TV presenter Timur Solovyov: wife, photo biography and personal life. Personal life of Timur Solovyov photo wife children of TV presenter Timur Solovyov photo look

When looking at Timur Solovyov(33) - without any exaggeration - the heart stops! Immediately there is a desire to wake up at dawn to turn on the program "Good morning" on Channel One and see it. For the sake of such a man, you want to get better every day: read books, sign up for a gym and do everything possible so that he is next to you. In a word, we fell in love! Well-known TV presenter Timur Solovyov in an exclusive interview told PEOPLETALK about how fate itself led him to a television studio, why he needs boxing and what, in his opinion, love is. We are sure you will like it too! As a child, I dreamed of becoming a truck driver.

I watched the American film "Convoy" many times and imagined how I would drive a big truck. Then, of course, interests changed. Never wanted to be popular, didn't even think about it. Life somehow pushed me all the time: I participated in some kind of amateur performances, danced in a group, I was constantly sent to reading competitions, but I never thought that I wanted to be famous, especially a TV presenter. Then it was not yet trendy and fashionable, our country was called the Soviet Union, and professions were simpler. Already at the institute, I accidentally found the profession of a TV presenter and followed this path. I've always had a penchant for the humanities never liked math. Therefore, I chose the Faculty of Philology. After graduating from college, I worked for a year Odessa on television, achieved everything there, became a producer of fashion programs, shows, all kinds of presentations. But I always wanted to go to a big city, where there are more opportunities. Apparently, it was the call of the blood, because the roots of my family are in Moscow. My grandfather is a native Muscovite, but at the age of 16 he moved to Odessa, entered the Higher Naval School and became a captain.

Hoodies and pants, all - Asos

I bought a ticket myself and came to the casting "Become an MTV VJ", which passed through all the cities Russia. IN Moscow I didn't have anyone. I was invited to the semi-final and asked to come in six months. I said: “If you don’t take me now, then I will go to the MUZ-TV channel to work, because they are already waiting for me there.” Naturally, I lied, because no one was waiting for me anywhere. They were surprised at my impudence and hired me. After the first advance payment, I rented an apartment in Northern Butovo. Moscow tested me for strength. When I was driving here, it seemed to me that life would simply lie in front of me now: magazines, secular parties, but everything turned out quite the opposite. I can say that my adaptation period lasted about seven years, until I had friends, my own company, confidence in the future and in my profession. Then it was like this: today I might have money, and tomorrow I might not have enough for the subway or some of the cheapest food. It was very difficult. But now I am grateful for everything, because it tempered my character, I became a man, as a person. After Odessa, such a warm, native city where everyone knows you, it was a very serious test. The desire to quit everything and return home was every day. The only thing that stopped me was that I could not afford to return to Odessa, since for me it would be a definite loss: I was leaving to conquer Moscow. I had no options to take a step back.

T-shirt and trousers, all - Asos My father always gave me a certain freedom.

He never hindered me in anything. From the age of 12 I grew up with him, not with my mother. My mother has always been supportive, even at a distance. My parents are divorced: my mother lives in Riga, my father lives in Odessa. They have always supported me and now, of course, they are proud of me. Perhaps these are too strong words, but I have achieved everything myself, without any bullshit. And that's great. Popularity has its upsides. People trust you more quickly with some things, because they seem to already know you in advance. I'm lucky with my friends. I have few of them, but they are very good, reliable, in a sense, a reflection of me in some aspects. By the way, they are not all Muscovites. I analyze and come to the conclusion that visitors understand me better. I don't think it's easy to be friends with me because I have an impulsive nature: I often follow my emotions. I can be quick-tempered, but at the same time very easy-going. I can give everything to people whom I treat well - this applies to both material and spiritual warmth.

A woman and a man cannot be friends, these are different creatures, they have different interests, a natural function. I can communicate with a girl, but, as a rule, this is a woman with whom I had something or might have something. Man is a social animal, and I am no exception, therefore, of course, to a certain extent, public opinion is important to me but I am not hostage to it. I don't like being criticized. But I include all my strength, internal resources to hear. It is also important who criticizes you, I listen only to people who are authoritative for me and close friends. People usually come to boxing who have some kind of inner pain or a desire to fight, to fight for something. I boxed when I was a child, when I was 14 years old. And more or less seriously, I started training when I moved to Moscow. Because in the capital it was difficult for me and boxing became the only outlet: I came to the gym and forgot about everything.
Vest Philipp Plein Boxing is my religion, an endless path of self-development, self-improvement

And for me, this is probably not even a physical, but a spiritual practice. I am cleansed, my fears go away, everything returns to its place, pride and temptations go away. Since I have been doing this for a long time, I had a desire to create my own tournament "Legend". And now we have a contract with the Chechen promotion "Akhmat Fight Show". And our team makes the most significant events for him. Therefore, I spend a lot of time in Grozny. All the videos we shoot at tournaments are directed by me. This is my production, my team. I really want to make films in the future.

I don't have any particular phobias. I am not a supporter of running away from fears, if I am afraid of something, on the contrary, I go towards it, I want to live it, experience it. I am not vindictive and able to forgive even betrayal. This does not mean that I will continue to communicate with the person after that, but I will not keep evil either, I get rid of negative emotions. If you sit with me, talk, I can listen and understand. At all men are much more vulnerable than women, so we are arranged by nature: we experience a gap much harder. I'm sentimental. I can be touched by small children and romantic stories. I probably wouldn't change anything in my life. At some points it was hard, but I know that thanks to this experience I have become better. I don't like feeling disappointed when you paint a certain picture, and then this person manifests himself in some unexpected way and turns out to be not who you thought he was.
I like being in love, to experience these romantic feelings when you are interested in a person, you want to see him, write messages. For everyone, madness is something different. For some, it's parachute landing on the balcony, but for someone it's just a confession of their feelings. When I was younger, I did crazy things: I could get on a plane, a bus, a train, just to see a person. One of the classics said that appearance is not only a pretty face, it is an advance recommendation. I am convinced that even if I had a different appearance, my inner core and my character would remain the same, I would have the same success with girls, because it is somewhere inside: self-confidence, that you are what You can, you're worth something. I realized that girls like me when I was at school. I remember when I was a second grader, high school girls would catch me in the hallway and kiss me. I think it left an imprint on the formation of my personality. ( laughing.) Certainly, there were girls who did not like me, I happened to experience unhappy love, betrayal, like all normal people. I threw, I was thrown - all this is life. People suit each other or not, and this does not depend on appearance. Sometimes appearance can, on the contrary, be confusing: for example, it seems to a girl that she is in love with you, because, let's say, you are handsome and work on television, but some time passes, and she realizes that these are not the same feelings.
If your beloved woman is cheating on you, this is a great reason to think. It happens that a person is simply not “yours”, but it also happens that a person stumbled. Of course, I would not like to face this situation, because it is difficult, but purely theoretically, I think I could forgive. The question is how the relationship will develop further: forgiveness is one thing, but getting bad thoughts out of your head is much more difficult. I pay attention to appearance. It doesn't have to be some canonical beauty: tall, dark hair and blue eyes, or blond hair and brown eyes. By the way, it always happened that many of my lovers were diametrically opposed in appearance. The main thing is some kind of inner charm. I don't have any taboos, I'm ready to put up with a lot if I'm in love. But I, for example, do not like it when a girl smokes, it immediately alarms me. But in general, I pay attention to some deeper things: kindness, the ability to make friends, femininity, so that you feel warmth, support, and habits are all acquired.
Sexuality is in a person's inner feeling of himself: in a look, a smile, in energy, in some kind of fluids that come out, in a smell. A proposal does not always end with a wedding, a wedding does not always end with a long life together. Everything depends on the situation. My ex-girlfriend and I (Anna Kasterova, sports TV presenter. - Note. ed.) were engaged. But at some point, both realized that we could not be together, and parted ways. Because after all, family, marriage is not just a passion, it is a comfortable existence together. In addition to vivid emotions, there will also be everyday life - and friendship, compatibility, comfort are important here. Love is the desire to make a person happy. When you think less about yourself and more about making the person next to you feel good. And the person in front of you thinks the same thing. With age, it is more difficult to find "your" person, because you lose the ability to be fascinated. Some things you see right away. And, let's say, at the age of 20 you can fall in love, start dating, and only after six months or a year you realize that this person is not “yours”.
The girl should be pretty, charming and sexyIt really touches me when a person sincerely tries to do something for you. For example, he offers to cook dinner for you - even at this level. This inner intention, the desire for you to feel good, comfortable, is very important to me. I've never had a problem getting to know a girl. If, for example, you went to a restaurant or a store and you are in a good mood, why not compliment the girl? My father once said a very good phrase: “I read one of your interviews where you say that you love to seek women. Believe me, when adults who are suitable for each other meet, they don’t achieve, they converge. I think people should converge. And you have to be successful at work.

I don't like shopping, it takes a lot of energy from me. If I go to the store, I know exactly what I need to buy. I take care of my form, I constantly go in for sports, I still have my hair cut - more, probably, I don’t affect my appearance in any way yet. I like to take risks. I am an adventurer. I don't know the word "no". And if I want something, I always go to the end, not shunning any work. I have wanted children for a long time and I am quite ready for a family. Happiness is being healthy and that your loved ones are healthy, and everything else can come with your own work: physical, creative, professional and spiritual.

The host of Good Morning on Channel One recently moved into his own home. 35-year-old Timur Solovyov chose an apartment of 70 square meters in the north of the capital - in the residential complex "Vodny". StarHit was among the first to become a guest in the celebrity's new home.

“I like this area, I know it well - before that I lived nearby, on Khodynka,” the TV presenter told StarHit. “There is a wakesurfing club five minutes from home, I used to come there often, now it has become more convenient - everything is at hand.”

Before moving into the apartment, Timur survived the renovation. To do this, he turned to specialists who took on the task of turning housing into a cozy space for relaxation and creativity.

“I entrusted everything to the designer, who was advised to me by my colleague, host of the Ideal Renovation program Natasha Barbier, and to the foreman,” recalls Timur. “They did everything perfectly. In many ways, the design project is my merit: I got on the Internet, studied many interiors, chose the ones I liked and asked Natasha to bring them to life. The main thing I didn’t want was for the apartment to be “cold”: I don’t like high-tech and strict style, so I preferred stone and wood.”

In the new housing, Timur still has a lot to do - to buy some pieces of furniture and interior that would give the space comfort. Solovyov has already planned the acquisition of various paintings and posters.

Timur reluctantly admits that he himself did not help the builders during the repair. “To be honest, I don’t know how to work with my hands, and it upsets me a little,” Solovyov confesses. “But I think that over time I will learn this, or rather, I will remember my old skills: in childhood, together with my grandparents, we built a house, I helped - hewn boards, painted the walls.”

You look at Timur Solovyov, the host of the Good Morning morning show on Channel One, and you think: how cute, handsome, just like Barbie's Ken. It's good that Timur is not a toy at all, but a person.

For someone who hosts a morning broadcast, you look quite cheerful.
This is an illusion. Makeup. Drops in the eyes. Whitening tooth powder.

The presenter generally has a non-standard schedule: he works when everyone is resting, goes to parties mainly on business ... Do you like this kind of life?
Of course, my day as a whole is not like the day of a typical mine employee who wakes up at 8, goes to the office, returns home in the evening. I don't have monotonous days. I often work on holidays, on weekends, in places where people have fun. But in ten years I got used to it.

Your track record includes a large number of hobbies and jobs. Why did the TV presenter win in you?
It’s not that he won, he just occupied his niche in my life. But this does not mean at all that I have stopped looking and finding something else. For example, I acted as a producer of one of the largest fighting shows in the world “Legend”, I tried myself there as a director. I shoot music and sports videos, I have my own production company. So it cannot be said that the TV presenter in me won.

You were born in Latvia, weren't you?

How long lived there?
Up to 11 years old.

What do you remember about this country?
Rather, I remember not Latvia, but my childhood there. It was the same as everyone else: Cossack robbers, first loves and experiences, early rises to school, deuces for behavior ...

Are you in those places now?
My mother lives in Latvia with her family, and I go there once every six months or a year.

And how did you end up in Odessa at the age of 11?
In general, my parents are both from Odessa. My grandparents live there, and as a child I often spent summers with them. At twelve, I moved to this city, graduated from school there, entered the institute ... I associate Odessa with such growing up: first love, first job, first earned money, institute.

Why did you leave Latvia?
This was facilitated by certain family circumstances, about which I will someday write an adventurous novel. Let's just say I just had to leave. But I am glad that this is how it all turned out, because it was Odessa that shaped me.

Do you have something Odessa?
There is a stereotype that Odessans are the most intelligent, cunning, with a special sense of humor. I do not think that I am endowed with all these qualities, but what I definitely have in me is purely Odessa adventurism. And also a dislike for all sorts of different norms and rules. That is, I have never been a good boy.

But how did you then end up at the philological faculty of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov?
In life, there are many combinations of incongruous. (Laughs.)

That is, with one hand he beat glasses, and in the other he held a book?
Something like that. In fact, I realized that I was studying at the philological faculty, only in the third year. Prior to that, he was interrupted from a deuce to a triple. I was resourceful enough to last two years. And then I seemed to wake up - I was infected with literature and began to read, study subjects that I liked. As a result, he graduated without triples.

What sparked your interest in learning?
It's just that I suddenly sharply revised my life, this is a hooligan childhood, a society of boys left to their own devices. There was no control over me, and I always found myself in various borderline situations. But when I started talking to other people, I started thinking. I realized that one more step - and there will be no turning back, nothing will change. Fortunately, there were people who pulled me to the bright side. I became friends with teachers, with children from other faculties. I even started getting scholarships for good studies. From that moment on, I began to think about the profession, about money, which at that time was not there, my father gave me the amount that was enough for a minibus to the institute. And I began to fall in love, the girls were very beautiful.

"There was no control over me, and I always found myself in various borderline situations. I realized that one more step - and there would be no going back"

Are you talking about gray library mice from the philology department?
Of course not, there was no one to fall in love with at the philological faculty. Most of the classmates came from the regions of Ukraine, so that later they could go there and replenish the teaching staff of local schools. I've been in love with girls since law school. They were older than me, they came in good cars. And I understood: I need money to invite them on dates. Then I started spinning. Whom only did not work.

Have you ever had to do something not for pleasure, but out of necessity?
Once I tried to sit in the office - I stayed there for exactly an hour.

What did you manage to do?
Nothing. I came, they showed me where the buffet is. They said they would bring a computer. They brought it, put it on the table, I sat down. Five minutes later, I felt so uncomfortable ... I realized that I would never be able to work here in my life. I will be a sailor, a taxi driver… No matter who, but not an office worker. I got up and left. Everything else in my life I did with pleasure.

At one time you were a model.

There are many stories from girls who got into this business and then scolded him. I want to hear the male version.
The fact that I worked as a model is, of course, loudly said. It happened back in Odessa, and there the modeling business is very specific. The guys and I then wanted easy money, but there were no professional skills. We learned that you can enter the shows and get five dollars for each. Six months later, I realized that I could not be a model for five bucks, but put on shows for 15. And I began to organize fashion shows, tried to produce.

The programs that you hosted on music channels are mostly of an entertainment nature. Do you like all this club culture?
For a while I was aware of the nightlife, but quickly got tired of it.

And what was the charm of being in a noisy club crowd before?
At a certain age, for any guy, this is one meaning - the search for women. You can ask a girl why she goes there, and she will say: “I want to dance.” And my friends and I went to drink and meet girls - for once, for life, it doesn’t matter, in any case, there was always one reason. Naturally, if I was in a long-term relationship, then I stopped going to clubs. I still have a girlfriend with whom I live, so what should I do in clubs?

In 2008, you left the MTV channel and started working for Muz-TV. Why did this happen?
New management came to MTV, they terminated contracts with six young presenters at once - among them Marika, Yura Pashkov ... The new government decided to change everything in one fell swoop and recruit new faces. For three or four months I was left to myself, doing some separate projects, and then I was invited to Muz-TV.

Did it matter to you that it was a competitor channel?
For me then everything mattered, I had to assert myself in any way. Because of this whole story, my self-esteem fell, I felt unclaimed. It was then that I began to think that it was not enough to be just a TV presenter, you must be able to do something else.

"I realized that I would be a sailor, a taxi driver ... No matter who, but not an office worker"

And how are they now invited to Channel One?
They called me, they told me about the casting. I didn't really understand where they got my phone from. And I didn’t even know that they were calling to audition for Good Morning. I only realized when I arrived. I sat in the frame, and, I remember, everything turned out very cool. I have been to castings many times, and they approved me, but it happened that at the last moment they didn’t take me. And, it seems, this was the first time when I did everything in such a way that I directly felt that I could conduct this program! But he didn't dwell too much on that thought. At that moment, I wanted to study directing and went to Los Angeles, to the New York Film Academy. I was very carried away by the process, I thought that I would return to Russia and would only shoot. And then they called me and said that they were taking me to Good Morning, come. I say: "I can't, I'm in America." I hung up and thought: “Lord, I just turned down Channel One!” (Laughs.) Then, of course, he called back, said that he was very happy, but first I need to graduate from the academy. And so it happened: after studying, he returned and went to work at Good Morning.

Timur Solovyov: a bully in the eye

Are you still doing boxing?
Less and less. I keep myself in shape so as not to swim.

Have you fought often in your life?
I had to. There is no getting away from rudeness, it is annoying, but now it does not come to assault for many reasons. At least because of all these stories with my fellow athletes who beat someone, and then it has very sad consequences.

Are you talking about the professional fighter Mirzaev, who accidentally killed a guy during a fight near the club?
This athlete is my good friend, we trained with him and even performed together. I know him well, at one time I was friends with his promoter, we actually rotated in the same company. And this is not an isolated case, there are many. It's just that not all of them end up on the pages of newspapers. You see, an athlete is also a person, he also has emotions, they must be able to restrain them.

How do you do it?
I calculate the situation in advance and try not to go to those places where they can get rude to me, where a strange audience gathers. If I go to a restaurant for dinner, then in a group of friends, where there is security and where there is no chance of running into. The last time I had a showdown in my youth, in clubs or on the streets, now I am trying in every way to protect myself from this.

When they talk about your personal life, they certainly mention your common-law wife Anna. Why isn't it official yet?
We live together and are going to get married. This idea is currently in the process of being finalized.

An idea can take years to develop.
We have already decided that this will happen in the summer, and we will set a date in the near future. We want to hold a modest ceremony for loved ones, preferably somewhere abroad.

How does a man understand that he met a girl for life?
Well, by the age of 30, you already know yourself enough. And suddenly you realize that you don't need anyone else but this girl. You realize it not with your brain, but with your heart. At some point, a click happens inside you.

And what, you didn’t have such clicks before, when it seemed that here, this is it?
These are such half-clicks - that's what I would call them when there is sympathy. In the case of Anya, I was so taken away ... There was an overdose of feelings, so I could not even think about someone else. Then everything calmed down, but the feeling of the correctness of what was happening remained.

Anna is also a TV presenter?

Is it true that you saw her on TV and wanted to meet?
Everything is so, I saw it on TV and, to be honest, I immediately thought that this girl could become the mother of my children. True, when I met Anya, I really got to know her, she turned out to be completely different from what I saw on the screen. But it was already too late. (Laughs.)

Long sought?
A very long time. First he sent flowers, then he invited me on a date. I can say that I sought her for two years, even when we had already begun to live together.

What was she resisting?
Don't know. Thought I was superficial, light, unreliable. We had time to verify the strength of our feelings. We parted, and converged, and parted again ... Our relationship was not simple.

There is such a stupid question that actors are asked: is it hard for them to live together? I would like to ask the same thing from a couple of TV presenters.
We get along very easily. There are problems when both of us come home after the morning broadcasts, sleepy, tired, demanding attention to ourselves. Then you have to adapt, otherwise a conflict may arise.

Perhaps boxing helps again?
By the way, yes, boxing helps a lot - sometimes I give Anya gloves and say: “Beat!”

By pear?
No, according to me.

Interviewed by Andrey Zakhariev

Personal life of Timur Solovyov changed after he was invited to the Good Morning program on Channel One. He already had experience as a host - Timur hosted programs on some music TV channels, but he wanted to reach a new level of career, and he succeeded. Having accidentally learned about the casting at the First, he passed it, not really hoping for success, and flew to the States, where he planned to get a specialty director, but a call from television changed all his plans, and Timur considers this his great success.

In the photo - Timur and Anna Kasterova

Work on the main television channel of the country forced Timur Solovyov to change his image - he began to dress more restrained, and the style of conducting the program was different from the style of conducting music programs. Thanks to the help of other presenters, who warmly accepted him into their team, he quickly coped with the task. Timur Solovyov does not like to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he has a romantic relationship with TV presenter Anna Kasterova. He says that he first saw Anya on television, and it was love at first sight. He raised all his friends to their feet to help them get her phone number, but it was not so easy to get Anna's favor, nevertheless, Timur's efforts were not in vain, and the girl's heart was won. In one of the interviews, he admitted that Timur Solovyov's personal life will soon change, and he plans to become a family man.

Before getting on television, Timur Solovyov graduated from the philological faculty of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov, and during his studies he took an active part in KVN, worked as an editor, club promoter and even a model, and in 2008 he became the face of Megafon. Behind Timur is also the school of producers Timur Bekmambetov.

He came to television in 2000 - first he hosted programs on Odessa TV channels, and after moving to Moscow in 2005, he became a host on MTV, then he switched to Muz-TV, and since 2009, together with Ekaterina Gordon, he hosted his own author's show "Daring Morning". There was a period when Timur Solovyov had no time left for his personal life - he simultaneously hosted up to eight programs, but then he decided to refuse many of them, because he realized that it was impossible to work so much! Now his life is more measured, and he is full of plans for the future.

2016.03.05, 18:40 | Conor 1221


Age: 31 year

Achievements: General Producer of "Legend" promotion

The fight show "Legend" is the best fight promotion in Russia, and in terms of the level of organization of fights and the brightness of the show, it is second only to the UFC. The third fight show "Legend III: Pour Homme" will take place today, April 5, in Milan at the "Mediolanum Forum" stadium and the whole martial arts world is already lurking in anticipation of a bright fight show that will be presented by the Russian promotion. Fighters are the main characters of any martial arts tournament, but everyone forgets about the organizers. MMABoxing talked to Timur Solovyov, General Producer of the "Legend" fight show.

- For many fans of martial arts, you are a new person, but you occupy a serious post of producer in the fighting show “Legend. How did your passion for fighting start?

“It all started when I was 12 years old. A man entered the classroom and announced that he was enrolling in the kickboxing section. At that moment, on the wave of Van Damme, it was very popular. I worked out for a few years, then quit. And when he moved to Moscow, he became interested in boxing, even competed in amateur competitions. And somehow joined this crowd.

What prompted you to go to the gym? Do you remember your first workouts?

“I remember my very first workout, when I was little. The coach lined us all up and says: well, guys, you probably all watched the movie "Bloodsport" with Van Damme. All in unison: yes! And suddenly the coach answers: now remember, guys, kickboxing is completely different. Boxing gloves were completely different, not the same as now, they were made of horsehair, black. Now I wouldn't even be able to wear them.

- Any young man who is engaged in wrestling has his own idol: for some it is Mike Tyson or Roy Jones, for others it is Alexander Karelin or Buvaisar Saitiev. Who was your martial arts idol?

- When I was still at school, idols were like everyone else: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan. Then, when I started to get involved in boxing, my preferences began to change. In general, I believe that how much you grow and develop internally, so you learn boxing, each time in a new way. There are a lot of steps and layers in this sport, which makes it even more interesting, and athletes open up from a new perspective. At one time he was fascinated by Mike Tyson and Roy Jones, but then he began to discover other boxing. Of course, boxers who hit hard and hard and show a real felling command respect, but for me, aerobatics is intellectual boxing. For example, Vasily Lomachenko, when he was in amateur boxing, was number one for me. I really like the way Andre Ward and Bernard Hopkins box. Now I can mention Gennady Golovkin, Sergey Kovalev. I have always loved intellectual boxing, it fascinates me when an athlete works as the second number, like Andre Ward or Floyd Mayweather, forcing his opponent to open up and make mistakes.

- You are a fairly well-known and popular presenter, as well as a director of popular programs. But why do you need to do such a difficult job as creating a fighting show in a country where before the "Legend" people saw only a parody of Western counterparts? What drives you and what is the final goal you have set for yourself in this business?

– I am not a broadcast director, I just tried to make programs, but then I swore not to create any television product. A legend for me is everything that I love. I love fighting, I make videos that I could only dream of before. All my skills are combined into one big thing, I combine all the nice things that can be, and I get tremendous pleasure from it. While I don’t set any final goal for myself, I like the process itself. In this process, I am surrounded by interesting people, I am glad that I got to know everyone. Today I live and enjoy, because it combines everything that I love: both fights and directing a creative story.

- Timur, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to guess that your day is scheduled by the minute. Do you manage to get enough sleep or every day - how to go to the front? What advice do you have for readers to feel energized in the morning?

- Somehow it turned out so well that work on television and "Legend" do not interfere with each other at all. When preparations for the tournament begin, television peacefully and loyally gives way to "Legend", and when "Legend" subsides, I return to television life. While they exist very evenly and with mutual respect. As for how to get enough sleep and wake up in the morning, in this regard I am not an adviser, since I myself do not like to get up early. But I can say with confidence that if in the evening I already know that tomorrow there will be a busy day and a lot of interesting things, it becomes easy to wake up. Therefore, build more interesting plans that will bring you pleasure and joy. And of course, you need to strive to do what you like.

- I got the impression that you are a very positive person and accept any hardships with a smile. Share the secret of how you do it. What should our readers do to make the same good impression on people?

- I can’t say that I’m really such a positive person, I can sometimes be a whiner. (Laughs.) I think a lot of books have already been written about this, I won’t open anything new. First of all, you need to listen to yourself - and over time, life itself will begin to surround you with the right people, and circumstances will begin to develop in such a way that there will be nothing to worry about. Of course, there are disappointments and disappointments, but you need to learn to be more philosophical about everything and, again, strive to do what you love.

- Many fans of martial arts are interested in how you got into the leadership of the "Legend". How did your collaboration with this promotion start?

“That's how the Earth was formed from the big bang, that's how the 'Legend' was formed. (Laughs.) For me personally, it all started when I started imagining myself in an expensive suit organizing fights. I didn’t know what exactly it would be - producing, or filming, or something else. Then, I really thought that it would be possible to earn money on this. Of course, I have achieved something: now from time to time there is an opportunity to sit in a beautiful suit at a press conference. The power of visualization. But seriously, it's no secret to anyone that I met Ruslan Suleymanov at the opening of the "Martial Arts Club No. 1", where I worked as a host. Immediately I saw that he was literally burning with the desire to create a tournament. At that time, I had two more friends with whom we had already done various events: Vladimir Voitekhovsky, who is also engaged in fighting and is very passionate about it, and Alexei Mikhailin. Thus, everything somehow spun, spun, and we made the "Legend".

- Not everyone understands what exactly a producer should do, what his functions are. What is your mandate? What exactly do you do and how do you evaluate your work?

- I can say that we are, first of all, a team and we all "storm" together and invent everything. I, in turn, arrange, and then directorially embody the general wishes in life. It is my responsibility to put everything together so that the show is perceived by the viewer as a whole, to foresee where people need to be "warmed up", given a drive, and where, on the contrary, let them exhale. Indeed, from the very beginning in the Legend, we decided to put a serious emphasis on the "show" component, which is what distinguishes us from the rest. That's just the staging of this part of the show, the production of graphics, special effects and video is my role. And although each of us is responsible for a certain component of the tournament, together we participate in making decisions both on the fight card and on the overall style. First of all, we are a team, so we discuss all important issues and come to a common decision.

- Like Ruslan Suleymanov, we will ask you a question about the financial payback of martial arts tournaments in our country. How do you see the development of the fighting business in Russia? Is it possible for us to create a good and profitable promotion? What should be created and done?

We are on our way to answering this question. Theoretically, it is possible to create a promotion that will bring dividends. As practice shows, nothing can be done without investment. The Olympic Games in Sochi are also a big investment, and it is not known when they will start to return. Therefore, at some point, all the efforts expended should pay off in monetary terms. What needs to be done for this? I would like the structure of television to be somewhat different, then there are more chances to become profitable. Television in this regard is somewhat inert, we have not yet adjusted to the pay cable broadcasting system. So far, there is no such industry as in America in the NBA, and the NHL, and the NFL. In our country, this market is still in its infancy and is supported by investments. At the same time, we managed to sell the broadcast to the West, and now we are trying to make PPV in America as well. This, of course, is not the money that can fully cover the costs of the tournament, but nevertheless, it is already a process of finding certain financial benefits.

- The third fight show will be held in Milan. In this city, it is difficult to surprise the local public with creativity and spectacles. Reveal the secret to the Russian public about what we will see on April 5th.

– I think that both components are very important. Our partners are very well-known organizers in Italy, their brand recognition played a big role in the powerful PR campaign of the tournament. And of course, kickboxing is very popular in Italy. Giorgio Petrosyan is the strongest kickboxer from Milan and is practically a national hero of Italy.
Of course, we hear feedback, because Europe is not accustomed to such a large-scale approach as we have, to the Russian scope. So the reviews are mostly positive.

- Who will be the ring announcer at the third "Legend"? It is worth recognizing that many fans of martial arts are not very fond of domestic masters of this business. Have you thought about inviting, for example, Jimmy Lennon Jr. or Michael Buffer?

- The ring announcer will be a very beautiful Italian TV star Marina Landi and voice announcer, like on the last "Legend", Lenne Hardt - the most famous voice of PRIDE. As for Lennon and Buffer, we thought about their candidacies from the very beginning, but we did not set the most important task - to invite them specifically. Personally, I think that Alexander Zagorsky is on the same level with Buffer and Lennon, very charismatic and textured. Why invite someone from outside if Zagorsky is doing an amazing job.

- You shot a beautiful and really chic promo video for the upcoming show. How many days did you shoot and what idea did you want to convey in this video?

– Filming lasted two days, practically without sleep. I wanted to make the images of the fighters more cinematic, inspired by the films of Guy Ritchie. Each of the fighters - Yuri Bessmertny, Enrico Gogokhia, Pavel Zhuravlev and Alexander Surzhko - played his role: who are the stars, who are the hipsters. I wanted to show the diversity of the fighters, and then they find themselves in the basement, where they begin to work and train.

- For the promo video, a soundtrack was specially recorded, which many people liked. Who is its author?

– That's right, Nopassport Record recorded the soundtrack especially for us. Very talented guys who work with Elka, with Degrees, with Pasha Volya, write arrangements for them. The track turned out to be very melodic at the beginning and more thrash towards the end. Now this is our own track from which the anthem "Legends" can be born.

- Organization of the tournament in Moscow and Milan - are there any big differences? Where is it harder to do a fight show and why?

- More precisely, I will be able to answer only after the tournament. I'm pretty superstitious. I can say for sure that the Italian side is helping us a lot and facilitating our task here. In Moscow, we do everything from scratch - starting from the arena, where we have to patch holes, glue banners, order clothes for hostesses, badges, distribute tables. Fortunately, this time we are deprived of all this. The Italian side took care of it. We have the opportunity to focus on the fights and the overall picture of the show.

– Coming out of fighters is an important component of any martial arts tournament. Are the guys preparing any surprises for the public? Did they turn to you for help on this issue, or were the fighters given full carte blanche in this matter?

- Since we are in Milan, we want to do some kind of fashion show - that's all I can say for now. A surprise is a surprise, you need to keep the intrigue to the end.

- Surely you are looking at some show in the past, which is an example of organizing a martial arts tournament. Maybe it's UFC 100 or the Pride show from Sakuraba vs. Mirko Cro Cop? Which tournament in the history of martial arts is a landmark for you and why?

- Yes, we kept Pride in mind, as those were great times, the times of such big stars as Fedor Emelianenko. In terms of production, everything was very cool and very large-scale. I really liked the K-1 World tournament, which took place in Zagreb - competent, clear from a sports point of view. Well, we must pay tribute to the domestic manufacturer: it all started with Volodya and me, for example, with Fight Nights, so we can say that this tournament also influenced the formation of our vision. Wherever I am, I always try to observe and collect information for myself. While in America, I always go to some event, the NBA, for example. I look at how everything is done and organized there. I am looking for inspiration for myself in everything.

- We can't avoid this issue. Who are your favorite fighters in MMA, boxing and kickboxing? Name three names in each of these sports, the fans will be interested to know your preferences.

– I am not a fan of MMA, I prefer boxing and kickboxing. Therefore, in MMA, Fedor Emelianenko is the most balanced, bright and spectacular fighter for me. In kickboxing, I like all the guys who fight with us: Dzhabar Askerov, Artur Kishenko, when he competed under the leadership of Yevtushenko. In addition to them, I also sympathize with David Kiria, Tyrone Spong. In boxing, as I said, Andre Ward, Floyd Mayweather, Vasily Lomachenko, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Bernard Hopkins.

- Since we have touched on the topic of fighters, what fights are your favorite? Perhaps some of them you even review?

- I really like fights in which you can feel the will to win. The fight between Diego Corrales and Luis Castillo was very impressive, during the fight Diego got both eyes swollen, he had three knockdowns, and from this position - in such a state! - was able to knock out his opponent. The Bradley-Conductors fight, for example, had everything in it: cutting and strategy, and a crazy will to win on both sides. A very vivid example, for lovers of two styles, both power and game, how you can turn the tide when there is a battle plan, competent seconds, and a very strong head. (Laughs)

- We scrolled through the television program for April 5 and did not see the broadcasts of "Legend" on Russian public channels. This greatly surprised the entire editorial staff of our portal. What is the reason that there will be no show on Rossiya-2?

- On "Russia-2" the show will be broadcast on repeat. And the live broadcast should be on the Fight Club channel, as well as on some major sites.

- Finally, a couple of questions about the price policy of tickets for your fight show. How much do ticket prices differ between Milan and Moscow? Are there any special programs for children or the disabled?

- In Moscow, the pricing policy is different from that in Milan, but we try not to overcharge ticket prices. If you remember the order of prices for the Klitschko-Povetkin fight, then we had them two orders of magnitude lower. I think that for 800-1000 rubles a student will be able to buy a ticket to the show and at the same time it will be clearly visible. In Milan, the cost is from 30 to 50 euros. Programs are envisaged in Moscow, but Ruslan Suleymanov is directly involved in this.

– Thank you for the interview, Timur. We wish you a successful tournament in Milan and raise the bar even higher. What wishes do you address to fans of martial arts and readers of our portal?

– Go in for sports, love your loved ones and don’t be afraid to dream!
