Speech therapy correctional lesson with disabilities. Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy

Cerebral palsy, senior preschool age

Program content:

  1. Develop coherent speech.
  2. Develop the ability to remember characters and the sequence of events.
  3. Learn to tell a fairy tale using modeling.
  4. Use health-saving technologies.
  5. To cultivate a sense of collectivism, the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale.

Speech therapist: I brought a book. It is very colorful, there are many illustrations. How do fairy tales usually begin?

“Once upon a time...”, “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state......,” “a father had three sons...”, “beyond the blue forests, dark mountains,” etc.
How do fairy tales end?
“that’s the end of the fairy tale”, “I was there, honey, drank beer...”, “they began to live and live well...”
Speech therapist: Now I’ll open a page at random, and we’ll tell such a fairy tale.
But first I’ll tell you some riddles.
Who has a mustache, eyes, a tail.
Does everyone wash themselves cleaner? (Cat)

Wings with patterns, boots with spurs (Rooster).
Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” are exhibited
Speech therapist: Guessed it? What is the name of the fairy tale?
(toys are brought in: a house, a rooster, a cat and a fox).

Speech therapist: “What did the cat punish the rooster when he went hunting?
How did the fox want to take the cockerel?
What did she tell him? What voice? (gentle, insinuating, affectionate)
What was the cat's cockerel name? (loud, alarming, scared)
How did the cat take the cockerel from the fox?

Breathing exercise:
When the cat was running after the fox, he was breathing so hard, show me how,
Inhale through your nose and exhale in bursts (1-2-3), then slow down your breathing….
The speech therapist offers a task using plot pictures for the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox” and one picture from another fairy tale.
Speech therapist: We need to arrange the pictures in the order in which the events unfolded. Think, consult. What have you decided?

Speech therapist: I suggest playing a fairy tale using geometric shapes (I give out the shapes: triangle, circle, square).

Let the large square be a house in which a cat and a rooster live.
What shape will the cockerel be? (Red triangle)
Where's the cat? (gray circle)
Fox - big orange triangle
The speech therapist suggests playing.
Cat and rooster in the house. The cat leaves. The cockerel remained. Show me how. Here comes the fox to the house. The fox carries away the cockerel. The cat is catching up.
Well done. We remember the fairy tale well.
Speech therapist: (I put a fox glove on my hand).

Little fox. How cunning you are, you are deceiving everyone!!!
What fairy tales about foxes do you know?
"Sister Fox and Gray Wolf"
"Fox with a rolling pin"
"The Fox and the Blackbird"
"Grey Neck"
What words were used to call a fox in fairy tales? (gossip, little fox-sister, Patrikeevna, cheat, Efstafievna....)
In which fairy tale did someone trick the fox?
(illustrations “The Fox and the Crane” are exhibited).

Oculomotor gymnastics is carried out.

Look at each other with your eyes wide open, close your eyes tightly, place your finger on the bridge of your nose, and bring your eyes together.
Fairy tales "Teremok" are exhibited


Heroes are listed in a circle, in a rectangle, in a triangle.
Simulation of the fairy tale “Teremok”
Arrange the strips by color (gray, green, orange, etc.)

Stripes by size

Who is the smallest?
Who is a little smaller?
Who's the biggest?
Who is in front of the bear?
The speech therapist offers the game “Let’s Help Kolobok”
This is a fairy tale about Kolobok. What is the ending of this fairy tale? (sad")
Fairy tales usually end well. Let's help Kolobok out, think about it.
Psycho-gymnastics are carried out: children walk frowning, rub their temples, raise their thumbs, exclaim
(children come up with sentences, and the speech therapist makes sketches as the action progresses)

Luckily, he had his cell phone with him.
Kolobok called Rescue Service 01.
The Hedgehog Rescuers came running to help.

(Children help the Hedgehogs put on the menacing thorny clothespins)

The fox was driven away

Children are invited to draw memorable fairy tale characters on the sand (tablets with sand are prepared in advance)
Bottom line. Examining the drawings, the speech therapist thanks all the children for their participation.

Hello, dear teachers and simply beloved readers. I'm Tatyana Sukhikh, today I want to talk about a rather delicate topic about how to organize individual lessons with children who have health limitations.

I’m sure you’ve already heard the concept of “children with disabilities” in preschool institutions. The term is relatively new, as it appeared after the adoption of the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” in 2012 and its entry into force in September 2013. The law states that every child has the right to receive a general education, regardless of his capabilities.

It is worth saying right away that there is no general adapted program for preschool children with disabilities. If you look at the educational basics written according to the Federal State Educational Standard, you will not be able to find them even on the official website.

Fortunately, child psychologists and medical specialists are working to help educators, developing literary and other manuals.

Replenishing our stock of knowledge

As an example, we can cite the work of E.A. Chevychelova, who offers detailed thematic plans for correctional work with middle school preschoolers who have vision problems. Here, preschool teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists, as well as parents will find a lot of useful information about the development of a child’s visual perception of the world, his orientation in the social sphere and spatial relationships.

Another guide that is worth taking note is an electronic material on the social and communicative development of children with health limitations. The author A.V. Eloeva created a manual that best meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which will help teachers and educators in social support of students, that is, in planning joint and individual lessons for a child to successfully reveal his potential. Such a benefit should be mandatory for a social teacher.

A very effective way to improve the skills of preschool specialists in modern conditions, in my opinion, is all kinds of trainings and forums. How do you feel about attending webinars? If it’s positive, I’m sure you’ll be able to evaluate the following offline webinars:

  • “Speech development of children with disabilities”, presented in 2 parts, which you can read at the link http://www.uchmag.ru;

  • “Individual comprehensive educational program in the conditions of IO (inclusive education) for children with disabilities”, which will be conducted by teacher-speech pathologist of the highest category M.N. Emelyanova in 4 parts http://www.uchmag.ru/;

  • “Federal State Educational Standards of the National Educational Institution: Correctional and Pedagogical Support for Children with Disabilities,” where, thanks to the work of educational psychologist I.V. Gureeva, you will learn to include children with disabilities in the educational process http://www.uchmag.ru;

  • “Special conditions for teaching children with disabilities in the inclusive educational process, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard” from senior methodologist N.N. Kukleva http://www.uchmag.ru.

Individual lessons with children: the basics

But before engaging in advanced training, you should know the basic terms and concepts relating to the development of preschool children in limited conditions. I think that from the information given above it is clear that a child with disabilities has a temporary or permanent developmental disability. This may be due to his physical or psychological characteristics. Basically, experts divide such students into the following categories:

  1. children whose hearing function is impaired;

  2. children with speech dysfunction who need speech therapy exercises;

  3. preschoolers who have visual impairments or complete blindness;

  4. children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;

  5. children with mental retardation or psychological problems;

  6. pupils with behavioral disorders and communication disorders.

Based on the definition of children's characteristics of disabilities, the teacher plans classes for the entire group, focused on the individual characteristics of a particular child or several children.

What you need to know about children's health and education?

Babies of one category or another have some characteristic features that are worth taking into account.

  1. For example, children with hearing impairment will find it more difficult to perceive material, and therefore memory, speech and thinking are generally impaired. Kids can be touchy, withdrawn and inattentive, regardless of age. In classes with such children, emphasis should be placed on improving spatial perception and coordination of movements. It should be taken into account that children with hearing impairments are excellent lip readers, which can be used by pronouncing texts clearly, using positive facial gestures. Pictures with inscriptions are also useful; by memorizing them, preschoolers in the older group are less likely to miss letters in words, that is, they enhance visual perception.

  2. Children with visual impairments require careful distribution of visual loads. Classes should also orient the child in space, as well as in the social and everyday sphere. Games that develop fine motor skills, as well as the sense of touch, play a huge role in activities with such children. The teacher will need speech therapy knowledge and the ability to control facial expressions. Children who cannot see well can still have excellent hearing. Therefore, audio materials, games with music or dancing will do for teachers.

  3. Mental retardation (mental retardation) in preschool children is characterized by a high degree of physical activity of the child, restlessness, and inability to concentrate on an activity or complete it independently. Therefore, information materials may be easier to present during outdoor play.

  4. But for children with musculoskeletal disorders, the most important thing is psychological support, the development of resilient views, an optimistic attitude not only towards themselves, but also towards their loved ones. It is important that educational psychologists, medical workers and, of course, parents participate in this process. The role of caring mothers and fathers is invaluable in the development of children with disabilities. Moreover, they have much more opportunity to conduct individual lessons taking into account the needs of their child than a teacher in a kindergarten.

What else do you need to know about inclusive education?

It is the teacher who must explain this to the guardians. Moreover, the first action in the algorithm for admitting a child with disabilities to kindergarten is a meeting with the parents. After all, the subsequent preparation of lesson plans includes recommendations from the psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission (PMPC) and conclusions after a conversation with mom and dad.

The teacher's notes will also be focused on the conclusion of the PMPK according to the definition of a child with disabilities in a particular group for inclusive education.

Inclusive education is a concept that appeared along with the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” in 2012. It implies full-fledged joint education of children with disabilities with children who do not have any restrictions.

And so groups can have a combined and compensating orientation.

In the first case, it is meant that a child with limited health conditions will develop along with all other children without such limitations. In this case, the law did not come up with anything new. And before, preschool educational institutions were visited by children with poor vision or hearing. Amendments to the law have rather encouraged children with psychological or physical disabilities to attend general groups in kindergarten. Previously, parents and guardians more often preferred special - closed institutions or home schooling.

A compensated focus in education involves children's groups that are attended by children with the same developmental disorder. The number of children in such groups is limited and until the pupils reach the age of 3 years, most often does not exceed 6 people. The kindergarten can accept more children into middle and senior preschool groups. However, the number of children may still be limited according to the disability category.

Of course, now we, teachers and educators, have become more qualified in this matter. The educational program is improved every year. But you must admit, it never happens that there are no questions left regarding individual lessons with children, especially on such a sensitive issue. Express your opinion and if you garden, share your experience.

The topic of the development of children with disabilities will always be relevant for their parents, therefore, dear readers, subscribe to our blog, and I will help and answer your questions as best I can. For today I say goodbye to you, see you again!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

The presented summary contains material for conducting speech therapy classes. This lesson is aimed at students with disabilities in Type VIII correctional schools, classes-groups with pronunciation defects, immature phonemic hearing and perception, and general speech underdevelopment.




open speech therapy session

in a group class

Subject: “Automation of the sound “S” in syllables and words.”

Goals: 1. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound “C” in syllables.

2. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound “C” in words.

3. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound “C” in words with a combination of consonants.

4. Development of phonemic hearing.

5. Enrichment and clarification of the vocabulary.

6. Differentiation of units. and many more numbers of nouns

7. Development of auditory memory and attention.


1. Flags.

2. Cards for the development of phonemic hearing.

3. Subject pictures (electronic form).

4. Letter "C".

5. Backward and forward syllables (electronic form).

6. Card with syllables.

7. Subject pictures (animals and birds).

8. Riddles (electronic form).

9. Ball.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Attention! Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order -

Pen, book and notebooks.

We will respond actively

To behave,

So that dear guests

They wanted to come again.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: - Let's smile like frogs

And let's pull the lips towards the ears. (Exercise “Fence”)

I imitate an elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk. (Exercise “Proboscis”)

Let our tongue rest

Let him take a little nap. (Exercise “Spatula”)

I rested and stretched,

Turned left, right,

Like this: tick-tock, tick-tock. (Exercise “Clock”)

Open your mouth, smile,

Show me your teeth

Clean the top and bottom

After all, they are not superfluous to us. (Exercise: “Let’s brush our teeth”)

3. Finger gymnastics

a) “Path” (circle exercises)

Along the path, along the path

Two feet stomp together (right hand, left hand)

b) “Fingers are walking again” (circle exercises)

One two three four five.

The fingers are moving again.

From the little finger to the big one,

And then - to the little finger again.

One two three four five.

Your fingers will rest!

c) “Fingers say hello” (with gloves).

Alternately, starting with the little finger, the fingertips “hello” the thumb.
They sleep peacefully on the sofa. The sofa is spacious and smooth.
Ten little owls. Owls look sweet in their dreams!

d) "Cat".

Fist - palm,

I walk like a cat.

e) “Self-massage” (pencil)

f) “Palm - rib - fist”

4. Breathing exercises.

a) Exercise “Let’s drive away the cloud” (cotton wool + thread for each).

Suddenly it got dark outside,

A cloud flew into the sky.

We won't let the cloud cry,

It's raining on the ground.

b) Exercise “Little breeze” (quietly) S-S-S

Exercise “Strong breeze” (loud) S-S-S

c) Work according to schemes.

5. Development of phonemic hearing (checkboxes):

a) The speech therapist pronounces sounds, and the children, having heard the sound “C” in the sound stream, signal this.
a u s m p s o s i

b) Automation of sound in syllables.

am we eat es ik il us

Sa soma ly sy pa

Usu ama eso asa

IN) Automation of sound in words.

dew, weight, nose, forest, cat.

6. Automation of “C” in words (pictures, ICT).

7. Counting book.

Thank you, children! Let's play. Stand in a circle.

Here is a counting rhyme with the sound C.

Sleigh, juice, owl, jump rope.

Come out on the word "knock"

Name the first sound in it.

(The speech therapist and the snowman walk in a circle. Point to the child as each syllable is pronounced. When repeating the counting rhyme, children repeat all the words after the speech therapist until the word “knock”)

I'll say the words quickly

You pronounce clearly:

Sugar, garden, salad, boot.

(Children repeat the line)

Name the first syllable!

(Children call in chorus)

Listen and remember

And call it nice

All words with the syllable "sa":

Stripe, braid, wasp.

(Children repeat the line)

All words with the syllable “so”:

Sonya, soda, wheel.

(Children repeat the line)

All words with the syllable "sy":

Braids, beads and scales.

(Children repeat the line)

Call it quickly and clearly:

Salo, himself, fireworks, barn

(Children repeat the line)

Sledge, cod, soot.

(Children repeat the line)

Repeat everything again word for word.

(Children repeat two lines)

8. Riddles (ICT).

9. Pure sayings (a picture-8 is selected for each pure phrase).

D.Z. – children learn pure proverbs by heart.

Abstract of the educational activity on the topic: “The use of speech therapy exercises with children with disabilities in a consultative group.”

Subject: "Gold autumn!"

Target: Expand your understanding of seasonal changes in nature and animals.

Program content:

  1. Educational objectives:

- Give an idea that trees' leaves change color in autumn(yellow, red, orange);

U start counting to three; fix the location of objects in space(“under”, “on”, “above”);

  1. Developmental tasks:

R develop interest in the world around us;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

- Expand children's vocabulary

Educational tasks:To cultivate a desire to help our smaller brothers, a love of nature.

Types of children's activities:cognitive, communicative, productive, construction, play, motor.

Equipment: Letter with a riddle about autumn; autumn leaves, Christmas tree, squirrels, hedgehogs; "water"; massage puzzle mat; painted tree; paints, sticks for each child; sunshine and clouds for every child; audio recording “the noise of the autumn forest”.

Progress of activities.

Setting motivation.

Leading: Children, look at my envelope. What do you think might be in it? (Letter)

Let's open it.

This is a riddle:

The sun cannot warm the earth,

The leaves turned yellow and began to fall.

Often the rain pours, the birds fly away,

Harvesting in the garden and field...

Guess, children, when does this happen?

Children: In autumn.

Presenter: a for the fact that you guessed the riddle, autumn gave you these beautiful leaves(give to children)


Tell me, what color are the leaves in autumn?(yellow, red, orange)

P That's right. Leaves of this color only appear in autumn. The sorceress autumn walks with a brush and paints the leaves in different colors.

It often rains in autumn, the sun is less warm than in summer, and strong winds blow. They pick up leaves from the ground, circle them in the air and lower them back to the ground.

Breathing exercises

Guys, let's turn into the breeze and blow on the leaves. They inhaled through their nose and exhaled through their mouth onto the leaves.

Well done. Who wants to meet autumn?

Let's call her, but only loudly so she can hear(children call autumn)

Autumn: Hello my friends!

Know that Autumn is me.

How many children do I see?

How many guests do I see!

I dressed everything up,

The dark forest is gilded.

And all of you, my friends,

I invite you to visit!

But the path to me is long, and so as not

Your legs are tired, let's go

By train!

(Children form a “train” behind Autumn. They reach the Christmas tree.)

Autumn: So we ended up in the forest,

The forest here is full of wonders!

(Hedgehogs are sitting under the Christmas tree).

Presenter: Children look! Hedgehogs are sitting under the Christmas tree. But they got into trouble. While they were running towards us, they lost all the needles. Let's help the hedgehog attach needles from clothespins.

Fine motor skills.

(working with clothespins).

Presenter: d Look, who's sitting on the Christmas tree? (squirrels)

Squirrels. What good children have come to our forest. You helped the hedgehogs, and will you help us collect nuts? (Yes) each squirrel has three nuts.

Squirrels. Thank you guys. Come visit us in the forest again. We will be glad to see you.

Leading. We'll definitely go. Really, guys? (Children agree)

Finger gymnastics.

Guys, what else does a squirrel like to eat? Mushrooms.

Let's play with our fingers and let them rest.

On the porch of the hut

Squirrel dries mushrooms:

(We connect the palms with a hut. Press all fingers to the palm and straighten them in turn during the game.)

Once again, honey fungus,

Two - oiler.

Three is a wave,

And four is a pig mushroom,

Five - ruddy boletus.

There is plenty of stock for the winter!

(Move all your fingers).

Autumn. Well, let's go next? Get on the train and we'll go(train)

(Children reach the “water”. There are “puddles” on the floor)

Leading. Oh! How much water is there, but where is the bridge?

Autumn. It rained often. So the bridge was flooded. In order for us to travel further we need to build a new bridge.

Leading. I know what we will build it from. Here are the parts from which we will assemble a new bridge(Children assemble a bridge from a massage puzzle mat)

Now we have assembled the bridge and can cross to the other side, but one condition: you need to cross without shoes(children take off their shoes and move)


Autumn. We worked hard. Let's relax a little and listen to the sounds of the autumn forest(recording sounds).

How many of you have been to the forest?

What color are the leaves of trees in autumn?(yellow, red, orange)

Have you heard the wind blowing and swaying the trees?

Let's imagine that you and I are the same trees and he is shaking our branches and leaves.


Raise our little arms up(raise hands up)

Let's shake them quietly(tilt hands left and right)

The wind came and they began to sway more and more

And now the whole tree is swaying even stronger(torso tilts left and right)

The wind dies down and the leaves tremble with fear(waving fingers)

The wind has flown away.

Autumn. Well, did you rest? Now let's go.

Leading. Autumn! In your forest, not all the trees are dressed in autumn(A tree with green leaves is drawn on the sheet)

Autumn. How did this happen? Where's my magic brush?(autumn takes out a magic brush and tries to paint leaves with it, but nothing comes out)

U My magic brush has run out of paint. Maybe you can help me? You have paints, right?

Leading. Of course we have paints and brushes. We will be happy to help you. Really kids? (Yes)

(Collective drawing of leaves using the poking method)

Autumn. Now there is order in the autumn forest. I leave this tree to you as a gift.

Thank you guys. Our journey has come to an end. It’s time for me to move on, and we will meet next year. And as a farewell, I want to treat you with my gifts(autumn hands out treats)

Goodbye children!


Children did you enjoy traveling with autumn?(Yes)

H what did you like most?

Would you like to see autumn again?(Yes)

If you liked everything, then take the sun and attach it above our tree, and if you didn’t like everything, put the clouds.

Summary of the first lesson “Such different families” in a group for children with disabilities.

The article is intended for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. A series of classes on the development of coherent speech in children with disabilities on the lexical topic “Family” is proposed.
The age of children is 4-7 years, and the lesson can also be held in the older group at a preschool educational institution.
Hello, palms, clap-clap-clap.
Hello, legs, top, top, top.
Hello, cheeks, plop-plop-plop,
Chubby cheeks, plop-plop-plop.
Hello sponges (3 kisses).
Hello, teeth (knock your teeth).
Hello, my little nose, pip-pip-pip.
Hello guys! Hi all!

2.Finger gymnastics “Who lives in an apartment”:
One, two, three, four, (rhythmically clench and unclench your palms)
Who lives in our apartment?
Mom, dad, brother, sister, (bend the fingers on both hands alternately)
Murka the cat, two kittens,
Barbos the dog, the puppy and me,
Together a friendly family! (fingers of both hands tap each other)

3. Cheburashka visiting. Guys, guess who came to visit us today?
This little animal
plush and kind,
came to us from the country
warm and distant.
He has big eyes and big ears,
to see us better,
to listen better.

Hello guys! I came to you from a distant country and soon found good friends. Do you know them? (Gena and Galya). The girl Galya sometimes tells Gena and me about her family. And she even gave me pictures of different families to look at, would you like me to show them to you too? Previously, there was no camera and everything was drawn by artists. When people are depicted in a painting, it is called a portrait.

4.Slides “Such different families”. Viewing and commenting on paintings at the level of plot, clothing, depicted family members, their actions, etc.

5.Conversation. Artists in their paintings convey not only portrait likeness, but the atmosphere and spirit of family. From the portraits you can immediately see that this is a family. Who must be in every portrait? (father, mother and children) How do you think all these families are similar (they are together, friendly, love and support each other). What are the differences (number of family members, age, clothing, etc.)

6. Playing with a ball in a circle “What about you?”: Our family is big, and yours... (friendly, strong, kind, healthy, small, brave, caring).

7. Physical exercise “Mom will come into the house”:
Mom will enter the house and gasp: (we walk in place, cover our head with our hands)
What does our apartment smell like? (sniff around)
A lot of things - we’ll answer mom. (to shrug)
Once - with burnt pancakes, (bend your fingers)
Two - spilled perfume,
Three - pants in fish oil...
Mom will say: and four -
Smells like washing and cleaning, (imitate washing and sweeping)
And also - a good spanking! (hide your hands behind your back)

8. Playing 1 picture from the “Say the other way around” slide: mother is young and grandmother is elderly; dad is tall and son is short; mother is thin, and grandmother is plump; the son is the eldest, and the baby is the youngest; grandfather is strict, and grandmother is soft; Dad has thick hair, and grandfather has thin hair.
9. Summarizing. Cheburashka: the pictures showed us that even in ancient times, people united together into families, were proud of their family, protected it, found support, warmth and comfort in their home, but families were always different, because all people are different, and happy in their own way.

Appendix: Slides "Such different families"
