The red-haired actress is filming in Russian TV series. Russian celebrities with red hair

Red-haired beauties immediately attract attention wherever they appear. They are admired or hated. Nobody remains indifferent. What caused such an effect? Red-haired actresses will help to understand the nature of this phenomenon. Too many people know them, so everyone can make their own verdict, agree or disagree with the conclusions.

Redhead actresses of Russia

When Yanina Bugrova appears on the screen (sultry housewife from the series “Happy Together”, the wife of the prefect from the second film “Pyatnitsky”, a bander from “The Lone Wolf”), the beating of men's hearts quickens. It is not very important what the heroine is talking about and what she is doing, the main thing is to be in the frame as long as possible ...

Undeniably, redheads are incredibly talented. Amalia Mordvinova is dazzling and unique in every role. Her images (the main character of the series "The Hunt for Cinderella" and others) only confirm the legend of the redheads - their temperament, pressure and energy are subject only to strong men.

Hair color did not endow Veronika Agapova with bitchiness, perhaps, as the images of her heroines (for example, Lera in the film “Not a Woman's Game”, a classmate of the protagonist in the series “Love is Like Love”) are gentle, romantic and very charming.

“The most charming and attractive” since the era of Soviet cinema has been and remains The eccentric and bright heroine of the movie hit “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, the viewer still loves.

Actress and pop singer Tatyana Abramova conquers men's hearts not only with her bewitching voice, but also with her direct sincerity, homeliness and soft femininity.

"The Ideal Wife", "Yellow Dwarf", "Friday the 12th" - did not "play" the role. The images of her heroines are the facets of the character of the actress herself. Bright and unstoppable - only a fiery-haired one can be like that!

Redhead Hollywood Actresses

At one time, Rachel Hurd-Wood dreamed of becoming a marine biologist, but the luminaries of the film industry did not allow the talent to dissolve in the underwater kingdom. She inherited fiery hair color from her father, a native of Ireland, Philip Heard-Wood. For a long time, the girl got the dramatic roles of a victim or an exile, but in the film “Tomorrow, when the war began,” this stereotype was destroyed.

In fairness, it must be said that she is a blonde from birth. But she dyed her hair when she was only 10 years old! She's always loved redheads like Tina Louise, who played the role of Ginger Grant in Gilligan's Island. Christina herself still dreams of playing Ginger.

Alicia Witt first appeared on screen at the age of seven on The David Lynch Show. Then the girl focused on school and music. After their graduation, David remembered the golden-haired talented girl and invited her to shoot the legendary film Twin Peaks. From that moment on, directors lined up to invite the unique Alicia to shoot their film.

Her career took off when she landed a role on the television series The Vampire Slayer, but her popularity exploded when she starred in the American Pie film series. Since then, she has been constantly in the field of view of television and cameras.

Gillian Anderson became widely known to the public as Special Agent Dana Scully. And since then it has been considered one of the most sultry women on television.

Without a doubt, a good actress, as she was nominated for the Golden Globe Award three times. Her list of nominations and victories includes many other awards, one thing is clear that it will only grow. The actress has a long and successful career ahead of her.

Who is brighter?

There is no need to argue whose red-haired actresses are more colorful - Russia or Hollywood, their fiery aura will not allow a subjective answer. Moreover, there is an actress who combined these two concepts in one person. Who is she? Natalya Rudakova! Can anyone be brighter? Although she is a Hollywood actress, she was born in St. Petersburg.

The Riddle of the Goldilocks

All these redhead actresses are incredibly talented. Nature marked their hair with gold, so that this talent would not go unnoticed. Here is their secret! Seeing this mark, people most often envy them. Most with admiration, some with irritation. The main thing is that red-haired actresses carry their burdens like royalty. And it remains for us to admire them, admire and take an example!

Red curls, or rather their owners and owners, have always aroused unhealthy interest in the opposite sex. The British tabloid The Daily Mirror has been ranking the most desirable red-haired celebrities for several years now. We, too, have collected the ten most exciting and sexy people with fiery hair on their heads and with great talent in their souls. On the eve of a cold and long winter, let the photos of these women (and one man) remind you of a carefree July day, when a transparent stream murmurs in the green grass, and the air smells of eternal youth.

Nicole Kidman (born 1967, actress)

Australian actress Nicole Kidman has long been the epitome of femininity and elegance. Not the last role in this was played by her golden curls. Now it's hard to believe, but as a child, young Nicole was terribly embarrassed by her overly fair skin, red hair and tall stature. Fortunately, having matured, Kidman stopped complexing and went to conquer Hollywood, and at the same time Tom Cruise. And if in Hollywood she became one of the most sought-after actresses, then the windy Tom Cruise could not remain faithful to her. Now Nicole Kidman has an Oscar for her brilliant work in The Hours, dozens of very strong roles, a happy family and four children. There may have been a few young red-haired beauties in Hollywood over the past ten years, but Nicole will remain in our hearts as the most elegant and talented.

Geri Halliwell (born 1972, singer)

Geri Halliwell gained worldwide fame as a member of the Spice Girls. In the mid-90s, this five sexy British women simply blew up the world musical Olympus and made real competition to such boy bands as Take That and East 17. World popularity fell on Peppercorns largely thanks to the efforts of Geri Halliwell. She always occupied a leading position in the group and often gave out such shows at concerts that the audience simply began to moan from sexual tension. However, Jeri did not want to be sandwiched between her four colleagues and left the group at the very peak of its popularity. After that, Jeri recorded 3 more solo albums, starred in the TV series Sex and the City, and even returned to the Spice Girls. However, the whole world will remember her precisely for those times when she lit all over the world in revealing outfits, and hundreds of fans fled to stores for red hair dye.

Sarah Rafferty (born 1972, actress)

This American actress is known primarily to fans of the series Suits, which was translated in Russia as Force Majeure. This is not to say that Sarah has global popularity, but this is more of an omission of the whole world than of herself. Our list includes not the most famous, but the sexiest, which means that it was impossible not to recall the “red-haired beast” Donna Paulson, who loves the theater and flirts with clients of a law firm. It is she who fills the world of lawyers and financial fraud with the alluring aroma of beautiful red curls and the brilliance of manicure. Always impeccably looking, Donna knows how to either beckon with just one look or forever throw her to the backyard of the universe. A real bitch should be just like that. It is especially great that this is just an image, and in real life Sarah is a housewife and a caring mother of two daughters.

Jessica Chastain (born 1977, actress)

The perfect woman with the perfect destiny. At first it may seem strange that the actress was born in 1977, and she played her first major role in a movie only in 2008. However, if you carefully study the biography of Jessica Chastain, it becomes clear that for many years she actively worked in the theater: she played in the plays of Shakespeare, Wilde, Chekhov and Nelson. When Jessica brought her skills to the required level, she went to the cinema and immediately played the lead role in the movie Jolene. After that, her film career only went up. Over the next two years, from a famous theater actress, Jessica managed to become one of the leading film actresses, playing the main roles in ten films. She is a staunch vegetarian and the happy wife of Jean Passy, ​​CEO of the French brand Moncler. Golden girl, in every sense of the word.

Henry (Harry) of Wales (born 1984, Prince)

The youngest son of the Prince of Wales, Charles and Princess Diana, turned 30 this September. He lost his mother at the age of 12, but then he showed himself courageously and dignified beyond his years. After that, Harry almost did not get into the lenses of journalists, led a normal teenage lifestyle, was actively involved in sports and entered Eton College, which he graduated with honors. During his studies, he was seen several times at parties, but the Prince of Wales did not get into any scandals then. Immediately after graduating from college, he went to Africa, where he did charity work. It was there that he made a documentary film about the state of Lesotho. But after that, the "golden boy" went into all serious trouble. He began to drink, fall drunk into the pool, be photographed naked and arrange real brawls. Well, what, apparently, the infant has matured and is now ready to burn life to the fullest.

Nicola Roberts (born 1985, singer)

Another proof of the magic of red hair. Of course, first of all, Nikola is a singer, and the whole world listens to her hits. However, four years ago she was recognized as the “Sexiest Redhead Artist of All Time” not only for her vocal abilities. The peak of Roberts' popularity came in 2002, when she became a member of the girl band Girls Aloud. After that, Roberts recorded a solo album Cinderella's Eye and starred in not the worst British film "Classmates". Despite her versatile activities, Nicola Roberts always remembers her special appearance and even became the creator of the Danity Doll cosmetics line, which is especially suitable for people with very fair skin and red hair.

Lindsay Lohan (born 1986, actress, singer)

Throughout the history of mankind, red-haired people have attracted attention with their unusual beauty: there is something magical in them. No wonder there are many legends about them.

According to one of them, the red-haired Wisp is an elusive creature that lives in constant fear of the Big Great Sun. The fireball is chasing the little rebel around the world. The sun-hunter longs to burn the delicate skin and strew it with freckles. Firepaw has no soul, he wanders the world in the hope of finding himself until his time runs out.

Where does he go, where will he find death? In Heaven, or in Hell, or in Eternal Purgatory? He who lives without a soul dies without purpose, sentenced to eternal non-existence. And all the beautiful blondes and brunettes are dancing with the angels, and St. Peter fills their glasses with wine.

Those of us who haven't been blessed, or cursed, by a shock of fire curls should enjoy every moment spent in the company of red-haired fire friends. Get drunk and brawl with your Irish pals, kiss every freckle of your lover, relax on the couch and have a good laugh at Conan O'Brien. Curse the creator that the afterlife will be empty without these amazing people you have ever loved.

There's something incredibly annoying about Nicole Kidman that can't be explained in words. There is something about this actress that makes a man heave a sigh of anger or scream.

Her husband, Keith Urban, is probably to blame for everything. When you look at Nicole, the image of a sweet-voiced participant in the American Idol show immediately pops up. But this is her only flaw, there is no reason not to admit that Kidman's bright face, framed by ginger curls, is incredibly beautiful. By the way, Kidman can be found in the ranking of 13 stunning celebrity body parts that drive us crazy.

Kate Mara has rightfully taken her place on the Hollywood scene. Mara starred in the series " House of cards", and also played Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman) in the 2015 blockbuster " Fantastic Four».

The foreseeable future looks pretty rosy for the 32-year-old actress, who can present herself not only as a serious and sexy woman, but also as a silly girl. And if some men prefer the latter, others are crazy about the former.

Red-haired rocker Florence Welch is the vocalist of an indie rock band. Florence + the Machine. A native of England is the owner of an amazing voice that penetrates the very soul, which many other contemporary performers cannot boast of.

It seems that rock 'n' roll is dead, but sometimes a small breath is enough to give hope for life. Of course, Florence and her group are unlikely to revive the old genre, but you can just enjoy the amazing voice of the beauty.

Laughter is an inseparable part of our absurd life. Laughter provides an opportunity, at least for a moment, to escape from the terrible realities of everyday life. Find a woman who makes you laugh and you will see that the glass is not half empty but half full.

There are a lot of beautiful and funny girls around, but since we are talking about red-haired beauties, we will put the star of the series in the foreground " Office"And the comedy" Bachelorette Party in Vegas "- unusual, sweet and always laughing Ellie Kemper.

For the first time Alyson Hannigan became famous after filming in the franchise " American Pie". In recent years, she has starred in the popular comedy " How I Met your mother". Hannigan has a knack for playing feigned sexual roles.

That's why when fake videos of Alyson Hannigan come out, it's hard to believe and you start checking. For what? Not so much to understand if the video of Alyson Hannigan is real, but to compare these videos with all the stories about " Music camp".

At the name of Gillian Anderson, a bell goes off in my head. No? Then maybe the name Dana Scully means something? That's right, it was Gillian Anderson who played the role of everyone's favorite special agent in the series " Secret materials».

Gillian Anderson in a formal suit, investigating paranormal crimes, looks very impressive. Fans of the actress are looking forward to the release of the sequel " X-Files in 2016, hoping to see her in her much-loved outfit.

« The client is always dead» - channel drama series hbo, the plot of which is twisted around the theme of death. But, perhaps, such a theme contributed to the success.

One of the stars of the dark series was Lauren Ambrose, who played the role of Claire Fisher - at times disheveled, sometimes elegant red-haired beauty, a rebel artist with a gentle soul. Just the same Redhead Rebel in all its glory.

When Miranda Kerr walks the runway, does anyone care what particular piece of Victoria's Secret clothing she's wearing? Someone wonders if Kate Moss has ever sold anything from the Calvin Klein collection? No, a model is nothing, any model is a fantasy that has taken a place in men's heads. Angie Everhart is no exception.

In the early 90s of the last century, Angie Everhart became one of those girls in a swimsuit from the pages Sports Illustrated, which men will stare at, leafing through a magazine in a secluded place and dreaming of one that will never belong to them. Check out Sports Illustrated's 7 Sexiest Debutantes of 2015.

« Pop Stars: Rivals- The British TV talent show, like most similar American shows, was a competition for pop artists. Nicola Roberts, one of the contestants, did not become a winner, however, along with four other girls, became a member of the group girls aloud.

There is nothing special to say about the band. A typical pop group: they sing, they dance, they attract attention. When girls aloud broke up, Nicola Roberts decided to try her luck as a solo artist.

Nicola Roberts is the type of naughty, attention-seeking girl, but that hasn't stopped the pale red-haired pop star from entering the top hotties.

Many people know the scene on the table from the movie " boogie nights with Julianne Moore and Mark Wahlberg: fiery hair, green eyes, fair skin, freckled shoulder, fast, jerky movements…

Julianne Moore is not only a talented actress, but a passionate (sometimes too liberal) activist and author of children's books. All this, combined with her appearance, makes her the perfect woman. Unless, of course, you armed, ignorant right-wing radical". She can be found in the ranking of 10 actresses who look younger than their years.

The story of Lindsay Lohan and her crazy deeds is a story of paparazzi scrutiny, family troubles, a promiscuous sex life and an excessive passion for wild parties. Lohan has had a tough time, but she got through it all and can talk about what she's been through.

Lindsay Lohan may be too far from the innocent and noble ideal, but she is certainly an interesting person. Pay attention to the 14 sexiest celebrities according to Maxim magazine, where Lohan appears.

Lohan grew up surrounded by constant attention from the press and the public, which is very hard to endure. In such conditions, there is no one to turn to, and then only alcohol and drugs become true allies.

Amy Adams is the type of girl who is not ashamed to bring to meet her mother. There is absolutely nothing scandalous and reprehensible in the biography of Amy Adams. Adams is an exemplary wife, mother and good actress.

Amy Adams is an exciting attractive girl with a modest beauty. Men all over the world are looking for one, getting drunk in seedy bars, and waking up in the morning, they find that the chosen one is more scary than attractive. Perhaps for some, drinking heavily in a bar is the best way out of the situation, while others are trying to find their Amy.

Mad Men is a popular American drama television series aired on AMC. The plot is based on the life of a creative director of an advertising agency in the 1960s.

The series allowed Christina Hendricks, a gorgeous and sensual red-haired girl with a beautiful figure and an equally beautiful face, to be in the spotlight. Hendrix is ​​an impressive and striking example of a woman who knows how to present herself.

Jessica Chastain, the award-winning actress who played a very emotional role in " Goal number one". After the success of the film, the popularity of the red-haired favorite of the audience also increased.

Jessica Chastain has a unique beauty, her smile is able to dispel darkness and light up a dark alley... To make it easier for a robber to commit his crime. This is the kind of beauty that can bring problems.

Emma Stone made her film debut in the teen comedy SuperPeppers". It was the start of an exciting career for the 26-year-old Stone, where she showed all her acting talent. Naturally funny and charismatic, Emma brought a mixture of brilliance and goofiness to the screen.

Emma Stone should be a model of what men and women look for in a partner: realism and the absence of dangerous stupidity.

Red hair color has always been associated with something mystical and mysterious, surrounding its owner with an aura of mystery. During the Inquisition, girls with such a shade of hair were accused of witchcraft without trial or investigation. Now copper curls are no longer associated with the presence of otherworldly power, but, according to psychologists, they indicate a light disposition and careless character. Among world celebrities, recognized beauties and sex symbols, there are many red-haired ones - they have become the personification of their era and set new standards of beauty.

30.10.2016 05:03

Who wants it hotter? The color of passion, openness, freedom is undoubtedly red! In different eras, the attitude towards the children of the sun has changed. Either they were deified, or they were burned at the stake. But at all times they attracted admiring glances! Who is the most-most among the top 20 red-haired beauties of Hollywood? There were not so many fatal fiery lionesses!

1 Julianne Moore

The main and loyal fan of the red hair color, despite the professional opportunities to try on all colors and shades. Exquisite American film actress, Oscar winner Julianne Moore in almost all the films appears with red curls. Always brilliant and irresistible looks.

2. Nicole Kidman

Red is the natural color of this stunning woman. And although in recent years the Australian actress prefers exclusively the image of a blonde, no one can forget how good she is and how the color of the sun and love suits her!

3. Jessica Chastain

The star has dozens of successful roles, including in the films The Tree of Life, The Help, The Shelter, The Drunkest County in the World), but also in the modeling role - the star is the face of the Saint Laurent perfume line. Jessica also succeeds on the red carpet: most often, the actress quotes retro images in a modern way, deserving the title of a Hollywood diva like no other.

4. Emma Stone

Emma Stone is naturally blonde. It's hard to believe, because both in life and on the screen, Spider-Man's girlfriend often appears with red hair, which seems very natural in combination with her milky skin. For roles, the star often has to change her image, but she seems to be only happy about this. For her passion for experimenting with hair in Hollywood, the actress was even given the nickname "chameleon".

5. Christina Hendricks

The owner of luxurious magnificent forms Christina Hendricks gained fame after her role in the TV series Mad Men (three Emmy nominations). By her example, the actress proved that the status of a sex symbol can be earned without model parameters 90-60-90.

6. Amy Adams

Another celebrity is the Oscar nominee for the film The Junebug, who has not changed the red hair color since birth. A real socialite, with flawless marble skin and the invincible character of a real zodiac lion. Burning mix!

7. Carice van Houten

Carice van Houten is a Dutch actress best known for her role as Melisandre (Red Woman) in Game of Thrones. But in the filmography of the actress there are a lot of wonderful films, and one of them is The Black Book, where the actress played a Jewish singer who decided to take revenge on the Nazis for the death of her family. Karis prefers to dye her hair in a chestnut color with a red tint.

8. Rose McGowan

The Irish roots of Rose McGowan helped to play the image of Red Sonja so believably and brilliantly. Of course, only this sexy and tender diva with brown eyes could win Conon's heart. How amazing she is in this role.

9. Julia Roberts

After the release of the legendary painting "Pretty Woman", Julia Roberts woke up famous with her fiery red hairdo. And it was in this image that she was remembered by millions of viewers, although she was blonde from birth. It was thanks to her that a certain “boom” of a sunny red color occurred!

10. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has not always been the idol of millions. In the early 2000s, the actress was in search of her image. 2011 - the star changes her hair color to fiery red and becomes one of the sexiest actresses in Hollywood.

11. Cynthia Nixon

Cynthia is best known for her role as Miranda Hobbs in the comedy series Sex and the City. For this role, Nixon was nominated three times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actress, and won in 2004.

12. Lily Cole

Lily Cole is an English model and actress. Those who watched the film "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" could not help but notice the lovely girl Valentina there, whose nickname was "The Appetizer". Lily-red and with freckles - there is no doubt about it!

13. Rachel McAdams

Rachel Ann McAdams is a 37-year-old Canadian actress who was nominated for a Genie Award (Canadian version of the Oscars) for her role in Perfect Pie (2002), also included in our list of the most beautiful women. and Hollywood actresses. She got her acting breakthrough after her role in Mean Girls (2004).

14. Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner - a young British actress, although she has dyed red hair, is quite worthy of being in this ranking of the most red-haired celebrity girls, especially since this bright and rich hair color really suits her. Sophie decided to become a redhead for filming the TV series Game of Thrones, but she liked this hair color so much that the actress decided to leave it, and she did not lose!

15. Rose Leslie

Rose Leslie is a British actress. Rose comes from the ancient Scottish Leslie clan, we know her for the role of Wildling Ygritte from the series Game of Thrones and the role of the maid Gwen Dawson from the series Downton Abbey.

16. Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick is a very red-haired American actress and singer, known to many from the Twilight saga, where she starred as Jessica Stanley. This girl was nominated for an Oscar in 2010 for Best Supporting Actress in Up in the Air.

17. Georgie Henley

Georgie Henley is a young English actress who played Lucy Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia. Georgie has dark red hair, and it should be noted that she has grown into such a cute beauty, because the girl is already 18 years old!

18. Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton is a British actress, her ancestors belong to the oldest Anglo-Scottish family. Tilda has a very bright appearance. Once you see her, you will never be able to confuse her with anyone. She is known to many for her role as the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia. True, now this actress is increasingly dyeing her hair blonde.

19. Gemma Arterton

Gemma Arterton is a British actress. And although this red-haired beauty often dyes her hair in various colors, nevertheless, from birth she has her rich chestnut hair color with a redhead and cute freckles on her face. Did you know that this red-haired actress was born in the family of a welder and a cleaner. In addition, the baby had six fingers on both hands. But all this did not prevent Gemma from becoming one of the most beautiful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. I remember her most of all from the film "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", where she played the role of Princess Tamina, and from the mini-series "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" - where she simply perfectly played a girl who had a severe trial, I want to note that this actress looks amazing without makeup!

20. Emma Watson

Emma Watson is a red-haired Hollywood actress with brown eyes, the girl carefully disguises her freckles, but she is in no hurry to get rid of the red hair color, because it gives expressiveness to her appearance. Although Emma has already grown up, she still seems to me to be an unopened bud - tender, vulgar and talented!



Red-haired beauties always attract attention. As a rule, these are passionate and energetic natures, whose charm is difficult to resist. Red-haired girls have long declared themselves in the world of cinema. Bright representatives of the old Hollywood are Lucille Ball, Rita Hayworth and Susie Parker. And in the modern film industry, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore and Amy Adams have become icons of beauty and style. All these famous beauties have acting talent, captivating appearance and luxurious curls of a fiery shade. And now about each of them a little more.

Charming Lucille Ball became famous in Hollywood thanks to her starring role in the TV series I Love Lucy. The talent of the actress in the comedy genre was highly appreciated almost immediately, she even won the title of "Queen of Comedy". For this role, Lucille won an Emmy award. During filming, the actress met her future husband Desi Arnaz, whom she divorced in 1994, but oddly enough, the couple stayed together.

Rita Hayworth became one of the most famous Hollywood actresses in the 40s. The red-haired beauty was married five times and eventually chose loneliness. Interestingly, the name of the actress is a pseudonym that her first husband came up with for her. The most striking role of Hayworth is the fatal beauty Elsa Bannister from the movie "The Lady from Shanghai". To play her character, the actress had to say goodbye to long red hair and become a blonde for a while. On the set, Rita met her third husband, Orson Welles.

The beautiful Maureen O "Hara became a star of Westerns, she also often appeared in John Ford's adventure films. She was remembered by the audience for her roles in the films How Green Was My Valley, Dangerous Fellow Travelers and The Quiet Man. In 2015, the actress was awarded an honorary Oscar awards.

Susie Parker is known primarily in the modeling world. In the 1950s, she became the highest paid model, and her photos graced the pages of all famous fashion publications. Then Parker decided to prove herself as an actress. She played in the films "Kiss Them for Me", "Funny Face", "The Best", thereby winning the cinema.

Fiery red Jill St. John became popular thanks to the role of the Bond girl in the movie "Diamonds Are Forever". Also, the actress was nominated for the Golden Globe Award, but did not receive this award. Jill married 4 times, the famous actor Robert Wagner became the fourth chosen one.

Susan Sarandon was nominated for an Oscar four times, but received it only once in 1996. Despite acting talent, Susan was also nominated for the Golden Raspberry anti-award. Interestingly, Sarandon became truly popular only after 40 years.

Beauty Julianne Moore last year received the coveted Oscar statuette for the first time. Julianne has become the standard of beauty and style for many. The actress is a beauty ambassador for LOreal Paris. In 2015, the actress appeared in the sensational saga The Hunger Games. And in 2017, Moore will appear in the second part of the spy film "Kingsman".

The radiant Julia Roberts has become a favorite of Hollywood thanks to her dazzling smile and luxurious red hair. During her career, the actress has proved that she can successfully perform not only comedy, but also dramatic roles. The actress was nominated for an Oscar three times, and in 2001 received this prestigious award.

Nicole Kidman could become not a Hollywood actress, but a ballerina. But fate decreed otherwise. The Oscar winner first appeared on the screens in the music video for Pat Wilson. She then met her future husband, Tom Cruise, on the set of the drama Days of Thunder. The career of the actress began to develop rapidly, then Nicole became the face of Chanel No. 5 fragrance. For participation in advertising campaigns, she received the highest fees.

Amy Adams has been nominated five times for an Oscar but has yet to receive her award. In 2013, Amy played the role of Superman's girlfriend for the first time. In 2017, viewers will be able to see again Amy Adams in this role in the film "Justice League" and in the same year she will appear in the continuation of the fairy tale "Enchanted" in the image of Princess Giselle.

Christina Hendricks became popular thanks to her role in the popular TV series Mad Men. Then the red-haired beauty with a luxurious figure starred in the films "Thunderbolt", "Life as It Is", "Replacement Teacher" and others.

Isla Fisher is not only a famous actress, but also a writer. As a teenager, she wrote a couple of kings, which eventually became bestsellers. The actress has an unusual name origin, her parents named her after an island in Scotland. Isla Fisher is known for her roles as Shopaholic, Illusion of Deception and The Great Gatsby. Ayla is married to channel actor Sacha Baron Cohen and the couple have three children.

Jessica Chastain is best known for her roles in The World's Drunkest County, The Help, and Interstellar. The actress is the face of the jewelry brand Piaget. In April, the premiere of the second part of "Snow White and the Huntsman" took place in Russia, where Jessica played one of the main roles.

Emma Stone is the star of Birdman, The Amazing Spider-Man, Welcome to Zombieland, and more. This red-haired beauty has all the awards yet to come, although Stone has already been nominated for an Oscar. In any case, the actress has long been the darling of Hollywood.
