Tasks for the quest using propp cards. Propp's cards - a speech therapist's assistant in teaching preschoolers to retell and compose fairy tales


152150 Yaroslavl region, Rostov, Microdistrict No. 1, 10.


in the IX Interregional Stage of the XVI International Fair

Socio-pedagogical innovations

Topic of the master class:

"Propp cards as an innovative technique for teaching creative storytelling to preschool children"


Master class progress:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today for you a master class will be conducted by teachers of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 7": Abramova L.I. and Morozova N.N.

So, our professional activity is connected with children. And what is he "modern child?"

Today, there is no doubt that the modern child is not the same as his peers were a few decades ago.

Modern children are more active, mobile, informed in many ways, each child is individual and unique.

This is not only because the nature of the child himself or the laws of his development have changed. Life has fundamentally changed, the objective and social world, the expectations of adults and children, educational models in the family.

And in order to meet modern requirements, to understand children, to be a participant in the process of shaping the personality of the child, the educatoryou need to be a seeker, a wanderer, always on the way and discover something NEW for yourself and your students!

To do this, kindergarten teachers need to master modern educational technologies (techniques),with which you can implement the requirements of the new federal state educational standards.

One of the leading tasks that our preschool educational institution solves is the development of children's speech.

The richer and more correct the child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality.

Based on this, we have considered a lot of technologies (techniques) aimed at the speech development of preschoolers.

We will introduce you to one of them today."Propp cards as an innovative technique for teaching creative storytelling to preschool children".

So, what are Propp maps and how to work with them?

We all know that for the development of coherent speech, the most fertile ground, which has great developmental and educational opportunities, is a fairy tale.

And the famous folklorist Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp studied fairy tales. The author notes that all plots of fairy tales are based on the same actions of their characters, which he calls "functions".

Propp divided the tale into a set of 31 cards.Later they were reduced to 28.

One card is a certain event of a fairy tale.

Their different connection and different sequence of arrangement makes it possible to invent an infinite number of fairy tales.

Propp's cards stimulate the development of mental processes, allow children to retain a large amount of information in memory, and activate coherent speech.

In order to make it easier for children to master Propp's maps, we divided the work into several stages:

At the first stage (middle preschool age) we introduced children to the composition of the fairy tale genre (beginning, main part, ending);

At the second stage (middle preschool age) played preparatory games:

"Favorite fairy tale character"

"Miracles in a sieve"

"Who is the meanest in the world?"

"Image-drawing" (transcoding into images into drawings)

At the third stage(senior group) got acquainted with the notation of Propp's maps. First they read a short fairy tale, then they accompanied it by laying out 4-6 cards.

At the fourth stage(older group) we offered the children to retell the tale, based on Propp's cards.

At the fifth stage (preparatory group) children tried to compose their own fairy tale stories, based on schematic images

Within the framework of this pedagogical project "Propp's cards as an innovative technique for teaching creative storytelling to preschool children" we have developed unique look game aid "Help the city".

aim which is the development of coherent monologue speech of preschoolers through mastering the content of a fairy tale and its retelling, as well as compiling their own texts of fairy tale content using Propp's cards.

This guide iskind of visual modelingbuilding a fairy tale plot with the help of a game with building materials loved by children.

With the use of such construction techniques, work on mastering the content of a fairy tale and retelling becomes more effective.

All of you are probably wondering: “Why does this manual have such an interesting name?”

I suggest you look into everything.

Now we will demonstrate how to work with this manual, but first I want to draw your attention to the layout of an amazingly fabulous city that the children built gradually in the process of getting to know the folklorist Vladimir Yakovlevich Proppa and the maps he invented.

Now this city has its own destiny, its own face and its own character of the very group of children with whom this manual was tested.

They named the city "Help the City".

You ask: "Why did they call it that?"

Yes, everything is very simple.

In the center of this city, the children and I first built the most important House - "Propp's House".(showing).

It was settled gradually as they got to know each other - Propp's cards. There were many 28 of them. Each of them has its own number and its own designation. The children called these cards - helpers, because with their help every next house of the new building grew. From this came the name of the city and didactic manual.

Then the children built other houses and populated them with other fairy tales.

Today we offer you to build a new house and populate it with a fairy tale familiar to you, thereby understanding the principle of working with the allowance.

But first, we want to introduce you to the Propp cards and their functions.

Map - Lived - were

(We create a fabulous space. Each fairy tale begins with the introductory words "a long time ago", "once upon a time", "in the kingdom of the thirtieth").

Map - Prohibition

Prohibition (“do not open the window”, “do not leave the yard”, “do not drink water”)

Violation of the ban

(characters of fairy tales look out the window, and leave the yard, and drink water from a puddle; at the same time, a new face appears in the fairy tale - an antagonist, a pest)

The enemy starts to act.

The enemy begins to act (the snake kidnaps the princess, the sorceress poisons with an apple).

A happy ending(a feast for the whole world, a wedding, half a kingdom to boot).

Natalia Nikolaevna:

Now I am reciting a fairy tale familiar to you. Your job is to listen carefully.

(Is reading)

Which of you guessed what kind of fairy tale this is? (Cat, rooster and fox)

We will place the name of the fairy tale on the roof of the house.

Now, with the help of Propp's cards, you need to retell the plot of this fairy tale.

You probably noticed that each "brick" has two pockets.

We all know that almost every child has a leading perception system: auditory, visual, kinesthetic (motor).

Children with a leading kinesthetic system do not remember visual and auditory information well. Therefore, working with this manual, for such children and children with special educational needs, we have provided a second pocket into which they insert their drawing along with the card.

Thus, the work passes through all analyzers.


Thanks to the ongoing work, we see positive results in the development of coherent monologue speech of preschoolers.

During the implementation of this project, with the help of non-traditional material, the children began to easily memorize and retell fairy-tale texts, with pleasure they invented and created new products of their activities.

Today we have worked very fruitfully. You are great fellows. And I would like to summarize our meeting with the following lines:

There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them!

Write us stories

The cards helped

We developed speech

Forced to think.

Interesting technique

Presented by us

This was confirmed

You are on your own today!

Thank you for your attention!

Trifanova Natalya Viktorovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 35"
Locality: city ​​of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region
Material name: methodical development
Subject:"Introducing children to Propp's cards"
Publication date: 20.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education


A fairy tale is a means of introducing a child to the world of human destinies, to the world of history, it is

"golden key" to change the world, to its creativity, to creative transformation.

K.I. Chukovsky believed that the purpose of a fairy tale “is to educate in a child

humanity - this marvelous ability to be excited by other people's misfortunes, to rejoice in the joys of

another, to experience someone else's fate as their own. After all, a fairy tale improves, enriches and

humanizes the child's psyche, because a child listening to a fairy tale feels like it is active

participant and always identifies himself with the character who fights for justice, good

and freedom.

But at the same time, the child is an active being by nature, he loves not only to listen to fairy tales, but also

act, create, relying on them.

Propp cards allow you to stimulate and develop coherent speech, enrich the speech of children,

allow you to study a huge number of fairy tales, which contributes to successful learning at school.

Propp's cards or fabulous situations, as the famous folklorist V.Ya.Propp called them,

having carefully studied and analyzed the tales of the peoples of the world, he singled out 31 permanent functions.

In his work "Grammar of Fantasy" D. Rodari reduced their number to 20.

Their sequence may vary and not in every fairy tale they may be contained in

in full. D. Rodari noted that the advantage of the cards is obvious, because each card is a whole

section of the fairy-tale world; each card resonates in the inner world of the child. Propp cards,

How constructor, from the details of which you can add a fairy tale. Fairy Situations or Functions 20:

Violation of the ban


Hero's Departure

Meeting with the donor

Magic gifts or magic remedy

Hero Appears

Pest or antihero


arrival home

False hero

Difficult trials

Trouble liquidation

Hero Recognition

Unmasking a false hero

False Hero's Punishment

Wedding or happy ending.

Consider Propp's cards using the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" as an example. (Prohibition, violation of the ban,

sabotage, departure of the hero, task, magical gifts, supernatural properties of the anti-hero,

struggle, victory, homecoming, false hero's punishment, happy ending.)

Proppa built her work with maps in the following way.

On first stage I introduce children to the genre of a literary work - a fairy tale; reveal it

difference from other genres and isolate the structure of a fairy tale - its composition.

Saying. The beginning (an invitation to a fairy tale) sets the listeners in a special way,

takes you to a fantasy world. Its purpose is to prepare the audience for listening to a fairy tale,

interest. (Beyond distant fields, beyond deep seas; In a certain kingdom, in

heavenly state lived-were ...)

The narrative is full of events and the so-called fairy tale formulas:

speech cliches, rhythmic proverbs that characterize different actions and

character descriptions (He became such a fine fellow - neither think, nor guess, nor pen

describe; Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, and front to me, etc.).

The ending, like a saying, limits the fairy tale from real life and returns to

reality. (They arranged a feast for the whole world, I was there drinking honey-beer,

flowed, but did not get into the mouth; Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me ...).

On second stage, “preparatory games” are held.

"Miracles in a sieve" - ​​identification of various miracles: how and with what help is carried out

transformation, magic.

"Magic words" or fabulous sentences that carry the main semantic load.

"What is useful on the road" - the main magical means of a fairy tale (tablecloth-self-assembly,

The Scarlet Flower)

"Know the hero" - identifying positive and negative character traits of heroes.

“What is in common” - a comparative analysis of fairy tales in terms of similarities and differences between

"The fourth extra" is the definition of an extra item.

"Solving Fairytale Problems"

"Lost and Found" - found a golden incubator for golden eggs; lost three-collar

chain mail, etc.

"Fairytale Dictionary" - come up with a new unprecedented word and, if possible, explain

or draw it: walking boots, flying carpet, invisibility hat.

On third stage - direct acquaintance with the functions of a fairy tale. Reading

a fairy tale and “lay out” it according to its functions or accompany it with Propp’s maps (schematic

images).As you gain experience, you can offer tasks or games:

Set up cards as the story progresses

Find "familiar" cards in the fairy tale you just read

Find an error in the arrangement of cards according to the plot of a fairy tale

Determine the absence of a familiar card

Separate extra card

On fourth stage, it is proposed to retell the tale, based on Propp's cards. For this you need

highlight the key moments of the tale, schemes are built according to the plot of the tale and try to tell

according to Propp's maps.

On fifth the stage is the composition of their own fairy tales - a set of 5-6 cards is offered,

it is agreed in advance who will be the main character, who or what will interfere with the hero, what

the hero will have magical means, what will be the beginning and ending, what fabulous words will be in

fairy tale, etc. You can also use games such as: "Salad from fairy tales", "Reference words,"

"Addition", "Fabulous triangle (divided into three groups, where each has its own task),"

Fairy tale confusion. Then new characteristics of antiheroes are introduced and considered with

the other side (Baba Yaga as a donor), etc. In the end, children come to compose their own

unique fairy tale.

Thus, you can come to the fact that the child will fall in love with the language, understand the deep meaning

sounds, words and phrases, learn to play with words, begin to compose.

Propp Map

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce children to Propp's cards; teaching children how to use maps for

writing new stories.

The purpose of the lesson: Introducing children to Propp's cards, teaching children to use cards for

writing new stories.

Lesson objectives:

Learn to form nouns in the genitive and instrumental cases


Develop imagination, figurative thinking, coherent speech. Cultivate humanity:

the ability to experience the fate of fairy-tale characters as one's own.

To promote through a fairy tale the development of communication with peers, kindness, friendship.

Lesson progress

1. The game “What is useful on the road?”

Children enter to the music “Visiting a fairy tale”.

The teacher offers to go to distant lands in the thirtieth kingdom. Let's

Let's think about what we need on the road?

How can you quickly go to the place of search?

On the flying carpet

In walking boots

On a winged horse

On a sivka-burka

On a humpbacked horse

On the gray wolf

On a flying ship, etc.

Who can show us the way?

Who will help us not to die from hunger and thirst?

Self-assembly tablecloth

That, I don’t know what, etc.

Remember the assistants who carry out any order of the hero:

Two of the bag

Genie from a bottle

Aladdin magic lamp

Well done from the casket

Remember miraculous drinks, fruits:

Living and dead water

Rejuvenating apples

Fruits (nuts, apples) from which ears and nose grow.

Name musical instruments:

Horn (troop appears)

What assistants are needed to delay the chase?

Stick a comb in your hair (dies - comes to life)

Scallop - forest

Towel - river

Brush, tooth - mountains

Other means:

Mother's blessing, doll, ax (butt up or down)

2 . Transfer to the thirtieth kingdom far away(magic remedy “that - I don’t know

Guess the magical means by which we will make a journey to the magical

country? - “I just called, out of nowhere, a table appeared, on it were various dishes, snacks,

snacks, wines and meads”?

Educator: Swat Naum, are you here? Show us.

Educator: Swat Naum, take us to the distant kingdom.

(A strong wind sounds, a violent wind, weakens at the end)

Children holding hands, “roll up” into a ball.

A violent wind picked up the children and carried them - mountains and forests, cities and villages so below and flicker.

The wind weakens and we descended into the thirtieth kingdom.

Educator: We are standing at the crossroads of three roads near a large stone, and on the stone there is an inscription:

“If you go straight, you will do a good deed”

“If you go to the right, you will disappear (you will disappear yourself or part with your friends forever)

“If you go to the left, you will find a toy”

3. “If you go to the left, you will find the game”

(there is a game on the stump, it is guarded by the Scarabey snake) - The game “Fairy tale constructor”

V.Ya. Propp studied many fairy tales and made a constructor, with the help of Propp's cards, you can easily

write stories.

Tasks: Guess who I am? From what fairy tale

4. “Traveling on a straight path". “If you go straight, you will do a good deed”

Purpose: Reproduction of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” (an old fairy tale in a new way), differentiation

into semantic parts and correlation with a specific function (absence, prohibition, violation

prohibition, trouble, way out of trouble, magical means, difficulties and trials, victory).

Worth a small vintage

House above the green hillock,

At the entrance hangs a bell

Decorated with silver.

And if you are gentle, quiet

Call him,

Then believe

That an old woman wakes up in the house,

gray-haired, gray-haired old woman,

And immediately open the door

The old lady will say:

- Come in, do not be shy, my friend! -

Put a samovar on the table,

Bake a pie in the oven

And will be with you

Drinking tea until dark

And a good old story

She will tell you.

Let's ring the bell.

Nobody opens.

There is a note at the door: “The evil witch mixed up all the pages in my book of fairy tales. Help collect

book, and then I can return to my hut.

Separately, there are pages from books on fairy tales “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Puss in Boots”,

“Masha and the Bear”, “Little Muk”, “Doctor Aibolit”.

Lived - there was a girl. Grandmother gave her a red cap. The girl wore a hat

every day and called her Little Red Riding Hood. Once Little Red Riding Hood went to

grandmother to take a pot of butter and a pie.

“Go straight along the path and don’t turn anywhere,” her mother punished her. with no one

talk on the way, it's very dangerous.

But the girl picked flowers, ate berries, sang loudly and met a wolf. She

told him that she was going to her grandmother, who lived on the edge of the village.

The wolf ran to his grandmother along a short path. Runs, and towards him... Naf - Naf.

The wolf was delighted, he wanted to eat him, and the pig invited him to go to visit him,

where two brothers Nif are waiting for him - Nif and Nuf-Nuf.

The wolf decided to eat the pigs and went to visit Naf-Naf. But naf - naf quickly

slammed the door in front of the wolf. wolf lost time

And when he came to his grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood was already there.

They began to live - to live, not to know grief

The wolf ran to his grandmother along a short path, and when he ran to her, she was visiting

Dr. Aibolit, who came to find out how his grandmother's health is.

And here comes Little Red Riding Hood.

The wolf ran to his grandmother, and Little Red Riding Hood met Carlson, who offered her

ride to grandma and drank tea with jam. And the wolf was treated with sausages and he stayed

watch over grandma's house.

Teacher: That's how wonderful it turned out.

The pages in the magic book are mixed up, but surprisingly, they turned out to be new and interesting

fairy tales.. We composed these fairy tales ourselves and give the old woman “Old fairy tales in a new way”.

5. We return to the crossroads. “If you go to the right, you will disappear”

Hut of Baba Yaga.

B.-Ya.: “Fu-fu-fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was not heard, the view was not seen; now the Russian spirit

sits down on a spoon, rolls into his mouth.”

Vos-l: You, grandmother, do not scold, get off the stove, but sit on the bench. succeed on our

bones ride. Better play with us. Guess what fairy tale the sons of Malanya are from.

Guess what - we'll stay with you. You won’t guess - you let us go in peace.

Fizminutka Game “At Malanya, at the old woman’s”

Purpose: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Formation of words in creative and

genitive singular and plural, the formation of new words with

with the help of suffixes (ate, fought, cold, ran away, shot, heard, spat)

At Malania, at the old woman,

In a cramped little hut,

Had five sons

And all without eyebrows.

With these ears

With these eyes

Here with such a head

Here is such a beard

Didn't eat anything

Watched all day

And they did it all!

Vos-l: - Who helped us B.-Ya. win. It is true that ingenuity is an additive to the mind. Hope for magic

don't be bad yourself.

6. Hurry, matchmaker Naum, return us to kindergarten.

It sounds like a “strong whirlwind” - Picked up a violent wind and carried the children: mountains and forests, cities and villages

so below and flicker. The wind eased and we went down. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

7. Game "Reporter"

Composition of fairy tales according to Propp's maps according to reference tables.

Let's call the Propp cards. Enumeration: absence (departure of the hero from home),

prohibition, violation of the prohibition, trouble, way out of trouble, magical means, difficulties and trials,

Target: Reproduction of new fairy tales invented by children, in the order of functions (by cards

Propp), (using cards from the game "Fairy tale constructor", "support" cards).

Fairy tale "About the good girl Masha".

Fairy tale "The Enchanted Princess".

Propp cards as a means of teaching children

senior preschool age

creative storytelling (from work experience).
L.T. Agafonova

(educator of the highest category)

Among all types of coherent monologue speech, creative storytelling is the most difficult. Such stories are compiled on the basis of children's imagination. The main functions of the imagination are the transformation of the experience gained as a result of various combinations of experienced impressions.

At the age of 5-6 years, in preschoolers, in addition to speech readiness for verbal creativity, certain psychological prerequisites are also formed. The famous scientist A.V. Zaporozhets considers imagination as a mental process that has the greatest plasticity at preschool age and is easily amenable to pedagogical influence, and notes the importance of systematic, consistent work to translate randomly arising imaginary images into “visible” for the child “new products”.

When teaching children creative storytelling, writing fairy tales, I use Propp's cards (Appendix 1). For examples of fairy tales invented by children, see Appendix No. 2.

The remarkable folklorist V.Ya. Propp, studying fairy tales, analyzed their structure and singled out constant functions. There are 31 of these functions, but, of course, not every fairy tale contains them in full. The sequence of functions can also be broken: jumps, additions, combinations, which, however, do not contradict the main course of the tale. A fairy tale can start from the first function, from the seventh, from the twelfth, but it is unlikely to return, restoring the missed events.

Propp singled out 20 basic, main functions. Eight are enough to work with preschool children.

The expediency of Propp's maps

  1. Visualization allows the child to retain much more information in memory.

  2. The functions presented in the cards are generalized actions, which allows the child to abstract from the specific act of the hero, and, consequently, the child develops abstract, logical thinking.

  3. Cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, fantasy, creative imagination, volitional qualities; enrich the emotional sphere, activate coherent speech, enrich the dictionary; contribute to the increase in search activity.

Preparatory games

Before proceeding to the direct composition of fairy tales using Propp's cards, preparatory games should be organized, during which the children will get to know and master all the fairy-tale functions:

  1. “Miracles in a sieve” - how and with the help of what transformations are carried out, magic (a magic word, a wand and other objects, and their actions);

  2. "Who is the angrier in the world?" Identification of evil and insidious fairy tale characters, a description of their appearance, character, lifestyle, habits, dwellings (positive characters are analyzed in the same way);

  3. "Cherished words" - an attempt to isolate the most effective, significant words in a fairy tale (magic words, fabulous sentences, repentance of a false hero);

  4. “What will be useful on the road?” (self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, scarlet flower, treasure sword, etc.). Invention of new items-assistants;

  5. "What common?" - a comparative analysis of various fairy tales in terms of similarities and differences between them ("Teremok" and "Mitten"; "Moroz Ivanovich" and "Mrs. Metelitsa");

  6. "Magic Names" Finding out the reasons why they gave just such a name to the hero (Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.);

  7. "Good - bad" - identifying positive and negative character traits of the characters, their actions;

  8. "Nonsense". Children come up with two sentences that are not related to each other, containing directly opposite functions. The main goal of the game is to understand the purpose of a particular function. For example, the following functions are given: "prohibition - violation of the law".
Come up with two sentences, you can from different fairy tales, the main thing is that they correspond to the essence of the functions.

Sister Alyonushka forbade her brother to drink water from a hoof;

And his dog: “Tyaf! Tyaf! The old woman's daughter is carrying bones in a bag!

How to work with maps of Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp known for a long time. But it has not lost its relevance even today. Tasks, which are solved using this technique fully comply with the provisions and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

- the ability to think through an idea is formed, to follow it in an essay, to choose a topic, an interesting plot, heroes;

- cards develop attention, perception, fantasy, imagination, enrich the emotional sphere, activate oral coherent speech;

- cards develop the activity of the individual, not leaving the child indifferent to the fairy tale plot.

Folklorist Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp studied in detail the tales of the peoples of the world, analyzed hundreds of plots and singled out 31 permanent functions , without which no fairy-tale work can do. It is not necessary that all of them will be present in the fairy tale together, sometimes their sequence is violated, but the idea, the content of the fairy tale does not suffer.

J. Rodari reduced the number of these functions up to 20 :

  1. prohibition or order; 2. violation; 3. wrecking; 4. departure of the hero; 5. task; 6. meeting with the donor; 7. magical gifts; 8. the appearance of the hero; 9. supernatural properties of the anti-hero; 10. wrestling; 11. victory; 12. return home; 13. arrival home; 14. false hero; 15. difficult trials; 16. elimination of trouble; 17. recognition of the hero; 18. exposure of a false hero; 19. punishment of the false hero; 20. Wedding or happy ending.

Here are some examples : ban acts as the strongest motive and makes one argue with the existing authority. In the fairy tale "Tiny - Khavroshechka" the cow says: "Don't eat my meat, collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, plant them in the garden, water them every morning." In this case, Khavroshechka did not violate the ban. And in "Geese-swans" - parents forbade leaving the house. Alyonushka did not listen. going on breaking the rules . Sabotage commits the ill-wisher of the protagonist (swan geese). The Firebird steals golden apples ("The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf").

By the way, all detective stories (films and books) can be decomposed according to these functions quite easily.


The listed 20 functions must be drawn and made in the form of maps. On each card, any symbolic image is invented. Do not forget that familiarity with fairy functions involves accumulation big set fabulous images , characters, knowledge of many fairy tales and secrets of building fairy tales (structure).

Saying. Zachin(Invitation to a fairy tale).

Already the saying itself sets the listeners in a special way, takes them to a fairy-tale world. Sayings sound significant, promising. The role of the proverb is similar to the role of the epic song and for the most part is not connected with the plot of the fairy tale. Target - prepare the audience to listen to the fairy tale, to interest. The teacher might start like this:

  1. Do you want a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a bundle, it is woven from moonlight, tied with a sunbeam, and entwined with a cloudy belt.
  2. Behind the distant fields, behind the deep seas, behind the high mountains, among the azure glades, in a certain kingdom, a heavenly state, they lived, were ...
  3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... or in a faraway kingdom, a faraway state ...


The ending, like the saying, limits (separates) the fairy tale from real life and returns listeners to reality. Ending options:

  1. They arranged a feast for the whole world, I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
  2. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.
  3. Here the fairy tale ends, and who listened - well done.

The saying and the ending make up the frame in which the storyteller includes narration .

Fairy tale usually saturated traditional, so-called fabulous formulas: speech clichés, rhythmic proverbs that characterize different actions and descriptions of characters, constant epithets, etc.:

  1. The king began to feast, to convene guests.
  2. Hut, hut! Stand in the old way, as mother put - back to the forest, front to me.
  3. He became such a fine fellow - neither to think, nor to guess, nor to describe with a pen.
  4. The horse runs, the earth trembles, flames burst from the ears.
  5. Sword-treasurer, Vasilisa-beautiful, self-assembled tablecloth, etc.

It is necessary to explain to the children that the fairy tale begins with some extraordinary event, where the main role is played by a magical creature. Sooner or later, the hero of a fairy tale faces evil forces or great difficulties, obstacles, and then overcomes them. Difficult tasks are usually performed by the hero with the help of magical items or creatures.

When the children have in stock the knowledge of many fairy tales, you can spend several thematic classes or game-tasks, quizzes on the topic: "Fairy-tale heroes (heroines)", Fairy-tale monsters", "Magic helpers", "Magic transformations". “Journey through the Far Far Away Kingdom (the place of action in fairy tales is determined)”, “Fairytale number 3 (reception of three repetitions)”, “Visiting sisters-sayings, brothers-beginnings, girlfriends-endings” preferably using works of painting, music as additional means of influencing the child.

Preparatory games-tasks that can be included in educational activities:

Miracles in the sieve. In the process of this game, various miracles occurring in fairy tales are revealed: how and with the help of what transformations, magic are carried out. Clarify magic words, objects and their action.

- Who in the world is the most evil (kindest of all)? Identification of evil and insidious heroes (good), a description of their appearance, character, lifestyle, habits, dwelling. Then they analyze whether a fairy tale can exist without such heroes, what is their role in the development of the plot. For whom these characters are kind, for whom they are evil and why (probably for Koshchei, Baba Yaga is a very kind woman and a true friend).

Cherished words. During this game, the guys make an attempt to isolate the most effective, meaningful words (magic, sentences).

- What is useful on the road ? Based on the analysis of magical fairy-tale items that help to overcome the enemy (self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, scarlet flower, etc.), they come up with new helper items. The most ordinary object (a pen, a shoe) can become magical, or maybe it will begin to perform functions that are not characteristic of it - a bowler hat as a nest, a bag, a mirror.

- What common. The game involves a comparative analysis of various plots in terms of similarities and differences ("Teremok" and "Mitten", "Morozko" and "Mrs. Blizzard")

The work of writing fairy tales can be divided into two stages:

Stage 1 - direct familiarization with the functions fairy tale.

Begin the lesson can be as follows: “Fabulous actions live in a forest clearing in a small carved hut. They live very friendly, help each other to compose fairy tales. Let's get to know them"

The teacher can take not all 20, but the most common ones in fairy tales. For example: the hero leaves the house, prohibition, violation of the prohibition, a difficult task, a magical remedy, help, the hero escapes persecution, struggle, the enemy is defeated, a happy ending.

You read a fairy tale, then “lay it out” by function. Later, the children themselves find the indicated function verbally, lay out cards with functions.

As they gain experience with maps and features, children can be encouraged to tasks:

  • find familiar "magic cards" in a new, just read fairy tale;
  • independently determine the absence of a familiar card;
  • put the cards in the order in which they are given by the plot of the new fairy tale;
  • find a mistake in the arrangement of cards according to the plot of a new fairy tale.

On the basis of fairy tale texts exercises for the formation of figurative speech. They make the process of perception deeper, focus on the language material, make you think about the meaning of the words and expressions used in the text.

For example, Baba Yaga - say differently . Or: As they said before ? (A golden-maned horse, a damask sword, morning is wiser than evening, etc.). Praise Baba Yaga .

On 2 stage held learning to write your own stories with the help of magic cards.

Children are offered a set of 5-6 cards. They can come up with two, three of them (it's easier to cope with a difficult task). When writing in groups, the child may notice inaccuracies in the story of a friend (speech, logical errors), and be attentive when composing.

For example, the task is to compose a fairy tale "About the Christmas tree." Suggested 5 cards Absence, ban, violation of the ban, magical remedy, happy ending. You can give the cards in order, or you can invite them to think about how to arrange them.

Or - to come up with a fairy tale about Baba Yaga and Koshchei. Condition : They are kind and help people. Which magic card will be the main (“help”), what cards could make the fairy tale more interesting, full of adventures and surprises (prohibition, violation of the ban, difficult task, happy ending)?

With kids negotiated the following provisions:

  • who will be the main character;
  • who will interfere with the hero;
  • who will help him solve a difficult task (magic assistants, other heroes);
  • come up with a title for the story;
  • what openings and endings will be used;
  • inventing fabulous words and expressions;
  • the presence of main and secondary characters, meetings, actions of heroes, their moral characteristics.

The number of game techniques and situations depends on your imagination. Can be offered playing tricks :

a familiar fairy tale lost cards. For example, "Nikita Kozhemyak" - "the hero enters the fight", "the enemy is defeated" are gone. Children should analyze the consequences of not having certain features in the story;

- or offer a card "Difficult task" and ask a question : "Which card could be next? Why?"

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this direction, then write to

Fairy tales are a powerful folklore genre. Most often about magic or heroism, mostly in prose. The tale is characterized by the absence of claims to the historicity of the narration, the fiction of the plot. And they are perfect for solving complex problems. How?

Watch a short video to warm up how you can tell a story with business cards, and then we'll get back to fairy tales.

Our compatriot - Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, philologist and folklorist, studied Russian and German philology, and was seriously engaged in the study of Russian folk tales.

The scientist's most famous work is "The Morphology of a Fairy Tale", which he published in 1928. In it, he singled out the recurring constant elements (functions) of the character, laying the foundation for the structural-typological study of the narrative.

What are we talking about?

“Considering ethnic groups that have not yet parted with totemism (and do not have fairy tales as such), which are in the process of its decomposition and modern fairy tales of “cultural” peoples, Propp comes to the conclusion about the unity of the origin of a fairy tale.”

That is, all fairy tales of the world consist of these functions (in literary criticism, a function is the action of a character as an actant). There are 31 of them in total, and they will help us a lot!

31 functions

Absence of a family member
ban addressed to the hero
violation of the ban
unwitting complicity
sabotage (or lack)
beginning opposition
hero leaves home
the giver tests the hero
the hero reacts to the actions of the future donor
getting the magic
the hero is transferred or brought to the location of the subject of the search
hero and antagonist fight
the hero is being targeted
antagonist defeated
trouble or shortage is eliminated
hero's return
hero is persecuted
the hero flees from persecution
the hero arrives unrecognized at home or in another country
false hero makes unfounded claims
the hero is given a difficult task
problem solved
the hero is recognized
the false hero or antagonist is exposed
the hero is given a new look
the enemy is punished
hero gets married

What's next?

And then everything is simple. Using these functions, you can decompose any fairy tale or story into components. And then analyze, swap functions and assemble your own fairy tale. It is not necessary to use all the functions, and perhaps you will not find many fairy tales with all the functions at once.

And to make it very easy, each function can be placed on a separate card and add a thematic picture there. A couple of links at the end of the post - archives with such cards (not all are there, I never found a complete set).


And here you are solving your difficult problem, you are the main character. Your problem is an evil enemy and a special circumstance. You have - friends and helpers, resources. You choose how to achieve the goal - the usual method, or something more exotic, such as a quantum jump into subspace. You get a couple more functions from the list, determine their roles in your fairy tale, and start laying out cards ... Oh, yes. The ending should be happy. They crushed the enemy, overcame a special circumstance, did not lose friends and gained new ones, and along the way they found wealth. Dream!

Where else can you use it?

Compose your own stories
- develop imagination in children and adults
- develop digital products
- have fun with friends
- conduct brainstorms and gamestorms

Childhood is mythology.
These are fabulous answers to real questions.
V.S. Rabinovich


StoryMaps is a cool and free app for creating stories and developing children's writing skills
The design for this application was drawn by the designer
