then forwards.

And behind it there is such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen.


3. Select and write down words that have opposite meanings.

Floats - __________________________, land - _________________________, moon - _________________________, black - _________________________, night - ________________________, earth - _________________________.

4. Write words with the opposite meaning into folk signs.

Spring is red, but hungry; autumn is rainy, gloomy, yes __________________________. A summer week is more expensive ______________________________.

Words to choose: nourishing, generous, rich, wintery, new, hot.

Write down the wordrainy, dividing it for transfer.


5. The girl accidentally replaced one word with another. Will the new word have the opposite meaning? Please tick the correct answer.

...We decided to tell the guests a story

Read about the squirrel.

But out of excitement I read,

That the bun lived in the cage!

(According to A. Barto)

 Yes  No

Is it possible to match the words squirrel or bun words with opposite meanings? Explain in writing.





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Test work 28

Stable combinations of words

1. Connect stable expressions with their meanings with arrows.

very friendly


feed breakfast get confused, fail to understand something

you can't spill water on a simple, uncomplicated

get lost in three pines promise and fail to fulfill something


get lost

2. Connect stable expressions with opposite meanings using arrows.

keep your eyes open and spill like a nightingale

come to your senses

remain silent work tirelessly

Complete the sentence with one of the set expressions given above.

I used to think that in a lesson you could count crows, and it would still be clear what we were talking about. But, having received two deuces in a row, I realized: I need_________________________________________________________________


3. Fill in the missing letters. Find stable expressions and underline them.

He has twos - the cat cried, p___terks and ch___twerks - a dime a dozen. If I promise something to someone, I always fulfill it: I am the owner of my holy word.

4. Fill in the missing letters.

Ha-ha-ha - the goose cries, -

I'm proud of my___me!

I keep staring, I can’t stare.

(N. Kostarev)

Choose and underline a stable expression that can be used to complete the goose’s statement.

Everything is on hold.

One is better than the other.

Like water off a duck's back.

5. Read the text. Find a stable expression.

My little brother once wanted to drink milk from a jug, but couldn’t hold it and dropped it. Mom asks who broke it, he or the cat, but the brother is silent - he took water into his mouth.

Check the box with the correct statement.

 Both literally and figuratively.


 In a figurative sense.

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Test work 29

Thematic groups of words

1. Guess the riddles. What theme can you combine them with?

There are thirty-three heroes on the page of the primer.

Thirty-three sisters live on one page.

Guess: ________________________________________________

Subject: ___________________________________________________

2. Cross out words that are not included in thematic groups.

School: duty officer, bouquet, class, teacher, glasses, student, surname.

School supplies: pencil case, backpack, notebook, vacuum cleaner, pencil, chalk.

Russian folk games: burners, bowling, Cossack robbers, leapfrog, blind man's buff, stream, hockey.


When I was little, I was afraid of thunderstorms. My grandfather was answerable in his family for thunder and lightning. He climbed to the roof of our house and with a long shaft with a broom tied at the end, he dispersed the low gray clouds. Then I stopped f___ing about gr___zy. And grandpa no longer needed to climb out onto the roof.

(S. Georgiev)

Select words from the text and collect them into a thematic group.

BAD WEATHER: _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Answer the question in writing. Complete the thematic group.

Who was the narrator of grandfather from the text of task 3? _________________________

FAMILY: _________________________________________________________________________________


5. Make up a guess word. It is included in the same thematic group with the rest of the characters in the poem.

Z ubr, e notes, b Arsuk and R ys

Somehow we got together.

galloped up A ntelope,

Someone else stomped with her.

Try to guess.

There are exactly five letters in the answer.

(According to A. Kochergina)

Answer: ___________________________________________

What words from the riddle can be included in this thematic group?

Gathered: ______________________________________________________________________________


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Test work 30

Composition of the word

1. Complete each row with a word that should answer the question in brackets.

Cheerful, cheerful, have fun, (what?) _________________________________________.

Redness, blush, (what?) ___________________________________________.

Story, narrator, (what to do?) ________________________________________.

Volume, loud, rumble, (how?) _____________________________________.

2. Underline words with the same root.

The cat ran to his kittens, the mole hurried to his moles.

Who are these animals going to? Add words with the same root to make a poem that rhymes.

The squirrel jumped towards _____________________________________,

The elk walked towards his __________________________________,

The wolf was in a hurry to ____________________________________,

And the fox rushed towards _____________________________________.

In the names of the cubs you have added, underline the common part.

3. Find 2 words in the poem of the task that indicate the actions of animals. Will they be related? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

From the word jump form three related words.


4. Find the same root words in each sentence. Write down their number next to it.

The cook in the hot kitchen was frying a roast in a brazier. _____________________________

The firefly glowed lightly and brightly in the darkness with a flickering light. _______________

Highlight the common part of the words before the root (prefix) with an icon.

I fried it, baked it, salted it, cooked it.

After dark, again, long ago.

5. Come up with your sentence so that it contains many words with a common root -jump- (-jump-).





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Test work 31

The root is the main part of the word. Cognate (related) words

1. Underline related words in the poem.

Danced through the snow

Snow storms.

Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

(S. Pogorelovsky)

2. Select and tick the row with related words.

 Blizzard, sweep, panicle, mark.

 Blizzard, blizzard, snowy, snowy.

 Snowball, lump, snowflake, snowy.

 Ice, icy, icy, icy.

 Frost, cold, hoarfrost, frosty.

3. Fill in the missing letters. Title the text.


For breakfast, Shumok ate three cotton puffs, two knocks, one squeak. And he washed it all down with a thin squeak. Mom-Shumikha chewed up the clang of the tr___mvay, the rattling of the tr___ctor and the hum of the locomotive.

Papa-Noise swallowed the rumble of the plane and the rumble of thunder.

And then they all wanted something sweet. Laughter, for example. And they went to the cinema to watch some funny cartoons.

(K. Dragunskaya)

Underline related words. In which thematic group can all the words that Shumok ate be included?


4. Add related words to each line.

Creaky, creaky, creaky, __________________________________________.

Sweets, sweet, sweeten, __________________________________________.

Laugh, funny, funny, _____________________________________________________.

Will the words be related? GUL And BOLT? Please tick the correct answer.

 Yes  No

5. Write out 3 words from the text of the task with a separating soft sign (b).



Include in these rows one related word from the text of task 3.

Funny, laugh, __________________________, funny, funny.

Creak, creaky, creak, ________________________________.

Buzz, buzz, ______________________, buzz, buzz.

Sweets, sweet, ______________________, sweet, sweet.

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Test work 32


1. Solve the “equations” by “calculating” the prefix. Write down your answers.

Freeze = freeze.

Work = work.

Soon = not soon.

City = suburb.

2. Write down words with prefixes that have opposite meanings. Select consoles with an icon.

Enter - ____________________, move in - ______________________, leave - _____________________, leave - __________________________.

Write down only words with a prefix that means “to begin an action.”

Pick it up, whistle, scream, sunbathe, laugh.


3. Answer the questions. Please tick the correct answers.

Words finished And finished- same roots?

 Yes  No

Words finished And finished– synonyms?

 Yes  No

4. Fill in the missing letters. Find related words in the text.

I love to bask in the sun. You sit in the door on the bench and warm yourself up. You can also go to the forest or to the beach to warm up. Everywhere there is sun!

It's so crazy this summer. And you can’t stay warm on the beach. And the forest is full of snow.

(According to K. Dragunskaya)

First write down related words without prefixes, and then with prefixes. Select prefixes.







5. Check the box in which all words have a prefix.

 Impossible, dissatisfied, incorrect, black.

 Suburb, habit, winner, saying.

 Overcome, break, interrupt, obstruct.

 Late, lower, besides, younger.

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Test work 33

1. Form new words using the patterns.

Hand - hands, leg - _______________________, nose - _______________________, eyes - ________________________.

Ear - ear, mouth - ____________________, person - __________________________, cat - _______________________.

2. In set expressions, suffixes are replaced in words. Write them down correctly.

Take under your wing. Got caught in the eyes. Keep your nose in the breeze.



3. Change the words according to the he-she scheme.

Guitarist - guitarist, accordion player - ________________________, violinist - _________________________, singer - _________________________, worker - _________________________, pilot - ___________________________.

4. Underline the proper name in the text that contains a suffix.

The earring will not allow anyone to pull the girl Zhanna’s pigtails. If necessary, he does it himself!

(S. Georgiev)

Form as many diminutive names as possible with different suffixes from names Anya, Vania.



5. Fill in the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes in the words that answer the question WHO? orWHAT?

The gray___cat sat down on the p___chick

And he slowly sang a song to Yur___chka:

The bird woke up, the hen stood up,

Get up, my friend, dear Yur___chka!

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Test work 34


1. Determine which part of the word helps to connect the words in a sentence according to meaning.

This _________________________________________________.

2. Change words where possible so that they represent many things.

Birch - ___________________________, snow - ___________________________, plant - ___________________________, cabbage - ______________________________, dishes - ___________________________, car - ______________________________.

Check which part of the word has changed. Highlight it with the icon .

3. Change the words to prove: the highlighted parts of the words are endings.

Shovel - ___________________________________________________

Sparrows - ___________________________________________________

Saturday - ________________________________________________

4. Check the row in which only the endings are separated in all words.

 Girl, village, frost, countryside.

 Foxes, cabbages, dishes, consoles.

 Hares, crows, pencil, duty officer.

 On-soon, not-fun, very-quickly, Russian.

5. Add endings.

Seryozhka planned to build___ snow____ hill___ in the yard, but he miscalculated a little and overdid it. But from the tops of the Seryozhkina Mountains___ Everest is clearly visible, and from Everest___ the Seryozhkin___ snow____ hill___.

(S. Georgiev)

Split the word Serezhkina for transfer.


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Test work 35

Parts of speech

1. Check the row in which all the words indicate the attribute of the object.

 Folk, rustic, suddenly, birch.

 Raven, canine, urban, soon.

 Hello, family, language, berry.

 Girlish, fruitful, windy, Saturday.

2. In E. Raneeva’s poem, underline all the words that denote the action of the subject.


Grandfather and I are very similar and cannot live without each other.

We read newspapers together and hammer nails together.

We drink steamed Pepsi-Cola and sing together with the guitar.

The two of us make shelves for mom, and we both wear T-shirts.

And we both fell in love with our beautiful grandmother Dasha.

3. Think about whether this statement is true or false. Underline the correct answer.

In the text of task 2, only one word denotes the attribute of an object - this word beautiful.

Yes it is. No, that's not true.

Add three more words to answer the question which?

Grandma Dasha is beautiful, _______________________, ______________________ and ____________________________.

4. Change the words so that they refer to one thing.

Nails - _______________________, newspapers - ________________________, shelves - ________________________, T-shirts - ___________________________, lovers - _________________________________.

5. Read the sentence. From the set expressions below, choose one with which you can complete it. Write it down.

My classmate beat everyone at the school Russian language Olympiad, even the third graders _________________________________________________________________________


Steady expression for selection: laughed at the chickens, tucked it into his belt, and came to his senses.

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Test work 36


1. Read the words that belong to the same thematic group. Select and write down only nouns from them.

Dolphin, splashing, shell, raging, calm, jellyfish, wave, salty, seagull, sailboat.



2. Guess which nouns need to be included in the fun rhyme.

Bread is transported to _______________________________,

Digs holes ___________________________________,

And in the metro there are ______________________________.

(According to A. Kochergina)

Words to choose: escalator, equator, excavator, tow truck, elevator.

3. In task 1, underline all animate nouns. From two of them, if you choose, form the plural form. Write it down.


4. Read the nursery rhyme. Write down two questions for her.

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts...

Who? _____________________________________________________________________________________

What? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Complete the sentence.

The squirrel sold almost everything, the last one left was _____________________________________.

5. Check the row of words in which the nouns are written in the plural form WRONG.

 No stockings, boots, shoes, socks.

 Lots of places, apples, things to do, soldiers.

 Five tangerines, tomatoes, orange.

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Test work 37

1. Determine which part of speech contains the most words in this sentence. Underline the correct answer from the data below.

Flax was drowned, dried, pounded, torn, twisted, woven, and placed on the table.

The sentence contains the most verbs, nouns, adjectives, and prepositions.

Complete the rows of words by writing words with the same root that answer the questionwhat to do?

Drying, drying, ________________________________.

Weaver, weaver, _____________________________________.

Torn, torn, _____________________________________.

Mallet, _____________________________________________.

2. First write down the words denoting useful actions, and then - useless ones.

All day Petrov was whittling a block of wood with a plane at the workbench,

And Kadykov, not far away, was kicking a tin can.

Petrov sawed, drilled, planed, crushed, chiseled, connected

And he made a birdhouse from planed planks.

And Kadykov knocked, strummed, dusted, loitered and kicked

Tin cans, cans, krinks and... he tore his shoes.

(According to O. Grigoriev)

Useful actions: __________________________________________________________________________



Useless actions: _____________________________________________________________________



3. Complete the verbs with the opposite meaning.

Leave - _________________________, come - __________________________, sail away - ______________________, climb in - _________________________, start - ________________________.

4. Read and underline the words in the text that indicate the actions that the giant performed.

There was fog over the water. A giant was washing himself in the sea.

The whole store used one soap.

He threw soap right at us, the soap foamed and floated,

The sea turned white with soap, the sea was angry and seething:

The brawler, a clean giant, made him angry.

(E. Axelrod)

Add words that denote actions.

Soap (what did it do?) _____________________________________________________________________.

5. Describe the drawing to make a short story.


Test work 38


1. In the titles of fairy tales, underline the adjectives. Above each of them write the question that it answers.

"Two greedy little bears." "Greedy merchant's wife." "The Rooster and the Beanstalk" “White bull, tar barrel, cool horns.” "Frost - Red Nose." "The Scarlet Flower".

2. Read the conversation between two students.

What are you doing in class?

I'm sitting and waiting for the call.

Complete the sentence by adding three adjectives from the words to choose from.

The student, it turns out, is not at all diligent, not diligent, not diligent, but on the contrary, ___________________________________________________________________.

Words to choose: smart, obedient, lazy, lethargic, careless, inattentive, thoughtful, sleepy.

3. Read the tongue twisters. Write two adjectives each using words to choose from.

Grandma bought Marusya beads.

Papers are always falling out of Arkashka's pockets.

Mila washed herself with soap, lathered herself up, and washed it off.

This is ________________________ girl.

Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

This is a boy.

Words to choose: fidgety, smart, beautiful, cheerful, clean, pretty, neat, kind, sloppy, lazy, slack, hardworking, hard-working, smart, agile, smart.

4. For each word denoting a feature of an object, select a word that is suitable in meaning, denoting the object, and write it down.

Soft ____________________________________________________________________________.

Empty ____________________________________________________________________________.

Delicious ___________________________________________________________________________.

Strong ___________________________________________________________________________.

Thick ______________________________________________________________________________.

High ___________________________________________________________________________.

Transparent ________________________________________________________________________.

Full _____________________________________________________________________________.

5. Read the text. Please tick the correct option.

Seryozhka planted a watermelon seed in the ground and watered it generously with lemonade every day. By autumn, magnificent sparkling watermelons have ripened.

(S. Georgiev)

 This is a comic story.

 This is a true story about growing watermelons.

Write it down so that the highlighted combination of words becomes one adjective.

seed from watermelon - _________________________________________________________________.

Water with gas - ______________________________________________________________________.

Plant from the garden - ________________________________________________________________.

Berry from the forest - _____________________________________________________________________.

Test work 39

1. Read the poetic lines, underline all the prepositions in them.

The jugs went to the spring for water -

Green, silver, gold.

We walked in the heat, stood in the shade,

They scooped up water from the spring,

Then we turned our noses to the sunset

And they began - single file - to return back.

(According to N. Matveeva)

2. Guess the riddle, write the answer.

He shakes the tree, whistles like a robber, tears off the last leaf, spins it around, throws it, then circles it again.


Underline the correct answer.

There are no prepositions in a riddle. There are prepositions in the riddle.

Write down the number of verbs in the riddle. _______________

3. Read a Russian folk joke. Choose from the brackets and fill in the appropriate prepositions.

Like a rooster (in, on) ________ oven bakes pies,

The cat (behind, on) _______ window sews a shirt,

The little pig (in, on) _______ mortar is pounding peas,

The horse (under, at) _______ porch (in, on) ______ beats its four hooves,

The duck (without, in) ______ boots sweeps the hut.

4. Write down all possible prepositions that can be used meaningfully.

Fold ______________________________________________________________ table.

Climb ______________________________________________________________ sofa.

Words to choose: for, under, on, in, through, to, from under, with, from.

5. Read the text. Enter in it suitable stable expressions.

I once bet with a friend that I would learn a big poem overnight and recite it with expression at the blackboard, but I lay down for a minute, fell asleep, and the next day


Now _____________________________________________________________________: made a promise - keep it.

Stable expressions to choose from: keep in the shadows, confuse, fail miserably, hack to death.

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Test work 40

Offer. Text

1. Write the text correctly.

Tender cherries blossom blue lake overflows the clear sun smiles the earth pours with force spring red heart pleases







2. Read the text. What do you think happened next?

One man figured out how to save whales from extinction. He got a job as a harpooner in a whaling fleet and deliberately always aimed wide.

(S. Georgiev)

What kind of person do you think he was? Write your opinion.





3. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Circle the number under which the text is given, not a set of sentences.

1. But it’s best to write squiggles, hooks and dots on a piece of paper. All this will grow like weed. And words will appear on their own.

(According to Ayu. Smetanin)

2. Write the proposal in a beautiful way. The young lion has a larger mane. Don't stand on the roadway. We bought a blanket for Nastya.

4. Read the sentences. Compose them into a coherent text and write it down.

He began to think about how to get an apple. It was autumn. There were no leaves on the trees. I saw an apple and wanted to eat it. There was only one apple hanging on the apple tree. A hare was running. But the apple is high.








5. From the text of task 4, write down sentences that contain only a subject and a predicate.



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Final test work 41

(one text per text)

1. Read the text. Determine what kind of text this is - description, narrative or reasoning.


When I was little, I really loved to invent all sorts of utter nonsense, tell it to my grandfather and always ask if this could really happen.

“Maybe,” answered my beloved grandfather. – When the cancer whistles on the mountain.

After such an answer, I always began to sulk and worry, and then my grandfather always said:

Okay, let's go! I have one friend who has cancer!

We walked to the river and spent a long time trying to persuade my grandfather’s crayfish friend to take a walk with us up the mountain. Cancer refused and resisted, but in the end, he always agreed on the condition that he was offered it.

On the mountain, the cancer continued to say that he did not want to whistle, and found out why he should do it. It is clear that in the end they whistled as a duet, cancer and my grandfather.

(According to S. Georgiev)

Underline the correct option.

This is a narrative text, a reasoning text, a descriptive text.

2. Come up with a first, middle and last name for your grandfather and grandson. Will everything be the same?

Grandfather: _______________________________________________________________________________

Grandson: ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Come up with and write the name of the city and river where these events took place.

City ___________________________________, river ___________________________________.

4. Title the text with a stable phrase that is in the text itself.

5. Determine and emphasize in what meaning the word is used in the text.

Refused to do anything.


Created support for himself with some part of the body (torso, leg, etc.)

Suitable, comfortable.

Okay Calm down, peacefully.

Okay, I agree.

Agreement, agreement.

Condition Requirement, offer.

A rule for something.

Desire, desire.

Catching animals.

6. Write words that are close in meaning.

Nonsense, ___________________________________________________________________________.

Duet, ________________________________________________________________________________.

Words to choose: nonsense, stupidity, gossip, two, in chorus, five of us.

7. Select and underline pairs of words that are similar in meaning.

To fuss - to worry, asked - was interested, to happen - to happen, grandfather - grandmother, why - why, mountain - steppe.

8. Select and underline pairs of words that are opposite in meaning.

Refused - agreed, loved - adored, spoke - was silent, always - never, mountain - hole, small - weak, long - fast.

9. Parse the words according to their composition.

Little ones. Snowdrop.

10. Highlight the root in words with the same root.

Whistling, whistler, whistler, whistler.

Beloved, love, Lyuba, love.

11. Determine which part of the word distinguishes these words. Select it.

He asked, asked, asked, asked, asked again.

Tick ​​the correct answer to the question: Do these words differ in meaning?

 Yes  No

Which part of a word changes its meaning? ______________________________________________________

12. Highlight the suffixes with which new words were formed.

Baby, baby, baby, little.

Grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather.

13. Highlight the endings in each row in both words.

Beloved grandfather.

Beloved grandfather.

To my beloved grandfather.

Beloved grandfather.

About my beloved grandfather.

14. Prove that this sentence contains all the parts of speech that you know. Write down these words with questions.

The cancer whistled on a high mountain.

Noun: __________________________________________________________________,


Verb: _________________________________________________________________________________.

Adjective: ___________________________________________________________________.

Preposition: ________________________________________________________________________________.

15. In the sentence from task 14, underline the subject and predicate.

16. Explain how you understand the meaning of the expression “When the cancer on the mountain whistles”.




Administrative entrance control dictation
Grammar task:
Option 1

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word berry.
3. Indicate the grammatical basis in sentence 3. 6 sentence.
Option 2
1. Write down one word each with root spellings: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, select test words, indicate spellings.
2. Perform sound-letter analysis of the word late.
3. Indicate the grammatical basis in sentence 6.
Vocabulary dictation No. 1
Car, agronomist, address, alley, appetite, luggage, conversation, library, ticket, wealth, boots, carriage, everywhere, bicycle, station. Control cheating.
Amazing miracle.
What is the most amazing miracle? This is the most ordinary book. And from the book come the heroes of fairy tales and stories. Seas and ships and wind are hidden in the book. There were white pages in front of us. Suddenly a stormy sea appeared. The flying wind drives the ships, beats the waves against the rocks. Magic signs helped us see the miracle. Of course, you guessed it - these are letters. We are well aware of the power of the alphabet. What books do you like to read? Who is your favorite hero?
Exercise. Copy from the board and add the missing punctuation marks.
Control dictation on the topic “Language as a means of communication”
A summer storm was approaching. A giant purple cloud slowly rose above the forest. Low willows rustled and babbled. A sharp wind roared overhead. The trees went wild. Large drops of rain pattered furiously on the leaves. A blinding long lightning streak crossed the gloomy sky. There was a deafening crash. Thunder rumbled. The rain poured down in streams.
But then the bright sun shone cheerfully again. The air became fresh and light. How joyfully everything sparkles around after the rain! How wonderfully fragrant strawberries and mushrooms smell!
Grammar task:
Option 1

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: rain.
3. Indicate the grammatical basis in sentence 4,
4. Indicate the emphasis in the words: needles, bows, sorrel, cakes, calls, understood, asked, tools, beets, driver Option 2
1. Write down three words with unstressed vowels being tested, select test words, and indicate spelling patterns.
2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: furiously.
3. Indicate the grammatical basis in sentence 3.
4. Indicate the emphasis in the words: needles, bows, sorrel, cakes, rings, understood, asked, tools, beets, driver Vocabulary dictation No. 2
Ahead, yesterday, newspaper, burn, horizon, twenty, twelve, director, more, iron, tomorrow, here, from afar, engineer, calendar.
Test on the section “Language as a means of communication.”
1.Complete the sentence. Write it down.
The most important means of communication is...
2. Indicate the number of sounds and letters in these words.
Dandelion - , ball - , speech - , spruce - , hedgehog - , weeds - .
3. Divide the words first into syllables, and then into parts for hyphenation. Can all words be separated for hyphenation?
Mike - , met - , sneak - , acacia - .
4. Make a sound-letter analysis of each word. Underline the letters that represent the two sounds.
Cradle, fat,
5. Write down the text, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters where necessary.
(On) a sunny day in autumn.. (on) the edge of a spruce forest, young people gathered in..selye birch..ki, as if there, in the spruce forest, they felt cold..deep, Their life has become boring. They (wanted) to bask in the open sun. So in the villages the villages go out (into) the sun and sit (on) benches near their houses.
My clearing.
I have my favorite clearing. She's beautiful. Blackbirds fly to the rowan tree to feed. Hedgehogs live in dry leaves here. In autumn the moose come.
Next to the clearing there is a garden. The trees withered and degenerated. Wild branches produce sour small apples. One day I heard a crunch. I looked around. It was moose. One of the moose was picking apples from a tree with his soft lips. Another moose collected them on the ground. He bent his long legs and knelt down.
In winter, I often remember my clearing and moose chewing sour apples. (V. Peskov)
Vocabulary dictation No. 3
Vacations, pan, kilogram, kilometer, combine, ship, astronaut, fire, suit, better, slowly, metal, back, left, right. Test on the topic “Composition of words”
Option 1
1. Provide the correct definition of ending.
a) The ending comes after the root and serves to form new words;
b) ending - a variable part of a word, used to connect words in a sentence;
c) ending – the common part of words with the same root;
d) the ending comes before the root and serves to connect words in a sentence.

a) Sea, wrinkle, marine;
b) big, pain, hospital;
c) horn, horned, matting;
d) watchmaker, hour, hour.

a) Tables; c) earphone;
b) sailor; d) race.

a) Lapka, clearing, okroshka;
b) entry, launches, collusion;
c) forester, flight, cooks;
d) hedgehog, mouse, autumn.

a) (B) burned;
b) (by) grief;
c) (for) sick.

a) Mouse; c) smart;
b) mouse; d) mouse.
Test on the topic “Word Composition”
Option 2
1. Specify the correct definition of the prefix.
a) The prefix comes after the root and is used to form new words;
b) prefix - a variable part of a word, used to connect words in a sentence;
c) prefix – a common part of words with the same root;
d) the prefix stands before the root and serves to connect words in a sentence.
2. In which row are the parts of the word listed?
a) Noun, adjective, root, ending;
b) noun, adjective, verb, preposition;
c) prefix, root, suffix, ending;
d) subject, predicate, secondary members.
3. In what row are words with the same root written?
a) Water, diver, driver;
b) forest, near the forest, to the forest, about the forest;
c) cook, welding, cooks;
d) mountain, hillock, sad.
4. Which word matches the pattern: prefix, root, suffix, zero ending?
a) Oaks; c) copse;
b) fisherman; d) exit.
5. In which series are all words formed using a suffix?
a) House, garden bed, vase;
b) entry, launches, collusion;
c) window sill, departure, cook;
d) table, tree, book.
6. Find words with prefixes.
a) (From) pain;
b) (for) sad;
c) (y) fly.
7. Indicate a word that is not the same root word for the words in this group.
a) Pity; c) pathetic;
b) complaint; d) sting.
Control dictation on the topic “Composition of words”
It was a clear day. The spring sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the spruce forest. A light breeze blew. There was a strong smell of smoke in the air. The tourists did not put out the fire. Dry grass caught fire. This is a great danger for the forest. The fire got close to the old spruce. The lower branches began to take over. Narrow tongues of flame began to lick the anthill.
We broke off the heavy spruce paws and began to put out the fire. A thin stream of smoke came from the anthill. The hardy ants survived a frosty and good winter. But they were not saved from the forest fire.
Young trees drooped. The birds stopped singing. Black marks remained in the clearing. Nature will take a long time to lick its wounds. Take care of the forest!
Grammar task:
1. Write down any group of words with the same root, sort them according to their composition,
2. Form 2-3 words with the same root from the words elephant, wolf using the suffixes -ik, -yonok, -ikh-, -ok-, -at-, -yat-.
3. Write down 3 verbs with prefixes, highlight the prefixes.
4. Advanced level
Write down the words, underline those that do not have a suffix: Dot, granddaughter, hummock.
Vocabulary dictation No. 4
Defense, sheep, eleven, father, passenger, landscape, victory, portrait, government, chairman, beautiful, travel, distance, fireworks, sparkle. Test work on the topic: “Case endings of nouns.”
Full name ___________________________________________________________________
I – option
Just a drop. .. (skl., p.) moisture... (skl., p.);
From a small puddle. ... (skl., p.);
We had a rest at the camp. .. (skl., n,);
Along the edges of the roads... (skl., p.);
Ran along the roads... (skl., p.);
Lived in danger... (skl., p.);
We lived in the city. ... (skl., p.);
They run around the clearings... (skl., p.);
At high temperatures... (skl., p.);
In dry weather... (skl., p.);
Test work on the topic: “Case endings of nouns.”
Full name _____________________________________________________________________
II – option
Task: determine the declension and case of nouns, add endings.
Near the pier... (skl., p.);
The fur of foxes... (sk., p.);
Floated along the river ... (skl., p.);
Shield made of steel... (skl., p.);
Step to wisdom... (skl., p.);
They came to the feeding trough. ... (skl., p.);
Sat at the feeders ..... (skl., p.);
Will remain in memory... (skl., p.);
In the lower part ..... (skl., p.);
Got to the hut. ….(skl., p);
Control presentation
Paints and artist
Once upon a time there were colors. Each one praised its color. Because of this, they often quarreled. Each paint wanted to be the best. It was a warm summer morning. A light breeze fluttered from daisy to daisy, running from bell to bell. They called quietly. The artist was resting on the lawn near the river. He understood the language of colors well. The artist painted on his canvas a field, a blue sky, a thin birch tree with green braids in a white dress. And a rainbow bloomed over the field. It combines all the colors. The artist smiled and drew a daisy with petals of all the colors of the rainbow. The colors have died down. They realized that only together they can give people joy.
Control dictation on the topic “Noun”
The forest is a large city with thousands of inhabitants. This giant is built up with various dwellings. Forest inhabitants settled in deep burrows, warm nests, spacious dens, and tiny huts. Forest inhabitants are animals, birds, insects. They spend the whole day busy with housework.
From morning to evening, birds scurry between tree trunks, bushes, and branches. They catch beetles and caterpillars and take them to their chicks. Hard-working ants do not sit idle. They eat forest pests. They eat forest pests. Predators – forest orderlies – protect the forest from diseases.
Our forests are a storehouse of wealth. Take care of trees, bushes, grass. Don't destroy birds' nests. Don't destroy anthills. Be nature's friends and zealous owners.
Grammar task:
1. Write down 3 phrases with plural nouns, determine case and declension,
2. Write down the sentences. Write the nouns given in brackets in the genitive plural case.
The juice of (oranges) and (tangerines) contains a lot of (vitamins). Grandmother made jam from (cherries) and (apricots).
3. Parse nouns as parts of speech - Option 1 - pests. Option 2 – caterpillars.
4.Write down phraseological units with opposite meanings in pairs.
Seven spans in the forehead, count the crows, keep your ears open, without a king in your head.
Control dictation on the topic “Adjective”
Winter day.
It's a wonderful winter day. There is a clear blue sky above us. Everything around is covered with a fluffy snow carpet. Bright light blinds the eyes. We entered the forest. The trees stand as if in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers the bump. Tits and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. A red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.
Traces are visible under the pine tree. It was a white hare running across the untouched snow.
Good in the forest! It's easy to breathe fresh frosty air.
Grammar task:
1. Write out 3 phrases “adj. + noun” from the text. Highlight the endings in adjectives and determine the case.
2. Make up phrases according to the diagrams:
“adj.+n. m.r., etc.”
“adj.+n. w.r., d.p.”
“adj.+n. zh.r., pp.”
Write down, inserting appropriate adjectives:
In...,...,... the autumn forest stands.
In ..., ... the sky lit up bright stars.
Full name__________________________________________
Date __________________________________
1. Complete the rule
A pronoun is ________________________________________
It does not name the object, but ________________________________________
on him.
2. Fill out the table
units plural number 1 person 2 person 3 person 3. Complete the rule:
Pronouns with prepositions are written _____________________________________________.
4. Match nouns with corresponding pronouns
he coat
she's a plane
it's schoolchildren
they are a pen
5. Indicate the line in which all pronouns refer to the 2nd person
A) we, I, me, you B) you, he, you, you
C) they, theirs, them, she D) you, you, you, you
6. Determine person, number and case of pronouns
Congratulations - ______________________________;
Satisfied with me - _________________________________;
I meet her - ___________________________________; I give it to him - _____________________________________; I call them - ___________________________________.
7. Decline pronouns

8. Indicate the case of pronouns: to him, to her, to them.
A) I. p. B) R. p. C) D. p. D) P. p.
Vocabulary dictation No. 5
Above, sweater, freedom, today, now, seeds, seeder, left, below, right, plate, telephone, now, diesel locomotive, grain grower. Final control dictation.
Last days.
The sun woke up early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their order. A fresh snowball was thrown near the birch tree, the hills were covered with milky fog. And in the forest they hung ice icicles on the pine trees. The children are happily running through the last snowball.
The light looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. The ice and snow immediately dimmed. A cheerful, talkative stream ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.
Grammar task:
1. In the last sentence, highlight the basis, write down phrases from it. Write the parts of speech above each word.
2. Parse words as parts of speech. Covered with milk overnight.3. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word icy.

Russian language 2nd grade

Training and testing work

Test work 1
Word, sentence and text in speech communication

1 . Write down only words that indicate actions that can be performed in physical education class. Write down three examples of your own words.

Listen, run, jump, yawn, tumble, spin, jump, quarrel, stand up, sit down, squat.

2. Complete the proverbs. What punctuation mark should you put at the end?

Measure seven timesonce ___________________

Did the job -take a walk ________________________

Underline words with two syllables.

3. Make up a riddle from a group of words. Add punctuation at the end.

Brothers, they look, no, water, never, two, will come together.


4. Select the sentences and write them in the correct lines

The purpose of the proposal is to ask a question:

The purpose of the sentence is to communicate something:


The purpose of the sentence is to encourage action, to ask for something:


The purpose of the proposal is to advise:


Purpose of the offer- order:


Suggestions for selection: Are you ready to go? Morning has come. We leave tomorrow morning. Please take your skis with you. Don't touch the dog! Please dress warmly. Do not be late! Please don't be bored without me.

5. Insert the missing letters. Write down what else there can be no communication without.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, without friendship there is no communication
has no value between people.

Test work 2 -

Word, sentence and text in verbal communication (continued)

1. Mark the sentences with incorrect punctuation at the end.
Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place!

Little dog, little white ear, have you seen where Tanya is?

It's true, kids, I'm good.

Well, Africa. That's how Africa is.

2. Write down the number of participants in the conversation.
- I fell today and hurt myself badly.
- Did you cry?
- No.

- But no one saw it.
(K. Chukovsky)
Write the correct word into the sentence.
A recorded conversation is ___________________________ speech.
The participants in the conversation are _________________________________________________

3. From words with uncheckable spelling, select any words and make one sentence with them. Write it down.

Suddenly, fun, wind, sparrow, car, Saturday, last name, good, language.


Write down the words that are not included in the sentence and separate them for transfer.

4. Number the sentences in the order in which they should make sense in the text.

If only I could turn everything upside down!

And the trees would rustle outside the window.

And when I went outside, I would soar into the clear sky.

We live on the top floor.

Then we would live on the first floor.
(N. club)

5. Title the text from the previous assignment. Please tick the correct answer.
this is a story
this is the description
this is reasoning

Test work 3
Native language is the main assistant in communication

1. Read the statements of preschool children. Do they know their native language well? Replace words invented by children with generally accepted ones. Write them down.
Seryozha clung to his mother, she hugged him.
- I'm all pissed off! - he boasts.


Look how it's raining!


Oh, what a bubble I blew!


(K. Chukovsky)

2. Connect figurative expressions with their meaning with arrows.
Keep your mouth shut
Tongue won't turn
Bite your tongue
Loosen your tongue, chatter in vain
Grind your tongue Be silent
Tongue itches
Tongue without bones

3. Place a check mark on sayings that have the same meaning.
You can't keep up with my tongue barefoot.
Every day is not Sunday.
He won’t reach into his pocket for a word.
You can't spoil porridge with oil.
If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

4. Choose a saying from task 3 with which you can end the text and write it down.
My desk neighbor loves hints. He comes out to the board and catches every whisper.
And today the guys agreed to remain silent.


5. Read the text. Insert the missing letters. Write down what this person answered

One person was asked which language is the most beautiful
He replied
- Certainly, ________________________________________________________________

Hint words: sonorous, rich, native, unfamiliar, foreign, melodious, melodic

Test work 4
Sounds and letters. Syllable. Accent

1. Guess the riddle.
The baby is dancing, but only one leg.

Underline the consonants in the highlighted word that are paired with deafness and voicedness.

2. Write down in numbers how much is in the word - the answer from task 1:
Letters __________; sounds _____________;
vowels _______; consonants __________;

3. Underline words that cannot be divided for hyphenation. Write the first line syllable by syllable.

A goat walked along the bridge and wagged ponytail,
Got caught on the railing, straight into the river

pleased -

Come up with and write down proper names.

A goat named _______________ lives in a village called ____________________

4. Write down the sound pattern of the word highlighted in the text of task 1. O O O O O O

5 . What words denoting action can replace the word bang? Write down at least three, separating them for transfer.


Test work 5
Sounds and letters. Syllable. Accent (continued)

1. Fill in the missing letters and recognize fairy-tale characters.

M _ l _ n _, K _ r _ chk _ R _ b _, Zm _ y G _ r _ n _ h.
Underline the correct answer.

Vowels were written in.

Consonants were written in.

2. Place an accent mark on the words. Underline those words that do not need an accent mark.

The smoke from the stove reached towards the smoke,
And it was leaning because
Sun for the winter, for the winter,
For the frosty winter.
(Ya. Kozlovsky)

3. Form new words without swapping a single letter. What do I need to do?

Castle, fall asleep, squirrels all around, horns, already.

4. Read the words out loud, put an accent mark on them

Augustovsky, pamper, children, jealous, calling, catalogue, quarter, garbage chute,
start, cakes, hosts, gypsies, scoop.

Are all words written in alphabetical order? Please tick the correct answer.

5. Which vowel is always stressed? Write down five words with this letter.


Test work 6.

The sound [y’] and the letter th.

1. Add the name of the colors of the pencils so that the rhythm of the poem is maintained.

Sima has pencils:
Purple and blue
_________________, __________________, blue.
Choose any one for yourself!

Words to choose from: green, black, red, pink, white, purple, blue.

Write down four words for the colors of the pencils. Words must consist of two syllables.


2. Place a check mark on the line that contains the most words with the letter you are studying.

Sima, please lend me a white pencil.
Sima, give me a white pencil.
Share your pencils, Sima. I need a white one.

Z. Write the words in alphabetical order.

Tea, barn, loaf, land, harvest, tram.


4. Write down the words from task 3 in this order: first consisting of one syllable, then two, then three.


5. Underline words with the letter y that cannot be divided into syllables. Underline proper names.
- Whose barking am I hearing?
You, my friend, be silent, don’t bark.
You see - my friend Egor
He's climbing over the fence towards us.
(S. Mikhailova)

Test work 7

Sound [e] and letter E

1. Write it down in one word.

Environmental Science - ___________________________________________________

The line dividing the globe in half is ___________________________________________

Visiting of museum - ___________________________________________________________

Items in the museum, at the exhibition - ________________________________________________

Words to choose: popsicle, escalator, ecology, equator, excursion, exhibits,

2. Write the words in rhyme so that they contain the letter being studied.

Anya and I sing a duet. Kolya wants to become ______________. Completed _____________.
Sveta came running first.
Words to choose: driver, poet, excavator operator, sports contest, relay race, Olympics.

3. Choose the correct answer. Mark it with a tick

In task 2 a coherent text is given.

In task 2, sentences of different contents are given.

4. Emma, ​​Elya, Elvira and Eleanor ran in the relay after Sveta. What did they exclaim in unison at the finish line? _____________________________________________________ .

Words to choose: Oh!, Ah!, Eh!, Wow!

5. Read the statement

An electrician is the brother of an electric train.

Do you agree with him? Explain the meaning of words in writing.

An electric train is ____________________________________________________________.

An electrician is ______________________________________________________________.

Test work 8
Hard and soft consonants. Their designation in writing

1. Read it. Find the highlighted words. First write down the word starting with a hard consonant, and then with a soft one.

Young man was somehow on watch.
Clap! Fell. Broken nose.
Well, what's the demand from the poor fellow?
He's a cabin boy - not a sailor!

(S. Mikhailova)


Select the correct answer using the arrow.

be on duty on the ship.

Keeping a watch means

drag something heavy.

2 . Confirm or refute the statement. Please tick the correct answer.
In the third line of the poem about the cabin boy there is not a single soft consonant sound.

This is true This is not true

3. In these words, underline the same letters that indicate different sounds in terms of hardness and softness. Write down the letters next to each other that indicate the softness of the consonants.

Honey and raspberries.
The letters give softness _________________________________________________

4. Compare the sounds [m] and [m, ]. Underline the correct answer.

They are deaf and unpaired.
They are voiced and paired.
They are voiced and unpaired.

5. Write the name of the place where you live. Make a diagram of the word next to it.


Test work 9.

Hard and soft consonants. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1. Fill in the missing letters in the poem. Underline words that differ in one sound. Circle the vowels that indicate the softness of consonants with an oval.

Don’t burst yourselves from laughing, here you go.

There is a smart girl in the house.

M_shka, owner, all the cracks are closed,
And put a mousetrap for _ l.

So the _ risha climbs into the window,
It doesn't matter what the food goes into the hole.
(S. Mikhailova)

2. Write out always hard consonants from the text of task 1 as many times as they appear in it. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Read the phrases.

Sing louder, pike tail, bird squeak.

Find and write down a word in which all consonants are unpaired soft.


4. Change the words to form the plural according to the example.
door - doors, nail - _____________, drill - ____________________, swan - ______________, drake - ______________________________.

5. Write down words with the opposite meaning that contain the non-separating word ь.
Light - __________, truth - ________, work - __________, sadness - _________, cleanliness - ___________

Words to choose: fun, joy, lies, lies, dirt, dust, darkness, darkness, laziness, idleness.

Insert the correct words into the proverb.

Yes __________ - a day away.

Test work 10
Hissing consonant sounds.

Letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU, CHK, CHN, SHCHN

1. Fill in the missing letters in the tongue twisters.

Scales at the cheek, bristles at the cheek.
Dragging _, not dragging _, I'm afraid I'll let go _.
Wolves prowl _ t, squeak _ search _ t.
2. Complete the rules with examples.
Consonant sounds [ch,], [sch,] are always soft, __________________________________, and in letter combinations the letter ______________ is written. For example: _____________________________________________________________________________
Consonant sounds are always soft, and in letter combinations the letter ____________ is always written.
For example: __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Read an excerpt from a poem by V Suslov. Underline the letter combinations you are learning.

Hush, Rustle, don't breathe!..

Do you hear the reeds have died down?

I hear you. Through the swamp

The herons went hunting.

The herons are in a hurry to have dinner,

They are looking and looking for frogs.

Select and write down the necessary tips for the frogs so that they do not get caught in the heron’s beak

Word combinations to choose from: don’t rustle, don’t breathe loudly, don’t rush upstairs, don’t stick your head out, look out for each other, don’t tremble with fear, stick together.

4. Find in the incomprehensible word invented by A. Kochergina five understandable ones that have some meaning. Each of them must contain the letter combination being studied. Write these words down.



5. Guess the riddle. Write down in order all the letter combinations related to the topic being studied.

I'm happy - I whistle, I'm sad - I'm silent, I'm looking for worms, I'm flying into the grove.


Find and underline words in the riddle that have opposite meanings.

Test work 11
Hissing consonant sounds. Letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SHCHU, CHK, CHN, SHCHN (continued)

1. In the names of fairy tales, find and underline the letter combinations whose spelling you need to remember.
“Ryaba Hen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Little Mermaid”.

2. Read and guess the riddle. Underline the letter combinations you are studying. Write down the answer.
In a wooden house
Dwarves live.
Such good-natured people -
Handing out lights to everyone


3. Cross out the word in each row that does not contain the letter combinations being studied.

Barrel, dot, leaf, bud.

Exactly, urgently, on purpose, daughter.

Powerful, melee, predatory, housing

4. Underline the words that contain the letter combinations you are studying.

Three little fairies were sitting on a bench (S. Marshak)

5. Write out all the letter combinations you are studying from the poem as many times as they appear in it.

We bought it for our daughter
White socks,
And also excellent,
Durable, practical,
Very cute
(S. Mikhailova)


Is the highlighted word in the text divided into syllables correctly? Please tick the correct answer.

Select from brackets a word with one of the letter combinations being studied and cross out the rest.

Of course, we chose shoes (yellow, red, brown).

Test work 12
Syllable. Hyphenation

1. Underline the words in the text that cannot be hyphenated.

When I was little, in winter the thermometer outside the window sometimes showed such frosts that it became eerie. Then I rubbed the thermometer with a mitten and breathed on it. It immediately became warmer.
(S. Georgiev)

2. Divide the words first into syllables, and then according to the rules of hyphenation.
Small, in winter, sometimes warmer.


3. Read and guess the riddle.
B said:
- Listen, A,
Let's run to look for words!
They look - a barrel.
Barrel letters
We rolled along the sand.
The barrel has become light,
Carried away under the clouds.
Write down the guess word, dividing it into syllables.


4 . Write down the tongue twister syllable by syllable.

There is a magpie on the gate, a crow on the fence, a sparrow on the road.


To sit back, to be distracted from something

Do math.

5 . Write down the first five words, dividing them according to the rules of hyphenation. Other five
Write down the words, dividing them into syllables.

Girl, village, Saturday, fun, thank you.

Shawl, city, berry, harvest, soon.


Test work 13
Stress Stressed (syllable)

1. Underline the word that is in this
in the poem it is pronounced with the wrong accent and misspelled.

A bird sat in the meadow,
A cow crept up to her.
And she grabbed the naga:
- Birdie, be healthy!

Write the word correctly and add an accent mark.

2. Find two words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently.
Write them down, put emphasis on them.
We write “Rye” with a SOFT sign,
I've been familiar with this for a long time.
(According to A. Kochergina)


3. Compose and write simple sentences to show the different meanings of the words in pairs.

Roast - hot,

mugs - mugs.


4. Place emphasis in the highlighted words. In parentheses after each word, indicate with a number which syllable the stress falls on.

He was allowed shoot() on the target. Boy out of breath() and wanted to rest. Girl got drunk() from the stream and caught up() comrades who went ahead. Do not forget put() thing to where took().

5. Put the correct emphasis in words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently so that the poems and tongue twister read in rhyme and are

The clay is dry,
Nina got angry
Not flour, but flour, -

Science for bakers.

The needle goes up and down
Here the leaves have appeared .
Alyonushka sucks iris,
And the iris embroiders.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

There’s no point in breaking the tower, it’s really strong and costs a lot of money.

(S. Minailova)

Test work 14.

Unstressed vowel sounds. Their designation in writing

1. Read the Riddle, fill in the missing letters. Write the answer.

I saw such a colorful rim.

For a long time he was busy with _ business, he began to smoke and st_tel.


2. Compare the sound and spelling of the vowels in the guess word from task 1. How many sounds in it are pronounced differently from how they are written? Circle the required number with an oval.

3. Choose a test word for each word. Write below in order.

Wall, rock, trunks, flowers,
Thunderstorm, arrow, pine, leaves.
(According to Yu. Shcherbakov)


4. Underline the words where all unstressed vowels can be checked.

A goat and seven kids. Kitty, little gray cat. Kolobok. Puss in Boots. A straw, a bubble and a bast shoe.

5. Underline the words that can be used to check the missing letters.

What a crop of rye! K _ l _ juice k k _ l _ sku. All ears are smooth and strong.
Each ear is full and elastic.

Test work 15.

Unstressed vowel sounds. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1 . Put emphasis on the first word. Write the related word into the rhyme.

The donkey was angry today:
He found out that he ___________________________________.

(According to S. Marshak)

2. Fill in the missing letters, write the missing word.

M_dovy, m_dovik, m_dved, ________________________________

3. Compare the two counters. Which one should you choose to check?
Please tick the correct option

I am an animal, and you are an animal, I am a bunny, you are a ferret.
You are cunning, and I am smart. Those who are smart, get out of the circle!

I am a beast and you are a beast. I am a hare, and you are a ferret.
You are cunning, and I am smart. Whoever is smart, get out of the circle!

4. Check the box where you can check the unstressed vowel in all words.

Wave, sea, sand.
Mushrooms, path, forest.
Mountain, peak, wind.
Steppe, fly, falcon.

Make up one sentence with words from any line.


5. Insert the missing letters. Underline the word with the uncheckable spelling.

One _ girl floor _ shaft color _ you are on your balcony. A classmate named St. Pan learned about it. The girl spilled the rest of the water from the watering can on St _ pan, which she then really _ regretted.
(According to S. Georgiev)

Test work 16
Voiced and voiceless consonants. Their designation in writing

1. Check the box where the consonant sound at the end of the word needs to be checked in all words. Write down the test words on all lines.

Tooth, forehead, nose. ______________________________________________________________
Fisherman, bite, catch. __________________________________________________________

Step, suddenly, defender ____________________________________________________________
Garden, grandfather, corner. ______________________________________________________________

Make two sentences from the words in the second line.


2. Change the form of the words according to the example.

Waterfalls - waterfall, rockfalls - _____________________________________,

Views - ___________________________, eyes - ________________,

potholes - ____________________________, pillars - _ __________________________.

3. Complete the words and write test words next to them.
Sugro _ - _______________________, dream _ - ___________________________, bear___ - __________________________________,
arbu _ - _________________________________, ogoro _ - ________________________________

4. Insert the missing letters.

In autumn, the goose flies towards rain, and the swan flies towards snow.
The horse snores before bad weather.
The rooster crows in the Moro _ before the warming.
Piglets raise their visas _ in winter to the cold, in summer - to bad weather.

Underline words with a separator b.

5 . Choose the correct answers and underline them.

1) Who took the sun out of the crocodile’s mouth?
bear ox elephant

2) Who saw his reflection in the pond and got scared?

squirrel hare raccoon

3) Who was friends with the monkey and the parrot?

turtle boa constrictor newt

4) Who asked Goodwin for courage?
lion Toto Ellie

5) Which bird is never mentioned in Russian fairy tales?
magpie crow ostrich

Clue: in all answer words, the end is paired according to deafness-voicedness

Test work 17

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Their designation on the letter (continued)

1 . Insert the missing letters.

The fish swam, dived,
They played hide and seek having fun.
But one day the letter A
She swam to visit the fish.
It immediately became clear to Ry_kam:
It is dangerous to be friends with the letter A.

2. Select and underline those fish names that have a consonant at the end that can be verified by deafness or voicedness.

Crucian carp, carp, tench, carp, whitefish, ruff, burbot.

3. Insert the missing letters. Write test words in brackets

Buttons _ ki (______________________________), scratch _ ki (__________________________), edge _ ki (______________________________, folders _ ki (__________________________)

Sold out completely...

In addition to the uncle sold _ tsa (________________________)

(M. Boroditskaya)

4. Check the row where in all words the paired consonants in terms of deafness and voicedness are in the middle of the word.
Russula, chamomile, ladybug, meadow.
Radish, parsley, turnip, dill.
Eyes, legs, eyebrows, ears.
Paw, rag, pussy, soup.

5. Make up a word using the five sounds described here.

1) Voiced, paired with sound [f].
2) Voiced, paired with sound [t].
H) Unpaired voiced, second in the word mole.
4) Stressed vowel, as in the word skirt.
5) Voiced, paired sound [k].
Write down the resulting word.


Is it possible to check the consonant sound at the end of a composed word? Please tick the correct answer.

Test work 18.

Words with double consonants

1. Write the words into two groups according to their meaning.

Tennis, mass, gram, hockey, swimming, kilogram, cross, ton.

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________

2. Write down the words that answer the question who? or what? Circle with an oval those words where the double consonant is not preserved

Passenger - passenger, Saturday - ______________________________,

cash register - ________________________, class - ________________________,

lunar - _________________________, sleepy - ___________________________,

sailor - ______________________.

3. Write down a word with a similar meaning with a double consonant.

A certain amount of money - ___________________________________
Kind of sport - ____________________________________________________
Study room at school - _____________________________________
Measure of weight - ______________ ________________________________________

Complete the sentence by inserting a word with a double consonant that is similar in meaning.

The team is _______________________ friendly children.

4. Find mistakes in words. Write the sentences correctly.

Anyone who gets a low score will not go to the school prom.


The sunset, the alley, was burning, the whole alley was glowing.


5. Choose the correct word in brackets and write it next to it.

Beautiful, clean and tidy,

In other words - (neat, well done, excellent student) _______________________________

Here's the cotton, and festive things fly up (serpentine, confetti, firecrackers) ________________

We are driving the fastest along Mozhaiskoye (route, alley, highway) ________________________

Test work 19.

Words with unpronounceable consonants

1. Read the lines of poetry. Insert the missing letters.

Inseparably heart_tse with the Russian_song,

Sincere, affectionate to the point of tears.
She makes me happy _ but, then sad _ but,
With her it is warm in bad weather and frost _.

(O. Fadeeva)

Underline the word in the poem that can be used to check the word inclement.

Write down the short and full name of our Motherland.


2. Check the box that contains all words with an unpronounceable consonant.

Stairs, sun, wonderful
Holiday, prankster, feelings
Honest, famous, hello
Cabbage, local, clear

3. Add words from task 2 to the sentences according to their meaning.

Today is ___________________, _________________, just_________________

some kind!
_____________________ warms us with its rays.

Butterfly - _______________________ flutters nearby.

4. Write down the answers to the questions, choosing the correct words from brackets.

What was Karabas-Barabas like? (terrible, wonderful, powerful)


How did Artemon protect Malvina? (furiously, pitifully, valiantly)


Where did Tortilla live? (in the reeds, in the swamp, in the pond)


What fairy tale are we talking about? (about the famous, about the sad, about the interesting)


5. Change the words so that they answer the question what? Write them down.

Local - _______________________________

cardiac - ______________________________

cabbage - ______________________________

sensitive - _________________________

giant - ___________________________________

happy - ______________________________

6. Select and write down the ending of the text

This student succeeds in everything, he succeeds in everything. He doesn't lag behind in his studies and excels in sports. The guys respect him, the teachers praise him. They say about such people that he _____________________________________________________________________________

feels out of place.

goes his own way.

born under a lucky star.

Test work 20

Words with dividing soft (ь) and hard (ъ) signs

1. Add a saying. Underline all words with a separating soft sign (ь).
At the command of the pike, ____________________________________________________________


Words to choose: according to my desire, according to my desire, according to my order.

From the expressions below, check the box with which you can complete the text.
What a hulk Emelya is! By the time he gets going and gets down to business, the day has already passed.

You can't reach him.
Everything falls on deaf ears.
He's hard to climb.

2. Write down the answers, which should contain spelling on the topic being studied.

Sons of the same parents - _____________________________________________________

You, your mom and dad - ________________________________________________________________

The road up - ______________________________________________________________

A message about something - ______________________________________________________________

Mushrooms that should not be eaten - ___________________________________________________

3. Change the words so that they can be called girls.

Dancer - ____________________________________________________________

talker - _________________________________________________________________

silent - ____________________________________________________________

Chatterbox - ____________________________________________________________

naughty - ______________________________________________________________

liar - ______________________________________________________________

screamer - ______________________________________________________________

grumpy - ______________________________________________________________

4. Write the sentences correctly, choosing words with the studied spellings.

The broth/jelly was drunk/eaten by the postman Pechkin/Tom Thumb.

Olga/Tatiana put on the medallion/chain.

Kolya/Ilya drove in stakes/sticks.

Boughs/branches crack from the blizzard/blizzard.

5 . Correct the essay of the second-grader Dunno. Write this text down without errors.

On Sunday I was in the forest with friends. We collected suchev, lit a fire and cooked buckwheat porridge. The donut ate the stump and ate more than anyone else. Bulka stole all the buns. They only drank tea with jam. But it was great.
(According to L. Gaidina)


Test work 21 (one text per text)


(According to S. Georgiev)

2. Answer the questions in writing.

How do animals really communicate? Who can use speech? What should the speech be like?


3. Enter the required numbers into the sentence.

The text contains ________ narrative, _________ interrogative

and ______ incentive offers.

4. Underline words that are pronounced differently from how they are written.
(From) the circus, escaped, time, traveled, backstage, forest, motorcycle, forever.

5. Check the box for words that have more sounds than letters.

b. Place a check mark on the words in which all consonants are hard.
knocked out

7. Separate words for hyphenation.
Dear, bathe me. ___________________________________________________________


8. Fill in the missing words.
_______ , bear! __________ is not a circus for you, but a forest. There are no combs here.

You made everyone laugh with your stupid requests!

Words to choose: well, come on, oh, this, here, these, yours, there.

9. Insert the missing letters. Select words in the text that can be used to check the spelling of vowels and write them in brackets.
L _ sleep (__________), time _ change (______________), speed _ length (_________________), w _ wool (___________________)

10. Prove that almost all words of these sentences contain letter combinations whose spelling must be remembered. Underline these letter combinations.

In the heat of the moment, without thinking, getting carried away, the bear rushed into the thicket on a powerful motorcycle. The predator jumped over the hummocks, crushed leaves and flowers, and, of course, not on purpose, scared the whole grove. Siskins and swifts flew away, chirping, snakes and hedgehogs crawled away, hissing and snorting - only

11. Add a word from the text of task No. 1 to each row. Underline the double consonants

Train, training, _____________________________________________.

Bathtub, under the bathtub, _____________________________________________________.

Give in, give in, _________________________________________________.

To sweep, to sweep, ________________________________________________.

Feed, feeder, ______________________________________________________________.

12. Choose the correct answer. Circle the desired number.
The text contains 0 1 4 5 words with unpronounceable consonants.

13. Find a word in the text that has the same meaning as the given phrase. Write it down.
Made an announcement - _________________________________.

14. What birds and insects, whose names contain a separating soft sign (b), could be scared by a bear on his motorcycle? Write it down.


Test work 22.

The word and its meaning

1. Underline the lines with words that you understand.

Shivandars, shivandars,
Hazelnuts and hazelnuts!
It's good that Varvara is not there!
It's more fun without Varvara!

(K. Chukovsky)

2. Find pairs of words that are similar in meaning. Connect them using arrows.

hippopotamus sad

work eyes

rejoice work

eyes have fun
sad hippo

3. Unravel long words, write down proverbs.

The sun came out at our end.

The stairs cannot be swept from below.

4. Write the words into two groups.
Tags, skates, gates, bouncers, hide and seek, skis, ball, stick, Cossack robbers, puck.
Children's games: _________________________________________________________________


Sport equipment: ________________________________________________________


5. Write one ambiguous word in each sentence.
Our dacha ___________________________________ dad himself.
The physical education teacher ________________________ guys in a line. He _______________ big plans for the future. Baba Yaga not only ____________________ intrigues, but sometimes helps the heroes.

Test work 23
Proper and common nouns

1. Find the names of fairy tales that contain proper names. Please check these names.

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
"Swan geese".
"Twelve months".

“Varvara is beautiful, long braid.”

2. Write your short biography.

My name is ________________________________________________________________.

I was born in the city (village, village) __________________________________________,

I live on the street ______________________________________________________________,

I go to school No. ___________________. I have a friend, his (her) name is _________________________________________________________________________.

I also want to get a puppy (kitten) and name him ____________________________.

3. Remember the fairy tale that talks about a milk river with jelly banks. Come up with a name for this river and write it down.


4. Guess and enter the name of the country.
Its forests are huge, its fields are wide, the snow is deep, and the sunrises are blue.
Her name is ________________________________________________________________.

5. Remember your favorite books and cartoons, answer the questions in writing.

On what street did Dunno live? _________________________________________________.
In what village did postman Pechkin work? _____________________________________.

What was the patronymic name of the hero Dobrynya? ________________________________________.

Test work 24.

Words with multiple meanings

1. Place a check mark on the lines that contain words that have only one meaning.

Flu, girl, birch, pencil.
Pencil case, trolleybus, pen, suitcase.

Book, piece of paper, album, notebook.

Button, dishes, food, athlete.

Enter the desired word by selecting it from the fourth row.

The book is ____________________ for the mind.

2. The word is mixed up in the lines of poetry. Replace it and write what you need next to it.

One day early in the morning
The driver was spinning the donut (_______________________).

Greeted the birches,
Chamomiles, dragonflies.

(According to E. Axelrod)

3. Remember and write down five ambiguous words.


4. Insert the missing letters. In an excerpt from S. Cherny’s poem “Song of the Wind”, find and underline polysemantic words.
Hello, Katya! Are you from school?
two tits, button nose.
I'm your friend in _ village..
Pull off the cap from the _ los?

5. Write the polysemantic words found in task 4 with other words to show their different meanings.


Test work 25

Words that are similar in spelling but different in meaning (homonyms)

1. Guess the riddle of O. Emelyanova, write a polysemantic word below.

Maybe even cause a flood,
At least pour some water into a glass,
Build a hundred-story house

And stop the train.


2. Choose and write a different meaning for each word.

Fastener on jacket, trousers


Tank chassis detail



Words to choose: natural phenomenon, sister of thunder, heavenly arrow, garden pest, beetle's girlfriend.

3. Enter the words - homonyms from the words to choose. Write the same words next to each other again, breaking them into syllables.
They store perfumes and medicines. They hit your nose when you drink lemonade.
This ____________________. ____________________________.

Board game. Special emblem on taxi.
This ___________________. ___________________________.

Words to choose: bottles, vials, boxes, checkers, sabers, knives.

4. Guess and write homonym words into the sentences.

1. _________________ has already become the moon in the sky, and dad is still _________________ not coming from a business trip.

2. I’ll pick up the fallen __________________ and paste it onto the landscape ___________________.

3. ____________________, _____________________ there will be a hole, and maybe more than one,

and whole _____________________.

Come up with your own sentence using the homonym words zebra and zebra.


5. Insert the missing letters (where necessary) and answer the question in writing.

What kind of bird _ feces _ melts in our test _ work _ bots?


Test work 26
Words similar in meaning (synonyms)

1. Check the row in which all words are similar in meaning (synonyms).
Moody, sad, sorrowful, angry
A dwarf, a baby, a midget, a boy - the size of a finger.
Take off, soar, rise, overtake.
Simple, easy, uncomplicated, interesting.

2. Think about the order in which the words should be arranged. Write them down in the correct order.
Big, gigantic, universal, huge, immense.


Are these words close in meaning? Check the correct box
Not really

Make up and write down word combinations with any two of these words.


3. Read the text. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the word from brackets and write it in the sentence. In the penultimate sentence, underline words that are similar in meaning.

She went out into the garden and ___________________________________ (gasped, screamed, was surprised). The sun is not quite _____________________________ (rose, rose, rose), but its first rays were already shimmering in drops of dew. The apricot trees were _______________________________ (fabulous, beautiful, unusual)! They shone and sparkled with a red summer glow. And they smelled.
(According to A. Mironenko)

4. Write down the sentences, replacing each word with a similar meaning if possible.

Grandma's apricot jam was special. Whole apricots swam in a thick, amber and surprisingly fragrant syrup.


5. Compare two poetic passages. Find and write down words that are similar in meaning according to the example.

1. You offended me, but tell me why?

I held the lollipop in my hand, I won’t eat it all!

I asked for just a little bit, I asked for a little bit,

I would carefully bite off a corner.

(I. Tokmakova)

2. You upset me, but answer me - why?
I hid the lollipop in my fist, but I won’t take it all away!
I whined just a little, begged a little,
I would carefully break off the edge.
(S. Mikhailova)
Sample. Offended - offended,


Test work 27
Opposite words
by meaning (antonyms)

1. In proverbs and sayings, find and underline the words opposite
by value.
Know more, say less. Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a foolish friend. If you get used to the book, you will gain intelligence.
Write down the first proverb by dividing
all words are to be transferred.

2. Insert the missing letters. Guess the riddle, write the answer. Underline words that have opposite meanings.
In a linen page _ not according to _ ke - sheet
The passage floats, then to the back, then to the front.

And behind it there is such a smooth surface - there’s not a _ crack to _ give.

3. Select and write down words that are opposite in meaning.
Floats - ___________________, land - _______________, moon - __________, black - _______________________________, night - __________________,
Earth - ______________

4. Write words with the opposite meaning into folk signs.
Spring is red, but hungry; autumn is rainy, gloomy, yes ___________________________.
A summer week is more expensive ___________________________________.
Words to choose: nourishing, generous, rich, wintery, new, hot.

Write the word rainy, dividing it for hyphenation.


5. The girl accidentally replaced one word with another. Will the new word have the opposite meaning? Please tick the correct answer.
We decided to tell the guests a story
Read about the squirrel.
But from excitement
I read
What's in the cage
The bun lived!
(According to A. Barto)
Not really

Is it possible to match the words squirrel or bun words with opposite meanings? Explain in writing.


Test work 28

Stable combinations of words

1. Connect stable expressions with their meanings with arrows.
very friendly
feed icy breakfasts
get confused, won’t be able to figure out something simple,

you can't spill water on something simple

promise and fail to deliver something

get lost in three pines, deceive
get lost

2. Use arrows to connect stable expressions that have opposite meanings.
keep your eyes open and spill like a nightingale

come to your senses

remain silent work tirelessly
wind in the head raven counting

Complete the sentence with one of the set expressions given above.

I used to think that in a lesson you could count crows, and it would still be clear what we were talking about. But, having received two bad marks in a row, I realized: I need to ________________________________


3. Insert the missing letters. Find stable expressions and underline them.

He has two - the cat cried, and p_terok and h_ twerk are a dime a dozen. If I _ communicate something to someone, then I always _ fulfill it: I am _ true to his _ word.

4. Insert the missing letters.
- Ha-ha-ha - the goose cries, - I laugh with my g _!
I'm still chewing, but I'm not being impudent.
(N. Kostarev)

Choose and underline a stable expression with which you can end

Goose's statement.

Everything is as chosen.

One is better than the other.
Like water off a duck's back.

5 . Read the text. Find a stable expression.

My little brother once wanted to drink milk from a jug, but couldn’t hold it and dropped it. Mom asks who broke it, he or the cat, but little brother is silent - he took some water into his mouth

Check the box with the correct statement.

Both literally and figuratively.
In a figurative sense.

Test work 29
Thematic groups of words

1. Guess the riddles. What theme can you combine them with?

There are thirty-three heroes on the page of the primer. Thirty-three sisters live on one page.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
Subject: _______________________________________________

2. Cross out words that do not belong to thematic groups.

School: duty officer, bouquet, class, teacher, glasses, student, last name.

School supplies: pencil case, backpack, notebook, vacuum cleaner, pencil, chalk.

Russian folk games: burners, bowling, Cossack robbers, leapfrog, blind man's buff,
stream, hockey.



When I was little, I was afraid of thunderstorms. My grandfather was responsible for thunder and lightning. He climbed to the roof of our house and with a long pole with a broom tied at the end, dispersed the low gray clouds. Then I stopped being afraid of the thunder. And grandpa no longer needed to howl and go onto the roof.

(S. Georgiev)

Select words from the text and collect them into a thematic group.

Bad weather: _____________________________________________________________________

4. Answer the question in writing. Complete the thematic group.

Who was the narrator of grandfather from the text of task 3? ___________________________


Family: ______________________________________________________________________

5. Make up a guess word. It is included in the same thematic group with the rest of the characters in the poem.
Z ubr, e notes, b Arsuk and R ys
Somehow we got together.
galloped up A ntelope,
Someone else stomped with her.
Try to guess.
There are exactly five letters in the answer.
(According to A. Kochergina)
Answer: __________________

What words from the riddle can be included in this thematic group?
Gathered: ___________________________________________________________________


Test work 30

Composition of the word

1. Complete each row with a word that should answer the question in brackets.

Fun, fun, have fun, (what?)


Redness, blush, (what?)


Story, storyteller, (what to do?)


Volume, loud, rumble, (how?)


2. Underline the words with the same root.

The cat ran to his kittens, the mole hurried to the moles.

(I. Sukhin)

Who are these animals going to? Complete the words with the same root so that
It turned out to be a poem that rhymed.
The squirrel jumped to ________________________________________,
The elk walked towards his _____________________________________________,
The wolf was in a hurry to ________________________________________,
And the fox rushed towards __________________________________________.

In the names of the cubs you have added, underline the common part.

3. Find 2 words in the task poem that denote the actions of animals. Will they be related? Please tick the correct answer.

From the word jump form three related words.


4. Find the same root words in each sentence. Write down their number next to it.

The cook in the hot kitchen was frying a roast in a brazier. __________________________________
The firefly glowed lightly and brightly in the darkness with a flickering light. _____________________

Highlight the common part of the words before the root with the ¬ sign

I fried it, baked it, salted it, cooked it.

After dark, again, long ago.

5. Come up with your own sentence so that it contains many words with a common root - jump-


Test work 31
The root is the main part of the word. Cognate (related) words

1. Underline related words in the poem.
Danced through the snow
Snow storms.
Bullfinches for snowmen
The song was whistled.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

2. Select and tick the row with related words

Blizzard, sweep, broom, mark.
Blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm, snow.
Snowball, lump, snowflake, snowy.
Ice, ice, ice, ice.
Frost, cold, frosty, frosty.

3. Insert the missing letters. Title the text.


For tomorrow _ to Shumok s _ ate three hl _ pka, two knocks, one squeak. And he washed it all down with a thin squeak. Mom-Shumikha chewed the clang of the engine, the rumble of the engine and the hum of the locomotive.
Papa-Noise swallowed the rumble of the plane and the roar of thunder.
And then they all wanted something sweet. Laughter, for example. And they went to the cinema to watch some funny cartoons.
(K. Dragunskaya)
Underline related words. In which thematic group can all the words that Shumok ate be included? _________________________________________________

4. Add related words to each line.
Creaky, creaky, creaky, _____________________________________________.

Sweets, sweet, sweeten, _________________________________________________.

Make me laugh, funny, funny, ___________________________________________________.

Will the words rumble and rumble be related? Please tick the correct answer.
Yes. No

5. Write out 3 words from the text of the task with a separating soft sign (b).


Include in these rows one related word from the text of task 3.

6. Add a single root word to each group.

Funny, laugh, _______________________, funny, funny.
Creak, creaky, creak, _____________________________.

Buzz, buzz, ___________________________, buzz, buzz.

Sweets, sweet, _________________________, sweet, sweet,

Test work 32


1. Solve the “equations” by “calculating” the prefix. Write down your answers.

___________ ¬ + freeze = freeze.
___________ ¬ + work = work.

___________ ¬ + soon = not soon.

___________ ¬ + city = suburb.

2. Write down words with prefixes that have opposite meanings. Select consoles with the icon ¬

Enter - _________________________, move in - _______________________,

to go out - ______________________, to leave - _______________________.

Write down only words with a prefix that means “to begin an action.”

Pick it up, whistle, scream, sunbathe, laugh.


3. Answer the questions. Please tick the correct answers.

Words finished And finished- same roots?

Words finished And finished- synonyms?

4. Insert the missing letters. Find related words in the text.

I love to bask in the sun. You sit in the door on a ski vest and warm yourself up. You can also go to the forest or to the beach to warm up. Everywhere - with _ nce!
This summer is so bad. And s _ my, on the pl _ you won’t warm up. And in l_su there is a lot of snow.
(According to K. Dragunskaya)

First write down related words without prefixes, and then with prefixes.
Select prefixes.


5. Check the box where all words contain a prefix.

Impossible, dissatisfied, wrong, black.
Suburb, habit, winner, saying.
Overcome, break, interrupt, obstruct.
Late, shorter, besides, younger.

Test work 33


1. Form new words using the examples.
Hand - hands, leg - _____________________________,
nose - ______________________, eyes - ___________________.
Ear - ear, mouth - ___________________________________,

person - ___________________________, cat - ___________________________.

2. In set expressions, suffixes are replaced in words. Write them down correctly.

Take under your wing. Got caught in the eyes. Keep your nose in the breeze.

3. Change the words according to the “he - she” scheme.

Guitarist - guitarist, accordion player - ________________________________,

violinist - ______________________________, singer - __________________________, worker - ______________________________, pilot - _________________________.

4. Underline the proper name in the text that contains a suffix.

The earring will not allow anyone to pull the girl Zhanna’s pigtails. If necessary, he does it himself!
(S. Georgiev)

Form as many diminutive names as possible with different suffixes from the names Anya, Vanya.


5 . Insert the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes in the words that answer the question who? or what?

The gray cat sat down on the p_chock
And t_honechko sang a song to Yur_chka:
- The little carcass woke up, the chicken stood up,
Get up, my friend, dear Yur_chka!

Test work 34


1. Determine which part of the word helps to connect the words in a sentence according to meaning.

This ____________________________________

2. Change words where possible so that they represent many things.

Birch - ___________________________, snow - ____________________________,

plant - ____________________________, cabbage - _________________________,

dishes - ___________________________, car - _________________________.

Check which part of the word has changed. Highlight it with the icon

3. Change the words to prove: the highlighted parts of the words are endings. Highlight

ending icon

Lopat A - ______________________________________

sparrow And - _____________________________________

Saturday th - ___________________________________

4. Check the row in which only the endings are separated from all words.

Girl, village, frost, country,

Foxes, cabbages, dishes, consoles.
Hares, crows, pencil, duty officer.
On-soon, not-fun, very-quickly, Russian.

5. Add endings.
Seryozha, I planned to build a snow _____ hill____ in the yard, but I miscalculated a little and overdid it. But from the tops of ___ Seryozhkina Mountain__ Everest is clearly visible, and from Everest_ - Seryozhkin ___ snowy ___ hill ___.
(S. Georgiev)

Divide Seryozhkina's word for transfer.


Test work 35

Parts of speech

1. Check the row in which all the words indicate the attribute of the object.

Folk, rustic, suddenly, birch.
Raven, canine, urban, soon

Hello, family, language, berry.
Girlish, fruitful, windy, Saturday.

2. In the poem by E. Previously, underline all the words that denote the action of the subject.

Grandfather and I are very similar, and we cannot live without each other.
We read newspapers together and hammer nails together.

We drink steamed Pepsi-Cola and sing together with the guitar.
The two of us make shelves for mom, and we both wear T-shirts.
And we both fell in love with our beautiful grandmother Dasha.

3. Consider whether this statement is true or false. Underline the correct answer.

In the text of task 2, only one word denotes the attribute of an object - this word beautiful.

Yes it is. No it's not like that

Add three more words that answer the question which one?
Grandma Dasha is beautiful, _________________________ and __________________________.

4 . Change the words so that they refer to one thing.

Nails - ___________________________, newspapers - _____________________________,

shelves - ___________________________, T-shirts - ___________________________

lovers - _______________________________.

5 . Read the sentence. From the set expressions below, choose one with which you can complete it. Write it down.

My classmate beat everyone at the school Russian language Olympiad, even the third-graders ____________________________________________________________.

Set expressions for selection: laughed at the chickens, tucked it into his belt, and came to his senses.

Test work 36

1. Read the words that belong to the same thematic group. Select and write down only nouns from them.
Dolphin, splashing, shell, raging, calm, jellyfish, wave, salty, seagull, sailboat.


2. Guess which nouns need to be included in a fun rhyme.
Bread is transported to _____________________________________,

Digs holes _______________________________________________,
And in the metro there are ___________________________________.

(According to A. Kochergina)

Words to choose: escalator, equator, excavator, tow truck, elevator.

3. In task 1, underline all animate nouns. From two of them, of your choice, form the plural form. Write it down.


4. Read the nursery rhyme. Write down two questions for her.

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts...

Who? _______________________ What? _________________________________

Complete the sentence.

The squirrel sold almost everything, the last one left was ___________________________.

5. Mark the row of words in which the plural nouns are spelled incorrectly.

No stockings, boots, shoes, socks

Lots of places, apples, things to do, soldiers

Five tangerines, tomatoes, orange.

Test work 37


1. Determine which part of speech contains the most words in this sentence. Underline the correct answer from the data below.

Flax was drowned, dried, pounded, torn, twisted, woven, and placed on the table.

The sentence contains the most verbs, nouns, adjectives, and prepositions.

Complete the rows of words by writing words with the same root that answer the question what to do?
Drying, drying, _________________________________
Weaver, weaver, _____________________________________
Torn, torn, _____________________________________
Mallet, _____________________________________________

2. First write down the words denoting useful actions, and then - useless ones.

All day Petrov was whittling a block of wood with a plane at the workbench,

And Kadykov, not far away, was kicking a tin can.

Petrov sawed, drilled, planed, chiseled, crushed, connected

And he made a birdhouse from planed planks.

And Kadykov knocked, strummed, dusted, loitered and kicked

Tin cans, cans, krinks and... tore my shoes

(According to O. Grigoriev)

Useful actions:


Useless actions:


3. Complete the verbs with the opposite meaning.

Leave - ________________________________, come - __________________________, sail away - ________________________________, fly away - __________________________, climb - ________________________________, start - __________________________

4. Read and underline the words in the text that indicate the actions that the giant performed.

There was fog over the water. A giant was washing himself in the sea.
The whole store used one soap.
He threw soap right at us, the soap foamed and floated,
The sea turned white with soap, the sea was angry and seething:
He was angered by a brawler - a clean giant.
(E. Axelrod)

Add words that denote actions.

Soap (what did it do?) _________________________________________________________________.

5. Describe the drawing to create a short story.

Test work 38

1. In the titles of fairy tales, underline the adjectives. Above each of them write the question that it answers.
"Two greedy little bears." "Greedy merchant's wife." “The rooster and the bean seed. “White bull, tar barrel, cool horns.” "Frost - Red Nose." "The Scarlet Flower".

2. Read the conversation between two students.
- What are you doing in class?
- I’m sitting and waiting for the call.
Complete the sentence by adding three adjectives from the words to choose from.
The student, it turns out, is not at all diligent, not diligent, not diligent, but,

vice versa, ___________________________________________________________________.

Words to choose: smart, obedient, lazy, lethargic, careless, inattentive, thoughtful, sleepy.

3. Read the tongue twisters. Write two adjectives each using words to choose from.

Grandma bought Marusya beads.

This is ___________________________________________________ girl.

Papers are always falling out of Arkashka's pockets.

Mila washed herself with soap, lathered herself, and washed it off.

This is _____________________________________________________ girl.

Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

This is a boy.

Words to choose: fidgety, smart, beautiful, cheerful, clean, pretty, neat, kind, sloppy, lazy, slack, hardworking. hard-working, smart, agile, intelligent.

4. For each word denoting a feature of an object, select a word that is suitable in meaning, denoting the object, and write it down.
Soft ____________________________________________
empty _____________________________________________
delicious _____________________________________________________
strong _____________________________________________________
thick _____________________________________________________
high _________________________________________________
transparent __________________________________________
complete _________________________________________________

5. Read the text. Please tick the correct option.
Seryozhka planted a watermelon seed in the ground and watered it abundantly every day.
his lemonade. By autumn, magnificent sparkling watermelons have ripened.

(S. Georgiev)

This is a joke story.
This is a true story about growing watermelons.

Write it down so that the highlighted combination of words becomes one adjective.
Watermelon seed - ______________________________________________________________
Sparkling water - ___________________________________________________________
Plant from the garden - _____________________________________________________
Berry from the forest - ______________________________________________________________

Test work 39

1. Read the lines of poetry and underline all the prepositions in them.

The jugs went to the spring for water -

Green, silver, gold.
We walked in the heat, stood in the shade,
They scooped up water from the spring,
Then we turned our noses to the sunset

And they began - single file - to return back.

(According to N. Matveeva)

2. Guess the riddle, write the answer.

He shakes the tree, whistles like a robber, tears off the last leaf, spins it around, throws it, then circles it again.

Underline the correct answer.

There are no prepositions in a riddle. There are prepositions in the riddle.

Write down the number of verbs in the riddle. ____________________________

3. Read a Russian folk joke. Choose from the brackets and fill in the appropriate prepositions.

Like a rooster (in, on) _____ oven bakes pies,

The cat (behind, on) ______ the window is sewing a shirt,

The little pig (in, on) _____ mortar is pounding peas,

The horse (under, at) ______ porch (in, on) four hooves beats,

The duck (without, in) _____ boots sweeps the hut.

4. Write down all possible prepositions that can be used meaningfully.
Fold __________________________________________ table.
Climb __________________________________________ sofa.
Words to choose: for, under, on, in, through, to, from under, with, from.

5. Read the text. Enter in it suitable stable expressions.

I once bet with a friend that I would learn a big poem overnight and recite it with expression at the blackboard, but I lay down for a minute, fell asleep, and the next day ___________


Now ______________________________________________ made a promise - keep it.

Stable expressions to choose from: keep in the shadows, confuse, fail miserably, hack to death.

Test work 40
Offer. Text

1. Write the text correctly.
Tender cherries blossom blue lake overflows clear sun smiles earth power shower pours spring red heart pleases


2. Read the text. What do you think happened next?

One man figured out how to save whales from extinction. He got a job as a harpooner in a whaling fleet and deliberately always aimed wide.
(S. Georgiev)

What kind of person do you think he was? Write your opinion.


3. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Circle the number under which the text is given, not a set of sentences.

1. But it’s best to write squiggles, hooks and dots on a piece of paper. All this will grow like grass. And words will be born by themselves.

(According to A. Smetanin)

2. Write down the sentence in a beautiful way. The lion supposedly has a 6 _ longer mane.
Don't stand on the roadway. Pl _ points we bought for Nastya.

4. Read the sentences. Compose them into a coherent text and write it down.

He began to think about how to get an apple. It was autumn. There were no leaves on the trees. I saw an apple and wanted to eat it. There was only one apple hanging on the apple tree. A hare was running. But the apple is high.


5. From the text of task 4, write down sentences that contain only a subject and a predicate.

Final test work 41 (one text per text)

1. Read the text. Determine what kind of text this is - description, narrative or reasoning.

When I was little, I really loved to invent all sorts of utter nonsense, tell it to my grandfather and always ask if this could really happen.
“Maybe,” answered my beloved grandfather. - When the cancer whistles on the mountain.
After such an answer, I always began to sulk and worry, and then grandfather
definitely said:
- Okay, let's go! I have one friend who has cancer!

We walked to the river and spent a long time trying to persuade my grandfather’s crayfish friend to take a walk with us up the mountain. Cancer refused and resisted, but in the end he always agreed on the condition that he was brought to the table.
On the mountain, the cancer continued to say that he did not want to whistle, and found out why he should do it. It is clear that in the end they whistled as a duet, my cancer and my grandfather

(According to S. Georgiev)

Underline the correct option.

This is a text-narration, text-reasoning text-description

2. Come up with a first, middle and last name for your grandfather and grandson. Will everything be the same?

Grandfather: ___________________________________________________________________

Grandson: ______________________________________________________________________

3. Come up with and write the name of the city and river where these events took place.
City ________________________________, river ___________________________________

4. Title the text with a stable phrase that is in the text itself.

5. Determine and underline the meaning in which the word is used in the text.

Refused to do anything.
Created support for himself with some part of his body

(torso, leg, arm, etc.).

Suitable, comfortable.
Okay Calm down, peacefully.
Okay, I agree.

Agreement, agreement.
Condition Requirement, offer.
A rule for something.

Desire, desire.

Catching animals.

6. Write words that are close in meaning.

Nonsense, ______________________________________________________________________________

Duet, _____________________________________________________________________

Words to choose: nonsense, stupidity, gossip, two, in chorus, five of us.

7. Select and underline pairs of words that are close in meaning.

To crow - to worry, asked - was interested, to happen - to happen,

grandfather - grandmother, why - why, mountain - steppe

8. Select and underline pairs of words that have opposite meanings.

Denied - agreed, loved - adored, spoke - was silent, always - never, mountain - hole, small - weak, long - fast.

9. Sort out the words according to their composition.

Little ones. Snowdrop.

10. Highlight the root in words with the same root.

Whistling, whistler, whistler, whistler.

Beloved, love, Lyuba, love.

11. Determine which part of the word distinguishes these words. Select it.

He asked, asked, asked, asked, asked again.

Tick ​​the correct answer to the question: do these words differ in
Not really

Which part of a word changes its meaning? ___________________________________________

12. Highlight the suffixes with which new words were formed.
Baby, baby, baby, little
Grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather.

13. .Highlight the endings in each row in both words.
Beloved grandfather.
Beloved grandfather.
To my beloved grandfather.
Beloved grandfather.
About my beloved grandfather.

1 4. Prove that this sentence contains all the parts of speech that you know. Write down these words with questions.

The cancer whistled on a high mountain.

Noun: __________________________________________________________
Verb: _______________________________________________________________________
Adjective: ___________________________________________________________
Preposition: _____________________________________

15. In the sentence from task 14, underline the subject and predicate.

16. Explain how you understand the meaning of the expression: When the cancer on the mountain whistles.



Option 1
Part I

A1. Mark with a sign (V) the row in which all words begin with a hard voiced consonant.

1) ant, palm, hare, city

2) magazine, ferret, notebook, rider

3) hail, sofa, drawing, lamp

A2. Mark with a sign (V) the row in which the words in the dictionary are exactly located.

1) pineapple, orange, apricot, willow, volcano

2) apricot, pineapple, orange, willow, volcano

3) orange, pineapple, apricot, volcano, willow

AZ . Mark with a (V) the group in which all words are written with a capital letter.




A4. Mark (V) the answer that contains the missing letters correctly.

A wonderful summer has arrived. The children are going to the dacha_. Near the house there are groves_. Children often go to the river.

1) y, y, a, a

2) yu, yu, a, a

3) y, y, I, I

A5 . Mark with (V) the group where in all words the soft sign indicates the softness of the consonant.

1) autumn, skates, coat

2) nightingales, monkey, blizzard

3) ring, family, boy

A6. Mark (V) the group of misspelled words.

1) cloud, pea, milky

2) daughter, night, vegetable

3) point, powerful, manual

A7. Find and mark with (V) the word that matches this pattern:¬ ^ 

1) jogging

2) schoolchildren

3) arrows

A8 . Find and mark with a sign (V) the row with incorrectly written words.

1) beautiful, flashing, running

2) fields, foliage, dirt

3) feed, nest, swifts

A9 . Mark with (V) a group of words where the letter “b” should be written at the end of the words.
1) bread_, su_, tulu_

2) du_, koro_, sugro__

3) table_, hundred_, pigeon

A10 . Mark (V) the sentence that has the wrong mark at the end of the sentence.

1) How I love walking in the winter forest!

2) It’s a good summer morning.

3) You will go with me to the zoo.

Part II

IN 1. Match the words to the diagram: ^ 

Words for reference:snowflake, young, hiking.


AT 2 . Analyze the word strawberries and complete the sentences.

The word has ____ syllables. Stressed ____ syllable.

The word has ________ _ letters, ____ sounds.

There are soft consonant sounds in the word ______________________________________________________________

VZ . Make up phrases with these words:lake, big, task, elephant, difficult, deep.


Part III

C1 . Select words with the indicated spellings and write one word at a time in the table.

C2. Compose and write a mini-essay (3-5 sentences) on one of the suggested topics: “My favorite book”, “My best friend”.



Analyze the work done and fill out the table.

Perform a color self-assessment of the work,

I completed the task.

I'm experiencing difficulties.
