Personalized book about a child to order. Personalized fairy tales about your child Book about a child children's fairy tale to order

Fairy tales have always served not only for entertainment, but also for educating the younger generation; with fairy tales, adults instilled in their children and grandchildren such positive qualities as kindness, courage, bravery, responsiveness, selflessness, and determination. However, folklore that has come down to us through centuries, like ancient fairy tales, does not always meet the needs of modern children. Often, parents intuitively transform popular stories in order to convey important things to their child in an entertaining way, without direct instructions or prohibitions. As a result, personalized fairy tales are born - magical stories where children recognize themselves in the main characters.

These are not abstract princes and princesses, fantastic creatures and talking forest animals, but little boys and girls. They have the same name, they are the same age, they also go to kindergarten and don’t like semolina, they get into difficult situations and come out of them with honor.

Such a fairy tale copes with its educational function much easier, because kids very quickly draw a parallel between its plot and reality. The scientific basis for the method was provided by the Soviet-Georgian teacher of the 20th century, Shalva Amonashvili. He proved that children perceive personalized fairy tales as a guide to action. And following the example of the fairy-tale namesake in difficult situations, the child learns self-education. And this is much more useful than just listening to adults and doing what they tell.

The hero in personalized fairy tales is not a fictional character, but a real child (The book is printed specifically for your child). The child understands that the fairy tale is about him, seeing that the main character is endowed with the same personal qualities and character traits as him. The main character lives in the same city, his surroundings are the same as in his reality. Together with him, all his loved ones take part in fairy tales: dad, mom, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friends, etc.

Why the book of Miracle Fairy Tales would be a great gift for the whole family

  • First impression: wow effect guaranteed.

Kids will be amazed to receive a real book with their photo and name on the cover. This is just a miracle! On the first page there are personal wishes, and inside there are all the stories about the most important thing for everyone (including the smallest) person - about himself.

  • Long-lasting, exciting leisure time for children.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Methodological assistance for parents.

Therapeutic fairy tales will become a miraculous means of solving small, but so important, children's problems. Fears, resentments, the eternal dilemma of “I want” and “I need”... Everything that parents are usually forced to cope with at the cost of their own nerves can be resolved effortlessly - “like in a fairy tale.”

  • A priceless family artifact.

This high quality edition will survive heavy use and will eventually become a family heirloom. Perhaps in the future the tattered volume will be read to another child: “Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about mom?”

  • Flexible prices for any wallet.

The price of “Wonder Tales” depends on your budget. Choose the option that suits you.

I am often asked the following question: “Why do you write fairy tales about all sorts of little animals and so on. Why not invent a fairy tale about a child?”

This question began to come up especially often after the release of the first Photobook “Fairy Tales”.
I decided to close this issue once and for all. So this article will focus on the topic:

“Fairy tales about a child: right or wrong?”

Now on the Internet you can easily find a bunch of different fairy tales about your child, which should solve all the problems. And it would seem easier for parents not to invent different characters, but to simply tell a fairy tale about their child.

Let's figure it out. Let's remember the main ones. Now we are interested in the principle of security. A child should feel safe in a fairy tale space. Those. The child should have the opportunity to identify with the characters in the fairy tale, and in the most emotionally intense moments to distance himself from them.

Now imagine a situation: parents are worried that their child is lying. And so they tell him a fairy tale: “Once upon a time you were Petya, and one day Petya broke a vase and told his mother a lie...” How do you think the boy Petya will feel in such a situation? Personally, I would be at least uncomfortable...

Or Petya is crying in kindergarten and doesn’t want to let his mother go, and his parents tell him a fairy tale: “And then one day Petya went to kindergarten and cried, and his mother told him...”

When and why should you not use fairy tales about a child?

Such tales cannot be used because they do not give the child a sense of security. Consider that you are simply reading morals to the child.

Any main character in a fairy tale should only be similar to your child. Then the baby will have the opportunity to distance himself from the main character of the fairy tale.

And if the fairy tale is about your child, then how to distance yourself? Just turn on all the protective mechanisms to the fullest and that’s it...

In what specific situations should you never invent a fairy tale about your child?

Firstly, this concerns the problem of fears. The child is already afraid, and if he himself encounters the subject of his fear in a fairy tale, he will simply be “overwhelmed.” You definitely need to give your child distance, and the more, the better.

Secondly, this applies to associative behavior (aggression, lies, etc.). Fairy tales should not be directive, i.e. be completely different from moral teachings. And if the fairy tale is about your child who offends everyone, then it turns out to be the most ordinary moral lesson.

When can you write fairy tales about your child?

If we take neutral themes, then the child can be the hero of a fairy tale.

A fairy tale can be about a child, if it is just a story, an adventure fairy tale, i.e. is not aimed at overcoming any specific problem. For example, you can come up with a fairy tale about your child who went to Oz or went on a trip around the world.

If you really want to solve some problem with a fairy tale, and you want the child to be the hero of the fairy tale, then you can do this: the child can be the main character's assistant. And it is the main character who will have the problem, and your child in the fairy tale will help him cope with the problem. Thus, you will give the child in the fairy-tale space an advantage, strength (he is also an assistant).

I hope I explained everything in detail. You can also watch my video on this issue.

If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Everyone has their own associations with the word “fairy tale”. I remember a yellow-covered edition, The Big Book of Fairy Tales, that stood on the highest shelf in the closet. From time to time I re-read my favorite works from there. Fairy tales are an integral part of childhood. And of course, every mother tries to choose a fairy tale for her baby responsibly.

Nowadays, in addition to ordinary fairy tales, personalized stories have become widespread. The point is that the child himself becomes the main character. Some facts: the year of birth of personalized fairy tales is considered to be 1982, when teacher Shalva Amonashvili proposed fairy tale therapy. He believed that fictional stories could be used to shape a child's personality.

You can compose a fairy tale yourself, but it requires time + desire + creativity . Then the work will turn out individually for your own baby. For example, knowing about the shortcomings of a baby, you can “help” the hero in a fairy tale to overcome his vices or fears.

If you don’t have enough time/desire/creativity, you can use numerous resources that are ready, for a certain amount of money, to provide you with a real book with personalized fairy tales about your baby, illustrated with your photographs. As a rule, on such resources you should first fill out a questionnaire for the best selection of a fairy tale: information about the child, family, favorite toy, pets, etc. There is an option to get a pdf copy of the book, which will cost less. Then you can print the fairy tale yourself (at least on a home printer). Such resources usually contain information that fairy tales were created by specialists: experienced teachers and psychologists.

Today I want to conduct a mini-review of sites where a personalized (to one degree or another) fairy tale can be downloaded absolutely free. Resources offer test versions of works to show how the final copy will turn out.

1. . When you click the "Test Fairy Tale" button, the book "Tales about Vanya" opens; the only fairy tale available is "About Vanya and the Goldfish." Parents are encouraged to remake this story for their child.

2. (as well as many resources linking to this one, which send the same fairy tale:,, etc.). When you select the “free fairy tale” item in the menu, you must indicate the e-mail, the child’s name, gender and date of birth, the book in pdf is sent by mail. I got a fairy tale about my baby and my heart.

3. An interesting resource, because... offers to subscribe to the newsletter, which will send general useful information about fairy tale therapy in general and the fairy tale itself once every two weeks. The downside is that the questionnaire is not filled out initially, so there is no gradation either by age or gender. As a result, the very first fairy tale came about a shy schoolboy, which I will not soon be able to tell to a small child. You should look for the newsletter in the “goodies” section.

4. site, I really liked it. Firstly,There are a lot of questionnaire questions, which means the fairy tale will contain details that will be interesting to the child. Secondly, the book contains as many as 10 fairy tales and has color illustrations. A link to download the work will be sent to your email. The only negative: you can order no more than five times.

5. The resource from which the idea for this post was . Here is a wholefairy tale constructor. Depending on the gender of the child, different genres are offered: for boys - Sea Saga, Epic or Fantasy, and for girls - Magic Kingdom, Folk Tale or Magic in the Modern World. In addition, in the middle of the story it is possible to choose a plot development option. All fairy tales on the topic of health. The result can be sent to yourself by email or immediately downloaded as a pdf. You can also take part in a competition held by Doctor Mom. Works will be accepted until April 6, 2015. I don’t know whether the project will function after the competition is over. I tried to compose a fairy tale on this resource myself - I liked the result. I was also pleased with the very colorful and clear interface for working.

When I was looking for a birthday gift for my beloved daughter Stefania, I learned about the provision of a unique service - the production of the book “Fairy Tales about Your Child” in a single copy. At the very beginning, the price, of course, really surprised me. But one day, on one of the sites on the Internet, I found a rather tempting offer and decided to take this action.

When ordering the book, I had to fill out a large form, indicating the names of all our relatives. In addition, I selected some of the most successful photographs. In a relatively short period of time, I received an original copy of a personalized book, on the pages of which there were more than one fairy tale about a child.
When I gave this book as a gift and read it to my little girl, her delight knew no bounds. The fairy tale about my child exceeded all my wildest expectations.

What is inside?

So, what is “A Tale about Your Child”?

I would like to clarify right away that I ordered this book for my daughter’s birthday, who was turning 3 years old. Among all the proposed options, I settled on a gift book for children 4-8 years old, since the option for books from 0 to 3 years old seemed very simple to me for my child.

The appearance of the book and its design are at the highest level. What immediately caught my eye was a beautiful hardcover photograph of my child. Inside the book is printed on white paper a dedicatory inscription from us, that is, her parents. Then 22 fairy tales are posted, the content of which was truly appreciated only after reading them. They are not at all like the fairy tales that we read in other books. Each storyline involves my daughter’s immediate family, her friends, and even her favorite toys. But the main character is still my beloved princess. Any fairy tale about my child is written in a very interesting way, teaching her to be kind and attentive to all the people around her. In addition, each tale comes with a personalized coloring book. After all, Stefania loves to decorate so much, and even more so for people close to her.

I would also like to say that this book was created by real professionals in their field who approach writing a book creatively. It became especially interesting when I read good jokes that directly related to our family. Everyone loved and remembered these ironic lines so much that even in a fit of anger they have a positive effect on the daughter and make her laugh.

Since we were all delighted with such an original gift, we unanimously decided to order another alternative collection a year later from the same age category - 4-8 years. Why not?

And what did we see when we received a book with fairy tales about my child?

In the very center of the bright cover is a photo of my daughter proudly displayed. Then they noticed a dedicatory inscription on my behalf and my dad’s. And, of course, 21 favorite fairy tales about Stephanie, each of which presents an instructive story that teaches how to cope with the problems that are most relevant for this age. After I read all the fairy tales from this book, Steshenka began to think about many things that she didn’t even want to hear about before. For example, how to find a good friend, fall in love with cutting nails, or learn to enjoy other people's achievements, not to be greedy, and much more.

Books from 6 to 13 years old

On the same site I noticed a whole series of books for children from 6 to 13 years old.
Our niece just turned 7 the other day and we were invited to her birthday party. And I decided to give an educational series of books about the incredible travels of my niece in two volumes. The first volume is “Journey to Ancient Egypt” and the second volume is “England in the Time of King Richard.”

All these books never cease to amaze Stefania and me, not only with their design, but also with their content. On the cover there is a photo and the name of our niece. All the other photographs of my relative that I sent also did not go unnoticed. Many fabulous photo illustrations of her face were printed on most pages. Just imagine with what delight she began reading each of the books in the hope of seeing herself there. Besides everything else, the child was simply fascinated by their content. After all, each book simply transported Alina (that’s our niece’s name) to a certain era and country of the world, and also talked about cultural values ​​and life of that time. She shared with me that she mentally imagined herself and her family’s life as if they were living then, that is, in a completely different version of life. Because of her age, she still did not understand everything she read. And I had to explain many things to her myself. But, despite this, Alina really liked to feel like a real hero, and especially to emerge victorious from all the adventures that happened to her.

For children 2 years and younger

I shared my impressions of such a find with one of my neighbors on the site. And what do you think? She also decided to order for the birthday of her son Roma, who was turning 2 years old, one book intended from birth to 3 years.

After some time, Roma’s mother told me about this book. In addition to the photo of her baby, everyone was amazed by the photographs of parents and other relatives, skillfully placed on the pages of this unique copy. In addition, I really liked the dedicatory inscription invented by one of the storytellers of this publishing house. Before going to bed, Roma constantly asked to read one fairy tale to him, presented in poetic form. This is not surprising. After all, the child felt like a real fairy-tale hero who taught everyone else to be kind, hardworking, and to love their neighbors.

Fairy tales for adults

Our family was approaching its fifth anniversary. And what was my surprise when my husband presented me as a gift with a book from this publishing house from the “Gift for a Man or Woman” series. I immediately put everything aside and started reading it. I’ll be honest, after reading it from cover to cover, I felt like a real princess who took part in a fabulous, romantic and humorous photo story about love. Who do you think was the prince? Of course, my husband, who throughout all these years of marriage shared all the sorrows and joys that befell our destinies.

By the way, now you can order these books with a 50% discount.
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A fairy tale book about a girl Lila and her cat Alex. Lilya lives in Sumy. One day, two African robbers, the Yakuza, an inventor from Japan and a talking giraffe from South Africa named Gerard met in her house. It was fun!

This fairy tale book tells how one little girl was given a magic kaleidoscope for her birthday. Looking into it, she was immediately transported to a fairy-tale planet with the same name - Kaleidoscope. Both the girl’s friends and her parents, taking turns looking into the magic tube, were also transported to this planet. The travelers met many different miracles there, and in the end they returned home safely.

This book is a fun, exciting and collective tale about how one day a boy named New Year came to visit children from a kindergarten, and his Grandfather Frost lost the gifts intended for the children.

This book is a fun, exciting and collective tale about how one day a boy named New Year came to visit children from a kindergarten, and his Grandfather Frost lost the gifts intended for the children. Fortunately, Santa Claus's gifts were found, and he distributed them to the children in the kindergarten.

Diamond for Lily
- A ball named Maradona,

A fabulous story about the incredible adventures of two St. Petersburg residents, Gena and Yulia, in the city of cats, Chudoburg. The young people and their cat Zhuzhu were transported to this extraordinary place by two mysterious creatures that resembled cats. This is a fairy tale for a couple in love.

Diamond for Lily
- A ball named Maradona,

Magic Rally, or How Dad and Volodya Were Racers

February 14 - Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Think about the gift in advance. Valentines, perfume, flowers, rings, cakes - all this, of course, is cute, but very banal and, as it seems to us, has become boring for a long time.

This fairy tale book is written in the fantasy genre: it has white and black magicians, sword fights, magic crystals from which grows a crystal bridge connecting two parallel worlds. The same bridge connected the hearts of two loving young people - a boy and a girl.

We make two versions of fairy tale books: economical (with one character, a fairy tale story, which is offered to different customers, and a simplified design) and individual (with several characters, a personal fairy tale story, and individual design). Both versions of the book are produced in hard cover using high-quality color printing.

Coffee Train is a branded book created specifically for the caffeine chain as an original gift and a non-standard way to promote the Coffeeman brand.

Coffee Train is a branded book created specifically for the caffeine chain as an original gift and a non-standard way to promote the Coffeeman brand.
