Edible algae - types, benefits and harms. seaweed brown seaweed for food

There are over 30,000 types of seaweed. Some of them people began to eat many centuries ago. Other algae are used to extract agar, carrageenan, iodine. Algae people use in cosmetology and in the pharmaceutical industry

Description and composition of seaweed

Algae are unicellular organisms that can only exist in water. They grow in salty, fresh, alkaline and acidic waters. There are algae that can grow on land.

Algae have certain differences in chemical composition. However, they cannot be called essential. In most plants, the set of microelements is rather uniform. This applies to brown, red and green algae.

According to its mineral set, seaweeds resemble the chemical composition of human blood.

Algae contains minerals, acids, micro and macro elements, as well as other useful compounds, including:

    Carbohydrates and proteins. There are no fats in algae.

    Vitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, M, PP.

    Minerals, which are represented by fluorine, iodine, calcium, molybdenum, silicon, magnesium. The use of algae in food allows you to reduce, which is possible thanks to vanadium.



  • pectin fibers.

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.




    Dietary fibers and fiber.

Algae are low in calories. Nori has the highest energy value. It is 350 kcal per 100 g. The lowest calorie content in ulva is equivalent to 20 kcal.

Scientists classify algae into groups depending on the pigmentation of plants, structural features of their cells, and a number of other features:

    Algae is green. These include sea lettuce (ulva) and sea grapes (umi budo).

    Brown algae: fucus, kelp, wakame, aram, kombu. Wakame is the main ingredient in miso soup.

    red algae, which include dulse, laver and the famous nori. Sushi is prepared from the latter species of algae.

    Blue-green algae. They are represented by chlorella and spirulina.

You can dwell on the most common algae that a person uses more often than others:

    Seaweed or kelp. This is one of the varieties of brown algae. Laminaria is a source of iodine. Moreover, it is contained in it in an organic form, which is practically not found in other products. In contact with water, the algae forms a gel, so eating it has a laxative effect. With the help of kelp, you can qualitatively clean the intestinal walls.

    Fucus. This is another subspecies of brown algae. Fucus contains a lot of Omega-3 acids, so these algae are useful for people with heart and vascular diseases. They are actively included in the menu by patients with.

    Spirulina. This plant belongs to the blue-green algae. It grows in the tropics and subtropics. Spirulina is actively grown in the laboratory. This prevents heavy metals and harmful substances from entering the cells of the plant. There are a lot of them in water bodies. Spirulina contains a lot of high-quality protein, its concentration in algae is 1.5 times higher than in soybeans. Based on this plant, medicines are made.

In Mexico, the Department of Biochemistry conducted a study that found that daily consumption of 4.5 grams of spirulina can control blood pressure levels in men and women aged 18 to 65 years.

    Arame. These algae are dark brown in color. They have a mild taste and are pleasantly crunchy. Algae are sold dried, cut into thin slices.

    Nori. These plants are a source of phosphorus, vitamin A and protein. Also, nori can be found under the name laver or porphyry.

    kombu. These algae have a rich olive color, they are wide and flat. The taste of the plant is very rich. Kombu is rich in fucoxanthin. This substance is an excellent fat burner. Therefore, kombu can be found in the composition of dietary supplements for losing weight. The kombu is also called the kelp. These algae are a type of kelp.

    Lithotamnia. This is a type of red algae. They contain many minerals and trace elements. Plants of this species are especially rich in magnesium and iron. Lithotamnia is used in medicine to combat.

    Khiziki. These algae are dark brown in color. They look like spaghetti. When the algae dry out, they turn black.

    Ulva. These algae grow in the Black Sea. They are rich in proteins, iron salts and fiber. Many people include them in their diet. Ulva is also called sea lettuce.

    Umibudo. These algae look like grapes. Plants taste salty. They contain antioxidants that are useful for, and also prevent the division of atypical cells. Umi budo is often referred to as a sea grape.

Chuka algae

Algae are dark green or dark brown in color.

Plants of this species contain a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. They are also a source of calcium. It is 15 times more in them than in cow's milk.

They are one of the ingredients in many salads, turning them into a real vitamin cocktail. The phytohormones present in them have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, intestines and genital organs. Grass is a natural absorbent, because it has the ability to absorb and remove harmful substances from the body.

Since algae contain many different substances, they can be considered the most useful food.

They can have the following effects on the human body:

    Reducing inflammation.

    Immunity boost.

    Destruction of viruses. There is evidence that algae should be eaten by people with.

    Destruction of bacteria.

    Normalization of the thyroid gland. Algae are a source of iodine. This substance is essential for the thyroid gland. If the organ begins to work with disorders, then a person has such symptoms as: a set of overweight, malfunctions of the reproductive system, arrhythmia. When an iodine deficiency is observed in a child, he begins to lag behind in development. Seaweed contains tyrosine. This amino acid is needed by the body to produce hormones that are needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Stabilization of blood pressure. Algae are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. If you eat them regularly, it will positively affect the composition of the blood. The risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies decreases, the pressure returns to normal.

    Saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals. Algae contain many useful substances, including iodine, calcium and iron. In some species of algae, vitamin B12 is present in significant quantities.

    Antioxidant effect. Antioxidant protection is provided by vitamins A, E, C, carotenoids and flavonoids. They neutralize free radicals, reducing their pathogenic activity. Therefore, algae can be used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.

    Normalization of bowel function. Algae contains sugars and fiber, which are fed by bacteria living in the intestines. Moreover, these substances are food for beneficial microflora. When fed, they actively multiply and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Fucoxanthin is a pigment found in algae. When it enters the intestines, it binds to fats and brings them out. Alginate from algae protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from damage, prevents the development of gastritis and ulcers.

    Increasing the body's defenses. If you eat algae every day, then the intestines will surely respond with gratitude, as beneficial bacteria will begin to multiply in it. Such changes have a positive effect on the state of immunity. Algae contains components that activate the production of white blood cells responsible for immunity.

    Weight loss. Since algae contain few kilocalories, they do not allow fat to be deposited in the body. Weight loss occurs due to increased metabolic processes, which are activated by fucoxanthin.

    Fucoxanthin helps reduce body fat. This fact has been proven in animal experiments. Other studies have found that fucoxanthin lowers blood glucose levels in rats, so the animals begin to lose weight.

    Prevention of cardiological diseases. It is possible for the light to lower blood cholesterol levels. The pressure returns to normal, the likelihood of blood clots decreases.

    Prevention of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The decrease in blood glucose occurs due to alginate, fucoxanthin and other components that make up the algae.

    Stabilization of hormonal levels in women. There is evidence that regular consumption of algae can normalize the level of estrogen in the blood. The higher its content in the body, the higher the likelihood of growth of malignant tumors of the breast and ovaries. Therefore, nori and kelp should be included in the menu of all women.

    Detox effect. Algae contains fucoidan, which removes harmful substances and carcinogens from the body. Chlorella and spirulina are rich in chlorophyll, so their consumption in food allows you to cleanse the blood of toxins, as well as lower cholesterol levels. Alginic acid salts from algae help protect the body from the effects of radiation.

    Saturation of the body with protein. Algae are an excellent source of protein. Therefore, they are often included in their diet by people involved in sports. They allow you to quickly build muscle mass and restore strength after training.

    Body rejuvenation. The use of algae in food has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. In cosmetology, algae are used in their pure form, as well as extracts and extracts based on them.

Video: Why are seaweed useful? - Dr. Michael Greger:

Algae is used as a food product and not only.

Application in the food industry. To create algin, kelp and fucus are used. Alginic acid is known as additive E400. Confectioners use it as a thickener and stabilizer. This component can be found in the composition of sweets, yogurt, beer, ice cream.

Agar-agar is also made from algae. This additive is known under the number E406. It is extracted from red algae.

Application in dentistry. Algae are increasingly being used by dentists. It has been proven that kelp resists caries, and also allows you to maintain the integrity of tooth enamel. Therefore, it is not surprising that algae (Fitolon, Optifersh, Lamident) can be found in the composition of toothpastes. Their use has a positive effect on the condition of the periodontium.

Use in cosmetology. The use of algae in cosmetology is widespread. In beauty parlors, procedures are carried out using these plants. Such a cosmetic service is not cheap. The most popular direction in this area is algae wrap.

These plants allow you to saturate the dermis with vitamins, accelerate its regeneration, improve blood circulation, and regulate the acid-base balance. Thanks to wraps, you can prevent the deposition of fat under the skin, make its surface even and smooth. Algae can be called a real energy for the skin. They are part of various lotions and gels that are used as a means to combat cellulite.

Algae extract is found in cosmetic creams and serums designed to care for problem skin.

They take a bath with algae, make face and hair masks with them. Since these plants have a disinfecting effect, they are used to combat dandruff and to eliminate excess oil from the scalp.

Algae contains biologically active components that help solve the following problems:

    Improve tone and rejuvenate aging facial skin.

    Normalize metabolic processes.

    Restore skin cells.

    Increase the elasticity of the dermis.

    Enhance the production of elastin and collagen.

    Reduce the severity of stretch marks.

    Moisturize the dermis.

    Give your skin a healthy complexion.

Algae have a number of contraindications. It is not always possible to eat them. It is forbidden to include algae in the menu for the following categories of people:

    People with allergies to algae.

    People with thyroid disease. Before eating algae, you need to visit an endocrinologist.

    Children under 12 years old. Plants contain a lot of iodine. Its excess can cause hormonal imbalance in the child's body. Therefore, before offering algae to children, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Asians always eat algae along with foods that contain estrogens. They prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing large amounts of iodine. These foods include soy milk, tofu, and cruciferous vegetables.

You can not eat algae that grew in environmentally unfavorable conditions. They absorb all harmful substances, poisons and toxins from the water. Such food will only harm the body.

Seaweed Recipes

Algae help to saturate the body with minerals. Most often, people include kelp, better known as seaweed, in their diet. They also eat spirulina.


    70 g dried seaweed;

    200 g of beef;

    2-3 cloves of garlic;

    2 tablespoons of sesame oil;

    1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

    a teaspoon of salt;

    2 liters of water.

    Beef is cut into strips, marinated in soy sauce and sesame oil. Keep the meat in the marinade for 30 minutes.

    Fry the beef in vegetable oil until it is lightly browned. At the end of frying, add garlic and keep the meat on fire for another minute.

    The liquid is drained from the algae, washed, squeezed and finely cut.

    Algae is added to the meat, poured with water, salted and boiled for half an hour.

    The soup is served with rice and pickled vegetables.


    4 chicken eggs;

    3 nori sheets;

    Black pepper and salt to taste;

    1.5 liters of chicken broth;

    2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

    50 g cilantro.

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Nori is cut into strips with scissors.

    Boil the chicken broth, add nori and soy sauce to it.

    Add black pepper to the soup.

    Beat the eggs, pour into the soup in a thin stream, stir quickly.

    The fire is turned off.

    The soup is salted. Sprinkle with cilantro before serving.


    400 g udon noodles;

    400 g frozen mussel fillets;

    50 g dried wakame seaweed;

    4 cloves of garlic;

    100 g pickled ginger;

    Vegetable oil (it is better to choose unrefined peanut oil);

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Mussels need to be defrosted. This takes about six hours.

    Algae is soaked in cool water for 5 minutes. The water is drained and the grass is poured with a new portion of water. Leave the algae to soak for another 10 minutes.

    Four liters of water are brought to a boil, algae is added to it, boiled for another minute and the gas is turned off. Insist the soup under the lid for 10 minutes. Seaweed is taken out and cut into strips.

    Garlic is cut into circles, spread in a pan with vegetable oil and fried. Then add mussels and wakame to it, fry for another 2 minutes.

    In the broth in which seaweed was cooked, noodles are boiled. Then they lay it out on plates, place mussels, wakame and garlic on top, sprinkle with ginger and serve.


    0.6 l vegetable broth;

    2 tablespoons of miso paste;

    1 carrot;

  • 10 shiitake;

    100 g firm tofu;

    2 green onion feathers;

    1 sheet of dried wakame seaweed

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Shiitake is washed, dried and cut into slices.

    Peel daikon and carrots, cut into slices.

    Cut the tofu into 1cm thick cubes.

    Boil the broth, add miso paste to it and stir. It is important that it is completely dissolved.

    Add to the shiitake broth and cook for another 2 minutes over low heat.

    Add tofu and vegetables to the soup, boil for 3 minutes.

    Arrange the onions on plates, pour the broth over it and sprinkle with wakame. Soup is served immediately.

Salad with seaweed and mussels


    400 g of seaweed;

    300 g mussels;

    2 bell peppers;

    Half a carrot;

    0.50 g of celery;

    Half a chili pepper;

    One lemon;

    4 tablespoons of soy sauce;

    a tablespoon of sesame oil;

    garlic clove;

    A pinch of sugar;

    2 tablespoons of unrefined oil;

    A teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds;

    5 green onions.

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Celery and carrots are grated for Korean carrots, the juice of half a lemon, crushed garlic, sugar and vegetable oil are added to the vegetables. Marinate vegetables for 15 minutes.

    Thawed mussels are boiled for 3 minutes, cooled.

    Sesame seeds are fried, chili is crushed, bell pepper is cut into strips.

    Algae is mixed with vegetables, hot and bell peppers, mussels, green onions. Pour the salad with the juice of half a lemon, soy sauce and sesame oil, mix.

    Salad is served to the table, sprinkled with sesame seeds.


    Laminaria and wakame - 2 handfuls;

    Red and green salted tohsaka seaweed - 4 handfuls;

    Daikon root - 200 g;

    Sweet red pepper for decoration.

For refueling:

    Ginger root - 3 cm;

    Raw sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;

    Black sesame - a pinch;

    Rice vinegar - 4 tablespoons;

    Dark sesame oil - 2 tablespoons;

    Dark soy sauce - a tablespoon;

    Dashi-no-moto broth - a tablespoon;

    Hot red pepper - a pinch.

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Ginger is rubbed, sesame seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, all liquid ingredients for dressing are mixed. Add to them sesame, ginger, black sesame and hot pepper.

    Algae is soaked in water in a ratio of 1:6 for 10 minutes. Throw them in a colander, dry.

    Salted algae are washed for 10 minutes under running water, dried.

    Daikon is cut into strips, as well as pepper.

    Algae are laid out on a plate, daikon is placed on top of them and decorated with pepper.

    Water the seaweed with dressing and serve.


    200 g spaghetti;

    100 g of chuka salad;

    100 g of peeled shrimp;

  • Peanut sauce;

    Olive oil;

    Salt and pepper;


Step by step cooking recipe:

    Boil spaghetti in salted water with a spoonful of olive oil until al dente.

    Garlic is cut and fried, shrimp are added to it, kept on fire for another 2 minutes, peppered.

    Chuka salad, nut sauce are added to spaghetti, mixed.

    Add shrimp and sprinkle the dish with cheese.

Cocktail Orange + Spirulina


    1 banana and orange;

    Half a pear;

    A handful of young spinach leaves;

    Non-carbonated mineral water - 150 ml;

    5 g spirulina;

    A sprig of mint.

Step by step cooking recipe:

    Fruits are peeled, all components except spirulina are passed through a blender.

    Seaweed is added to the cocktail, mixed and poured into a glass.

    Before serving, decorate the dish with a sprig of mint.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

For residents of Southeast Asian countries, a variety of seaweed is an indispensable component of the daily diet. Algae are popular due not only to their high taste, but also to their numerous healing properties.

Source: depositphotos.com

Russians are not very familiar with products of this kind, which is sad: seaweed is so useful that it should be eaten as often as possible. Let's take a closer look at their amazing properties.

Improved bowel function

Red (nori) and brown (kelp and wakame) algae contain a huge amount of fucoxanthin. This pigment, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to the accelerated removal of fats from it. In addition, most algae contain alginate, which protects the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach from damage, preventing the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Algae of all kinds are rich in fiber, necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines.

Source: depositphotos.com

Strengthening immunity

Daily use of algae heals the intestines, contributes to the creation of conditions for increased reproduction of beneficial microflora. This has a positive effect on the state of the immune system. In addition, marine plants contain substances that activate the production of leukocytes that perform a protective function in the body.

Source: depositphotos.com

Normalization of blood pressure

Seaweeds are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The regular inclusion of these plants in the diet improves blood composition, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, and normalizes blood pressure. Not without reason, in countries whose population constantly eats algae, the percentage of diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction is lower than the world average.

Source: depositphotos.com

Regulation of the level of female hormones

Frequent consumption of seaweed has been proven to help normalize blood estrogen levels. Taking into account the fact that an excess of this hormone increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the breast and ovaries, the inclusion in the diet, in particular, kelp and nori, is desirable for every woman. Particular attention should be paid to algae as you approach menopause.

Source: depositphotos.com

Maintaining Thyroid Health

All seaweeds are rich in iodine, which is required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Violation of the work of this organ leads to such troubles as obesity, heart rhythm disorders, problems with the reproductive system. Lack of iodine in the body adversely affects the physical and mental development of children.

The population of most developed countries eat table salt enriched with iodine. However, when this trace element is obtained from seaweed, the body absorbs it more efficiently.

Almost no dish among the inhabitants of Asian countries can do without edible algae. And if in ancient times most types of algae were treated with caution, now a huge number of algae are known that are actively eaten. The main category by which they are divided into varieties is color. They are red, brown and green.


In the national cuisine of many countries, and not only among the inhabitants of Asia, the following names of edible algae are considered the most popular and frequently used:

  • Laminaria, which we used to call seaweed. These algae are brown and are considered very useful. Seaweed is recommended to eat with a diet, and is also added to various dishes to give them sophistication.
  • Fucus vesicularis also belongs to the category of brown algae. And the uniqueness of this product is that the composition of these algae is similar to blood plasma.
  • Spirulina enjoys unprecedented popularity, but in the CIS countries it can only be purchased as a food supplement or semi-finished products. That is why we are trying to grow it in artificial conditions.
  • Ulva - algae, which is also called sea lettuce. We sell them only in salted and pickled condition. Ulva algae resemble lettuce leaves in appearance, have a rich green color, but not dark, but light. This indicates that these edible green algae contain a large amount of vitamins, which have an extremely positive effect on the body.
  • Wakame is also classified as brown seaweed and is most commonly eaten dried.
  • Dulse are classified as red seaweed and are usually served either fresh or dried.
  • Carrageenan, which is often called Irish moss. This species belongs to the category of brown and has an elastic, elastic structure, which becomes soft after being subjected to heat treatment.

And this list is far from complete, but only includes the most commonly used varieties of algae. A photo of edible algae is presented below.

What properties do algae have?

Also, we should not forget about nori, which are used in the preparation of sushi, as well as wakame, agar-agar, kombu and many others. In fact, seaweed is a multifunctional product, some varieties are also used in the preparation of desserts, as gelling thickeners. Most often, edible algae are used in the preparation of salads and first courses. And seaweed can even be eaten as an independent dish as a side dish.

freshwater algae

In fact, the first option is not much different from the second. Both marine and freshwater algae are very healthy and have an unusual taste. However, the fact that freshwater algae contains slightly less iodine can immediately be attributed to the minuses. The most popular fresh types of edible algae are the following:

  • Icelandic seaweed - rhodimenia. This is a real source of useful trace elements, and experts advise adding them to the diet for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.
  • Lithotamnia is surprising in that it has an unusual coral color. But this does not prevent her from occupying a leading position in terms of usefulness among freshwater algae. Edible red algae look very impressive in dishes.
  • Aonori is a frequent guest on the table, because this pleasant aroma, wonderful taste and delicate texture will not leave anyone indifferent.

In order for algae to bring maximum benefits to the body, they should be consumed in dried or fresh forms.

Algae Benefits

Sea edible algae is a valuable product, the benefits of which are active substances, vitamins, various elements that have only a positive effect on the human body. One of the most important properties of the product is its antitumor effect. Surprising is the fact that marine inhabitants are very similar in composition to human blood. What other properties do these marine plants have?

  • The composition of algae contains alginates - substances whose task is to remove heavy metal ions from the body.
  • An important factor is that algae contain useful fatty acids, which is why regular consumption of marine plants for food is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, diabetes and various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dietary fiber, which is rich in algae, helps to cleanse the intestines and improve overall digestion.
  • Also, seaweed is a great way to strengthen the immune system, maintain body tone and get rid of harmful viruses and infections in the early stages.

In addition, some varieties of seaweed are even used in the manufacture of many medicines and health supplements.

The use of algae in cosmetology

But that's not all, where is cosmetology without algae? Marine inhabitants are used for many procedures that are carried out in a beauty salon and which can be easily carried out at home. You can also find many beauty products that contain seaweed. And for losing weight, algae is a real salvation. This is not only a low-calorie product that will help you get rid of excess weight, but also an excellent ingredient for body wraps that will help you cope with cellulite and extra centimeters at the waist.


Every year, algae that can be eaten are becoming more and more popular, which is why they are actively used in the preparation of the most delicious dishes. The versatility of algae is the envy of absolutely any product. Here, side dishes, salads, and snacks are used, and nowhere without first and second courses. And dried marine inhabitants can even become an unusual spice that will add new notes to the taste. The advantage of the product is that it goes well with many vegetables, mushrooms, fruits.

Harm and contraindications

Algae can bring the greatest harm only if a person has an individual intolerance. To avoid negative consequences, it is better to eat marine plants in moderation. Also, be careful with the use of algae if you suffer from tuberculosis, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, and ulcers. In these cases, it is better to check with the doctor whether it is worth eating edible algae or still abstain.

How to apply in cooking?

Each type of algae can be prepared in different ways. For example, doctors recommend adding spirulina to absolutely any second and first courses, because it is a real source of vitamins and microelements. Thanks to spirulina, you can make an extravagant dish, as the product gives a pleasant emerald green hue. This type of algae is added not only to salads, but also to omelettes, and even to baking dough. In this case, the dish will acquire an additional pleasant cinnamon flavor. As for ulva, it is almost the number one product in Scandinavian, Irish and, of course, Chinese and Japanese national cuisines. It is most often used in salads and soups, but it is not uncommon to find sea salad as an independent dish. And if you add lemon juice and a little onion to it, it will turn out very tasty.

You can make real healthy chips from ulva. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the leaves in salt water and dry on the windowsill under the sun. After two hours, you can crunch on delicious and healthy chips. As for such green algae as aonori, they are loved by culinary specialists for their delicate taste and pleasant aroma. The versatility of the product is amazing. Algae can be used as a condiment, or even simply stewed and served as a side dish along with soy sauce. The use of algae in familiar dishes is an opportunity to breathe new life into familiar food. Experts recommend buying only dried or fresh algae. And do not forget that the benefit is a measure, you should not overeat, as in some diseases this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Algae are food products that are widely available today. The tradition of eating "sea vegetables" has developed many centuries ago. They are part of the cuisine of Japan, China, Iceland, Ireland, Hawaii, the Philippines, African countries. Today, this product is especially popular because it is a healthy food. In industry, food additives are made from some species.

Almost any marine food algae has a complex of useful properties:

Enriches the body with minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, etc.;

Acts as an antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral agent;

Protects from radiation;

Increases immunity;

Normalizes metabolism;

Stimulates blood circulation;

Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

Algae are part of many medicines. Moreover, there are tablets created exclusively on the basis of these plants.

Composition and calories

All edible algae are low-calorie foods (average 35 to 70 kcal per 100 g). At the same time, in terms of usefulness for the body, they are comparable to wheat, meat, good fish. The product consists of 70-90% water, proteins in it - from 5 to 7 g, carbohydrates - from 2 to 4 g, fats - up to 1 g.

Many algae, whose nutritional value is highly valued, contain a complete set of essential amino acids, and the bulk of the fats are polyunsaturated acids. In addition, the product is rich in iodine. Of the vitamins in the largest amount contains B12, A, C, E, D, PP, carotene.

Dietary algae is worth buying to enrich the body with calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements. They also contain chlorophyll, plant enzymes, sterols, phenols, polysaccharides.

What algae are most commonly eaten?

Some of the most popular are nori and wakame. They became famous after the widespread distribution of Japanese cuisine. In addition to sushi, they are used to make chips and snacks, add to salads, bread, omelettes and other dishes as a condiment.

Another popular form is White Sea dried food algae, a natural and healthy salt substitute made from kelp. It is a source of iodine and fucoidan. It also contains a large complex of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B 12, C, E, K, and trace elements: sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

With regular use of algae in food, a person can slow down the aging process of the body.

Algae in the food industry: harvesting "sea vegetables"

Most of the products presented in the stores are grown unnaturally due to the fact that the demand for them is high, and natural conditions do not allow to satisfy it. In Japan, nori seaweed and other species are grown on farms.

Popular kelp is also harvested from artificial or natural fields, harvested after blowouts during storms. Then all the algae enter the factories, where they are pre-processed and sent to stores or enterprises for further harvesting.

How are algae used in the food industry?

Various additives are made from sea vegetables, for example, agar-agar and other gelling agents. Subsequently, they are used to make sweets.

The use of algae in the food industry is not limited to this. Carrageenan is also extracted from them, which has an emulsifying and thickening effect. It is added to cocktails, ice cream, dairy products, confectionery or sausages.

Alginates are another nutritional supplement made from algae. They are used for the production of sauces, mayonnaise, because they prevent delamination. It is also added to coffee and other powders to speed up dissolution.

In addition, the industry produces various seaweed supplements, tablets and spices. They are recommended to use more often to enrich the diet with useful substances.

More about the benefits and uses of algae:

Than in any other vegetables? But that's not the most amazing thing about the incredible properties of algae.

What is edible algae and what are

Algae are living organisms that inhabit sea and fresh water. Some of them are single-celled, while others are very similar to land plants, although from a biological point of view, they are not. Algae represent the genus Algae. Scientists talk about the existence of more than 30 thousand varieties of these organisms. But not all of them are considered edible.

Those that fall on our tables can be divided into 3 groups: brown, red, green.

The most famous representatives of brown algae are kelp, hijiki, fucus, limu, wakame (or chuka). Laminaria is known to everyone. This algae is the absolute world champion in iodine content.

Red algae are porphyry, dals, rhodimenia, carrageenan. Porphyry is one of the most popular varieties of edible algae. Well, who hasn't heard of nori, the seaweed traditionally used to make sushi? And nori is porphyry seaweed.

Green sea plants used as a food product are the well-known spirulina, umi budo (aka sea grapes), ulva (also known as sea lettuce), monostroma (aonori). By the way, the uniqueness of spirulina is that it contains an incredible amount - at least 3 times more than meat.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of edible algae of different types is slightly different. But in general terms, the set of useful elements in red, brown and green varieties is similar.

So, any algae can be considered as a source, and most of the substances from. Also, these aquatic "plants" contain a lot and, but most of all, as they said, iodine (each kilogram of algae contains within 1 g of iodine). In addition to it, there are many other components. By the way, vanadium, which reduces the level in the liver, is a component unique to food products. In addition to algae, it is also found only in bee products. It is also interesting that, in terms of a set of minerals, seaweed is very similar to the chemical composition of human blood.

In addition, these organisms are rich in phenolic compounds, vegetable, as well as lignins, and other biologically valuable components.

Porphyra (nori)

Porphyra is a very common algae. Lives in different seas, including the Black, Baltic, Mediterranean, White. This representative of red water "plants" is useful for preventing atherosclerosis and lowering cholesterol levels. These properties of nori make them useful for people with cardiovascular disorders. In addition, nori is known as a source of vitamins A, D and. Traditionally used in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisines.


An extremely rich mineral and vitamin composition is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the red coral algae lithotamnia. The researchers counted more than 30 minerals in this product, including incredibly high portions of magnesium and iron. Due to this, lithotamnia is considered one of the most useful products for the prevention and treatment of anemia.


This red inhabitant of the Black Sea, as well as the outer seas of the Far East and the North, resembles small spherical bushes. It usually grows near the coast at a depth not exceeding 5 m. It is anfeltia that is the basis for the production of a natural thickener known as agar-agar. This substance is used in marmalade, marshmallow and some other products.

In medicine, ahnfeltia is known as a natural cure for breast cancer. But abuse of the product can cause severe diarrhea.

Phyllophora ribbed

This is a red algae from the Black Sea, common in places where rivers flow into the sea. For many years served as a source of iodine. It is actively used in the beauty industry as an agent that effectively slows down aging.

Benefits for weight loss

In some types of algae, researchers have found an enzyme that is also contained in - the one that causes splitting. On the other hand, sea "plants" are also useful in that by consuming them in large quantities, you can get rid of hunger for a long time. This is because the algae, absorbing liquid, swell and create a feeling of fullness in the stomach. And all this against the background of a low calorie content, but rich in mineral and vitamin composition.

To speed up the breakdown of fats, it is useful to drink tea brewed from the collection of herbs and seaweed. For this remedy, corn stigmas, dandelion, buckthorn, bearded cystoseira, bearberry, Ivan tea, licorice, alfalfa and algae (preferably kelp and fucus) are taken in equal proportions. Take 2 tablespoons of the collection per liter of boiling water, insist for at least an hour. You need to drink tea 5 times a day, 100-150 ml. The course of treatment should not last more than 2 months. Repeat after 30 days.

Possible dangers from consumption

Potential harm from algae is possible in case of an allergy to them. In addition, kelp, for example, is contraindicated in people with kidney disease, stomach ulcers, gastritis and tuberculosis patients. People with an overactive thyroid gland can use sea "plants" only with the permission of a doctor.


Algae belong to those products that a person uses in a variety of areas. The most obvious use is as food. In addition, in the food industry, kelp and fucus are raw materials for algin (, E400), which is used in the confectionery business as a thickener and stabilizer. E400 can usually be seen in some sweets, ice cream, yogurt, and even. Another representative of the E-components, obtained from red algae, is E406, also known as agar-agar thickener.

How to cook

It is best to eat fresh or dried seaweed. You can cook them in several ways: after soaking, add to ready-made dishes, steam or grind a dry product, mix with spices and add to food in this form.

Today, algae is an affordable product in supermarkets. In addition, it is presented in a variety of forms: frozen, salted, pickled, dried, dried, in the form of ready-made salads. When buying dried seaweed, it is important to carefully check the tightness of the packaging. But the white coating on the product should not be frightening - this is a sign of properly harvested "plants". Before use, dried seaweed is poured with water for a while, after which it is added to salads, broths, snacks, rolls.

The inhabitants of Asian countries were the first to include algae in their diet. In oriental cuisine, this product takes pride of place. But sushi is far from the only dish in which sea "plants" look organic. This exotic is perfectly combined with mushrooms, beets, algae can be stewed in oil, and they also make a good snack for strong alcohol.

Use in cosmetology

In beauty salons, procedures using algae are one of the most popular, but also expensive pleasures. And all because they are effective. One of the most popular procedures is anti-cellulite body wraps using seaweed. Also, the extract of this product is added to creams, serums, including those for sensitive or problem skin. Algae is used in baths, hair products and face masks.

Bioactive substances contained in algae:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • rejuvenate aging skin;
  • restore the structure of the skin;
  • promote the production of collagen and elastin;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • moisturize the skin and hair;
  • restore a healthy complexion;
  • eliminate stretch marks.

These beneficial properties of aquatic "plants" are actively used in the beauty industry around the world.

Researchers say that algae have inhabited our planet for over 2 billion years. For several centuries, people have been eating them (although quite recently they did not even know what unique properties these organisms have). The benefits of algae seem to be impossible to overestimate. Nature endowed these amazing inhabitants of reservoirs with incredible properties. And, of course, those who call algae a super food are right. But still, do not forget that excessive passion for even such a useful product can sometimes be dangerous.
