What is needed to open a nursing home. How to write a business plan for a nursing home: main factors and features

They are the same age as us, although they have not yet had children. And unlike us, they live not in their own (albeit borrowed) apartment, but in a private house with my friend’s grandfather.

Every time a group of young families like us and I plan a trip to a restaurant, a trip to nature, or even just an evening walk together, this couple faces a serious problem - with whom to leave grandpa? The fact is that, being at a respectable age (something around 86 years old), grandfather is in fairly good physical shape, does not complain about his heart or joints, but suffers from an illness that is popularly called senile dementia. In order for you to understand what this disease is, remember the cartoon character named Abraham Simpson - the father of Homer Simpson - and everything will immediately become clear. My friend’s grandfather can easily forget that soup is cooking on the stove and go to bed. He can knock over a garbage can and calmly walk around the apartment. Do not move the damper when the stove starts to melt and many other things even worse than what I have just listed. That is, leaving him alone even for a short period of time is, to put it mildly, unsafe. They won’t take him to specialized hospitals, and they are ready to take him to a nursing home only if his real estate is re-registered as an institution. As you remember, my friend and his wife live in the property.

In general, he is not particularly angry with his grandfather. He takes care of him to the best of his ability and is accustomed to the fact that he always has to keep his ear to the ground.

The only problem is if the parents cannot come to sit with the grandfather, and this happens quite often (busy work schedule), either he or his wife, and sometimes both, have to give up the already rare meetings with friends in a cafe or in the open air . This is understandable, if we can easily take our child to his parents for the evening or even send him to a private kindergarten with an overnight stay, then we won’t be able to send an elderly person, and even with oddities, anywhere.

It was this fact that once prompted me to think about how many young families are in a similar situation? Unable to leave an elderly person alone even for one evening, they deny themselves the small joys of life.

I remembered the good old Hollywood film “Cocoon”, in which the main characters were people living in a private nursing home. I thought - why not open something like that? Considering the solvency of the bulk of our fellow citizens, the main emphasis can be placed not on permanent, but on temporary stay - from several hours to a month. And it could be called something like “Temporary Stay Center for Elderly People.” I thought, did the math, and got the following.

The minimum sanitary standard for living space per person is 6 square meters. Thus, in order for our center to simultaneously accommodate at least 10 people, we need a room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters. If we take into account that guests in principle cannot be alone in the room, a reasonable conclusion arises - the area must be at least 100 square meters. It could be a spacious private house or cottage, but I think it would be better to rent one of the buildings of a children's camp in the suburbs. In our city, these camps are practically empty after the end of the summer season and until the spring of next year, when preparations for the races begin. Clumsy attempts to attract adult campers during this period invariably end in drunkenness, debauchery and fights among these campers and, as a result, headaches for the camp administration. At the same time, our contingent (subject to proper control) is no longer capable of such things.

What is especially important is that the suburbs are a certain distance that allows you to relatively fearlessly take old people out into the fresh air, organize joint games, entertainment, etc. As the camp administration told us, renting a small (two-story) block with a total area of ​​230 square meters will cost 35 thousand rubles per month. I would like to draw your attention to an important detail - this premises is annually inspected by the SES and firefighters, that is, it is equipped with everything necessary, including a fire alarm. At the same time, the room has a small kitchen, a lounge with armchairs and a TV, and even a mini-gym, equipped with, albeit rather dilapidated, but still functional equipment for sports and recreational procedures.

All utility bills are borne by the camp administration. My concern is registration of a legal entity, selection of personnel (preferably with medical and pedagogical education), supplies and advertising (at first, at a minimum - announcements at bus stops, social networks, etc.).

Considering the lack of experience in entrepreneurship and the certain social orientation of this business idea, I believe that I can count on support from the municipality. Our city has a program to subsidize start-up entrepreneurs. The maximum amount of a free subsidy is 300 thousand rubles per recipient.

All initial calculations, of course, need to be double-checked. I’ll study “HOBIZ.RU” - I’m sure that I still missed some important points. At the moment, it turns out that if you manage to get a grant and come to an agreement with the camp administration, the cost of a daily stay in the center (subject to 100% occupancy) should not exceed 1,200 rubles. This amount (it includes 3 meals a day) is not unaffordable and exorbitant for our city, especially since the price lists can include discounts, the size of which will depend on the frequency and duration of a particular pensioner’s stay at the center.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

In this material:

The most competitive business today is opening a boarding house. Let's figure out how to open a private nursing home, why a business plan must be competent and worked out to the smallest detail.

People get old, and there is no escape from it. At the same time, not everyone is lucky enough to have relatives with whom you can go through this period easily and simply. Many older people do not receive enough attention from loved ones. In such a situation, the best option would be to move to a specialized nursing home, where professionals can provide the proper care that is so necessary for older people.

Many people view the idea of ​​a nursing home extremely negatively. The stereotypes that are associated with establishments of this type do indeed negatively influence the decisions of most older people. However, nowadays there are more and more private homes for the elderly, where comfortable living conditions have been created. Experienced professionals provide the right care that a person does not receive from his relatives.

More and more people have recently complained about a constant lack of free time. Busy individuals do not have the opportunity to find an extra minute for themselves, and there is no question of elderly parents. In such cases, indeed, a specialized institution will be the best solution.

Given the current situation, many aspiring businessmen are thinking about opening their own nursing home. This can be a great option for making money, but it will require considerable investment.

Pros of running a nursing home business

This type of business is currently one of the most competitive in Russia. The fact is that private nursing homes can be considered a rarity today, but the demand for them is great. A special feature of this type of commerce is that such investments will generate income even during a crisis, and this is important, given the experience of recent years.

Before you decide to invest money in such a business, it is worth drawing up a detailed business plan. This will allow you to accurately calculate and calculate whether the available amount is enough to open a nursing home. It’s worth noting right away that organizing this enterprise will require serious investments, but they should quickly pay off.

First stage

First you need to decide on your competitors. If you plan to organize a business in a small town where there is already a nursing home, it is better to abandon this idea. In this case, competition will be too high, which will make the business unprofitable. If we are talking about a large city, here you can safely choose a similar direction. However, it is very important to approach the organization of your business correctly, since we are talking about working with people.

Many people still have the wrong opinion about nursing homes. Nowadays, these are not just shelters where older people live out their years, but comfortable institutions in which they feel better than at home. To provide the elderly with proper care, it is necessary not only to properly equip the premises, but also to recruit a team of professionals who will properly treat people who have lived a long life. It is very important that some of the staff have a medical education, which must be confirmed by diplomas.

Selecting a room

For a nursing home you will need a fairly large empty building. Here it is unlikely that you will be able to rent part of the house, since the surroundings should be as calm and comfortable as possible. Elderly people will definitely approve if there is a beautiful view from their window. A nursing home is not just a temporary hotel, and certainly not a shelter. People will live here for many years, so it is necessary to create comfort and silence for them. It is better if it is an environmentally friendly place far from roads and industrial production.

It is necessary to take into account that the building must be multi-room. It is better to provide each guest with his own separate room. Some budget options also offer double accommodation, but this is not convenient for everyone, so there should be few such rooms.

The dining room in a nursing home needs to be spacious. Elderly people need to be provided with quality meals three times a day. For many, you will have to create a special menu taking into account your diet.

If possible, it is worth organizing bathrooms for each room. In extreme cases, there is only one toilet and shower per floor. The latter option is most often used where the premises have been converted from a former dormitory.

Taking into account the specifics of the institution, it is necessary to equip a medical office. Older people get sick quite often, so they have to constantly seek medical help.

Older people have a lot of free time. Most take up his favorite hobby, while others simply do not know what to do with this watch. A creative solution from the organizers of a nursing home will help here. The boarding house should create a separate room for entertainment. Various events and competitions, dance classes can be held here. By the way, dance schools are very popular among older people. To have a pleasant time and receive visitors, it is worth equipping a calm living room.

Employees of a private nursing home

This is a very important part of the work that needs to be taken into account, because its rating depends on what kind of people will work in the boarding house. This will affect the desire of older people to live in this particular house. After all, no advertising tactics have yet been invented better than word of mouth.

There are special requirements for personnel who will work with the elderly. Important qualities here include honesty, patience, goodwill, friendliness, sensitivity, attentiveness and love for one’s work. An important criterion for selecting workers should be education. This applies primarily to doctors, but other positions should also be filled by qualified professionals. For example, cooks should be familiar with preparing dietary dishes, and it is better to choose some of the caregivers with psychological education.

Equipment for boarding house

Elderly people often have limited physical capabilities, so it is necessary to create not only comfortable, but also safe living conditions for them. To do this you will have to spend money on special equipment. For example, beds should be multifunctional, that is, they should be free to change position. It is worth purchasing special mattresses that can protect against bedsores.

In the bathroom, as in the rest of the house, you need to install handrails. They will help people who find it difficult to be physically active for a long time move around. Each room should have a panic button so that the guest can call for help if necessary.

It is worth purchasing sets of board games, chess, and checkers for the entertainment room. You also need to install a large TV here, since every old person will enjoy such a pastime.

Documents and advertising

It is very important to organize promotional events correctly. Without attracting the attention of customers, success will not be achieved. It is best to use the media and the World Wide Web for these purposes. You can create your own website where all visitors can learn about the advantages of your establishment.

People who will live in the boarding house must be properly registered. To do this, they must provide a passport, SNILS, a certificate of disability, if any, and a health insurance policy.

It's always painful to see older people alone. And I really want to give my closest people a decent old age. But in the everyday hustle and bustle of work and affairs, sometimes you forget about meeting your needs, not to mention others. Therefore, relatives of elderly people often have thoughts of going to a private nursing home. They are popular both in big cities and in the provinces. How to make money in this area will help you figure out a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly with calculations.

Input data

According to statistics, 4% of all pensioners are in state nursing homes. And only 0.5% of pensioners live in commercial geriatric centers. Unfortunately, the quality of service, repairs and personnel qualifications in government agencies leave much to be desired. However, here the issue of financing arises very acutely: not everyone can afford to stay in an elite boarding house, because the cost of monthly services can reach 3-5 times the size of monthly pension transfers. Therefore, this area can lure only 25% of all patients of state geriatric centers, but this is also a lot, more than one and a half million people. There is still a free niche that you can manage to occupy.

Before moving on to the description of a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly, we will determine the necessary information for its preparation. It is assumed that the boarding house will combine the functions of the geriatric department of the hospital and a classic boarding house. The following services will be provided here:

  • Permanent residence.
  • Nutrition.
  • Laundry.
  • Cleaning rooms.
  • Organization of leisure time.
  • Basic medical support - day hospital and physiotherapy.

The boarding house will have the following characteristics:

  • Form of ownership – LLC.
  • Type of taxation – simplified tax system (income minus expenses 6%).
  • Room – 450 sq. meters.
  • The yard area is 1 hectare.
  • The type of ownership of real estate is rental.
  • Number of rooms – 20 (10 rooms for two residents and 10 rooms for 1 guest).
  • Number of guests – 30.
  • OKVED-2 code 86.21 “General medical practice”.

The building must have an elevator, ramps and handrails for comfortable movement of people with disabilities. In addition, all rooms must be equipped with a special button for quickly calling staff.


To open a nursing home, you need to obtain a special license for medical care. For these purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the relevant Sanitary and Norms, purchase special equipment and hire medical personnel. Otherwise, the procedure for registering a business does not differ from other types of activities:

Organizational stage Amount, rubles
LLC registration (state fee) 4 000
Authorized capital 10 000
Seal 1 000
Registration of a current account 2 000
Purchasing a cash register 32 000
Registration with the tax office
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year* 675 000
Conclusion of engineers on internal infrastructure 20 000
Ventilation maintenance contract for one year 50 000
Security contract for a year 120 000
Contract for disinfection and deratization 30 000
Agreement for solid waste disposal 30 000
Obtaining medical licenses
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission from the SES
Obtaining a fire inspection permit
Notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the launch of the project
Total 929 000

In addition to all organizational expenses, the entrepreneur needs to make repairs to the premises. It is worth allocating about 700 thousand rubles for these purposes. In total, at the preparatory stage you will need 1,619,000 rubles.

Technical equipment

For a geriatric center for 30 people, you will need specialized equipment and a lot of furniture:


A large number of guests require constant attention. This requires a large staff of employees.

Employee Number of individuals Number of bets Salary Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
Nurses 3 3 23 000 69 000 89 838
Nurses 4 4 23 000 92 000 119 784
Cleaning woman 6 6 18 000 108 000 140 616
Cook 2 2 20 000 40 000 52 080
Gerontologist 1 1 35 000 35 000 45 570
Psychotherapist 1 0,5 35 000 17 500 22 785
Accountant 1 1 25 000 25 000 32 550
Total 18 17,5 386 500 503 223

Also, from time to time you will have to seek help from loaders and drivers using your own vehicles, which can lead to an increase in the monthly wage fund by 10 thousand rubles. In total, 566,605 rubles will be required to pay employees and contribute to state and non-state funds.


To successfully and quickly fill a boarding house, it is enough to advertise in:

  • Newspapers.
  • Clinics and hospitals.
  • Internet.
  • Banks.
  • Large corporations (to attract relatives of potential guests).

All these needs will require about 60 thousand rubles. Events are held once and are not repeated.

Volume of capital expenditures

Name of expense item price, rub.
Organizational expenses 919 000
Room renovation 700 000
Technical equipment and purchase of furniture 3 710 000
Marketing 60 000
Other unforeseen expenses 30 000
Financing activities until self-sufficiency 2 000 000
TOTAL 7 419 000

Work schedule

This area of ​​business is not seasonal. However, it is better to open in summer or spring. This is due to the fact that in the warm season it will be easier for old people to get comfortable and get used to the new environment. And opening, for example, on holidays will make it easier for elderly family members to move for their relatives. Therefore, it is better to begin work on preparing the premises and opening a business in July of the previous year.

Financial indicators

The expenses for maintaining a boarding house for the elderly include the following items:

  • Rent – ​​225,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills – 50,000 rubles.
  • Meals – 160,000 rubles.
  • Payroll – 503,223 rubles.
  • Cleaning products – 10,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for organizing entertainment events – 15,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – 10,000 rubles.

In total, monthly costs will be 978,233 rubles.

The profitability of the shelter will consist of the following parts:

  • Stay of 1 person in a double room for a month – 35,000 rubles.
  • Stay of 1 person in a luxury room for a month – 45,000 rubles.

According to calculations, the house in question can accommodate 20 people in double rooms (35,000 x 20 = 700,000) and 10 people in single rooms (45,000 x 10 = 450,000). The total monthly profit will be 1,150,000. Net profit will be 171,767 rubles, profitability - 15%. If the boarding house is fully occupied, the initial investment will pay for itself in 3.5 years.


  • Project start: July 2017.
  • Opening of a shelter for the elderly: May 2018.
  • Full occupancy of the nursing home: August 2018.
  • Reaching projected income: August 2018.
  • Payback period: January 2022.


Today's realities ruthlessly dictate their own rules. The age of the average Russian is growing, and already more than 60% of all citizens of the country are pensioners. More and more elderly people are ending up in nursing homes. A young entrepreneur can turn statistics to his advantage and build an entire business on it. In addition, a permanent residential geriatric center may qualify for subsidies from the federal or regional budget, since it is a socially oriented project.

In recent years, the number of elderly people in Russia has been rapidly increasing, and therefore the services of private nursing homes have become relevant. This market segment still remains untapped, and demand significantly exceeds the available supply. Meanwhile, government agencies are often overcrowded or closed, but the problem remains. The solution is to open a private boarding house that provides professional services for those who really need round-the-clock help and support.

Features of elderly business

Before you start opening, study all the risks, local market conditions and the level of competition, estimate the necessary costs, and decide on sources of financing. In short, draw up a detailed business plan. Analyze the demand for services in the city where you live. Study the regulatory framework thoroughly, since legislation in this area of ​​activity is still being created, and the requirements of various authorities are particularly picky.

Main risks

Conducting such a business is accompanied, first of all, by a negative attitude that has developed since the USSR. Conditions in Soviet shelters were sometimes appalling, while older people needed special attention and extra care. Controlling government bodies closely monitor compliance with sanitary standards - from the availability of special equipment to the condition of the premises and proper qualifications of personnel.

The next risk is the lack of the necessary experience, which can lead to an underestimation of the profitability of the project. The solution is to study the work of private institutions in foreign countries and conduct activities taking into account Russian specifics. Low competition makes such a business profitable and profitable even in the conditions of today's global crisis and instability.

Exemplary services, creation of the most comfortable conditions for guests, compliance with all sanitary requirements are the key to the success of a private boarding house with a solid reputation.

What is required to open a private nursing home

The initial stage is registration of a legal entity. Then you will need to coordinate the nuances of the establishment’s work with the district department of social protection and determine the number of places for guests. After equipping the premises and hiring qualified personnel. At the final stage, obtain the necessary permits from the SES and fire service. Don’t forget to conduct an advertising campaign, highlight the high social significance of the project, and enlist the support of government agencies.


The list of registration documents can be clarified at the tax office at the place where the business is opened. The list is standard, but to simplify the procedure, you can hire a law firm. Please note that the managers and/or founders of the boarding house must have a medical education in order to obtain a license to conduct medical activities from the Department of the Ministry of Health. Or, full-time employees must have appropriate permits. Additionally, registration will be required with the funds - the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, with Rosstat and the Department of Social Services. protection.


The building of a former sanatorium or rest home is ideal for a private shelter. If the boarding house is located in a quiet, environmentally friendly and beautiful place, this will be an additional advantage. Calculate the number of seats, taking into account 1-2 people per room.

Do the redevelopment by allocating areas for:

  • dining room;
  • personal toilets and bathrooms;
  • leisure and recreation rooms;
  • guest area;
  • medical office.

During the repair process, carefully equip the sewerage, ventilation and heating systems, taking into account sanitary standards.


The purchase of equipment is carried out according to the following principles:

  • beds – with position change function;
  • mattresses – with the function of protection against bedsores;
  • in bathrooms - with floor insulation and anti-slip coating, with everything necessary for water procedures;
  • wheelchair equipment - handrails, strollers, walkers, canes and other means to ensure reliable movement;
  • an elevator is required if the building has several floors;
  • emergency system for calling medical personnel - necessary for urgent assistance;
  • a refrigerator is needed in every room, a TV is allowed to be placed on the floor.


When choosing personnel to work with the elderly, pay attention to the qualifications and human qualities of the employees. Conduct interviews in person, check references and profiles of applicants. It is also desirable that the staff include professional psychologists, cooks, nutritionists and health workers. If you hire foreign workers, make sure you have the necessary work permits.


Carry out marketing activities in cooperation with medical and social institutions. If you plan to place it in the media, choose a wide range of publications - from free mass media to reputable ones, as well as the Internet. As a rule, advertising costs are highest at the start of a project, then reputation will begin to work for your business, ensuring a continuous flow of clientele.


Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that, like any other business, opening a private house requires continuous attention, cash injections and an impeccable level of service. Despite the presence of certain risks, a free market niche makes it possible to “promote” a project into a profitable and successful one with proper management and disposal of funds. According to statistics, the average payback period is about 5 years, the minimum amount of starting capital is 100 thousand dollars.

The demand for boarding house services for the elderly is growing steadily, but the state cannot provide for everyone. But it’s not easy to make money in this market - seasonality and prejudices get in the way

The idea of ​​creating a private home for the elderly came to entrepreneur Natalya Peryazeva after one of her conversations with her grandfather, who once fought on the Japanese front. “I would like old age to be as fulfilling as life is today,” a 95-year-old grandfather once said, apparently believing that being 100 years old is not yet old. Natalya herself is only 38, but she “always dreamed of doing something for people over 80, so that they would not depend on their children.”

Before realizing her dream, she tried herself in different fields - she worked at Logovaz-Belyaevo, the first Mercedes-Benz dealer in Russia, and the gas production company Itera. She earned initial capital and created the IT company LogicStars, a software developer for car services. Clients include about a hundred car service centers, distributors and dealers, including official Nissan, Renault, Kia. A successful IT business allows her to now launch projects “for the soul.”

From childhood to old age

When Natalya’s daughter was born in 2008, she decided to open a developmental children’s center not far from her home in the capital’s Marfino district: “Back then the area was just being built up, there were no competitors.” Peryazeva rented 230 sq. m, made repairs, developed lesson programs. “But over time, competitors began to open up, profitability fell, and the poorly forecasted profitability for the season became an unpleasant discovery - we earned money for six months, while others spent our earnings for six months. In general, it became boring,” recalls Natalya.

After the birth of their second child, the family moved to the Moscow region, and in August 2015 they sold the development center. With the funds received, Peryazeva decided to open a kindergarten - her children had just grown up, and the business model of a kindergarten seemed to her more stable than a development center. She was invited to see the operating “Seven Dwarfs” garden in the village of Larino in the Lianozovo region in the north of Moscow - the village is located in a forested area, wealthy people live there. “When I saw this village, I realized that this was the ideal place to realize another dream of mine - to open a nursing home,” says Peryazeva. As a result, everything went at the same time: Natalya was negotiating the purchase of “Seven Dwarfs” and was looking for suitable premises for a nursing home.

We managed to find it on the street next to the kindergarten. In July 2015, Peryazeva rented a three-story stone cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters. m. A couple of months later, the nursing home has already opened. "Fast? Opening a boarding house for the elderly - what’s so difficult about that?” - Natalya laughs. The first guest at the House by the Park, 80-year-old Valentina Ivanovna, moved in in September 2015.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

“Opening a boarding house is really not as difficult as many people think,” confirms the owner of the boarding house for the elderly “Close People” Tatyana Ilyina. “The state does not regulate this area of ​​activity, and there are no legislative requirements.” You just need to register a legal entity (“House by the Park” is an individual entrepreneur in simplified form), indicate in the documents the appropriate type of activity, for example, “care with accommodation,” and prepare a standard contract for the provision of services.

Such an institution does not require a special license to open. “Due to the lack of general rules and requirements, everyone does what they are capable of,” says Ilyina. — The boarding house may have medical beds, a special diet or doctor’s services, or it may not have all this, the institution will still be opened. Therefore, when choosing a place for your family, it is very important to look at what kind of people are doing it. Only entrepreneurs who care about the elderly work successfully in such a business.”

Private nursing homes are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. According to Natalya, representatives of these services came several times at the start of the business, but after making sure that everything was fine, they no longer bothered me.

Seniors Market

The population of Russia, like the entire world, is aging. According to the UN, the proportion of people over 60 years of age in Russia in 2000 was 18.5%, and in 2050 it will be 37.2%. Today in Russia there are just over 1.5 thousand boarding houses for the elderly. For comparison: in France there are more than 7 thousand, in the USA there are more than 20 thousand. About 90% of all Russian boarding houses are state-owned. Most private homes for the elderly are located in Moscow and the Moscow region (over 90 boarding houses), St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region; in the regions the market is not at all developed - in cities with a population of over a million there are two or three private institutions. According to the calculations of the NP “World of the Older Generation”, 630 thousand elderly people in Russia need places in specialized institutions, but only 270 thousand are provided for. At the same time, not everyone is satisfied with the quality of public services, and many are willing to pay.

The cost of monthly accommodation in a private nursing home ranges from 24 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, on average - about 50 thousand rubles. The price primarily depends on the availability of medical services, quality of food and location. The main players are the UKSS network (700 places), Senior Group (230 places), “Close People” (120 places), etc. Natalya Peryazeva’s project “House by the Park” is very small - there are only 22 places, a month’s accommodation in a double room will cost at 60 thousand rubles.

If a private boarding house for the elderly can prove the high quality of services (for example, in Moscow one of the requirements is five years of experience in the organization), it can be included in the register of social service providers. Then the guests will come at the direction of local social protection authorities, which will compensate up to 80% of maintenance costs. For example, Alexey Sidnev’s Senior Group is included in the register, with a subsidy providing one hundred places in his network of boarding houses. But, according to him, working with the state is not very profitable - social security authorities set the maximum cost of a place, for example, in the Senior Group - it is 66 thousand rubles, of which the guest himself pays only 11 thousand rubles, and the average check in the network — 90 thousand rubles.

Where dreams lead

The investor of “Houses by the Park” is Peryazeva’s IT company “LogicStars”. According to SPARK, in 2015 the company’s turnover amounted to 16.5 million rubles, profit - 2.2 million. Both of Natalia’s projects are located in the same building: the last floor of a three-story cottage is occupied by an IT company, the first two are a home for the elderly.

The launch of “House by the Park” cost 2.3 million rubles, the rental price was 250 thousand rubles. per month (167 thousand rubles, if you subtract a third of the space occupied by programmers). Tatyana Ilyina says that the start-up investment figure looks underestimated: “It’s hardly possible to meet this amount.” To open her first boarding house with 50 beds, she needed almost three times the amount of investment. Peryazeva says that she saved money on renovations: “We took into account the previous experience of the “children’s” business, when we made expensive renovations “for centuries”, and after two years we sold the project. Therefore, this time we rented the building already renovated, and most importantly, there was no need to remodel it to suit the needs of elderly guests.”

We had to spend money on purchasing upholstered and cabinet furniture for the living room, kitchen area and living rooms (including several special medical beds) - in total it took about 500 thousand rubles. It was not easy for some clients to climb to the second floor, so they bought a step walker - a chair-shaped mechanism that allows you to climb stairs (another 300 thousand rubles).

A separate cost item is bathroom equipment. Most elderly people need help, so they need special equipment: a lifting mechanism for immersing a person in the bath (costs 25 thousand rubles), a special chair for the shower stall (about 10 thousand rubles), metal handrails on each side and anti-slip mats. In total, the purchase of special equipment and furniture cost 1 million rubles.

Natalya decided to save on medical care - in the House by the Park there is no permanent doctor, like in most private nursing homes. “For emergency collection of tests, procedures or doctor’s examinations, we have agreements with Invitro, Gemotest and commercial ambulance,” says Peryazeva. The house has a standard first aid kit and a nurse on staff, and residents bring their own prescription medications.

“The lack of medical services is not a barrier to entry into the market, but it narrows the circle of potential clients,” warns Ilyina. “After all, many older people do need regular medical care.” According to her calculations, the presence of a doctor increases the cost of services by about 3-5%.

Natalya Peryazeva also found a way to save money on catering. The food is prepared in the kindergarten on the next street, brought to the “House by the Park”, heated and served in the equipped dining room. “We don’t have the opportunity to organize special meals,” admits Peryazeva. In general, the cost of purchasing, delivering groceries, and preparing food takes up 20% of the total monthly cost structure.

According to Ilyina, as a rule, “a boarding house for the elderly is a social facility with meals for guests, so it is subject to generally accepted standards for organizing this process.” In particular, a separate room must be equipped for the kitchen, and various requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and fire departments must be observed. Cooking in another room reduces the likelihood of inspections and saves space.

Founder of the nursing home "House by the Park" Natalya Peryazeva (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

Business about people

To attract future guests, they decided to use advertising on transport - they entered into an agreement with a local fleet of minibus taxis and placed advertising layouts on the doors and bodies of the cars. The move worked. “The first clients came precisely because of this advertisement,” Peryazeva remembers.

Now, to promote her institution, she uses contextual advertising, shoots videos and posts them on social networks, and spends money on search engine optimization. Choosing a nursing home is not a spontaneous decision; as a rule, relatives carefully study websites and reviews on the Internet. In the first four months of 2015, spending on marketing and promotion amounted to 500 thousand rubles. and exactly the same amount for the entire 2016.

Today, in the “mini-hotel for the elderly,” as Peryazeva prefers to call her institution, 15 out of 22 beds are occupied (70% occupancy). That's not a lot. The fact is that nursing homes are a seasonal business; increased demand begins in mid-May, reaches its peak in the summer and decreases by the end of October.

“The planned occupancy rate, which allows us to earn a profit, is 85%. Typically, it takes a year or two for a new facility to reach such numbers,” says Alexey Sidnev from Senior Group (the occupancy rate of his network is about 90%). “So everything is fine; for Natalya’s institution, occupancy is a matter of time.” “There is still no full load, and ours is no higher than 85%,” says Tatyana Ilyina. “A more important criterion is the number of residents per nurse, optimally one for three people.” At the Park House there is one caregiver for every five people. A total of ten people work there, including a nurse, a social worker, carers, a manager and an administrator.

The main difference between private nursing homes and public ones is that people rarely live there permanently. Usually, as Peryazeva says, grandparents spend from ten days to several months in the “House by the Park”. Owners of private nursing homes say that, as a rule, relatives decide to send elderly people to boarding houses after complex operations when they need a nurse; Another reason is that children go on vacation on their own and cannot look after their parents; Sometimes boarding houses are seen as holiday homes where older people can socialize with each other. The Western model, when people live in boarding houses all year round, is difficult to take root in Russia - older people do not want to be separated from their families, and it is expensive for children to pay for their accommodation for a long time.

Only a few people choose to live in the “House by the Park” permanently. “The main problem is the rather high cost of our services; we can provide decent conditions for less than 50 thousand rubles. per month is practically impossible,” complains Tatyana Ilyina. “If the boarding house is really good, some clients return to it from time to time.” The conversion is at least 30%, confirms Peryazeva.

"Grandfather's Garden"

In 2016, the revenue of “House by the Park” exceeded 6 million rubles. In the fall, the project reached payback, but there is no profit yet; winter is the low season. By the summer, Peryazeva expects to increase occupancy to 85%, and by the end of 2017 to receive the first profit. According to Alexey Sidnev’s calculations, the average profitability of this business is 19-22%. In 2015, boarding houses brought the Senior Group about 250 million rubles. revenue, but the company is actively building new facilities, so it is still unprofitable. But Tatyana Ilyina’s network of three boarding houses near Moscow “Close People” earned 5 million rubles in 2015. net profit with a turnover of about 20 million rubles.

An unexpected synergy was discovered between Natalia Peryazeva’s kindergarten and nursing home. Children and grandparents regularly visit each other. Children attend a concert or performance, adults participate in master classes or read fairy tales to children by the fireplace in the living area of ​​the kindergarten. “We are the only ones in Russia who figured out how to combine children and old people,” says Natalya. “Children should see that old age can be different, and in an educational sense, combining a garden and a home is good, but from a business point of view, these are absolutely two different segments,” Ilyina marvels. “If the owner of House by the Park manages to turn such a model into a competitive advantage, great.”

Moreover, Natalya decided that the kindergarten business model could also be used in the market for services for the elderly. In the near future, she plans to open a “grandfather’s garden” in the boarding house - an opportunity for an elderly person to stay during the day without spending the night. “In Germany and the USA, this model works successfully - relatives bring their loved ones in the morning and pick them up in the evening. They don’t sit within four walls, they communicate with each other and have fun,” says Natalya. The fact is that many elderly people are afraid of nursing homes and do not want to live there permanently, and the temporary stay model allows them to solve this problem and attract new clients.

Tatyana Ilyina says that in six years of work there have been no requests to “leave grandma for a couple of hours.” Staying on weekends is also not popular - no more than ten requests. Alexey Sidnev is more optimistic: “This is a great idea for a boarding house located in Moscow; it works in densely built areas, less often outside the city.”
