Bono: “I missed the moment when my wife became too independent. The strongest star marriages Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

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We keep the warmest and brightest memories of school and student years, including the first loves. But not all romantic relationships in youth disappear without a trace - some of them pass the test of time and turn into serious family unions.

Today website talks about famous couples who proved that school love is serious.

Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kiknadze

Ivan and Natalya studied in the same class at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Ivan was so in love with Natalia that he proposed to her at the graduation party. At that moment, the girl did not take Urgant's words seriously, and their paths diverged for several years.

Jon Bon Jovi and Dorothea Harley

John and Dorothea were classmates at Sayreville War Memorial High School. The couple married in 1989 in Las Vegas. Dorothea teaches martial arts and has a black belt in karate. The family brings up four children.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

“Eh, no, I don’t pour for pioneers!” - Fedor's first words when meeting with Svetlana. He was 19 when they met, and Svetlana was still in school. On that day, Bondarchuk and his girlfriend came to a party with a former classmate. The first meeting ended in nothing, Fedor remained faithful to his companion, but the second became fateful.

Lionel Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo

Lionel met Antonella as a five-year-old boy. He was friends with the cousin of his future wife. But the couple began dating only in 2009. Messi only regrets that he could not see his love before.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

One of the hottest Spanish couples met when Penolope turned 16. Their meeting took place on the set of the movie Ham, Ham. Then the case was limited to easy sympathy and minor flirting. A serious relationship began in 2007, and Cruz and Bardem got married only in 2010.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chen

Mark and Priscilla started dating in 2003 while studying at Harvard University. On May 19, 2012, the couple got married.

Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov

Alexander and Ekaterina were schoolchildren when they met in Sochi on the set of the film "Leader", in which they played the main roles. According to the script, they played a love story. But the relationship in the frame did not end, but continued in life.

Bono and Alison Hewson

For the first time, Alison drew attention to Bono at a concert of a school rock band, the leader of which was the future frontman of U2. Once, while recording another album, Bono got so carried away that he forgot about Alison's birthday. To make amends, he composed the song "Sweetest Thing" for her, which featured his wife in the video.

It is believed that it is not easy to get along with creative people and their marriages are short-lived. Career for stars often comes first and has a detrimental effect on family relationships. But some couples still know the secret of a happy family life and managed to save their marriage for many years. We remembered those who are still happy with their other half.

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer have been together for over 35 years. The future spouses met thanks to Meryl's brother, who asked the architect Don to finish his apartment. Their romance began rapidly and flowed into a happy family life. The family did not even prevent Streep from making a dizzying career - the couple raised four children.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston

John Travolta and Kelly Preston met when the daughter of the great musician was married, but fell in love with the actor and divorced. Despite the constant rumors of divorce and John's unconventional sexual orientation, the couple are still together. It's been 23 years now! Their marriage did not even break grief - in 2009, their 16-year-old son Jett died. According to Travolta, the secret of their long-term marriage is simple: "We communicate a lot, we talk with each other. Communication is what a person seeks to get away from loneliness for."

Bono and Alison Hewson

Vocalist of the rock band U2 Bono met his future wife Alison Hewson (nee Stuart) while still at school in 1975. The girl was very supportive of Paul (real name Bono, - approx.) After the death of his mother, and over time, friendship grew into love. In 1982, the couple got married. The couple have been married for 32 years, during which time they had four children.

Sting and Trudy Styler

Sting and Trudy Styler met when the musician was married. They first met at a party, but then Trudy did not pay attention to the young man. Only after a while, the spectacular blonde let the musician in. The girl helped Sting get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. They got married only 10 years later - in 1992. In marriage, the couple had four children.

Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton

Kate met her future husband in 1997 during the production of the play "The Seagull", where she was involved in the title role, and Andrew was a guest playwright. At first, their relationship left much to be desired, but over time, they grew into a romance. In 1998, the lovers got married, in marriage they had three sons. Recently it became known that the spouses.

Photo: Depositphotos

The light of car headlights, like the eyes of a monster, glides across the facade of a 19th-century mansion. Eli goes down to the kitchen, turns on the lamp, turns on the kettle. The clock on the wall shows 23:50.

The question is, did the grateful organizers get the husband drunk after the concert. Against the backdrop of a powerful adrenaline rush during the show, even a small amount of alcohol can have the most unexpected effect.

Eli meets Bono in the hallway. He drops the bag with the sweat-soaked concert suit on the floor, throws the invariable dark glasses on the nearest bedside table, but carefully places the guitar in the case against the wall. Eli presses her cheek against the collar of his cold leather jacket. Fortunately, he is completely sober. It's still very good when Bono is at home. Most of the year he is on the road - Eli is like a sailor's wife: one hosts a huge house, raises children, takes care of family affairs and waits, waits, waits ... “I live like this all my adult life and I don’t know how it is otherwise,” she says about how to tolerate such a state of affairs. Separation has its benefits. We don't take the time we spend with each other for granted. The first few days at home after every tour, Bono complains all the time that I'm blowing dust off him.

It is impossible to believe that both of them will soon be 50. At such moments, it seems to Eli that the very first U2 concert was not 34 years ago, but yesterday. At least last week.

Guy without a guitar

Mount Temple school gym in Dublin. 1976

Eli looks around without much interest. She has a feeling that a girl from a good family has nothing to do at a concert of a school rock band. But in recent days, everyone was talking about this event, and she became curious. The concert has not yet begun, and she already regrets that she came. Firstly, the gym is not suitable for performances: the audience, pressed to each other, like herrings in a barrel, fidgets all the time, trying to get comfortable on the hand-knitted hard podium. Secondly, Ali has already caught the eye of the group's vocalist, whom everyone at school calls Bono, several times. Shortly before that, he tried to invite her on a date, but did not meet with understanding. Judging by the aggressive gleam of dark eyes and tightly compressed lips, he wants to prove how wrong she was.

Meeting Eli's gaze, Bono immediately turns away, shaking his long hair independently, and joins his musicians in debating how best to plug in the equipment so as not to shut down the entire school.

In fact, at birth, the guy was named Paul, but in their boyish company it is customary to give each other nicknames. A few months after the formation of the group, one of the witty friends borrowed the nickname Bono Vox from the sign of a store that sold hearing aids. The joke was that Bono never studied music, his guitar playing terrified even his bandmates. They invited him to become a manager. But after the first concerts for relatives and friends, Bono fell in love with the stage and was not going to leave it. Since he wrote songs, his opinion had to be reckoned with. After some deliberation, the others made a Solomonic decision, very typical for young rockers of that time: to make Bono a vocalist. He couldn't sing either, but that didn't disturb the overall harmony as much as the moans of tormented strings.

Paul didn't like the nickname at first. But someone explained to him that Bono Vox in Latin means "good voice", and the guy calmed down. The nickname stuck to him tightly.

Eli knows the story in general terms. By the age of 16, Bono had acquired the status of a legend, especially among the guys a grade or two younger. None of his steps go unnoticed, everything is discussed in detail. Eli talked with Bono calmly, in a friendly way, without servility, but sincerely did not understand what was so interesting about him, except for strange clothes and foppish manners, until she got to his concert. Bono sang really somehow, and the musicians hit the notes every other time, but by the third song no one noticed this. Bono held the hall: he burned himself and lit everyone around, and his frenzied energy more than compensated the audience for all the shortcomings of the performance.

Eli saw a talented and interesting person in the guy. After the show, she even wanted to apologize for offending Bono when she abruptly refused a date. Bono accepted the apology and immediately volunteered to walk the girl home.

Your group is doing well, - said Eli, when they left the schoolyard after the concert, accompanied by envious glances from her friends.

No, he waved away the compliment. - We're still learning. If the songs do work, then ... by accident.

How can you write a song by accident? Eli was surprised.

We don't know what we're doing. The guys play something of their own, I hear a beautiful piece there, a good rhythm here ... A melody is formed, I write the text, then everyone argues for a long time, but still they do it my way.

And you want to do this for the rest of your life? - despite the fact that Eli is only 15, she is a reasonable girl. - Even in our school, many people want to become musicians, but can you imagine how many such people are in Ireland, in the world? You can spend more than a dozen years and achieve nothing.

Bono sighed. That's what his father tells him all the time, only not so delicately. “Nothing good will come of you and your music” - this is how it sounds in the parental performance.

I'll try, - on a dark street, in the dim light of lanterns, Bono took her hand. - I am sure of one thing: no one will be bored.

I don't know, Eli shook her head. - It seems to me that it is very difficult to become a successful musician.

Do you know what I value most in people? Bono asked. - Lack of self-pity. I can't stand whiners. It happens that fate only hits a little, and a person is already ready to limp for the rest of his life. The main thing is not to feel sorry for yourself when it is difficult, then you can achieve anything.

Come out of the shadow

The Hewsons' home in Killiney, Ireland. 2002

Bono stops on the threshold of the bedroom and whistles in surprise, pushing his glasses over his forehead. Across the matrimonial bed lies a white suit that protects against radiation. Leaning against the dressing table is a poster that reads: "Shut down the Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant!"

Are you sure you want to do this? he asks.

I organized an action, - Eli replies from behind the open closet door. - It would be strange after all the work to decide that I have more important things to do. I want to go to Ukraine and Belarus. I contacted the Children of Chernobyl Foundation here in Ireland, they regularly send humanitarian aid convoys there. They are ready to take me with them. I want to see with my own eyes what happens when reactors explode.

Bono lowers his glasses over his eyes. He is very sensitive to light. Once Bono admitted that without glasses he becomes an amorphous mass. Now it’s impossible to lose concentration, because it’s hard to imagine how their family life will turn if Eli gets carried away with such actions.

But what about our children? he asks.

Eli leans out from behind the door.

Who do you think I'm doing this for? Don't you wonder how much radiation they get every day? How safe is it to play on the beach, swim, eat fish caught here? We tell children about protecting the environment not so that in 20 years they will end up in a nuclear dump due to our inaction.

Good speech.” Bono claps his hands. - Very good speech. But one activist in the family is enough. Sometimes it seems to me that I myself go too far, I can’t stop in time. Even if I go on stage and unbutton my pants, people will think that this is some kind of political statement.

But you're not going to do anything like that, are you? Eli asks anxiously, forgetting about nuclear power plants for a second.

My head is still all right, Eli.” He crosses the room and kisses his wife. - Okay, do as you know, just try not to get arrested.

Bono did not notice how the fight with Sellafield dragged on his wife. Two years later, she became a full-fledged employee of the Children of Chernobyl Foundation, began to travel to countries affected by the disaster. "We took

Bring clean food and water with you,” Eli recalls. - But the Ukrainians and Belarusians always treated us with food from their gardens, and we could not refuse. We ate and prayed that everything would work out.”

And eight years later, it turned out that the authorities were not going to close Sellafield, on the contrary, a project was adopted to expand the nuclear power plant. Upon learning of this, Eli Hewson agreed for the first time to use her husband's friendship with Prime Minister Tony Blair. She won over and handed Sellafield's opponents' claim policy on a huge postcard. Photos and interviews of Bono's wife appeared in the newspapers - alone, without a husband. Her own political views became the property of the public, which immediately gained confidence in the new public figure. The range of problems that required her participation was constantly expanding ...

Of course, Bono tried to channel her energy into more peaceful channels. And even, as Ali suspected, he connected the children to this.

Is this your job? - she went down the stairs with a piece of paper in her hands.

What exactly? The husband looked up from the newspaper.

Eli shoved the paper under his nose. On it, in childish handwriting, was written: "Give us back our mother."

I found it under my pillow.

Bono shrugged.

This is the point of view of our children. I didn't teach them, if that's what you're interested in, but I generally agree with them.

“It's just incredible! Eli thought. “But if from now on issues in the family are resolved on a democratic basis, then so be it.”

Jordan! she called her daughter. - Come here for a minute.

A thirteen-year-old girl, in a school uniform and with a bag over her shoulder, joined her parents. Jordan noticed the paper on the table and looked at her father questioningly. Bono didn't raise an eyebrow.

You don't like that I'm doing social work? Eli asked. - Do you mind?

The girl, who often has to speak not only on her own behalf, but also on behalf of her eleven-year-old sister (two brothers are still too small), thought.

You know? she finally said. - Do whatever you want, but not music.

Bono couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Because if you make music,” Jordan continued, “you will never be home at all.

In any case, it was already too late to stop Eli's unexpected career: in Ireland, her remarkable organizational talents were recognized and they began to say that Eli Hewson could well become a real candidate for the presidency of the country.

Mrs President

The Hewsons' home in Killiney, Ireland. 2010

You know, I'd love to be a part of your business,” Bono tells his wife over breakfast the morning after the concert. - I have a feeling that I'm falling out of your life.

Nonsense, - Eli puts a coffee pot in front of him. - Eat toast!

You command me, - he thoughtfully carries a spoon stained with marmalade over the toast. - I used to think that the head of the family.

Now what do you think? Eli asks.

I feel like I need you more than you need me. When did you become so independent, Eli?

You and I have Edun, - she objects to the reproach that she leaves her husband behind her projects.

Bono frowns. The Edun line of casual wear, produced in third world countries, is his idea. “This is not a charity project, but a business that generates income,” says the musician. "Its main goal is to give poor countries a market for materials and jobs." But Eli, who agreed to take on the organizational side, immediately identified the main condition: “I will not let Bono into the design of clothes for a cannon shot. I love him, but in this area he is hopeless.

Why? Eli asks.

Because the official residence is smaller than our house - he seriously looks at his wife. “And I don’t want to be on protocol all the time behind your back, stay two steps behind.

Eli pretends to think.

I need to learn Gaelic, it's a must for the president, she finally says. - As long as I don't speak Gaelic, you can be calm.

Real name: Paul David Hewson

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Family: wife - Eli Hewson (49), political activist; children - Jordan (21 years old), Memphis Eve (18 years old), Elijah Bob (10 years old) and John Abraham (8 years old)

Education: graduated from Mount Temple Protestant School

Career: debuted as vocalist, guitarist and songwriter for U2 in 1976. Hits: "Sunday Bloody Sunday", "Kiss Me, Kill Me", "Beautiful Day", "One Love", "With Or Without You", "Moment Of Surrender", "New Year's Day", etc. Together with the team Bono has won 22 Grammy Awards. Winner of the Golden Globe Award for the song "The Hands That Built America" ​​for the film "Gangs of New York" (2003). Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor (2003). Knight of the British Empire (2007). Person of the Year - according to Time magazine (2005). Creator of charitable funds to help African countries, as well as the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Owner of the five-star Clarence Hotel in Dublin

Flavors: food - burgers; drink - Black Velvet cocktail made from champagne and dark beer; music - Elvis Presley

In the UK, and in the world, too, this woman is almost unknown, but in the Republic of Ireland, her name does not descend from the pages of newspapers. Meet Alison Hewson, wife of U2 frontman Bono.

One thing she wants to clear up once and for all. She may not like being called "Bono's wife," but "I don't have a lot of problems with self-identification, because I'm a very reserved person."

If Bono's own position gives him the opportunity to communicate directly by phone with the powers that be, then his wife keeps quieter than water below the grass, preferring the family house on the seashore south of Dublin to outbursts of paparazzi.

Eli shares the public concern of her husband Bono (aka Paul Hewson); they somehow spent five weeks completely unnoticed by the press in Ethiopia, working as volunteers in one of the humanitarian organizations. But she never thought about breaking through in this field higher and taking the place of her other half. And last week she was photographed in Downing Street when she delivered a huge postcard to the British Prime Minister.

This is just one of over a million postcards calling for the closure of the Sellafield Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant. It says: "Tony, look me in the eyes and tell me I'm safe."

Pete Roche, coordinator of a similar campaign run by the organization "Greenpeace", thanks Eli for her participation. "Everyone who took the trouble to personally deliver a postcard to Tony Blair did their part to make the action known and talked about," he explains.

Eli's visit to Downing Street coincided with the 16th anniversary of the Chernobyl events. As a patron of the Irish charitable project "Children of Chernobyl", she helped organize the delivery of humanitarian aid to the area affected by the worst man-made disaster in human history.

Threat in the water

She faced a difficult dilemma when she spent three weeks in Belarus - in the area most affected by radiation. There she worked as a leading documentary about Chernobyl.

TV workers took food and water with them, but when they were treated by local residents, they were not able to refuse. "We were just hoping for the best," Eli explains.

"The problem is that the radiation was carried by the wind, and the same thing could happen in Ireland in the event of an explosion at Sellafield. And that's not counting the already existing pollution," she says. "And why, if we are asked to live with low levels of radiation, are we not told about its impact?"

But the main thing that made her act was the children: "I started to think about how safe it is for them to play on the beach or swim in the sea or even just eat fish."

sweet childhood

The Hewsons have four growing up - from almost 13 years to 11 months. Their parents went to the same school where young Paul (then not Bono) tried to flirt with Alison Stewart and got turned down.

They married in August 1982. And seven years later, Eli defended her degree in social sciences - and then, in the same month, gave birth to her first daughter, Jordan.

At a time when the album Joshua Tree turned U2 into one of the most successful bands in the world, she became actively involved in humanitarian work. And at the same time, she faced the same problem as millions of other parents: Bono constantly traveled around with concerts or locked himself in the studio, and Eli actually worked as a mother.

True, her commitment to closing Sellafield still suggests that she was not only concerned with children. “I had several notes under my pillow, and in them -“ Mom, come back, ”recalls Eli. - But the girls themselves are very active and are already thinking about environmental issues.”

Thoughts about the future

"I'd love to live a more private life, but at the end of the day, I feel like I can't look 20 years into the eyes of my kids and say that I had the opportunity to do something with Sellafield and I didn't do anything." she says.

As for her relationship with Bono, according to Eli, they just have a lot of respect for each other. "When it's broken into pieces, I help it put it back together and it does the same for me."

Now that the celebrity wife is reluctant to go public, there are already reports in the tabloids that Irish Labor may nominate her as their candidate for president in 2004.

Warm, human, unselfish Eli could probably win. But she says that she was not offered anything of the kind and should not be taken seriously. "For some things - I'm sure - I'm not suitable, but for others ... I first need to put four children on their feet," she says.

"Yes, and my husband says that after our comfortable home, we could not live in the official presidential residence," Alison laughs.

], and his mother, Iris Rankin (Iris Rankin), was a housewife, by religion she was an Irish Anglican,. Paul, along with his mother and his older brother Norman (Norman), attended the Anglican Church. The boy's childhood passed in a poor quarter of Dublin - Ballymun. Paul's mother died of a brain aneurysm in 1974,,. Her death unsettled Paul: he was expelled from the school at the Anglican Cathedral of St. Patrick for throwing dog excrement at a teacher,.

After being expelled from the Anglican school, Hewson attended Mount Temple Public High School, was fond of chess, learned to play the guitar and sing, and took part in school theater performances. During his school years, he was a member of the Lypton Village street music group: together with friends, Hewson performed in public places, for example, on buses, mainly shocking the audience,. In those years, he got his pseudonym - Bono, and he completely sounded like Bono Vox of O "Connell Street (the good voice of O" Connell Street),,.

U2 leader

In 1976, Laurence "Larry" Mullen, Jr. (Laurence "Larry" Mullen, Jr.) posted on the school bulletin board proposal to create a group. Bono, bassist Adam Clayton and guitarist David "Edge" Evans responded to the ad. The initial composition of the group also included Mullen's friends, who later left the band, the composition of the musicians has not changed since then, which is a rarity for rock and roll bands. According to Mullen, at the very first rehearsal, Bono made it clear that he would become the leader, vocalist and lyricist of the group. Mullen became a drummer,,,,,,,. According to Bono, the band was formed before the members could play. The group was called "Feedback" for a while, then was renamed "The Hype", until they finally became "U2", . Bono subsequently admitted that this name was chosen almost by accident and he did not really like it.

Only nine people came to the first concert of U2, but later, at a concert at Dublin's Project Arts Centre, the young group was noticed by Dublin journalist Paul McGuinness. He invited U2 to perform at a music competition. The group managed to take first place in it: the prize was £500 and the opportunity to make their first studio recording,.In 1980, U2 signed a record deal with Island Records and released their debut album, The Boy.In the same year, the group went on their first US tour,. Subsequently, the world U2's 2005 tour was hailed as the most successful and profitable tour in history, drawing 3 million people and earning $250 million in ticket sales.

During their career, U2 recorded 11 albums, the most famous of which were "Joshua Tree", "Achtung Baby", "Zooropa" and "Pop". In 2004, the band recorded their last album, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb", and in 2009, a new U2 album is expected to be released, tentatively called "No Line On The Horizon", . Critics noted that U2 had gone from post-punk to classic rock. In the 1980s, U2 became one of the most popular rock bands in the world, in 1988 they won the first two Grammy awards,. From 1980 to 2008, 140 million copies of U2 albums were sold, and the income from their sale already in the 1990s amounted to one and a half billion dollars. U2's music is distributed by Universal Music and Live Nation.

In addition to U2, Bono has collaborated with Brian Eno, Frank Sinatra and other musicians. In 1995, U2, together with Eno and Luciano Pavarotti (Luciano Pavarotti), recorded under the pseudonym Passangers an experimental album "Original soundtracks 1", which, by its design, was a collection of soundtracks for fictional films.

Political and charitable activities

In his music, Bono paid a lot of attention to politics: the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" was dedicated to clashes between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, and the song "New Year's Day" - to the Polish Solidarity movement,... In 1995, he spoke out against French nuclear tests Bono says his songs are inspired by the Bible.

Bono did a lot of charitable work, in 1985 he organized a fundraiser for a shelter in Ethiopia, took part in the work of the Jubilee 2000 organization, which called on developed countries to write off the debts of the poorest African states,,. He met with the heads of the G8 countries, including US Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, as well as Pope John Paul II, , , , , . In 2002, together with US Treasury Secretary Paul O "Neill, Bono visited several African countries,. He took part in charity events to fight AIDS and help victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. In addition, Bono has collaborated with Greenpeace and Amnesty International,.

In June 2008, Bono proposed the creation of the United States of Africa: in his opinion, the African Union, which has already existed since 2002, could not solve the accumulated problems on the continent, and African countries needed closer integration.

To fight poverty and AIDS in Africa, Bono founded DATA, a US$2 billion company. Bono is the founder and owner of private equity firm Elevation Partners. In August 2006, he became a minority shareholder of the American publishing company Forbes,. In November 2009, the company bought a small stake in the social network Facebook (in 2010, according to some reports, it was 1.5 percent),,. In addition, Bono convinced several major companies, including American Express and Armani, to donate one percent of their profits to the starving regions of Africa. According to rumors, Bono was a likely candidate for the presidency of the World Bank (World Bank). At the same time, in his homeland, Bono was accused of tax evasion: in 2006, he transferred part of U2's assets from Ireland to the Netherlands, where taxes were lower.

Bono was the initiator of the construction of the 120-meter skyscraper "U2 Tower" in Dublin, designed by the famous British architect Norman Foster (Norman Foster). However, in October 2008, due to the onset of the global financial crisis, this project was curtailed.

Film, news publications and awards

Bono starred in three musical films, one of which - "Across the Universe" (Across the Universe, 2007), was a producer, scriptwriter and played a cameo role in the thriller "Million Dollar Hotel" (The Million Dollar Hotel, 2000 year) , . In 2006, the musician was the editor of a special issue of The Independent newspaper, and since 2009 he has signed a contract with The New York Times, in which he must write an editorial column,.

In 2001, Bono was awarded the "European of the Year" award by the readers of the English newspaper European Voice. In 2005, Time magazine named Bono Man of the Year along with Bill Gates and his wife Melinda,,,. In the same year, Bono was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as part of U2. The press mentioned that he is the only musician who was nominated for the Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe, and in 2006 Nobel Peace Prize,. Bono and U2 have won 22 Grammy Awards and 1 Golden Globe Award.

It is known that several years after graduation, Bono studied at Dublin University College, but did not finish it. In May 2008, he was awarded an honorary degree from Tokyo Keio University (Keio Universit) - the oldest private university in Japan,.

In 2006, Bono was given an honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.


Bono is married to Alison "Ali" Hewson. They knew each other from school, Alison supported Bono after the death of her mother. Bono and Alison married in 1982. Alison is dedicated to the song "The sweetest thing" - Bono wrote it as a sign of reconciliation after he forgot to wish his wife a happy birthday, , , . Like Bono, Alison is actively involved in philanthropic work. They have four children: two daughters Jordan (Jordan, born in 1989) and Memphis Eve (Memphis Eve, born in 1991) and two sons: Elijah Bob Patrick Guggi Q (Elijah Bob Patricus Guggi Q, born in 1999) and John Abraham ( John Abraham, born in 2001) , , , .

Glasses are one of Bono's most famous attributes: he himself admitted that he wears them to hide his eyes, which are constantly red due to allergies. The musician is known to be allergic to salicylic acid, which is found in wine.

Used materials

Lisa O'Carroll. Bono's Facebook stake worth nearly $1bn. -, 16.08.2011

Alexey Oreskovic. Elevation Partners buys $120 million in Facebook shares. - Reuters, 29.06.2010

Anastasia Golitsyna. Facebook Buyers. - Vedomosti, 05.05.2010. - №80 (2598)

Bono. Notes From the Chairman. - The New York Times, 11.01.2009
