Read in brief the story of a quiet morning. Kazakov, analysis of the work quiet morning, plan

In the early morning, when it was still dark in the hut, and his mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old trousers and shirt, ate bread and milk, and, taking fishing rods, left the hut. He dug up worms and ran to the barn, where his friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.

- Isn't it too early? - he asked hoarsely awake.

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, wanted to show this polite Muscovite the most fishy places. Yashka is the best fisherman on the entire collective farm, just show me where to fish, and they will throw apples. And this - for "please", and he is not satisfied yet. Go fishing in boots!

- You should still wear a tie! - Yashka quipped and laughed hoarsely. - We have a fish offended when you poke your nose at her without a tie.

However, Yashka is not evil, he boasts of the best that is in his native village: the most delicious well water in the world, catching thrushes with a net, a two-meter catfish, which the head of the club saw in the bocha - he thought it was a crocodile ... Yashka tells about Fedya the tractor driver, who worked at night by the headlights, woke up - and again in the field.

Volodya suddenly begins to feel how nice it is to wake up early and leave the house, or even better, run, squealing with delight.

Yashka led the Moscow guest to a bochagu (pool) and began to tell that this pool sucks everyone in - such icy water there, does not let go. And at the bottom - octopuses.

“Octopuses are only... in the sea,” Volodya said uncertainly.

- And Mishka saw it! ... A probe is out of the water, and it’s fumbling along the shore ... Although, he’s probably lying, I know him, ”Yashka concluded somewhat unexpectedly.

The rods were abandoned. Yashka pecked - but broke. They waited and waited for a bite, they got tired - they stuck the fishing rods into the ground. Here again pecked. Yashka pulled out a healthy bream. And Volodin's fishing rod, together with a clod of earth, crawled into the water. The boy tried to save her, and fell into the pool. Yashka got angry with him, and suddenly saw that his friend was drowning. He fought, choked and made terrible sounds: “Wah-ah-ah ... Wah-ah-ah ...” The thought of octopuses flashed through the head of the village boy. He rushed up to call for help, but no one was there.

When Yashka returned, only the top of Volodin's head was visible on the surface of the water. Yashka jumped into the water, grabbed Volodya, but he clung to him so desperately and strongly, he began to climb so wildly on his shoulders that he almost drowned. Yashka pulled the drowning man away from him, kicked him in the stomach and rushed to the shore. He looked at the water - bubbles were rising on its surface. Yashka thought that he had drowned his comrade, and dived. He found Volodya entangled in the grass at the bottom. He pulled him ashore, began to do artificial respiration, shake his head upside down. Finally, water gushed out of the mouth of the drowned man and he came to his senses.

Both boys burst into tears.

- How I'm drowning-oo-l!

“Yes-ah ...” Yashka said ... “you drown-oh ... drown ... and I spa-a ... save-a-at ...

“The sun was shining, the bushes were blazing, splashed with dew, and only the water in the pool remained the same black ...”

The story "Quiet Morning" Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov wrote in 1954. When you read the beginning of the work, it seems that it has a calm serene plot. But the further you run your eyes through the letters, the clearer it becomes that a severe test lies ahead of the heroes, and not a calm one. quiet morning. Summary help the reader to quickly get acquainted with the work.

Volodya and Yashka

The story begins with a description of one of the main characters - Yashka. He lived in with his mother. That morning the boy woke up early because he had a job to do. He drank milk and bread, took a fishing rod and went to dig for worms. A quiet morning awaited him outside. The summary takes the reader to the pre-dawn hour of the village. At this time, almost everyone in that village was still sleeping. Only the tapping of the hammer in the forge could be heard. Yashka dug up worms and went to the barn. Here slept his new comrade - Muscovite Volodya.

The day before, he himself came to Yashka and asked to take him fishing. It was decided to leave early in the morning. So the guys did. The village boy teased the city boy, because he went in boots, while the local guys only ran barefoot in the summer.


This is how the story "Quiet Morning" begins. The brief summary transfers the plot to the shore of the pond. This is where the main events will unfold. Yashka planted a worm, threw a fishing rod and almost immediately felt how someone grabbed it tightly at the other end. It was a fish. But her boy could not hook and missed. The second prey failed to escape. The teenager caught a large bream and barely pulled it ashore. At this time, Volodya's fishing rod began to dance. He rushed to her, but stumbled and fell into the water.

Yashka wanted to scold his new friend for such awkwardness and even took a clod of earth to throw at him later. But it wasn't needed. A boy from Moscow was desperately floundering on the surface of the pond. Yashka realized that he was drowning. Here is such a tense plot invented by Yu.P. Kazakov. A quiet morning, which did not portend trouble, almost turned into a serious tragedy.

The rescue

Yashka did not immediately realize what to do. He rushed forward to call for someone to help him. After running a little, he realized that there was no one nearby, and he would have to save his comrade himself. But the guy was afraid to get into the water, as one of his village friends claimed that he saw a real octopus in the water, which could easily drag a person into the abyss. In addition, the pond could suck anyone into its waters. This is the plot of the story "Quiet Morning". The summary continues the story.

There was nothing to do. Quickly throwing off his pants, Yashka dived. He swam to Volodya, grabbed him and tried to pull him ashore. However, drowning people often behave inappropriately. So did the Muscovite. Without realizing it, in a fit of fear, he began to climb onto his savior. Yashka felt that he himself began to choke and drown. Then he kicked Vova in the stomach and swam to the shore. The boy sighed and looked back. He did not see anyone on the surface of the water.

Then the guy again rushed into the water, dived and saw a friend under water. Yasha grabbed his hand and with great effort pulled him ashore. He began to bring Volodya to his senses. Not immediately, but he succeeded.

This is a brief summary of Kazakov's "Quiet Morning" - a story about courage and friendship.

Title of the work: Quiet morning
Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov
Year of writing: 1954
Genre of work: story
Main characters: two boys - rural Yashka and urban Volodya.

Plot fascinating work Yuri Kazakov about the possibility of the existence of a true friendship between completely dissimilar children will reveal a summary of the story "Quiet Morning" for the reader's diary.


No matter how hard it is, Yashka gets up early: gets dressed, has breakfast, digs worms and runs to wake up his new friend from Moscow - Volodya. Having quenched their thirst with well water, the boys go fishing to the whirlpool, which is considered the most “fishy” place.

Yashka missed the first fish, but very soon pulled a huge bream out of the water. Suddenly, a lump of earth from under Volodya's feet slides into a pool. The city kid finds himself in the water and desperately floundering. Yashka rushes to help and pulls him ashore. To clear his lungs of water, Yashka lifts Volodya's legs up and shakes him as best he can. Water flows from the mouth of the drowning boy, a spasm passes through his muscles, he groans and comes to his senses. Realizing that everything is behind, Yashka starts to roar. Following him, Volodya roared.

Conclusions (my opinion)

At first, two dissimilar boys were connected by a common cause - a passion for fishing. Now, after an accident on the water, their friendship is sure to become much stronger. It is unlikely that reasonable Volodya will be able to forget how his friend rushed into a dangerous pool to rescue him.

When we think about good stories, Chekhov, Turgenev, Bunin most often come to mind. But it would be a mistake to assume that, for example, in the second half of the 20th century there is no worthy representative of this genre. We present to the reader’s attention the work (summary) of Kazakov “Quiet Morning”. Yuri Pavlovich is a remarkable Soviet prose writer.

The confrontation between the city and the countryside represented by the main characters: Yashka and Volodka

As you know, a fertile topic. In general, there are no hackneyed topics in literature (this is not science), the main thing here is execution. Here is the story (summary) of Kazakov “Quiet Morning” tells exactly about this. It all starts with breathtakingly atmospheric and truthful descriptions of an ordinary rural morning.

One of the main characters - Yashka is going fishing. Everything is as in the textbook: I got up early, dug up worms and followed my companion Volodya. Here it must be said that Yashka was a rural boy, and Volodka, on the contrary, was a Muscovite.

They met. Yashka is cheerful and fresh, although he got up earlier than Volodka, and he was sleepy and with a "fixed" face. As they walked towards the river, the boys exchanged barbs, or rather, not even like that: Yashka attacked, and Volodka sluggishly fought back.

Yashka scoffed at how his fishing partner prepared for a responsible event: wrong clothes, wrong walk, wrong inspiration, etc. What can I say, one word - urban.

The reader may reasonably ask if too much space is given in the article with the topic “The work (summary) of Kazakov“ Quiet Morning ”to the skirmish of boys? Dear reader, in fact, a not too serious conflict of guys is important for intrigue and subsequent climax, so be patient.

Deep place. Bream

The guys chose a place for a long time. Rather, so Yashka accurately pointed out the most "bread" place. It, unfortunately, turned out to be quite deep. But after all, the guys didn’t plan to swim, but for fish, the depth is the very thing. What kind of fish can be caught in shallow water? From this point on, the plot of the story picks up pace and becomes extremely exciting. We remind you that the focus of our attention is the composition (summary) of Kazakov “Quiet Morning”.

There is fishing. The guys are trying to catch prey. Yashka, of course, does a little better, Volodya a little worse. But the village boy still misses his first fish, which upsets him. Still would! He does not want to lose face in front of the city.

And yet, in this duel, the village celebrated a victory over the city - Yashka caught Bream. Before the boys had time to rejoice at the common good fortune, Volodya's something also pecked. And so impressive that the fishing rod did not obey the fisherman.

Yashka was distracted by his prey and did not see how the fish dragged his friend to the depths (or maybe the boy himself slipped on the wet river sand and slid into the water). Yashka turned to the place where Volodya was supposed to stand, but his partner was no longer there. His head almost disappeared under water (the place was deep). Suddenly, the story written by Yu. Kazakov (“Quiet Morning”: a summary and analysis is of direct interest to us) becomes disturbingly tragic and I really want the boy to survive.

The fear and heroism of Yashka

At first, the hero, standing on land, got scared and rushed as fast as he could into the village. But he suddenly realized that such a journey would be fatal for Volodya, it would cost a friend his life. Therefore, Yashka returned and tried to pull his comrade out, but he, like any drowned man, began to pull the savior to the bottom. Yashka thought that the two of them would now say goodbye to life, this sometimes happens in such situations.

Unhooking Volodya's hands, Yashka climbed ashore, then turned around, and Volodka completely disappeared under the water. And then the hero decides to make another attempt. He dives and sees that his friend's leg is entangled in seaweed. Yashka freed his comrade's limb and this time pulled him ashore, then rendered first aid, apparently obeying some intuitive impulse. Volodya began to spit out and push water out of himself. When a friend came to his senses, Yashka burst into tears. We think it is unnecessary to say why. Then the guys were already crying together, not embarrassed by their tears, because on this day they were actually born again.

This concludes Yu.P. Kazakov Quiet Morning. The summary continues and includes the answer to another important question.

True friendship is so contradictory

Now, we think, the reader understands why the boys' journey to the river was described in such detail. Yes, Yashka sees the shortcomings of his friend, he soberly assesses him, but despite this, the boy risked his life for the sake of his friend, he did not leave him to die in the river, did not give up.

He is a true friend. The most reliable is not the one who constantly compliments you, admires your mind, but the one who at the right time will give you a shoulder. It is necessary to judge a person not by words or even by thoughts, but only by deeds. And we are sure that Volodya and Yashka are now friends forever.


Yashka woke up when the sleepy roosters had just crowed, it was dark, the mother did not milk the cow and the shepherd did not drive the herd into the meadows.

After eating milk and bread, the boy took the fishing rods and went to the porch. The village was still asleep.

Having dug up a full jar, he rolled over the wattle fence and ran along the path to the barn, where his new friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.

Yashka whistled, then listened. It was quiet. Yashka called Volodya again. He fussed and rustled there for a long time, then awkwardly tears, while asking a friend - is it too early?

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour ago, dug up worms, dragged fishing rods. He, in fact, started everything because of Volodya, wanted to show him the fishing spots, but instead of gratitude and admiration, he heard the word “early”.

For Yashka, all the beauty of the morning was poisoned. He caustically “walked” over the fact that Volodya went fishing in boots, and looked at his bare feet.

He was still a little angry at the polite Moscow sissy and was no longer glad that he had contacted him.

Volodya was already ready to give up fishing, but he was so looking forward to this morning. Yashka followed him reluctantly. They walked through the village, and the fog opened up new buildings before them.

Volodya suffered severely, felt embarrassed, angry because he answered Yashka awkwardly. He told himself that it was not important to go barefoot, but at the same time he looked with envy and admiration at Yashka's bare feet, at a canvas bag for fish and specially prepared for fishing clothes. He envied both Yashkin's tan and his special walk.

The guys passed by the well, and Yashka stopped, offering his friend a drink, because he considered the local water to be the best water that is nowhere to be found. Volodya did not want to drink, but in order not to irritate Yashka, he began to drink in small sips. Then, when Yashka asked if the water was good, he answered that it was good. Yashka did not fail to hurt his friend, saying that there is no such water in Moscow. I asked a friend if he was fishing in the city. Volodya replied that he had only seen how they were fishing on the Moscow River.

Yashka relented and started talking about fish and fishing. Volodya believed everything said by his friend unconditionally.

The village was left behind, undersized oats stretched out, a dark strip of forest was barely visible ahead.

Volodya asked how long it would take to go. Yashka replied that it would be soon, and asked to go faster.

They went out onto a hillock, turned to the right, went down a hollow, crossed a flax field along a path, and then a river suddenly opened up in front of them.

The sun has risen, the fog has thinned. Heavy splashes were heard in the pools - the fish were walking.

The boys were almost waist-deep soaked in dew when Yashka finally said that they had come and began to descend to the water. He stumbled and flew down, scaring the ducks. Volodya licked his dry lips and jumped after him.

Yashka frightened his friend with the fact that no one bathes in the pool, because there is “no bottom” in it - it is so deep. Then he said that octopuses live there, and suddenly concluded that the village boy who told him about it was lying.

Having unwound the fishing rods, he handed one of them to Volodya and showed with his eyes the place where to fish, while he himself stared intently at the float.

Volodya also threw the rod, but hooked it to the willow. Yashka looked angrily at him, but suddenly saw that light circles were spreading around his float. He hooked with force and felt that a fish was entering in the depths. Suddenly the tension of the fishing line loosened, and an empty hook popped out of the water. There was no more bite, and he carefully stuck the rod into the soft bank. Volodya followed suit.

Yashka was a little ashamed that he had missed the fish, and, as often happens, he was ready to attribute the blame to Volodya. He thought that if there was a real fisherman in the place of his current friend, then Yashka would only have time to pull out the fishing rod. He wanted to prick Volodya with something, when suddenly the float moved. Yashka, turning pale, began to hook the fish and, as a result, pulled a large cold bream out of the water. He turned his radiant face to Volodya, wanted to say something, but suddenly his expression changed. He saw Volodin's fishing rod slowly sliding into the water, because someone was pulling the line. At that moment, the ground under Volodya’s feet gave way, and he, as if catching the ball, threw up his hands and fell into the water with a cry.

Yashka jumped up, scolded Volodya and was about to throw a clod of earth in his face when he emerged, but froze. Volodya, three meters from the shore, beat the water with his hands, throwing back his white face with bulging eyes to the sky, choking and trying to shout something.

Yashka thought with horror that his friend was drowning, and, feeling weak in his legs, he backed up from the water. Stories about octopuses immediately came to mind. He jumped out into the meadow, ran about ten meters, but, feeling that it was impossible to run away, he returned. There was no string in his pockets, and there was no one to call for help.

Yashka approached the cliff, looked down, expecting to see something terrible. He saw Volodya, but he no longer fought, but completely disappeared under the water, only the top of his head was still visible. Yashka jumped into the water and grabbed Volodya by the hand. Volodya grabbed

Yashka by the hand and tried to climb onto his shoulders. Yashka realized that Volodya would drown him, that his death had come, and trying to free himself, he kicked Volodya in the stomach with all his might. Feeling Volodin's weight on him, he tore him away from him, thrashed the water with his hands and rushed to the shore.

He came to his senses only when he grabbed the coastal sedge with his hands. I looked around - there was no one on the surface. Everything above the earth breathed calmness and silence, and meanwhile, a terrible thing happened: a man drowned, and it was he, Yashka, who drowned him.

Yashka took a breath, inhaled properly and dived. Volodya lay in the depths, entangled in the grass. Yashka, choking from lack of air at depth, grabbed Volodya by the shirt and pulled him along, surprised at how easily the body gave way. Then he surfaced, took a deep breath and swam to the shore. Feeling the bottom under his feet, he pushed Volodya onto the land face down and got out himself. Volodya's face was deathly pale, and Yashka wondered with horror if he had died.

Having got ashore, Yashka began to blow on Volodya's nose and put pressure on his stomach. Then he took the lifeless body by the legs and lifted it as far as he could. He began to shake, turning purple from the effort. And now, when he was ready to sign his own impotence, water gushed out of Volodya's mouth and a spasm went through his whole body. Yashka let go of his friend's legs, sat down next to him on the ground and closed his eyes.

Volodya gasped for air, but again *fell on the grass, choking with a cough. Water continuously sputtered from his mouth.

Yashka crawled away and looked at Volodya in a relaxed way. He loved nothing now in the world more than that pale face. He looked tenderly at Volodya and asked how he was.

Volodya remembered everything and also began to cry, helplessly lowering his head and turning away from his savior.

The water in the pool has long calmed down, the fish from Volodya's fishing rod has long since broken, and the fishing rod itself has washed ashore.

The sun was shining, the dew-splashed bushes were ablaze, and only the water in the pool remained the same black. The smell of warm hay and clover flew from the fields in the distance. These smells mixed with the smells of the forest and, together with the warm summer wind, were like the breath of the awakened earth, enjoying the warm summer day.

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