Crete convent of the Virgin Mary. Ancient icon of Kera Cardiotissa from the island of Crete. Let us pray to the Mother of God of the Heart

The revered icon of Cardiotissa is painted in accordance with the “Tenderness” iconographic type. Cardiotissa translated from Greek means heart. The Most Holy Theotokos is depicted shoulder-length and with maternal love bends her face towards the Infant Christ, who, in turn, seems to embrace and embrace the face of His Most Holy Mother with his hands. The history of this icon is connected with the convent of Kera Kardiotissa, which still functions on the island of Crete. The second name of the monastery is the monastery of the Mother of God of the Heart. The Byzantine church, located on its territory, became famous for its shrine - the miraculous icon of Cardiotissa. It is known about many healings that occurred after prayer performed in front of the image. These miracles glorified the icon and it was stolen and taken away from the monastery several times, but the icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa invariably returned back by some miracle. In 1948, the shrine was taken to the Church of St. Alphonsus in Rome. Since then, an ancient copy of the icon has been kept in the Kera Kardiotissa monastery. The last time the image was stolen was in 1982, but the icon had such an effect on the thieves that they abandoned it.

Help from the Orthodox icon Cardiotissa - heals infertility

Since the 8th century, for many years, the ancient icon has been saving those in need from illnesses and infirmities. Pilgrims flock from all corners of the Earth to ask the Most Holy Theotokos to gain the opportunity to have children. In accordance with the name, prayers are also offered in front of the icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa for deliverance from heart disease. This image is truly extraordinary. There is a legend that when someone prays especially fervently in front of him, tears appear in the eyes of the Mother of God. In addition to the image itself, the chains with which the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Cardiotissa was chained to the rock in order to avoid another theft are considered miraculous. According to the testimony of the brethren of the monastery, women who are desperate to become pregnant wrap themselves in these chains, pray, and are cured of infertility. All cases of healing are carefully recorded in the monastery chronicle.

Where to buy the Orthodox icon of Cardiotissa?

The monastery of Kerra Kardiotissa sells copies of the icon in different sizes and in different designs. Each icon has a certificate confirming that the image was purchased in Crete. In Russia, the Cardiotissa icon is a rarity. Buying it in icon shops is quite problematic. What to do if you do not have the opportunity to visit Crete? In this case, master icon painters will come to the rescue and make a custom-made Christian image for you. Needlewomen will be able to embroider the holy image on their own thanks to the fact that online stores of handicraft supplies offer ready-made kits for embroidering the Russian Orthodox icon of the Most Holy Mother of God Cardiotissa with both beads and cross stitches.

  • Where to stay: In the most developed in terms of tourism, as well as the most central and numerous archipelago of the Aegean Sea - the blessed Cyclades, the variety of hotels of which will satisfy every taste. On the islands of the Saronic Gulf, tourists will find a remarkable entertainment industry, while on the Ionian Islands and the Dodecanese archipelago, nature and beach holiday fun are in the right balance. The Eastern Sporades are very beautiful and secluded, while the Northern Sporades and the North Aegean archipelago are even too secluded - people come here mainly on excursions. Everything that is in Greece can be found in popular Crete.
  • What to see: The Greek islands are a concentration of natural and historical attractions. Picturesque fishing villages lurk among the cozy bays of the rugged coastline, centuries-old olive groves hide the ruins of ancient civilizations, the snow-white walls of houses shine in the sun, and the tiled roofs are painted in bright crimson shades in the evenings. And from the Greek islands you can easily get to the mainland - for example, to see with your own eyes the greatness of Athens, Sparta or Meteora.
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Everything about religion and faith - “Virgin Cardiotissa Heart Prayer” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

Ancient icon of Kera Cardiotissa from the island of Crete. Let us pray to the Mother of God of the Heart.

Akathist to the Mother of God

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

On the road to the Lasithi plateau near the village of Kera there is the convent of Kera Kardiotissa - Our Lady of the Heart. It is located in a picturesque location, surrounded by mountains at an altitude of 622 meters. Inside the monastery there is a Byzantine church, the main shrine of which is the icon of the Virgin Mary Cardiotissa. The icon is famous for healing the suffering, as well as for its legendary history and numerous adventures.

The monastery was built in the 13th century during the Byzantine period. The name of the monastery was given by the icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa, which was painted, according to legend, in the 8th century by the monk-icon painter Saint Lazarus. Since ancient times, the icon was considered miraculous: it healed the sick and infirm, and especially helped women who did not have children. to this day, is a copy written in 1735.

Three times the miraculous icon was stolen by the Turks and taken to Constantinople, but it invariably returned. They even made an attempt to chain the icon to a marble column, but this also did not yield results. The icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa has returned again, as they say, along with a chain and even a column. And indeed, there is a column in the monastery courtyard, and on the iconostasis next to the image there is a chain. Truly a miraculous icon! In 1498, the icon of Kerr Cardiotissa was stolen by a wine merchant and taken to Italy. And the icon that is in the monastery to this day is a copy painted in 1735.

Gallery at the monastery

However, it is also considered miraculous, apparently the place here is special - holy.

However, the sanctity of the place did not prevent military action: after the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of Crete by the Turks, the territory Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa served as a haven and shelter for the rebels. And during the 2nd World War, the German command equipped a prison in the monastery.

Today monastery of Kera Kardiotissa is a quiet and peaceful place. It can shelter 25 people from worldly temptations, but today only a few nuns and abbess live there. On the territory of the monastery there is a museum, which displays church utensils and books.

And once again she was kidnapped in May 1982 by antiquities smugglers, they simply abandoned her, it is believed that under the force of her extraordinary influence. She was taken to the Church of St. Mina in Heraklion, from where the believers carried her in their arms for 50 km to place her in her former place, in the monastery church.

Now it is located in the Catholic (cathedral, universal) church of the monastery, under it is the inscription Mother of God and Lady Cardiotissa (Kera Cardiotissa), which is the name today of the nunnery, which is located at the entrance of the Lasithi plateau on the island of Crete. The icon was painted in 1795 by an unknown artist on a copper sheet.

Part 40 – Ancient icon of Kera Cardiotissa from the island of Crete. Let us pray to the Mother of God of the Heart.


The revered icon of Cardiotissa is painted in accordance with the “Tenderness” iconographic type. Cardiotissa translated from Greek means heart. The Most Holy Theotokos is depicted shoulder-length and with maternal love bends her face towards the Infant Christ, who, in turn, seems to embrace and embrace the face of His Most Holy Mother with his hands. The history of this icon is connected with the convent of Kera Kardiotissa, which still functions on the island of Crete. The second name of the monastery is the monastery of the Mother of God of the Heart. The Byzantine church, located on its territory, became famous for its shrine - the miraculous icon of Cardiotissa. It is known about many healings that occurred after prayer performed in front of the image. These miracles glorified the icon and it was stolen and taken away from the monastery several times, but the icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa invariably returned back by some miracle. In 1948, the shrine was taken to the Church of St. Alphonsus in Rome. Since then, an ancient copy of the icon has been kept in the Kera Kardiotissa monastery. The last time the image was stolen was in 1982, but the icon had such an effect on the thieves that they abandoned it.

Help from the Orthodox icon Cardiotissa - heals infertility

Since the 8th century, for many years, the ancient icon has been saving those in need from illnesses and infirmities. Pilgrims flock from all corners of the Earth to ask the Most Holy Theotokos to gain the opportunity to have children. In accordance with the name, prayers are also offered in front of the icon of the Mother of God Cardiotissa for deliverance from heart disease. This image is truly extraordinary. There is a legend that when someone prays especially fervently in front of him, tears appear in the eyes of the Mother of God. In addition to the image itself, the chains with which the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Cardiotissa was chained to the rock in order to avoid another theft are considered miraculous. According to the testimony of the brethren of the monastery, women who are desperate to become pregnant wrap themselves in these chains, pray, and are cured of infertility. All cases of healing are carefully recorded in the monastery chronicle.

Where to buy the Orthodox icon of Cardiotissa?

The monastery of Kerra Kardiotissa sells copies of the icon in different sizes and in different designs. Each icon has a certificate confirming that the image was purchased in Crete. In Russia, the Cardiotissa icon is a rarity. Buying it in icon shops is quite problematic. What to do if you do not have the opportunity to visit Crete? In this case, master icon painters will come to the rescue and make a custom-made Christian image for you. Needlewomen will be able to embroider the holy image on their own thanks to the fact that online stores of handicraft supplies offer ready-made kits for embroidering the Russian Orthodox icon of the Most Holy Mother of God Cardiotissa with both beads and cross stitches.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Cardiotissa icon

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To the chosen Mother of God, the Queen of heaven and earth, who has graciously given us Her holy image for consolation, we offer songs of praise. But You, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, through Your intercession with Your Son and our God, do not forsake us who call You:

The representative angel joyfully announced to You, the Mother of God, that you were about to give birth to the Savior of the world, Christ the Son of God. We are moved by God's good will for You and call You with love:

Rejoice, O joyful Virgin.

Rejoice, blessed daughter.

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world.

Rejoice, thou who hast blessed the human race.

Rejoice, for through You God has become incarnate.

Rejoice, for the Invisible One is depicted in You.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Seeing You on Your icon, sitting on the throne and Your Divine Son holding Your hand, we worship Your mercy, through You, Most Pure One, upon us, the unworthy, ever manifested, Your Son and our God crying out: Alleluia.

The human mind will not be able to comprehend the secrets of the incarnation from You of God the Word, God-chosen Virgin. For this reason, marveling at the sacrament, we glorify the extreme condescension of the Master to us, earthly beings, and we call you like this:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Creator of heaven and earth.

Rejoice, you who have reconciled sinners with God.

Rejoice, at Christmas and after Christmas, Virgin.

Rejoice, good will towards mortals.

Rejoice, trampling on hell and death.

Rejoice, gift of eternal life.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Overshadowed by the power of the Most High, You humbly obeyed, O Virgin of God, the will of God for You, in the Pre-Eternal Council, predetermined, as if You were to be the One Matter of the Trinity, Christ the Giver of Life. We, having learned Your humility, sing to the Lord, who was so pleased with His creation: Alleluia.

Having motherly all-good providence for all, You, O Queen of Heaven, always showed miracles and signs, saving Your people from all attacks of the enemy. Do not cease now to save us from troubles and misfortunes, singing to Ti:

Rejoice, our vigilant Prayer Book.

Rejoice, O kind of Christian Intercessor.

Rejoice, you who quickly help in evil situations.

Rejoice, consoling one in sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, praise to all Christians.

Rejoice, eternal joy of the Intercessor.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Avoiding the storms of life, the faithful flock to the quiet refuge under the shadow of Your icon, Most Blessing Mother, and offer up their prayers before You, calling to God about You: Alleluia.

Hearing the many miracles from Your icon “Cardiotissa” flowing, and falling down on it, I bow to it, like You Yourself, crying out with tenderness:

Rejoice, you who accept our prayers.

Rejoice, you who sanctify us with Your purity.

Rejoice, blessed one from all earthly beings.

Rejoice, Intercessor of the whole world.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of grace.

Rejoice, ever-flowing source of mercy.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Like a godly star in the darkness of sins you showed to the wandering, O Most Pure Mother of God, your icon “Cardiotissa” and like a many-illuminated lamp you placed in the monastery of the Christians, with which you give healing to the sick, the faithful strive to glorify You and sing about You to God: Alleluia.

Seeing here on earth Your holy icon, Lady, flowing streams of healing, we recognize Your greatness in heaven and cry out to You with love:

Rejoice, lost Guide.

Rejoice, Guardian of widows and elders.

Rejoice, O nourisher of the orphans and the weak.

Rejoice, Teacher of the young to chastity.

Rejoice, Supreme Abbess of monks and nuns.

Rejoice, Patroness of the Christian race.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

He preaches the mercy and miracles of Your abode in the village of Kera, having acquired Your miraculous icon. But You, Mother of God, loved this place so much that after the three abductions of Your icon, You returned this, striving to sing gratefully to God about You: Alleluia.

Your icon has risen like a bright dawn, O Mother of God, and with many rays of miracles, illuminated all those wandering in the darkness of sins and passions, who strive to call You:

Rejoice, O Young Lady, chosen by God the Father.

Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, exalted by the birth of the Son of God.

Rejoice, blessed one among women.

Rejoice, exalted above the Heavenly Powers.

Rejoice, you who stand before the Throne of the Lord.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Wanting to get rid of evils and troubles, we stand with tears before Your honest icon, Lady, praying that you do not despise our petitions, but save all those who ever call Your Son: Alleluia.

Thou hast marvelously shown Thy deeds in Thy Most Pure Mother, O Lord, and Thou hast marvelously given us Her icon, so that all who look at this, with tenderness of heart, extol the One who gave birth to Thee with these praises:

Rejoice, Most Honest Cherub.

Rejoice, Most Glorious Seraphim.

Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity.

Rejoice, unceasing wonder of the angels.

Rejoice, great Holy of Holies.

Rejoice, consecrated ark of the Divine.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Our earthly journey, filled with many sorrows, delights us, Mother of God, with Your miraculous icons, of which You have shown countless numbers throughout the entire earth; For this reason, rejoicing and giving thanks to You, we cry out to God: Alleluia.

The whole Christian world glorifies Thee, Most Blessed Mother of God, and it is a comfort to all the faithful to look at Thy holy icon, on which we see Thee, Thy hand holding the Eternal Infant of God Christ, and the coming prophets David and Solomon, Isaiah and Habakkuk. In the same way, worshiping Your miraculous image, with tenderness we say to You:

Rejoice, the Sun of Truth revealed to us.

Rejoice, you who composed the words of the Lord in Your heart.

Rejoice, incomparable beauty.

Rejoice, unspeakable kindness.

Rejoice, Unburnt Kupino.

Rejoice, Fragrant Flower.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

All angelic nature in heaven reverently serves You, Heavenly Queen, but people on earth bring silent praise to You, as through Your firm intercession You intercede from troubles, and deliver from sorrows, and pray for all those who call by faith: Alleluia.

The prophets who have spoken so many times will not be able to adequately sing Your mercy, O Immaculate Virgin, which is poured out to the human race. We, who have seen countless miracles from Your icons, seeing and rejoicing in our souls and hearts, say to You:

Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God.

Rejoice, Thou Who bestowest Thy mercy through Thy miraculous icons.

Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy.

Rejoice, quencher of our sorrows.

Rejoice, for you show mercy to the fallen.

Rejoice, for you have given countless bounties to everyone.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

To save the entire human race from eternal destruction, You have given us Your Son and our God as a Helper and Intercessor at His Last Judgment, so that we may all sing to Him with gratitude: Alleluia.

Be an indestructible wall for us, our zealous Intercessor, from enemies visible and invisible, granting everyone prosperity, peace, silence and tranquility, so that we, strengthened by Your mercy, may proclaim to You:

Rejoice, you who inhabit the cities in peace and silence.

Rejoice, helper of a pious ruler.

Rejoice, vigilant Guardian of the monastic monasteries.

Rejoice, tireless Guardian of homes and families.

Rejoice, for you stand up for the persecuted and offended.

Rejoice, for you will soon free the suffering and captives.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

Do not despise our humble singing, O All-Bountiful Lady, and hear the prayer offered to You: for we alone resort to You and receive help from You through tea, crying out to God about You: Alleluia.

With the bright rays of miracles you enlighten the whole Christian world, Mother of God, and you intercede for Orthodox people. Moreover, falling before Your image, we sing with tenderness:

Rejoice, for the Council of Angels rejoices in You.

Rejoice, for in You the human race triumphs.

Rejoice, our Healer in bodily illnesses.

Rejoice, our Comforter in the sorrows of our souls.

Rejoice, O high and low peace to the All-Tsarina.

Rejoice, Lady of heaven and earth.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

The grace of God associated with Your icon, called “Cardiotissa,” draws everyone to it, those who expect mercy and healing from You and cry out gratefully to Your Son: Alleluia.

Singing Your ineffable motherly mercy to all, O All-Bounteous Mother of God, we praise You, bless You and worship You with reverence in Your most honorable icon: we believe and trust that You have asked Your Son and our God for all that is useful to us for salvation, who with love brings You such songs :

Rejoice, Mother and Most Blessed Virgin.

Rejoice, most glorified Mother of God.

Rejoice, Lady, who embodied the fleshless.

Rejoice, you who lent your flesh to Him.

Rejoice, you who suffered at the Cross of Your Son.

Rejoice, having joy unspeakable after His Resurrection.

Rejoice, O Most Gracious One, pouring spiritual joy into our hearts.

O All-Singing Mother, Lady Virgin Theotokos, Who gave birth to our Lord and God for our salvation, graciously accept this little tender prayer of ours and bring it to Your Son, that He may have mercy and save us who cry out to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, Queen of heaven and earth! Listen to the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy Most Pure Image: behold, we are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Thy image, as if You were alive with us, we offer our humble prayers, not imams For there is no other help, no other intercession and consolation, except for You, O Mother of all who grieve and are burdened. Help us the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us who have gone astray on the right path, heal our painful hearts and save the hopeless. Grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and repentance, grant us a Christian death and at the Last Judgment of Your Son the merciful Intercessor will appear to us, so that we always sing, magnify and glorify You, the Good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

One of the varieties of icons of the Mother of God of the “Tenderness” type. From Greek “Cardiotissa” is translated as “Heart”.

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Our Lady of Cardiotissa heartfelt prayer

Gallery images

Icon of the Mother of God "Cardiotissa"

In the monastery in the town of Kera on the island of Crete there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the inscription on which reads: “Lady Kardiotissa” (“Kera Kardiotissa”). Most likely, two names are combined here: the old miraculous icon, now called “Perpetual Help,” which once stayed here and is now in Rome, and “Lady Kera” - this is the name today of the monastery in which the icon is kept.

The iconography of the image of the Mother of God Kera is different from the icon of the Mother of God of Perpetual Help. The Icon of the Mother of God Kera was painted in 1795 on a sheet of copper by an unknown icon painter. The Mother of God is depicted sitting on a magnificent throne, on a red pillow, wearing a robe of dark cherry color and a chiton of dark blue and dark green colors, in front of Her She holds the Divine Child. Jesus Christ is depicted with a slight turn of his head to the left, with his right hand blessing, and in his left he holds an unfolded scroll. Next to the Mother of God the prophets are depicted: at shoulder level - David and Solomon, and at Her foot - the prophets Isaiah and Habakkuk, also with unfolded scrolls.

As eyewitnesses note, after intense prayer, tears appear on the icon.

The monastery carefully collects evidence of the veneration of this image. In 1834, one traveler wrote: “In the mountains of Lasithi, an icon is greatly revered, which they say appeared there after flying from Constantinople.” Three times the Turks tried to take this icon from the island to Constantinople, and each time the icon miraculously ended up on Crete again. When the icon approached the Kera monastery, on the way from Constantinople, legend says, it leaned against one high stone and left its image on it, which can be seen to this day.

The last time, in order to hold the icon, it was chained to a marble column, but the icon, along with the chain and the marble column, returned to Crete again. And to this day, pilgrims can bow to this column, which stands in the courtyard of the monastery, and the chain is next to the miraculous icon in the iconostasis.

The last time the icon was attempted to be stolen was in 1982 by some smugglers, who, however, amazed by its miraculous power, were unable to carry it and abandoned it. The icon was brought to the Metropolitan Church of St. Mina, from where, accompanied by numerous believers, it was taken to the monastery.

The icon of the Mother of God Kera is a source of miracles and is especially revered by residents of the regions of Heraklion and the Lasithi Plateau. In Lasithi she is also known as “Virgin of Keradiani”.

In addition to the icon, the chain, the same one with which they tried to chain the icon, also has miraculous properties. There is much evidence that if a woman who cannot get pregnant wraps herself in chains and prays earnestly, then an increase in offspring will not take long to come. This also applies to severe cases, when gynecologists no longer offer any hope.

The history of the creation of the monastery is shrouded in mystery, because the exact date of its foundation is unknown, but there are two versions. According to one version, the monastery was built during the time of the Eastern Roman Emperor Flavius ​​Arcadius. Other sources claim that the construction of the monastery began under the Byzantine emperor Heraclius I. But a legend has survived to this day that says that the wandering monk Arkadius, wandering around the surrounding area, saw something sparkling on the top of the hill. He came closer and discovered an icon, the frame of which sparkled in the olive branches. The monk took this as a sign and decided to build a monastery on this site. This is even evidenced by the oldest inscription in the monastery, dating back to the 14th century.

For more than two hundred years, Crete was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in 1866 the Christians of Crete rebelled against Turkish rule. Residents of local villages were forced to flee outside the walls of the Arkadi monastery.

Now monks continue to live here. They maintain a monastery and a church with ancient icons. There is also a museum with unique relics at the monastery.

Monastery of Saint George Selinaris

The monastery of St. George Selinaris is a modern building that is not even hundreds of years old. There is a legend about its origin. Allegedly, one local resident had a dream in which the Saint ordered the construction of a temple. The man woke up, got down to business and by morning had already completed the job. When neighbors asked how he built the building so quickly, he answered that the Saint himself helped him.

There is also a second version of the origin of the monastery, which is more official. The first monastery was built in 1538. The temple did not last long. It was destroyed by the Turks. Then three brothers came to these lands, one of whom - Nikolaos - saw the light from the cave. He went there and discovered the icon of St. George. The brother settled in a cave, leading a hermit life. After his death, the relics of Nikolaos were transported to the island of Rhodes. Opposite the rock in which he lived, the monastery of St. George was built.

Toplou Monastery

The Monastery of Toplou or Our Lady of Akrotiri is one of the most significant and beautiful monasteries on the island of Crete. The monastery is already impressive from a distance, looking like a small fortress, surrounded by a 10-meter wall and with an impressive 33-meter bell tower, it seems impregnable, warlike and lonely. It is located in an almost deserted area and is adjacent only to the giant turbines of a wind farm. All this is because the rest of the temples located in these places were destroyed as a result of pirate raids, and Toplu itself was seriously damaged. After lengthy restorations, it finally became accessible to the public.

Now the interior decoration consists of skillful icons painted by monks, engravings, gilded and silver-plated crosses, the Gospel and many other things necessary during services and prayers.

In addition to services, monks also engage in more worldly affairs. At the monastery there is a small area with vineyards and olive trees, here the clergy work hard to collect a good harvest, and then process it, making olive oil and very tasty wine, which is sold, and the proceeds are used to improve the monastery.

Monastery of Saint Kalyviani

Monastery of St. Kalyvyani, also called the Monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Kalyvyani. The monastery is famous for its rich history. The monastery houses the relics of the holy martyrs, which are exhibited for veneration from time to time.

The Kalyvyani monastery was officially recognized only in 1968. To this day, the influence of the monastery has increased significantly. The structure of the modern monastery was once built for the Turkish citizen Hussein Vrazerzade, and there was also an ancient church that was demolished long ago. Under the ruins of this small old church in 1873 they found the icon of the Annunciation.

On the vast territory of the monastery there is a nursing home and an orphanage. There are also various foundations and philanthropic institutions located here.

Faneromeni Monastery

The monastery of Faneromeni is located west of the town of Agios Nikolaos, and offers magical views of the areas of St. John, Gira and Kastro. The unique monastery still operates today and is one of the most important monuments in the region.

They say that in the place where the monastery is located, there used to be a Marble Sanctuary of the Goddess Artemis. The disciples of the Apostle Paul preached Christianity and created the first “house of prayer,” and one of them, Sosion, was ordained the first bishop of Lefkada and founded this monastery.

The monastery acquired its current appearance during the era of Venetian rule, in 1734, and in the 19th century it was restored after two fires, and is distinguished by the clearly expressed influence of Zakynthian architecture.

The monastery was recently reconstructed on the initiative of the Abbot. A library and a chapel dedicated to Saint Silouanos of Athos were attached to it, and a new wing with cells was also added. In the monastery, in a new modern building, a church museum was located, where you could see objects of church art and traditional crafts.

Vessels, robes, as well as icons were located on three floors, revealing to visitors a detailed picture of the development of the culture of Lefkada.

There has always been an exhibition of Christian books in the monastery, and there is a small dormitory for pilgrims. The Monastery of Our Lady of the New Revelation attracts many pilgrims, she is also the patron and protector, and thanks are offered in her honor on Monday, the Feast of the Holy Spirit.

Monastery of St. Irene

The Monastery of St. Irene is a small nunnery located on the island of Crete, south of the city of Heraklion. The monastery is recognized as an important historical monument and is protected by the state.

The exact date of foundation of the monastery of St. Irene is unknown, but historians believe that it was founded during the time of Venetian rule, in the sixteenth century. Previously, the monastery was considered one of the richest in all of Crete, but in 1822 it was destroyed by the Turks during the occupation of the island. Only in 1944 the monastery was restored to its former splendor.

The Monastery of St. Irene is located in a very picturesque place - on the slope of a mountain range, at an altitude of 630 meters. The monastery offers a magnificent panorama of the island, which invariably delights all visitors. And the monastery itself is very beautiful - ancient buildings and basilicas immersed in greenery delight with their elegant southern architecture. You can purchase handmade religious souvenirs and embroidery from local nuns.

In general, the monastery of St. Irene is a small but very memorable landmark of the island of Crete. This is an unusually pleasant and calm place, popular among tourists.

Monastery of Saint Pagliani

The monastery of St. Pagliani is the oldest in Crete, it is located 20 kilometers from Venerato. Previously, the monastery owned a lot of land; today it occupies a small, modest territory.

The monastery was founded in 688. It originally belonged to the Byzantine Empire, so it was very richly decorated. In 1304, the Bishop of Constantinople took the monastery under his control, since the wealth of the monastery did not leave him indifferent. After the capture of Crete in 1204-1211, Venice again began to lay claim to this monastery. Since 1669, after the capture of Crete by the Turks, the monastery was robbed and destroyed many times.

At the end of the 19th century, its inhabitants returned to the monastery of St. Pagliani; today about 50 nuns live here. Although the original rich decoration of the monastery has not been restored, this monastery is very popular and famous for its unusual icon, hidden behind a luxurious crown of a myrtle tree.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

Agia Triada is an Orthodox monastery located in the city of Chania on the Greek island of Crete. It was erected in the 17th century by two Zangaroli brothers on the site of a previously existing church. The complex was built in the Byzantine architectural style with three cruciform domes. The main temple of the monastery is dedicated to the Holy Trinity and is topped by large Doric columns located on either side of the main entrance.

The facade of the church has double colonnades of Ionic and Corinthian style, on which an inscription in Greek was carved in 1631. In the 19th century the monastery acted as an important theological school, and in 1892 it was severely damaged during conflicts with the Turks. Ten years later it was restored and a theological seminary was created here.

The monastery houses a library, which contains some rare books, and a museum, which displays ancient icons and a collection of sacred manuscripts. Outstanding examples include an icon of St. John the Evangelist dating from 1500, as well as icons depicting the Last Judgment, the Hospitality of Abraham and the Descent into Hell. Hundreds of tourists and pilgrims visit this place every year.

Monastery of St. Anthony Vrondisi

The Monastery of St. Anthony has existed since the Second Byzantine period. Many artists of the Cretan Renaissance lived and worked in it. Including one of the most famous icon painters, Michael of Damascus, whose icons have now been taken from the monastery and are kept in the church-museum of St. Catherine in Heraklion. The decline of the monastery's glory is associated with the arrival of the Turks in this area who besieged Heraklion in the mid-17th century.

In the church of the monastery, among other interesting and significant icons, is kept the icon of St. Simeon, the patron saint of infants.

Only 1 monk lives in the monastery. The monastery is located at the foot of the Ida Mountains, near the village of Zaros.

Monastery of Katoliko

The monastery itself was founded approximately in the 5th-6th centuries, but only in the 13th century it became a place of formal worship. The Catholic Monastery is located in a ravine not far from the Guverneto Monastery; to get here you need to go down a rocky path through the gorge. But this path is worth it!

An elegant 50m long bridge leads to the monastery, which at one time served as a church yard. The church itself is carved into the rock, and only on the western side are its walls erected. On the other side, along the cliff there is a viaduct with arches. It can be reached through the preserved gate with a bell tower. The hermitages of the monks have also been preserved; the entrances of two of them are so narrow that you can only get inside by crawling.

Not far from the monastery there is a cave in which St. John lived and died. His stone bed has been preserved inside. To the left of the entrance to the cave there is a pool, the water of which is considered sacred. It is often said that some people feel pure energy near the bed. To get here you need to have flashlights (the cave is not lit, and its length is about 150 meters) and comfortable shoes. Here inside you can see the rich stone decoration and the tomb of John the Hermit itself.

The monks left this monastery due to frequent pirate raids in the 16th century and moved to the newly built monastery of Guverneto. Now no one lives in the monastery; it is supported by local residents and monks from a nearby monastery.

Monastery of John the Baptist

The Monastery of St. John the Baptist is located on the slope of a mountain overlooking the village of Bali. During antiquity, the Atali settlement was located in this area, which was repeatedly mentioned in the Venetian chronicles. The monastery, built in 1635, is attractive not only for its beautiful architecture, but also for its magnificent views and landscape.

At the heart of the main monastery church is a small Byzantine church, which was rebuilt in the 17th century, and around which a monastery was formed. The atmosphere reigning in this monastery invites you to linger for a while - there is a calm and peaceful energy here.

Behind the church there is a spacious terrace, which offers magnificent views of the village of Bali and the sea. Behind the monastery walls there is a water-bearing spring gushing out of the ground. The monastery complex also includes a small Church of the Virgin Mary, located a few kilometers from Bali and famous for its miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary of Harakyani. The icon is opened for believers only on the days of celebration of the main holiday of the monastery - the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

Arkadi Monastery

The Arkadi Monastery is a symbol of Greece's struggle for independence. It is located on the slopes of Mount Ida, 7 kilometers from the coast of the Cretan Sea. Its area is 5200 square kilometers.

Unfortunately, there is no exact information about the founding date of the monastery, but it is known that the construction of its cathedral was completed in 1587. Already at that time the monastery played an important role in the cultural life of the island. Many monastic scribes lived here and there was a large library and even a monastery school.

Currently, there is a museum where you can see impressive relics of the tragic events of the war with the Turks and unique icons, including the surviving section of the iconostasis that was burned in 1866.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

The convent of Kera Kardiotissa is a monastery of the Mother of God of the Heart, famous for its miraculous icon. The structure is located at an altitude of 622 meters, in a beautiful and picturesque place, surrounded by rocky mountains.

By the time we reached the plateau Lassithi in Crete, we had many interesting stops. The first of these was the pottery workshop that I wrote about yesterday. If you missed it, please read the post. Afterwards we headed higher and higher into the mountains to the cave of Zeus. About halfway along the way, we stopped at the ancient temple, now the monastery of Our Lady of Kera Kardiotis. This place is very revered among believers all over the world.

This is how the monastery is described on the website

Near the village of Kera on the road to the Lasithi plateau there is the convent of the Mother of God of the Heart. There are mountains around, height 622 meters above sea level.

The monastery was founded in the 2nd Byzantine period, the wall frescoes date back to the 14th century. The name and foundation of the monastery itself is associated with the miraculous icon of Kera Cardiotissa, dating back to around the 11th century. Twice they tried to take the icon to Constantinople, they chained it to a marble column, but the icon miraculously returned back to the monastery. In 1498, the icon was stolen by a wine merchant and taken to Italy. At first it was in the Roman Cathedral of St. Matthew, and in 1866 it was moved to the Cathedral of St. Alphonsus, also in Rome. The icon that is in the monastery today is a copy painted in 1735, but is also considered miraculous. Already in the 20th century, it was also stolen, but the thieves were caught and the icon was returned to the monastery.
During the Turkish yoke, the monastery was a stronghold of the rebels. During World War II, German troops set up a prison on the territory of the monastery.

In addition to the icon, the chain with which they tried to chain the icon also has miraculous properties.

Of course, since this is a religious object, it is not advisable to take photographs there, and in places where religious services are held it is strictly prohibited, so there will not be a large and interesting photo report. There are only a couple of photos that I am happy to show you:

2. Candles can be taken for free and as much as you need. Near the shelves of candles there is a box where you can put a donation. Some people put it in, some don't.

3. Relics of the monastery are kept in different rooms.

4. Apparently some very serious man

5. Katyukha lit candles so that everyone would be fine

6. There are also giant candles. Simply huge.

8. Them trunova_kate I also installed it in a special place. The goal is the same - so that there is no war)

16. I couldn’t resist taking a photo
