Golitsyn Border Institute of the Russian Federal Security Service. Panorama Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia

Golitsyn Border Institute is one of the institutions of higher professional education under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Officers with higher professional education are trained here. Security agencies recruit and send citizens for training at the GPI, and in the future they undergo contract service along with training at the institute. According to the rules of the GPI, only young men are allowed to enroll, and there is also an age limit - twenty-two years for those who have not served in the military and twenty-four years for those who have already served in the army. The selection here is strict - along with entrance examinations, all candidates undergo a special test: assessment of the level of physical readiness, psychological examination and selection, inspection by security authorities, and the procedure for access to state secrets. Only candidates who successfully pass the test are allowed to apply.

About the university

  • Type of educational institution: State
  • Founded 1930
  • License to carry out educational activities: No. 1073 dated 04/05/2011.
  • Certificate of state accreditation: No. 1436 dated 02/10/2012.
  • Form of study: Full-time, Part-time
  • Type of training: Free

The Golitsyn Institute trains, first of all, officer cadres - and for this an appropriate teaching staff is needed. Two-thirds of the Institute’s teachers have academic titles and degrees, and this says a lot about the quality of teaching and the wealth of experience and knowledge that is passed on to the Institute’s cadets. The technical support for the educational process is very developed at the State Polytechnic Institute: there are display classes, special lecture halls, and language classrooms. It also has its own printing base - on it the Institute produces its printed products: methodological, educational and even entertainment and information. Each group is assigned its own classroom for the training period, which has all the necessary equipment. For practical training of cadets, the university has special gyms where you can learn how to operate special vehicles or aim with standard weapons. These skills can then be reinforced in practical training - they take place on tactical training fields. During classes, cadets learn shooting, the use of military equipment, leadership and coordinated actions during military operations. Students can apply and improve the acquired knowledge and skills during practice in border agencies, which is annually organized by the State Pedagogical Institute. The best cadets of the university are awarded scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, regional and other scholarships. The GPI FSB of the Russian Federation has a branch in the city of Stavropol, where warrant officers are trained.

Levels and areas of training

Specialty by program:

  • Border activities
  • Psychology of performance
  • Legal support of national security

Bachelor's degree in areas:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Border Management

Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies in specialties: Theory and methods of training and education; Theory and methodology of vocational education; Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics; Social Psychology.


Preparatory fees.

Dormitory provided.

There is a military department

About the university

Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a federal state educational institution of higher professional education. The founder of the institute is the Government of the Russian Federation. The functions of the founder are performed by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
The activities of the institute, including educational ones, are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, interdepartmental agreements, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the institute, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science, departmental regulatory acts.
In 2006, the Institute passed state certification and accreditation. According to the results of an inspection by the Russian FSB, the educational institution was among the best universities in the educational system of state security agencies.
In accordance with the current license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, the institute implements educational programs: postgraduate, higher, secondary and additional professional education.
Currently, for the divisions of the border authorities of the FSB of Russia, other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation security bloc, in accordance with interdepartmental agreements (treaties), the institute trains specialists (officers) with higher professional education in full-time and part-time forms of study in the following specialties: law and psychology; full-time and part-time study in the specialty of jurisprudence.
The branch of the institute in the city of Stavropol, established in 2008, trains specialists (warrant officers) with secondary vocational education in full-time education in the following specialties: jurisprudence and multi-channel telecommunication systems.
In the postgraduate course of the institute, in full-time and part-time forms of study, scientific and pedagogical personnel are trained under the program of postgraduate professional education in the following specialties: “Theory and methods of teaching and education”, “Work psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics”, “Social psychology”.

The Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia carries out training of officers on the basis of a license and certificate for the right to conduct educational activities, obtained as a result of a comprehensive assessment of the university by a commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Teachers and officers of departments and faculties pass on their rich service and combat experience to the cadets and students of the institute. More than 65% of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and academic titles.
To ensure the training of cadets and students in specialties in accordance with curricula, programs and teaching methods, as well as to carry out scientific research and train scientific and pedagogical personnel, the institute has a modern educational material and technical base.
The institute's 6 educational lecture halls, 22 display classrooms, language training classrooms, and specialized classes make it possible to carry out all types of educational work using computer technology across the entire range of taught disciplines.
Each training group has an assigned classroom equipped with the necessary equipment.
The Institute has its own printing facility, which allows it to produce educational, methodological and scientific products. The general fund of educational, scientific, special and art libraries contains over 210 thousand copies of educational and fiction literature.
In the interests of the educational process, a television center operates; everyday life and special events in the life of the institute are covered by the newspaper “Vivat, Golitsyns!” I have the honor!”
In training classes, cadets practice driving and aiming skills with standard weapons, which they then improve on the racing track and at the institute’s shooting range.
The cadets spend a significant part of their training time in practical classes on tactical and training fields, specialized camps, and military shooting ranges, mastering the methods of using weapons and military equipment, directing the actions of units in various forms of operational activities, organizing and supporting combat.
During the practices carried out annually in the units of the border authorities of the FSB of Russia and in special-purpose communications units of the FSO of Russia, cadets acquire and improve practical skills in performing the duties of their future job assignment.
During their studies, cadets have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities, working in scientific circles of the institute and participating in scientific and practical conferences held by the country's leading universities. The scientific works of the institute's cadets have repeatedly become winners of open competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
The best cadets are encouraged by scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, a personal scholarship named after Yu.V. Andropov, a personal scholarship “Moscow Region”, an incentive scholarship from the Head of the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region, scholarships from the International Public Foundation “Law and Order-Center”, the Interregional Public Organization of the Military-Patriotic Club “Rus”, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation- federal state government educational institution of higher professional education.

One of the oldest military educational institutions of the Russian Border Service, on November 14, 2015, the university celebrated its 85th anniversary. Located in the town of Golitsyno near Moscow.

In accordance with the current license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, the institute implements educational programs for postgraduate, higher, secondary and additional professional education. The Institute provides training for officers and warrant officers of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Training of officers with higher professional education.

Full-time education:

  • specialty - jurisprudence, specialization - border activities, qualification - specialist;
  • specialty - psychology, specialization - psychology of professional activities, qualification - specialist;
  • specialty - jurisprudence, specialization - legal support of national security, qualification - specialist.
  • Legal support of national security (specialist);
  • Jurisprudence (Bachelor);
  • Border Management (Bachelor).

The Institute provides training for warrant officers (secondary vocational education).

Full-time education:

  • Law enforcement activities (including in the Institute’s branch in Stavropol);
  • Multichannel telecommunication systems (at the Institute’s branch in Stavropol);
  • Border activities (including in the branch of the Institute in Stavropol).

Accepted: citizens who have not completed military service, aged 16 to 22 years inclusive; citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract, up to 24 years of age inclusive, with at least secondary (complete) general education, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner, professional psychological selection, testing the level of physical fitness, entrance tests, competitive selection. To prepare for passing entrance examinations for training streams in full-time and part-time forms of study for candidates undergoing military service under conscription or contract, preparatory camps lasting up to 30 days are held in June of the current year. The selection and referral of candidates to the institute is carried out by the federal security service in accordance with the requirements for the selection of candidates for military service in security agencies.


The official history of the institute dates back to November 14, 1930, when by order of the OGPU No. 386/180 the First School of Border Guards and OGPU Troops was founded in New Peterhof, Leningrad Region. Over its long history, the school has changed several names.

During the Great Patriotic War, in the second half of August 1941, cadets of two battalions of the “Novo-Peterhof Military-Political School of Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD named after K. E. Voroshilov”, at the cost of their own lives, were able to stop the breakthrough of three German tank divisions near Krasnogvardeysk (now Gatchina) to Leningrad. For fifty days, the few surviving cadets and teachers of the school were in continuous battle, defending Leningrad.

Their heroism was marked by a high state award: on February 10, 1943, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the exemplary execution of combat missions of the command at the front, courage, perseverance and bravery in the fight against the Nazi invaders. Among the school's graduates there are several Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In April 1942, the educational institution was relocated to Saratov, where in the post-war years the training of political officers for the NKVD troops continued.



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An excerpt characterizing the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia

“I’m glad that I could do something pleasant for you, my dear Anna Mikhailovna,” said Prince Vasily, straightening his frill and in his gesture and voice showing here, in Moscow, in front of the patronized Anna Mikhailovna, even greater importance than in St. Petersburg, at Annette’s evening Scherer.
“Try to serve well and be worthy,” he added, turning sternly to Boris. - I'm glad... Are you here on vacation? – he dictated in his dispassionate tone.
“I’m waiting for an order, your Excellency, to go to a new destination,” answered Boris, showing neither annoyance at the prince’s harsh tone, nor a desire to engage in conversation, but so calmly and respectfully that the prince looked at him intently.
- Do you live with your mother?
“I live with Countess Rostova,” said Boris, adding again: “Your Excellency.”
“This is the Ilya Rostov who married Nathalie Shinshina,” said Anna Mikhailovna.
“I know, I know,” said Prince Vasily in his monotonous voice. – Je n"ai jamais pu concevoir, comment Nathalieie s"est decidee a epouser cet ours mal – leche l Un personnage completement stupide et ridicule.Et joueur a ce qu"on dit. [I could never understand how Natalie decided to come out marry this dirty bear. A completely stupid and funny person, and a player, they say.]
“Mais tres brave homme, mon prince,” Anna Mikhailovna remarked, smiling touchingly, as if she knew that Count Rostov deserved such an opinion, but asked to have pity on the poor old man. – What do the doctors say? - asked the princess, after a short silence and again expressing great sadness on her tear-stained face.
“There is little hope,” said the prince.
“And I really wanted to thank my uncle again for all his good deeds to both me and Bora.” C"est son filleuil, [This is his godson," she added in such a tone, as if this news should have greatly pleased Prince Vasily.
Prince Vasily thought and winced. Anna Mikhailovna realized that he was afraid to find in her a rival in the will of Count Bezukhy. She hastened to reassure him.
“If it weren’t for my true love and devotion to my uncle,” she said, pronouncing this word with particular confidence and carelessness: “I know his character, noble, direct, but he has only the princesses with him... They are still young...” She bowed her head and she added in a whisper: “Did he fulfill his last duty, prince?” How precious are these last minutes! After all, it can’t be worse; it needs to be cooked if it is that bad. We women, Prince,” she smiled tenderly, “always know how to say these things.” It is necessary to see him. No matter how hard it was for me, I was already used to suffering.
The prince apparently understood, and understood, as he did at the evening at Annette Scherer’s, that it was difficult to get rid of Anna Mikhailovna.
“Wouldn’t this meeting be difficult for him, here Anna Mikhailovna,” he said. - Let's wait until evening, the doctors promised a crisis.
“But you can’t wait, Prince, at these moments.” Pensez, il va du salut de son ame... Ah! c"est terrible, les devoirs d"un chretien... [Think, it’s about saving his soul! Oh! this is terrible, the duty of a Christian...]
A door opened from the inner rooms, and one of the count's princesses, the count's nieces, entered, with a gloomy and cold face and a strikingly disproportionate long waist to her legs.
Prince Vasily turned to her.
- Well, what is he?
- All the same. And as you wish, this noise... - said the princess, looking around Anna Mikhailovna as if she were a stranger.
“Ah, chere, je ne vous reconnaissais pas, [Ah, dear, I didn’t recognize you,” Anna Mikhailovna said with a happy smile, walking up to the count’s niece with a light amble. “Je viens d"arriver et je suis a vous pour vous aider a soigner mon oncle. J'imagine, combien vous avez souffert, [I came to help you follow your uncle. I can imagine how you suffered," she added, with participation rolling my eyes.
The princess did not answer anything, did not even smile, and immediately left. Anna Mikhailovna took off her gloves and, in the position she had won, sat down on a chair, inviting Prince Vasily to sit next to her.
- Boris! “- she said to her son and smiled, “I’ll go to the count, to my uncle, and you go to Pierre, mon ami, in the meantime, and don’t forget to give him the invitation from the Rostovs.” They call him to dinner. I think he won't go? – she turned to the prince.
“On the contrary,” said the prince, apparently out of sorts. – Je serais tres content si vous me debarrassez de ce jeune homme... [I would be very glad if you saved me from this young man...] Sits here. The Count never asked about him.
He shrugged. The waiter led the young man down and up another staircase to Pyotr Kirillovich.

Pierre never had time to choose a career for himself in St. Petersburg and, indeed, was exiled to Moscow for rioting. The story told by Count Rostov was true. Pierre participated in tying up the policeman with the bear. He arrived a few days ago and stayed, as always, at his father's house. Although he assumed that his story was already known in Moscow, and that the ladies surrounding his father, who were always unkind to him, would take advantage of this opportunity to irritate the count, he still went after his father’s half on the day of his arrival. Entering the drawing room, the usual abode of the princesses, he greeted the ladies who were sitting at the embroidery frame and behind a book, which one of them was reading aloud. There were three of them. The eldest, clean, long-waisted, stern girl, the same one who came out to Anna Mikhailovna, was reading; the younger ones, both ruddy and pretty, differing from each other only in that one had a mole above her lip, which made her very beautiful, were sewing in a hoop. Pierre was greeted as if he were dead or plagued. The eldest princess interrupted her reading and silently looked at him with frightened eyes; the youngest, without a mole, assumed exactly the same expression; the smallest one, with a mole, of a cheerful and giggling character, bent over the embroidery frame to hide a smile, probably caused by the upcoming scene, the funnyness of which she foresaw. She pulled the hair down and bent down, as if she was sorting out the patterns and could hardly restrain herself from laughing.
“Bonjour, ma cousine,” said Pierre. – Vous ne me hesonnaissez pas? [Hello, cousin. Don't you recognize me?]
“I recognize you too well, too well.”
– How is the count’s health? Can I see him? – Pierre asked awkwardly, as always, but not embarrassed.
– The Count is suffering both physically and morally, and it seems that you took care to cause him more moral suffering.
-Can I see the count? - Pierre repeated.
- Hm!.. If you want to kill him, completely kill him, then you can see. Olga, go and see if the broth is ready for your uncle, it’s time soon,” she added, showing Pierre that they were busy and busy calming his father down, while he was obviously busy only upsetting him.
Olga left. Pierre stood, looked at the sisters and, bowing, said:
- So I’ll go to my place. When it is possible, you tell me.
He went out, and the ringing but quiet laughter of the sister with the mole was heard behind him.
The next day, Prince Vasily arrived and settled in the count's house. He called Pierre to him and told him:
– Mon cher, si vous vous conduisez ici, comme a Petersbourg, vous finirez tres mal; c"est tout ce que je vous dis. [My dear, if you behave here as in St. Petersburg, you will end very badly; I have nothing more to tell you.] The Count is very, very sick: you don’t need to see him at all.
Since then, Pierre was not disturbed, and he spent the whole day alone upstairs in his room.
While Boris entered his room, Pierre was walking around his room, occasionally stopping in the corners, making threatening gestures towards the wall, as if piercing an invisible enemy with a sword, and looking sternly over his glasses and then starting his walk again, uttering unclear words, shaking shoulders and arms outstretched.
- L "Angleterre a vecu, [England is finished," he said, frowning and pointing his finger at someone. - M. Pitt comme traitre a la nation et au droit des gens est condamiene a... [Pitt, as a traitor to the nation and people rightly, he is sentenced to ...] - He did not have time to finish his sentence on Pitt, imagining himself at that moment as Napoleon himself and, together with his hero, having already made a dangerous crossing through the Pas de Calais and conquered London - when he saw a young, slender and handsome officer entering him He stopped. Pierre left Boris as a fourteen-year-old boy and definitely did not remember him; but, despite this, in his characteristic quick and welcoming manner, he took him by the hand and smiled friendly.
- Do you remember me? – Boris said calmly, with a pleasant smile. “I came with my mother to the count, but he seems to be not entirely healthy.
- Yes, he seems unwell. “Everyone worries him,” Pierre answered, trying to remember who this young man was.

Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a federal state-owned educational institution of higher professional education. One of the oldest military educational institutions of the Russian Border Service, on November 14, 2015, the university celebrated its 85th anniversary. Located in the town of Golitsyno near Moscow. In accordance with the current license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, the institute implements educational programs for postgraduate, higher, secondary and additional professional education. The Institute provides training for officers and warrant officers of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Training of officers with higher professional education. Full-time education: specialty - jurisprudence, specialization - border activities, qualification - specialist; specialty - psychology, specialization - psychology of professional activities, qualification - specialist; specialty - jurisprudence, specialization - legal support of national security, qualification - specialist. Correspondence course: Legal support of national security (specialist); Jurisprudence (Bachelor); Border Management (Bachelor). The Institute provides training for warrant officers (secondary vocational education). Full-time education: Law enforcement (including in the branch of the Institute in Stavropol); Multichannel telecommunication systems (at the Institute’s branch in Stavropol); Border activities (including in the branch of the Institute in Stavropol). Accepted: citizens who have not completed military service, aged 16 to 22 years inclusive; citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract, up to 24 years of age inclusive, with at least secondary (complete) general education, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner, professional psychological selection, testing the level of physical fitness, entrance tests, competitive selection. To prepare for passing entrance examinations for training streams in full-time and part-time forms of study for candidates undergoing military service under conscription or contract, preparatory camps lasting up to 30 days are held in June of the current year. The selection and referral of candidates to the institute is carried out by the federal security service in accordance with the requirements for the selection of candidates for military service in security agencies.

The official history of the institute dates back to November 14, 1930, when by order of the OGPU No. 386/180 the First School of Border Guards and OGPU Troops was founded in New Peterhof, Leningrad Region. Over its long history, the school has changed several names. During the Great Patriotic War in the second half of August 1941, cadets of two battalions of the “Novo-Peterhof Military-Political School of Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD named after...


1.Can a girl enroll in your educational institution? If so, what specialties are girls accepted for?


The Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia does not recruit females for training.

2.What documents must be prepared for admission to the State Pedagogical Institute of the FSB of Russia?


According to the order of the FSB of Russia dated May 20, 2014 No. 277 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational organizations of the FSB of Russia,” applications (reports) for admission to study in educational organizations of the FSB of Russia are submitted no later than March 1 of the year. receipts:

citizens of the Russian Federation, including those who have completed military service - to the security authority at their place of residence;

citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of closed military camps, closed administrative-territorial entities - to the security authority in the troops;

for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in security agencies - to the head, head of the security agency;

military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract in other federal executive authorities - to the security authority in the troops at the place of military service.

The application (report) indicates the names of the educational organization of the FSB of Russia and the training stream to which the candidate has expressed a desire to enroll.

Attached to the application (report):

a) a completed and signed application form;

b) autobiography, handwritten in free form;

c) duly certified copies of documents on the candidate’s birth, marriage (divorce), and education;

d) duly certified copies of documents on birth, marriage (divorce), death of close relatives of the candidate;

e) certificate of current academic performance at the time of submission of documents (for students);

f) reference from the place of study (service or work), certified by the seal of the relevant institution or organization;

g) six photo cards (without headdress, size 4.5 x 6 cm, on matte paper, without corner);

h) a copy of the health insurance policy;

i) copies of documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to an educational institution;

j) a copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house register from the place of residence;

k) for those entering medical specialist training streams - a certified copy of the grade book for seven semesters of study, a certificate of tuition payment for eight semesters (for students on a paid basis).

3. Can I enter the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia with incomplete higher education? Do I need to take the Unified State Exam?


You have the right to enter the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, because do not have higher education.

You need to take the Unified State Exam if you do not fall into the following categories of candidates:

Having secondary vocational education;

Having secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries.

These citizens have the right to take entrance examinations instead of the Unified State Exam at the Institute.

4. Do I need a certificate issued after completing 11 years of high school for admission?


A certificate of secondary (complete) general education (original) must be presented upon arrival to the admissions office as evidence of the level of education received.

5. Where can I find entrance exam tickets to prepare well?


Tickets for passing an additional profile-oriented test contain tasks of varying levels of complexity for applicants for higher (more complex level) and secondary (less complex level) vocational education programs; they are compiled in accordance with the scope of the school curriculum and cannot be obtained in advance.
Structure of exam papers

6. Is there recruitment for a second higher education or master's degree?


The Institute does not recruit individuals from among civilian youth to study in educational programs of higher education if they have a higher education.

7. I will turn 24 this year, can I enroll in educational organizations of the FSB of Russia?


The following are accepted for training in educational courses about the FSB of Russia:

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have not undergone military service - aged 16 to 22 years inclusive;

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract - until they reach the age of 24 years. Age is calculated on the date of enrollment for study.

8. My son is in 11th grade and is preparing to enter the State Pedagogical Institute of the FSB of Russia. He has a slight vision problem. Please inform me about the possibility of his admission to the Institute.


On issues of visual impairment, please read the Order of the FSB of Russia dated January 29, 2015 No. 39 “On approval of the Health Requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract in the federal security service, military personnel of the federal security service performing military service contract, to types of official activities, Requirements for the health status of certain categories of citizens entering military service under a contract in the federal security service, military personnel of the federal security service, undergoing military service under a contract, whose military service is associated with special conditions, and members their families, citizens and military personnel entering educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, and lists of additional mandatory diagnostic tests”, which are publicly available on the Internet.

9. When is the Institute open day?


An open day at the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia is held annually on the last Sunday of April.
