Classes with a speech therapist Notes of individual speech therapy classes with children with mental retardation; outline plan for speech therapy classes (preparatory group) on the topic

Topic: Practicing lexical and grammatical components (using the topic) “Professions”.

Goal: To introduce children to the lexical and grammatical topic “Professions”.


Training tasks:

Learning to form verbs from nouns
- formation of word formation skills
- learning to understand and use case forms of nouns
- learning to select appropriate definitions
- an exercise in solving riddles
- learning to speak to them. noun. in the dative case (who needs a hammer? A builder, etc.).

Correction and development tasks:

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “professions”, “tools”
- enrichment of the vocabulary with verbs and nouns
- development of coherent speech
- development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements
- development of a moderate speech rate
- development of perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Educational tasks:

Fostering a positive response in class
- nurturing interest in the activity
- formation of a positive attitude towards joint activities


  • Demonstration material: pictures depicting various professions
  • Picture of a boy, letter.
  • Handout: pictures with objects in envelopes (for each child)
  • Subject pictures: “the boy wants to become an artist.”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

I’ll say hello to the children, hand out envelopes and invite them to sit at the tables.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

I’ll tell the children that we received letters from the boy Valera (I put a picture of the boy) who is still going to school, but is already thinking about what he should become, guys, let’s help Valera, tell us what professions there are.
- The boy Valera sent me a letter too, let’s see what’s there
- I take out a picture from an envelope with a profession - I ask the children what kind of profession it is - I clarify - I attach it to the board and so on I take out the next pictures.
- Now you guys look at what’s in your envelopes.
- I begin to ask the children one by one what is shown in the picture and what profession this tool belongs to, in what profession it will be useful.

3. Riddles

And I have something else in the envelope.
- Guess who this is about?
- listen carefully:

Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how does he tell you how to treat?
Who is sick, he is a drop
Will offer to accept
Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

I get up very early
After all, my concern is -
Drop everyone off in the morning
To work.

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Delicious cutlets
Salads - venegrets,
Are all breakfasts lunches?

We must fight fire with fire
We are brave workers
We are partners with water,
So who are we...?

Among the clouds on high,
Together we are building a new house,
So that in warmth and beauty
You lived happily in it.

What did we call all this? (Professions)

4. The game “who is doing what?”

Now I will name professions, and you will tell me what a person in this profession does.
Example: Teacher - teaches.
- And whoever names it faster will get a chip, whoever has more chips wins.
A builder - builds, a driver - drives, a loader - loads, a cook - cooks, a cleaner - cleans, a pilot - flies, a doctor - treats, a hairdresser - cuts, a fireman - extinguishes.

5. Physical education minute.

I'm swinging, flying - walking in place and turning an imaginary steering wheel
At full speed.
I am a driver myself
And the engine itself.
I press the pedal - Stop, put the right foot on the heel and move to the toe (as if pressing the pedal)
And the car rushes into the distance - they bend forward and stretch out their arms in front of them.

6. Game “Choose the word”

Selection of appropriate definitions.
- Now I will name the person’s profession, your task is to name what he is?

What fireman? - Brave, brave.
What teacher? - Smart, kind.
Driver? Which? - Attentive, careful.
What kind of loader? - Strong, dexterous.
What builder? - skillful, hardworking.
What doctor? - Diligent, kind.
What kind of cook? - Neat, clean.

7. Game “Tell about yourself” with a ball.

I will name the profession and throw the ball, you throw it back to me and say what you are doing.
Example: The teacher teaches and I teach.

The driver drives and I drive, the doctor treats and I treat, the builder builds and I build, the fireman puts out the fire and I put out the fire, the cook cooks and I cook, the hairdresser cuts and I cut.

8. Compiling a story based on reference pictures.

The children look at the pictures, then arrange them in the correct sequence on the board. I call several children to come to the board one by one to make up a story based on the pictures. We tell the story together.
1. The boy decided to become an artist, he draws on an easel - the foundation of the house
2. the boy drew one window
3. the boy drew a porch, 2 windows, a roof
4. The boy drew a house and painted the roof red.


Who came to visit us?
- what did we talk about today?
- what games did we play?
- did you like the lesson?


  • Teaching syllable reading;
  • Learning the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word based on the sound diagram and chips;
  • Automation of the sound “Ш”;
  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds in poetic speech;
  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound “L” in pure tongues;
  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound “L” in sentences;
  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sounds “R” and “R” in poetic speech.

Corrective and developmental:

  • Development of the ability to solve riddles;
  • Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;
  • Development of articulatory muscles;
  • Development of exhalation direction;
  • Development of cognitive processes (memory, attention);
  • Development of voice strength, intonation expressiveness of speech;
  • Development of a sense of rhythm;
  • Activation of the dictionary on the topics “Clothing”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.


  • Fostering cognitive interest;
  • Cultivating goodwill.


  • V.S. Volodin “Album on speech development” pp. – 87, 94
  • O.A. Novikovskaya “Speech Therapy ABC” pp. – 59
  • Sound houses;
  • Chips are yellow, blue, red, green.
  • Illustrations depicting fruits, vegetables, clothing;
  • A picture of balloons.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Invite the child to listen to the poem and complete the word:
Noisy goose
With a long nose
The neck is like a question mark.
The goose is coming
Walk in the meadows
And he cackles: … … … !

2. Breathing exercises.

Invite the child to blow on the snowflakes, first strongly, then weakly.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

Invite your child to sit in front of a mirror and do the following exercises:
-Brushing your teeth

4. Invite the child to look at the picture,

on which balloons are drawn; offer to inflate, deflate the balloons, while pronouncing the sound Sh.

5. Development of phonemic awareness.

A) Invite the child to listen to sounds and clap his hands once when he hears the sound Ш.

B) Invite the child to listen to the syllables and raise his hand only when he hears a syllable with the sound Ш.

6. Phonemic analysis.

Listen...Sh...A....what will happen? (SHA)
Invite the child to take blue and red chips; lay out the resulting syllable from them.

7. Invite the child to guess the riddle:

Rises at dawn
Singing in the yard
There is a comb on the head.
Who is he?

8. Game “Find the picture”.

In front of the child is a card with drawn pictures (4 on each card). Invite the child to find one picture with the sound Sh out of 4 pictures.

9. Game “Vegetables and fruits”.

Invite the child to arrange vegetables and fruits as follows: vegetables with the sound R on the beds, and fruits with the sound L on the tree.

10. Game “What sound”.

Invite the child to listen to the words and say what sound is heard at the beginning and end of the word.

Start: Fox, leaves, lamp, lemon.
End: table, chair, chalk, injection.

11. Invite the child to look at the pictures and name words with the sound L.

12. Invite the child to recite a poem.

Janitor door
I kept it for two days -
Wooden house
The wind was twitching
This door.
The janitor thought
This is a beast.

13. Game "Clothes"

Invite your child to put clothes with the sound R into a suitcase.
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14. Invite the child to look at the picture and name words with the sound S.

15. Determining the position of the sound C in a word.

Invite the child to take “sound patterns”; yellow chips.
- “Now you and I will place words with sounds C in different rooms. I will name the words, and you will put a yellow chip in the first window if the sound C is at the beginning of the word; in the second - if the sound C is in the middle of the word; thirdly, if the sound C is at the end of the word.

Table, wheel, chair, apple, fox, bite.

16. Teaching syllable reading.

17. Summing up.

- “What did we do today?”
- “What sounds came to visit us today?”
End the lesson with an emotional and positive assessment of the child.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson for a 5-6 year old child with mental retardation, OHP-3 level.

Topic: “Who lives in the house? "

Goal: development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on the topic “Furniture and dishes”.

Educational objectives: consolidate and expand the understanding of dishes and furniture; details and parts, materials from which it is made; name generalizing concepts and concepts “one-many”; form diminutive forms of nouns; practice orientation in space.

Correction and development tasks: development of articulatory motor skills; development of visual and auditory attention; development of fine and gross motor skills.

Educational tasks: cultivate a caring attitude towards utensils and furniture; develop skills of cooperation, goodwill, and independence.

Equipment: pictures depicting furniture and dishes; pictures for articulation gymnastics; emotion cards; cut pictures; small dishes and furniture in a bag; a picture of a house, a toy hedgehog, 6 wooden sticks, a brush and a bucket; flat geometric shapes; massage ball and mat; sand box; house coloring page.

Progress of the lesson

I .Organizing time.

- Look out the window, what day is it today? It’s a sunny day, today we have not a simple lesson, but a magical one.

II . Report the topic of the lesson.

Let's smile at each other, hold hands and go to a fairy tale.

1.Walking on a massage mat.

You and I will now go along the path to the fairy tale home. Let's go along the straight path, let's go; Let's go along the winding path; you and I will find a house.

There is a beautiful picture of a 2-story house on the board.

2.Working with emotion cards.

What a beautiful house (working with emotion cards). What will we do when we see such a house? (the teacher presents the skating rink with emotion). That's right - we are surprised. Let's imagine that there is a lock on the house and it is closed.

What will we do? That's right - let's get angry. Let's imagine that this is your house.

What will we do? That's right - let's smile. You want to know what's in the house.

You need to do proper articulation gymnastics at the table.

You name the exercise and do it. What's the first exercise?

3.Articulation gymnastics.

1. “Brush your teeth.” Upper – lower; upper - lower, etc.

The second exercise, what is it called?

2. “Knead the dough.” We place a wide tongue on the lower lip and quietly say “five-five; five-five”, now louder “five-five; five-five."

3. "Swing". The mouth was opened wide, the swing went up, down, up, etc. What is the next exercise?

4. "Watch". We use the tongue to make “tick-tock” corners, etc. (showing with hand).

The exercises are done correctly, and now you will know what is in the house.

4. Exercise “Say it in one word.”

(showing pictures), the child names - chair, wardrobe, table, chest of drawers, sofa, bed.

How can we call all this in one word? That's right - furniture.

5. Exercise “A lot of furniture in the apartment.”

One, two, three, four (claps hands)

We'll hang the shirt in the closet, (hands on the belt, turns)

And we’ll put a cup in the buffet (hands up, stand on tiptoes)

Let's sit on the chair for a bit (squat down)

And now the cat and I sat at the table (hands on the belt, turns)

They drank tea and jam together (spring)

A lot of furniture in the apartment (arms up through the sides)

It’s time for us to paint the walls, we invited a painter (the teacher shows a bucket with a brush).

Who is a painter? (the painter loves to paint)

6. Gymnastics for the eyes.

The child takes a brush and a bucket and performs eye exercises.

We draw the brush from top to bottom and follow with our eyes.

7. Exercise “Let’s fix the furniture.”

Someone came into the house and broke our furniture. We need to fix it (composing a whole from 4-6 parts) 2 pictures. What color is the sofa?

8. Game "Fourth wheel".

And now we will play the game “Fourth Wheel”.

Wardrobe - sofa-chair - mug. What is extra, why? etc.

9. Game “One - many”.

And now I propose the game “One - Many”.

I show you and tell you one thing, and you tell me many.

(showing pictures: wardrobe, table, chair, bed, sofa, chest of drawers)

10. Game “Name it affectionately.”

Now let's call him affectionately.

showing pictures: wardrobe, table, chair, bed, sofa, chest of drawers)

Work near the board with a picture of a house.

Let's see, the furniture in our house has gone somewhere, let's put it in its place.

11. Game for the development of spatial concepts “Arrange the furniture”(work at the board).

Place the table on the second floor on the right side. What's this? That's right, the bed.

Place the bed on the second floor on the left side. Place the sofa on the ground floor in the center of the room.

There is still something in our house.

12. Game “Name the dishes”(work at a desk). Naming utensils: teapot, ladle, spoon, mug.

13. Finger gymnastics “Let’s wash the dishes.” ( 2 times)

One, two, three, four (three palms up and down)

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon (unclench your fist one finger at a time)

And a large ladle (move all fingers of your palm)

We found out what was in our house, but there was also a “Wonderful Bag” there.

14. Game “Wonderful bag”

The child identifies objects by touch and takes them out of the bag.

What is this? Closet. What is it made of? The cabinet is made of wood. So which one? (wooden cabinet) Place it on the table.

What is this? What is it made of? So which one? (wooden bed)

What is this? What is it made of? So which one? (wooden chair)

What is this? What is it made of? So which one? (plastic mug)

What is on the left side of the table and what is on the right (dishes, furniture).

15. Exercise “Let’s make a house.”

Today we will make our own house from magic wands and decorate it with geometric shapes.

The child builds a house out of sticks and decorates it with geometric shapes, naming them and determining the color.

Someone lives in our house, would you like to know who?

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles.

Wolves are not afraid of him either

Spiky ball, no legs visible

Of course his name is... (hedgehog)

16. Playing with a massage ball.

The hedgehog didn’t come to visit us empty, he brought us what? (massage balls)

I'll tell you a story about a hedgehog, and while I'm telling you, we'll play with massage balls.

Once upon a time there lived a hedgehog in his hut (the ball was hidden in his palms)

A hedgehog looked out of the hut (open palms). I saw the sun. He smiled at the sun and rolled across the clearing (circular movements). Rolling along the clearing, saw paths, rolled first along one path to the little finger, then, etc. (direct movements to each finger). The hedgehog ran along many paths and came running back to the clearing.

He began to run around the clearing, jumping (squeezing and unclenching, lightly tossing the ball).

And I saw an interesting sandbox and decided to draw my house (drawing with sand on glass)

III. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Remember what was discussed and what you liked during the lesson.

Now you will go to the group, and I will give you a gift from the hedgehog, this house, color it with colored pencils.

Mental retardation (or mental retardation) often combined with speech disorders, limited vocabulary and, in general, delayed speech development. Most children are characterized by insufficient speech motor skills, confusion of sounds, and incomplete formation of phonemic perception. For children with mental retardation, speech therapy is a relevant source of overcoming difficulties. A competent program of correctional and developmental activities for children with mental retardation contributes to overall progress and improvement of cognitive processes.

The benefits of correctional and developmental activities for children with mental retardation

Corrective classes for children with mental retardation can be divided into 2 main stages:

  • preparatory;
  • basic.

At the preparatory stage, individual correctional classes with children with mental retardation are more suitable. They reveal the patient's characteristics. A general program of correctional classes is being drawn up.

At the main stage, the child goes through a whole a set of classes with a defectologist and classes with a speech therapist, as a result of which coherent speech skills are formed, communicative features are significantly corrected, the articulatory system is improved, memory and attention are improved. Speech therapy classes with a child with mental retardation significantly expand the lexical and grammatical means of his language.

Features of speech therapy classes for mental retardation

Creating Clear Samples

Children are often overly suggestible and prone to imitation. An excellent tool for a speech therapist to work with children with mental retardation is the creation of intelligible and understandable speech samples.

Favorable emotional background

Emotional comfort during lessons helps to better assimilate the material and maintain interest in it.

Regular dynamic breaks

The diagnosis of mental retardation is often accompanied by impaired attention and hyperactivity. Distraction with systematic, physically active, dynamic games helps to avoid fatigue and negativity on the part of the child.

Active use of gaming techniques

Games and age-appropriate story situations contribute to the effectiveness of correctional activities with children with mental retardation of preschool age.

Interaction with parents

A joint solution to the problem of teachers, specialists and parents reduces the time to obtain the desired result and eliminate existing problems.

Mental retardation (MDD) is a pathology that is characterized by problems with attention, memory and thinking. As a rule, this diagnosis is made to children at 2-3 years of age. Mental retardation is often accompanied by speech pathologies. Therefore, the correction program assumes an integrated approach. Timely contact with a specialist will allow the child to develop in accordance with his age.

Prices for speech therapist services for mental retardation

Types of activities Cost of 1 lesson/session Duration of 1 lesson/session Recommended classes/sessions
Diagnostic consultation with a speech therapist 1000 rub. 30 min. 1 lesson
Individual speech therapy session 800/1000 rub. 45 min. 10-15 sessions
Group speech therapy session 600 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Logomassage classic 800/1000 rub. 45 min. individually
Logomassage touch 800/1,000 rub. 15 minutes. from 2 times a week
Logorhythmics group lesson 600/800 rub. 45/60 min 1 time per week
Individual defectology lesson 1000 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Referral to a neurologist for free once a month
Osteopath individual sessions 3000 rub. 40 min. 3 sessions
Bioacoustic correction session 1500 rub. 20 minutes. 5 courses of 10-15 sessions
Individual mental arithmetic lesson 800 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual neuropsychological session 1000 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual neurological therapy session 1500 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Group neuropsychological session 800 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week

The Good Word Center provides group and individual speech therapy classes for children with mental retardation. Our specialists have extensive experience, high qualifications and pay close attention to each child. The correction program is developed in each case individually. It takes into account the age, characteristics and current skills of the child. The wishes of the parents are also taken into account.

Signs of speech disorders in mental retardation

With mental retardation, it is usually impossible to do without the help of a speech therapist. Typically, a child exhibits the following symptoms:

  • delayed speech development. The baby is slowly mastering speech. This may manifest itself in the form of a poor vocabulary, difficulties in constructing phrases, etc.;
  • problems with remembering. A child with mental retardation has difficulty remembering information by ear and cannot reproduce it. Even a simple quatrain can turn into a real test;
  • difficulties with processing speech information. It is difficult for a child to draw any conclusions from what he hears. Especially if his parents or teacher do not help him.

Timely intervention by a speech therapist will help avoid the development of speech pathology.

Speech therapy classes for children with mental retardation

The Good Word Center provides comprehensive correction of problems associated with mental retardation. A psychologist, neuropsychologist, neurologist and speech therapist take part in the therapy. In most cases, if the pathology is not severely expressed, with an integrated approach you can count on a good result. A child who has completed a correctional course will be able to develop normally, study at school and socialize.

It is better to start working with a speech therapist at an early age - before 5 years. Regularity and systematicity are important. You should visit a specialist 2-3 times a week. A speech therapist can also prescribe speech therapy massage. It will stimulate the muscles of the oral apparatus, which will allow the child to quickly master various sounds.

During speech therapy sessions, the child:

  • learn correct articulation;
  • will put on breathing;
  • will increase vocabulary;
  • develop coherent speech;
  • improve memory and attentiveness;
  • will develop fine motor skills, phonemic hearing;
  • correct sound pronunciation, etc.

If you are faced with a diagnosis of mental retardation, do not despair. Our specialists will provide your child with professional assistance, and he will be able to develop on par with his peers.
