How to understand that a person dances well. What happens to your brain when you dance


It is not entirely true that only with the advent of a certain age we are literally “covered with a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of youth, or see some attributes of that time. Even quite Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy, if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they keep the spirit of an entire era in themselves. It is not enough for us to read about it in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique that you can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages exuding a sweetish aroma, especially when turning them over, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, those with uneven white borders. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved so far, despite the low quality of such shots. The point here is not in the image, but in that feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they come across our eyes.

If in our life there are no “objects from the past” due to endless moving and change of residence, then you can buy antiques in our antique online store. Antique shops are especially popular now, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit such outlets, and they are concentrated mainly only in large cities.

Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

To dot all the "i", it should be said that antique shop is a special institution that carries out the purchase, sale, exchange, restoration and examination of antiques and provides a number of other services related to the sale of antiques.

Antiques are some old things that have a fairly high value. It can be: antique jewelry, appliances, coins, books, interior items, figurines, dishes and more.

However, in a number of countries, different things are considered antiques: in Russia, the status of an “old thing” is given to an object that is already more than 50 years old, and in the USA - objects made before 1830. On the other hand, in each country, different antiques have different values. In China, antique porcelain is of greater value than in Russia or the United States.

In other words, when buying antiques it should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of execution, method of manufacture (everyone knows that handmade work is valued much higher than mass production), historical, artistic, or cultural value and other reasons.

antique shop- rather risky business. The point is not only the laboriousness of finding the necessary product and the long period of time during which this item will be sold, but also the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

In addition, an antiques shop must meet a number of standards in order to gain a proper reputation in the market. If we are talking about an antique online store, then it should have a wide range of goods presented. If an antiques store exists not only on the World Wide Web, then it must also be large enough so that it is convenient for the client to wander between antiques in it, and, secondly, to have beautiful interior and pleasant atmosphere.

In our antiques store there are very rare items that can impress even a venerable collector.

antiques has magical power: touching him once, you will turn into him big fan, antique items will take their rightful place in the interior of your home.

In our online antique store you can buy antiques most various subjects at affordable prices. To facilitate the search, all products are divided into special groups: paintings, icons, rural life, interior items, etc. Also in the catalog you will be able to find old books, postcards, posters, silverware, chinaware and much more.

In addition, in our antique online store you can purchase Original gifts, furniture and kitchen utensils that can enliven the interior of your home, make it more refined.

Sale of antiques in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are high costs for the purchase of antiques, however, the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material and cultural and historical value.

By purchasing antiques in our store, you can be sure of the authenticity of the purchased items.

Our antique store employs only qualified consultants and appraisers who can easily distinguish the original from fakes.

We strive to make our antique online store interesting for collectors, and for fans of antiquity and for the most ordinary connoisseurs of beauty who have good taste and those who know the value of things. Thus, one of our priority areas is the constant expansion of the range, both through dealers and through cooperation with other companies involved in the sale of antiques.

Remember when you last time danced. Where was it? In a disco club? In a tango or other dance class? On the street or at home? Remember how you felt about it? Bondage or freedom? Work or fun?

Unfortunately, over the millennia, our civilization has pushed aside the natural desire of a person to dance (after all, dancing was a sacred and important act of any tribe) and elevated it to the status of an extraordinary desire, they say, it is given only to certain people who become dancers. Dancing from an ordinary everyday ritual, such as eating, talking or washing, has turned into a profession that needs to be learned, and not everyone can master it.

Well, it’s really great that those who, as they say, have talent can entertain us with their beautiful dances, but it’s bad that we don’t dance in the kitchen anymore, although this could help not quarrel with my husband, forget about headaches and problems "in a feminine way."

How dance changes lives

Dancing has changed my life since childhood, I am a bad example - I am part of the very group of people who wished and went and learned. But precisely professional pursuits dancing since childhood and coaching further gave me the opportunity to observe how dancing changes people.

There is the most primitive level- self confidence. So I didn’t know how to do anything and learned, and if others appreciated it, they gave a prize there, or girls / boys began to love, then I definitely climbed a step above myself and increased confidence. I became cool / cool. This is a simple mechanism that works very easily with the help of dances, at any age, with any degree of mastery of the dance being studied.

In childhood, it is clear that the girl who constantly performs on stage at school will be popular. As an adult, a man who can suddenly spin you into tango (even if it's not a pro level, but a couple of steps) will clearly attract your attention. That is, dancing, whether it is a profession or a hobby, is definitely a plus for you.

This is what I have observed over the years of teaching, how people who were afraid to say a word and take a step straightened their shoulders and with control of their body, some kind of strength came to them, they say now I can say a word, I’m already worth something .

body-soul level

But at some point I realized that dancing is not only about that. Dancing is much deeper, dancing is like therapy. If the music is playing, I am constantly moving, transmitting music, it controls my body, this is a normal and natural process. If we put music in a dance class, most people will stand and wait for orders, what should they do, what movements to dance, what are we learning? This is again because they were brought up that way, although if you look at small children, they start moving just when they hear music, this is natural, this is an absolutely healthy process that is not in vain in us, which means that our body definitely needs and is important.

But this happens only until the parents start telling the child not to “twitch”, “sit quietly”, until they show him in every possible way that dancing is only for those who are a dancer, if you want to dance, go learn. So everyone stops moving to the beat of the music. And they allow themselves this only at discos, when, under the influence of alcohol, our barriers and attitudes disappear and the body begins to do what it wants!

In my classes where I taught ballroom dancing, I often turned my students away from the mirror and offered to dance for themselves, get high, not think about quality, but just enjoy the fact that the body moves to the music. This is not immediately available to everyone, but gradually it somehow entered inside - the understanding that dancing is not for the sake of praise, but for the sake of the dances themselves, in order to make them feel good.

Over time, I went further and began to organize classes where people simply learned to let go of themselves and transmit music, follow its lead. That is, we did not learn specific movements that were already invented by other people, but tried to find that my arm / leg / hip, etc. maybe he wants to do it now. This thing is even more difficult for public understanding, they either fall in love with it right away, because it’s really a buzz, or they are afraid to remove this barrier (alas, I don’t suggest drinking in my classes). But still, those who get high are always more than those who leave in bewilderment.

And for more than 10 years I have been trying to somehow convey to people around dances, about their essence. And I do not say the most important thing - what I myself understood just recently!

Once I had a headache, it hurt a lot, but I promised myself to work out, standard fitness, planks there, press, stretching. And so I do warm-up exercises, my head still hurts, I do it and I don’t understand why I do it, and suddenly my legs begin to warm up something to the beat of the music, and my hands and I go into the dance. Home, what is it? And no one sees me, but I feel good. And suddenly the head passes, one 4-minute song was enough for the headache, which had been tormenting all day, to simply evaporate.

And at that moment I realized - I have to say this, even if it deprives clients of all dance coaches and therapists, including me - DANCING AT HOME!

It doesn't matter where you really are, dance wherever you want. BUT I mean you don't have to pay money and go to a dance class to dance to get that high. To learn a skill - yes, but to make yourself feel good - no, you can do it at home, just turn on the music and allow yourself.

At home - well, protected, at home no one will judge or appreciate. If you feel bad, sad, angry, lonely - dance.

You can call your friends and get drunk, you can go to a psychotherapist, you can write your thoughts and feelings on paper, or you can just DANCE. And believe me, it works therapeutically much better than all of the above methods.

Do not think about what to dance and how, just turn on the music that resonates now and close your eyes. Allow this music to enter your body and take it where it wants to go. It is such a pleasure, comparable to sex, to meditation, to any therapy that helps to let go.

We are used to looking for help everywhere and paying for it - teach, treat, give a pill, we pay for a massage, for example, although we can massage most parts of our body ourselves, for the psychotherapist to listen to our problems, although we can write or tell them yourself (understand and let go). Dancing as a therapy in the world has also been known for a long time - it is called dance therapy, movement therapy, authentic movement, 5 rhythms. We pay to dance, to be put on music and told to relax, imagine that no one is looking at you and dance! When we can do it ourselves! At home - and no one will really look at us!

But if you start dancing at home, then you:

  • - Get rid of negative emotions that haunt
  • - Explore your body: what it is capable of, which muscles are in good shape, which are not and will warm up in the process, develop joints.
  • -Feel freedom, which in turn leads to emancipation and sexuality.
  • -Spend time with a buzz and benefit personally for YOURSELF!

I am even sure that if there were special rooms at work where you can go to dance for 5 minutes, then labor productivity would be much higher! But I will definitely look into this!

If you test on the street with the question: “Why don’t you dance?”, Then in most cases we will hear such answers: “I don’t know how, I’m afraid or even shy.” These excuses sound ridiculous, but people just hide their capabilities.

When you hear from people who once danced that they have no time or this is inappropriate, you are simply surprised, because you see that remembering those times, they smile and radiate joy.
It used to be problematic to learn how to dance, but now everything has been done for this - dance clubs, sections, groups, and even schools and institutes. They also organize festivals, flash mobs, where people can learn this art.

The art of dance is multifaceted, this and folk dances, and romantic, and youth, and ballroom, and professional, even dancing on ice. But, despite everything, people deny themselves this pleasure. All this is just ahead - do not be afraid, dance and you will succeed! If you listen to your body and succumb to it, there will be no mistakes, but only your confident movements.

You can dance everywhere - at home, on the street, in a club, the main thing is that you feel good. Many people like to dance in the kitchen while cooking - when no one is watching, and feel just great doing it! Can dance from Have a good mood, or because you managed to buy a refrigerator at a great price in an online store and get a great discount - for any good reason.

Combined with the music you love, dancing will give you tremendous pleasure, making you be simple and free without problems. And as a reward, you can cook yourself a delicious dinner - because thanks to the refrigerator, the products are in excellent preservation for a long time.

It seems to many that dancing is shameful and indecent, but if you think about it, this is not so. Of course, many are shy or afraid, but you can try. The fact that you are not a professional dancer does not make you unable to dance, because the people around you are not professionals either. In dance, the main thing is the soul and feeling of music, it charges the most and, looking at a person who is completely devoted to music, you want to dance again and again.

Movements in dance can be different, not in vain, because in some countries all feelings are expressed using the language of dances.
What is the meaning of this art?
During the dance, we express our feelings, the emotions that we experience; during the dance, everything around does not matter, time stops. And all this is a dance that brings joy and happiness, brings peace of mind, helps to open up to people, to understand them.

Feel free to let dance into your life, and you will feel much more confident, your life will change, you will live joyfully and beautifully.
Many say: "The gods danced when they created the world." So you stick to this rule, dance and dance again, reveal your true Self.

Hello! In the studio of Tatyana Lyamzina. If a person dances well and moves to the beat, then it is easier for him to learn speech than a less rhythmic person, American experts have revealed. According to RIA Novosti, during the dance, the areas of the brain responsible for hearing and movement are perfectly synchronized. This fact was known to scientists. Now scientists from Northwestern University analyzed the ability to adhere to the rhythm and the reaction of the brain to sounds. To do this, an experiment was conducted with adolescents. They were asked to listen to the metronome and press the button in time with the rhythm. At the same time, the accuracy of the hit was evaluated. And with the help of an electroencephalogram, they recorded how the brain of adolescents reacted. It turned out that if a teenager pressed the button clearly in accordance with the metronome, the reaction of the brain was stable in response to listening to the syllable. Experts already know that the ability to read and the ability to keep the rhythm in motion are connected. And the ability to read, in turn, is associated with the nature of the brain's reaction to sound. It turns out that the basis is just hearing.

But singing in the choir will help restore the heart rhythm. People who sing together synchronize their heartbeats, either increasing or decreasing, depending on how they breathe in a single mode. In addition, there is a normalization of the vagus nerve, which is responsible for emotions and communication with other people. Scientists from the University of Gothenburg tested how different melodies with different tempos and tonality affect the well-being of choristers. It turned out that the melody and structure piece of music directly affected the heartbeat, which all changed at the same time. The greatest synchronization was achieved when singing mantras, songs with long phrases acted in the same way as breathing exercises yogis. Measured and calm breathing in a positive way affected the mental state and work of the heart.

Of course, music will not replace medicine. But doctors at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London have started a singing program for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These patients are limited by how much air they can breathe in and out. Some people start breathing very quickly, which makes the problem even worse. They take a lot of fast, shallow breaths, and this makes their breathing even more difficult. Singing classes teach them to control the speed of breathing. The breathing techniques that are used for singing are more beneficial for people with mild problems. If a person has a serious illness, it will be quite difficult to sing. Of course, the songs should be pretty simple.

But women need to have time to parent a child before the age of 35, reproductive specialists at Newcastle University say. According to them, women should not hide behind a career, postponing motherhood, because over the years, work does not become easier. However, more and more modern families tighten with children. Almost 50% of children now appear in women 30 years and older. The number of children born in such families last years tripled. After the age of 35, the chances of conceiving a child are significantly reduced. And IVF does not guarantee the birth of a child. If a woman fails to have a child before the age of 40-50, she is waiting for psychological trauma psychologists note. And even if conception did occur, the older women age group face a large number of complications during pregnancy itself. In particular, the risk of miscarriages, premature births, or underweight babies is increased. Stillbirth is more than twice as common in the group of mothers over 35 years of age. But the degradation of eggs that occurs over time increases the risk of having a child with Down syndrome and other genetic abnormalities. Women themselves subsequently often face arthritis, depression, cancer, heart attacks. Therefore, family planning should include not only questions of contraception, but also questions of the birth of a child, doctors emphasize. Be healthy!

Choice can tell a lot about a person. dance direction which he is interested in. As a rule, ballroom dances are chosen by balanced natures, Latin American motifs are loved by cheerful and emotional ones, and go-go dances are preferred by energetic and self-confident people.

And what does the dance say about a man?

It is quite difficult to immediately determine at a glance at young man whether it is worth starting a close relationship with him. But some nuances will help the girl decide whether it makes sense to give this gentleman her phone number.

It turns out that you can draw some conclusions based on how a man dances. a slow dance. By taking a closer look at your partner, you can learn a few things about him.

Typical dance of a serious but timid man

If a partner uncertainly holds you by the waist and with great difficulty gets into the musical beat, most likely you cannot call him a Don Juan. He treats ladies with increased seriousness, often being shy in front of them. Such a gentleman may be somewhat bland and even devoid of charm, but such men are willing to marry and are able to be reliable. As a rule, in such a pair, a woman leads in communication.

But keep in mind that your partner may just have an ear for music.

Narcissistic Partner

If a man in a dance supports his partner with only one hand, this is most likely a narcissist. Perhaps he is still too young and therefore too self-confident. In any case, in the dance he demonstrates insulting negligence and dances, rather, with the aim of showing off. Acquaintance with such a character, unfortunately, can bring you a lot of grief.

Inappropriate Dance Behavior

If a man, dancing with a woman, playfully slides his hand over her body, he is either drunk or ill-bred. Not only should you not get to know such cheeky characters closely, but even continue to dance.

How can a man behave while dancing?

  • If a young man holds a girl by the waist with one hand, and takes her hand with the other, taking her to the side, then he is either a provincial or a man of age.
  • If at the same time his arm is gracefully bent at the elbow, this is a sign of good upbringing. Such a dancer stands out for his excellent manners and, most likely, he is easy to communicate and not stupid.
  • If a man, as they say in ballroom dancing, dancing with a woman "in contact" - he is probably a sophisticated lover. And if at the same time he also confidently leads, then, most likely, such a man is used to dominating women. It makes sense to attract the attention of this partner. This will be quite easy to do if you have studied modern dance at the Sportmix studio.

Try to look at him carefully at the first contact with a dance partner: you can learn a lot about him and decide for yourself whether it is worth continuing further communication or it is better to immediately dismiss him.
