Modern nursery rhymes for preschool age. Collection of children's rhymes card index on the theme

One two three four five,

We'll play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -

Just go and drive it!


The cart was traveling through a dark forest

For some interest.

Knocks, ringing,

Get out!


One two three four five,

Six seven eight nine ten,

The white moon is coming out!

Who will reach the month?

He will go and hide!

(Then he will drive!)


The bullseye is rolling

From a steep mountain

Who will raise -

Come out!


The bag was rolling

From the great hump.

In this bag:

Bread, salt, wheat,

Choose quickly

Don't detain good and wise people.


The chicken came out from under the cage,

She sat down on the poveti herself

And she shouted: “Where, where!

Come and drive here!”


One two three four five,

We're going to play.

A magpie flew to us

And she told you to drive.


Zealous horse

With a long mane

Jumps. Jumps across the fields.

Here and there! Here and there!

Here he rushes -

Get out of the circle!


A bird flew through the garden,

Dropped the grapes.

Who will lift him up?

He'll come out of the woodwork!


Gray hare,

Where did you run?

Green into the forest.

What was he doing there?

I tore the basts.

Where did you put it?

Under the deck.

Who stole?


Get out

From the window



One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang! Pow! Missed.

The gray bunny galloped away.


Ace rode on a barrel.

Sold flowers

Blue, red, light blue -

Choose any one for yourself!


One two three four,

Five, six, seven and eight -

A woman walks with a long nose,

And behind her is her grandfather,

How old is grandfather?

Speak quickly

Don't detain people.


It's like the dawn of dawn

Russ wove kerchiefs.

Who will unravel those braids,

The first horse is coming!



The hole is painfully deep.

There are mice sitting there

Everyone is looking at the sun

And they count: one, two, three -

This is where you come out!


The rooster was sitting on a stick

Counted my pins:

One two Three,

This is where you come out!


They sat on the golden porch

Tsar, prince,

King, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who are you?

Speak quickly

Don't detain good and honest people.


The month has emerged from the fog,

He took the donut out of his pocket:

I will feed the children

And you, my friend, should drive!


The turtle has its tail between its legs

And she ran after the hare,

Got ahead

If you don't believe it, come out!


A ram was walking

Along steep mountains.

Pulled out the grass

I put it on the bench.

Who will take the weed?

He'll drive!


One two three four,

The cat was taught to read and write:

And jump after the mice!


Three kopecks is a copper penny,

Choose who you want!

Three kopecks per ruble!

Choose who I love!


The fox walked through the forest,

The fox tore the stripes,

The fox weaved bast shoes -

For godfather two, for yourself three,

And some bast shoes for the kids!

Who will find the bast shoes?

He'll drive!


A cuckoo walked past the garden,

I pecked all the seedlings.

And she screamed: coo-coo, poppy -

Push up one fist!


One two three four five -

They decided to scare with a beech;

Three, four, five and six -

You don't believe that he exists;

Beeches, brothers, not at all!


Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end -

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

I'm not my mother's son

I'm not daddy's son.

I didn't grow up on a Christmas tree,

The wind blew me away

I fell on a stump -

He became a curly boy!


Ivanushka has a firebird

She pecked all the wheat.

He caught her, he caught her

And he gave it to the princess.

No firebird, no feather,

It's time for you to drive!


On the golden porch sat:

Tsar, prince,

King, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be?

Choose quickly

Don't detain the good ones

And wise people!


In the blue sea-ocean

Gold shavings float.

And on the island of Buyan

The white grove is growing.

Let's start thinking and guessing

No matter how you think or guess,

Just catch up with us!


The bear climbed into the deck,

He wanted honey.

Who doesn't believe - look

And get out of the circle.


A duckling walked along the path,

He sees the boots lying there.

He began to wear boots,

Come out, you should drive.



The cat got into a taxi.

And the kittens clung

And we had a free ride.


Tints-Brintzes, bells,

the daredevils called:

digi, digi, digi-don,

get out quickly!


Tsintsy-brintsy, balalaika.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, let's play.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I don’t want to.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I’ll pay.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, give me a nickel.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, come out like that!


Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
Masha was sowing peas.
He was born thick,
We'll rush, just wait!


One day in the summer along Onega
Som rode in a cart.
Instead of a horse - crucian carp,
He drove the cart into the mud.
Gets stuck, asking for help,
And scolds the crucian carp!


The cat was walking along the bench,
Handed out pins.
Walked along the bench -
Handed out pennies:
Some are ten, some are five,
Come out and look!


He took it and left.


A happy dog ​​was walking
And the geese ran after her,
Heads up,
And behind them is a pig,
Chiki-briki, repeat it,
What am I saying?


Sharaga, baraga,
By the bush, by the crust,
By swan, winch,
Thing, whip,
Sokolik, out.


At Liteyny Bridge
I caught a whale in the Neva,
He hid it behind the window.
The cat ate him
Two cats helped...
Now there is no whale!
Don't you trust your friend?
Get out of the circle!


One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound,
The mice ran away.


The hedgehog carried it on his name day

One and a half bags of rowan

And a basket again.

And you should drive again!


One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang Bang! Missed -

The little bunny ran into the forest!


The orange was rolling

named Irinka.

Didn't study my lessons

And I got a bad mark.

Rolled back -

I got exactly five.


Fedya - copper

Ate a bear

Two cows, three bulls,

Ate the lame gander

Ate the chicken at the gate

Fedya went to the garden.

In the garden the month of May,

Come out and catch up!


Helicopter, helicopter,

Take me on a flight.

And in flight it’s empty,

Cabbage has grown.

And there's a worm in the cabbage,

Vanya the Fool came out.


Robot-tobot and screws,

The robot drives, you hide!


Yesterday I flew in a rocket

I was on a distant planet.

From that rocket, friends,

I was the first one out!


Tsikal-tsikal, motorcycle,

All tracks were recycled

And he came to Leningrad,

Choose your outfit:

Red, blue, light blue –

Choose any one for yourself.


What's below us
Under iron pillars?
Mice live there
They sew hats;
One hat fell off
- The mouse - hopped - ran away.
Cat Matvey
I ran after her!


There are cars in the garage -
Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?


One two three four,
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka the cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!


One two three four five,
I'll start counting everyone again.


We ran down the stairs
And the steps were counted:
One two three four,
Multiply by four
Divide, divide by four -
That makes four.


Scratching the wool - your hand hurts,
Writing a letter - my hand hurts,
Carrying water - my hand hurts,
Cooking porridge - my hand hurts,
And the porridge is ready - your hand is healthy.


Zealous horse
With a long mane
By fields
Here and there!
Here and there!
Where will he slip -
Come out
From the circle


There will be rain, there will be sun,
Open the window quickly,
You leave the house
And we have drivers in the game!


Tobiki cooked the soup,
Bobiki helped,
The cats came running
They brought bowls,
The cats began to wash the bowls,
Come out, you should drive.


There were birch trees
The titmice were flying
And sat down among the birch trees
On braided branches.
Try chickadees
Find it in the leaves.
You won't find these birds


The rain is over,
I found a mushroom.
I'll cook
And you should drive.


One two three four,
A gosling lived in an apartment.
Five, six, seven,
Very skinny.
And now brothers, eight,
We'll ask his apartment:
"You slob, go away!"
And you, Kolenka, drive.


The chicken got sick
She told Teda to drive.


The black gypsy farted into the pipe.
Smoke is pouring out
You should drive.

The black gypsy breathed into the pipe,
Smoke is pouring out, you should drive.


Masha, Masha,
Our Masha has been missing for a long time.
Join us in a circle, Mashenka,
Stand in the middle and drive!


One, and two, and three, four,
Mice lived in an apartment
A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them,
Cross is a large spider.
Five and six and seven and eight
We will all ask the spider:
- Don’t come to us, glutton,
Come on, Helen (any name), drive!


An apple rolled across the dish.
You drive, but I won't.


Behind closed doors
There is an ass with pies,
Hello, butt friend,
How much does a pie cost?


One two three four five:
It's very easy to count.
Count to ten
Now, my friend, drive.

Time to go home:
Milking cows -
You should drive.


There is a gate in the forest.
Eagle owls and owls
Guard the bolts
In every crevice
Evil wolves are roaming.
Who is afraid to go there -
Let him lead.


A white ship was traveling
And on it is a mustachioed cat.
The cat wrote notes to everyone.
He told us what you drive.


The wheel rolled
It rolled far away.
And not in rye,
And not in wheat,
Rolling towards the capital itself.
Who will find the wheel?
He leads.


Behind glass doors
Ponka is sitting with pies,
Hello, Ponochka, my friend,
How much does a pie cost?
With rice, with meat, with sausage -
Choose any one for yourself.


A bird flew across the sky,
The bird told me to count.
One two Three,
You will drive!


A fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.
And in this samovar
The flies bit the hole.
One two three four five,
Come out and look for it.

Let's put the dough on yeast -
Let's look for a darker place.
Dough, dough, come.
Baker, baker, lead the way.


Pour some water
Cow to drink -
You should drive.


They carried water
Cow to drink -
You should drive.


They carried water
Cow to drink -

You should drive.


Taras - bars - rastabars,
The Tatars came to us,
Now they will live with us,
Come out! - You should drive.


Like in our hayloft
Two frogs spent the night.
In the morning we got up and ate cabbage soup.
And they told you to drive.


Even-odd, even-odd,
The sun is burning hot.
Let's start hide and seek-
The heels sparkled!
Some into the ditch, some into the bushes,
And you will be in the sun.


Even-odd, even-odd,
Even-odd chops wood,
Odd or even bakes pancakes,
Odd or even pounding millet.
All things go wrong

Reworked even-odd:
And a couple is not a match

Even or odd is not even.
She sleeps both night and day,
She's too lazy to breathe.
And to the one who drives,
He'll go wake her up!

Literature and Internet resources:

“Counting books” For preschool and primary school age. "Swallowtail", 2004

“Calendar songs and counting rhymes” Literary and artistic publication. Minsk. Harvest. 2004.

“God you are, good fellows” Russian folk poetry. Moscow. "Young guard". 1979

http:/ www. u 4 eba. info/ schitalochki/ c 3. html

The article contains the most popular and favorite educational rhymes for children.

Children have long used oral folk art in their fun and games. Counting books and tongue twisters are exclusively children's folklore, the authors of which are sometimes the children themselves. This explains the presence in short poems of incomprehensible words, topics and situations inexplicable for adults. By writing a counting rhyme, children can show remarkable imagination and ingenuity.

Counting books for children 4, 5 years old

Children aged 4-5 years show a keen interest in various counting rhymes and tongue twisters, because by this age they already consciously take part in active group games. Over time, kids use counting rhymes to resolve important controversial issues: who will play with a new car first, who will throw the ball first.

By the age of five, a child is able to remember a dozen short rhymes, but at the same time he is not at all interested in more “perfect” children's poetry. Parents should not worry: children will grow up, and the fashion for counting rhymes will pass. In the meantime, they are happily learning short rhymes, offer them a choice of the rhymes collected in this section. Let kids develop memory

Counting books for children 4 - 5 years old

- White bunny, what were you doing?
- I was picking mushrooms in the forest!
-Where are you taking the mushrooms?
- I bring them to the bunnies.

Like ours by the river
Fishermen argue loudly:
Just caught a fish
And now the bags are empty!
And in the sun there is a cunning cat,
Warms my plump belly.
He knows where all the fish are!
And we know too, behold!
The fuss has begun
Fishermen are catching a cat!
He outwitted the fishermen
Hid the catch in my stomach!

Crows like to fly across the sky,
The guys started counting all the crows.
Who counts crows
Get out of the circle!

The fox has a housewarming party
Fun awaits guests in the forest.
The first guest found out about this
And a raccoon came with a bouquet

Autumn is an honest counting rhyme:
There's a jackdaw in the sky, a rolling pin in the kitchen,
An ax was going to chop wood.
You still have to drive!

Ene-bene, slave,
There's a toad in the swamp
I caught a midge
It didn't seem like much.
Ene-bene, drops,
A heron has arrived.
The toad jumped into the swamp.
The hunt has failed!

A sheep by the river
I lost my ring.
The ring was rolling
The circle stopped.
There are guys there
Played hide and seek.
Who caught the ring?
He became a detective!

Count to ten
And try to find us!
Turn away, close your eyes.
C'mon, you can't peek!

Counting books for children 6 - 7 years old

Counting books for children 6, 7 years old

Counting rhymes are very useful to learn with kids, but it is no less useful to know and recite short rhymes for children 6-7 years old.

By learning short rhymes, the child trains his memory and learns counting. The more unusual the plot, the easier the child will remember simple lines.

This section contains counting rhymes up to five and ten, as well as funny counting rhymes for games.

Sheep were walking along the road
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One two three four five
Let's wipe our feet!
Some with a handkerchief, some with a rag,
Who has a holey mitten!

One, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!

Counting books for children 8-9 years old

One two three four five!
I learned to count!
Kolka extended his hand to me:
“Count how many fingers there are!”
What is there not to count:
"One two three four five!"

One two three four five!
We can't count our friends!
Life is hard without a friend!
Take care of each other!

Cockerel, cockerel!
Show me your skin!
The casing is on fire
How many isthmuses are there on it?
One two three four five!
It's impossible to count!

One two three four five!
We need to count the spoons!
One two three four five!
We need to count the forks!
Spoons, forks, spoons, forks...
Sawdust is rustling in my head!

One two three four five!
I can count everything:
And the sled on the mountain,
And strollers in the yard,
And girls and boys,
Their sisters and brothers,
And grocery store counters,
And windows in our house!

Counting cards up to 10

I decided to count crows:
One two three four five,
Six is ​​a crow on a post,
Seven is a crow on a trumpet,
Eight - sat on the poster,
Nine - feeds the crows...
Well, ten is a daw.
That's the end of the counting!

One, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's take off our shirts!
Nine, ten - we tan for a whole month!

Funny counting rhymes for children

Schoolchildren use counting rhymes when the need arises for an honest and fair choice. Toddlers and older children rely only on fair lots. The guys can even brag about their knowledge of the next interesting rhyme among their friends, or announce the beginning of a new game.

Reading books for schoolchildren have longer and more complex texts, and the fashion for easy-to-pronounce rhymes is fading. Every schoolchild has a favorite counting rhyme, which he certainly uses when playing with his peers.

The most popular nursery rhymes heard during school breaks and playgrounds are presented in this section.

Funny counting rhymes for children

One two three four-
I was taught to read and write:
Don't count, don't write,
Just jump across the field.

I jumped, I jumped,
I broke my leg,
My leg began to hurt,
Mama began to feel sorry

I regretted and scolded
And she sent for the doctor.
Doctor rides a bull
With a balalaika in hand.

And you go out first!

One, two, dash, four,
Five, six, seven,
Eight nine ten.
Floats out
White month!
Who will reach the month?
He will go and hide!

One two three four,
Midges lived in the apartment.
A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them,
The cross is a large spider.
Five, six, seven, eight,
We ask for a spider
You glutton, don't go!
Come on, Mishenka, drive.

One raspberry, two raspberries,
Marinka ate berries
And in Marinka’s basket
There's nothing left.
Who will go for berries?
He will find the basket.

Walked, passed,
Have not found,
Came out,
Out goes!

The gnome was looking for gold!
And I lost my cap!
I sat down and cried - what could I do?!
Come out! You should drive!

Firsts, other ones,
Naughty boys
They started playing
Choose water.
Come on, Dodon,
Go away!

Sitting on a bench -
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
And who are you?

He took it and left.

Counting books for children 9 - 10 years old

Counting books for children 9, 10 years old

It is useful to know and pronounce counting books, because they expand imaginative thinking and horizons, help in memorizing letters and numbers, and train memory. Counting books develop the child’s speech apparatus and diction, which has a positive effect on speech: it becomes clearer and more expressive.

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher.
The cat went for milk, and the kittens went head over heels.
The cat came without milk, but the kittens were ha-ha-ha.

The cat is sitting in the cold,
In a green garden.
A gray mustache is scratched with a paw,
But I'm not afraid of him!
Twisted his tail back and forth,
I caught a gray mouse.

Dot-dot, comma,
Minus, the face is crooked.
Stick-stick, cucumber,
So the little man came out.

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!
A cat married a cat,
For Kot Kotovich - For Pyotr Petrovich!
He is mustachioed and striped,
Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

Do you want some milk, kitty?
We are far from home
We have a long, long journey ahead of us.
Turn left here
Do you see a bridge across the river?
I caught you by the tail!

Shvinchik, brinchik, go away,
I went to the boyars' yard,
There the boyars sew hats,
They put them on the window.

A cuckoo walked past the forest
For some interest.
Choose the letter "s".
The letter "s" didn't fit
Choose the letter "a".

One, two - the ducklings walked.
Three, four - we went home.
The fifth trudged after them,
The sixth man ran ahead
And the seventh fell behind everyone,
Frightened, he squealed:
-Where are you, where are you?
- Not food
- We'll look nearby.

There are no lazy people in our class,
Only Vasya Nikolaev.
He comes to class
He falls asleep like a groundhog.
Quirk, Quirk, Sloth,
I missed three lessons
I was late for the fourth
The fifth one disappeared somewhere,
On the sixth, he interfered with his studies,
On the seventh I went for treatment,
I played football in the eighth grade,
Didn't come to the ninth.
On the tenth he made faces,
On the fourteenth too,
On the twentieth I had a dream,
On the thirtieth he was kicked out.

Deep in the forest
On the edge
Two cuckoos:

Bring me flour
I'm here for a treat
I'll bake some cookies.
You go, bring the flour!

Funny counting rhymes for children

Counting books with light humor will appeal to children of both primary and senior school age, because they will definitely help to take a break from difficult lessons during recess.

One two three four,
Five, six, seven, eight -
Grandma walks
With a long nose
And behind her is her grandfather.
How old is grandfather?
Speak quickly
Don't detain people!

Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.

Along the river, along the Desna,
A guy is riding on a log.
The guy sees: in the depths
An old oak tree lies at the bottom.
The guy immediately jumped into the water,
I put my hand under the deck,
There is a hole under the deck...
It's time for you to go out.

Scratching the wool - your hand hurts,
Writing a letter - my hand hurts,
Carrying water makes your hand hurt,
Cooking porridge - my hand hurts,
And the porridge is ready - your hand is healthy.

Counting books for children 4 - 5 years old

Tarya-Marya went to the forest,
She ate cones - she told us to.
But we don’t eat pine cones,
Let's give it to Tara-Mara!

The counting begins:
A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, a nightingale.

One two three four five,
We're going to play.
A magpie flew to us
And she told you to drive.

A gudgeon swam near the shore,
I lost my balloon.
Help me find him -
Count to ten.

A grandmother was walking from overseas, carrying a box.
There were mushrooms in that box,
For some - a mushroom, for others - two,
And for you, child, the whole box.

Eni, beni, ricky, taki,
Glug, glug, glug, koraki, shmaki.
Eus, beus, krasnadeus - bats!
You drive and it's class!

Educational rhymes for children

Knowing the counting rhymes, nannies and teachers will be able to easily involve the children in the game. Learn with your children!

Rain. rain. stop doing that,
Don't wet the path
I'll go for a walk anyway
I'll put on my boots

The car was driving through a dark forest
For some interest.
Come out with the letter "es".

A tangerine duck named Irinka rolled along,
I didn’t go to school - I got 2,
And when I went for a walk, I got the number 5,
And when I went home, I got the number 0!

Rain, rain, water,
Don't miss anyone!
There will be a cloud, there will be thunder,
Get out quickly!

Counting books for children 10 years old

A karateka rode on a cart,
He chopped the nuts.
Some are 2, some are 3,
And you will be the driver.

Curling my legs on the road
Yogis sat on nails.
Thirty days do not eat or drink
You still have to drive.

Counting book for children

One two three four.
Mice lived in an apartment.
We drank tea, washed cups,
They paid three pieces of money.
Who doesn't want to pay
that's why you should drive.

Zealous horse
Jumps across the field
The cornfield is jumping.
Whoever catches the horse
He plays tag with us.

Hey! Ivan,
Get into the glass
cut the lemon
And get out!

One two three four five,
We'll play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
You go and drive it!

On the golden porch sat:
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor...
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people!

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.

Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me.

One two three four five-
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh,
My little bunny is dying.
They brought him to the hospital
He stole a mitten there.
They brought him to the buffet,
He stole a hundred candies there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.

A man was driving along the road,
Broke a wheel on the doorstep...
How many nails do you need?
Don't think for long
Speak quickly.

Bells, bells,
The little pigeons were flying
By the morning dew,
Along the green lane.
We sat down on the barn.
Run, catch up!

A cuckoo walked past through the forest
For some interest
Inti, inti, Interest
Exit with the letter "S"
And there's a star on the letter
Sends trains
If the train doesn't go,
The passenger will go crazy.

So the train didn't go,
The passenger went crazy.
He climbed onto the ceiling
I tore off my belly button.

And his wife answered him
“I don’t have any green stuff!”

Musical rhymes for children

This section contains popular children's musical rhymes or sayings, without which no group game is complete. With them, the child will not have the question: “Why do I drive?”

We're going to play
Well, who should start?
One two Three,
You start

A suitcase was floating on the sea,
There was a sofa in the suitcase,
An elephant was riding on the sofa.
If you don't believe it, get out!

Fun educational rhymes for children

We had kittens
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
Look and count.

Once the kitten is the whitest
Two kittens are the bravest
Three kittens are the smartest
And four is the noisiest

Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a spot on the back
Also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are nice
One two three four five
Come join us guys
Look and count!

In this little basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Give it to anyone you want!

A German came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat -
Who will you remain friends with?

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki - dumplings!
A Russian sailor came out.

Russian folk rhymes for children

The times have long been forgotten when adults also used counting rhymes when distributing work: while hunting, while fishing, or harvesting. They did not agree to perform certain types of work, especially difficult or hazardous to health, of their own free will. A counting rhyme came to the rescue. It is not offensive and fair if the work falls short.

Sometimes non-existent words or abracadabra were used in the text of the rhymes. This is explained simply: people believed in the power of words, so they came up with unique spells. What were Russian folk rhymes like? Read in this section.

  • Asik, Masik, wine chute, prince, king, cups, spoons, honey, sugar
  • I take a berry, a black currant, for my father in a glass, for my mother in a sleeve for a gray bear's shoulder blade; Hey bear, run after me
  • Burn, firewood, it’s hot, Zakharka will come, on a written sleigh, himself on a mare, wife on a cow, children on calves, on pockmarked, on piebald dogs
  • Ivan is a blockhead, he talked milk, but didn’t blurt it out, he gave it to his wife, his wife spilled, gave birth to a bull, the bull whistled, shook after the chickens, chickens fly, break their heads, Ivan picks up
  • The apple was rolling around the garden, whoever picks it up will come out
  • Kova, new, what are you savvy with? Broken gold, watered with copper finger, hands on the stove
  • Edge, top, slice
  • Kuzka and Vaska went to Vyatka and bought two hats with four corners- a corner here, a corner here, a brush in the middle, a whip at the back of the head (they pull the hair in a card game)
  • Kulyu, kulyu, woman, don’t gouge out your eyes, go to the kut, there are girls weaving, you They will give you money, either a tuft of hair, or a comb to the forehead
  • An owl flew from the red village, the owl sat down on four stakes
  • Odian, drugian, troychan, cherichan, padan, incense, sukman, dukman, levurda, dyksa
  • Odino, popino, dvikikira, gaynam, dainam, confessed, surrendered, rybchin, dybchin, klek
  • Pera, era, chukha, ryukha, heel, honeycomb, willow, oak, poppy, cress
  • Pervanchiki, buddies, rolled kolobanchiki, on five fires half the firewood, my brother-in-law was driving, he carved out a skull, a bald skull - he went out and went away
  • First-timers, friends, boaters on the deck; first given, drug given, on deck
  • Scarecrow, five hundred judge, sexton rook, Shark cat, blueberry the leg, rotted, burned, flew across the sea, fell across the sea, the church became godfather and godfather, half a jug of wine, he and a straw, a wild onion - there
  • Pervechiki, friends, swans on the crust, bush whistle, pig, clearing, rustled, came out, he, Rodion, get out!

Tongue twister readers for children

Studying tongue twisters and pronouncing them at a fast pace, in addition to their entertainment function, helps improve diction and develop speech. A child who memorizes or reads tongue twisters quickly learns to formulate beautiful, even speech, pronounces all the letters without “swallowing” them.

The tongue twisters presented in this section are divided into categories depending on the difficulty of pronunciation.

Tongue twisters with the letter “r” and hissing consonants are considered mandatory reading, thanks to which diction improves. After the child begins to easily cope with simple tongue twisters, he can be invited to read more intricate texts. To prevent boredom from studying, the section also contains funny tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter r

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass
Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Karl stole corals from Clara,
Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

The otter dived into the otter's bucket.
The otter drowned in a bucket of water.

The ships tacked, tacked,
They didn't catch it.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.
The Greek put his hand in the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Tell us about your purchases
What about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping,
About my purchases.

In the depths of the tundra
Otters in spats
Poking into buckets
Cedar kernels!
Ripped off an otter
Gaiters in the tundra
I'll wipe the otter
cedar kernels
I'll wipe it with my leggings
otter face
Kernels in buckets
I'll take the otter to the tundra!

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds

Tongue twister starting with the letter Z

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

Tongue twister starting with the letter H

Four turtles have four baby turtles.
Four little black, grimy little devils
A drawing was drawn in black ink.

At the edge of a hut
Old talkative women live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

WITH Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha,
Sashka hit a bump with his hat.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek,
They pinch the brush in the corner.

Sasha was walking along the highway
And sucked on the dryer.

Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Funny tongue twisters for fun

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

Skinny, weak Koschey
Carrying a box of vegetables.

The parrot said to the parrot:
I'll scare you, parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!

It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie,
And forty forty is forty troubles.

Complex tongue twisters for children

Complex tongue twisters

(it’s better to learn them by heart so that you can speak without hesitation)

Tongue twister about the Chinese

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsypa-Drip,
Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Here they had children: Yak and Tsypa had Shah,
at Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shakh-Sharah,
at Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

At Kira and Fira's
There was a feast in the apartment:
The fakir ate marshmallows and
Fakir drank kefir.
And Fira and Kira
Didn't drink kefir
Didn't eat marshmallows -
Fed the fakir

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, longboat and rope,

Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
There is no bass, no taste, no weight and no demand,
No interest - no question.

“If you didn’t live near a blackberry tree,
but if you lived near a strawberry field,
that means strawberry jam is familiar to you
and not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry tree,
that means blackberry jam is familiar to you,
and not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a blackberry tree,
and if you lived near a strawberry field
and if you didn’t spare time for the forest,
that means excellent blackberry jam,
You ate strawberry jam every day.”

Counting books for children in English

Counting books for children in English with translation

Studying tongue twisters in English and their pronunciation contributes to the development of speech in terms of pronunciation of letter combinations that are unusual for Russian-speaking children. Children learning English who are over 6 years old can also practice speaking tongue twisters in English.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How much wood would a groundhog throw?
if a groundhog could throw wood?
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
managing an imaginary menagerie?

Can you imagine an imaginary zoo manager,
who runs an imaginary zoo?

Any noise annoys an oyster
but a noisier noise annoys an oyster most.

Any noise annoys the oyster,

She sells sea shells at the sea shore,
the shells she sells are the sea-shore shells, I’m sure.

She sells seashells on the seashore
the shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure.

Video: about booming Children's Songs and Counting Books in English

Offer children funny and amusing counting rhymes. Let them develop in a playful way.

Video: counting to ten

The counting book can be called an unobtrusive teacher. The thematic content reflects moral social attitudes. When they are used situationally, the child’s consciousness is restructured to the desired social wave, and the initial formation of personality occurs.

Purpose value

Nursery rhymes for children are components of folklore, which is an important cultural component of childhood. Through it, the child learns to speak beautifully, variedly, expressively, grammatically correct, and clearly. The baby's feelings and emotions become brighter, sensations become sharper.

There is an opinion that the baby’s acquisition of speech occurs before its semantic awareness. The relationship between sounds and objects is grasped intuitively. Books read aloud by an adult leave an imprint on the memory and later manifest itself. At this stage, counting books can be told as poems, accompanying the words with game actions.

One finger,

2 - finger,

3 - finger,

They don't understand something at all.

Finger - 4,

Finger - 9

We decided to check the piano.

5 - finger,

6 - finger,

They reach for the sun - a happy childhood.

While telling the rhyme, the mother takes her son’s fingers and gives them direction. In response, a cheerful laugh is heard - a sign of pleasure from the game. As he gets older, he will be ready to study to become a pianist, clearly feeling the pads and having high finger coordination. The acquired skill will have a positive effect on the development of typing speed.

Through counting rhymes, the child is introduced to the course of sciences that he will encounter at school: native, foreign languages, literature, culture, art, basics of astronomy, geography, anatomy. The game is necessary. If we limit ourselves to the basic aspects of learning to count, read, and write, at a certain stage of schooling, the existing knowledge will not be enough. An adult will make a big mistake if he does not teach his child to build his own logical conclusions and analyze. A barrier of misunderstanding of the academic discipline will arise, which is not easy to overcome.

Much attention should be paid to language and mathematical development. Through rhymes it is organically connected with morality. Gradually a unique individual is born. By inventing their own rhymes, parents raise a unique person whose life path their children will later want to follow.

Mathematical knowledge with the help of counting rhymes

Mathematics is not an easy subject. Its importance in developmental terms is great. Worldview and understanding, according to some teachers, depend on it. Mathematical development is cognition through the logic of basic concepts, their comprehension, and assimilation.

Everyone should learn to count. The ability to think mathematically is important. First, the children need to be introduced to numbers so that they learn their appearance and names. Associative thinking will help. Any number can be compared with an object of reality, creating a fairy-tale character. It is interesting to use such verses for recounting if they are rhythmic enough.

The unit is not a bird,

Not a crow or a stork.

This is a cunning fox.

And no one knows about her.

The two ducks have swum

I called all the ducklings,

They gathered to a distant land,

Everyone counted together.

Someone lost three

And he called it wrong.

This is our magic comb,

He brushes gently.

The elephant Arkhipych suddenly fell asleep,

He turned the chair over with his nose,

He smiled wider

And he called it four.

Let the children guess

Where does the number five go?

This is the caterpillar Nastya

He expects sweets from us as a gift.

When the children have learned the numbers and memorized them, it’s worth giving them some training. Counting rhymes will again help you practice counting forward and backward.

One, 2, 3, 4, 5,

You can't reach the sun from the sky.

5, 4, 3, 2, times,

The sun gently warms us.

The world around us is interesting.

6 confusing problems.

Try to figure it out.

The one who was touched by the hand during the counting goes to investigate. Any tasks can be created, not necessarily in mathematics or another academic subject. The game element leaves room for the imagination of the teacher and parents.

After completing the practice of naming numbers, it is quite logical to move on to mastering arithmetic operations. As an example, Natalia Kapustyuk’s rhyme works well:

Decorated the Christmas tree yourself

We are snowflakes, look:

These five were hung by the hare,

Hedgehog - four - woodpecker - three.

Sparrows (there are also three of them)

Seven, higher, where is the star!

Then the beaver said:

Here, take two then!

The squirrels immediately picked it up

A gift from grandfather beaver.

Oh, how the crafts look!

Let's count, kids?!

If you additionally act out the counting rhyme as a costume play, learning will happen faster, with a greater desire to continue.

Astronomical rhymes

Not all parents will agree that a small child needs knowledge about the vast cosmos. To form a complete picture of the world and develop imagination, a minimum amount of information is necessary. It’s worth telling the most basic things about the solar system, planets, and constellations, explaining what they are. The kid will be happy to get acquainted with the concept of the galaxy and will begin to look for the polar star in the sky. It’s easy to remember the planets using A. Hight’s counting rhyme:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter

Six - Saturn

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Having memorized the planets, children will begin to understand satellites and sculpt space micromodels from plasticine. Particularly gifted geniuses will move on to create their own fictional universes. It is important not to let the game go too far so that the child becomes disconnected from the world. It is unfair to ruin a unique initiative in the bud. Parents should take lessons about space very seriously and carefully.

Counting books in English

Linguistic consciousness is formed at an early age. It is better not to separate classes in your native language from studying a foreign language. The alphabet and counting are perfectly learned with the help of children's rhymes. For parallel perception, it is good to give children poems in 2 languages ​​at once:

1, 2, look at my shoe,

3, 4, knock at the door,

5, 6, pick up sticks,

7, 8, lay them straight,

9, 10, a big fat hen.

1, 2 big boots.

Gates 3 and 4 were opened.

5, 6 sticks can't be counted.

Let's add 7, 8 evenly.

9, 10 Weigh the chicken.

11, 12 dig and delve.

13, 14 mothers are counting.

15, 16 mothers in the kitchen.

17, 18 mothers are waiting.

19, 20 I have had plenty.

11, 12 it's time to get ready.

13, 14 we arrive at 11.

15, 16 it's time to refresh yourself.

Moms can't wait until they're 17, 18.

19, 20 is already enough for me.

Under the ocean, green and deep

Lie the fishes fast asleep.

Under the arm and over the shoe,

Tap on the head, and out goes you.

Under the water of the ocean disappeared into the depths

Little fish. And they are silent in their sleep.

Clap your hands and stamp your feet.

You will lead with a wise head.

This stick will tell the one we choose

To be the lord in shining shoes,

To rule the lands both near and far.

The stick tells you will be king Thar!

The staff will tell you who is in charge here.

And the glorious little one will rule

Country near and far.

Be brave! You are our king Biralday.

Bee, a bee, a bumblebee.

Stung a man upon his knee.

And a hog upon his snout.

I"ll be dogged if you ain"t out!

Bee, bee,

Sit on the Christmas tree

Sing to the people

Give everyone some honey!

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Come on out and play with me.

Q, R, S, T, U, V.

Oh, how happy we will be!

Lots of fun for you and me.

Ah, Grandmother, Your Mister Grandfather Went to Get Married in Winter and Bowed to Olenka, Polenka, and Risky Dog. Here at the gate Fedya. Wants to kiss. What kind of jokes? It's ticklish! This is Yurunda. I.

The selection of nursery rhymes for preschool age is carried out by each parent and teacher at his personal discretion, based on what is known about a particular child.

Counting books as part of everyday life

Routine for children needs to be diluted. You don’t need to spend all your time playing and studying. Simple tasks like cleaning an apartment, doing laundry, or going shopping can be turned into an exciting performance. The reader determines the order in which things should be washed, where to start dusting, and which product to remove from the supermarket shelf. Some capricious little people take a long time to choose what to eat for lunch. If you count food items, the choice will be faster and more emotionally active. Perhaps even re-education. Poems can be anything. It is good to include an educational element in them.

Two huge hippos

They lay down to rest in the swamp.

And then the swamp immediately

Increased by 2 times.

Before going to bed, eating, while washing, combing your hair, you can recite rhymes, individually tailored to the situation.

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

This finger picked a mushroom,

This finger began to fry,

Well, what about this one? He ate everything

That's why I got fat.

The playful organization of everyday life will turn children into optimists, change their attitude towards simple things, and make their existence bright.

Element of playful leisure in kindergarten

When there are many children, confusion often arises. Especially when there are twins and children wearing identical outfits. Children's rhyming rhymes come to the rescue.

Often you need to line up children before going to the dining room, outside, or to the museum. To organize a certain game, orderliness is required. The teacher just needs to click:

Naughty bastards,

Run out into the courtyards

Let's start playing

Voivode to choose.

A governor from the people,

Get out of the round dance.

And you, good fellow,

Get to the very end!

A dog walked across the bridge

Four legs, fifth tail.

If the bridge fails,

The dog will fall down!

So that she doesn't drown,

You run to pull it.

Costume mini-performances will add excitement to the entertainment.

In house number 25

We had fun until the morning

And they said: “We have to go!”

The ant came out first

The second nightingale came out,

The third parrot came out

And the fourth - catch up!

Active preschoolers love to run, so there should be as many of these poems as possible.

Bells, bells,

The little pigeons were flying

By the morning dew,

Along the green line

We sat down on the barn.

Run, catch up.

Another common game is hide and seek. The option of choosing a driver or a hiding person is possible.

One two three four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight nine ten.

The white moon floats out.

Who will reach the month?

He will go and hide.

At children's parties, the words of each rhyme can be illustrated by child actors located in a certain designated place.

One two three four five -

Let's start the games.

The bees flew into the field.

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive.

Having had enough fun, the kids calm down and can move on to calm entertainment and conversations. Using counting rhymes, it is useful to give advice, counting the order in which a piece of plasticine of a specific color is received.

A rooster walked along the shore,


Into the river - bang!

The rooster will know

What next

Need your feet


It’s nice to settle into bed for a quiet hour with a counting rhyme. For this purpose, it is better to select calming, calm rhymes, reminiscent of a lullaby.

Once upon a time under the Christmas tree the little bunny Fluff

I found an unknown green pot.

He carefully took his find

And with her he galloped to the edge of the forest to visit his friends.

There should be as many counting books for children in kindergarten as possible. Almost any little thing, accompanied by a perky rhyme, enlivens the child, awakens in him additional interest in what is happening, excitement.

Events and performances

A holiday for children is an event. Preparation for it begins a year in advance. Games, fairy tales, performances, concerts - all this is an integral part of active leisure. If you organically combine the above, seasoned with rhymes, the dish will turn out unforgettable.

The presenter can start. Seat guests and spectators in a certain order. Using nursery rhymes.

A suitcase was floating on the sea.

There was a sofa in the suitcase.

And there's an elephant hidden in the sofa.

Those who don't believe, get out!

The actors portray everything that is said in the rhyme. In the middle of an event, it is useful to play with the audience to “shake things up”.

On a May evening to the pestle

Girlfriends came for pancakes:

Three laying hens, three clotting hens.

How many chickens are there in the hut?

A minnow swam near the shore,

Lost a balloon.

Help me find him -

Count to ten.

A breeze from the drifting snow

Made a silver cord

And he took him to the taiga

White-maned blizzard!

Instead of T. Belozerov's poems, children can write their own. The main idea can be “woven” from different rhymes. As an example, you can refer to Tatyana Shatskikh’s New Year’s count:

Past the fir trees and rowan trees

Bunny runs alone.

In a new hat, in a white fur coat,

He hurries to his friend, to Mishutka,

Holds a serpentine in his paws,

The bunny has only one.

Suddenly under the tree he hears: “Kwa!”

“Kwa” is the frog word for “two.”

Two bags of confetti

And a frog is on the way!

And she can’t sleep in winter,

And even in such cold weather!

“Hey, don’t step on me!” -

The hedgehog came out, that's three.

The hedgehog has three flags

Blue like clouds.

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese

He says loudly: “Four!”

Inserts candles into holes

And attaches it to the Christmas tree!

The wolf cub says: “Five!

We'll decorate the Christmas tree!

Five beautiful, bright garlands

...Oh, we forgot about the gifts!”

“I have gifts! -

The raccoon says, -

There are six of them.

Six mushrooms in chocolate

In gilded paper!

Seven! Little fox for testing

Prepared fireworks

Plus firecrackers, lanterns,

And sparklers!

Eight! Squirrel on a branch

Gives candy to friends.

Eight nuts for each

(I collected them all autumn).

And Mishutka is clubfooted

All sleepy, sucking his paw,

I brought nine balls,

(I made them from roses in the summer).

Then the owlet flew in,

He sang ten sonorous songs,

Like a cheerful nightingale,

About gifts, about friends,

About Happy New Year

And about a friendly round dance.

Santa Claus came to them

Spruce praised the elegant one,

And until the morning

The kids had fun!

It is more interesting to choose Santa Claus from among the guests. Like Laura Repening.

December was walking along the road,

Got my feet wet on the hike.

No snow, full of water

You will be Santa Claus!

A counting farewell is appropriate at such a holiday.

Tomorrow it will fly from the sky

Blue-blue-blue whale

If you believe, stand and wait,

If you don't believe me, come out!

Holiday - fantasy, creativity. Writing a script together with children and parents, inventing original rhymes, will be an important step towards team unity, a transition to a new stage in educational work.

Counting lullaby

Adults may have the habit of “counting sheep” before going to bed. Often due to insomnia. Children tend to do something similar. The reason is the creative energy not fully used during the day. Parents often read a book at night. An alternative could be children's counting songs. A kind of “counting sheep” version.

Overlaying the text of the rhyme with the lullaby motif will delight the baby and have a beneficial effect on his positive emotions. The motif “The dream found the way” is harmoniously combined with the text:

1, 2, 3, sleep, sleep,

Close your eyes tightly.

6, 7, 8 fall asleep.

I can't sleep at all.

Here I sing for you.

30 sleep soundly.

Another option is “Sleep, my joy, sleep!”

One-two-three, one-two-three, one...

We had a fun day.

5, 7 and 9 friends

They ran to visit quickly.

11 new colors

They grow among green meadows.

12, 13 go to sleep.

Look at 14 dreams.

“Tired Toys Sleep” sounds completely different.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50

An unknown piglet is sleeping in a village.

60 and 70 and 80, 90.

He closed his eyes.

You counted to one hundred.

Having fallen asleep while listening to a counting rhyme, children will wake up cheerful, they will definitely come up with a new game, the stimulus for imagination is contagious.

Children's rhymes can be woven into everyday life in a variety of ways, without fear of experimentation. In modern society, in some strata of it, children's folklore is disappearing under the pressure of television. Pessimists are sounding the alarm, claiming that it is time to save the children. While the same televisions and other innovations are convenient to use to spread the creativity of children, introducing the younger generation to fairy tales, songs, and counting rhymes. A small rhyming number can enrich a child’s world. It is important to use it correctly in training and education.

Svetlana Tyulyakova

I offer a small card index of rhymes. Many people remember them by heart from their own childhood.


picture website

We shared the orange, there were many of us, and he was alone.

This slice is for the hedgehog, this slice is for the siskin.

This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens.

This slice is for the beaver, and the peel is for the wolf!

He's angry with us! Run away in all directions!


Once our Stepan’s cat was watching for sour cream.

And when lunch came, the cat sat there and there was no sour cream.

Help Stepan, look for sour cream with him.


On the golden porch sat: the tsar, the prince, the king,

Prince, shoemaker, tailor, who will you be?

Speak quickly and do not detain good and honest people.


To build a new house, they stock up on oak planks.

Bricks, iron, paint, nails, tow and putty.

And then, then, then, they start building a house.


An apple was rolling around the garden, and the apple fell straight into the water - gurgle!


Behind the glass mountains stands Vanya with pies.

Hello, Vanechka-friend, how much does the pie cost?

A pie costs three, but you’ll be the one to drive!


A goat walked along the bridge and wagged its tail.

It got caught on the railing and landed right in the river.

Whoever doesn’t believe it is him, get out of the circle!


We ran up the stairs and counted the steps.

One, two, three, four, multiply by four.

Divide, divide by four - you get four.


The first birds, the other ones, the little doves were flying.

Along the morning dew, along the green stripe.

There are apples, nuts, honey, sugar, go to the corner!


A cuckoo flew past the garden. I pecked all the seedlings.

And shouted “Ku-ku-mak, open one fist!”


A zealous horse with a long mane gallops and gallops across the fields,

Here and there, here and there! Where he gallops - get out of the circle!


A cuckoo walked past the net, and behind it were small children.

And they shouted “Kuk! Poppy! Take one fist away!”


A squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts,

To the little fox-sister, to the sparrow, to the titmouse. To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache, some in a scarf, some in his goiter, some in a spatula.”


Burn, burn. It's clear that it won't go out. Stand at the hem and look into the field -

Trumpeters ride there and eat rolls.

Look at the sky - the stars are shining, the cranes are screaming, one, two, don't be a crow,

Run like fire!


The bomb explodes and the game begins. At the beginning of the game: one, two, three,

The fire has fallen!


Protaturochka hen. Cuckoo-grouse. They sat down, burned, flew over the sea, across the sea there was a hill, on the hill there was a Dubrovka tree. There is a queen in Dubrovka,

Red maiden, honey, sugar, go there - the little king!


A ram walked along the steep mountains and pulled out the grass. He put it on the bench.

Whoever takes it will go out!


Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh, Masha was sowing peas.

It was born thick, we rushed, you - wait!


The pig walks through the forest, tearing up the grass.

She tears it up and takes it and puts it in baskets, this one will come out, that one will go!


Hey, Vanyusha, look, we’re blowing bubbles: red, blue, blue, choose any one!


Aty-batty the soldiers walked, aty-batty to the market.

Aty-baht, what did you buy, aty-baht, the samovar.


The squirrels of the hares were treated to food and given carrots.

They ate all the nuts themselves, and they told you to drive.


There lived one burbot in the river, two ruffs were friends with him,

Three ducks flew to them four times a day.


Tili-tili, tili-bom,

A bunny knocked down a pine tree with his forehead.

I feel sorry for the bunny, the bunny is wearing a bump.

Hurry up and run into the forest

Give the bunny a compress.


One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

What should we do? What should we do?

We need to catch the bunny!


Cockerel, cockerel, show your skin!

The shell is burning with fire, how many feathers are on it?

One, two, three, four, five, impossible to count...


Tomorrow a blue, blue, blue whale will fly from the sky.

If you believe, stand and wait, if you don’t believe, come out!


Near the Liteiny Bridge I caught a whale in the Neva,

He hid it behind the window and the cat ate it.

Two cats helped, and now there is no whale!

Don't you trust your friend? Get out of the circle!


One-two-blue! Three-four-suns in the world!

Five-six-there is a river! Let's throw seven-eight-shirts!

Nine-ten-let's sunbathe! Whole month!


A nimble sparrow jumps among the white doves,

Sparrow-bird, gray shirt, respond, sparrow,

Fly out, don't be shy!


An apple rolled past the orchard. Past the garden, past the hail!

Whoever lifts it will come out!

Many parents know: the basis of speech is largely determined by how often we communicate with our baby and what the nature of this communication is. Counting books are a universal means of developing in a child not only competent speech, but also a sense of rhythm. The game form and unobtrusiveness of the process provide interest in learning for children of different characters and temperaments. A counting game as a genre is a short rhyme, a form of drawing lots that is used to determine who leads the game. Rhythm is very important in organizing a counting rhyme. In the article we will consider counting rhymes both for the youngest listeners - babies under one year old, and for older children 2–3 years old, whose texts use counting.

A selection of rhyming rhymes for babies up to one year old

For babies under one year old, the texts of the counting rhymes are as simple and rhythmic as possible. At the same time, it is good to perform some actions near the child: at first clap your hands, then “count” the baby’s favorite toys. This will be an excellent training not only for the memory, but also for the baby’s rhythm.

For children under one year old, counting rhymes are combined with clapping

Examples of counters:

A variety of counting rhymes and short poems develop a child’s memory well.

Counting books for children 1–2 years old

From the age of one, children should be gradually introduced to counting, starting with 3–4 numbers, gradually increasing to 10. Also, 1–2 years is the period when the child begins to repeat counting rhymes after adults: first, the endings of phrases, and then complete rhymes. It is recommended that counting books for children of this age not be too long; it is especially important to pause before the last word in each line while reading. This way, in a playful way, the child will gradually memorize the text.

One-year-old babies master their first numbers with the help of counting rhymes

Examples of counting rhymes using counting:

Finger counters and games develop the child’s fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection.

Counting books help children acquire knowledge about the world around them. A child will easily understand a story about animals if it is framed in a “counting” rhyme:

The flora also lends itself to study through rhymes:

Not only natural objects can be studied with the help of counting rhymes, they are perfect for memorizing colors:

Video: counting song (counting to 5)

Video: a girl tells a rhyme about fingers

A selection of rhymes for children 3 years old

Three-year-old children can already pronounce simple rhymes themselves - mainly those that they learned at 2 years old. But parental participation is still important; now adults can tell their children more complex texts. Gradually the baby will remember them too. During this period, the adult can simply pronounce or sing the text, and the child himself makes counting movements with his hand and, if possible, “helps” in those episodes where counting is taking place.

Three-year-old children “help” their parents recite rhymes

Examples of rhymes for three-year-old children:

Three-year-old children perfectly copy the intonations and gestures of adults when reading rhymes and poems

If the child is already familiar or is currently becoming acquainted with complex numbers - two-digit and three-digit, counting rhymes will help him consolidate new knowledge in a playful way:

Standing a little apart are counting rhymes consisting of “abracadabra” - words that do not exist in nature. But they are also worth studying and telling to the child, because such rhymes develop memory (it is more difficult to remember a word without reference to an image), and also, thanks to a specific set of sounds, they actively train the child’s diction.

Counting books with fictitious words are one of the most favorite among children, because they contain something unusual, reminiscent of a spell.

Video: counting rhyme “Kitty stories”

Thus, counting rhymes that are correctly selected according to age can create an excellent foundation for the child’s future scientific and creative victories.
