The law of universal gravitation. The force of gravity

As a character from the Soviet film classics used to say, “Isn’t it time, my friends, for us to take a swing at William Isaac, do you understand, uh, our Shakespeare and Newton?”

I think it's about time.

Newton is considered one of the greatest scientific minds in the history of mankind. It was the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" that laid the foundation for the "scientific worldview", which gradually developed into militant materialism, which became the basis of the scientific paradigm for whole centuries.

The right to the uniqueness of truth was argued by "accurate knowledge" about the phenomena of the surrounding world. Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation became the foundation of this most "irreversible, exact knowledge". That's it on the foundation we will hit! - Let's show that there is no law of gravity in nature, in fact, and the whole building of modern physics is built not even on sand, but on a swamp.

In order to demonstrate the inconsistency of Newton's hypothesis about the mutual attraction of matter, one single exception is enough. We will give a few, and start with the most obvious and easily verified - with the movement of the Moon in its orbit. Formulas known to each of the course high school, and the calculation is available to the fifth grader. The data for the calculation can be taken at least from Wikipedia, and then checked against scientific reference books.

According to the law, the movement celestial bodies in orbits is due to the force of attraction between the masses of the bodies and the speed of the bodies relative to each other. So, let's see where the resultant of the forces of attraction from the Earth and the Sun is directed, acting on the Moon at the moment when the Moon flies between the Earth and the Sun (at least at the moment solar eclipse).

The force of attraction, as you know, is determined by the formula:

G - gravitational constant

m, M - body masses

R - distance between bodies

Take from reference books:

gravitational constant, equal to approximately 6.6725 × 10 −11 m³ / (kg s²).

mass of the moon - 7.3477 × 10 22 kg

mass of the Sun - 1.9891 × 10 30 kg

mass of the Earth - 5.9737 × 10 24 kg

distance between earth and moon = 380,000,000 m

distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m

Substituting this data into the formula, we get:

Force of attraction between Earth and Moon = 6.6725×10 - 11 x 7.3477 x 10 22 x 5.9737 x 10 24 / 380000000 2 = 2.028 x 10 20 H

The force of attraction between the Moon and the Sun =6.6725×10 - 11 x 7.3477 10 22 x 1.9891 10 30 / 149000000000 2 = 4.39 x 10 20 H

Thus, according to strict scientific data and calculations, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon, at the time of the passage of the Moon between the Earth and the Sun, is more than twice as high as between the Earth and the Moon. And then the Moon should continue its path in orbit around the Sun, if the same law were true gravity. That is, the law written by Newton for the Moon is not a decree.

We also note that the Moon does not show its attractive properties in relation to the Earth: even in the time of Laplace, scientists were perplexed by the behavior of sea tides, which do not depend on the Moon in any way.

One more fact. The Moon, moving around the Earth, would have to influence the trajectory of the latter - dragging the Earth from side to side with its gravity, as a result, the Earth's trajectory should be zigzag, the center of mass of the Moon-Earth system should move strictly along an ellipse:

But, alas, nothing of the kind was found, although modern methods allow this displacement to the side of the Sun and back, at a speed of about 12 meters per second, to reliably establish. If only it really existed.

There was also no decrease in the weight of bodies when immersed in ultra-deep mines.

The first attempt to test the theory of gravity of the masses was made on the shore indian ocean, where on the one hand is the world's highest stone ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other - the ocean bowl, filled with much less massive water. But, alas. the plumb line towards the Himalayas does not deviate!

Moreover, ultra-sensitive devices - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height above the mountains or above the seas - even if there is a depth of several kilometers. And then the scientific world, in order to save the accustomed theory, came up with a support for it - they say the reason for this is "isostasis" - they say there are denser rocks under the seas, and loose rocks under the mountains, and their density is exactly such as to fit everything under the answer the scientist needs. It's just a song!

But if it's in scientific world was the only example of fitting the surrounding reality to the ideas of high-browed husbands about it. One can also give a glaring example of an invented "elementary particle" - the neutrino, which was invented to explain the "mass defect" in nuclear physics. Even earlier, they came up with the "latent heat of crystallization" in heat engineering.

But we digress from "universal gravitation". Another example of where the predictions of this theory fail to detect is the absence of reliably installed satellites around asteroids. Clouds fly across the sky, but not a single one of them has satellites! Attempts to put artificial satellites into orbit of asteroids ended in failure. The first attempt - the NEAR probe was driven to the asteroid Eros by the Americans. Wasted. The second attempt was the Hayabusa (“Falcon”) probe, the Japanese sent itokawa to the asteroid, and nothing came of it either.

There are many more similar examples, but we will not overload the text with them. Let us turn to another problem of scientific knowledge: is it always possible to establish the truth in principle - at least ever at all.

No not always. Let's give an example based on the same "universal gravitation". As you know, the speed of light is finite, as a result, we see distant objects not where they are located in this moment, but we see them at the point where the ray of light we saw started. Many stars, perhaps not at all, only their light goes on - a hackneyed topic. But gravitation - how fast does it propagate? Even Laplace managed to establish that gravity from the Sun does not come from where we see it, but from another point. After analyzing the data accumulated by that time, Laplace found that "gravity" propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 11 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light.

There are strong suspicions that "gravity" spreads in general instantly. But if this is actually the case, then how to establish it - after all, any measurements are theoretically impossible without some kind of error. So we will never know if this speed is finite or infinite. And the world in which it has a limit and the world in which it is limitless are "two big differences", and we will never know what kind of world we live in! This is the limit that is set for scientific knowledge. To accept this or that point of view is the task of faith, completely irrational, not amenable to any logic. How defying any logic is faith in " scientific picture of the world", which is based on the "law of universal gravitation", which exists only in zombified heads, and which does not appear in the surrounding world in any way...

For now, we leave the Newtonian law, and in conclusion we present clearest example the fact that the laws discovered on Earth are not at all universal for the rest of the Universe.

Let's look at the same moon. Preferably on a full moon. Why does the Moon look like a disk - more like a pancake than a bun, the shape of which it has.

After all, it is a ball, and the ball, if illuminated from the side of the photographer, looks something like this: in the center - a glare, then the illumination will fall, the image is darker towards the edges of the disk.

In the moon, the illumination in the sky is uniform - both in the center and along the edges, it is enough to look at the sky. You can use good binoculars or a camera with a strong optical "zoom", an example of such a photograph is given at the beginning of the article. It was taken with a 16x zoom. This image can be processed in any graphics editor, increasing the contrast to make sure everything is true. moreover, the brightness at the edges of the disk at the top and bottom is even slightly higher than in the center, where, according to theory, it should be maximum.

Here we have an example of the fact that the laws of optics on the Moon and on Earth are completely different! For some reason, the moon reflects all the incoming light towards the Earth. We have no reason to extend the regularities revealed in the conditions of the Earth to the entire Universe. It is not a fact that physical "constants" are actually constants and do not change over time.

All of the above shows that the "theories" of "black holes", "Higgs bosons" and much more - this is not even Science fiction, but just nonsense, more than the theory that the earth rests on turtles, elephants and whales ...

We all went through the law of universal gravitation in school. But what do we really know about gravity, apart from the information put into our heads by school teachers? Let's refresh our knowledge...

Fact one

Everyone knows the famous parable of the apple that fell on Newton's head. But the fact is that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, since this law is simply absent in his book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". In this work there is neither a formula nor a formulation, which everyone can see for himself. Moreover, the first mention of the gravitational constant appears only in the 19th century and, accordingly, the formula could not have appeared earlier. By the way, the coefficient G, which reduces the result of calculations by 600 billion times, has no physical sense, and introduced to hide inconsistencies.

Fact two

It is believed that Cavendish was the first to demonstrate gravitational attraction in laboratory blanks, using a torsion balance - a horizontal rocker with weights at the ends suspended on a thin string. The rocker could turn on a thin wire. According to official version, Cavendish brought a pair of blanks of 158 kg to the weights of the rocker from opposite sides and the rocker turned at a small angle. However, the methodology of the experiment was incorrect and the results were falsified, which was convincingly proven by the physicist Andrei Albertovich Grishaev. Cavendish spent a long time reworking and adjusting the installation so that the results fit the average density of the earth expressed by Newton. The methodology of the experiment itself provided for the movement of the blanks several times, and the reason for the rotation of the rocker was the microvibrations from the movement of the blanks, which were transmitted to the suspension.

This is confirmed by the fact that such a simple installation of the 17th century for educational purposes should have been, if not in every school, then at least in the physics departments of universities, in order to show students in practice the result of the law of universal gravitation. However, the Cavendish setting is not used in the curriculum, and schoolchildren and students take their word for it that two discs attract each other.

Fact three

If we substitute reference data on the Earth, the Moon and the Sun into the formula of the law of universal gravitation, then at the moment when the Moon flies between the Earth and the Sun, for example, at the time of a solar eclipse, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon is more than 2 times higher than between Earth and Moon!

According to the formula, the Moon would have to leave the Earth's orbit and begin to revolve around the Sun.

Gravitational constant - 6.6725×10−11 m³/(kg s²).

The mass of the moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.

The mass of the Sun is 1.9891 × 1030 kg.

The mass of the Earth is 5.9737 × 1024 kg.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.

Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Earth and Moon:

6.6725×10-11 x 7.3477×1022 x 5.9737×1024 / 3800000002 = 2.028×10^20H

Moon And Sun:

6.6725 x 10-11 x 7.3477 1022 x 1.9891 1030 / 1490000000002 = 4.39×10^20H

2.028×10^20H<< 4,39×10^20 H

The force of attraction between the earth and the moon<< Сила притяжения между Луной и Солнцем

These calculations can be criticized by the fact that the moon is an artificial hollow body and the reference density of this celestial body is most likely not determined correctly.

Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Moon is not a solid body, but a thin-walled shell. The authoritative journal Science describes the results of seismic sensors after the third stage of the Apollo 13 rocket hit the surface of the Moon: “The seismic call was detected for more than four hours. On Earth, if a rocket hit at an equivalent distance, the signal would only last a few minutes.”

Seismic vibrations that decay so slowly are typical of a hollow resonator, not a solid body.

But the Moon, among other things, does not show its attractive properties in relation to the Earth - the Earth-Moon pair moves not around a common center of mass, as it would be according to the law of universal gravitation, and the ellipsoidal orbit of the Earth contrary to this law does not become zigzag.

Moreover, the parameters of the orbit of the Moon itself do not remain constant, the orbit "evolves" in scientific terminology, and it does this contrary to the law of universal gravitation.

Fact four

How is it, some will object, because even schoolchildren know about the ocean tides on Earth, which occur due to the attraction of water to the Sun and Moon.

According to the theory, the gravity of the Moon forms a tidal ellipsoid in the ocean, with two tidal humps, which, due to daily rotation, move along the surface of the Earth.

However, practice shows the absurdity of these theories. After all, according to them, a tidal hump 1 meter high in 6 hours should move through the Drake Strait from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Since water is incompressible, a mass of water would raise the level to a height of about 10 meters, which does not happen in practice. In practice, tidal phenomena occur autonomously in areas of 1000-2000 km.

Laplace was also amazed by the paradox: why in the seaports of France high water sets in sequentially, although, according to the concept of a tidal ellipsoid, it should come there simultaneously.

Fact five

The principle of gravity measurements is simple - gravimeters measure the vertical components, and the deviation of the plumb line shows the horizontal components.

The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravitation was made by the British in the middle of the 18th century on the coast of the Indian Ocean, where, on the one hand, there is the world's highest stone ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, supersensitive instruments - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height both over massive mountains and over less dense seas of a kilometer depth.

To save the accustomed theory, scientists came up with a support for it: they say the reason for this is “isostasis” - denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks under the mountains, and their density is exactly the same as to adjust everything to the desired value.

It has also been empirically established that gravimeters in deep mines show that gravity does not decrease with depth. It continues to grow, being dependent only on the square of the distance to the center of the earth.

Fact six

According to the formula of the law of universal gravitation, two masses, m1 and m2, whose dimensions can be neglected in comparison with the distances between them, are allegedly attracted to each other by a force directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, in fact, there is not a single evidence that the substance has a gravitational attraction effect. Practice shows that gravitation is not generated by matter or masses, it is independent of them, and massive bodies only obey gravity.

The independence of gravitation from matter is confirmed by the fact that, with the rarest exception, small bodies of the solar system have no gravitational attraction at all. With the exception of the Moon and Titan, more than six dozen satellites of the planets show no signs of their own gravity. This has been proven by both indirect and direct measurements, for example, since 2004, the Cassini probe in the vicinity of Saturn flies close to its satellites from time to time, but no changes in the speed of the probe have been recorded. With the help of the same Cassini, a geyser was discovered on Enceladus, the sixth largest satellite of Saturn.

What physical processes must take place on a cosmic piece of ice in order for steam jets to fly into space?

For the same reason, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a gaseous tail as a result of atmospheric sinking.

The satellites predicted by the theory of asteroids have not been found, despite their huge number. And in all reports of double, or paired asteroids, which allegedly revolve around a common center of mass, there was no evidence of the circulation of these pairs. Companions happened to be nearby, moving in quasi-synchronous orbits around the sun.

Attempts to put artificial satellites into orbit of asteroids ended in failure. Examples include the NEAR probe, which was driven to the Eros asteroid by the Americans, or the Hayabusa probe, which the Japanese sent to the Itokawa asteroid.

Fact seven

At one time, Lagrange, trying to solve the three-body problem, obtained a stable solution for a particular case. He showed that the third body can move in the orbit of the second, all the time being in one of two points, one of which is ahead of the second body by 60 °, and the second is behind by the same amount.

However, two groups of asteroid companions, found behind and ahead in the orbit of Saturn, and which astronomers joyfully called the Trojans, went out of the predicted areas, and the confirmation of the law of universal gravitation turned into a puncture.

Fact eight

According to modern concepts, the speed of light is finite, as a result, we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but at the point where the light beam we saw started from. But how fast does gravity travel? After analyzing the data accumulated by that time, Laplace found that "gravity" propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements of the reception of pulsar pulses have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 10 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. Thus, experimental studies are in contradiction with the general theory of relativity, on which official science still relies, despite its complete failure.

Fact nine

There are natural gravity anomalies, which also do not find any intelligible explanation from official science. Here are some examples:

Fact ten

There are a large number of alternative studies with impressive results in the field of antigravity, which fundamentally refute the theoretical calculations of official science.

Some researchers analyze the vibrational nature of antigravity. This effect is clearly presented in modern experience, where drops hang in the air due to acoustic levitation. Here we see how, with the help of a sound of a certain frequency, it is possible to confidently hold drops of liquid in the air ...

But the effect at first glance is explained by the principle of the gyroscope, but even such a simple experiment for the most part contradicts gravity in its modern sense.

Few people know that Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, a Siberian entomologist who studied the effect of cavity structures in insects, in the book "My World" described the phenomena of antigravity in insects. Scientists have long known that massive insects, such as the cockchafer, fly against the laws of gravity rather than because of them.

Moreover, on the basis of his research, Grebennikov created anti-gravity platform.

Viktor Stepanovich died under rather strange circumstances and his achievements were partially lost, however, some part of the prototype of the anti-gravity platform was preserved and can be seen in the Grebennikov Museum in Novosibirsk.

Another practical application of anti-gravity can be observed in the city of Homestead in Florida, where there is a strange structure of coral monolithic blocks, which the people called coral castle. It was built by a native of Latvia - Edward Lidskalnin in the first half of the 20th century. This man of thin build did not have any tools, did not even have a car and no equipment at all.

It was not used at all by electricity, also due to its absence, and nevertheless somehow descended to the ocean, where it carved multi-ton stone blocks and somehow delivered them to its site. laying out with perfect precision

After Ed's death, scientists began to carefully study his creation. For the sake of the experiment, a powerful bulldozer was brought in, and an attempt was made to move one of the 30-ton blocks of the coral castle. The bulldozer roared, skidded, but did not move a huge stone.

A strange device was found inside the castle, which scientists called a direct current generator. It was a massive structure with many metal parts. 240 permanent bar magnets were built into the outside of the device. But how Edward Leedskalnin actually made the multi-ton blocks move is still a mystery.

The studies of John Searle are known, in whose hands unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; disks with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

The professor's experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, under No. 99122275/09, an application for a patent "device for generating mechanical energy" was registered. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergey Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced the SEG (Searl Effect Generator) and conducted a series of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without spending; the rotating generator lost up to 40% in weight.

Searle's first lab equipment was taken to an unknown destination while he himself was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared.

Also known is the Hutchison Effect, named after the Canadian engineer-inventor. The effect is manifested in the levitation of heavy objects, the alloy of dissimilar materials (for example, metal + wood), the anomalous heating of metals in the absence of burning substances near them. Here is a video of these effects:

Whatever gravity actually is, it should be recognized that official science is completely unable to clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

Yaroslav Yargin

According to materials:

Spillikins and wicks of universal gravitation

The law of universal gravitation is another scam

The moon is an artificial satellite of the earth

Mystery of the Coral Castle in Florida

Grebennikov's anti-gravity platform

Antigravity - Hutchison effect

About the law of universal gravitation

As a character from the Soviet film classics said: “Isn’t it time, my friends, for us to take a swing at Isaac, do you understand, m-m, our Newton?”. I think it's about time. Newton considered one of the greatest scientific minds in the history of mankind. It was the “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” that laid the foundation for the “scientific worldview”, which gradually grew into militant materialism, which became the basis of the scientific paradigm for whole centuries.

The right to the uniqueness of truth was argued "accurate knowledge" about the phenomena of the environment. The foundation of this most "irrefutable, accurate knowledge" was the "Law of Universal Gravitation" named after. That's it on the foundation we will hit! We will show that there is no law of gravity in nature, in fact does not exist, and the whole building of modern physics is built not even on sand, but on a swamp abyss.

In order to demonstrate the inconsistency of Newton's hypothesis about the mutual attraction of matter, one single exception is enough. We will give a few, and start with the most obvious and easily verified - with the movement in its orbit. The formulas are known to each of the high school course, and the calculation is available to the fifth grader. The data for the calculation can be taken at least from Wikipedia, and then checked against scientific reference books.

According to the Law, the movement of celestial bodies in orbits is due to the force of attraction between the masses of the bodies and the speed of the bodies relative to each other. So, let's see where the resultant of the forces of attraction from the Earth and the Sun is directed, acting on the Moon at the moment when it flies between the Earth and the Sun (at least at the moment of a solar eclipse).

The force of attraction, as you know, is determined by the formula:

G is the gravitational constant.

m, M- masses of bodies.

R is the distance between the bodies.

Take from reference books: the gravitational constant, equal to approximately 6.6725 × 10 −11 m³ / (kg s²).

The mass of the moon is 7.3477 × 10 22 kg.

The mass of the Sun is 1.9891 × 10 30 kg.

The mass of the Earth is 5.9737 × 10 24 kg.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.

Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Substituting this data into the formula, we get:

force of attraction between earth And moon= 6.6725×10 -11 x 7.3477×1022 x 5.9737×1024 / 3800000002 = 2.028×1020H

force of attraction between moon And sun\u003d 6.6725 × 10 -11 x 7.3477 10 22 x 1.9891 10 30 / 1490000000002 \u003d 4.39×1020H

Thus, according to strict scientific data and calculations, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon, at the time of the passage of the Moon between the Moon and the Sun, is more than 2 times higher than between the Earth and the Moon. And then the Moon should continue its path in orbit around the Sun, if the same "Law of universal gravitation" were true. That is, written by Newton the law for the moon is not a decree.

We also note that the Moon does not show its attracting properties in relation to the Earth: even in the time of Laplace, scientists were baffled by the behavior of marine tides, which not dependent on the moon.

One more fact. The Moon, moving around the Earth, would have to influence the trajectory of the latter, dragging the Earth from side to side with its gravity. As a result, the Earth's trajectory would have to be zigzag, the center of mass of the Moon-Earth system should move strictly along an ellipse:

But, alas, nothing of the kind was found, although modern methods allow this displacement to the side and back, at a speed of about 12 meters per second, to be reliably established. If only it really existed.

No decrease in body weight was found when immersed in ultra-deep mines. The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravitation was made on the coast of the Indian Ocean, where, on the one hand, there is the world's highest stone ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, ultrasensitive devices - gravimeters- they do not detect a difference in the gravity of the test body at the same height above the mountains or above the seas, even if there be a depth of several kilometers.

And then the scientific world, in order to save the accustomed theory, invented for her, a backup: they say the reason for this is “isostasia” - they say, denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks under the mountains, and their density is exactly such as to fit everything to the answer the scientist needs. It's just a song!

But if this was the only example in the scientific world of adjusting the surrounding reality to the ideas of high-browed husbands about it. One more striking example invented "elementary particle"- , which was invented to explain the "mass defect" in nuclear physics. Even earlier, they came up with the “latent heat of crystallization” in heat engineering.

But we digress from "universal gravitation". Another example of where the predictions of this theory fail to detect is the absence of reliably installed satellites around asteroids. Clouds fly across the sky, but not a single one of them has satellites! Attempts to put artificial satellites into orbit of asteroids ended in failure. First try - probe NEAR - the Americans drove to the asteroid Eros. Wasted. The second attempt was the Hayabusa (“Falcon”) probe, the Japanese sent it to the asteroid Itokawa, and nothing came of it either. There are many more similar examples, but we will not overload the text with them. (For more information about the falsity of the Law of Universal Gravity, see the article. - Ed.).

Let us turn to another problem of scientific knowledge: is it always possible to establish the truth in principle - at least ever at all. No not always. Let's give an example based on the same "universal gravitation". As you know, the speed of light is finite, as a result, we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but we see them at the point where the ray of light we saw started from. Many stars, perhaps, do not exist at all, only their light comes out - a hackneyed topic. And here gravity- How fast does it spread? Laplace also managed to establish that it does not come from the Sun from where we see it, but from another point. After analyzing the data accumulated by that time, Laplace found that "gravity" propagates faster than light, at least by seven orders! Modern measurements have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 11 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light.

There are strong suspicions that "gravity" spreads in general instantly. But if this is actually the case, then how to establish it - after all, any measurements are theoretically impossible without some kind of error. So we will never know if this speed is finite or infinite. And the world in which it has a limit, and the world in which it is infinite - these are “two big differences”, and we will never know what kind of world we live in! This is the limit that is set for scientific knowledge. Accepting one point of view or another is a matter of faith, completely irrational, defying any logic. How defying any logic is faith in the “scientific picture of the world”, which is based on the “law of universal gravitation”, which exists only in zombie heads, and which is not detected in the world around us ...

Now let's leave the Newtonian law, and in conclusion we will give a clear example of the fact that the laws discovered on Earth do not exist at all. not universal to the rest of the universe.

Natural History: The Law of Gravity

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Despite the fact that gravity is the weakest interaction between objects in the Universe, its importance in physics and astronomy is enormous, since it is able to influence physical objects at any distance in space.

If you are fond of astronomy, you probably thought about the question of what is such a concept as gravity or the law of universal gravitation. Gravity is a universal fundamental interaction between all objects in the Universe.

The discovery of the law of gravity is attributed to the famous English physicist Isaac Newton. Probably, many of you know the story of an apple that fell on the head of a famous scientist. Nevertheless, if you look deep into history, you can see that the presence of gravity was thought about long before his era by philosophers and scientists of antiquity, for example, Epicurus. Nevertheless, it was Newton who first described the gravitational interaction between physical bodies within the framework of classical mechanics. His theory was developed by another famous scientist - Albert Einstein, who in his general theory of relativity more accurately described the influence of gravity in space, as well as its role in the space-time continuum.

Newton's law of universal gravitation says that the force of gravitational attraction between two points of mass separated by a distance is inversely proportional to the square of the distance and directly proportional to both masses. The force of gravity is long-range. That is, regardless of how a body with mass moves, in classical mechanics its gravitational potential will depend purely on the position of this object at a given moment in time. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational field - the more powerful the gravitational force it has. Such cosmic objects as galaxies, stars and planets have the greatest force of attraction and, accordingly, rather strong gravitational fields.

Gravity fields

Earth's gravitational field

The gravitational field is the distance within which the gravitational interaction between objects in the Universe takes place. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational field - the more noticeable its impact on other physical bodies within a certain space. The gravitational field of an object is potentially. The essence of the previous statement is that if we introduce the potential energy of attraction between two bodies, then it will not change after the latter move along a closed contour. From here emerges another famous law of conservation of the sum of potential and kinetic energy in a closed circuit.

In the material world, the gravitational field is of great importance. It is possessed by all material objects in the Universe that have mass. The gravitational field can influence not only matter, but also energy. It is due to the influence of the gravitational fields of such large space objects as black holes, quasars and supermassive stars that solar systems, galaxies and other astronomical clusters are formed, which are characterized by a logical structure.

The latest scientific data show that the famous effect of the expansion of the Universe is also based on the laws of gravitational interaction. In particular, the expansion of the Universe is facilitated by powerful gravitational fields, both small and its largest objects.

Gravitational radiation in a binary system

Gravitational radiation or gravitational wave is a term first introduced into physics and cosmology by the famous scientist Albert Einstein. Gravitational radiation in the theory of gravity is generated by the movement of material objects with variable acceleration. During the acceleration of the object, the gravitational wave, as it were, “breaks away” from it, which leads to fluctuations in the gravitational field in the surrounding space. This is called the gravitational wave effect.

Although gravitational waves are predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity, as well as other theories of gravity, they have never been directly detected. This is primarily due to their extreme smallness. However, there is circumstantial evidence in astronomy that can confirm this effect. Thus, the effect of a gravitational wave can be observed on the example of the approach of binary stars. Observations confirm that the rate of approach of binary stars to some extent depends on the loss of energy of these space objects, which is presumably spent on gravitational radiation. Scientists will be able to reliably confirm this hypothesis in the near future with the help of a new generation of Advanced LIGO and VIRGO telescopes.

In modern physics, there are two concepts of mechanics: classical and quantum. Quantum mechanics was derived relatively recently and is fundamentally different from classical mechanics. In quantum mechanics, objects (quanta) have no definite positions and velocities, everything here is based on probability. That is, an object can occupy a certain place in space at a certain point in time. It is impossible to reliably determine where he will move next, but only with a high degree of probability.

An interesting effect of gravity is that it can bend the space-time continuum. Einstein's theory says that in the space around a bunch of energy or any material substance, space-time is curved. Accordingly, the trajectory of particles that fall under the influence of the gravitational field of this substance changes, which makes it possible to predict the trajectory of their movement with a high degree of probability.

Theories of gravity

Today, scientists know over a dozen different theories of gravity. They are divided into classical and alternative theories. The most famous representative of the former is the classical theory of gravity by Isaac Newton, which was invented by the famous British physicist back in 1666. Its essence lies in the fact that a massive body in mechanics generates a gravitational field around itself, which attracts smaller objects to itself. In turn, the latter also have a gravitational field, like any other material objects in the Universe.

The next popular theory of gravity was invented by the world famous German scientist Albert Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century. Einstein managed to more accurately describe gravity as a phenomenon, and also to explain its action not only in classical mechanics, but also in the quantum world. His general theory of relativity describes the ability of such a force as gravity to influence the space-time continuum, as well as the trajectory of elementary particles in space.

Among the alternative theories of gravity, the relativistic theory, which was invented by our compatriot, the famous physicist A.A. Logunov. Unlike Einstein, Logunov argued that gravity is not a geometric, but a real, fairly strong physical force field. Among the alternative theories of gravity, scalar, bimetric, quasi-linear and others are also known.

  1. For people who have been in space and returned to Earth, it is quite difficult at first to get used to the force of the gravitational influence of our planet. Sometimes it takes several weeks.
  2. It has been proven that the human body in a state of weightlessness can lose up to 1% of bone marrow mass per month.
  3. Among the planets, Mars has the least force of attraction in the solar system, and Jupiter has the greatest.
  4. The well-known salmonella bacteria, which are the cause of intestinal diseases, behave more actively in a state of weightlessness and can cause much more harm to the human body.
  5. Among all known astronomical objects in the universe, black holes have the greatest gravitational force. A black hole the size of a golf ball could have the same gravitational force as our entire planet.
  6. The force of gravity on Earth is not the same in all corners of our planet. For example, in the Hudson Bay region of Canada, it is lower than in other regions of the globe.

June 14th, 2015 , 12:24 pm

We all went through the law of universal gravitation in school. But what do we really know about gravity, apart from the information put into our heads by school teachers? Let's refresh our knowledge...

Fact one: Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation

Everyone knows the famous parable of the apple that fell on Newton's head. But the fact is that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, since this law is simply absent in his book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". In this work there is neither a formula nor a formulation, which everyone can see for himself. Moreover, the first mention of the gravitational constant appears only in the 19th century and, accordingly, the formula could not have appeared earlier. By the way, the coefficient G, which reduces the result of calculations by 600 billion times, has no physical meaning, and was introduced to hide contradictions.

Fact Two: Faking the Gravitational Attraction Experiment

It is believed that Cavendish was the first to demonstrate gravitational attraction in laboratory blanks, using a torsion balance - a horizontal rocker with weights at the ends suspended on a thin string. The rocker could turn on a thin wire. According to the official version, Cavendish brought a pair of 158 kg discs to the weights of the rocker from opposite sides and the rocker turned at a small angle. However, the methodology of the experiment was incorrect and the results were falsified, which was convincingly proven by the physicist Andrei Albertovich Grishaev. Cavendish spent a long time reworking and adjusting the installation so that the results fit Newton's average density of the earth. The methodology of the experiment itself provided for the movement of the blanks several times, and the reason for the rotation of the rocker was the microvibrations from the movement of the blanks, which were transmitted to the suspension.

This is confirmed by the fact that such a simple installation of the 18th century for educational purposes should have been, if not in every school, then at least in the physics departments of universities, in order to show students in practice the result of the law of universal gravitation. However, the Cavendish setting is not used in the curriculum, and schoolchildren and students take their word for it that two discs attract each other.

Fact three: The law of universal gravitation does not work during a solar eclipse

If we substitute reference data for the earth, moon and sun into the formula for the law of universal gravitation, then at the moment when the moon flies between the earth and the sun, for example, at the time of a solar eclipse, the force of attraction between the sun and the moon is more than 2 times higher than between Earth and Moon!

According to the formula, the moon would have to leave the orbit of the earth and begin to revolve around the sun.

Gravitational constant - 6.6725×10−11 m³/(kg s²).
The mass of the moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.
The mass of the Sun is 1.9891 × 1030 kg.
The mass of the Earth is 5.9737 × 1024 kg.
The distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.
Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Earth and Moon:
6.6725×10-11 x 7.3477×1022 x 5.9737×1024 / 3800000002 = 2.028×1020 H
Moon and sun:
6.6725 x 10-11 x 7.3477 x 1022 x 1.9891 x 1030 / 1490000000002 = 4.39 x 1020 H

2.028×1020H<< 4,39×1020 H
The force of attraction between the earth and the moon<< Сила притяжения между Луной и Солнцем

These calculations can be criticized by the fact that the moon is an artificial hollow body and the reference density of this celestial body is most likely not determined correctly.

Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Moon is not a solid body, but a thin-walled shell. The authoritative journal Science describes the results of seismic sensors after the third stage of the Apollo 13 rocket hit the surface of the Moon: “The seismic call was detected for more than four hours. On Earth, if a rocket hit at an equivalent distance, the signal would only last a few minutes.”

Seismic vibrations that decay so slowly are typical of a hollow resonator, not a solid body.
But the Moon, among other things, does not show its attractive properties with respect to the Earth - the Earth-Moon pair does not move around a common center of mass, as it would be according to the law of universal gravitation, and the Earth's ellipsoidal orbit, contrary to this law, does not become zigzag.

Moreover, the parameters of the orbit of the Moon itself do not remain constant, the orbit "evolves" in scientific terminology, and it does this contrary to the law of universal gravitation.

Fact four: the absurdity of the theory of ebbs and flows

How is it, some will object, because even schoolchildren know about the ocean tides on Earth, which occur due to the attraction of water to the Sun and Moon.

According to the theory, the gravity of the Moon forms a tidal ellipsoid in the ocean, with two tidal humps, which, due to daily rotation, move along the surface of the Earth.

However, practice shows the absurdity of these theories. After all, according to them, a tidal hump 1 meter high in 6 hours should move through the Drake Strait from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Since water is incompressible, a mass of water would raise the level to a height of about 10 meters, which does not happen in practice. In practice, tidal phenomena occur autonomously in areas of 1000-2000 km.

Laplace was also amazed by the paradox: why in the seaports of France high water sets in sequentially, although, according to the concept of a tidal ellipsoid, it should come there simultaneously.

Fact Five: The Theory of Mass Gravity Doesn't Work

The principle of gravity measurements is simple - gravimeters measure the vertical components, and the deviation of the plumb line shows the horizontal components.

The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravitation was made by the British in the middle of the 18th century on the coast of the Indian Ocean, where, on the one hand, there is the world's highest stone ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, ultra-sensitive instruments - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height both over massive mountains and over less dense seas of a kilometer depth.

To save the accustomed theory, scientists came up with a support for it: they say the reason for this is “isostasis” - denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks under the mountains, and their density is exactly the same as to adjust everything to the desired value.

It has also been empirically established that gravimeters in deep mines show that gravity does not decrease with depth. It continues to grow, being dependent only on the square of the distance to the center of the earth.

Fact six: gravity is not generated by matter or mass

According to the formula of the law of universal gravitation, Two masses, m1 and m2, whose dimensions can be neglected in comparison with the distances between them, are allegedly attracted to each other by a force directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, in fact, there is not a single evidence that the substance has a gravitational attraction effect. Practice shows that gravitation is not generated by matter or masses, it is independent of them, and massive bodies only obey gravity.

The independence of gravitation from matter is confirmed by the fact that, with the rarest exception, small bodies of the solar system have no gravitational attraction at all. With the exception of the Moon, more than six dozen satellites of the planets show no signs of their own gravity. This has been proven by both indirect and direct measurements, for example, since 2004, the Cassini probe in the vicinity of Saturn flies close to its satellites from time to time, but no changes in the speed of the probe have been recorded. With the help of the same Cassini, a geyser was discovered on Enceladus, the sixth largest satellite of Saturn.

What physical processes must take place on a cosmic piece of ice in order for steam jets to fly into space?
For the same reason, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a gaseous tail as a result of atmospheric sinking.

The satellites predicted by the theory of asteroids have not been found, despite their huge number. And in all reports of double, or paired asteroids, which allegedly revolve around a common center of mass, there was no evidence of the circulation of these pairs. Companions happened to be nearby, moving in quasi-synchronous orbits around the sun.

Attempts to put artificial satellites into orbit of asteroids ended in failure. Examples include the NEAR probe, which was driven to the Eros asteroid by the Americans, or the Hayabusa probe, which the Japanese sent to the Itokawa asteroid.

Fact seven: Saturn's asteroids do not obey the law of universal gravitation

At one time, Lagrange, trying to solve the three-body problem, obtained a stable solution for a particular case. He showed that the third body can move in the orbit of the second, all the time being in one of two points, one of which is ahead of the second body by 60 °, and the second is behind by the same amount.

However, two groups of asteroid companions, found behind and ahead in the orbit of Saturn, and which astronomers joyfully called the Trojans, went out of the predicted areas, and the confirmation of the law of universal gravitation turned into a puncture.

Fact eight: contradiction with the general theory of relativity

According to modern concepts, the speed of light is finite, as a result, we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but at the point where the light beam we saw started from. But how fast does gravity travel?

After analyzing the data accumulated by that time, Laplace found that "gravity" propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements by receiving pulses from pulsars have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 10 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. Thus, experimental studies are in conflict with the general theory of relativity, on which official science still relies, despite its complete failure.

Fact Nine: Gravity Anomalies

There are natural gravity anomalies, which also do not find any intelligible explanation from official science. Here are some examples:

Fact ten: studies of the vibrational nature of antigravity

There are a large number of alternative studies with impressive results in the field of antigravity, which fundamentally refute the theoretical calculations of official science.

Some researchers analyze the vibrational nature of antigravity. This effect is clearly presented in modern experience, where drops hang in the air due to acoustic levitation. Here we see how, with the help of a sound of a certain frequency, it is possible to confidently hold drops of liquid in the air ...

But the effect at first glance is explained by the principle of the gyroscope, but even such a simple experiment for the most part contradicts gravity in its modern sense.

Few people know that Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, a Siberian entomologist who studied the effect of cavity structures in insects, described the phenomena of antigravity in insects in his book "My World". Scientists have long known that massive insects, such as the cockchafer, fly against the laws of gravity rather than because of them.

Moreover, based on his research, Grebennikov created an anti-gravity platform.

Viktor Stepanovich died under rather strange circumstances and his achievements were partially lost, however, some part of the prototype of the anti-gravity platform has been preserved and can be seen in the Grebennikov Museum in Novosibirsk.

Another practical application of anti-gravity can be observed in the city of Homestead in Florida, where there is a strange structure of coral monolithic blocks, which the people called the Coral Castle. It was built by a native of Latvia - Edward Lidskalnin in the first half of the 20th century. This man of thin build did not have any tools, did not even have a car and no equipment at all.

It was not used at all by electricity, also due to its absence, and nevertheless somehow descended to the ocean, where it carved multi-ton stone blocks and somehow delivered them to its site, laying them out with perfect accuracy.

After Ed's death, scientists began to carefully study his creation. For the sake of the experiment, a powerful bulldozer was brought in, and an attempt was made to move one of the 30-ton blocks of the coral castle. The bulldozer roared, skidded, but did not move a huge stone.

A strange device was found inside the castle, which scientists called a direct current generator. It was a massive structure with many metal parts. 240 permanent bar magnets were built into the outside of the device. But how Edward Leedskalnin actually made multi-ton blocks move is still a mystery.

The studies of John Searle are known, in whose hands unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; disks with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

The professor's experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, under No. 99122275/09, an application for a patent "device for generating mechanical energy" was registered. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergey Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced the SEG (Searl Effect Generator) and conducted a series of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without spending; the rotating generator lost up to 40% in weight.

Searle's first lab equipment was taken to an unknown destination while he himself was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared.

Also known is the Hutchison Effect, named after the Canadian engineer-inventor. The effect is manifested in the levitation of heavy objects, the alloy of dissimilar materials (for example, metal + wood), the anomalous heating of metals in the absence of burning substances near them. Here is a video of these effects:

Whatever gravity really is, it should be recognized that official science is completely incapable of clearly explaining the nature of this phenomenon..

Yaroslav Yargin
