How to predict the future. How to learn to see the future? Tips from experienced psychics

How to become Wolf Messing and learn to see the future? After all, how sometimes you want to know what will happen to you if you make this particular decision, if you go this particular way. What will happen if… But is it possible to learn to see the future, or does this gift belong only to the chosen people? We'll talk about this in this article.

How to learn to see the future?

In fact, in every person from birth are laid. A person is capable of many things, but someone seems to have blocked our superpowers on purpose. I don't think this happened by chance. After all, if we all had superpowers, the end of the world would have come a long time ago. You look at what is now happening in the world without superpowers. And what would happen now if we could manage time, teleport, see the development of events in advance before they happened. There would be chaos.

You have the ability to see the future. You just need to unlock it. But what do you understand by the phrase to see the future? How do you know that you can see it? Usually, when a person sees the future, images of future events appear in his head. Wolf Messing once walked down the street when he suddenly cooled off. Before his eyes out of nowhere, soldiers began to run, a crowd of people in horror and fear fled from explosions and shelling, panic was all around. When the images passed, Wolf realized that a second World War. And he was not wrong. He named the exact date of the start of the war, and the exact date of Stalin's death. You can see about Wolf Messing.

Seeing the future - a gift or a curse? For some it's a gift, for others it's a curse. I don't think Wolf Messing was happy man. Many people knew about his gift, and they tried to use it for selfish purposes. The same can be said about the great soothsayer - Vanga. Many officials abused her gift.

I will tell you directly, you will not be able to see the future as clearly as those great soothsayers and soothsayers. They were either born that way, or something happened to them during their lives, after which their gift of foresight was unlocked. You don't have to wait for lightning to strike you. The gift of foresight can be developed. I give you a tooth that there have been situations in your life when you felt in your gut that such and such an event should happen and it really did happen. All people have a sense.

To develop the gift of foresight, you need solitude. Nobody should distract you. Your training should start with simple things. For example, someone started calling you. Try to understand who exactly is calling you, and justify your answer (why do you think so). Or a text message. Before reading it, try to guess who this SMS is from.

The second exercise is to start practicing streaming. Our brain operates with pictures (images). All psychics are able to read the signs that their subconscious throws at them. Your next task is that you need to retire, close your eyes and relax your mind. When you move to the alpha level, your brain will begin to generate various images. Your task is to understand what this or that symbol that appears in your head means. Learning to read and understand them is an important task for anyone who wants to learn to see the future.

Many people see the future in their dreams. It is also called prophetic dream. I myself personally encountered a prophetic dream several times: what I had a dream came true. Many people wake up and do not remember what they dreamed about. Therefore, if you are such, stock up on a pen and paper in advance.

Most the best option to learn to see the future is to find a person who already knows how to see the future. You can shovel the entire Internet, but you will never find real practical information on how to learn to see the future. Many articles on this topic are written by theorists. They themselves do not know how to see the future, but they teach this to other people. To be honest, I am a theorist myself. I do not know how to see the future, I can only predict the development of events, and even then not always accurately.

Here I can only give you some useful materials to help you get the desired result. For example, I can offer you to buy or download a course somewhere on the Internet: "Development psychic abilities according to the Silva method . Everything in this course practical exercises so that you can see the future.

Before you start practicing, I want to warn you that you will not learn to see the future overnight. Some people develop this ability over the years. If you want quick results, find yourself an intelligent teacher. With a mentor, going is always easier and faster (and of course more expensive).

The second option to learn to see the future is not to study it. You can simply turn to proven fortune-tellers and psychics. After all, if you are so eager to find out what will happen to you in the future, why would you spend money and time on developing the gift of foresight? Isn't it easier to turn to fortune tellers? Here, be careful. There are many charlatans among fortune-tellers and psychics. Visit only trusted people. Psychological calm at work largely depends on the situation and interior in the office. Choose the style that suits you best, and correctly allocate functional areas. And, if necessary, contact the experts in this field.

That's all for me. Maybe I didn't teach you to see the future. But I gave you useful tips to help you achieve what you want. I hope you read this article very carefully and did not miss a word. If yes, then you have certainly benefited immensely from the above. Good luck to you everywhere and in everything.

How to learn to see the future


How to see the future if you do not have any supernatural powers? But sometimes we really want to know all the most key moments of life in order to be ready for something and not make a mistake. We want to present you a very unusual technique that helps to lift the curtain of mystery.

The future is not far off

If you do not know how to see the future at home, then it will help you simple technique. Only a small number of people know how to do this technique from birth. But any ability can always be developed to a high level.

The essence is quite simple: a person closes his eyes and some symbol appears from the inside of the eyelid that describes his near future. Then it remains only to decipher the secret message.

When a person closes his eyes, he sees a dark screen, which is also called the internal, as well as red and blue spots. This is due to the fact that we see our eyelid from the inside, how blood moves in the capillaries.

Technique technique

Let's learn how to see the future with this technique. If you change the movement of blood in the capillaries, this will lead to the formation of a picture from the inside of the eyelid.

How can you see the future:

  1. First you need to increase blood circulation in the body. You need to do any physical actions: charging, running, brisk walking, jumping rope, push-ups, etc.
  2. Pay attention to your pulse. It should increase, as should your perspiration. You should experience some physical fatigue.
  3. After power loads, you can sit or lie down.
  4. Close your eyes and ask any question. Let's say: "What awaits me tomorrow / next week / month?"
  5. Gently run your hand over your closed eyes from top to bottom, slightly pressing on the eyelid from the outside.
  6. Symbols, phrases or images will appear on the dark inner screen for a fraction of a second.
  7. This great way see your future and have your prediction! Hurry up to notice it, as it disappears almost immediately. You can draw or write down the information in your notebook.

Through these symbols, our subconscious speaks to us, with the help of it you can see your future. I don’t want to list all the symbols that usually appear now so that they don’t get deposited in your subcortex, otherwise you will see them. Each person has their own individual picture.

Each time you will get better and better. Pictures will become more colorful and voluminous. And you will learn to interact with your subconscious and hear it better.

It all depends on the degree of your enlightenment. Someone sees a red or white-blue symbol, and someone can see whole pictures of their future, as if watching a movie in 3D. Practice is important here.

The technique is absolutely safe for your health and eyesight. But do everything in moderation!

Way to yourself

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Today we will talk about how to look into the future. Every person has faced a situation in his life when he said with annoyance: “Oh, if only I knew in advance!”. But predicting the outcome of certain events is often quite easy.

It is enough to analyze the information already available in order to draw the right conclusions and prepare for the consequences. If your colleague came to work with the initial signs of a cold and does nothing to stop them, then you can accurately predict that in a couple of days he will go to the hospital for at least a week, and you will have to complete the report alone. But for this, ordinary observation and logic are enough.

But how to develop the ability to see future events? After all, history knows people who amazed the whole world with their ability to see tomorrow not only for individuals, but for all mankind.

Who has the gift of foresight?

The gift of foresight is rarely given to anyone from birth. Sometimes it appears in a person after some sudden events (lightning strike, serious illness, clinical death, great nervous shock). In these cases, it manifests itself very clearly, and such people become known to many.

In a more modest manifestation, each person can develop such abilities in himself, because everyone has them in their infancy. This skill is very useful even at the household level. It will help you make the right decisions, protect your loved ones from sudden troubles, and keep you from doing the wrong things.

How to learn to see the future

If you decide to develop this gift, set yourself up for a long process and regular practice. Find motivation for this decision. It should only be positive.

Let's start with the most famous exercise. Retire in a separate room, choose a time when no one will disturb you for sure. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Clear your inner screen of extraneous images and try to remember today in as much detail as possible. What events happened during the day.

The most popular example: it started to rain on the way home, but there was no umbrella. Replay this episode in memory with all the details, including sounds, smells, sensations, emotions. Now mentally transport yourself to yesterday and, as it were, try to send this information to yourself from today.

IN this moment you are in the past and received information from the future. By using this simple exercise every day, you will develop the ability to move from "today" to "yesterday." The plot of the exercise, of course, should be different each time, taken from the reality of today.

Studying every day, you will gain a solid ability to connect to the information channel at the right time for you.

Then move on to more serious forecasts for tomorrow. Don't be surprised if you find yourself spontaneously making unexpected decisions with positive outcomes. This means that the intuition that has been dormant until now has awakened. And every person has it too.

Necessary signs and hints of the Universe

All these abilities are related to extrasensory perception. The literal translation of this word is super-feeling. If you develop one side of this ability, then others automatically begin to develop, and whoever has which is individual.

Learn to notice necessary signs around you. Very often, fate sends us the necessary clues, and we ignore them. If you are going somewhere, and suddenly the lock on your boot breaks or the wheel of the car goes down, think about it, is it possible and do you need to go there right now? Good help for the development of any psychic abilities various meditations. There are a lot of them, and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

The Almighty endowed man with many abilities, but over the centuries these abilities fell asleep. So wake them up and use them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. And God help you.

Video on the topic of the article

Is it possible to learn to foresee the future? Yes, definitely! Learn the amazing technique of traveling to the future!

Traveling into the future attracts many. People always look ahead, go beyond, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout the history of mankind.

Latest Scientific research together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge they say that there is only a moment “here and now”, that the future and the past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you can predict upcoming events, know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of the work of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this is most pronounced during falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). The task of a person is to learn how to call in himself this state, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our site you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness, one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The in-between state can also be called a deep trance and is developed through regular practice.

Technique how to foresee the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, assumes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should be distracted from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, passing attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually, the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply watches how the inhalation and exhalation takes place, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not to fall asleep (for this he needs to concentrate on breathing), gradually this will bring him into a state of in-between.

6. The person mentally turns to the left and enters a dense fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it is composed of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know what…”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform, part, until at a certain point the practitioner can see upcoming event, information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for the help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates an intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; counting to five, again begin to feel your body.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of the gap is a very deep level.

Here you can travel in time, enter into a state of deep meditation. Prayers uttered in this state will surely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

Most importantly: catch the gap state! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with the Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to direct your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism - a set of knowledge, information that is inaccessible to the uninitiated, ignorant of mystical teachings, people, special ways of perceiving reality that have a secret content and expression in "psycho-spiritual practices" (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a kind of mental exercise used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, or a special mental state resulting from these exercises (or for other reasons) (
