A sign to forget the mirror of a man. What awaits you in the near future

Probably not a single person in the world imagines life without a mirror. At first glance, such a simple attribute that is in every home that we use every day. But as soon as the mirror breaks, cracks, the heart stops even in a person who does not believe in any signs and superstitions. In fact, mirrors have attracted the attention of people at all times. People have always seen something mysterious in mirrors, a window to another world, and most often, to a bad one. Therefore, a wide variety of signs and superstitions, as well as divination and predictions of the future, are associated with mirrors.

Sign to break a mirror

The most common sign, and also the most terrible, according to many, is omen to break a mirror. Someone talks about seven years of misfortune, someone even about death or big trouble. But what does this omen really mean?

Be that as it may, but the sign of a broken mirror is always in trouble: more or less - as lucky. But do not panic, any trouble can be avoided. Shards of the mirror should be collected with a rag, without touching it with your hands, and in no case, without looking into it. Then just bury it in the ground. If you are too lazy to carry out such long manipulations, you can throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder, turn clockwise three times, or simply collect the fragments and throw them away, but not look at them.

You can not buy antique mirrors

Not many people know about this sign, but, nevertheless, it still exists. In addition, according to this belief, it is impossible to buy not only antique mirrors, but also other people's mirrors in general. It is believed that the surface of the mirrors absorbs all the information about its owner. It is good if the owner of the mirror was a kind and positive person. And if every day someone gloomy, angry looked in the mirror? Then all the negativity will remain there and will absorb the new owner. No one knows for sure about the fate of the old mirror, so it's better to buy a new one. And if someone loves antiques, then you can pick up a frame for a new mirror. In addition, you can’t give anyone to look into your personal mirror in order to avoid the “settlement” of negative alien energy in it.

Location of mirrors.

There is also a lot of talk about the location of mirrors in the house. For example, everyone knows that you can’t hang a mirror on a corner, as this opens the entrance to a parallel world.

Hanging or placing mirrors opposite the bed is also not recommended. They say that reflecting a sleeping person is very bad, this can lead to quarrels, parting of couples, illnesses and other troubles.

A mirror in the kitchen is also not a good choice. You can not eat and look in the mirror. Someone says that you can “eat” beauty, and someone that memory gets stuck. In any case, even for our health it is harmful.

You can place a mirror in the bathroom, but subject to the rules. It is impossible for a washing person to be reflected, this will lead to illness.

Shape and frame of mirrors

It turns out that the frame and shape of mirrors can greatly influence a person. It is desirable that the frame is present in any mirror. Otherwise, the human biological field may be destroyed over time.

The shape of the mirror should be chosen so that looking into it, a person feels cozy and comfortable.

Ancient signs and beliefs about mirrors

There is a belief that almost all people strive to fulfill - when a person dies in a house, mirrors are hung. This is done so that the soul of the deceased does not remain in the mirror.

And yet, for a long time witchcraft has been associated with mirrors. It was believed that witches and sorcerers use mirrors to induce damage, love spells and other witchcraft. But girls at all times use mirrors in order to recognize their betrothed. By the way, such fortune-telling has always been and remains the most terrible. But, despite this, girls from century to century resort to fortune-telling with mirrors.

After midnight, our grandparents didn't look in mirrors. It was believed that at night you can see evil spirits in them that will bring harm.

Household signs and beliefs about mirrors

Very often we ourselves do not think about how we perform simple steps associated with mirrors.

It is believed that if you had to return home for some reason, you must definitely look in the mirror and smile. Then you can drive away all the bad things from yourself. After this little ritual, you can safely go about your business.

When you look in the mirror, it is impossible for an outsider to look over your shoulder, strive to also look in the mirror. This will suck out your positive energy.

Don't turn your back to the mirror for too long. That is, it is forbidden to sit with your back to him. It is believed that this leads to the decline vitality and the development of various diseases.

Donating mirrors is not allowed. This may lead to separation.

Many psychologists advise that every morning you need to look at yourself in the mirror and talk with a smile about your beauty, mind, figure and success. It has been proven that such a small secret helps to gain self-confidence, cheer up and significantly improve life.

If you hang a mirror next to the dining table in the kitchen or in the living room, you can attract money into the house. But do not forget that you can’t eat and look in the mirror at the same time.

You can't have many mirrors at home. These things have strong energy and in excess of them, they will only bring negative: headaches, fatigue, apathy.

But no matter what, you should not be afraid of mirrors, avoid them or not hang them at home. With the right arrangement of mirrors, you can attract love, peace, peace and prosperity into the house. The main thing is to monitor their cleanliness and location. Look in mirrors only good mood and then they will reflect you only positive. Yes, and everything should be in moderation. You should not shake over the mirrors, afraid to break it, polish the surface to cleanliness, or hang mirrors around the house. Then the mirrors will not bring anything but the positive and necessary to your home.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been associated with magic, mystical creatures and many bad superstitions that have survived to this day. This attribute participated in various rituals and divination, it is considered the gate to the other world. Signs with a mirror will tell you how to handle it so that trouble does not happen.

Useful properties of mirrors

The mirror accumulates energy flows, therefore, while admiring it, always think about the good and smile at your reflection. Signs and superstitions distinguish such features of the mirror surface:

  • so she doesn't read negative emotions, it is placed in a metal frame;
  • a person, looking in a mirror, draws strength from it;
  • to neutralize the negative energy of this item, frame it with silver or gold;
  • mirrors in the house should be thoroughly wiped and properly cared for, then they will absorb positive energy;
  • wash the surface - clean the house from damage and the evil eye;
  • a mirror located above the threshold will protect the house from evil spirits and gossip;
  • if you hide it in the pocket of a seriously ill person, it will help him get rid of the disease faster.

There is a sign for women - a lady should always have a small mirror with her, framed by a frame of soft flesh-colored, rounded or oval. Such a household item will not only be useful for powdering the nose, but will also be a talisman for the hostess. The round shape contributes to conflict resolution and prevents quarrels among the girl. A personal mirror always protects from an envious eye.

Folk signs about a mirror oblige to treat the home interior item decently. When talking to your own reflection, always state good thoughts, directing energy flows to the positive. Say hello to him, share problems, because. the dressing table is able to redistribute the vibes sent to it and take away the negative from the soul.

If the surface is in a silver frame, it has the power to protect from evil spirits and save the family from quarrels. To do this, you need to rub the frame daily to a shine and not allow strangers to touch it.

The negative effect of mirrors

This mystical item, often used in divination and rituals, often acts as a conductor of otherworldly spirits to our world.

  1. Never look into broken mirror, otherwise your soul may be lost among the shards. The particles should be well wrapped in paper or thick cloth and buried away from human eyes. Never pick up fragments on the street, and even more so do not look at them, often such things are damaged or spellbound.
  2. You should not pick up an object thrown at a crossroads or just on the road, go around it so as not to be reflected in it, but rather cover it with paper or a handkerchief. He may be conspiratorial.
  3. Babies should not be brought near surfaces in evening time- before going to bed they will be capricious. Children are very receptive and able to feel the negative energy that the mirror has absorbed during the day.
  4. You can’t give your personal item into your hands, otherwise it will cease to protect the hostess from negativity.
  5. When they give such a gift, flatly refuse: in this way they convey problems and damage.
  6. If you are passionate about conspiracies and fortune-telling, when conducting a session in the house, do not line up mirror rows, otherwise you will bring trouble to the family. An evil spirit can enter your home through such a corridor.
  7. No need to consider yourself in muddy or dusty surfaces - you risk losing your reputation.
  8. You should not sit or stand with your back to the mirrors - you are giving away vitality.
  9. Antiques must be sold or well cared for and kept free of dust. Folk signs say that old mirrors, which are forgotten, can bring trouble to the owners, especially those who accidentally look into it will suffer.
  10. If you are going to build a life elsewhere, get rid of old interior items.

Signs with a broken or cracked mirror:

  • if it breaks, falling out of hands - to seven years of misfortune;
  • if it cracked, a bad event will happen in the family soon: illness or death;
  • if a mirror constantly falls in the house, it means that the owners quarrel too much;
  • the loss of a small mirror from the hands of the owner is a warning about his wastefulness;
  • you can not step on a cracked surface - there will be problems with the joints.

Popular superstitions say that two best friends you can’t look in the mirror at the same time: the girls will quarrel over the guy.

The bride cannot admire her full outfit on the eve of the wedding - this is fraught with a breakdown in marriage. To avoid trouble, you can not wear a veil or small jewelry at preliminary fittings.

Avoid cases when someone looks into the mirror through you - they can steal your beauty and health. When trouble happens in the house, for example, a person dies, then all surfaces that can reflect are covered with a dense cloth. The sign says that the soul of the deceased, while wandering around the house, can fall into the looking glass and then remain there forever.

Mirror in the house

A mirror is an indispensable piece of furniture in a house, especially for a girl. You need to figure out how to choose and position it correctly. Signs about this were passed down from generation to generation. Many of them should be heeded.

You need to choose a surface only in a good mood and with positive thoughts, otherwise quarrels will begin in the house. Such an object will radiate negativity, so a person, being in a room with a mirror, will feel tired and irritated. The choice should be made according to specific criteria:

  • the piece of furniture is bound to please you;
  • look harmoniously with other furniture in the house;
  • should not distort the image;
  • it is undesirable that it be cloudy or ornamented.

It should not be placed in the bedroom opposite the bed, otherwise there will be insomnia and nightmares. The reflection of a sleeping person can negatively affect a person during wakefulness: he will constantly be haunted by drowsiness and blues. It is better to hide it behind the cabinet door.

You need to place the object in the corridor opposite front door. Then the guests entering the house with bad thoughts and intentions will immediately be reflected in the mirror and leave their negative there. Also, this arrangement is able to keep money in the family.

You should not hang in the bathroom opposite the font, otherwise you will wash away all health and beauty.

It cannot be placed in the corner of the room: this is the abode of evil spirits and the accumulation of negativity, therefore it is better to hang surfaces that read information in the middle of the wall.

The perfect place for a mirror in the living room. The room should always be kept clean and carefully wipe the interior, then the house will have prosperity and a peaceful atmosphere.

Mirror in the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is better to refrain from mirrors at all or place them above the table. The belief says that the one who is reflected in the mirror while eating eats his beauty and wisdom.

Housewives should not place mirror surfaces so that they reflect the stove. Such an arrangement will take energy and lead to rapid fatigue during cooking.

Old signs say that if you hang a mirrored surface opposite the dining table, it will bring prosperity to the house. Chairs should be placed so that family members sitting while eating are not reflected.

Mirrors are able to accumulate and reflect energy. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. It is this property of mirrors that underlies most superstitions.

bad omens

Cracked and broken mirrors are the biggest fear among people. According to the sign, you can not look at them. Better yet, get them out of the house altogether. This superstition has a simple justification: chips and cracks radiate very powerful negative energy. It harms a person and can even cause temporary shifts. There have been cases when, after prolonged use of a broken mirror, a person suddenly began to age or, on the contrary, felt several years younger.

You can't let someone else look in your pocket mirror. When moving to new house it is necessary to get rid of the mirrors left over from the former owners. These superstitions are also explained by the ability of mirrors to accumulate energy. It is not recommended to hang mirrors in the bedroom and bathroom in such a way that they reflect a bathing or sleeping person. This can lead to deterioration in his health. The bride on the wedding day should not allow her friends to stand in front of her at the mirror, they can take the groom away.

The mirror is a kind of portal to the other world. So that the soul of a deceased person does not remain in the world of the living, all the mirrors in his house must be curtained with a thick cloth. Also, do not bring children under one year to the mirror. According to superstition, they see much more adults and can be frightened when they meet with evil spirit.

good omens

Speaking, most often it is bad omens that come to mind. However, there are also good ones. For example, to protect a baby from the evil eye and malicious intent of strangers, you need to hang a small mirror pendant on his chest. It will reflect negative energy, returning it to its owner.

If, leaving the house, you forgot something and are forced to return, you need to look in the mirror at the entrance. This will scare away evil spirits. In order for you to be lucky in life, you need to look in the mirror only in a good mood, pronouncing the positive attitudes “I happy man”, “I love life, and life loves me”, etc. Such a mirror will play the role of a charged talisman.

If you do not want to part with the old mirror, you can clean it. At the time of baptism, take spruce branch, dip it in holy water and spray cross the mirror. Then wipe it with a clean cloth dipped in the same water, while reading a prayer in parallel.

Since ancient times, mirrors have been attributed magical properties. There are a number of signs and superstitions that have survived to this day. If you believe old beliefs, then improper handling of the mirror could lead to failures and illnesses. What danger is fraught with mirrors, and what signs can be trusted?

Break a mirror - seven years of happiness can not be seen

If your mirror is broken, then this Bad sign. It was believed that a broken mirror entails seven years of grief and trouble. But this can be avoided. In no case should you look at the fragments and take them with your hands. A broken mirror must be immediately thrown into running water (river or stream), then the execution of the curse will pass you by.

Don't sleep in front of a mirror

According to popular belief, the mirror can not be hung in front of the bed. If a husband and wife sleep in the bedroom, then this leads to adultery. There is another reason why you should not sleep near the mirror. It is believed that a person who is reflected in a mirror in a dream will not be able to sleep and rest.

You can not hang a mirror in front of the front door

This sign has two meanings. Some argue that it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the door, as it will create an obstacle to the flow of money into the house. Others say that the mirror opposite the front door protects people from intruders and negative energy entering the house.

Don't give a mirror

Since ancient times, it was believed that a donated mirror brought discord into the relationship between the giver and the recipient of the gift. And if a gift mirror is hung in the house, then it can ruin relations between households.

You can not look in the mirror for a long time

According to this popular belief, admiring yourself in the mirror for a long time leads to premature aging and the occurrence of diseases. Our ancestors believed that the mirror takes strength and beauty.

You can not look in the same mirror to two friends

If the girlfriends look in the same mirror, then one of them will take the groom away from the other. In general, you should not give your personal mirror to anyone, as you can lose your luck.

Mirrors in the house should always be clean

If the mirrors in the house are quickly covered with dust, this is a bad omen. It is believed that the mirror shows the energy in the house. If it is dirty, then the family is not all right. Wipe the mirrors in the house as often as possible, this will help you avoid troubles, quarrels and illnesses.

There is a well-known fact that mirrors accumulate human energy. In order for it to radiate only goodness and joy, look at your reflection with a smile and positive. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.04.2014 14:45

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Signs about mirrors: what dangers do they pose

The mirror is a mysterious thing in our house; from ancient times, magical properties were attributed to it. It contains the memory of what is happening, so it must be treated very carefully, and it is no coincidence that there are so many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors. If you believe the old beliefs, then improper handling of the mirror could lead to failures and illnesses. What danger is fraught with mirrors, and what signs can be trusted?

To get started you need learn the energy of the mirror. This can be done by lighting a candle in front of him. If it suddenly goes out for no apparent reason, then this mirror can bring you harm and misfortune. A "bad" mirror is usually colder to the touch than a normal one. If you find that your mirror is bad energy, then get rid of it faster, and do not regret it, even if it is dear to you.

If you have broken mirror, that's a bad omen. It was believed that a broken mirror entails seven years of grief and trouble. In no case should you look into fragments - in this case, energy leaks, life can “split”. It is strictly forbidden to take the fragments with your hands, but carefully collect them, for example, using a sheet of paper or something else! The fragments must be buried in the ground or thrown into running water (river or stream), so that the devil does not look into them.

It is forbidden donate a mirror. Since ancient times, it was believed that a donated mirror brought discord into the relationship between the giver and the recipient of the gift. And if a donated mirror is hung in the house, then it can ruin relations between households.

It is forbidden look in the mirror for a long time, admiring yourself for a long time leads to premature aging and the occurrence of diseases. Our ancestors believed that the mirror takes strength and beauty.

If girlfriends will look in one mirror, then one of them will lead the bridegroom away from the other. In general, you should not give your personal mirror to anyone, as you can lose your luck.

Mirrors in the house must be clean. If the mirrors in the house quickly become covered with dust, this is a bad omen. It is believed that the mirror shows the energy in the house. If it is dirty, then the family is not all right. Wipe the mirrors in the house as often as possible, this will help you avoid troubles, quarrels and illnesses. In order not to injure the energy field, mirrors should be in frames.

It is forbidden eat in front of a mirror, otherwise your beauty will go to the other world.

Up to a year do not show the child a mirror- will be shy or talk late. If the baby is already talking, he may become a stutterer or he will have problems with teething and teeth growth.

If, in your opinion, someone thinks badly of you, is up to something evil, try to look in the mirror at the same time as this person - the face of the enemy should be distorted.

look in the mirror at night- unfortunately, and after 12 o'clock at night you can see Satan there, it is especially not recommended to look in the mirror on Good Friday.

see your reflection in the mirror by candlelight- Unfortunately.

When we leave home We look in the mirror not only to see ourselves. We seem to give an order to our double in the mirror to protect our house until we are at home. And if you forgot something and returned, be sure to look in the mirror again so that the road is successful and the house is also in order. Thus, they appease, distract evil spirits.

The guests have left? Wipe the mirror in the hallway with holy water. This is done in order to guest with bad intentions couldn't harm you. If you were given a mirror, you need to wipe it with a napkin dipped in holy water.

Always close the mirrors if someone died in the house. Why do they do it? Someone says that the soul of the deceased does not get lost in the mirror maze, and someone says that the soul of the deceased cannot be reflected in them, frightening the living, or, having duplicated, lead to another death in the family or among relatives and friends. It is believed that a person who looks into mirror in the room of the deceased, will soon die.

According to legend, mirrors keep the memory of the events that took place before them, save and accumulate energy, both positive and negative, and broadcast all this into the present. Therefore, if the house has vintage mirror, and trouble often occurs in the family, trace the history of antiques. Maybe it's better to get rid of it. If in the room in which the mirror hung, there was murder or suicide, it is necessary to wipe the mirror with holy water or, better, throw it away, as the mirror has memorized this scene. And this will have a very bad effect on you, and especially on children.

Don't hang a mirror in the bedroom and in the bathroom so that it reflects a sleeping or bathing person - to frequent illnesses, love failures, to discord even between loving friend spouses friend. If you still need to have a mirror in the bedroom, do not hang it above the bed, at the head or so that you are reflected in it when you sleep - it is believed that a person reflected in a mirror in a dream will not be able to sleep and rest. At night it is better to close such a mirror.

Can't hang a mirror opposite the front door. This sign has two meanings. Some argue that it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the door, as it will create an obstacle to the flow of money into the house. Others say that the mirror opposite the front door protects people from intruders and negative energy entering the house.

The mirror must be placed at such a height, so as not to cut off the top of the tallest member of the family and the legs of the lowest - thereby the energy is “cut off”, and these people may have health problems.

Even mirror shape affects a person. Choose the one that suits you the most. In a cosmetic bag, it is better to carry a round mirror with you.

There is a well-known fact that mirrors accumulate human energy. In order for it to radiate only goodness and joy, look at your reflection with a smile and positive!
