Was there really a Leninologist Latyshev? Lenin V.I. in relation to Russians: “shoot and hang Do you think Lenin loved Krupskaya

Latyshev Anatoly Georgievich- Historian, publicist, propagandist.


Born in 1934. In 1956 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

He began to make a career along the Komsomol and party lines. He studied at the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU. He worked for 25 years at the Department of International Relations of the Higher School of Education under the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Moscow and Central Higher Party School. For fifteen years he was a member of the Academic Council of the Lenin Museum.

In 1968 he defended his dissertation (candidate of historical sciences). Topic: Swiss labor movement after World War II. (1945-1965) / Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Department of the History of the International Communist and Labor Movement. Moscow.

That is, in Soviet times, “achievements” on Leninist topics were not in the field of historical science, but in the field of propaganda.

In the early 1990s, he moved to the Democratic Party of Russia. He worked as a columnist for the "Democratic Newspaper", the newspapers "Rossiyskoye Vremya" and "Morning of Russia".

In 1991, as part of a group, he received admission to the “Leninist” documents of the Central Party Archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU. After that, he wrote many articles in newspapers criticizing Lenin. Especially in the government "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" with a circulation of 1 million copies.

Books and brochures
  • Desyaterik V.I., Latyshev A.G. Hand in hand, as like-minded people. M. : Young Guard, 1970. 208 p. Circulation 50,000 copies.
  • Ten, V. I., Latyshev, A. G. Wrestling teaches. Lenin and young foreign revolutionaries. Moscow: Young Guard, 1974. 191 p., Circulation 45,000 copies.
  • Latyshev A. Lenin, youth of the world and revolution. Moscow: Knowledge, 1977. 64 p. Circulation 79 360 copies

One article in the journal Questions of History, 1969

  • Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and the working-class movement of Switzerland in 1914-1917. // Questions of History, 1969, No. 6, p. 3-19.
  • Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and the labor movement in Switzerland before the First World War // Uchenye zapiski. / Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1974. Issue. 1. S. 215-249
  • Latyshev A. Next to Lenin. // True, 1983, July 8
  • Latyshev A. Swiss friend of Lenin. // Kommunist, 1984, N 6, p. 103-113
  • Latyshev A. Flaws in heritage. To really know Lenin and Stalin, one must open primary sources and documents // Soyuz, 1990. No. 11. P. 3.

"Declassified Lenin"

In 1996, based on his articles, he published the book “Declassified Lenin” (circulation 15 thousand copies), also an abridged version of “Lenin: primary sources” (51 thousand copies)

Publishing house "Mart" is a non-scientific publishing house, without scientific reviews. The book apparently came out as part of Yeltsin's 1996 election campaign.

Latyshev himself about the book admits that this is not a scientific work:

I do not in any way consider the book "Declassified Lenin" as a biographical sketch of the leader or his political portrait. Most likely I attribute it to the genre so fashionable at the beginning of perestroika - “strokes to a portrait”. (p. 13)

I want to stipulate the fact that my book is not a scientific treatise, but a collection of documentary essays. (p. 14)

Interview MK

The question of scientific objectivity is inappropriate here, if only because not scientific, but opportunistic-political goals were put at the forefront by their authors. The forces that seized political power in the country, in the presidential elections of 1996, solved the problem of retaining it. The main opponent of B. N. Yeltsin was the representative of the Communists, G. A. Zyuganov. In this regard, it seems quite understandable why the books by D. A. Volkogonov “Lenin. Political Portrait” and A. G. Latyshev “Declassified Lenin”, who presented themselves as major experts on Leninist issues. The level of "expert" on the topic is visible, for example, in the fact that Latyshev publicly admitted that he had worked with the Leninist Foundation in the former TsPA (now - RTsKhDINI) in the autumn of 1991 for only a few weeks. Let us add that a detailed criticism of a number of provisions of Latyshev's work was given by really prominent experts on the Leninist theme - M. I. Trush and V. T. Loginov.

March 31st, 2016

This year in March marks twenty years since the publication, without exaggeration, of the Declassified Lenin handbook of the de-Sovietists, authored by a certain Anatoly Latyshev, who calls himself a well-known Leninist who devoted his life to studying the biography of revolutionary No. 1 and wrote many scientific works on this topic.

Let's try to understand who he is, this prominent Lenin scholar, historian and citizen.

Here is what he himself says about the history of the creation of the main work of his life in the article “Russians are “assholes” (Lenin)”, the resource America in Russian (the title already hints).

“... after the August events of 1991. I was given a special pass to get acquainted with secret documents about Lenin. The authorities thought to find the cause of the coup in the past"
- http://www.rususa.com/news/news.asp-nid-1073

Already interesting. What were they looking for in the past? Although, given the new information about the laying of various kinds of exploding objects by Lenin, which boom decades later, the step is quite logical. I fully admit that even in the first years of Soviet power, Lenin planned August 1991. Why the authorities turned specifically to citizen Latyshev is absolutely incomprehensible. Apparently he was really a great specialist in his field.

In an interview that was published in 2003, Latyshev simply says: "I was given a special pass to get acquainted with secret documents about Lenin." In the book, which was published in 1996, we read: “His Majesty Chance, Lady Luck - I don’t know how to more accurately determine those opportunities for access to the never published works of V.I. Lenin, which opened up to me in mid-September 1991 after approval by a member of the temporary deputy commission of the parliamentary investigation into the causes and circumstances of the coup d'état in the USSR. Let's turn to the documents.

This resolution has an appendix - "The composition of the deputy commission to investigate the causes and circumstances of the coup d'état in the USSR." There is no Latyshev there. And why should he be there? With the exception of two people, all members of the commission were directly related to the Supreme Council. So Latyshev is lying here. It was not for nothing that later he limited himself only to the fact of receiving a certain “special pass” and did not remember his “membership”.

Latyshev really tried to somehow explain his membership in the commission in the book, obviously realizing that this could raise questions - “The temporary deputy commission was headed by the leaders of the socio-political movement Democratic Russia Lev Ponomarev and Gleb Yakunin. I connect my invitation to the commission with the fact that it was this movement that supported me as a candidate for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in the spring of 1990.

So what do we have? Latyshev, who has absolutely no political or social weight, is not a deputy, and, accordingly, does not have the opportunity to enter any deputy commissions, suddenly gets access to SECRET documents about Lenin? Personally, I do not believe that he ever read any documents previously unknown to the public.

Latyshev, according to his own statement, devoted his whole life to studying the works of Lenin. Apparently he should have had printed works in the USSR? They must, they must, but I personally could not find these works. Apparently, his entire bibliography is described in his statement - “On Leninist topics, since November 1991, I have published more than 150 unknown Leninist works, about 200 magazine and newspaper articles, published the book “Declassified Lenin” and the brochure “Lenin: Primary Sources”. In other words, before that he had not been engaged in any study of Lenin's works.

In the works of other historians, he was mentioned only twice. Zhores Trofimov in his book "Volkogonovskiy Lenin" mentioned Latyshev as a reviewer of D. A. Volkogonov, the author of the book "Lenin", who did not hesitate, without indicating authorship, used fragments of Latyshev's articles. Again, we are talking about the post-Soviet period. The second mention of Latyshev as a historian is found in the book of the ardent anti-Soviet Sergei Broun "Do not judge." He liked Latyshev's lies so much that he even published one of his "historical" works as an appendix.

So. There are no traces of Latyshev's scientific activity before 1991. As a "famous historian-Leninist", no one mentions him, except for himself. All of his "scientific" publications are lies and falsifications (more on that below), which did not differ much from each other in content, subsequently collected by him in a book.

A version was even put forward several times that Latyshev, in principle, does not exist, that this is a fictional character. It's hard to say for certain here. For sure, it can only be argued that we have no other information, except for what he told about himself.

Let's go straight to his work.

“For three months at the end of 1991, as a member of the “Temporary Deputy Commission for the Parliamentary Investigation of the Causes and Circumstances of the Coup d'etat in the USSR,” I had the opportunity to work on the documents of the Lenin Fund (form 2), first in the archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU, and after the termination of admission to this archive, the second half of this period in the Central Archive of the KGB of the USSR with funds relating to the Leninist period of national history.

“I sat in the archives from morning to evening, and my hair stood on end. After all, I always believed in Lenin, but after the first thirty documents I read, I was simply shocked.

Let's see what he read. I will not retell all the nonsense, those who wish can read it themselves. Here are just a few of his gems:

. About religion:“Mercilessly shoot all Orthodox priests, turn all Orthodox churches into warehouses. » At the same time, Lenin was very loyal to Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and even sectarians. In early 1918, he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing it with Catholicism. (as if without Catholicism, a German spy, after all)

. About the Cossacks: The famous letter of Dzerzhinsky to the leader dated December 19, 1919 about about a million Cossacks held captive? Lenin then imposed a resolution on him: "Shoot every single one."

. About the Holodomor: In Lenin's letter to Molotov for members of the Politburo dated March 19, 1922, Vladimir Ilyich insisted on the need to use the massive famine in the country to rob Orthodox churches, while shooting as many "reactionary clergy" as possible.

. About natural resources:“Can you still tell Teru (Ter-Gabrielyan) so that he prepares everything for burning Baku completely, in the event of an invasion, and so that he announces this in print in Baku” . Further, the author pays tribute to Lenin's prudence and writes the following: “a telegram to the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caucasian Front on February 28, 1920: “Smilga and Ordzhonikidze. We desperately need oil. Consider a manifesto to the population that we will slaughter everyone if they burn and spoil oil and oil fields, and vice versa, we will grant life to everyone if Maykop and especially Grozny are handed over intact.

. About nutrition: Feature films often show how the leader drinks sugar-free carrot tea with a piece of black bread. But recently, documents have been discovered that testify to the leader's plentiful and luxurious feasts, about what a huge amount of black and red caviar, gourmet fish and other pickles were regularly supplied to the Kremlin nomenclature throughout the years of Lenin's reign. In the village of Zubalovo, on the orders of Ilyich, luxurious personal dachas were built in the conditions of the most severe famine in the country! (it is felt that the author wrote from life, and then moved the events 70 years ago!)

. About a healthy lifestyle: Before the revolution, Ilyich drank a lot. During the years of emigration, he did not sit at the table without beer. Since 1921, he quit due to illness. Since then, I have not touched alcohol.

. On love for animals: Krupskaya wrote in her notes: “... the hysterical howl of a dog was heard. It was Volodya, returning home, always teasing the neighbor's dog ... "

. About relationships: When Vladimir Ilyich fell ill, he forbade Nadezhda Konstantinovna to come to him. She rolled on the floor and sobbed hysterically.

. About health: It should be noted that, starting from 1922, the majority of Lenin's physicians, both German and domestic, were neuropathologists or psychiatrists.

. On the revolutionary struggle:“It is devilishly important for us to put an end to Yudenich (namely, to put an end - to finish off). If the offensive has begun, is it possible to mobilize another 20 thousand St. Petersburg workers plus 10 thousand bourgeois, put machine guns behind them, shoot several hundred and achieve a real mass pressure on Yudenich?

Only three and a half hundred pages of selective falsification, outright lies and juggling with facts that are absolutely unsupported by documents. Yes, the author does not bother with evidence, referring to the secrecy of the data. The maximum that he cites is some archival catalog numbers, which, of course, were not subject to verification at that time. Although he accurately cites one document in his works, the alleged “Instruction of Comrade. Lenin dated May 1, 1919 No. 13666/2 "On the fight against priests and religion"

Fake scan.

Here is the text of this "document":


In accordance with the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Soviet. Nar. Commissars need to do away with priests and religion as soon as possible. Priests must be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, shot mercilessly and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are to be closed. Seal the premises of the temples and turn them into warehouses. Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Kalinin, Chairman of the Soviet. Nar. Komissarov Ulyanov (Lenin).

There are many denials of this fake.

An excerpt from an article by Igor Kurlyandsky, senior researcher at the IRI RAS, Candidate of Historical Sciences:

First of all, let's consider the so-called "Decree of Lenin dated May 1, 1919 No. 13666/2" on "the fight against priests and religion." To begin with, we note that in the practice of party-state office work, there have never been documents with the name “Instruction” at all. In particular, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars have not issued a single document with such a name for the entire period of their activity. There were only resolutions and decrees signed by the heads of these bodies (see the collections “Decrees of the Soviet Power”), while no serial numbers were assigned to such documents. However, in all publications, the “Instruction” is accompanied by the serial number 13666/2, which implies the presence of many thousands of “instructions” in state office work. It is very strange that none of these documents is known to historians, has not been found in the archives, has never been published. Of course, such a number was invented in order to artificially introduce the apocalyptic "number of the beast" into it, to give the paper a pronounced mystical character, to connect it with the "satanic" element of Russian Bolshevism, which the wise "statesman" Stalin allegedly put a limit to.

But, alas, Lenin did not sign for all his party and state activities a single document that would bear the name "Instruction", neither with three sixes, nor without, as can be easily seen from his Complete Works, "Biographical Chronicle", collections "Decrees of the Soviet Power". The Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History holds a complete fund of Lenin's documents. For many decades, it was purposefully formed by the Soviet state, it included totally all Lenin's documents. According to the director of RGASPI K.M. Anderson, all the documents of the Lenin Fund are declassified and available to researchers, since they do not contain state secrets. "Instruction of Lenin of May 1, 1919" RGASPI is missing (like all the other "Instructions"). Only the history of Lenin's illness remains classified. All Lenin's documents in RGASPI are cataloged strictly by date. Among Lenin's papers dated May 1, 1919, there are no anti-religious ones - these are several resolutions of the Small Council of People's Commissars signed by him, and all of them concern petty economic issues. Missing "Instruction of Lenin of May 1, 1919" and in the State Archives of the Russian Federation, where the funds of the Council of People's Commissars and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee are stored. The Central Archive of the FSB of Russia and the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation gave a negative review about the existence of this “document” in their official letters. So, "Lenin's instruction of May 1, 1919" is absent in all state and departmental archives of Russia specialized on this topic. Likewise, there was no secret "decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars" of 1917-1919. about the need to “do away with priests and religion as soon as possible”, in pursuance of which “Lenin’s Decree of May 1, 1919” like it was released. There are no "instructions of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD" with references to this "instruction", there are no documents on its implementation.
- Political magazine, "Protocols of Church Wise Men", http://www.politjournal.ru/index.php?action=Articles&issue=209&tek=7705&dirid=50

Obviously, Latyshev was guided by the thesis attributed to Goebbels - "the more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they will believe in it."

As you can see, Mr. Latyshev was very illegible in his methods. For him, the end clearly justifies the means. His task is to denigrate Lenin as a person, as a revolutionary. By all means to present Vladimir Ilyich as a bloodthirsty psychopath with a pathological hatred of people. Latyshev very clearly formulated his task - "I will try to prove with reason that in his cruelty Lenin is no lower than Stalin or Hitler."

On the net, you can find indications that the creation and printing of the book were paid from Yeltsin's campaign fund. I totally agree with that. The customer and the performer are worth each other.

The book did not go unnoticed, there were grateful readers. Quotes from the works of Latyshev are used by both adherents of the current government and our homegrown liberals. And of course, one cannot help but mention probably the main admirer of Latyshev’s works, a full-time Duma showman, an artist of a hysterical genre, a half-blood deputy Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, who does not even bother reading primary sources and scribbles on a piece of paper the same thing for many years. Here is a fragment of the video of the debate between Zhirinovsky and Prokhanov. For the sake of curiosity, you can compare with his speech two years ago.

On my own behalf, I can only add that the quote so beloved by him - "A Russian person is a bad worker compared to the advanced nations" sounds like this in the original:

“The Russian man is a poor worker in comparison with the advanced nations. And it could not be otherwise under the regime of tsarism and the vivacity of the remnants of serfdom.
V.I.Lenin, PSS, v.36

Of course, the liar and falsifier Latyshev is just a cog in a huge propaganda machine in the service of capitalism, the purpose of which is to denigrate, to destroy, to prevent the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The victory of communism is an inevitable phenomenon, just as the collapse of the capitalist system, the system of exploiters, is inevitable. With the help of propaganda, including without disdaining any methods, scoundrels like Latyshev are still in demand, the methods by which they now act have become smarter and more sophisticated. Now they are engaged not only in falsification, but also, hiding behind pseudo-communist slogans, they are leading the masses away from the revolutionary struggle.

Comrades, do not let yourself be deceived by bourgeois propaganda, study the Marxist-Leninist doctrine, unite. Join the Union of Communists. Together we will create a communist party from below!

Ildar Ilyasov

In the family of circus artists who toured Siberia at that time.

Father - Evgeny Grigoryevich Latyshev and mother - Augusta Konstantinovna Rotman - were the creators and performers of the illusion numbers "Flower rain", "Live talking head" (mnemonics).

In 1953, he lost his father and, being a three-year-old child, remained in the care of his grandmother - Latysheva Sofia Ivanovna , the city of Saratov became the city of childhood and adolescence.

After graduating from high school, he studied at the Saratov State University at the Faculty of Physics, but did not graduate from it, and in 1969, carried away by circus art, he entered the folk circus group in the city of Kemerovo. In the team I received my fundamental basic knowledge and skills under the guidance of an excellent talented teacher Alexey Vukolovich Shaposhnikov who raised more than one generation of circus performers in the future. Further - study at the branch of the Moscow circus school (Ufa), work as a circus uniformist, leadership of a children's circus group, work as an artist - equilibrist, acrobat - eccentric in the Novosibirsk circus on stage, the Belgorod Philharmonic, the Leningrad circus on stage. In 1976, after a rehearsal period, the Moscow Directorate for the preparation of circus programs released the numbers "Equilibrium on reels" and a pair of carpet clownery with a partner Ekaterina Mikhailovna Mozhaeva (creative pseudonyms - Anton and Antoshka ). The duet had an author's repertoire, for the most part, written by A. E. Latyshev. During the period of successful work in the All-Union Association "Soyuzgostsirk", the duet traveled almost the entire Soviet Union, went on tour in Finland, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia . In 1986, a documentary film "Clowns" was filmed about the work of the duo. In 1987, the duo ceased to exist. Since 1987, he worked in a duet with a partner Latysheva Tatyana Vladimirovna (in 1987 she worked in the mask of a cleaner, since 1988 in the mask of a girl-Malvina). From the All-Union Association "Soyuzgostsirk", as well as (since 1990) from the All-Union Theater and Concert Association "Center for Eccentrics" named after. Zeromsky worked throughout the Union and abroad - Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, India, Taiwan. Since 1995 - solo clown and solo equilibrist with the author's repertoire. Artist of the Moscow Theater of Illusion - to date. Participates in almost all repertoire performances of the theater, is the performer of the solo clown-illusion performance "Relax with us." In 2002 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He was on tour with the theater in Morocco, Pakistan, Israel, China, in the CIS and Baltic countries. Until now, the number "Equilibrium on Coils" has been working with the inclusion of author's tricks, being their only performer due to the high complexity of performance.

Awards and titles

  • 1981 Helsinki. "Finland-USSR" - an award for strengthening friendship between peoples.
  • 1982 - Laureate of the All-Union competition of circus performers in the nomination "Clownery".
  • 1983 Tokyo. Japan Television - Audience Choice Award.
  • 1983 Tokyo. Cup for strengthening friendship between peoples.
  • 1985 Pyongyang. The government award of the DPRK is the medal "50 Years of the Liberation of Korea".
  • 1992 Mexico City - Honorary title - "King of equilibrium"
  • 2002 - Moscow. Honored Artist of Russia. The honorary title was awarded by Presidential Decree No. 1126 of October 4, 2002
  • 2005 - Moscow. Award badge "For merits in the development of the Russian circus".
  • 2009 - Moscow. Medal "For Merit in the Development of the Russian Circus"
  • 2010 - Moscow. Certificate of honor "For a great contribution to the development of culture" - the Minister of Culture.
  • 2011 - Moscow. Badge of the Moscow Theater of Illusion "For creative success".


Circuses in which A.E. Latyshev worked

  • Almaty circus
  • Belarusian State Circus (Minsk)
  • Latvian State Circus(Riga)
  • Kyiv Circus (National Circus of Ukraine)
  • Donetsk State Circus
  • Krivoy Rog State Circus
  • Lithuanian State Circus(Vilnius)
  • Leningrad State Circus
  • Kostroma State Circus
  • Voronezh State Circus
  • Ryazan State Circus
  • Rostov State Circus (on the Don)
  • Irkutsk State Circus
  • Osh State Circus
  • Magnitogorsk State Circus
  • Barnaul State Circus
  • Chelyabinsk State Circus
  • Kirov State Circus (Vyatka)
  • Krasnodar State Circus
  • Grozny State Circus
  • Izhevsk State Circus
  • State Circus Naberezhnye Chelny
  • State circus in Dushanbe


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Latvian (Ufa tributary)
  • Latyshev, Vasily Vasilievich

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On the Internet, you can find various publications and discussions in which the opinion is expressed that the historian Anatoly Latyshev is a fictitious person or that there are no traces of his scientific activity until 1991. One of the most recent publications on this topic is Ildar Ilyasov's post "Twenty Years of Lies" (http://ledokol-ledokol.livejournal.com/149961.html). Unfortunately, the authors of all these publications do not have information about the biographical information and scientific activities of Anatoly Latyshev, therefore, in order to avoid incorrect statements about this in the future, I will provide data regarding his personality and his works.

Latyshev Anatoly Georgievich was born in 1934. In 1956 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. Was in the Komsomol work. He studied at the Higher Party School (HPSh) under the Central Committee of the CPSU. For twenty-five years he worked at the Department of International Relations of the Higher School of Education under the Central Committee of the CPSU, and then at the Moscow and Central Higher Party School. For fifteen years he was a member of the Academic Council of the Lenin Museum.

He defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences - The Swiss Labor Movement after the Second World War. (1945-1965) / Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Department of the History of the International Communist and Labor Movement. Moscow, 1968

During the Soviet period, the following books and articles about V.I. Lenin and people and events associated with him were published (perhaps the list is not complete, it also does not include articles written by A.G. Latyshev about other historical events and political figures):

Desyaterik V.I., Latyshev A.G. Hand in hand as like-minded people. M. : Young Guard, 1970. 208 p. Circulation 50,000 copies.

Desyaterik, V.I., Latyshev, A.G. Wrestling teaches. Lenin and young foreign revolutionaries. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1974 .191 s, Circulation 45,000 copies.

Latyshev A. Lenin, youth of the world and revolution. Moscow: Knowledge, 1977. 64 p. Circulation 79 360 copies

Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and the working-class movement of Switzerland in 1914-1917. // Questions of History, 1969, No. 6, p. 3-19.

Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and the labor movement in Switzerland before the First World War // Scientific Notes. / Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU.1974. Issue. 1. S. 215-249

Latyshev A. Swiss friend of Lenin. // Kommunist, 1984, No 6, p. 103-113

Latyshev A. Flaws in heritage. To really know Lenin and Stalin, one must open primary sources and documents // Soyuz, 1990. No. 11. P. 3.

In the first half of 1991 A. G. Latyshev left the CPSU. Became a member of the Democratic Party of Russia. From September 1991 he worked as a political columnist for "Democratic Newspaper", newspapers "Rossiyskoye Vremya" and "Utro Rossii".

At the end of September 1991, A. G. Latyshev, as a member of the temporary commission for the parliamentary investigation of the causes and circumstances of the coup d'état in the USSR, gets the opportunity to work for a month and a half in the Central Party Archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU (TsPA IML) with documents from fund of V. I. Lenin. On this occasion, Ildar Ilyasov writes the following in his post: "Let's turn to the documents. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR N 1642-I of 09/06/91 "On the establishment of a temporary commission for a parliamentary investigation of the causes and circumstances of the coup d'état in the USSR." This resolution has appendix - "The composition of the deputy commission to investigate the causes and circumstances of the coup d'état in the USSR". No Latyshev is there. And why should he be there? With the exception of two people, all members of the commission were directly related to the Supreme Council. So Latyshev is here lies."

But it is worth noting that A. G. Latyshev was a member of the temporary commission as part of a group of experts headed by Doctor of Philosophy B. M. Pugachev.

There is evidence that B. M. Pugachev, as well as A. G. Latyshev, worked in the archives with the fund of V. I. Lenin:
“Here is the opinion of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences B.M. Pugachev, head of the group of experts of the Russian parliamentary commission. He is the first mere mortal who got acquainted with Lenin’s unknown documents. Pugachev, in particular, noted: “Yes, we found a number of his letters, documents that have never been published before. You know, even for me, a person who has been associated with social science for many years, reading these papers was ... well, surprising, or something. Ilyich's letters characterize him as an extremely cruel person, moreover, as a hater of people.

Evgenia Albats in her book "Delayed Action Mine". 1992 to chapter III. Executioners and victims cites references 27 and 48, which also confirm the participation of A. G. Latyshev in the commission - A. Latyshev. "The Genesis of the Totalitarian System in the USSR". Documents of the Commission of the Russian Armed Forces to investigate the causes and circumstances of the coup.

It is quite possible that a complete list with a list of all experts of the commission is stored in the archives Documents on the organization and activities of the Deputy Commission (copies of the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, reports on the work of the commission, report on the work of the commission of the USSR Armed Forces, draft resolutions, statements of the commission). GARF. F. 10026. Op. 4. D. 3471

After working in the archives with the fund of V. I. Lenin, A. G. Latyshev began to publish numerous articles in various newspapers and magazines for several years, which, unlike his Soviet publications, already had a clear anti-Leninist orientation (it is worth noting that only regarding the question of V. I. Lenin’s participation in the execution of Nicholas II and his family, A. G. Latyshev defended the point of view that he was not involved in this execution). A. G. Latysheva was especially active in printing the edition of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", which, thanks to its circulation of 1,000,000 copies. contributed to the wide popularization of his articles. As an example, here are the names of some of them:

The trouble of tomorrow. On the "secret" and open funds of Lenin // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1992. May 19. No. 113 (449);
- Late insight // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1992. July 3. No. 151 (487).
- The place of the killer is vacant. New documents about the execution of the royal family. // Russian newspaper, 1992. August 29. No. 193 (529).
- German money for Lenin // Russian newspaper, 1992. September 29. No. 214 (550)
- Without a cross // Russian newspaper, 1992. October 24. No. 233 (569).
- “We did not stop before shooting thousands of people ...” Lenin's unknown speech // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 1993. February 5. No. 24 (640).
- Lenin and the Jews // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1993. February 27. No. 40 (656).
- Two clear falcons were talking. According to Lenin's "secret" and "open" funds // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1993. March 27. No. 59 (675)
- Lenin and Romanian gold // Russian newspaper, 1993. April 24. No. 79 (695)
- Even the Cheka was more humane than the first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1993. June 19. No. 116 (732)
- The saga of the fate of the sarcophagus. What to do with the Lenin Mausoleum? // Russian newspaper, 1993. November 5, No. 207 (823).

In 1996, on the basis of his numerous newspaper and magazine publications, A. G. Latyshev publishes the book "Declassified Lenin", which is published in the amount of 15,000 copies, and then another reprint of 11,000 copies followed. In addition, the book Latyshev A. G. Lenin: primary sources is published in a huge circulation of 51,000 copies. M., 1996. 48 s, which is an abridged version of the Declassified Lenin edition, published by the March publishing house in 1996.

Thus, we can state the fact that the numerous articles of the candidate of historical sciences Anatoly Georgievich Latyshev published in the 90s by various media were used as a kind of propaganda mouthpiece that served to denigrate and discredit V. I. Lenin. It should also be noted that even today the works of A. G. Latyshev are in demand among various historians and publicists. journalists who adhere to an anti-Leninist orientation in their publications.

It has long been known that the yellow bourgeois press is capable of any dirty trick. And yet, every time you read another vile scribble, you never cease to be amazed at the depth of the moral fall of its writers.

On April 22, the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Moskovsky Komsomolets published a conversation between its correspondent Irina Bobrova and a certain Anatoly Latyshev, whom she recommends as a well-known Leninist historian who devoted his whole life to studying the biography of V.I. Lenin. True, for some reason we will not find out what this famous Leninist historian is famous for? What scientific contribution did he make to Leniniana? Where did you work or maybe still work?

But for the time being, let's believe the correspondent that there is Anatoly Latyshev, and he is exactly the one he is recommended for. What did the Leninologist tell Irina Bobrova and us readers about?

After the August events of 1991, he says, he was given a special pass to familiarize himself with Lenin's secret documents. From morning to evening he sat in the archives, reading Lenin's notes and telegrams, and his hair stood on end. Imagine, in 1905, Lenin, while in Switzerland, urged the youth of St. Petersburg to douse policemen with acid, scald soldiers with boiling water, use nails to maim horses, and throw hand bombs into the streets. After reading these lines, the reader had the right to count on the explanation of the historian: what is happening there, in St. Petersburg? Why should young people resort to such desperate actions? Since the historian does not give any explanations, let's figure it out without him, what's the matter?

Yes, Vladimir Ilyich has an article “The Tasks of the Detachments of the Revolutionary Army”, written at the end of October 1905. More precisely, an outline of the article. It was a time when the revolution was on the rise. Behind there were already uprisings in Lodz, Riga, on the battleship Potemkin. Here and there, mass strikes and demonstrations of workers turned into an armed struggle against the police, the Cossacks and the Black Hundreds. But the forces were far from equal. The workers suffered heavy losses and suffered defeats. IN AND. Lenin ponders the question of how the workers' detachments can more successfully resist the government troops. From his pen appears the article mentioned above.

Anatoly Latyshev arranges things as if he had discovered it in Lenin's secret archives. Not true! None of her kept secrets. The article was published in the third, fourth and fifth collected works of V.I. Lenin. Someone, but a Leninist, should know this. Of course, he is also aware of another fact: the article was not published in 1905, was not sent anywhere, and not a single worker knew about Lenin's "terrorist" appeals.

That's what he is, the historian, Latyshev.

The episode with Lenin's "terrorist" calls is only the beginning. Further, the historian-Leninist introduces us to the even more terrible actions of Lenin. As the head of the Soviet government, he sends out his ferocious orders throughout the cities and towns. A paper came to Nizhny Novgorod with the following content: “Inflict mass terror, shoot and take out hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc. Not a moment's delay." Here he writes a note to someone: “I propose to appoint an investigation and shoot the perpetrators of rotozey”. Here he gives instructions to hang, so that the people can see, at least 100 wealthy peasants.

Such a person, the “naive” Irina Bobrova believes, could not help thinking about the extermination of the Russian people, and she asks the Leninologist: is there any evidence of this terrible intention of the leader? And he issues new orders from Lenin: to burn Baku completely, to exterminate all the Cossacks without exception. One after another, he sends telegrams to the Caucasus: “We will cut everyone!”

Do you understand anything, reader? I don't understand either. Why is it necessary to completely burn Baku? Why is it necessary to exterminate all the Cossacks? What does "cut them all" mean? And you and I, dear readers, should not understand anything. The task of the correspondent and the Leninist is not at all to clarify the truth, but to obscure it and fix the image of V.I. Lenin as a manic killer. And for this, all means are good. Lies, slander, half-truths are used. Orders could not come from the head of the Soviet government to exterminate all Cossacks and Caucasians, to burn Baku. And it is no coincidence that a Leninologist often does not give either the addressees of Lenin's notes, or the circumstances and time of their writing. In addition, they seem to be in secret archives. Go check it out!

Meanwhile, to prove the "manic ferocity" of Lenin, A. Latyshev did not have to turn to secret documents. Such "evidence" is in the collected works of Vladimir Ilyich. Here is one of them - a telegram to the Livny executive committee, sent on August 20, 1918. “I welcome the energetic suppression of the kulaks and the White Guards in the district. It is necessary to confiscate all the grain and all the property from the rebellious kulaks, hang the instigators from the kulaks, mobilize and arm the poor ... arrest the hostages from the rich and hold them until all surplus grain is collected and poured into their volosts.

Cruel? Yes! But this cruelty is caused and justified by circumstances.

... It was August of the eighteenth year. A civil war has already broken out. The ring of fire engulfed the young Soviet Republic from all sides. Anglo-French troops landed in the north, occupied Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and formed the Provisional Government of the Northern Region. In the south, Romanian troops captured Bessarabia. Under the heel of the German invaders were Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states. The Japanese are in charge in Primorye. On the Middle Volga and in Siberia, parts of the corps, formed from captured Czechs and Slovaks, mutinied. Together with foreign invaders, military operations were deployed by the troops of Generals Alekseev and Denikin in the North Caucasus, Krasnov - on the Don, Kolchak - in Siberia. Here and there whiteguard-kulak uprisings flare up. The military situation was aggravated by the onset of famine. In such conditions, it was necessary to act decisively and toughly. And Lenin acted. Resolutely, rigidly and at times cruelly. The revolution defended itself against the counter-revolution.

Today's counter-revolutionaries, like the White Guards who once fled abroad, love to flaunt the cruelties of Lenin and the Bolsheviks and "do not notice" the cruelties of the foreign interventionists and the White Guards. M. Gorky also wrote: “The most vile hypocrisy is to shout only about the cruelty of the Reds, silent about the facts of the sadistic reprisal against the Reds, which the Whites so boastfully talk about in their memoirs.” And then Gorky cites the following fact: in the fall of 1918, the "liberator" of the Kuban, General Pokrovsky, slaughtered 2,000 captured Red Army soldiers in Maykop. By the way, at that time there was an order in Denikin's army: do not take prisoners. And they didn't take it.

“Imagine,” M. Gorky continued, addressing the white emigrants, “that the Bolsheviks have left, and now you have a free path to Russia. Think with the remnant of your conscience: what could you now bring with you to the Russian people? After all, you have nothing for your soul ... Personally, I am sure that you would only increase the number in Russia - the remainder - of the poor in spirit and the number of perversely evil. Isn't it true how modern these prophetic words of the writer sound today! The heirs of the White Guard counter-revolution, the current "democrats" have brought perverted evil and spiritual poverty into our lives.

According to Anatoly Latyshev, V.I. Lenin vehemently hated the Russian people. This hatred is allegedly explained by the fact that he did not have a drop of Russian blood in his family and his mother, a German, raised him and her other children in a spirit of contempt for everything Russian. The Leninist did not cite any evidence of the anti-Russian upbringing of the Ulyanovs' children. And I could not bring them - they simply do not exist. But it is known that all the children of this large family, with the exception of Olga, who died early, became revolutionaries, went through arrests, prisons and exile. In the name of what? In the name of the liberation of the Russian and other peoples of Russia from the oppression of the landlords and capitalists! This fact alone refutes the malicious fiction about the anti-Russian upbringing of V.I. Lenin and his hatred for our people.

Vladimir Ilyich himself considered himself Russian and was proud of it. “Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, Great Russian class-conscious proletarians?” he asked in the article “On the National Pride of the Great Russians.” - Of course not! We love our language and our motherland, we are most of all working to raise its working masses (that is, 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists.

We will not delve into the genealogy of V.I. Lenin, although even here the Leninist deliberately distorted the truth. We are not racists. Belonging to any nation, in our opinion, adds nothing to a person and takes nothing away. The person is valuable in and of itself. Well said about this A.S. Pushkin in an epigram on Thaddeus Bulgarin, a spy and an informer:

It's not that you're a Pole:
Kosciuszko Lyakh, Mitskevich Lyakh!
Perhaps, be yourself a Tatar, -
And here I see no shame;
Be a Jew - and it does not matter;
The trouble is that you are Vidok Figlyarin.

Because Ya.M. Sverdlov is a Jew, F.E. Dzerzhinsky - Pole, M.V. Frunze is a Moldavian, they have not become less important statesmen for us. The same can be said about the Soviet marshals - the Pole K.K. Rokossovsky, Armenian I.Kh. Bagramyans, generals, Heroes of the Soviet Union Jew L.M. Dovatore, Georgians K.N. Leselidze and other commanders.

A. Latyshev said a lot of gag on the topic “Lenin and religion”. The leader allegedly hated only the Russian Orthodox Church, he was tolerant of others. Moreover, at the beginning of 1918, he allegedly intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing it with Catholicism. Then for some reason he changed his mind and decided to do away with religion and priests as soon as possible. Priests - to shoot mercilessly and everywhere, and churches are subject to closure. But, by attributing these fantastic intentions to Lenin, A. Latyshev showed his own ignorance and inability to compose a lie, even a little like the truth. Everyone knows, except for the lininologist A. Latyshev, who studied the biography of V.I. Lenin all his life, that Vladimir Ilyich was a principled opponent of religion in all its forms. “Religion is the opium of the people,” he wrote, “this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire worldview of Marxism on the question of religion. Marxism always considers all modern religions and churches, all kinds of religious organizations as organs of bourgeois reaction, serving to protect the exploitation and intoxicate the working class.

Religion, he believed, must be fought. But not by prohibitive measures, not by closing churches and persecuting clergymen. This will only increase the religious fanaticism of believers. It is necessary to involve the working masses more widely in the construction of a new life, arrange for the publication of atheistic literature, and spread scientific and anti-religious propaganda everywhere.

In January 1918 V.I. Lenin signs a decree on the separation of the church from the state and the school from the church. Every citizen was given the right to profess any religion or none. The rights of believers were enshrined in the First Soviet Constitution, adopted at the 5th Congress of Soviets in July 1918.

But not everything went smoothly in the relationship between church and state. The leadership of the Orthodox Church and many of its ministers met the October Revolution with hostility. Patriarch Tikhon addressed the clergy and believers with a message in which he betrayed the church curse - anathema to Soviet power and called for a fight against it. During the civil war, many priests carried out counter-revolutionary propaganda, participated in conspiracies and rebellions, and actively sided with the White Guards and interventionists.

In 1921-1922, a famine broke out in the Volga region, which was subjected to severe drought. Workers and peasants were dying out in families and villages. At the request of the workers of the starving provinces, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to withdraw all precious objects made of gold, silver and stones from church property and transfer them to Soviet financial authorities. With the funds from the sale of jewelry, it was supposed to buy food abroad for the starving. Part of the clergy, headed by Patriarch Tikhon, met with hostility this decision, organized a strong resistance to the seizure of jewelry, which in a number of places led to anti-Soviet speeches. All this caused retaliatory actions, including punitive ones, on the part of the Soviet government. But the priests were not persecuted for believing in God and performing religious duties.

In the artistic and journalistic Leniniana there are hundreds of essays and memoirs about Vladimir Ilyich, written by his associates, colleagues, acquaintances, walkers who visited him in the Kremlin. You read them and before you in all its grandeur appears the image of the great proletarian leader. Shortly after his death, Maxim Gorky wrote: “Even some of the camp of enemies honestly recognize him: in the face of Lenin, the world lost a man who, among all the great people of his time, most clearly embodied genius.”

The authors of the memoirs note the high human qualities of Lenin: simplicity, modesty, unpretentiousness, sociability, sincerity, paternal care for comrades. He led an almost ascetic life. Didn't smoke, didn't drink alcohol. The situation in his apartment, whether in exile or in the Kremlin, was downright Spartan. In the famine of 1919, he was ashamed to eat food sent to him by comrades, soldiers, and peasants from the provinces. When parcels were brought to his uncomfortable apartment, he grimaced, became embarrassed and hurried to distribute flour, sugar, butter to sick or weakened comrades from malnutrition.

And then lived from hand to mouth all the inhabitants of the Kremlin. Even the family of a man who was in charge of the food of the whole country! Once, at a government meeting, People's Commissar for Food A.D. Tsyurupa lost consciousness. The doctor determined the cause - a hungry faint.

Does the “famous Leninist scholar” Anatoly Latyshev know about this? After all, to listen to him - Lenin, living in exile, drank, in the Kremlin he arranged plentiful feasts with salmon, black and red caviar. By his order, luxurious dachas for Kremlin officials were allegedly built in the village of Zubalovo.

Reading all this falsely ignorant writings, one cannot believe that a historian who has been engaged in the biography of V.I. Lenin. Most likely, Anatoly Latyshev is a fictitious person. And a conversation with an imaginary Leninologist was concocted by correspondent Irina Bobrova in the editorial kitchen.
