Politics social science. What is politics

Unified State Examination for the Section: "Politics"

1. Write down the word missing in the table.

Subsystems of the political system



State, political parties, socio-political movements

Political principles, legal and moral norms, political traditions


2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) general elections; 2) parliamentary democracy; 3) government responsible to parliament; 4) deputies from the opposition; 5) equality before the law.

4. Choose the correct judgments about political regimes and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2. A democratic political regime presupposes guarantees of human rights and freedoms.

3. Constitutions exist only in countries with a democratic system.

4. The establishment of parliamentarism began in modern times.

5. A characteristic feature of totalitarianism is the merging of the state and the ruling party.


5. Select the correct judgments about the forms of government and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The nature of the distribution of powers between the center and the regions determines the form of government.

2. All modern democratic states have a republican form of government.

3. Monarchical rule involves the transfer of power by inheritance.

4. In a republican form of government, unlike a monarchical one, the government is elected by the population.

5. In a republic, tenure in the highest elective posts is limited to a certain period.


6. In state Z, the president is elected by members of both houses of parliament. What additional information indicates that State Z is a parliamentary republic? Select the required items from the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Parliament is a permanent body.

2. Parliament can dismiss the government.

3. The government is responsible to the president.

4. The head of government becomes the leader of the party that wins the parliamentary elections.

5. Parliament is elected on the basis of universal and equal suffrage.

6. The main function of the government is to develop and pass laws


7. Choose the correct judgments about the features of a democratic political regime and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. In a democratic regime, publicity is the principle of organization and activity of the state apparatus.

2. In a democratic regime, power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial.

3. In a democratic regime, the activities of opposition parties are prohibited.

4. Unlike other types of political regimes, in a democratic regime there is the right of government to collect taxes and fees.

5. In a democratic regime, unlike political regimes of other types, the authorities have the right to legally use force.


8. In art. 3 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic states that the task of the state is to eliminate obstacles that actually limit the freedom and equality of citizens and interfere with the full development of the human personality. What conclusions does this constitutional provision allow? Write down the numbers under which these conclusions are indicated

1. The Republic proclaimed the values ​​of a democratic social state.

2. The republic is distinguished by stable social relations.

3. The Republic is a welfare state with high living standards.

4. The Republic is a modern state with developed legislation.

5. The Republic declared the sovereignty of the people.

6. The Republic recognizes man, his rights and freedoms as the highest value.


9. Country Z has developed a stable political system, which ensures stable development of society. What components are included in a political system?

1. communicative

2. cultural and ideological

3. educational

4. normative

5. party-organizational

6. institutional


10. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the branches of the highest state power include power

1. judicial

2. municipal

3. executive

4. party

5. legislative

6. folk


11. Choose the correct judgments about the forms of government and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Only multinational countries have a federal government structure.

2. In a unitary state there is no territorial division of the country.

3. In a federal state, the subject of the federation has part of the sovereignty.

4. Unitary states usually have a unicameral parliament.

5. In unitary states, authoritarian regimes are established more often than in federal ones.


12. In state Z, regular elections of the legislative assembly are held. Representatives of various political forces participate in them. What additional information indicates that the country has a proportional electoral system?

Select the required items from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. mandates are distributed between parties in accordance with the number of votes cast

2. opposition parties, along with pro-government ones, nominate their candidates

4. inter-party coalitions are created during the pre-election period


13. State Z has adopted a new constitution and elections are held at certain intervals. What additional information will allow us to conclude that there is a totalitarian regime in state Z? Choose the correct answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The main supreme bodies of power are formed on the basis of elections.

2. The branches of government are constitutionally separated.

3. Separate articles of the constitution are devoted to the rights and freedoms of citizens.

4. There is a single obligatory political ideology.

5. Full state control has been established over all aspects of society and human life.


14. Choose the correct judgments about the place and role of a political party in modern society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. A political party is an element of the communicative component of the political system.

2. The political party that receives a majority in parliament forms the highest legislative and executive powers.

3. The most important function of a party in a democracy is governance

national economy.

4. In a modern democratic society, party participation in the election campaign is of particular importance.

5. One of the functions of a political party is to identify and coordinate interest groups of the country's citizens.


15. In state Z, the opposition has created its own party and has its own press organs. What additional information indicates that State Z is democratic? Find the hallmarks of democracy in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. a multi-party system has developed

2. there are educational and property electoral qualifications

3. Parliament is elected through free and alternative elections

4. the country has a unitary form of government

5. The constitution guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens

6. the president is vested with broad powers


16. Choose the correct judgments about political power and write down the numbers under

by which they are indicated.

1. Political power is expressed in managing the affairs of the state and society through a system of government bodies.

2. Political power includes a system of non-state methods of influencing society and citizens.

3. Political power is engaged in educational and scientific activities.

4. The institutions of political power include industrial organizations.

5. The institutions of political power include consumer and

trade unions.


17. State Z is headed by a charismatic leader. What features are characteristic of this type of political leadership? Write down the numbers under which these traits are indicated.

1. Leadership is based on tradition

2. leadership is exercised on the basis of laws adopted by a modern democratic society

3. the leader is distinguished by rhetorical and communication skills, artistry

4. citizens endow the leader with exceptional, outstanding leadership qualities

5. A leader charges those around him with his energy.

6. leadership is based on the habit of citizens to obey


18. Choose the correct judgments about the rule of law and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. A rule of law distinguishes from an illegal state the supremacy of law and justice.

2. In a rule-of-law state, a previously absent separation of public power from society is established.

3. The government in a law-governed state, as well as in a non-legal state, has a monopoly on the legal use of force.

4. The rule of law ensures legal relations in society and legal equality.

5. The branches of government in a rule of law state are independent of each other.


19. State Z was headed by a popular heir to the ruling dynasty. Which information from the following indicates that political leadership in State Z can be characterized as traditional? Choose the correct positions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2. Political leadership is characterized by the faith of citizens in the extraordinary, outstanding qualities of the leader.

3. The leader exercises political power on the basis of laws and within the framework of laws.

4. Members of society experience both a feeling of love and a feeling of fear towards the leader.

5. Leadership is based on the habit of submission.

6. The leadership's competence is clearly defined by the constitution and regulations.


20. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The form of the state, no matter how it is expressed, always has a direct connection with the state _____ (A). Forms of government vary depending on whether power is exercised by one individual or held by a collective _____ (B). In the first case we have a monarchy, in the second ____ (B). A parliamentary monarchy is distinguished by the fact that the _____ (D) of the monarch is formally and actually limited in all areas of the exercise of state power. The legislative power belongs to _____ (D), the executive power belongs to _____ (E). Parliamentary monarchies in science

literature are often called constitutional monarchies.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1. federation

2. government

3. president

4. parliament

6. elected body

7. politics

9. republic

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The form of a state is a complex concept that includes three elements: form of government, government structure and political regime. The form of a state is not a simple set of its constituent elements, but the unity of an entire system, conditioned by its internal connections and relationships. The form of each specific state as a unity of these elements (form of government, form of government

and political regime) develops historically under the influence of a number of factors. It is undoubtedly influenced by the level of economic development achieved by society at a certain stage of its development, and the relations between the main political forces in society. Therefore, in different historical eras, those forms of state prevailed that were more consistent with the stage

economic growth and the balance of political forces in the country. This explains why in the Middle Ages, for example, the most common form of government was monarchy (of various types). And after the bourgeois revolutions in some countries, the monarchical form of government either underwent significant changes or was replaced by a republican one (also of different types).

This diversity is explained by the fact that, in addition to the above factors, the form of the state can also be influenced by other conditions, in particular, the geographical location of the country, the historical traditions inherent in the peoples inhabiting it, etc.

The state is the form of exercise of sovereign power. Depending on who is the bearer of sovereign power, we can talk about different

forms of government. The form of government is understood as the organization of the supreme state power, the procedure for the formation of its bodies, their competence and relationship with the population, the degree of participation of the population in the formation of these bodies.

Based on their forms of government, states are divided into monarchies and republics. The monarchical form of government developed in slave society and is still preserved in some countries.

Of course, the monarchy as a form of government did not remain unchanged. It underwent very significant changes depending on the conditions for the development of socio-political institutions and the alignment of socio-political forces in society.

The head of such a state is the monarch; his activities are not limited to a certain period, i.e. he fulfills his duties for life. A Republic is a form of government in which the highest bodies of state power are elected by the people on the basis of popular vote, i.e. the source of power is the sovereign people. In republics, the highest bodies of state power are collegial and mostly elected (head of state - president, parliament), which are elected for a certain term. Officials of elected government bodies bear political responsibility to their voters. It can be expressed in such forms as early recall of a deputy, dissolution of parliament, resignation of the government, or removal of the president from office.

(M.I. Abdulaev)

21 List four factors influencing the formation of the form of a state.

23. Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government. Correlate these characteristics of the Russian political system with the three elements of the form of the state as a system indicated in the text (first give the element, then give its characteristics).

24. Supporters of monarchies argue that such states are more stable and better ensure the continuity of power. Based on social science knowledge and using the text, give three arguments in favor of a republican system.

25. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “form of state-territorial structure”? Drawing on the knowledge of a social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the varieties of forms of state-territorial structure, and another sentence characterizing one of these varieties.

26. Name any three social functions of the state and illustrate each of them with an example.

27. A single national constituency has been created in country Z. The government is formed by the bloc of parties that wins the elections. Deputy seats (mandates) in the legislative assembly are distributed among political parties depending on the votes they receive, provided that these parties have overcome the 10% electoral threshold.

What type of electoral system is country Z? Indicate one advantage and disadvantage of this electoral system.

28. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Political consciousness”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. normative

20. 869542

21. 1. level of economic development;

2. the relationship between political forces;

3. geographical location of the country;

4. historical traditions.

22. 1. two signs of monarchy indicated by the author are given:

The head of state is the monarch,

His reign is not limited by any

2. Another sign is named, for example: power is inherited.

23. The answer must indicate three elements of the form, each of which must be correlated with the characteristics of the Russian political system:

1) form of government: republic;

2) form of territorial government: federation;

3) political regime: democracy.

24. 1) the republican form with a system of permanent elections of government bodies ensures the participation of the population in political processes;

2) in the republics, a closer connection between power and the people is established thanks to the responsibility of leaders to their voters;

3) the turnover of power under a republican system creates conditions for the renewal of elites.

25. 1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “The form of government reflects the system of relationships between central and regional authorities”;

2) one sentence with information about the types of forms of territorial government, based on knowledge of the course, for example: “One of the forms of government is a federation.”

3) one sentence characterizing any of the types of forms of government, for example; “In a unitary state, territorial entities do not have political independence”;

26. 1) establishing and ensuring minimum social standards of living: wages, pensions, subsistence level, etc. (adoption of a law on pensions in state Z, adoption of a law on minimum wage in state Z);

2) support for those who, due to objective reasons, cannot work fully: sick, disabled, children, elderly people, students, etc. (Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates disability");

3) allocation of the necessary funds for the social needs of the entire population of the country (adopting programs aimed at developing education, healthcare, transport);

4) development of pensions, insurance, healthcare, etc. (law on indexation of pensions).

27. 1) type- proportional electoral system;

2) the merits of this type of electoral system, For example:

Involves active activity of political parties, including opposition ones;

Stability of political elites,

Stability of the current political course;

3) disadvantage of this type of electoral system, For example:

There is no personal responsibility of parliamentarians to voters, there is no mechanism for recalling deputies by the population;

The emergence of new political leaders and the renewal of elites are difficult;

As a rule, small parties that are unable to overcome the electoral threshold are not represented in parliament.

28. 1. Political consciousness as a form of social consciousness

2. Components of political consciousness

2) beliefs and attitudes

4) stereotypes

3. Functions of political consciousness:

1) ideological

2) regulatory

3) educational

4) evaluative

5) mobilization

6) communicative

7) educational

4. Levels of political consciousness:

1) state and ordinary

2) theoretical and empirical

5. Forms of political consciousness:

1) specialized

2) massive

6. Political consciousness and ideology

7. The role of the media in the formation of political consciousness

Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Policy. Right. Korolkova E.S.

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

The guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam contains standard exam tasks, comments on them and recommendations on all topics in the “Politics” and “Law” sections submitted for the exam. Comments on assignments take into account numerous difficulties and typical mistakes made by students during the exam. The manual contains many tasks at all levels of the Unified State Examination for independent work. Answers are provided for all tasks.

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Brief description of the sections of Codifier 5
Politics 5
Right 5
Tasks in the sections “Politics” and “Law”
in the structure of the examination paper 6
Preparing for the exam: what to pay attention to 8
What to use when preparing for exam 13
Content line “Politics” 15
The concept of power. The state and its functions.
Government bodies of the Russian Federation 15
Politic system. Typology of political regimes.
Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics 26
Civil society and the rule of law. Political elite. Political parties and movements.
Mass media in the political system 37
Election campaign in the Russian Federation. Political participation.
Political process. Political leadership 48
Content line “Law” 62
Law in the system of social norms. System of Russian law. Concept and types of legal liability. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 62
Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections. Legislative process in the Russian Federation. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Subjects of civil law. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial
activities. Property and non-property rights 72
Hiring procedure. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract. Legal regulation of relations between spouses. The procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage.
Features of administrative jurisdiction 83
Military duty, alternative civilian service. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer. International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime). Right to favorable
environment and ways to protect it 94
Disputes, the procedure for their consideration. Basic rules and principles of civil procedure. Features of the criminal process. Law enforcement agencies. Judiciary 105
Content line “Politics” 123
Content line “Law” 132

Here is a workshop to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. With its help, you will become familiar with all types of tasks that will appear in the exam and their specifics, and also learn about the content of the social science knowledge and skills being tested.
The manual presents two sections of social studies out of five: “Politics” and “Law”. Each section contains tasks for independent work in the Unified State Exam format for almost all units of tested content. These tasks are similar to those that will be presented in the exam.

The author of the article is professional tutor Elena Viktorovna Kaluzhskaya

This article is about concepts found in questions Unified State Exam in Social Studies: Politics, power, political system.

The term " policy" comes from the ancient Greek word polis - “city-state”, first introduced into scientific circulation by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Politics are relationships between large groups of people within a society, as well as between societies, that are aimed at establishing, maintaining and redistributing power.

Concept " power" expresses a phenomenon of social life with which all political processes are associated. However, power can exist in the form of the power of parents, boss, leader of an informal group, etc. For the political sphere, the concept is applied "political power".

Let's give definitions:
Power- social relations, the distinctive feature of which is the ability of one individual or group of persons to influence other individuals or group of persons, changing their behavior in accordance with their goals.

Political power– the right, ability and opportunity to defend certain political views, attitudes and goals.

The sphere of politics has its own structure, expressed in the concept "politic system".

System- this is a set of elements interconnected in such a way that together they represent an object, a phenomenon that performs some function. You can give an example of anything: a pen, a notebook, a person, morality... A notebook, for example, is a collection of squared or ruled sheets and a cover, fastened together. The notebook is used to record educational material. Morality is a set of norms that determine human behavior. What does it represent politic system?

A political system is a complex of norms, public institutions and organizations that together represent the political self-organization of society.

There are five structural components (elements) in the political system, which are called subsystems:

1. Institutional subsystem: states, parties, socio-political movements and other political institutions.
2. Regulatory subsystem: political principles, legal norms governing political life, political traditions and moral standards.
3. Functional subsystem: forms and directions of political activity, methods of exercising power.
4. Communication subsystem: a set of connections and interactions, both between the subsystems of the political system, and between the political system and other subsystems of society, between the political systems of different countries.
5. Cultural-ideological subsystem: political psychology and ideology, political culture, including political teachings, values, ideals, patterns of behavior that influence the political activities of people.

What is politics? Why does the average citizen need it? What does this concept include?

Policy. Social studies lesson

The political sphere is one of the four spheres of society, along with the economic, social and spiritual. What does social science tell us about this? The sphere of policy in science is divided into three concepts:

  • Type of human activity.
  • One of the four spheres of social life in a complex dynamic system of society.
  • The type of social relationships between people in a group.

The concept of political activity

Each of us, without noticing it, is involved in the political activities of the state in which we live. Indeed, politics plays a leading role in our lives. After all, we all live within a society that is governed by a social institution such as the state. This is how the famous German scientist M. Weber characterized the involvement in politics of each individual in society:

  • Involvement “by chance”. This is when a citizen of a country makes a one-time political decision and participates in the political life of the country. A striking example would be presidential elections or referendums on the most important issues of society.
  • Part-time involvement. When a citizen actively participates in politics, but his main activity is in another area. For example, entrepreneurs belong to a political party and periodically participate in its life.
  • Professional politicians. These are people whose main activity is this area.

Influence on politics

From the course of national history it is clear that similar movements arose in Russia. Suffice it to recall the Socialist Revolutionary Party (AKP) with its mass terrorist attacks and murders of leading political figures of the 19th century. The communists did not limit themselves to anything after the revolution of 1917 and the Red Terror that followed. The goal is to destroy the classes of “kulaks and masters” by any means. To prevent such events, a separate topic (“Politics”) in social studies is studied.

Political institutions

Sanctions are applied to ensure compliance with orders. This is not always a negative concept. Sanctions are divided into positive and negative. The first to ensure orders include incentives. For example, bonus, promotion, extraordinary leave. Negative sanctions for maintaining power include punishments - dismissal, fine, deprivation of bonuses, etc. An important factor in maintaining power is the authority of the subject issuing orders or instructions.

Let's look again at the Social Studies course. Politics is not only the sphere where power exists. In society, the following types of power are divided:

  • Economic. Control over resources, money, material values.
  • Cultural and informational. Control over information (radio, newspapers, television, etc.)
  • Forced. Control by force (army, police, security services).
  • Political.

The latter type of power has a number of distinctive properties that are unique to it:

  • Applies to the entire society living on the territory of the state. All other powers are subordinate to the political.
  • It acts on behalf of society as a whole.
  • Only political power is given the right to legally use force.
  • It has a single national decision-making center.
  • Uses all means of influence inherent in other types of power.

What conclusion can be drawn from studying the Social Studies course? Politics is one of the key activities that influences all others.
