Sculpture mother and child where is located. Mother's Monument

The mother's monument is a well-known image that became especially often used after the Great Patriotic War. The most famous such sculptural work was installed in Volgograd on Mamaev Kurgan. However, over time, such compositions began to appear not necessarily in memory of the war, but also of other tragedies, for example, a monument to a grieving mother for the dead sailors, opened in Nakhodka.


Still, the most famous monument to the mother was erected on the site of the Battle of Stalingrad, one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War. This sculpture is the compositional center of the entire architectural ensemble on Mamaev Kurgan. Today, this is one of the tallest statues not only in Russia, but throughout Europe.

The sculpture is part of a composition of three parts. The first is in Magnitogorsk. At the Rear to Front monument, a worker hands over a sword to a soldier, which was forged in the Urals to fight fascism. The third part of the composition is a monument to the warrior-liberator, which stands in Berlin. On it, the sword, previously raised in Volgograd, is lowered.

The authors of the sculpture

Mother's monument in Volgograd - the work of sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich and engineer Nikolai Nikitin. Vuchetich in the 70s was vice-president of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, he himself participated in the Great Patriotic War. He also owns a monument to the liberator in Treptow Park, and the "Let's Forge Swords into Plowshares" monument, which is installed in New York, near the United Nations building. He also installed the Motherland sculpture in Kyiv in 1981.

The track record of Nikolai Nikitin is also rich. He is the developer of foundations and load-bearing structures for many famous Soviet buildings. These are the Palace of Soviets, the main building of the Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills, the central metropolitan stadium "Luzhniki", the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, the television tower in Ostankino.

majestic monument

The monument to the mother of the work of Vuchetich and Nikitin is a figure of a woman who steps forward with a warlike look and a raised sword. This is an allegorical image. It contains the image of the Motherland, which calls its sons all together to stand up against the common enemy.

The erection of the statue began a decade and a half after the end of the Great Patriotic War - in the spring of 1959. It took 8 years to create it. At that time it was the tallest sculpture in the world. Until now, every night the sculpture is illuminated by spotlights.

Since then, the monument has required restoration work twice. And for the first time quite early: 5 years after the official opening, the sword was replaced. In 1986, another large-scale restoration took place.

Sculpture prototypes

Was there a prototype on the basis of which the monument to the woman-mother was created? There is still no single answer, there are only a few versions.

Most researchers believe that this is a graduate of the Barnaul Pedagogical School Anastasia Peshkova, who at that time was a little less than 30 years old. Also among the versions are mentioned Valentina Izotova and Ekaterina Grebneva.

A less popular, but also valid version says that the monument to the mother, whose photo is known to every Russian today, repeats the figure from Paris. On its creation, in turn, the author was inspired by the statue of the Greek goddess Nike.


In terms of its height, the sculpture set a record among all existing at that time. The monument to the mother itself is 85 meters high, another two meters are the mounting plate. Under such a construction, a concrete foundation was needed, dug to a depth of 16 meters. The height of the female sculpture itself (without the sword) is 52 meters. Its total mass is very impressive - more than 8 thousand tons.

The figure is made of reinforced concrete and metal structures. It's hollow inside. Separately, it is worth dwelling on the sword. Its length is 33 meters. Weight - 14 tons. It is made of stainless steel, which is sheathed with titanium layers.

Due to the deformation of the sword, the movement of titanium layers began, because of this, an unpleasant rattle of metal was constantly heard. It is for this reason that a few years after the installation of the sculpture, the sword was decided to be replaced. The new one was made entirely of steel.

In order for such a design to constantly remain in service, the engineer, who is also its full-fledged author, worked very hard. The monument to the mother stands thanks to He also calculated the stability of the Ostankino TV tower.

collapse threat

In fact, immediately after the completion of the construction of the monument, fears began to be expressed that the monument to the mother might collapse. By and large, they have not subsided so far.

Back in 1965, the State Construction Commission issued a conclusion, according to which it was necessary to strengthen the main structures of the structure. Of particular concern was the monument "Motherland". The fact is that the foundation is installed on clay soils, which can eventually slide significantly towards the Volga.

The last large-scale survey of the monument was carried out in 2013. It was made by the capital architect and sculptor Vladimir Tserkovnikov. In an open letter addressed to Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, he reports that the foundation of the monument was made with significant mistakes that Nikitin made at the design stage. According to him, today it is in a deplorable state.

Kyiv monument

A similar sculpture was opened in the Ukrainian capital in 1981. It is part of the composition of the Museum of Ukrainian History about the Second World War. The architectural complex was opened on the 36th anniversary of the Victory over the Nazis, and Leonid Brezhnev took part in the celebrations.

The author of the Volgograd sculpture, Evgeny Vuchetich, began working on the project. After his death in 1974, the project was headed by Vasily Boroday. Just like Vuchetich, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, People's Artist of the USSR, who worked in the genre of socialist realism.

According to the calculations of the specialists who made the description of the Motherland monument, the monument must stand for at least 150 years. It is made so reliably that it is able to withstand an earthquake with a force of even 9 points. For example, in 1987 a powerful hurricane swept over Kiev, but the monument did not receive any damage.

The monument is equipped with viewing platforms and two elevators, one of which moves at a slope of 75 degrees. Technical platforms and hatches are equipped in many parts of the monument. For example, one of them is right in the head of the Motherland.

Since 2002, sightseers have climbed two viewing platforms - at a height of 36 and 92 meters. However, after the fall and death of a tourist from the upper level, the access of non-specialists to the monument was significantly limited.

St. Petersburg analogue

In Russia, the majority answer the question: "Where is the monument to the Motherland?" They will answer that in Volgograd. But there are several other similar sculptures. One of them is located in St. Petersburg.

The monument is on a female figure holding in her hands which symbolizes eternity. The sculpture is located on a stone pedestal. Right behind it is a stone wall, on which the famous words of the poetess "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" are carved.

The work personifies a grieving mother or wife, whose face is turned towards the mass grave.

The competition for this project was announced in 1945. It was decided to dedicate the memorial to the inhabitants of Leningrad, who suffered the blockade and to the memory of the dead. Construction began only in 1956. The opening took place during the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Victory - May 9, 1960.

The group of sculptors was headed by Vera Vasilievna Isayeva, who died two weeks before the official opening of the monument. She suffered the blockade of Leningrad, participated in the camouflage of the city during enemy air raids.

Grieving mother in Nakhodka

The story in the Russian Far East is also quite sad. The memorial in Nakhodka was erected in 1979. The work is made of bronze.

The figure of a woman faces the Bay of Nakhodka and is dedicated to the memory of the fishermen of the Boksitogorsk trawler, which was wrecked in the Barents Sea in 1965. The tragedy occurred in January during a storm, the strength of which was estimated at 10 points. 24 crew members were killed. Happily, only one managed to escape - Anatoly Okhrimenko, the master of production from Boksitogorsk.

Behind the female sculpture are two ship's sails. At the foot, the names of all 24 dead sailors, whose mothers and wives did not wait for them that year, are engraved.

Vladimir Remizov, the chief architect of Nakhodka, supervised the project.

Grieving mother in Bashkiria

A similar monument was erected in the capital of Bashkiria - Ufa. It is dedicated to soldiers and officers who died in various military conflicts, including local ones. A memorial was erected near Victory Park.

The official opening took place in 2003. Its author was Nikolai Kalinushkin, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The architectural composition resembles a religious building, and it is deliberately made in such a way that it is impossible to understand whether it is Christian or Muslim. It has a bronze statue of a mother on a low pedestal.

Nearby are granite slabs on which the names of the inhabitants of Bashkortostan who died in local military conflicts since 1951 are carved.

monumental monument

The Mother's Monument in Cheboksary is one of the symbols of the capital of the Chuvash Republic. Its height is 46 meters, on the plate at its base it says that this is a mother who blesses her children and directs them to live only in peace and love. The inscription is made in Russian and Chuvash languages.

In many cities there are monuments to the mother. Each has its own history. This project was developed by a politician - Nikolai Fedorov. To do this, he attracted the creative intelligentsia and the public, a charitable foundation was specially created.

The monument depicts a woman in a national costume. The first proposals appeared in the press as early as 1996, but they began to be implemented only in the early 2000s.

The sculptor of the project was Vladimir Nagornov, who also became famous for memory and glory "in the regional center of Chuvashia and the monument to Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov, installed in Cheboksary. He worked in collaboration with scientific consultants and other famous architects, for example, Vladimir Filatov.

Monument "Motherland is calling!" opened in 1967. How the monument became the highest in the world, whose face a female figure has and what kind of sculptural “relatives” she has - we recall 10 facts about the Motherland.

Volgograd. Memorial complex "Motherland is calling!". Andrey Izhakovsky / Photobank Lori

Competition without borders. The victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the history of the Great Patriotic War. The competition for the creation of a monument in Stalingrad was announced already in September 1944. Both well-known architects and soldiers who sent their sketches by military field mail participated in it. Architect Georgy Martsinkevich suggested placing a tall column with a figure of Stalin at the top, and Andrei Burov proposed a 150-meter pyramid with a frame made of remelted tanks.

Projects came even from abroad - from Morocco, Shanghai. Interestingly, the future creator of the Motherland Evgeny Vuchetich did not take part in the competition. There were legends that he discussed his project directly with Stalin.

Construction of the monument "Motherland is calling!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1962. Photo:

Construction of the monument "Motherland is calling!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1965. Photo:

Construction of the monument "Motherland is calling!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1965. Photo:

Changes in composition. The sculptural composition had to look different. It was assumed that next to the female figure there would be a statue of a kneeling soldier holding out his sword to the Motherland. However, the original composition of the monument seemed to Evgeny Vuchetich too complicated. He changed the project after the approval "from above". The sculptor had an important ideological argument: the soldier could not hand over his sword to anyone, because the war was not over yet.

Who was the prototype? Art critics agree that Yevgeny Vuchetich was inspired by the Marseillaise bas-relief on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the antique sculpture of Nike of Samothrace. However, who specifically posed for him is not known for certain. It is most likely that the sculptor sculpted the figure of the Motherland from the Soviet sportswoman Nina Dumbadze, and the face from his wife Vera. Today, the model of the head of the statue is kept in the Vuchetich Estate Museum in Moscow.

The first reinforced concrete monument. The Motherland became the first monument in the USSR completely made of reinforced concrete. In the 1960s, after the war, many more cities, including Volgograd, were not rebuilt, and reinforced concrete was one of the cheapest materials. However, this choice caused some difficulties. For example, a year after the opening of the monument, small cracks began to form on it. To preserve the monument, the head and arms of the sculpture were covered with a water-repellent every year.

Soviet athlete Nina Dumbadze at the competition. 1950s Photo:

Bas-relief "Departure of volunteers to the front in 1792" ("La Marseillaise"). Triumphal Arch. Sculptor Francois Rude. Paris, France. 1836

Sculpture "Nike of Samothrace". Pythocrite from Lindos. Around 190 BC Louvre, Paris

Structural reinforcement. All engineering calculations were carried out under the direction of Nikolai Nikitin, who was building the Ostankino television tower. Monument "Motherland is calling!" during the construction they did not fix it in any way: it stands on the ground due to its own weight. Metal ropes are stretched inside the statue, which make it more stable and maintain the rigidity of the metal frame. Today, sensors are installed on the cables, specialists monitor the state of the structure.

Monument to the era of the three general secretaries. Although the architectural design competition was held in the 1940s, work on the monument began after Stalin's death. The construction order was signed in January 1958 by Nikita Khrushchev. The monument was erected for almost ten years - it was opened in October 1967. The opening was also attended by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU - at that time already Leonid Brezhnev.

The tallest statue in the world. It was planned that the height of the Motherland would be 36 meters. However, Khrushchev ordered to "grow up" the female figure. The statue on Mamayev Kurgan was supposed to "surpass" the Statue of Liberty - its height without a pedestal was 46 meters.

After the construction was completed, the Motherland was the tallest statue in the world. The female figure towered 52 meters above the pedestal, and taking into account the length of her arm and sword, the height of the monument was 85 meters. The monument weighed 8 thousand tons, excluding the sword. Today, the Motherland remains in the top ten highest statues in the world.

steel sword. The sword of the statue was made using aviation technology. It was made of stainless steel and lined with titanium sheets. But such a decision was not suitable for the monument - the sword swayed and creaked in the wind. In 1972, the weapons were replaced with steel ones with holes to reduce windage. Because of the "problematic" sword, the designers of the monument did not receive the Lenin Prize. The monument "The Motherland Calls!". Sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich, architect Nikolai Nikitin. Volgograd. 1959-1967

Monument "Warrior-Liberator". Sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, architect Yakov Belopolsky. Berlin, Germany. 1949

The image of the "Motherland". The collective image of the Motherland appeared on propaganda posters as early as 1941. They were created by the Soviet painter Irakli Toidze. The artist recalled that his wife became the prototype of the woman on the poster. Hearing a message about an attack on the USSR, she ran into the artist's studio shouting "War!". Irakli Toidze was shocked by her facial expression and immediately made the first sketches.

Mom in the life of each of us is the closest, most beloved and dearest person. This is the first person we see who will take care of us and accept us for who we are all our lives. No matter how old we are, mom will always consider us children and treat us with awe and love.

1. Monument to mother, Tyumen

The monument was unveiled on June 1, 2010, and its opening was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of International Children's Day.

The bronze monument depicts a late pregnant woman with children next to her. Initially, it was planned to install a figure of the pope nearby, but the author of the monument refused this idea, nevertheless, there is a wedding ring on the woman’s hand.

2. Monument to a nursing mother, Izhevsk, Russia

3. Monument to motherhood in Zelenograd, Russia

The monument was erected in 2008 as part of "rest in the city".

4. Monument to Motherhood Korenovsk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia

5. Monument Mother and Child, Novosibirsk

The sculptural composition represents a woman sitting on a stone, and on her knees a baby stretched out his hand and a dove sits on her palm.

6. Monument Mother and Child, Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, Russia

7. Monument Mother and Child, Noyabrsk, YNAO, Russia

8. Monument to motherhood, Pskov, Russia

In Pskov, in the botanical garden, you can see a garden sculpture of a mother and a child. The exact name of the sculpture is unknown. The mother and child sculpture is obviously made of granite, which, of course, makes it versatile.

9. Monument "The hand that rocks the cradle", Kemerovo, Russia

This monument was opened on the City Day, 06/12/2009.

The cradle embodies the tenderness and care of mother's hands, reverent maternal care for children. The sculpture in the form of a palm, on which a child weary with bliss is dozing, settled not far from the maternity hospital No. nurturing and nurturing their children. After all, "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

10. Mother's Monument, Rostov, Russia

11. Monument to the mother of Yuri Gagarin - Anna Timofeevna, Gagarin, Russia

In 2001, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, a monument to the mother of the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Anna Timofeevna Gagarina, was opened in the city of Gagarin.

An overcoat hangs on a bench, Anna Timofeevna holds flowers. Everything suggests that the monument depicts the arrival of Yuri...

12. Mother's Monument, Kaluga, Russia

The monument was opened on November 30, 2011. in the Pravoberezhye microdistrict of the city of Kaluga.

The bronze mother, according to the author of the monument, has a real prototype. This, Kaluga, mother of two sons. As for the child, who is held in her arms by a woman, his image is a collective one. At the base of the sculpture there are toys, also cast in bronze. The composition is crowned with a nest with doves, a symbol of family and home.

13. Monument to motherhood, Evpatoria, Crimea

14. Monument to motherhood, Vidnoe, Moscow region

15. Monument "Motherhood", Yalutorovsk, Tyumen region, Russia

For the sculpture "Motherhood", the artist chose forged aluminum as the material for the work. The sculptor managed to create a living strong woman-mother, with her main gift to the world - a son, still a boy, but it is already clear - a future man. Intentional and well-considered sculpture, the symmetry of the composition is, of course, a symbol of a harmonious world in which the mother-woman is the center of the universe.

This sculpture presents a lot of talking signs to the audience. The child sits on the lap of the mother, protecting, protecting the child. The hands of a child and his mother, with palms open to the world, are a relationship with nature and faith in its protection. The whole composition easily fits into the sphere, which since ancient times was considered a symbol of the planet Earth, the Sun and the Universe.

16. Monument to motherhood, Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic, RF

The monument is located near the children's hospital and the park. The sculpture of mother and child will logically complete the composition of the children's square, the design of which began last year in the area of ​​the children's polyclinic and hospital.

The monument to motherhood is the first monument in Novocheboksarsk that carries a good light charge - symbolizing the recognition of the great value of the birth of a new person, personifying feelings of gratitude and admiration for a mother woman and what she symbolizes - kindness, care, forgiveness, hope and inexhaustible love.

The monument to mother is one of the original and unusual monuments of the city of Tyumen. It is located in the Central Administrative District of the city, at the intersection of two streets - Komsomolskaya and Sverdlov, in a park not far from the perinatal center and the chapel.

The initiator of the creation of the sculptural composition was the government of the Central District of the city. Funds for the construction of the Monument to Mom were allocated by city enterprises and private individuals. The author of this project was a talented sculptor - P. S. Starchenko. The project of the monument was officially registered in May 2007. It took 8.5 months to make the monument.

The grand opening of the Tyumen monument to mother took place on June 1, 2010 and was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the International Children's Day. The opening ceremony was attended by the city authorities, doctors from the nearby infectious diseases hospital and perinatal center, as well as local residents. At the opening of the monument, Tyumen mothers danced, sang and read poems, for whom this day became significant.

The sculpture "Monument to Mom" ​​is a multi-figured bronze composition - a woman looking into the distance at a late stage of pregnancy, near which there are happy children. Initially, it was planned to install the figure of the pope next to these figures, but the author of the sculptural composition abandoned this idea for some reason. The engagement ring that appeared on her hand testifies to a happy family marriage of a woman. A monument to his father was erected in the city park Tenisty, which is located opposite the KinoMax.

On the base of the monument, a plaque is attached on the back side, which indicates the name of the author of the monument, as well as residents of the city and enterprises that acted as sponsors.

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Production technology of the monument from the company "Danila-Master"

The production of monuments for the grave includes a number of complex production processes. Let's briefly review each stage.

Stone mining. There are three ways to get granite:

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Engraving, drawing portraits and inscriptions. Danila-Master can offer this service in various ways:

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