Professions for children, how to choose and not make a mistake. We tell children about professions in a fairy tale About professions for children 5 6 years old

Children grow up quickly and ask more and more questions every day. And I really want to tell them everything as interesting and colorful as possible! This time we will try to tell children about professions. There are a lot of them, they are all interesting, but we will try to explain to children what a profession is and tell them about the main professions.

So, we tell children about professions with the help of a fairy tale!

A Tale of Lost Professions

There lived two little girls - Katya and Lera. They were sisters and were very curious. Every day they asked their mom and dad so many questions that they simply did not have time to answer them:

- What for?

- And why?

And that’s why mom and dad called them why. And then one day the little girls were walking in the yard and playing happily. Katya took out the candy she had taken with her from home from her pocket, unwrapped it, quickly put it in her mouth and threw the candy wrapper on the ground. Lera, seeing how cheerfully the wind picked up the piece of paper and carried it onto the road, did the same with her candy wrapper. The girls laughed merrily and wanted to continue their game of catch-up, but then they saw how some old man in a smeared apron and with a broom in his hands picked up the candy wrappers they had thrown and sadly shook his head:

- Is it possible to do this? - he asked. Which one of you will grow up?

- I will be a princess! – Katya said

- And I will be a princess! – Lera confirmed.

“Every girl dreams of becoming a princess...” answered the old man. But what use are princesses? You would better think about what profession you will choose for yourself when you grow up.

- Profession? - Katya asked - what is this? Is she delicious? Big? Why is it called that?

—You don’t know what a profession is? – the old man was surprised. But you are already so big! Every person in this world benefits others by doing their work. Doctors treat sick people, drivers drive buses, hairdressers give people beautiful hairstyles and cut their hair...

But the old man did not have time to finish; the girls interrupted him in unison:

- Fiiii... this is boring! We will have fun and play and order everyone around!

The old man shook his head sadly again and tapped his broom on the ground three times, and then said the magic words:

Spin the whole world in place,

The winds blow above me,

Let professions be like animals

Every single one of them will run away!

And at that moment everything began to spin around the girls - houses, trees, and even swings from the playground were flying. Katya and Lera covered their eyes with their palms out of fear and huddled close to each other. When everything calmed down, they opened their eyes and saw that everything was in its place, but something was wrong.

There was a lot of garbage on the street, there was a terrible smell...

“Eww...” said Lera. – Why doesn’t anyone clean here?!

“Yes,” answered Katya, “there’s definitely no place for princesses here!”

And the girls decided to go home - they no longer wanted to play. But an unpleasant surprise awaited them at home - the house was somehow different - it was all cracked, ugly, as if no one had renovated it for a long time.

- Mom, can we have something tasty? – Lera asked.

“Alas,” said mom. You know that all professions have disappeared in our city. Nobody bakes sweet buns anymore because the baker has completely forgotten how to bake. And no one works at the chocolate factory anymore - all the confectioners have forgotten how they made chocolates and candies. And you can’t buy anything else in the store - there are no more sellers there, and it was closed. People have forgotten how to do useful things, they have forgotten their professions.

- But won’t we be able to buy anything now? – Katya was surprised.

“We can’t…” Mom sighed sadly. After all, for the store to start working again, a salesperson is needed - a person who will sell what is in the store, take money from customers and give them what they want, and put goods on the counter. And there’s nothing left to sell. We used to have a baker - he baked delicious pies and buns, various breads.

- And he walked around in a white cap and apron! – Katya finished for her.

“Yes,” my mother answered. - but he no longer knows how to do this - his profession has disappeared somewhere. And the driver, who drove the car and brought groceries to the store, forgot how to drive. He can't bring anything.

Katya and Lera got upset and went for a walk - after all, it was boring at home. The city has become completely different. No one swept the paths, no flowers grew in the flower beds, there were broken swings on the playground and no one repaired them.

Doctors no longer visited the sick. After all, being a doctor is also a profession. It is the doctor who treats all illnesses - a sore throat, a runny nose, and if someone is injured. Doctors always rushed to help those who were sick, and when help was needed very urgently, they came in a special car, which was called an “ambulance.” The girls knew all this, and remembered that there was always a red cross painted on that car. But only now they realized that a doctor is a necessary and useful profession, without which it is very bad.

Buses no longer traveled around the city - all people had to walk, no matter how far they had to get. After all, the driver’s profession has also disappeared. Yes, these are the same drivers who drive buses every day and transport many people around the city.

But the worst thing was that both the kindergarten teachers and teachers disappeared - there was no one else to teach the children useful things and literacy. After all, a teacher is also a profession. Teachers teach children to count, read, write, tell them about how our world works, what it was like before, and much more. And the teachers teach the little ones simple but very necessary things - sculpting, drawing, learning rhymes, dancing, and even just how to behave correctly both at the table and on a walk.

Katya and Lera looked at each other and realized that they had done a great stupidity and offended that old man. After all, professions are really important and necessary, and every profession must be respected.

- What kind of profession is a princess? – Lera asked Katya.

“I don’t know...” answered Katya. - This is probably a useless profession. And in vain we chose her...

- But how can I get everything back now? After all, it is because of us that all people have forgotten how to do their jobs! – Lera asked.

“Maybe we just need to correct our mistake?” Do you remember how mom and dad always said that if you did something wrong, you just need to ask for forgiveness and correct your mistake? - Katya answered

- Yes exactly! – Lera agreed. Let's run quickly! We need to find that old man!

The girls ran back to the yard, but the old man was not there. Only mountains of garbage - after all, few people save the work of the janitor, and many simply throw garbage on the ground.

Katya and Lera saw their candy papers lying among all this garbage. Lera picked up her piece of paper, threw it into the trash can, and said:

- But when I grow up, I will become a cook!

- Why a cook? – Katya asked, throwing her piece of paper into the trash can.

— Because I want to cook delicious food for everyone!

- This is cool! - said Katya. “And I will be an artist and will paint the most beautiful pictures so that everyone in their home will have a beautiful place!”

And then a miracle happened. Everything around began to spin and spin again, and a minute later everything came back as if nothing had happened.

And the girls joined hands to go home and help their mother cook and clean the house. They no longer wanted to be princesses, they realized that there are many interesting and useful professions, and every child and adult can choose the one that he likes the most. But the most important thing is that every profession benefits other people!

This is how, with a fairy tale, you can tell children about professions in an interesting and relaxed way. And, you see, there is something here to think about and talk with the child, starting with an elementary question for the child: “What professions do you know?”

And to complete the topic “children about professions” I would like to add a few poems (this time the author is not me :)), which will help you more fully reveal this interesting topic to children:



Theatrical composition based on poems by B. Zakhoder

“ALL PROFESSIONS ARE IMPORTANT” for children 6-7 years old.

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 70"

Position: music director.

Locality: Komi Republic, Syktyvkar

Target: acquaintance with professions through theatrical activities.


Expand children's knowledge about people's professions.

Foster respect for the work of people of different professions.

Enrich children's language with Russian proverbs.

Encourage children to convey playful images through facial expressions, pantomime, and intonation.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the poems of B. Zakhoder, examination of illustrations in the book “Builders”; observing the work of a seamstress, cook, driver (excursions to the kitchen, to the wardrobe maid's sewing workshop, along the city streets). Carrying out creative tasks: how a seamstress sews, how a shoemaker works, how a mother cooks soup, a cook. Getting acquainted with the work of a bookbinder while jointly repairing books between a teacher and children; in conversations with dads - getting to know the work of a mechanic and fitter.

Decoration of the hall. The children (participants in the skit) are behind the screen. The performance takes place in front of a screen on which are hung a portrait of B. Zakhoder, pictures of the covers of the book “Builders”, festively decorated on the outline of the book.

Material: bench, chair, theater clapper, mechanic's and shoemaker's costume, chef's aprons for adults and children, saucepan, book, mechanic's suitcase (hammer, vice, pliers, wrench, file, hacksaw); basket, cat, clothes for a doll; boots, hammer; portrait of a writer, rug, bottle of “Glue”,

Progress of the composition:

Two children come out from one side of the screen and stand in front of the screen.

1. Boy: My years are growing,

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then, what should I do?

1.Girl: You need to pick up the book (shows the book to the boy)

Learn about professions and decide what to become in life.

Children sit on a bench near the screen, open a book, and “read.”

Two girls come out from the other side of the screen

2.Girl: Children are reading,

Children dream.

And even their moms and dads don’t know….

3. Girl: And even their moms and dads don’t know

What will the children grow up to be?

2.Girl: See for yourself,

There is, for example,

Children's writer Boris Zakhoder (points to the portrait of the writer).

He wrote poems for children,

You will find the answers in them.

1. Boy: Maybe we can make a movie?

It will be clear to everyone.

1.Girl: What an idea! A gallery of professions will pass in front of us.

With the poet's poems we will glorify the work

And we will bring joy to the children (children go behind the screen).

The director's assistant girl comes out, holding a theatrical firecracker in her hands. Before every scene, she hits it.

Girl assistant: So! Take one!

Scene "The Locksmith".

Boy:(Runs out from behind the screen)“I’m silent, but my hands are loud”. (They run away).

A boy dressed as a worker comes out and places his suitcase on a chair. He kneels down, takes out his tools, and reads a poem.

Boy: I need these things :( showing each one, laying it out on a chair)


And a hacksaw.

And what is most needed

Girl: Skill! (says the girl, looking out from behind the screen).

Girl assistant: And now take the second!

Scene "The Dressmaker".

Boy: “For a skilled hand, all work is easy.”

A girl comes out from behind the screen with a basket in her hands in which a cat is sitting. He sits down on a chair and places the basket in front of him on the floor. Sews and reads lines to the cat.

I've been sewing all day today.

I dressed the whole family.( shows the product)

(He threatens the cat with his finger.)

Wait a little bit, cat,

There will be clothes for you too!

He gets up and takes the basket. Repeating lines 3 and 4, stroking the cat, goes behind the screen

Girl assistant: Take three! Scene "Shoemaker".

“Take on every task boldly.”

A girl and a boy come out from different sides of the screen. The boy sits on a chair and begins to work. A girl runs out, holding shoes in her hands, hurries, turns to the master, shows him the boots.

Girl: Master, master, help,

The boots are worn out.

The shoemaker takes the boots and examines them, and begins to repair them. The girl is in a hurry.

Hammer the nails quickly

We'll go visit today!

Hammer the nails quickly

We'll go visit today!

The master returns the boots. The girl joyfully examines them, puts them on her feet and runs away cheerfully behind the screen. The master leaves after her.

Girl assistant: Take four! "The Cook" scene.

Boy: “He who loves to work cannot sit idle!”

(Characters: adult cook, girl, cat, dog).

The girl sits on a chair, the cat and dog sit next to her on the rug. The cook brings out a pan with a ladle, puts it on the table, and begins to “cook.” The girl, pointing to her mother, explains to the cat and dog.

Cook girl:

How easy it is to make lunch!

There is nothing difficult about this.

It's as easy as shelling pears:

This time - and you're done!

Cook: If mom cooks dinner!

The adult leaves. The girl takes the place of the cook, cooks and reads a poem, while showing how difficult it is.

Girl: But it happens that mom has no time,

And we cook our own lunch,

And then (I don’t understand what the secret is!) -

It's very difficult to cook lunch!

The girl goes behind the screen with her hands behind her back. The cat and dog run after her.

Girl assistant: Take five. Scene "Fitter".

Boy: “If you love what you do, you will become a master.”

A boy comes out from behind the screen with a box, sits down on the rug, and begins to examine the light bulbs, switches and other objects in it. Three children come out from the other side of the screen and carefully watch his actions. The girl reads a poem.

Girl: Look

How cunning this little fitter is.

For now he only conducts light there,

Electrician boy: Where there is no current! ( They leave).

Girl assistant: Take six. Scene "The Bookbinder".

Boy: “Like the master, so is the work.”

A girl comes out from behind the screen. She has a tattered book in her hands. A boy follows the girl with his head down. Behind his back in his hands he holds a large bottle with the word “Glue” written on it.

Girl: This book made me sick.

Her brother tore her up.

(Looks at his brother and says, feeling sorry for him).

I'll feel sorry for the patient

I'll take it and glue it together.

The boy gives glue to his sister. Having happily embraced, the children run away holding hands.

Girl assistant: Take seventh. Scene "Chauffeur".

Girl: “Whoever is not afraid of work will succeed in it.”

A traffic police officer and children appear on the stage with toys in their hands. A boy driver, holding the steering wheel in his hands, drives past them to the accompaniment of cheerful fast music and stands in the center.

Boy driver: I'm rolling, flying at full speed.

I am a driver myself! And the engine itself.

I press the pedal ( shows),

And the car rushes into the distance!

Everyone goes behind the screen to the music.

The ending.

Children presenters: We created our film together from the heart.

We read Zakhoder's poems to you.

And now the hour has come, and our film is made!

Actors on stage! Greet them!

List of used literature.

1. “Builders” by B. Zakhoder.

2. “Who to be” by V. Mayakovsky.

Here is a poster “Professions in pictures for children.” With it, you can tell children about professions in a simple and relaxed manner.

The poster contains such professions for children as: surgeon, policeman, waiter, butcher, gardener, plumber, hairdresser, politician, singer, tailor, dentist, cleaner, scientist, fireman, cashier, nurse, astronaut, optician, farmer, doctor, courier, builder, sculptor, cook, architect, detective, public transport driver, secretary, operator, teacher, veterinarian, mechanic, businessman, garbage man, artist, driver, stylist, electrician, lawyer, sales manager, carpenter, maid, accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver. Here you can learn a lot about the professions of a pilot, firefighter, doctor, which are considered one of the most dangerous. Pictures, poems, riddles, stories, photos, video presentations, songs and cartoons will help you with this.

How to work with cards?

Pictures and photos “For children about professions” You can print and hang them at home at the child’s eye level, sometimes go up to him and tell children about professions. Such a poster with illustrations and photos will be the best option for introducing children to professions.

How else can you use this poster to teach children about professions?

Print two posters at once, cut one of them into cards and associate the necessary professions with the child (accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver, driver, policeman, architect, hairdresser, lawyer, veterinarian, fireman, cook, teacher, etc.). You can also take a magnifying glass and look for a specific profession with children, such as doctor, firefighter or pilot. When you find it, talk a little about this profession with the children. When your child has a good understanding of professions, diversify his activities - ask him what this or that person in this profession does? This will make for a good conversation about careers with children.

You can download a free poster with pictures and photos “About professions for children” here. Click on the picture: Games with the poster “About professions for children” will broaden the child’s horizons, develop his attentiveness, memory, and fine motor skills of his fingers.

Try playing with your children too. In addition, here you can download cards with professions for children for free - professions in pictures and photos (accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver, driver, policeman, architect, hairdresser, lawyer, veterinarian, fireman, cook, teacher, etc.).

Songs, poems, riddles and stories

Songs, poems, riddles, and stories for children will help you learn professions with your child. Each of them reflects the most responsible and necessary professions (accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver, driver, policeman, architect, hairdresser, lawyer, veterinarian, fireman, cook, teacher, etc.) . Whatever the child wants to become, he must understand the difficulties or advantages of different video activities. Songs, poems, stories and riddles will help him do this without difficulty.

Collection of poems about professions

In addition, stories, riddles, songs and poems on the theme “Professions” can be used at a themed evening dedicated to various vocations. Short riddles, stories, poems and songs can be useful even in kindergarten if the appropriate lesson is taught. You can download songs, riddles, stories and poems for children about professions on the website.

Video materials

According to the Doman method

from the Club of Passionate Moms

Selected professions


Police officer




Cartoons and video presentations are also excellent assistants for adults in working with children. They provide a description of many types of activities (accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver, driver, policeman, architect, hairdresser, lawyer, veterinarian, fireman, cook, teacher, etc.).

Video presentations, themed videos, and cartoons represent any profession that may be of interest to a child. If a cartoon presents images in a hand-drawn form, then a video presentation allows a child to imagine what a representative of a particular profession looks like (accountant, engineer, policeman, dentist, salesman, border guard, librarian, welder, tank driver, driver, policeman, architect, hairdresser, lawyer, veterinarian, fireman, cook, teacher, etc.). In this regard, the video presentation is superior to the cartoon. It can be used in lessons and thematic activities. At the same time, watching a cartoon with children can be much more interesting, presenting your story along the way.

A presentation or cartoon may contain a short story or poem about a profession, for example, a doctor or a fireman, or a photo of representatives of a certain type of activity. A teacher or parent will be able to compose a story based on them himself. Older children can be asked to independently compose a story about the activities of a firefighter, doctor, pilot, etc. Ask the children why the work of a teacher and a doctor is considered the most difficult and responsible. By the way, kids often play doctor in childhood. What attracts them to this work? Perhaps an opportunity to help others?

Any profession is necessary and important: children should know this. It is necessary to instill respect for the work of others from a very early age.

Summary of the final entertainment “Journey to the Land of Professions”
(for children of senior preschool age)

Author: Tatyana Vladimirovna Smirnova, teacher of the highest qualification category, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 326 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd."
Description of work. This event is intended for preschool teachers. It is recommended to be carried out with children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) of senior preschool age (5-6 years), as a final event for the thematic week “Professions”.
Educational area: cognitive-speech.
Target: consolidate knowledge about professions and their importance in people's lives.
- expand children’s knowledge about people’s professions;
- activate speech, expand vocabulary, develop children’s attention, thinking, and playing skills;
- cultivate motivation for learning, cognitive activity, emotional feelings, and the ability to work in a team.
Materials and equipment: projector, screen for showing the presentation, D\I “Who needs what”, uniform for the game “Define a profession”, paper, pencils.
Preliminary work: learning riddles about professions, looking at illustrations about different professions, learning the physical education lesson “We planed.”

Progress of the event

1. Meeting with the hero.
Educator: - Guys, today we will have an unusual activity, because a cheerful hero has come to visit. Do you want to know who he is?
1 slide (Dunno appears on the screen)

-Who is this, what is his name? (Dunno) Why do you think Dunno came? (Children's answers)
Good afternoon my friends,
I came to you for help!
I have a difficult choice
I don’t know what to become in life.
Help, tell me,
Choose a profession for me.

Guys, Dunno is finishing school in the spring, but he doesn’t know what to become, what profession to study for. We'll tell him about different professions and help him choose.

2. “Journey through the country of professions”
- You will take turns asking riddles about the profession that appears on the screen.
1 child:
He is in a white robe
He cures all diseases with confidence,
Get the recipe from him
And quickly run to the pharmacy. (Doctor)
2 slide(doctor on screen)

Educator: - What does a doctor do, a doctor? (he treats, writes a prescription, gives injections).
Guys, not only people get sick, but also animals, what is the name of the doctor who treats animals? (Veterinarian) A picture of a veterinarian appears.

2nd child:
Who teaches children to read, write,
To become smart? (Teacher)
3 slide (teacher on screen)

Educator: - What does the teacher do? (teaches, talks, reads books, loves children)
3rd child:
He gives us the goods and a receipt
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual one... (Seller)

4 slide (seller on screen)

Educator: - What does the seller do? (sells, gives a receipt, lays out goods, puts away groceries)
4th child:
He will take the scissors in his hands,
He will wave a magic comb.
You will become completely different
Handsome, young! (Hairdresser)

5 slide (hairdresser on screen)

Educator: - What does a hairdresser do? (cuts, combs, curls hair, washes hair, dyes hair)
Educator: - It’s impossible to live without this profession, because he builds houses for everyone. (Builder).
6 slide (builder on screen)

Educator: - What does a builder do? (builds, saws, planes, paints)
- There are a lot of construction professions, which ones do you know? (painter, carpenter, crane operator, carpenter, plasterer)
Educator: - Let's play the game “Which profession is extra?”
7 slide (4 pictures on the screen, 3 pictures – construction professions, 1 picture – artist profession)

Educator: - Name the number of the picture that will be extra. Why? (Children's answers)
- Name the construction professions that remained on the screen (painter, carpenter, bricklayer).

3. Physical education lesson “We planed”
(Children, together with the teacher, imitate movements in accordance with the words of the text)

We planed, we planed,
The boards were smooth steel.
We sawed, we sawed,
So that everyone is equal,
We put them in a row.
They nailed it with a hammer,
It turned out to be a bird house.
We're going outside
Let's kick him high
For the birds to fly,
But the kittens didn’t get it.

5th child:
Who, tell me, is this.
Protects our peace?
He keeps order.
He doesn't want to bully. (Police officer)

8 slide (policeman on screen)

Educator: - What does a policeman do? (Guards, helps, catches criminals)
6th child:
Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes. (Cook)

Slide 9 (cook on screen)

Educator: - What does the cook do? (Cooks, fries, boils, cuts)
7th child:
Every day early in the morning
He takes the steering wheel in his hands.
Twists and turns this way and that,
But he won't eat her. (Chauffeur, driver)

10 slide(driver on screen)

Educator: - What does the driver do? (Carries people)

4. Game “Define a profession”
Educator: - To perform professional activities, each person needs a special uniform to protect and protect him from dangers, to make it convenient and comfortable to work in it, so that other people will immediately recognize this profession.
- I offer uniforms for different professions, you must dress in it and name your profession.
(On the table are the clothes of a hairdresser, a sailor, a doctor, a traffic police inspector)

5. Lotto game “Who needs what?”
Educator: - Each profession has the tools necessary to perform its professional duties. I offer cards with different professions; you must correctly arrange the pictures with tools for the profession that needs them.

6. Game “Pretend your profession”
Educator: - I will call one of you, the profession that needs to be portrayed will appear on the screen, and the rest of the guys will guess.
11 slide (on screen ballerina, pianist)

12 slide(on-screen artist, singer)

Slide 13 (on screen violinist, writer)

Educator: - Well done, guys, depict correctly and guess the profession.
Slide 14 (on the Dunno screen)
Thank you my friends
It was not in vain that I came to visit you!
They told me about professions,
Showed and named.
- And who did I decide to become, guess? (A picture of a cake appears on the screen)

Children: - Confectioner.
Educator: - Dunno has a big sweet tooth, that’s why he chose such a sweet profession - a pastry chef.
Children say goodbye to Dunno. The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite profession.
