Minecraft seeds for a big village. Village seeds for minecraft pe

To start a good adventure, you have come to the right page. You will not find such diversity, splendor and madness anywhere else. The list includes seeds for villages with buildings, huge fortresses, majestic biomes and much more. If you try all of the seeds listed below, you can safely tell all your friends that - I've seen everything in Minecraft.

Attention: type the seed in the exact order of the letters that is written. If there is a capital letter (big) at the beginning of the seed, then capitalize it. If not, then no.


There are a lot of spawns for villages in the world of Mine. This is fine. But when the spawn of the village is located near the mountain, then this will turn out to be something. It looks like an ordinary village, but if you look closely, you will see a house of insane height, a huge fortress with a door five heads taller than it is. And how do you like vegetable gardens in the rock? How do you like shorty on a very difficult slope? This is actually a little madness in the open spaces of Minecraft. And it's very nice that this particular seed starts our list of the best.


Villages, as a rule, should be small, with small houses and meet once in a thousand squares in the world of Minecraft. But this village doesn't think so. On this seed, three villages spawned at once and thus formed a huge "metropolis". It is difficult to find such a residential "neighborhood", especially if it was built by the game itself, and not by its players. By entering this seed into the game, you will appear near this village. Go straight ahead and see her.
Also, we bring to your attention other seeds:
- Seed for 5 villages 1235045255
- 450864243
- 1388582293
- village pls
- 455 and further 9047


At first glance, this is an ordinary forest biome. But this is the first. If you climb up and look closely, you can see trees and pieces of land floating in the sky. It looks strange and very tempting for the builders of something extreme, for example - a flying base. Go ahead, try it.

mesa plz

Great seed for survival. You appear on the island, around the water, sand and one tree. But do not despair, under the island there are quite large mines with many useful resources. Try the ultra survival mode and bet on the highest difficulty.
Also survival seeds:
Its a tree- similar


Let's give this seed the title of the best seed of the month. Mesa Bryce biome in all its glory. As soon as you spawn at the spawn of this biome, turn around and see the baked clay - you're there. After walking some distance, you will see the huge size and height of the peaks of the mountains from different types clay. It is so beautiful that it is beyond words. This must be seen for yourself. Perhaps this is the best kind of biome in the world of Minecraft.
Also, other seeds with mesas (Mesa Bryce):

lagoon- you appear in the jungle biome, turn around and see the Mesa plateau, and then the mesa biome.
237568 - a double village in the mesas biome and a Fortress below it.
29616 - A village near the Mesa biome. There is an abandoned mine in the mountains.

kick me from the hill

A swamp biome that borders extremely well on a high mountain biome. Pretty nice seed, it's nice to look at these menacing rocks. But if that's not enough for you, next to the spawn there is a small village, and in the forge chest there are: 2 emeralds, 2 gold ingots, an iron helmet and two apples. I hope you will enjoy.


You can spend a lot of time looking for a village, or you can just download this seed and save time. This is one of the largest "metropolis" of villages in minecraft.

The second seed for a huge village, which is located in the mountain biome, is even larger - 1235045255 .

legend of luuc

You spawn in the desert and the Mesa biome is nearby, but that's not all. In the depths of the desert there is a sand village. There is a forge with a chest and a very beautiful houses from sand. But that is not all. If you dig under the well, you can find a Fortress (citadel) with a lot of chests and two huge libraries. The Fortress even has a portal to the Ender world, but we know that it does not work yet.


After spawning, you will see a small village. Go to her. As soon as you get close to it, you will see a magnificent landscape of a very rare biome Ice Plains Spikes. High peaks of ice, snow all around and a huge tundra. What could be more beautiful.
You can also look at another seed:
- Kaboom

candy Crush Saga

Well, first of all, the name is already bizarre. Secondly, I have never seen such holes in the rocks. Thirdly, these rocks also have huge waterfalls. As a result, this is a very interesting mountain biome. When loading on this seed, stand still for a couple of seconds until the world loads, then just turn your head back and say WOW!


Explore a beautiful snowy biome complete with Glacier Tundra and a village. An ideal place to stop before a long journey into the snowy plains. Very nice seat. You should definitely study it. .


One of the most charming biomes in the game. Yes, it's a mushroom biome. Despite the realism of all the biomes in the game, this kind of biome is fabulous. Mushrooms are not that big, always correct form. Mushroom cows live on the plains of this mushroom mass. Creatures are essentially useless, but very cool. To get to the mushroom biome of this seed, you need to go a little further than the village.
Another seed on - 320439


Swim a little further from the spawn and you will see an incomparable view of the high cliffs that stick out of the ocean. It is so breathtaking that the very view of these mountains is worth hundreds of diamonds.


Quite a lot of joy of discovery brings us the discovery of ordinary things in Minecraft. unusual places. Therefore, we present you a unique village, which is located on the ocean. Such a port-city, which allegedly meets passing ships. Very interesting place.


In this seed, you spawn on the edge of Metataiga, which is filled with tall trees, mushrooms and mossy cobblestone structures, and of course wolves. If you want to dedicate your Minecraft game as a carpenter, this is the best seed for you. There are thousands of blocks of wood.

All village seeds for Minecraft PE contain a village right at the spawn. In the portable version, villages are all generated settlements that consist of several houses and / or buildings. Several villages can be connected or overlap each other. Sometimes village or city seeds are the most requested of all the seeds we receive. In general, villages in MCPE are very similar. At the same time, the buildings, houses and structures located in them may differ. For example, villages may not have churches, slaughterhouses, libraries, or forges. The size of houses and farms may also differ. By the way, if there are lampposts in the village, they are located throughout the village.

Massive fortress near the Kuznetsk village

This is a massive fortress. We found this blacksmith village just a few blocks away from spawn. We entered it and the first thing we did was empty the blacksmith's chest. It was worth it. It contained several pieces of iron armor, tools, and a saddle. Then we left the village and went to the fortress to inspect the fortress. As you might guess, it was very fruitful!

We wandered around the fortress for about half an hour, leaving torches on the ground to mark each corridor, pantry or room we passed, so as not to go there again. After we explored about 100 rooms on three (there are four in total) different floors, there are still areas that we have not been to yet. We are returning as we have not found the room containing the portal to the End. We're sure it's still here, so we're going to be back!

LED: bluebone

The villager's house will burn

But this is already more interesting. Install the TREESONG seed and run MinecraftPE. From the very beginning, you will be taken to a village located in the savannah biome. You will notice that lava is flowing from the mountain next to the village. Following the path of her fall, you will immediately understand what is about to happen: the house of the villager will burn to the ground.

This seed makes you answer an interesting, even philosophical, question: will you save the house of a poor villager or will you watch it burn? You need to decide. In addition to finding out who you are going to become - a zealous savior or a simple observer, this seed can offer you other entertainment.

The surrounding biome looks cool, and the village is located in a convenient place to get resources. It is obvious that here it will be possible to turn a lot of transactions. Finally, there is a forge here, the loot from which is worth it to be "borrowed".

But, returning to the original question: are you going to save the home of a villager or not?!


Village surrounded by savanna with a forge for Minecraft PE

Use a randomly generated "runtime" seed (or seed code 1550962648) when starting the game. You will spawn in front of a village with a forge located on a river and surrounded by a savannah biome. In addition to the savanna, the biome includes plains, and on the other side of the river there is a small birch forest.

In the forge itself, there are several iron ingots, a saddle and an iron pickaxe. By the way, there are a lot of resources here. There is obviously a lot of wood here, and after spending only a couple of minutes searching, we found both a coal mine and an iron mine.

We thoroughly combed the area under the village and found some moss-covered paving stones. She led us into several corridors similar to those in fortresses, but we never found the fortress itself. If you find anything else - let us know!

Seed: runtime

Village with iron armor and horse armor

Everyone seems to like village seeds, so we hope you enjoy this one as well. This village is very easy to find in MCPE. Immediately after loading, you will find yourself on the edge of the Kuznetsk village. In the blacksmith's chest we found two iron ingots, an iron helmet, an iron sword and horse armor. It also contained some food. The village itself is located on the river, and around it are swamp and taiga biomes.


A village built by very lazy builders

This seed shows us a village whose inhabitants are extremely lazy, at least when it comes to construction. Or, when the buildings were already half ready, the builders decided that it would do. In any case, the village looks awfully strange!

Enter the seed "zerofifteen" or its code 869190069. You will not be able to miss the village. It is located on the other side of the river, which flows in the middle of the plains biome. The biome itself changes quite abruptly from flat to hilly. Pretty weird find, to be honest.

LED: zerofifteen

Epic spawn: seed contains desert village, temple and fortress

This is definitely an epic seed for Minecraft. When the area finishes loading, you will be a few dozen blocks away from the village in the desert. She is not ordinary, because a desert temple has flopped on top of her. In addition, there is a fortress under the village itself!

We walked around the fortress for a bit (we even found a library with one book) and then headed to the temple to check the loot from the chests. We found gold, emeralds, gunpowder and a lot of other useful things. Behind Lately, this is perhaps the best village seed that we have come across. Enjoy!

LED: owxapple

Seed for Minecraft PE: abandoned village

This seat has abandoned village, which you can see right from the spawn location. That is, as soon as everything is loaded, it will literally grow in front of you. When you move towards it, pay attention to the entrance to the cave, which will be along the way, to your right. As soon as you enter it, you will find coal and iron right on the ceiling and walls.

The village itself is quite large. We went to every house to make sure that she really was abandoned. In general, the village has been infected with the zombie virus, but the infected, as well as the non-infected villagers, are still present. They seem to just spawn over time. By the way, they can also suddenly turn into zombies. So good luck and enjoy the seed!

Sid: worry

Seed: three villages on spawn + portal to the End

This is one of the best seeds I have ever found. In it, right at the spawn point, there are three villages. When everything is loaded, you will see the first village. All three villages are located in a chain, they are separated by a distance of only ten blocks. There are two ways to get to the end portal. However, the path through the fortress located under the village is the shortest if you go from the spawn.

The most direct way to get into the fortress is the well shaft in the first village. Now you will need to find a room with a portal. The easiest way to the end portal itself (if you don't feel like wandering around the fortress) is to go into the cave (the entrance is located at ground level) and then go straight along the moss-covered paving stones. If you break the block, just jump down and you will immediately enter the room with the portal. Just don't jump into the lava! Send us screenshots if you find another way than the one we suggested.

This article shows the TOP 5 most interesting seeds for survival in. We will tell and show you about them. Not only interesting, but also excellent generation keys for survival. Some generations have rich resources, while others have amazing reliefs.

Let's get down to business and look at all five generation keys. Let's start our list from the most interesting generation key.

Ocean monument and underwater fortress

How can I find the monument and this fortress? Once you create a world with this key, you will spawn in a tree in the forest biome. And there should be a desert biome near you. Finally, to get to the legendary buildings, you must enable cheats in settings menu. Next, write the command in the chat: /tp 1258 75 -1827, then you will find yourself on the very location of these structures. But or, of course, you can just move to the given coordinates.

generation key: 702642131

We think that this generation key will be especially useful for you. After all, you can save time and immediately find the same mansion in the forest. You will partially spawn near this structure, but you will need to walk about 100 more blocks to reach your destination. Most likely, you should not have any problems, because it is easy enough to find. And so, in order to get to this building, you need to turn right after appearing and go through the dense forest. So you will find yourself at the forest mansion.

generation key: -518068014

Village at the ravine

This time you are lucky, because you will appear near this gorge with a village. The ravine enveloped the village in a semicircle. Perhaps this is the result of a terrible catastrophe. And if the ravine were generated closer to us, would it be more interesting?

generation key: -1000

Two villages and an underground fortress

Just an amazing appearance awaits you in this generation key, because you will appear in the middle of two villages, so to speak, in the center of events. This generation key is just perfect for your survival, because the first and second villages have a blacksmith, which means you will not be left without bonus items.
If you are already ready for the journey to the underground fortress, then you need to go to the deserted village. And then find the well of this village. After you have found the well, then go down the water and break the bottom of the well. So you get to the underground fortress.

How to make the game easier for yourself without using cheats and something like that? Especially for such cases in the game, there is such a feature as seeds. Today you will learn the 5 best village seeds in Minecraft PE, which will improve your chance of survival in this harsh world pretty well.

We have prepared for you the best village generation keys for playing Minecraft PE.

Seed on a village with a swamp

For those people who like to dig in the mines and at the same time be at arm's length from the village, this generation key is just perfect.

You will spawn at a short distance from the gorge, where, by the way, you can “get rich” well. The first thing you need to do is turn left and walk a little. After that, you can turn a little more and, after running a short distance, find the swamp biome, where the settlement is located.

There will be no forge in it, but I don't think that this will be a big problem for players, both experienced and newcomers.

Generation Key: -161898697

Seed for 2 villages

The first thing that immediately catches your eye is that this generation key will be able to give you the opportunity to visit two settlements at once: an ordinary one and a desert one. And you don't even have to go far, as you will spawn right in the middle between them. Now the choice is up to you.

Each has one forge and each of them has rich loot.

  • 3 loaves
  • 4 apples
  • 4 oak seedlings
  • 4 blocks of obsidian
  • 1 iron boots
  • 1 iron ingot


  • 12 blocks of obsidian
  • 3 loaves
  • 2 apples
  • iron ingot, helmet and boots

Also, if you want, you can even get into the dungeon, for this you just need to jump into the well, which is located in a deserted village, and break your way. Be careful and don't forget to take some torches with you.

Generation Key: 200889213

Seed on a big village

If you needed a lot of settlements at once, then you can try using this seed, as it will be able to throw you on the outskirts of a large village, so to speak. And that's putting it mildly. Imagine a village, now imagine five such villages. This is exactly where you will get to.

Another amazing thing is that some houses spawned even on a hill.
Forges are present in only three of the five, but even they have good loot.

  • 2 emeralds
  • 3 iron ingots
  • iron leggings, boots, helmet, pickaxe
  • 3 loaves
  • 1 apple
    That's good, right?

Generation Key: 1235045255

Village search seed

It will differ from the previous one only in that it will also have to be found, however, if you can find it, then the reward will be more than generous.

  • 2 iron swords
  • 2 pairs of iron boots
  • 2 iron ingots
  • 1 iron leggings
  • 5 apples
  • 8 birch seedlings
  • 1 bread

As I said, this village will need to be searched before looting and settling down.
The first thing you need to do after spawning is to find the river, which, by the way, will be on your left side. After that, you have a rather long way up the river, and then even further.

A distinctive feature of this settlement can be called the fact that there are as many as three biomes around it: plain, desert and savannah.

Generation Key: -326097049

The best village seed in Minecraft

This is probably one of the best and most interesting seeds for, because few worlds can boast that there are many villages, dungeons, crevices, etc. at a relatively short distance from each other.
The first thing you should pay attention to is a deserted village crossed with a deserted temple.

Also do not forget about the dungeon under the well. After that, you can go to the savannah, where there are two more settlements, four gorges and even a dungeon, which, by an incomprehensible coincidence, turned out to be right on a sheer wall.

Another way for you can be to hike right after you spawn. Here you can find quite high mountain in savannah and forest. And of course, the village, near which, at some distance, there is another dungeon.

After you get lost here, you can safely go in the opposite direction and after a while you will be able to find two villages, which, oddly enough, are located in two different biomes, and if you go a little further, you will stumble upon another one.

You can also find another settlement if you turn left immediately after you come to the previous one. You have a rather long way to go, however, as soon as you see a high sandy mountain, you will already be at the goal, since you just have to go around this very mountain and find that in addition to the dwelling place of the inhabitants, there is also a temple
