What is Lingam? Lingam massage technique. This is a strange word: lingam Lingam massage for a man training

Lingam massage- an exotic erotic character, originating in ancient Indian traditions. Lingam in mythology was a vessel of the generating divine power, a symbol of Shiva, in Sanskrit there is a similar concept, which in translation sounds like a “rod of light”. In real life, a lingam is considered to be an erect phallus. In tantra, the "rod of light" is a conduit to the creative energy of joy, pleasure and energy. It is these goals that are pursued by the lingam massage.

What does it give for the moral and physical condition of lingam massage

The main goal of such a massage is to fill a man with energy and life force, actively radiated during intimate interaction. Lingam massage is not only a pleasure, but also a great way to improve morale, performance, get rid of stress and tension.

In addition, there is a healing effect, because every cell of the body and all organs are intertwined into systems and closely interact with each other. Having the right effect on the sexual organ, you can achieve a positive effect on others.

Necessary conditions for a professional lingam massage

It is rather difficult to master the correct massage technique on your own, and almost everyone who offers a private lingam massage has been trained in special centers. This technique will be useful to master not only for those who want to provide professional services in this area, but also for any woman who wants to give pleasure and relaxation to her man.

Among the key points important for a successful lingam massage, you should pay attention to the following:

  • First of all, it is necessary to contribute to the creation of the most suitable conditions for complete and comfortable relaxation - without this, the desired effect cannot be achieved;
  • Do not neglect the choice of a good massage oil - this not only makes the touch more gentle, but with certain components of the oil, you can achieve a stimulating or healing effect;
  • Before the lingam massage itself, it is worth doing a simple 10-minute relaxing massage - this will lead to filling the whole body with oxygen and positive emotions;
  • Relaxation can be determined by even and deep breathing - then it's time to start the main massage (during it, the man should also breathe calmly, which should be gently reminded in case of rapid breathing);
  • Getting an orgasm is not the goal of a lingam massage and it is better to save sexual energy, because its accumulation will be necessary.

All the lingam massage techniques described below are far from the only ones, there can be many more. It all depends on your imagination. They only serve as the basis for the development of your personal unique technique, which will most of all like and suit your man.

Recall that before you start, pay attention to relaxing a man by making a light erotic massage to a man. This will allow him to relax and focus on the erotic sensations that you will give him.

Use oils to make your massage more gentle and sensual. Now let's move on to the techniques.

Technique 1 - Surf

With this technique it is convenient to bring the penis into a state of erection when it is still lying in an unexcited state. The man lies on his back. The woman applies oil to her hands, to the man's belly and to his penis. Then the penis lies on the man's stomach and is covered with a palm from above. After that, the palm slides from the testicles to the head, slipping onto the stomach and reaching the solar plexus. While the first palm reaches the chest, with the palm of the second hand we repeat the same thing, starting from the testicles and reaching the chest. With such movements, a woman emits waves that run ashore. When a man's penis rises, you can make reverse stroking movements, that is, slide your palms from the head to the testicles.

Technique 2 - Rolling out

This technique is as follows: the man lies on his back, his lingam lies on his stomach towards his head. The girl puts both palms together on the base of the penis so that the fingers go across the penis. Then, slightly pressing, at the same time the hands diverge in opposite directions, that is, one hand goes to the head, and the other to the testicles. This movement looks as if the woman wants to pull back the testicles and lengthen the penis.

Technique 3 - Falling Leaf

This technique is good to use at the very beginning of the lingam massage to apply oil evenly over the entire penis. With one hand, the member is covered under the head. The second hand with a straight palm covers the head of the penis from above. Then conditionally imagine a spiral around the penis from its head to the base. Now your palm, constantly touching the center of the palm with the penis, should go down the penis along this spiral in circular sliding movements, and then return in the same way from the base to the head. In this case, the second hand is constantly under the palm, holding the penis. The movements of the palm will resemble a falling leaf that the wind has plucked from a tree.

Technique 4 - Infinite Penetration

Endless penetration - this movement is distinguished by its versatility and simplicity. At the same time, it gives great pleasure to a man, since his sensations are similar to if he constantly enters a woman. The girl gently clasps the head with all the fingers of one hand, and with the other she takes the base of the lingam. Then the hand from the head slides down to the base, and the hand that was at the base is transferred to the head and repeats the movements of the first hand. Thus, turning over with her hands, the girl creates a feeling of continuous constant entry. A woman can regulate the intensity of stimulation of the penis due to the strength of the grip, that is, the clenching of her fists. Also, this technique can be used as an intermediate, that is, use it every time you change one movement to another or when you remember the next movement.

Technique 5 - Infinite Output

This technique is the exact opposite of the previous one. If in the first case we created a feeling of constant penetration, now on the contrary - a constant withdrawal. To do this, the girl does the same, only in the opposite direction - movements are made from the base to the head of the penis. This technique is also good to use if the man is very excited and you need to cool his arousal a little so that he does not finish ahead of time, allowing him to continue the lingam massage.

Technique 6 - Cam and Stroke

The idea of ​​movement is partly taken from Endless Penetration, but only now one hand will perform stroking movements. You must initially decide with which hand you will string your fist, and which one will stroke. For example, with your right hand, you grab the penis by the head and constantly make sliding movements from the head to the base of the lingam. And with your other hand, you also stroke the penis from the head to the base with only the palm of your hand, while constantly changing the side of the penis that you stroke. The movements of the cam and palm should be alternate, that is, one after the other in turn. You can constantly change the sides of the palm, or in other words, stroke it with the inside part, then with the outside part.

Technique 7 - Return Spiral

Wrapping your hand around his lingam at the base, you move towards the head while twisting your fist in or out, and when you move back down, you twist your fist in the opposite direction. Thus, the movement of the hand will resemble a movement in a spiral. It is worth noting that the penis can be taken both directly and from above. A straight grip is when you grab your penis so that your thumb is pointing up towards the head, and an overhand grip is when your thumb is pointing at the base of the penis.

Technique 8 - Sculptor

To implement this technique, girls can remember how they manually roll a piece of dough into a long sausage. It is this movement that you will use in this technique, only instead of a dough in your hands you will have a lingam or, in other words, a male penis!))) Continuing to massage the lingam, you grab the head of the penis with your palms so that it is in the middle. Then, as if you want to give it a new shape, you begin to carry out rubbing circular movements palm on palm. Circular movements of the palms can constantly change their direction both horizontally and vertically. You so move from the head to the base of the penis, and then transfer your hands back to the head or move back up. You can also move a little differently - not evenly from the head to the base, but move with a small return, that is, they went down, went up a little, and then went down even lower, etc. In the same spirit, move back from the bottom up. All the same can be done only not with the palms, but with the edge of the palm.

Technique 9 - Nettle

The woman grasps the man's penis with three fingers of one hand under the head, connecting it with the index and middle fingers with her thumb. With the second hand, it is also taken only a little lower, so that both hands are one above the other closely. Then, by scrolling the brushes in opposite directions, you move up and down, from the head down and back. You can also move only down each time intercepting or vice versa only up.

Technique 10 - Summer Rain

This technique emits raindrops. If a girl has a manicure, she can gently, fingertips, beat the tips of her nails over the entire surface of the penis. This will give the man an unusual feeling. The same can be done with the fingertips. Feelings during the lingam massage will not be as expressive, but nevertheless very pleasant.

Technique 11 - Ring, ring, lift

As in the Nettle technique, the woman uses a three-finger grip (“OK” icon). Starting from the base of the lingam, the girl alternately, alternating hands, is intercepted higher and higher along the penis towards the head. When the last grip reaches the head (covers it), both hands go down the shaft of the penis together, as if stringing the rings of both hands (the elevator goes down). The number of interceptions before the descent, a woman can determine herself, depending on the size of the penis or the wishes of her man.

Technique 12 - Whisk

The woman places her hand over the head of the penis and with her fingertips evenly wraps around the head of the penis around the entire circumference. Then, with quick up and down movements, the woman stimulates the head with her fingertips. In this case, these movements can be performed with a gradual scrolling to the right or left. The girl can regulate the speed and degree of compression of the head herself, focusing on the reaction of her partner.

Technique 13 - Octopus

It is done like the “Whisk” technique, only alternately with both hands with an additional downward slide. That is, the girl holds the penis by the base with one hand, and the second one wraps the head evenly around the circumference with her fingers and descends with the fingertips along the trunk until the palm rests on the head. Then it rises back up to the starting position. Having reached the starting position, the fingers wrap around the head of the penis, turning the palm into a fist and sliding down to the base of the penis. Then the hands change and the same thing is done.

Technique 14 - Letter “V”

The girl on both hands clenches her hands into fists, turning away only 2 fingers each - index and middle. It turns out a kind of letter V, or as it is also called victory (victory). Then, first with one hand, she takes a member between these two fingers and goes down the shaft down from the head. While one hand descends, the second does the same - descends from the head. In this way the hands continually alternately stimulate the man's lingam. There is also a second version of this massage technique, when two fingers of one hand stimulate the front and back of the penis, and the fingers of the second hand stimulate the side ones.

Technique 15 - Pipe

A pipe - a woman, doing a massage of the lingam, with one hand grabs the penis at the base, and with the other hand she grabs it a little higher above the first hand. The thumb of the upper hand rests on the urethra. Now, pressing alternately with your fingers on the penis, you need to create a wave that starts with the little finger of the lower hand and ends with pressing the thumb of the upper hand on the urethra. For those who find it difficult to create a smoothly passing wave from one hand to another, they can do the same thing with both hands, that is, launch a wave with both hands at the same time. It is worth noting that the fingers do not come off the member either before or after pressing.

Technique 16 - Butterfly

A very effective technique that makes a visual impression on men. The girl sitting in front of the penis puts one palm behind the penis (palm to herself - the thumb looks up), and the other hand in front of the penis (palm to the penis - the thumb looks down). Now in this position, squeezing the penis with her palms, the woman slides up to the head. On the head, without opening the palms, you need to change hands, that is, the hand that was behind the member comes to the fore, and the one in front goes to the second. After that, the palms slide down, and at the base they change in the same way and everything repeats from the beginning. The work of the hands during the lingam massage can resemble the wings of a butterfly fluttering in the air.

Technique 17 - Pumps

Similar to the previous Butterfly technique. The only difference is that the palms are initially located along the penis, and not across. This movement is more suitable when massaging a long lingam, as it will be difficult to turn the palms on a small one.

Technique 18 - Basket

The woman does not completely close her two palms together, passing the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other in such a way that the fingers form a bumpy surface inside the basket, which will be used to massage the lingam. Now we capture the penis in the basket in such a way that the frenulum and cheeks of the head are stimulated by this bumpy surface. The woman's hands move vertically up and down.

Technique 19 - Castle

The palms are connected as with the “Basket” technique, only the palms are closed to the end. The lingam is wrapped around the palms so that the thumbs lie on the bridle and cheeks of the head. In this position, the girl moves the lock up and down, slightly stimulating with her thumbs the most sensitive part of the head of the penis, namely the frenulum and cheeks. You can add rubbing movements with your palms to everything else.

Technique 20 - Shores of Pleasure

A simple imitation of the entry of a member into the vagina, which is carried out with the help of two palms closed together. The woman takes the member between two palms, slightly squeezes them and makes movements up and down. That is, the lingam slips between the palms. Back

Surprisingly, in the past few years, the same name can be found in Hindu manuscripts and offers of intimate parlors. For example, Lingam. What it is, the spiritually enlightened followers of Shiva and the "priestesses of love" who provide similar services for round sums know.

Lingam, Lingam massage

From Sanskrit, the intricate word is translated as "rod of light." It's about the male reproductive organ. This is a symbol of fertility. In the homeland of one of the most ancient religions, it is treated with reverence, as the source of all life, energy, light.

Lingam massage is not just a mechanical effect on the skin, in particular, the phallus, but a real philosophy aimed at maximum relaxation, filling the body with energy. Teaching massage techniques is a process that requires responsibility and attention.

Goals, features, purpose

What is Lingam, why do it and what sensations will a man experience? Specialists characterize the process of bodily contact from different angles.

Pleasure. Obviously, the gentle touches of women's hands on the most sensitive male organ cannot but deliver pleasant sensations. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 of the fair sex, having experienced the pleasure of a private Lingam massage, return to repeat the procedure after a month.

Therapeutic effect. According to Eastern masters, if you follow the ancient technology, the procedure can normalize health and improve the functioning of internal organs. There are many active points concentrated on the penis, the stimulation of which finds a favorable response in the main organ systems. Experts say that Lingam is an effective way to relieve stress, increase self-esteem, and improve mental health.

A real chance to strengthen relationships. The Lingam technique is an intimate process aimed at the spiritual unity of partners. It has nothing to do with the mechanical effect on the skin in its usual sense. To feel a powerful result, it is necessary to conduct it in couples who trust each other.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory process is not much different from a classic massage. The main thing is that a man should relax as much as possible, not spread to extraneous things, get rid of the negative. It is recommended to take a bath with relaxing aromatic oils or a shower, use the deep breathing technique.

The atmosphere in the room should be conducive to comfort and peace. Subdued lights, relaxing music, candles, etc. will help.

It is important to empty your bladder before starting the procedure. Knowing what Lingam is, it becomes clear that the massage can drag on for a long time, and it is highly undesirable to interrupt it by going to the toilet. If a man feels like going to the toilet, he will not be able to relax his body and mind, he will not be able to concentrate on getting pleasure.

The right posture plays an equally important role. It is necessary to settle down on a flat surface, lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and slightly spread to the side. To facilitate access to the penis, it is recommended to put a pillow under the buttocks. It will not be superfluous to put towels rolled up in a roller under the inside of the knees.

Convenience should also be taken care of by those who will practice the Lingam for men. Massage is a lengthy procedure, so lower back pain, leg numbness and other discomfort should not be felt. Optimal postures - standing, sideways, in front, sitting on the partner's waist, pointing the legs towards his head.

To tune a man to the right wave, first you need to perform a general relaxing massage of the whole body. You should start with the feet - the main center where stress accumulates. Gradually move to the thighs and buttocks. The penis and adjacent areas should not be touched. At this stage, the goal of a woman is to give relaxation, to get rid of the accumulated negativity, fatigue. Then you can move on to the lower back, back, chest. The movements should be stroking, patting, with light pressure. The duration of the events is 15-20 minutes.

When a woman understands that a man is relaxed, she should show him what Lingam is. Attention should be paid not only to the penis, but also to the adjacent areas: testicles, pubis, erogenous area between the scrotum and anus - the famous male G-spot. When massaging the testicles, care must be taken, the described area is extremely sensitive, strong pressure can cause discomfort.

For better contact with the skin, it is recommended to use special massage oils and lubricants. Surfaces should be as slippery as possible, this will ensure maximum tenderness of touch. Dryness of the hands and penis will provoke excessive tightening and discomfort.

When wondering how to do Lingam, it is important to follow the correct breathing of a man. Inhalations and exhalations should be even and deep. Increased breathing and slight shortness of breath indicate the imminent onset of orgasm. In this case, it is advisable to reduce the pace and continue the massage. So at the end of the procedure, ejaculation will be as strong as possible.

Lingam does not have to end with orgasm. A woman should not pursue this goal. In each movement, tenderness, smoothness, sensuality should be traced without intense stimulation for ejaculation. The longer the procedure lasts, the more effective it will be. Experts say that if a man is on the verge of orgasm at least 5 times, the last completion will be breathtaking.

Lingam massage technique

It's time to move from theoretical foundations to practice. There are many techniques for performing massage, based on the goals pursued, each girl can come up with her own movements. Below is a list of techniques that beginners are recommended to use.

"Falling Leaf"

Lingam (massage for men) involves wrapping one hand around the phallus just below the head and covering it with your free hand. The palm should be straight so that the edge of the head rests on the center of the palm. With a smooth movement, the woman lowers the first hand down, and the second draws an imaginary spiral, touching the genitals with only the middle of the palm.


To learn what Lingam is, a more difficult exercise will really allow. The penis is wrapped around the hand from below, the second hand is located directly above the first. The thumb of the upper hand should press the urethra without force. Activating the remaining fingers, perform a wave from the bottom up - starting from the lowest, press (pat).

Lower hand: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb. Upper hand: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger. Large pressure on the urethra on the head.

When performed correctly, the fingers will always be on the penis before and after pressing. If at first there are difficulties when performing the technique, you can move the fingers on both hands synchronously.

"Endless Entry"

The exercise is simple and versatile, suitable for recuperation after a complex technique. Having clasped a member with one hand from above, it is necessary to smoothly lower it down. Grasp the penis from above with the second hand before the first hand reaches the base and also lead it down. Repeat movements 10-15 times. A man will feel an infinitely tender touch. A woman regulates the speed of movement of her hands and the strength of her grip, controlling the saturation of sensations.


The technique helps to increase blood circulation in the tissues of the penis. To perform it, it is necessary to grasp the trunk under the head with the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand, and with the other, carry out a similar event under the first. Make motor movements with the brushes in opposite directions - clockwise and against it. Gradually lower your hands down to the shaft of the phallus. Having reached the bottom point, return to the starting position with a smooth upward movement. Repeat the cycle several times.

"Ring" ("elevator")

The exercise is based on a girth of three fingers, like a nettle. The first "ring" hugs the penis at the very bottom, the second - a few centimeters higher. The first hand shifts its position through the second, forming a third ring. When the last girth has reached the head, the woman lowers both hands down in smooth movements, like an elevator. The number of rings is determined by the length of the penis and the interval that the masseuse leaves between her hands.


Grasp the penis with five (all 5 fingers should be bent in one direction, as if a vertically elongated object is being lifted). Fix one hand on the head. Lower down until the head rests in the palm of your hand. Return the hand to its original position. Grasp the head again, but in the usual fist way. Move down to the base. Leave the first hand there without moving. The second is to go all the way to the first. Change hands, repeat the procedure several times.

"Letter V"

The index and middle fingers of each hand should form the letter of the Latin alphabet V. Place the head of the penis between two fingers of one hand, slide down smoothly, change hands after. Stimulation is directed only to the front and back of the penis. To enhance the sensations, you can build a cell - place one hand according to the standard described above, the other - perpendicularly, caressing the left and right sides.


The member is clamped between even straight palms. Place the first one across the phallus, the thumb should look up. Place the other hand with the finger pointing up in front. Make smooth movements up and down. Reaching the head, turn your palms 180 degrees (thumbs will show in the opposite direction), continue to move in the opposite direction.

Recently, there has been a trend that is hard to miss. We all began to hear words very often, the meaning of which is not always clear to us. Life does not stand still, something happens and our native language is enriched with new words. To tell the truth, today there is literally the planting of everything foreign. Is it bad or good? Rather the first than the second. In order not to turn out to be a black sheep, in order to understand what is being said around you, you need to learn the meaning of new words or terms (phrases) in time. And today we will talk about the lingam.

So what is a lingam? If you look at Wiki, you will immediately understand that the lingam (translated from Sanskrit) is called the divine male reproductive organ. This word is very ancient, like the Hindu culture itself, with its caste system, with its Vedas, Ayurveda and polytheism.

Today, very often you can hear the phrase: "massage of the lingam." The people are purposefully looking for the meaning of these words, trying to understand what exactly is at stake. Let's figure it out.

The lingam, as mentioned above, is not just a symbol of the male reproductive organ, but also a symbol of light, the personification of the god Shiva, who is still very revered by all Hindus. In general, the word "lingam" not so long ago migrated to the lexicon of a timely person. The word is rather euphonious, if not beautiful, so why shouldn't they denote the phallus?

In the East, as well as in India itself, various sexual practices were quite widespread. Loving Asians are very difficult to surprise with something. But do not think that only other peoples had such fun, and Mother Rus' was backward in this regard. Not at all! We, too, had enough of such pleasures. They were called differently: Lyubzha, Sin ... jelly, etc. the question naturally arises: what does jelly have to do with it? Well, how?! In Rus' in those days, no special means for massage were produced, especially for massage of the reproductive organ. But kissel was in every hut. This is where he went to work.

Lingam massage

This massage is done by a woman to her lover. In the process of massage, not only the lingam itself is involved, but also all erogenous zones. This massage has several purposes. On the one hand, it is used to excite a partner, on the other hand, it perfectly relaxes, but most importantly, it has a healing effect. Lingam massage has a beneficial effect on increasing potency.

It is done both on an erotic lingam and on a non-erotic one. We will not touch on the reception of massage, we will only say that there are a huge number of them. In addition, massage techniques depend on various points, for example, on the presence or absence of circumcision, on how sensitive men are to certain zones.

By going to YouTube, and typing in the search engine: "Lingam massage", you can find a lot of training videos, where they will show you in detail and in detail how exactly this massage can be performed. After reviewing the video material, you can start practicing, first choosing a few simple movements, and then, when some skill appears, add new ones to the selected movements.

In total, the massage is performed for ten to fifteen minutes. Some advise to break the process itself into three components. The first part will go in ascending order, this is excitement. The second part is keeping the partner at the peak. Well, the third part is the apogee itself. It is in the third part that the partner experiences an orgasm.

It also happens that, having reached the third part, the lingam suddenly begins to lose energy. The erection passes, but the orgasm never came. There is nothing terrible in this. Do not return to the starting position again. The three "series" of lingam massages only make sense if they are repeated once, not many times. In addition, the last - third "series" can be completed with traditional sex. A scenario like this would be a great solution.

What exactly should not be done?

During the massage, the lingam is not worth it:

- move on to oral sex, because you are doing a massage, and not something else.

- you should not build this massage into a tradition and do it very often.

The first (oral caresses) will not give your partner the range of sensations that hands give. Here we are talking about the variety of touches, and the strength with which the massage is performed, and that the whole situation is under your control, which cannot be achieved by using lips.

The second warning concerns ordinary male laziness. Getting a lot of pleasure every day, your partner will very quickly get used to the good and he will want only one thing: that you please him. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this, but still this is a mutual process, whatever one may say.

Most, having seen the name "lingam massage", will probably ask themselves the question: "what is a lingam"? Lingam, translated from the ancient Sanskrit language, means "Wand of Light" and refers to the male penis. For many, such a big name for a member can cause a slight smirk on their faces. But do not think that such a majestic name is completely unfounded. The thing is that in the east the male member is treated differently than in the west. A man is a giver, a sun that radiates light, gives, expands itself outward. And his penis is an important tool for generating this light, this main creative energy of the world - sexual energy. It is sexual energy that is the source of everything and gives life to everything. That is why the name lingam or wand of light most fully conveys the importance and significance of this male instrument. And in this article we will give a detailed guide to women on how to do lingam massage and how to fill a man with vitality with it.

The main purpose of lingam massage and its significance

There are 3 main goals that lingam massage pursues:

1) Filling the body with vital energy. In the East, they believe that sexual energy is the energy of life, which is actively generated in men in the process of sexual interaction with a woman. During orgasm, there is a powerful release of this energy outside, that is, for conception and the creation of a new life. But in our time, the time of the global popularization of free sex and the misinterpretation of sex and its true meaning, men simply deplete their life potential, scattering their sexual energy to the left and to the right. In the East, there are many teachings that teach techniques for the accumulation and redistribution of sexual energy. That is, in other words, a man can give only a small part of his energy outside during an orgasm, and he uses the main part for internal spiritual development or restoration and even rejuvenation of his body. But within the framework of this article, we will not consider these teachings and techniques. In this article, we are going to talk about ways to restore male strength with the help of lingam massage. As you remember, the lingam or wand of light is a powerful tool for generating that very vital sexual energy. That is why the main goal of the massage will be precisely the generation and filling of the man with vital energy.

2) Having fun. A man's penis is his main erogenous zone, and any manipulation on it not only excites sexual energy, but also delivers a lot of pleasant sensations. Although the main goal of a lingam massage is to fill a man with energy, an orgasm is not a ban at all. But if a woman and a man still intend to reach orgasm during a lingam massage, a woman and a man should know some important points, which we will discuss below.

3) Therapeutic effect. As you know, all organs and parts of the body in our body are connected with each other and by influencing one organ, we automatically influence the other. Oriental masters say that there are a lot of active points on the penis associated with internal organs, and by influencing these points through massage, you automatically affect the internal organs, improving their condition and performance.

What you need to know before you start lingam massage

Man's body position. The main task of a woman here is to create the most comfortable conditions for a man, which will contribute to his maximum relaxation during a massage. The most successful position is when a man lies on his back, stretching his legs along the body and lightly spreading them to the sides. Rolls of towels are placed under the man's knees. A woman sits between the legs of a man with her legs bent under her or is located on the side. The woman can also sit down with her legs extended forward on either side of the man's body and the man's legs resting on his feet.

Satisfy all needs before massage. Before starting a massage, a man should do all his natural needs. His bladder and bowels should not be disturbed by his urge to go to the toilet while his girlfriend is doing a lingam massage. First of all, this will not allow a man to relax, and secondly, it will not allow him to concentrate on his feelings and on his arousal.

Oils. It is very important to use oils during lingam massage. Oils not only make touches gentle, gentle, sliding, but also can have a certain effect, depending on the components of the oil. It can be both a general calming and relaxing effect and an exciting one.

Preliminary general massage. Before you directly begin to massage a member, it is important to relax the whole body of a man, relax his muscles, saturate all tissues with oxygen and with your love. A woman should devote at least 10-15 minutes to a general massage, paying attention during this time to each part of the man's body, but for now bypassing his penis. You can learn more about how to relax the male body with a massage from the article how to do erotic massage for a man.

Breath. If a woman intends to give maximum pleasure to a man by giving a lingam massage to a man, she must constantly monitor his breathing. A man's breathing should be slow, calm and deep. It is this breathing that contributes to maximum relaxation and saturation of all tissues of the body with oxygen. Usually, as arousal increases, a man automatically begins to quicken his breathing and breathe more shallowly. Therefore, the task of a woman is to gently remind a man from time to time how he should breathe.

The pace and rhythm of the massage. Since the main goal of massage is to saturate the body with healing sexual energy, and not achieve orgasm, all movements should be slow and smooth. If you do the lingam massage too quickly, then the man may soon reach maximum arousal and finish. Therefore, the pace of a woman should allow a man to control the moment of orgasm.

Ejaculation and orgasm control. As a rule, at the moment of orgasm and ejaculation, there is a powerful release of sexual energy. But since a woman is working on getting a man to accumulate it, a woman should not bring a man to orgasm and ejaculate at once. Before he finishes, he must saturate the body with sexual energy as much as possible. Therefore, the overall the task of a man and a woman is to reach the moment of orgasm at least 6 times, but not to let it come. To do this, a woman must communicate with a man, and he must signal her when to stop. Acting on this principle, a man will eventually get a dizzying orgasm and at the same time shed less seed and give less sexual energy. Also, this technique will allow a man to learn to distinguish between 2 physiologically different processes - orgasm and ejaculation, which will allow him to better control ejaculation during sex.

Testicles, anus and perineum. These parts of the body in men are also very sensitive and playing with them also increases arousal. In addition, a woman can massage the prostate through the perineum and anus, which, in addition to its valuable healing properties, gives a lot of pleasant sensations to a man. But we will not go deep and consider prostate massage, as this is a very capacious topic that cannot be revealed in a few words. Do not forget about the testicles during the lingam massage, which are also very sensitive to touch. The testicles must be handled especially gently and carefully, as excessive pressure on them can cause pain in a man.

These are perhaps the most important points that every woman who wants to learn how to do such a massage to her man should know about. In this article, we have considered mainly the theoretical provisions of massage. In the next article, the emphasis will be more on practice, namely, you will see a lingam massage - 20 best techniques that will show you all the variety of manipulations on a male member. Movements, techniques, grips, rhythm and technique - all this will be discussed and shown in a special video clip.
