Accounting entries for 41 accounts. Accounting for finished products and goods according to the new chart of accounts

41 accounting accounts are goods purchased for sale. The account is used in trade, catering and, in some cases, in production. The article discusses the features of maintaining synthetic and analytical accounting for this account in trade.

Wholesale and retail sale of goods

Material assets purchased for sale are goods. For example, light bulbs purchased for your needs are materials. If they are intended for sale, then they are goods. In accordance with section. Account 4 41 of accounting - these are goods owned by the organization by right of ownership.

Account 41 collects the actual cost of goods, which includes:

  • purchase price;
  • customs duties;
  • transport costs;
  • payment to intermediaries;
  • other costs associated with their purchase.

Organizations using the simplified tax system include VAT in their cost.

In retail trade, goods may be recorded at purchase cost or sales prices. In the second case, you must use account 42 “Trade margin”. The method of accounting for the account must be reflected in the accounting policy.


LLC "Svet" (applies OSN), under a supply agreement with LLC "Pharaoh", goods in the amount of 68,300.00 rubles were purchased and posted to the warehouse, including VAT of 10,418.64 rubles. The transport company delivered the goods to the warehouse of Svet LLC in the amount of 6,830.00 rubles, including VAT of 1,041.87 rubles. Inventory was sold at a price of RUB 95,620.00, including VAT of RUB 14,586.11. The cost of delivering the goods to the buyer at the expense of the seller is RUB 4,440.00, including VAT RUB 677.29. The product has been written off from the warehouse.

The table shows the entries for account 41 for accounting in wholesale trade:

Balance sheet for account 41: characteristics

One of the registers most in demand by accountants is the balance sheet for account 41, which shows the initial and final balances of goods in cash and in kind, their movement in the context of subaccounts, storage locations and types of goods. The register form is simple and understandable to internal users, who use it for analysis and operational decision-making.

Turnover can be generated for any period of time: month, quarter, year. Analytics for accounting account 41 is carried out by product range, batches, and types of goods. The balance at the end of the period for account 41 - goods - is calculated using the formula:

The initial balance is Dt 41 - Kt 41.

Sample turnover for account 41:

Filling out account card 41

Account card 41 is used by accountants to check the correctness of data, since in this register you can track where this or that amount came from, check turnover and balance. The report is generated for any period, even for one shift. The report is not regulated, but an accountant can protect himself from the mistakes of others by preparing a report for his shift and signing it. The register is used by managers online.

The title of the card reflects the selected period, account and department. The tabular part indicates the details of each transaction: date, document, debit or credit amount, current balance. The totals for the account at the beginning and end of the period and turnover are displayed.

Sample card:

Subaccounts to account 41

The chart of accounts dated October 31, 2000 No. 94 provides for subaccounts to account 41:

Firms, depending on their needs, have the right to specify, combine subaccounts established in the chart of accounts, or supplement the existing list. The chosen accounting method must be described in the accounting policy.

Active or passive account 41?

A novice accountant may wonder: is account 41 active or passive?

Accounts are divided into 3 groups in relation to the balance: active, passive and active-passive. To assign an account to a specific group, it is enough to consider the form of the balance sheet (Form 1 dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n). Current assets, including goods for resale and goods shipped, belong to Sec. 2 balance sheet assets. In the accounts of this group, an increase in property is recorded as a debit, a decrease as a credit, the balance can only be in a debit. If a negative balance occurs, then an error has been made in accounting that needs to be corrected.

Material assets acquired for sale are called goods and are reflected on account 41 in monetary and quantitative terms. The presence and movement of goods is shown in the account balance sheet broken down by subaccounts.

The main characteristic of account 41 is that it belongs to the group of active accounts. Therefore, credit balances or negative balances on the debit side of the account are excluded from accounting.

Account 41 is used to reflect general information about the availability and movement of goods that the organization stores in warehouses and bases. In the article we will talk about the features of accounting for transactions with goods in a warehouse, consider typical transactions and examples for account 41.

Organization of accounting of goods in the warehouse

A warehouse is a room that is specifically designed for storing materials and supplies. An organization's warehouse can be either an integral part of it or act as an independent structural unit. In the first case, the warehouse is used exclusively as one of the stages of the production process; in the second case, the warehouse can act as a separate object (for example, a retail outlet from which goods are sold).

The technological process in a warehouse consists of several stages:

  • acceptance of goods and materials (including preliminary preparation of goods for acceptance).
  • placing goods in warehouses and ensuring their storage.
  • preparing goods for release from the warehouse and its subsequent release.

Warehouse accounting at an enterprise can be organized using the varietal or batch method. In the first case, each type of product in the warehouse is accounted for separately. The basis for accounting for goods is a quantitative and cost accounting card (form TORG-28), which is drawn up when goods and materials arrive at the warehouse. With the varietal method, it is permissible to record several goods (for example, similar in price) in one TORG-28 card.

If an organization uses the batch method to record inventory in a warehouse, then the arrival and movement of goods is reflected by batch. The basis document for these operations is the batch list (form MX-10), which is drawn up when a batch of goods arrives at the warehouse and is filled in as it is written off.

Video lesson. Receipt of goods in 1C Accounting: step-by-step instructions

Practical video lesson on accounting for receipt of goods in 1C Accounting 8.3. Hosted by site expert Olga Likina: “Accounting for Dummies”, payroll accountant at M.Video Management LLC. The lesson provides step-by-step instructions for recording the receipt of goods.

Account 41. Reflection of warehouse operations in accounting

To record the receipt and movement of goods in the warehouse and its write-off, account 41 is used (sub-account 41.1 Goods in warehouses). The basis for reflecting the receipt of goods and materials at the organization's warehouse is the delivery note, according to which the supplier shipped the goods. This operation is reflected in accounting with the following entry:

Dt 41 Kt 60.

Upon receipt of goods from other contractors:

Dt 41 Kt 76.

One of the operations of warehouse accounting of goods is its internal movement. This operation is usually common in retail establishments. For example, a product received from a supplier and posted to the main warehouse (wholesale) is moved to a retail warehouse (outlet). The basis for moving goods between warehouses is an invoice certified by the signatures of the persons issuing and receiving goods and materials. If the goods are moved to an automated point of sale, then the following entry is made in accounting:

Dt 41.01 Tt 41.11.

If goods are delivered from a wholesale warehouse to a point where accounting is done manually, then this operation is carried out as follows:

Dt 41.01 Kt 41.12.

When returning goods to the main warehouse (the goods are not sold or require additional packaging), the reverse entry is reflected in the accounting:

Dt 41.11 (41.12) Kt 41.01.

All operations for the movement of goods (including internal) are recorded in the appropriate accounting card (TORG-28, MX-10).

When a product is written off from a warehouse upon its sale, an invoice is issued to the buyer, which is signed by the person who shipped the goods and the recipient. Depending on the type of goods released from the warehouse, the following entries are made in accounting:

  • goods were shipped from the warehouse, finished products Dt 45.1 Kt 41.1;
  • containers for shipped goods were written off from the warehouse Dt 45.2 Kt 41.1;
  • write-off of the cost of goods under a commission agreement Dt 45.5 Kt 41.1.

If damage or shortage of goods is detected in the warehouse, its cost is written off to account 94:

Dt 94 Kt 41.

The basis for such a write-off is an act of the commission, according to which the fact of damage or shortage (including as a result of theft) was established. A mandatory supporting document is an inventory sheet, which records information about the discrepancy between the actual quantity of goods and the accounting quantity.

Methods of accounting for goods in a warehouse

Organizing the accounting of goods in an organization’s warehouse can be implemented in one of two ways:

  • reflection of arrival, movement and write-offs are based on purchase prices;
  • when reflecting transactions with goods in the warehouse, it is used selling price.

If an enterprise accounts for goods in a warehouse at the purchase price, then its cost in accounting is equal to the sum of the expenses incurred directly for the acquisition of goods and materials, and possible additional expenses (transport, consulting, commissions, etc.).

If a product is accounted for at its selling price, then its value in warehouse cards, in addition to acquisition costs, contains a trade margin.

Let's look at each of the methods of accounting for goods in a warehouse using an example.

Account 41. Accounting for goods at purchase prices

Factorial LLC issued a bank loan in the amount of 134,000 rubles. to purchase goods. The loan costs amounted to 1,750 rubles. Factorial LLC purchased goods from Magnit LLC (RUB 134,000, VAT RUB 20,441) and received it into the warehouse. Inventory and materials were written off from the warehouse upon their sale to Vulcan LLC (203,000 rubles, VAT 30,966 rubles). According to the accounting policy, Factorial LLC takes into account inventory items in the warehouse at the purchase price.

51 66 Bank loan credited134,000 rub.Bank statement
41.1 60 Purchased goods are included in the warehouse (excluding VAT)RUB 113,559Packing list
19 60 VAT amount reflectedRUB 20,441Packing list
68 VAT19 Tax deduction reflectedRUB 20,441Invoice
91.2 66 Loan costs taken into account1,750 rub.Banking agreement
90.2 41.1 The product is written off from the warehouse due to saleRUB 113,559Sales Invoice
62 90.1 203,000 rub.Sales Invoice
90.3 68 VATVAT amount reflectedRUB 30,966Invoice
51 62 The goods were paid for by Vulcan LLC203,000 rub.Bank statement

Read about other accounts used in postings in the articles: (current account), (accounting for settlements with suppliers), account 19, (writing off accounts receivable).

Account 41. Accounting for goods at selling price

Klimat LLC purchased goods (components for air conditioners) at a price of 138,000 rubles, VAT 21,051 rubles. for the purpose of subsequent implementation. Trade margin – 28% (RUB 32,746). VAT on sale – RUB 26,945. The total markup including VAT is RUB 59,691. The product was sold by Mercury LLC.

41.1 60 The components are included in the warehouse (excluding VAT)RUB 116,949Packing list
19 60 VAT amount reflectedRUB 21,051Packing list
68 VAT19 Tax deduction reflectedRUB 21,051Invoice
60 51 Payment for components has been madeRUB 116,949Payment order
41.1 42 Trade margin taken into accountRUB 59,691Calculation of markup
90.2 41.1 The product is written off from the warehouse due to sale (116,949 + 59,691)RUB 176,640Sales Invoice
90.2 42 Reversal of the trade margin amountRUB 59,691Sales Invoice
62 90.1 Reflected revenue from sales of inventory itemsRUB 176,640Sales Invoice
90.3 68 VATVAT amount reflectedRUB 26,945Invoice
51 62 The goods were paid for by Mercury LLCRUB 176,640Bank statement

In conclusion, we emphasize that each of the operations with goods in the warehouse must be confirmed by an appropriate document drawn up in accordance with legal requirements.

Account 41 “Goods” is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of inventory items acquired as goods for sale, as well as rental items. This account is used mainly by supply, sales and trading enterprises, as well as catering enterprises.

At industrial and other manufacturing enterprises, account 41 “Goods” is used in cases where any products, materials, products are purchased specifically for sale or when the cost of finished products purchased for assembly is not included in the cost of manufactured products, but is subject to reimbursement by buyers separately .

Supply, sales, and trading enterprises also take into account purchased containers and containers of their own production on account 41 “Goods,” except for inventory used for production and economic needs and accounted for on account 01 “Fixed assets” or 12 “Low-value and wear-and-tear items.”

Goods accepted for safekeeping are recorded on off-balance sheet account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping.” Goods accepted for commission are accounted for in off-balance sheet account 004 “Goods accepted for commission.”

In supply, marketing and trading enterprises, goods are recorded in account 41 “Goods” at purchase or sale prices. When accounting for goods at sales prices, the difference between the purchase price and the value at sales prices (discounts, markups) is reflected separately in account 42 “Trade margin”. Costs for the procurement and delivery of goods are recorded in account 44 “Distribution costs”.

Goods of seasonal accumulation and early delivery at storage locations are accounted for separately from goods of current sales.

When accounting for goods in vegetable storehouses, you should be guided by the Basic Provisions on the procedure for registering operations for the reception, storage, release (sale) and accounting of goods in vegetable storehouses, and goods in refrigerators - the Instructions on the procedure for registering operations for the reception, storage, release and accounting of goods in refrigerators (cold storage plants), refrigerated warehouses (bases).

Account 41 is divided into subaccounts:

41-1 "Goods in warehouses, depots and vegetable stores";

41-2 "Goods in retail trade";

41-3 “Containers under goods and empty”;

41-4 "Purchased products";

41-5 "Rental items";

41-6 "Individual residential buildings for sale."

Subaccount 41-1 “Goods in warehouses, bases and vegetable storehouses” takes into account the presence and movement of inventory located in wholesale and distribution bases, warehouses, pantries of public catering establishments, vegetable storehouses, refrigerators, etc. Analytical accounting of goods is carried out at purchase prices in accepted quantitative or total terms, separately by financially responsible persons (teams), names, varieties, lots, bales and storage locations.

Subaccount 41-2 “Goods in retail trade” takes into account the availability and movement of goods located in retail trade enterprises (in shops, tents, stalls, kiosks, etc.) and in buffets of public catering establishments. The same sub-account takes into account the presence and movement of glassware (bottles, cans, etc.) at retail establishments and in buffets of public catering establishments.

Subaccount 41-3 “Containers under goods and empty” takes into account the presence and movement of containers under goods and empty containers (except for glassware at retail establishments and in buffets of public catering establishments).

Trade enterprises can take into account the movement of containers under goods and empty containers at average accounting prices, which are established by groups (types) of containers in relation to the composition and prices for them. In this case, the differences between the purchase prices for containers and the average accounting prices are attributed to account 42 “Trade margin” (subaccount 1 “Trade margin (discount, markup)”. The balance of these differences should be verified during regular inventories and, if necessary, adjusted by account 80 “Profit and losses" (as a result of operations with containers).

In subaccount 41-4 “Purchased Products,” industrial and other manufacturing enterprises using account 41 “Goods” take into account the availability and movement of goods (in relation to the procedure provided for accounting for inventories).

Subaccount 41-5 “Rented Items” takes into account the availability and movement of rental items. Depreciation of rental items is taken into account on account 13 “Wear and tear of low-value and high-wear items.”

In subaccount 41-6, agricultural and other enterprises take into account completed construction of individual residential buildings with outbuildings intended for workers directly working on these farms, as well as those returned in the prescribed manner by workers upon their departure from the farm.

The posting of goods and containers arriving at the warehouse is reflected in the debit of account 41 “Goods” in correspondence with accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and 42 “Trade margin” (when accounting for goods at sales prices). Transport and other expenses are charged from the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” to the debit of account 44 “Distribution costs”.

The cost of paid goods that remained en route at the end of the month (not arrived at the warehouse) is reflected at the end of the month in the debit of account 41 “Goods” and the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (without posting these goods to the warehouse). At the beginning of the next month, these amounts are reversed and listed in current accounting as accounts receivable under account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors.”

The receipt of goods and containers can be reflected in accounting using account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of materials” in a manner similar to the procedure for accounting for corresponding transactions with materials.

Goods released or shipped to buyers (customers), payment documents for which were presented to these buyers (customers) or paid for by them, are written off in the order of sale from account 41 “Goods” to the debit of account 46 “Sales of products (works, services)”.

If the supply agreement stipulates the moment of transfer of the right of ownership, use and disposal of released (shipped) goods and the risk of their accidental destruction from the enterprise to the buyer (customer), different from that specified above, then until such a moment these goods are recorded on account 45 “Goods shipped”. When they are actually released (shipped), an entry is made to the credit of account 41 “Goods” and the debit of account 45 “Goods shipped”.

Goods transferred for processing to other enterprises are not written off from account 41 “Goods”, but are accounted for separately.

Analytical accounting for account 41 “Goods” is maintained by responsible persons, names (grades, lots, bales), and, if necessary, by storage location of goods.

Account 41 “Goods” corresponds with the accounts:

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────┐ │ Business transaction │Correspondence- ││ │ponding-│ │ │total account │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┤ │ By debit of the account │ │ │ │ │ │Capitalization of completed construction │ 08 │ │individual residential buildings with outbuildings │ │ │ │ │ │Revaluation of goods according to government decisions │ 14 │ │ │ │ │Attribution of goods delivery services │ 23 │ │ │ │ │Posting of food products and │ 20-3, │ │goods produced in canteens (subaccount 29-3) and │ 29-9 │ │ public catering establishments (subaccount 20-9), │ │ │as well as those returned from production (kitchen) │ │ │ │ │ │Arrival of own-produced products in │ 40 │ │canteen pantries │ │ │ │ │ │Transfer of goods and packaging from one person materially │ 41 │ │responsible person to another. Receipt of goods and │ │ │packages received from temporary storage in warehouses │ │ │other organizations, as well as from processing at other │ │ │enterprises (in order of records by analytical │ ││accounts) │ │ │ │ │ │Reflection of the amount of trade discount on goods received│ 42 │ │from suppliers (or purchased through small wholesalers │ │ │stores), as well as the difference between purchase prices and│ │ │weighted average prices (average discount prices) by│ │ │food (recording is done in the usual way│ │ │or the “red reversal” method depending on │ │ │nature of the difference) and container │ │ │ │ │ │Capitalization when unpacking goods of accepted containers, not│ 44 │ │included in the supplier's invoice, at prices similar to │ │ │ containers or by price of use and planning and accounting │ │ │prices for containers (packaging materials not included in │ │ │supplier invoice, credited to account 10 from account credit │ │ │80) │ │ │ │ │ │Receipt of goods and packaging from suppliers for purchases │ 60 │ │prices minus trade discount, if any │ │ │provided │ │ │ │ │ │Purchase of agricultural products from the population for│ 71 │ │ public catering establishments (for the amount of markup │ │ │debit subaccount 42-1) │ │ │ │ │ │Return of residential buildings by workers who left │ 73-4, 6 │ │farms without good reason (subaccount 6) │ │ │ │ │ │Receipt of surplus goods in trade organizations│ 80 │ │and vegetable storage facilities identified during the inventory. │ │ │Receipt of packaging not included in the price │ │ │received goods. Reflecting the difference between │ │ │deposit prices and prices specified in the documents │ │ │suppliers, for glass containers (credit difference) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Issue of purchased food products for cooking │ 29-3 │ │meals in canteens │ │ │ │ │ │Sale of individual residential buildings to employees of the enterprise │ 46 │ │houses with outbuildings (at the same time d-t │ │ │73-4, 6 - set 46-7). Distribution of own products │ │ │production and materials for preparing dishes in │ │ │canteens (at the same time room 29-3 - room 46-4) │ │ │ │ │ │Sale of goods to other enterprises, purchased │ 48 │ │goods to the population (industrial and other │ │ │enterprises). Write off the cost of goods sold from │ │ │accountability of financially responsible persons implementing │ │ │these goods, in correspondence with the debit of account 71 │ │ │(delivery of proceeds from the sale of units 50, 51 - unit 71) │ │ │ │ │ │ Presentation to suppliers or transport │ 63 │ │organizations claims for quantity and quality │ │ │received goods and packaging, as well as for inflating prices │ │ │(after receipt of goods) │ │ │ │ │ │Goods were transferred to internal divisions for │ 79 │ │independent balance │ │ │ │ │ │Write-off of damaged goods (uninsured) │ 80 │ │from natural disasters (minus the cost of suitable │ │ │use at prices of possible use or │ │ │implementations). Insured - to the account of 65 │ │ │ │ │ │Attribution of the cost of shortages and damage to goods and packaging │ 84 │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────┘

Account 41 “Goods” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of inventory items purchased as goods for sale. This account is used mainly by organizations engaged in trading activities, as well as organizations providing public catering services.

In organizations engaged in industrial and other production activities, account 41 “Goods” is used in cases where any products, materials, products are purchased specifically for sale or when the cost of finished products purchased for assembly is not included in the cost of products sold, but Reimbursable by buyers separately.

Organizations carrying out trading activities also take into account purchased containers and containers of their own production on account 41 “Goods” (except for inventory used for production or economic needs and accounted for on account 01 “Fixed assets” or 10 “Materials”).

Goods accepted for safekeeping are accounted for in an off-balance sheet account (002 Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping). Goods accepted for commission are accounted for in off-balance sheet account 004 “Goods accepted for commission.”

Sub-accounts can be opened for account 41 “Goods”:

  • 41.1 “Goods in warehouses”— the availability and movement of inventory located at wholesale and distribution bases, warehouses, storerooms of organizations providing catering services, vegetable storehouses, refrigerators, etc. are taken into account.
  • 41.2 “Goods in retail trade”— the availability and movement of goods located in organizations engaged in retail trade (in shops, tents, stalls, kiosks, etc.) and in buffets of organizations engaged in public catering is taken into account.

    The same sub-account takes into account the presence and movement of glassware (bottles, cans, etc.) in organizations engaged in retail trade and in buffets of organizations providing catering services.

  • 41.3 “Containers under the goods and empty”— the presence and movement of containers under goods and empty containers are taken into account (except for glassware in organizations engaged in retail trade and in buffets of organizations providing catering services).
  • 41.4 “Purchased items”— organizations carrying out industrial and other production activities using account 41 “Goods” take into account the availability and movement of goods (in relation to the procedure provided for accounting for inventories).
  • and etc.

The posting of goods and containers arriving at the warehouse is reflected in the debit of account 41 “Goods” in correspondence with account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” at the cost of their acquisition. When an organization engaged in retail trade records goods at sales prices, simultaneously with this entry, an entry is made to the debit of account 41 “Goods” and the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” for the difference between the acquisition cost and the cost at sales prices (discounts, markups). Transport (for delivery) and other costs for the procurement and delivery of goods are charged from the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” to the debit of account 44 “Sales expenses”.

The receipt of goods and containers can be reflected using account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” or without using it in a manner similar to the procedure for accounting for corresponding transactions with materials.

When recognizing revenue from the sale of goods in accounting, their value is written off from account 41 “Goods” to the debit of account 90 “Sales”.

If revenue from the sale of goods sold (shipped) cannot be recognized in accounting for a certain time, then until the revenue is recognized, these goods are recorded in account 45 “Goods shipped”. When they are actually released (shipped), an entry is made on the credit of account 41 “Goods” in correspondence with account 45 “Goods shipped”.

Goods transferred for processing to other organizations are not written off from account 41 “Goods”, but are accounted for separately.

Analytical accounting under account 41 “Goods”, it is maintained by responsible persons, names (grades, lots, bales), and, if necessary, by storage locations of goods.

Account 41 “Goods” corresponds with the following Plan accounts:

by debit

  • 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”
  • 41 "Products"
  • 42 “Trade margin”
  • 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”
  • 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”
  • 67 “Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings”
  • 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”
  • 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”
  • 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”
  • 75 “Settlements with founders”
  • 80 “Authorized capital”
  • 86 “Targeted financing”
  • 91 “Other income and expenses”

on loan

  • 10 "Materials"
  • 20 "Main production"
  • 41 "Products"
  • 44 “Sales expenses”
  • 45 “Goods shipped”
  • 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”
  • 79 “Intra-economic settlements”
  • 80 “Authorized capital”
  • 90 "Sales"
  • 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”
  • 97 “Deferred expenses”
  • 99 "Profits and losses"

v7: Entering balances for 41 accounts


19.12.07 — 11:16

Tell me, should I enter balances on this account with or without VAT?


1 — 19.12.07 — 11:17


2 — 19.12.07 — 11:17

In my opinion, without...


3 — 19.12.07 — 11:17

41 excluding VAT


4 — 19.12.07 — 11:19

Retail with VAT, wholesale without.


5 — 19.12.07 — 11:19

Well, you are like a herd. there must be a different opinion about the general. VAT INCLUDED


6 — 19.12.07 — 11:19

In general, call a consultant, the beginning of work is the most critical time; you need to be taught how to work and ensure that the initial data is entered correctly.


7 — 19.12.07 — 11:20

(5) In general, there is such a law. Even lines in the transaction must include VAT, odd lines without.


8 — 19.12.07 — 11:27

She gave me 1C without VAT. at 41.2


9 — 19.12.07 — 11:29

Damn... let's not joke. I need to transfer the leftovers from TiS to the buch. And it would be fine if only wholesale, then also retail and another 42 accounts to be credited.


10 — 19.12.07 — 11:30

Element of the reference document “Nomenclature” with the name “This is VAT”. That's all business.


11 — 19.12.07 — 11:32


12 — 19.12.07 — 11:33

(9) 42 account to credit this please tell me how...


13 — 19.12.07 — 11:35

D 41.2 K 42 For the difference between cost and sales price.

Am I wrong?


14 — 19.12.07 — 11:36

(13) No, I’m wrong... all balances are entered in correspondence with account 000.


15 — 19.12.07 — 11:36

(10) How is that?


16 — 19.12.07 — 11:38

It’s easier for me to throw everything only at 41.1 and 41.2
Just what will a boom at the end of the month with a 42 count do?
Or can I forget about this?


17 — 19.12.07 — 11:38

Auxiliary account for entering balances


18 — 19.12.07 — 11:41

This is what typical processing produces:

<…>D 41.2 838.98 K 00 D 838.98
Quantity 2.000 + 2.000
10.31.07 Operation 00000286 Entering inventory balances CA00000001 Entering inventory balances Murena 46/47 (fins) clear blue<…>D 41.2 515.02 K 42 D 1,354.00
Quantity + 2.000


19 — 19.12.07 — 11:42

(17) I know about this account. But it turns out to be little.


20 — 19.12.07 — 11:54

(19) You can use the 000 account with the same success. Do you actually have an accountant? He/she should be in charge of this.


21 — 19.12.07 — 12:00

(20) Those nearby are too stupid to give any advice.

Success means:

D 41.2 K 00 - at the retail price
D 00 K 42 - for the difference between the cost and the retail price.


22 — 19.12.07 — 12:03


23 — 19.12.07 — 14:06

Still, I can’t understand how to do it better.
Indeed, in one case the debit on the 00 account increases, and in the second the credit increases. But in theory, after entering all the remaining balances, it should “crash”. 🙂


24 — 19.12.07 — 14:09

(23) pzdts.
If you entered the balance on the active account (product)
Then it should be compensated by passive accounts. You can't get goods out of thin air.
Example of a passive account - 60.1


25 — 19.12.07 — 14:14

(24) I understand that.
That's not what this is about.
Which option for entering balances is more correct:
D 41.2 K 00 (at cost) D 41.2 K 42 (for the difference in sales, price and cost) In this case, to enter balances into account 42, account 00 is not used
Second option:
D 41.2 K 00 (at sales price) D 00 K 42 (for the difference in sales price and cost)


26 — 19.12.07 — 14:17

D 41.2 K 42 (for the difference in sales, price and cost)
Doesn't matter. You can enter balances as you wish, since only the opening balance matters. But entering balances doesn’t come under verification in any way. It is located outside the reporting period.

Automate routine operations with 1C databases through the batch mode of the configurator.


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Account 41 “Goods” is widely used by organizations to collect information about inventory items stored in warehouses and sold to consumers, previously purchased for further sale.

Account 41 in accounting displays all movements of inventory items intended for sale to counterparties. Goods accounting is most often used in commercial enterprises. The use of account 41 by manufacturing enterprises is permissible in cases where the products were purchased in advance from suppliers for the purpose of resale or additional components of the finished product are not included in its cost.

Account 41 in accounting is the most important component of the control system in commercial enterprises. It contains basic information:

  1. Purchasing from suppliers, moving between storage warehouses and further shipment of products to customers;
  2. Containers (purchased from suppliers or manufactured). An exception is containers used for the needs of the company and taken into account in the organization as part of household inventory;
  3. Purchased products from manufacturing organizations.

Attention! Products accepted for commission or safekeeping are displayed on off-balance sheet accounts.

Account 41 "Products" is active. The debit displays information about the receipt of products from suppliers at purchase prices, the credit displays the transfer to another warehouse or sale to consumers. All additional costs for transporting products are taken into account in account 44 “Sales expenses”.

Attention! For retail trade, additional use of the account is provided. 42 “Trade margin” when reflecting goods at sales prices.

When selling, products are written off from Kt 41 account in Dt 90.02 (cost of sales) at cost, determined depending on the approved accounting policy of the company:

  1. FIFO method - based on the cost of the first purchases;
  2. At average cost.

Main subaccounts

To account for the organization’s assets purchased and intended for further sale, additional sub-accounts may be opened:

  1. 41.01 — Goods in warehouses
  2. 41.02 — Goods in retail trade (at purchase price)
  3. 41.03 — Containers under goods and empty
  4. 41.04 – Purchased items

Keeping separate records of products in subaccounts allows you to clearly delineate the movement of certain types of property for sale.

In addition, the use of subaccounts is advisable when combining different types of activities (for example, simplified tax system and UTII for retail).

Analytical monitoring

Conducting an analytical analysis of the availability and movement of inventory items purchased for the purpose of selling and making a profit is carried out according to product units, storage warehouses, batch accounting of incoming products (to determine the cost of a particular batch and control the write-off of products using the FIFO method).

Normative base

Using the account 41 to display information on the availability and movement of assets acquired for further sale, is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and other legally approved documents.

Basic accounting entries for using account 41

  1. Purchase of goods from the supplier, receipt of products
  2. Sales of products to consumers
  3. Return of products by the buyer
  4. Displaying Cost of Units Sold
  5. Returning previously purchased products to the supplier

    Dt 76.01 Kr 41 - when using a claims account

  6. Reflection of surpluses identified during inventory
  7. Write-off of shortages discovered in the company.

Victor Stepanov, 2017-01-11

Questions and answers on the topic

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Reference materials on the topic

Write-off of goods from 41 accounts for the needs of the organization

An organization may need the goods it sells for general business needs. Write-offs can be made by converting goods into materials or bypassing this operation, based on an order.

Example situation:

The organization purchased 87 packs of paper for retail sale for a total amount of 7,905 rubles. (VAT 1206 rub.) For office needs, 5 packs were needed.

No. p Document Contents of operation Dt CT Sum

Revaluation of goods in accounting

Revaluation of goods can affect both a decrease and an increase in value. Each situation has its own accounting procedure. Revaluation is especially affected by the prices in which goods are recorded: sales or acquisitions.

Accounting for revaluation at acquisition cost

The cost of goods, which is the cost of acquisition, cannot change downwards. Therefore, when marking down during the year, no accounting entry is made. For such cases, provision is made for the creation of a reserve for costs to reduce the cost of inventory items. This is reflected by the wiring:

The amount for this transaction will be equal to the difference between the acquisition price and the new cost.

When goods are written off, the reserve amount will be restored:

This reserve does not reduce income tax, so a permanent tax liability arises. Its value is equal to the amount of the reserve multiplied by the rate of 20% (profit) and is reflected by the entry:

  • Debit 99 Credit 68 “Profit”


Per group of goods in quantity 10 pcs.

worth 23,000 rubles, purchased at the beginning of the fourth quarter due to loss of presentation, a markdown was made to 18,000 rubles. The goods were not sold until the end of the year. The following year, 8 units were sold. Inventory in the amount of 14,400 rubles.


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Accounting for revaluation at sales value

When revaluing goods at their sales value in accounting, if the new price is greater or the same as the acquisition cost, then an entry is made Debit 42 Credit 41, reflecting the difference between the old and new prices.

When the new price is less than the one for which the product was purchased:

  • Debit 42 Credit 41 – reflects the amount of markup on this product
  • Debit 91 Credit 41 - reflect the amount of the difference between the acquisition cost and the new price.
  • Additional valuation of goods: Debit 41 Credit 42.

Accounting for the gratuitous transfer of goods between legal entities

The transfer of goods free of charge is a donation. The organization does not receive any money or other benefits in exchange for the transferred goods. This operation is accounted for as other expenses in account 91.

Accounting for donated goods

Since the gratuitous transfer is not reflected in tax accounting, but in accounting it is, permanent differences arise. They are reflected in debit 99 of account and credit 68 “Income Tax”.

Also, such a “gift” is subject to VAT if it is not given for charitable purposes. If a deduction was received for previously purchased goods donated, the value added tax will need to be restored. This applies to all categories of donated property: both for charitable purposes and just like that.

The fact of transfer is established by documentary evidence. To do this, the company must develop a form of act or invoice.

Transfer goods worth more than RUB 3,000. other legal entities are prohibited. This does not apply to non-profit organizations and individuals.

Postings for the transfer of goods

During a gratuitous transfer, no income arises; the legal entity takes into account only expenses:

· Debit 91.2 Credit 41 – the cost of transferred goods is written off

In case of additional expenses associated with this operation, they are reflected in the debit of account 91.2 in correspondence with cost account 60, 70, etc.

In tax accounting, simultaneously with posting the write-off of goods, a permanent difference is reflected:

· Debit 99 “PNO” Credit 68 “Income Tax”

If the donation is subject to VAT, then make an entry:

· Debit 91.2 Credit 68 VAT

When restoring value added tax, you need to make the following entry:

· Debit 19.03 Credit 68 VAT


The organization purchased goods in the amount of 127,845 rubles. (VAT 19,502 rubles). Initially, it was assumed that they would be implemented, but subsequently they were donated as gratuitous assistance to a non-profit company in the amount of 75,000 rubles. (VAT RUB 11,441).

Postings for the gratuitous transfer of goods:

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Accounting for goods in transit

If the partners (seller, buyer) are located far from each other (different cities, countries), transportation takes several days. But the seller is obliged to issue documents for the cargo on the day of shipment; it turns out that the buyer accepts them in a different time period.

It often happens that we are talking about different months. The moment of transfer of ownership of the delivered values ​​occurs, as a rule, upon shipment. So it turns out that the seller has already delivered the goods to his buyer, but in fact, in fact, the recipient has not yet met his purchase.

To carry out accounting operations in this case, it is recommended to use account No. 15 – procurement and acquisition of material assets. If it is not goods that are transported, but materials or raw materials, then by the 15th account create sub-accounts:

· materials on the way,

· goods are shipping,

· raw materials are on the way.

According to the instructions of the chart of accounts, account No. 15 can only be used to display materials and goods at accounting prices. But you can also step back from this and take into account inventory items on accounts 10, 41 at the actual cost, and use account No. 15 only for goods in transit. The selling company can include transportation costs in the price of the goods - account No. 41, or take these costs into account separately: account No. 44 - sales costs.

Postings to reflect goods in transit

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Accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade

Payment for goods can usually be made by prepayment or upon shipment of the goods.

By prepayment


The organization, after receiving an advance payment from the buyer, shipped goods in the amount of 99,500 rubles.

(VAT RUB 15,178).


No. p Document Contents of operation Dt CT Sum

By shipment


The organization shipped goods worth RUB 32,000 to the buyer. (VAT 4881 rub.). Payment was received after delivery.


No. p Document Contents of operation Dt CT Sum

Accounting for the sale of goods in retail


For the day, trading revenue in the store amounted to 12,335 rubles.

Accounting is kept at sales prices, the organization is on the UTII taxation system, and the outlet is automated. The money was deposited at the company's cash desk on the same day.


No. p Document Contents of operation Dt CT Sum

Postings for sales or provision of services

When selling services, the same accounts are involved, only instead of 41 accounts there are 20 accounts, which collect all the costs that make up the cost.


The organization performed services in the amount of 217,325 rubles. The cost of the service was 50,000 rubles.

Postings for the provision of services:

No. p Document Contents of operation Dt CT Sum

8. Return of goods to the supplier: reasons, postings, examples

Due to certain circumstances, there are situations when you need to return goods to the supplier. Depending on whether the goods being returned have been paid for or not, and whether the goods and materials have been accepted for accounting, accounting entries are made. It is also worth highlighting issues related to the return of high-quality and low-quality goods.

8.1 Cases of returning goods

8.2 Return of goods of inadequate quality

Cases of returning goods

Civil law establishes cases when goods can be returned to the supplier. When returning goods of proper quality: it is issued in the form of a return sale. For this purpose, wiring is done

When carrying out any activity related to production, trade or provision of services need to keep accounting records. In this case, it is necessary to maintain certain documentation that allows you to control incoming funds, as well as costs.

This issue has become widespread accounting account 41. The fact is that it is where all the information that is associated with the values ​​purchased as products for further sale is summarized.

general information

In enterprises, this type of account is used in cases where products and materials are purchased so that they can be sold in the future. They are necessary in cases where the cost of finished goods purchased for assembly cannot be included in the cost of sold objects and, accordingly, must be reimbursed separately by buyers.

Enterprises conducting trading activities also reflect in account 41 the products purchased or produced for them. The only exception in this matter can be package, which is intended for economic or production needs.

Additional items are created in the chart of accounts, for example, subaccount 41-1 to reflect inventories as they are available or in transit. Moreover, they must be located in postal warehouses, bases or other facilities intended for mass storage.

There is also subaccount 41-2. It is intended to summarize information about the products of organizations engaged in retail trade. In particular, this includes small retail stores, tents and other small retail facilities. In addition, here you can reflect the movement of glass containers in retail trade establishments, as well as in buffets of organizations working in the field of public catering.

IN subchat 41-3 information is provided about the presence and movement of containers under products, as well as empty packaging. There is no need to record information related to the use of glass containers in enterprises that specialize in retail trading activities or work in the catering industry.

Speaking about subaccount 41-4, it is used in the process of summarizing information about purchased products that are used in the field of production and industry.

At the moment when products or containers arrive at the warehouse, they must be debited. During the accounting process, postings for capitalization must be compiled using this account.

It is worth noting that he points to performing calculations with those who are contractors, as well as with product suppliers. In this case, it is assumed that the value from the debit of the item in question is multiplied by the difference between the purchase and sales costs.

Please note that, if necessary, the organization can perform transfer of products for processing to third party companies. In this situation, the procedure cannot be carried out. Information on products of this type can be displayed separately. Records must be kept by persons in charge, batches, names, and varieties.

How is accounting done?

According to experienced specialists, account 41 is one of the first to require reporting. It is for this reason that its purpose is multifunctional. First of all, it is an inventory. If data about information about products is reflected at a price that is a purchase or sale, then the function can be fully implemented. It is also worth mentioning that the article is capable of performing a calculation-type task.

A function of this type can be implemented if there is movement of products. In this situation, the cost should be reflected, since the purchase price increases by the corresponding costs. First of all, to such costs should be attributed:

  1. Transportation process.
  2. Shortage at the time of departure on the way.
  3. Interest on the loan rate and so on.

It is impossible not to say that this article relates to financial performance. For a large number of years, products have been valued not at the debit acquisition cost, but at the credit realization price.

The difference should be reflected in the process of loss or profit. At the same time, this result was distorted, since there were certain residuals.

In accordance with score 41, today's products are reflected at the purchase price. This, in turn, allows for the return of the financial and performance functions of the article being reviewed.

When considering this invoice, it is necessary to understand as accurately as possible what the goods are. Practical experience allows you to give two definitions. In the first case, they mean inventories of material and production types that were received for future sales.

From the wording it is necessary to conclude that the objects in question are intended for the implementation process. In the same case, if the car was purchased for the process of its further sale, then it will be classified as goods.

When talking about a different definition, you need to refer to . The third paragraph states that absolutely any property that is sold or intended for sale must be classified as such objects. Similar wording is used for taxation purposes. The data on this definition are broader than the interpretation proposed in the accounting regulations.

Procedure for reducing tax payments

It should be noted that the definition presented in the Tax Code can be used in most cases in order to minimize the amount of tax deductions.

For example, if we are talking about a 10% rate for value added tax, then it is used when selling certain types of goods belonging to the production group. In order to use a bid, it is necessary that the object being sold was a commodity.

Most enterprises not only manufacture products, but also sell them. This also applies to the example given - bakery products. In order to apply the rate that was indicated, it is necessary that the object act as a product.

In accordance with the definition that was provided in the Accounting Regulations, they do not act as goods. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, they, on the contrary, are goods. First of all, this means that the company that carries out the sale has the right to charge a 10% VAT rate.

Cost reflection procedure

In accordance with the requirements of PBU, it is possible to allow such accounting cost options, How:

  1. Cost of acquisition (can be full or incomplete).
  2. Selling price.

The second option is used only by enterprises that are used for retail trade. The selling price can consist of full and incomplete (with a markup). This work option has many advantages. First of all, we are talking about the fact that it is possible to determine the sales price on absolutely any date. In addition, the cost of sold items that are subject to exceptions in accordance with account 41 is quite easily established.

At the same time, there are certain disadvantages. First of all, we are talking about such disadvantages as:

  1. The need to perform additional work to bring the appraisal to the sale price.
  2. Application of count 42.
  3. Reflection of the revaluation process.
  4. Drawing up a special calculation that determines foreign exchange profits.

With all this, despite the presence of certain disadvantages, a similar option is used most stores operating today. First of all, it is a kind of “tradition”. The fact is that during the USSR period, goods that were stored in vegetable warehouses were fixed at a retail price. The second reason is that a cash receipt can serve as a document that records the fact of purchase in a store. Revenue should be reflected in the total amount and presented as the cost of production at a price that is suitable for sale.

If you understand the nuances of maintaining account 41, then no serious problems will arise. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the management work must be carried out by specialists who have qualified skills and, accordingly, understand the nuances of this procedure.

In the event that they do not have necessary skills, then during the submission of annual reports serious problems may arise, accompanied by fines and requiring immediate resolution.

If the enterprise is small and does not have the opportunity to hire a staff of specialists who will be responsible for maintaining account 41, as well as other accounting procedures, then it is recommended to seek help from third-party companies providing such services.

In such a situation, specialists from the company with which the cooperation agreement was concluded will perform similar work with a certain frequency. When choosing services, you should give preference to those that have proven themselves. Reviews of the work of such companies can always be found on the Internet.

As you can see, the accounting process in this case is not very complicated. At the same time, it requires the management of the enterprise to have a certain responsibility and the right approach to implementation. If you approach accounting correctly, you can be sure that any situations involving a violation of current legislation will not occur, and reporting at the end of the working year will be submitted without any significant problems.
