Anna Sedakova's hair. Anna Sedokova: self-sufficient singer or “redhead from VIA Gra”? About good habits


Anna Sedokova is the standard of sexuality and femininity. This spring, the singer became a mother for the third time. Pregnancy and childbirth only benefited the appearance of the star, she became even more beautiful and attractive. How does she do it? How does she eat, exercise and take care of herself? The answers to these questions are in our material.

About nutrition

The singer is against diets and any food restrictions. Anna admits that she was on a diet only once in her life, and then she was enough for exactly one day. She tries to make sense of her diet. For example, spaghetti will not be eaten at night, but during the day it can easily afford a small portion. He drinks coffee and tea without sugar. Sedokova's diet contains a lot of vegetables and fruits, and she also loves white turkey and chicken meat.

About good habits

Every morning, the singer drinks a mixture of a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of olive oil and lemon, which she takes with a glass of water. In order not to forget to constantly drink water, Sedokova bought many small bottles and placed them everywhere in the apartment and office. Before going to bed, Anna puts a cup of water next to the bed for the morning to wake up and immediately drink water. The star also takes probiotics to improve the microflora of the stomach and fish oil vitamins.

Overweight after childbirth

After the third birth, Sedokova gained excess weight, but she decided not to suffer about it. The singer goes in for sports to get in shape, but does not diet and does not count calories. “I love my plus ten kg. I love my body after Hector and don't want to diet anymore and suffer because of my fullness. Well, I can’t be thin and languid, with a sad, meaningful face. It's someone else, it's not me. And I love my forms, I love my body. I don't want to hide my sexuality. I don't want to not wear a neckline because it's not stylish or someone will think something. Being feminine and sexy is my nature. Everyone has her own. And the stereotypes imposed by society are the problems of this very society, ”Anna shares her thoughts on Instagram.

About cellulite

Anna Sedokova considers the gym to be the only true remedy for cellulite. You can also connect a massage, but not ordinary, but painful - after which bruises remain. But it’s better to forget about miracle scrubs that get rid of the “orange peel”, they do not help. And one more hint from the star: nothing hides minor figure flaws like a tan. On bronze skin, cellulite is a thousand times less noticeable than on pale skin. Therefore, whenever possible, take sunbathing - naturally, after protecting the skin with a cream.

About masks

Sedokova encourages masks, even if you don't subject yourself to constant make-up changes or 13-hour flights like she does. And he gives several recommendations: 1. Masks should be applied only to well-cleansed skin. 2. If it is inconvenient for you to carry masks in jars with you, try fabric ones or those that are sold in small volumes. 3. Turn on your favorite music, lie down and relax after applying the mask, because for a healthy complexion sometimes not only cosmetics are not enough, but also a good rest.

About hair care

Before subjecting her hair to heat treatment with a curling iron, hair dryer or iron, Anna always protects them with a balm or serum. She also drinks special vitamins for hair. A couple of hours before shampooing, Sedokova applies olive oil to her hair, which perfectly stimulates growth and strengthens hair roots. According to the girl, this is the best alternative to expensive cosmetics. Anya usually goes to her hairdresser with her treatment mask. There is a climazon in the salon, which warms the head, and the mask absorbs better under the influence of heat. At home, you can also arrange such a procedure: apply a remedy to your hair, put on a plastic cap and blow it all with a hot hairdryer for about 15 minutes.

About your favorite cosmetics

Anna never leaves the house without sunscreen. In her daily make-up, she uses eyebrow pencils from Anastasia Beverly Hills and Benefit, as well as a golden glow highlighter, which she applies to her cheekbones. Sedokova's favorite effect of kissed lips can be achieved with the help of hygienic lipsticks with a touch - with a cherry scent from Nivea and Bene Balm from Benefit. The singer also praises the organic cosmetics she buys in America.

About sport

Sedokova believes that the sooner you start playing sports, the better. Nobody talks about heavy weights, it's more about the culture of physical education. Let it be gymnastics, swimming, or at least jogging in the morning. The main thing is that it is included in the system. The singer herself thanks her coach, who at the age of 20 showed her a basic set of exercises that she still does, adding new ones. The girl is sure that she laid down 99% of her current form at the age of 18, having come to the gym for the first time. Therefore, Anna also teaches her daughters to train from an early age.

About massage

Another secret of the beautiful body of the singer lies in constant massages. The girl says that she loves them very much, because she devotes any free minute to sports, and therefore the body needs to relax. Sedokova admits that she knows several famous girls who never play sports, but at the same time have an excellent figure thanks to the hands of good massage therapists.

About plastic surgery

“Hoping that one operation will make you happy is not worth it. Then you have to do the second one - in your head. I am convinced that one must be able to feel beautiful and happy, and then the necessary chain reaction will begin, ”says Sedokova. According to the singer, neither proper nutrition nor sports will help if there is no self-love: “Without faith in yourself and accepting yourself as you are, you will not be loved, even if you weigh 45 kg.”

There is a saying: "If a woman changes her haircut, then soon she will change her life." Over the past few months, several Russian stars have gone experimenting with hair color and length: Anna Sedokova, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Svetlana Ustinova, Irina Dubtsova, Lesya Kafelnikova. Whether the “rule of change” will work, given the public specifics of the work of each of the heroines, we will probably find out very soon.

Length and color

Anna Sedokova has not resorted to drastic changes in her hairstyle for several years now. Of course, from time to time the singer changed the shade of her hair, sometimes "refreshed" the length ... Yesterday, a photo appeared on Sedokova's Instagram in a completely new image, which her fans, by the way, greeted with a bang. Long wavy blonde hair is a thing of the past, now Anna is the proud bearer of an elongated caret.

If you don't do anything I assure you nothing will happen.

Sedokova wrote on Instagram, as if hinting at imminent changes not only in appearance.

...and then dyed her hair a darker shade

Anna Sedokova before change


Fashion for bangs goes and comes back. However, some celebrities do not need to wait for her "official" return, because they themselves set trends and dictate the rules. So, in early autumn, Svetlana Bondarchuk presented a new hairstyle: she appeared with bangs at the GQ Person of the Year 2016 award. Very soon, other stars followed suit, such as Svetlana Ustinova.

Svetlana Bondarchuk before she cut her bangs

Svetlana Ustinova has also been wearing bangs for 2 weeks now


Following Kendall Jenner, who changes her hair color according to her mood and a new dress, 18-year-old Russian model Lesya Kafelnikova decided to change her appearance. To the question "What will dad say?" there is no need to answer the daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov: she herself has been earning a living for a long time and solves such issues. By the way, pink hair does not interfere with Lesya's modeling career in any way, rather it contributes: a similar gradient on her hair is now at the peak of popularity.

Irina Dubtsova also decided to proclaim autumn sometimes changes. At the end of summer, the singer dyed her hair from a bright blonde to a burning brunette. By the way, with about the same hair color, the singer once made her debut on stage.

... even in the summer she preferred to see herself as a blonde

Ex-soloist of "VIA Gra" Anna Sedokova told the site that she does not diet and is categorically against food restrictions. “I was on a diet only once - seven years ago. It took me exactly one day, ”recalls the star. According to the star, that day she brought home a puppy, which she gave to her eldest daughter Alina (the girl appeared on December 8, 2004, when Anna was married to Belarusian football player Valentin Belkevich - Ed.) “Alina asked what we would call, - with Sedokova said with a smile. - I looked at him with hungry eyes and said: “Come on with a Bun ...” Some kind of madness has already begun, in a word.

This day was the first and last when the artist was on a diet. “Now I just try to be mindful of my diet. For example, I definitely won’t eat spaghetti at night, but during the day I can easily afford a small portion. I drink coffee and tea without sugar - my sister taught me this. At first I spat - it was bitter, disgusting, and now I can’t even imagine how it could be otherwise, ”Anna admitted.

Once in America, Sedokova talked about healthy eating with an Indian. “He was over forty, but at the same time he looked amazing, and there were no wrinkles on his face,” the star shared with 7D. - This man told me about enzymes - enzymes that are found in raw unprocessed food and help to digest it. Over time, our skin becomes rough, in part because the body's digestive processes don't work the way they should." That Indian discovered Sedokova's secret of enzymes, and now she uses them in her diet.

“I prefer to get enzymes from natural products. For example, I don’t boil buckwheat, but pour boiling water over night - by morning it turns out to be a very healthy porridge. The same with oatmeal. And if you hold raw almonds in water for a day, it will turn into a nutritious, vitamin-rich snack, ”said Sedokova. In addition to fruits and vegetables, Anna is very fond of white meat turkey or chicken and considers them the best dishes for dinner. “A salad in the afternoon will not bring any benefit: vegetables are poorly digested,” the artist argues. - Fruit at night is even more harmful - there is glucose, sugar. In general, if you are hungry in the evening, protein is what you need.

Secret number 3. He prefers to run away from being overweight.

Photo: Yury Feklistov

According to Sedokova, her main indicator of being overweight is jeans. “As soon as I stop getting into them, I immediately drive myself to the gym and do not calm down until I return to the weight in which I am comfortable,” Anna admitted. Among her favorite sports are jogging in the morning and going to the gym. “The hardest thing is to put on a tracksuit and sneakers, go outside and take the first step. And then everything somehow works out by itself. It’s even easier in the gym: you immediately succumb to this sporty atmosphere, you begin to physically feel how your muscles are being worked out, your body is improving. If it's boring to walk on a treadmill just like that, I take a tablet with me and watch movies in the process, ”the singer shared one of her secrets of a great shape.

Sedokova’s training program is as follows: “I take an hour for cardio, then I stretch my muscles. Since I don’t really like “pieces of iron”, I do a set of exercises on the rug. Then I do boxing with a trainer. He praises me, says, it turns out well. By the way, I advise boxing to all girls - it pumps up hands perfectly. If you still do squats and push-ups during the break, you get a solid, effective workout. During the day, Anna loves to go to the pool with her daughters. “As a child, my mother gave me to all sections - from athletics to swimming, and I thank her very much for this,” the singer shared with - Now, when I see full children, I understand that this is one hundred percent fault of the parents. If you notice that your son or daughter is overweight or has poor posture, immediately send your child to swimming, dancing, martial arts - there are a lot of options. Their daughters - 11-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Monica (the father of the youngest daughter is Anna's ex-husband, a businessman Maxim Chernyavsky - Approx. Ed.) - Sedokova has been teaching sports and healthy eating since childhood. “Alya used to go to gymnastics, and now she is professionally engaged in tennis,” Anna said.

Secret number 4. Thoroughly cares for the skin of the face and hair

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Sedokova is very fond of cosmetics, which cosmetologists produce themselves. “For example, an excellent cosmetologist, Russian by nationality, works in Beverly Hills. Stars go to her - Kim Kardashian and Jada Pinkett-Smith, Will Smith's wife, - Anna told 7 Days. - So, I really like her cream with aloe extract, one hundred percent natural. Still, in mass-produced creams, even if they are expensive, there are all kinds of chemical additives, and here - organics, an extract. And the effect is amazing."

The star also nourishes the skin with serums with vitamins, which are applied under the main cream. But the hair, which is constantly under stress from styling and curling, Sedokova literally has to be saved. “Before I heat-treat my hair with a curling iron, hair dryer or irons, I always protect them with something - a balm or serum. I also drink special vitamins for hair, this is also important, ”the singer admitted. The star comes to the hairdresser with her treatment mask. According to Anya, there is a climazon in the salon that warms the head, and the mask absorbs better under the influence of heat. For example, I definitely won’t eat high-calorie dishes at night, but during the day I can make myself an indulgence” Photo: Yury Feklistov

When Anna is asked if the singer is ever going to turn to plastic surgeons, she ... smiles. Life experience taught her not to lie on the couch waiting for a miracle, but to "work, work and work on yourself." Make an effort to always be in shape.

“Hoping that one operation will make you happy is not worth it,” she says. - Then you have to do the second one - in your head. I am convinced that one must be able to feel beautiful and happy, and then the necessary chain reaction will begin.

It is self-love, and not healthy eating or sports as such, that Anya considers her main secret of beauty. “Without faith in yourself and acceptance of yourself as you are, you will not be loved, even if you weigh 45 kg.” That is why the artist tries to smile more often. " A smile, or rather a lot of smiles and a good mood. When you smile and bring kindness, the world smiles back at you.

For some reason, when talking about beautiful women, no one thinks about how much effort you need to spend in order to be beautiful. Do you need money for this? Yes. But for basic care and a gym membership, millions are not needed, and the course is now available to everyone if desired, not to mention a balanced diet. However, only resources are scarce, and most of us, having basic resources, still lie on the couch, eat buns in the evenings and are too lazy to use a face mask. Therefore, the main thing in the struggle for beauty is still diligence. And Anna Sedokova is a vivid example of this.

The singer regularly goes in for sports. Yes, Sedokova was never full, but today her muscle relief is the result of titanic work. To achieve this result, you need to carefully monitor your diet and exercise regularly in the gym. Anna herself says that even when she is on tour, and she does not have a gym at her side, she does a jog and a series of home exercises.

As for nutrition, for a result like Sedokova’s, you need to eat right and balanced: no diets, just proper nutrition from healthy foods. Of course, we forget about fatty and heavily fried, flour and cream - and go ahead. If you want chocolate, then it must be eaten in the morning, and, of course, without fanaticism.

As for skin care, Anna regularly applies creams depending on the season, makes face masks and uses special serums. At the same time, the star makes masks, both industrial and homemade. The most favorite among homemade is kefir, which nourishes the skin, tightens pores and returns a healthy complexion. Sedokova does not neglect home hair procedures: once a week she always makes an oil face mask. To maintain the condition of the skin on her body, Anna regularly takes baths with essential oils and does.

Due to the fact that Anna's hair is constantly dyed and heat treated, the singer prefers professional hair care brands. And, for the body and face, she prefers pharmaceutical and natural brands of cosmetics.

Anna Sedokova is one of those singers who, in their work, rely not on talent, but on hypersexuality. Now the face and body of the girl is maximally adjusted to the primitive standards of Hollywood beauty, and there is no trace of her former charm and naturalness.

Biography of Anna Sedokova

The love story of Anna's parents is reminiscent of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Her father's wealthy parents vehemently opposed his marriage to a dowry mother. So the young fled from Russian Tomsk to Ukrainian Kyiv. In the capital of Ukraine, on December 16, 1982, the couple's daughter Anyutka was born.

The father left the family when Anechka was three years old. Left without a father, the girl always tried to help her mother, because she worked for days as an English and music teacher to feed her family. At the same time, the girl studied well, graduated from a music school and traveled around the world as part of the Svitanok dance ensemble.

Singing career Sedokova

Popularity and general attention flattered Anya, especially since bills rustled in her pocket. Having chosen a future profession for herself, the girl studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Art. She worked as a presenter, model, announcer. The peak of a career is participation in the cult Russian team of Konstantin Meladze "VIA Gra".

Anna Sedokova, and the audience liked it so much that this composition of the ever-changing group was called “golden”. Languishing girls with open mouths, stroking themselves in all places, have become sex symbols of the Russian stage. The lack of talent was more than compensated for by pood breasts and skillful production by Kostya. When Anya left the team, going on a free voyage, the stigma of the group remained with her forever “the redhead from VIA Gra”.

Anna's modeling career

Oddly enough, but it is the copies of men's magazines with Sedokova on the cover that sell the most. Anya considers nude photo shoots an indicator of her beauty and popularity. Demand creates supply, so for the Maxim magazine, in which many other sexy young ladies were filmed at one time, she starred in the fourth month of pregnancy.

The shooting came out more than frank, and naked Sedokova caused a flurry of negative emotions from subscribers in her mega-popular instagram. Then PlayBoy magazine, as an experiment, took Anechka in clothes, but with her mouth open and her eyes rolled back. This number broke sales records.

Anna Sedokova's plastics

Anya is one of those singers who, to the last drop of blood, will prove the natural origin of a suddenly grown breast, suddenly swollen lips or a sharply leveled nose. Such as she, many spiteful critics call "voiceless travesty" because of the large facial features and the ability to stay afloat, working ass and larynx.

  • Breast plastic. Looking at photos of different life periods, in which Anna Sedokova before and after breast plastic surgery, it is hard not to notice the grown weights on her body. In her youth, wavy hair playfully opened pink nipples in the pictures of the singer, and now the photo of Anna Sedokova makes her feel nauseous due to an excess of protruding spherical breasts and the image of a dumb girl.

It seems that plastic surgeons satisfied the needs of the young lady, because a full-fledged three came out of a natural one. Either the artist underwent mammoplasty, or she became a miss eater of cabbage stumps. On her pages on social networks Instagram and VKontakte, the star now and then uploads photos of an erotic nature, on which her polished ass and eggplant breasts appear.

Note that the celebrity has long been known as an Internet maniac. Every step and breath the girl photographs and merges into the network. I would like to note that in the civilized world, breasts, like those, have long been unpopular. Women go for endoprosthetics (breast augmentation with the help of implants) with a request that their breasts look as natural as possible, so that no one suspects that the charms are not real. But the Russian "Matryonas from the stage" live by their own, special standards of beauty.

  • Rhinoplasty. Anna Sedokova tried to avoid close-ups of her face before the operation. Her nose looked like a terrible blob on her face. This is not surprising, because the wide Negro nostrils were stuck to the chopped off potato of the tip. A large hump "a la Givi" only exacerbated the overall look. Irregularities looked like lunar craters, which greatly simplified and made heavier the overall appearance of the former soloist of VIA Gra.

Rhinoplasty is such a common beauty procedure that almost all the stars did it: from beauty to quasi-cat. So Anna Sedokova, after plastic surgery, became a straight-nosed template. Anyuta herself claims that she achieves a straight nose skillfully. The fact that the singer also applies makeup professionally is no secret to anyone, but the step of changing the nose is much greater. The correct geometric shape turned the girl's snuffing apparatus into the cause of constant questions and discussions on the network.

  • Lip augmentation. The result, which can be seen in the photo, where Anna Sedokova before and after the operation, did not fully suit the artist. After all, Russian stars differ from American ones in their post-Soviet thinking, so that everything is “rich” and “beautiful”. Many domestic stars believe that wealth should be worn as much as possible, and the volume of the lips is directly proportional to sexuality.

Anna Sedokova, after an operation to introduce hyaluronic acid into her lips, became another fan of “pyu” shots. On her page, the ex-soloist of VIA Gra not only posts her “duck-face” photos, but also supplements them with comments that are illiterate to the level of “gouge out my eye”. Lip augmentation is the only procedure that Anyuta does not hide, because she considers it a normal and acceptable change in herself.

Components of the image of the ex-soloist of "VIA Gra"

Numerous plastic surgeries by Anna Sedokova made a standard, conveyor singer out of a pretty girl, now the girl is trying by all available means to preserve the silicone-hyaluronic beauty that has been so hard to get.

  • Extended hair. It’s a pity to spoil your hair with curls and styling. Anna, back in the days of VIA Gra, with her curls a la “birthday in the USSR”, completely ruined her hair on her head. Now, even while living in Los Angeles, thrifty Anya flies to Moscow for cheaper hair and head treatments. Recently, she has changed her usual to a more uniform shade and cut her greasy and rather boring curls to.

  • Shiny mini. It was in love with the brilliant that the Russian socialite Ksenia Sobchak reproached Anna Sedokova. The singer had the imprudence to declare that she would never communicate with drunk people, that they were disgusting and unpleasant to her. To this, Sobchak said that jumping around the stage in a bra with rhinestones, like Sedokova, is even worse than getting drunk in the trash. After that, the outrageous Ksenia said that the singer Zemfira, sleeping with her face in a salad, would be respected more than the songs and appearance of Sedokova.

  • Neckline. Often and densely tearing out the chest of the singer is seen by her fans. In 2016, at the birthday party of the Muz TV channel, Anna's breasts literally fell out of the bright red color adored by the singer.

Anna Sedokova's doll in just such a dress can be bought in America for just $13.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

  • Anna's first marriage to football player Valentin Belkevich. In marriage, a daughter, Alina, was born. The marriage soon got tired of the athlete, and the family fell apart. Much later, in Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million", the performer told about her difficult fate and Valentine's betrayals, but Anna Sedokova's main secret about what she had done at the age of 18 remained undisclosed. The girl did not have the courage to open up to the whole country.

  • Maxim Chernyavsky became the second chosen one of the singer. The man lives in Los Angeles, although he has Ukrainian roots. In good condition, he was greedy to allocate funds to his wife for a beautician. In the second marriage, the singer had another daughter, Monica. The divorce process was complicated, the former mother-in-law is still trying to take her granddaughter away from (in her opinion) profurset mother.

  • Since 2014, the former Viagra soloist has been dating dancer Sergei Guman. For a long time, the couple hid each other from nosy journalists, but at the New Year's party, she revealed her lover to the public. More recently, rumors have spread around the network that Sedokova is pregnant. The singer herself does not comment on questions about her rounded tummy, but candid photos in a bikini have not been seen for a couple of months.

Anna Sedokova had a certain feminine appeal before plastic surgery. The singing career radically changed her face, body and image in general. The image of the silly hair curler Anechka with huge breasts and a wriggling body that is being sold is firmly planted in the minds of the average Russian viewer. And no matter how hard Anna tries to read books, change her image and make-up, she will forever remain a “redhead from Viagra”.

Video: Anna Sedokova - Bye, dear!
