Which fairy tales from Chukovsky are easy to learn. School encyclopedia

Chukovsky's works, known to a wide range of readers, are, first of all, poems and rhymed fairy tales for children. Not everyone knows that in addition to these creations, the writer has global works about his famous colleagues and other works. After reading them, you can understand which works of Chukovsky will become your favorite.


It is interesting that Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a literary pseudonym. The real literary figure's name was Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg on March 19, 1882. His mother Ekaterina Osipovna, a peasant from the Poltava province, worked as a maid in the city of St. Petersburg. She was the illegitimate wife of Emmanuel Solomonovich Levinson. The couple first had a daughter, Maria, and three years later, a son, Nikolai, was born. But at that time they were not welcome, so in the end Levinson married a wealthy woman, and Ekaterina Osipovna and her children moved to Odessa.

Nikolai went to kindergarten, then to high school. But he couldn't finish it due to low

Prose for adults

The writer's literary activity began in 1901, when his articles were published in Odessa News. Chukovsky studied English, so the editors of this publication sent him to London. Returning to Odessa, he took whatever part he could in the 1905 revolution.

In 1907, Chukovsky translated the works of Walt Whitman. He translated books by Twain, Kipling, and Wilde into Russian. These works by Chukovsky were very popular.

He wrote books about Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, Blok. Since 1917, Chukovsky has been working on a monograph about Nekrasov. This is a long-term work that was published only in 1952.

Poems by a children's poet

It will help you find out what works by Chukovsky are for children, a list. These are short poems that kids learn in the first years of their lives and in elementary school:

  • "Glutton";
  • "Piglet";
  • "The elephant is reading";
  • "Hedgehogs laugh";
  • "Zakalyaka";
  • "Sandwich";
  • "Fedotka";
  • "Pigs";
  • "Garden";
  • "Turtle";
  • "Song of Poor Boots";
  • "Tadpoles";
  • "Bebeka";
  • "Camel";
  • "Joy";
  • "Great-great-great-grandchildren";
  • "Christmas tree";
  • "Fly in the Bath";
  • "Chicken".

The list presented above will help you recognize Chukovsky’s short poetic works for children. If the reader wants to get acquainted with the title, years of writing and a summary of the tales of the literary figure, then a list of them is below.

Works by Chukovsky for children - “Crocodile”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”

In 1916, Korney Ivanovich wrote the fairy tale “Crocodile”; this poem was met with ambiguity. Thus, V. Lenin’s wife N. Krupskaya spoke critically of this work. Literary critic and writer Yuri Tynyanov, on the contrary, said that children's poetry has finally opened up. N. Btsky, writing a note in a Siberian pedagogical magazine, noted in it that children enthusiastically accept “Crocodile”. They constantly applaud these lines and listen with great delight. You can see how sorry they are to part with this book and its characters.

Chukovsky's works for children include, of course, "The Cockroach". The fairy tale was written by the author in 1921. At the same time, Korney Ivanovich came up with “Moidodyr”. As he himself said, he composed these tales in literally 2-3 days, but he had nowhere to print them. Then he proposed to found a periodical children's publication and call it “Rainbow”. These two famous works of Chukovsky were published there.

"Miracle Tree"

In 1924, Korney Ivanovich wrote “The Miracle Tree”. At that time, many lived poorly, the desire to dress beautifully was only a dream. Chukovsky embodied them in his work. The miracle tree does not grow leaves or flowers, but shoes, boots, slippers, and stockings. In those days, children did not yet have tights, so they wore cotton stockings, which were attached to special pendants.

In this poem, as in some others, the writer talks about Murochka. This was his beloved daughter, she died at the age of 11, contracting tuberculosis. In this poem, he writes that small blue knitted shoes with pom-poms were picked for Murochka, and describes what exactly their parents took from the tree for the children.

Now there really is such a tree. But they don’t tear things off of him, they hang him. It was decorated through the efforts of fans of the beloved writer and is located near his house-museum. In memory of the fairy tale of the famous writer, the tree is decorated with various items of clothing, shoes, and ribbons.

“The clattering fly” is a fairy tale that the writer created, rejoicing and dancing

The year 1924 was marked by the creation of the “Tsokotukha Fly”. In his memoirs, the author shares interesting moments that happened while writing this masterpiece. On a clear, hot day on August 29, 1923, Chukovsky was overcome with immense joy; he felt with all his heart how beautiful the world was and how good it was to live in it. The lines began to appear on their own. He took a pencil and a piece of paper and quickly began scribbling lines.

Describing the wedding of a fly, the author felt like a groom at this event. Once before he tried to describe this fragment, but he could not write more than two lines. On this day inspiration came. When he couldn't find any more paper, he simply tore off a piece of wallpaper in the hallway and quickly wrote on it. When the author began to talk in poetry about the wedding dance of a fly, he began to write and dance at the same time. Korney Ivanovich says that if anyone had seen a 42-year-old man running around in a shamanic dance, shouting out words, and immediately writing them down on a dusty strip of wallpaper, he would have suspected something was wrong. With the same ease he completed the work. As soon as it was finished, the poet turned into a tired and hungry man who had recently arrived in the city from his dacha.

Other works of the poet for young audiences

Chukovsky says that when creating for children, it is necessary, at least for a while, to turn into these little people to whom the lines are addressed. Then comes a passionate elation and inspiration.

Other works by Korney Chukovsky were created in the same way - “Confusion” (1926) and “Barmaley” (1926). At these moments, the poet experienced a “heartbeat of childish joy” and happily wrote down the rhymed lines that quickly appeared in his head on paper.

Other works did not come so easily to Chukovsky. As he himself admitted, they arose precisely at the moments when his subconscious returned to childhood, but they were created as a result of hard and long work.

Thus he wrote “Fedorino’s Mountain” (1926), “Telephone” (1926). The first fairy tale teaches children to be neat and shows what laziness and unwillingness to keep your home clean lead to. Excerpts from “Telephone” are easy to remember. Even a three-year-old child can easily repeat them after their parents. These are the useful and interesting works of Chukovsky, the list can be continued with fairy tales “The Stolen Sun”, “Aibolit” and other works of the author.

“Stolen Sun”, stories about Aibolit and other heroes

“The Stolen Sun” Korney Ivanovich wrote in 1927. The plot tells that the crocodile swallowed the sun and therefore everything around was plunged into darkness. Because of this, various incidents began to occur. The animals were afraid of the crocodile and did not know how to take the sun from him. For this, a bear was called, who showed miracles of fearlessness and, together with other animals, was able to return the luminary to its place.

“Aibolit”, created by Korney Ivanovich in 1929, also talks about a brave hero - a doctor who was not afraid to go to Africa to help animals. Less known are other children's works by Chukovsky, which were written in subsequent years - these are “English Folk Songs”, “Aibolit and the Sparrow”, “Toptygin and the Fox”.

In 1942, Korney Ivanovich composed the fairy tale “Let’s Defeat Barmaley!” With this work the author ends his stories about the robber. In 1945-46, the author created “The Adventure of Bibigon”. The writer again glorifies the brave hero, who is not afraid to fight evil characters who are several times larger than him.

The works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky teach children kindness, fearlessness, and accuracy. They glorify the friendship and kind heart of the heroes.

You can read Chukovsky's fairy tales from early childhood. Chukovsky's poems with fairy-tale motifs are excellent children's works, famous for their huge number of bright and memorable characters, kind and charismatic, instructive and at the same time loved by children.

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All children, without exception, love to read Chukovsky’s poems, and what can I say, adults also remember with pleasure the favorite heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales. And even if you don’t read them to your child, a meeting with the author in kindergarten at matinees or at school during lessons will definitely happen. In this section, Chukovsky’s fairy tales can be read directly on the website, or you can download any of the works in .doc or .pdf formats.

About Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. At birth he was given a different name: Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. The boy was illegitimate, for which life more than once put him in difficult situations. His father left the family when Nikolai was still very young, and he and his mother moved to Odessa. However, failures awaited him there too: the future writer was expelled from the gymnasium, since he came “from the bottom.” Life in Odessa was not sweet for the whole family; children were often malnourished. Nikolai nevertheless showed strength of character and passed the exams, preparing for them on his own.

Chukovsky published his very first article in Odessa News, and already in 1903, two years after the first publication, the young writer went to London. There he lived for several years, working as a correspondent and studying English literature. After returning to his homeland, Chukovsky publishes his own magazine, writes a book of memoirs, and by 1907 becomes famous in literary circles, although not yet as a writer, but as a critic. Korney Chukovsky spent a lot of energy writing works about other authors, some of them are quite famous, namely, about Nekrasov, Blok, Akhmatova and Mayakovsky, about Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Sleptsov. These publications contributed to the literary fund, but did not bring fame to the author.

Poems by Chukovsky. The beginning of a career as a children's poet

Nevertheless, Korney Ivanovich remained in memory as a children’s writer; it was Chukovsky’s children’s poems that brought his name into history for many years. The author began writing fairy tales quite late. Korney Chukovsky's first fairy tale, The Crocodile, was written in 1916. Moidodyr and Cockroach were published only in 1923.

Not many people know that Chukovsky was an excellent child psychologist, he knew how to feel and understand children, he described all his observations and knowledge in detail and cheerfully in a special book, “From Two to Five,” which was first published in 1933. In 1930, having experienced several personal tragedies, the writer began to devote most of his time to writing memoirs and translating works of foreign authors.

In the 1960s, Chukovsky became obsessed with the idea of ​​presenting the Bible in a children's way. Other writers were also involved in the work, but the first edition of the book was completely destroyed by the authorities. Already in the 21st century, this book was published, and you can find it under the title “The Tower of Babel and other biblical legends.” The writer spent the last days of his life at his dacha in Peredelkino. There he met with children, read them his own poems and fairy tales, and invited famous people.

More than one generation has grown up on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. They talk about animals and people, their vices and virtues. Fairy tales are interesting and entertaining. Touch the work of the famous author by reading the works of Korney Chukovsky for children, a list of which is presented below.

The fairy tale talks about the need for daily water procedures. In it, K. Chukovsky talks about a boy who was a real dirty guy. So I went to bed unwashed. When he woke up, he noticed that all the objects he wanted to touch were running away from him. On top of everything, a washbasin named Moidodyr comes out of his mother’s bedroom and begins to shame him. After trying to escape, the boy realizes how important cleanliness is and corrects his mistake.

The author of the fairy tale talks about how different animals call him all day long. Each of them has their own requests. The elephant needs chocolate, the crocodile needs galoshes for dinner for the whole family, the bunnies need gloves, the monkeys need books. The phone doesn't stop ringing throughout the day. In the end, the author selflessly decides to save the hippopotamus trapped in the swamp.

This is an entertaining fairy tale in which K. Chukovsky tells about the trouble that happened to the heroine. Due to Fedora's careless management of the household, all her household utensils ran away from her. The dishes, shovel, irons and plates no longer wanted to serve the slob. Dirt, cobwebs, and cockroaches have accumulated in the house. Realizing that she was wrong, Fedora persuades everyone to return, promising to fix everything. After cleaning, the grateful dishes treated the hostess to delicious pies and pancakes.

The fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” tells a terrible story about how a crocodile deprived everyone of the sun. He shamelessly swallowed the heavenly body. Because of this, it became dark and all the animals were scared. But no one wants to go to the crocodile to help out the sun. Then they ran to the Bear to ask for help. He went to the swamp, ran into a crocodile and released the sun to the joy of everyone.

In the work “The Cockroach,” the reader learns the story of how the Cockroach imagined himself invincible. He was able to scare not only small animals, but even crocodiles, rhinoceroses and an elephant. The animals submitted to the Cockroach and were ready to give their children to him for food. But the fearless sparrow saw an ordinary mustachioed insect in front of him and ate it. To celebrate, the animals staged a grand celebration and began to praise the savior. So the beast was not as great as he thought of himself.

The fairy tale “The Miracle Tree” is a story about an amazing tree. Instead of flowers and fruits, shoes and stockings grow on it. Thanks to the tree, poor children will no longer wear tattered galoshes and torn boots. Shoes are already ripe so that everyone can come up and choose new galoshes or boots. Whoever needs it will find stockings and gaiters on the miracle tree. Thanks to him, now no one will freeze in winter.

The fairy tale is about the confrontation between people and animals. The leader of the animals was the Crocodile, who visited Petrograd and, outraged by the situation of his brothers in the Zoo, incited the wild animals to go to the city and rescue their friends. In the city he is confronted by Vanya Vasilchikov, who drives away the attackers. However, the animals captured Lyalya. Having entered into negotiations with them, Vanya frees the girl and agrees on the peaceful coexistence of people and animals.

“The Tskotukha Fly” is a fairy tale about the celebration of the main character’s name day. Mukha, having found the money, bought a samovar and had a grand celebration. Bugs, cockroaches and even a grandmother bee came to visit her. When the spider villain appeared at the celebration, all the guests got scared and hid. Mukha would not have lived if Komarik had not rushed to her aid. He rescued the birthday girl and wished to marry her. In gratitude, Mukha agreed to marry him.

The fairy tale “Aibolit and the Sparrow” tells the story of a poor bird that was bitten by a snake. After being bitten, the young sparrow was unable to fly and fell ill. The bug-eyed frog took pity on him and took him to the doctor. Along the way, they were joined by a hedgehog and a firefly. Together they brought the patient to Aibolit. Doctor Sparrow treated him all night and saved him from certain death. This is how Aibolit treats animals, but they even forget to say thank you.

The work “Barmaley” is a warning to young children about the dangers that await them in Africa. There are terrible animals there that can bite and beat you. But the most terrible thing is Barmaley, who can eat children. But Tanya and Vanya disobeyed the instructions and, while their parents were sleeping, went to Africa. Their journey did not last long - they soon came to Barmaley. If it were not for Doctor Aibolit and Crocodile, it is unknown what would have happened to the naughty children.

In the fairy tale "Sandwich" the main character is an inanimate object - a ham sandwich. One day he wanted to go for a walk. And to make it more fun, he lured a bun along with him. The teacups saw this and shouted a warning to the sandwich. They dissuaded the restless person from leaving the gate. After all, Mura might eat him there. This is how, sometimes, a person does not listen to the common sense opinions of others and suffers from it.

The fairy tale “Confusion” is a fascinating lullaby for little children. In it, K. Chukovsky talks about an emergency situation when animals wanted to make sounds that were unusual for them. The kittens wanted to grunt, the ducklings wanted to croak, and the sparrow generally mooed like a cow. Only the bunny did not succumb to the general disgrace. Everything fell into place only after the fire at sea, which was caused by chanterelles, was extinguished. Such confusion does not lead to anything good.

The work “The Adventure of Bibigon” describes the adventures of a fairy-tale creature. The main character, Bibigon, lives at the author’s dacha. Accidents happen to him all the time. Then he will enter into single combat with a turkey, whom he considers a sorcerer. Then he decides to ride on a holey galosh, pretending to be a sailor. In different parts of the tale, his opponents were a spider, a bee, and a crow. After Bibigon brought his sister Cincinela, he had to fight a turkey, which he defeated.

The fairy tale “Toptygin and the Fox” tells the story of a Bear who did not have a tail. He decided to correct this misunderstanding and went to Aibolit. The good doctor decided to help the poor fellow and offered to choose a tail. However, the Fox fooled the Bear, and, on her advice, he chose a peacock's tail. With such decoration, the clubfoot became noticeable, and he was soon caught by hunters. This is what happens to those who follow the lead of the cunning people.

In the fairy tale “The Crooked Song,” the author talks about a strange place where people and objects are twisted. Man and grandmother, mice and wolves and even Christmas trees are deformed. The river, the path, the bridge - everything is crooked. No one except K. Chukovsky knows where this strange and amazing place is, where crooked people and animals live and rejoice. A funny description of a world that does not exist in reality.

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And a bear!
He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked me on the nose!”

Do you remember, Murochka, at the dacha
In our hot puddle
The tadpoles danced
The tadpoles splashed
The tadpoles dived
They played around and tumbled.
And the old toad
Like a woman
I was sitting on a hummock,
Knitted stockings
And she said in a deep voice:
- Sleep!
- Oh, grandma, dear grandma,
Let us play some more.


Once upon a time there lived a doctor. He was kind. His name was Aibolit. And he had an evil sister, whose name was Varvara.

More than anything in the world, the doctor loved animals. Hares lived in his room. There was a squirrel living in his closet. A prickly hedgehog lived on the sofa. White mice lived in the chest.

Works are divided into pages

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky(1882-1969) - Soviet storyteller, poet, literary critic, translator, gained greatest fame primarily for children's fairy tales V poetry.

Poems by Korney Chukovsky left an indelible impression on everyone who had the pleasure of them read. Adults and children instantly became devoted fans of the talent Chukovsky for a long time. Tales of Korney Chukovsky They teach virtue, friendship, and remain in the memory of people of all ages for a long time.

On our website you can find online read Chukovsky's fairy tales, and enjoy them absolutely for free.

The amazing writer Korney Chukovsky devoted seventy years to literary work. Work that brought him joy. A person is happy when work for the benefit of people brings joy to the person himself.

The works of Korney Chukovsky are loved by millions of children, and, of course, adults. Our respected author was born back in 1882. For a long time? A long time ago. But his works are written in such a surprisingly modern language that it seems as if they were created yesterday.

The poet got up very early and at five o'clock in the morning was already sitting at his desk. Jokingly, he spoke of himself as a working machine. I hated idleness. He did not like all moments distracting from work, such as talking on the phone. He highly valued every working minute.

Tell me, did you ever feel sad while you were reading Chukovsky? No! Everything coming from his pen is written in “living” language, fresh, interesting.

Chukovsky's poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, and fairy tales are classics of the genre. These are works that give joy and good mood. Chukovsky had an amazing sense of humor and sense of proportion. But he was not a hereditary intellectual. His mother was a laundress. The father left the family when the famous poet was still very young.

Due to his “low origin,” the boy was expelled from the fifth grade of the Odessa gymnasium, and then he was forced to study on his own.

At the age of sixteen, Chukovsky left home. By the way, the surname Chukovsky was not given to the boy at birth. His mother's surname is Korneichukova. Having made certain transformations in it, the poet made up his literary pseudonym - Korney Chukovsky. But in fact his name was Nikolai Vasilyevich. But millions of readers in our country and abroad know him under the name Korney Chukovsky.

The images that Korney Ivanovich created in his books - Moidodyr, Doctor Aibolit, Cockroach, Fedora, Mukha-Tsokotukha - are unusually vivid and are well remembered by children.

When a child appears in the family, parents do not have a choice of which books to choose for the baby, of course, those that they themselves read in childhood - the books of Korney Chukovsky.

« If folded, - wrote Sergei Obraztsov, - all the paths of joy that Chukovsky paved to children's hearts will turn out to be a road to the moon" The writer’s works: “Moidodyr”, “Telephone”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “From Two to Five”, encyclopedia of children’s speech, retellings of “Baron Munchausen”, “Robinson Crusoe”, “The Golden Key”, translations of Rudyard Kipling, "Tom Sawyer", literary, critical articles - all this hits the mark. By the way, Chukovsky was a critic by profession. Many writers feared his pen.

« The goal of people who write fairy tales is “to cultivate in a child, at any cost, the wondrous ability to worry about other people’s misfortunes, to rejoice in the joys of another person.”, wrote Korney Chukovsky.

He himself has seen a lot in his life. I also had to go hungry. But he did not lose his kindness on the roads of life. He was kind himself and taught kindness to others.

Compiler of the text: Iris Review
