Old Russian literature presentation for a literature lesson on the topic. Presentation on literature on the topic "Old Russian literature" (6th grade) Presentation on the topic Old Russian literature

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An ancient Russian chronicler compared books to rivers that “water the universe.” But where are the sources of these rivers? Where did Russian literature begin?

988 Vladimir Svyatoslavovich baptized Rus'. Incorporation into Christian culture required books. Ancient Bulgaria contributed to mastering the heritage of Byzantium, from where Christianity was adopted (865 - the baptism of the Bulgarians) (Vasnetsov “The Baptism of Vladimir”)

Cyril and Methodius translated church books from Greek into Slavic. The Slavic alphabet was created in 863. In Bulgaria, the holy king Boris converted to Christianity in 860. Bulgaria becomes the center of the spread of Slavic writing. Here the first Slavic book school was created - the Preslav Book School - the Cyril and Methodius originals of liturgical books (Gospel, Psalter, Apostle, church services) were copied, new Slavic translations from Greek were made, original works appeared in the Old Slavonic language (“On the writing of the Chrnoritsa Khrabra” ).

Although writing came to Rus' long before the reform of Vladimir the Baptist. There is evidence of emu - texts from the 10th century. The son of Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, “collected many scribes, and translated from the Greek into the Slavic letter, and copied many books.”

Soon works that arose on Russian soil were added to the translated texts: + According to academician D.S. Likhachev, one of the significant differences between ancient Russian genres was that they emerged not only as varieties of creativity, but also as a phenomenon of life. Each genre had its own task. Chronicles are a form of historical memory. Lives - glorification of the saint. Walking - stories about other lands and peoples; travel was considered a feat. TRADITIONS OF CHRISTIAN LITERATURE FOLKLORE PEOPLE'S WORLDVIEW





Old Russian literature – medieval literature of the 11th – 17th centuries. Ostromir Gospel – 1056-1057. “Selections of Svyatoslav” - 1073 - 1076. “The Tale of Bygone Years” - 1113 (also called “Nestor’s Chronicle”), the earliest of the ancient Russian Chronicles that have come down to us, the period of history begins with biblical times and ends with 1117.

The Kiev Pechersk monastery is the center of book wealth. It was here that Russian literature took its first steps. The first chroniclers worked within the walls of this monastery in the 11th century. The monk Nestor completed The Tale of Bygone Years in 1113. The first lives of Russian saints were created here.

Our ancestors did not look for entertainment or something unprecedentedly new in books. In accordance with Christian morality, they found confirmation of eternal truths that elevated the soul above the sinful world. The person was portrayed as a representative of a certain social group (there were no fictional characters). The hero's actions were measured against the ideal ideas of the era. Symbol is the main property of Old Russian literature.

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Contents Beginning of Ancient Rus' Paganism in Rus' Ethnographic origin of the concept “Rus” Origin of the concept “Rus” according to D. I. Ilovaisky Agriculture in Rus' Kievan Rus. IX-XII centuries The first princes: a) Rurik b) Oleg c) Igor d) Olga d) Svyatoslav f) Vladimir I the Saint g) Yaroslav the Wise h) Vladimir II Monomakh i) Mstislav the Great 10. Adoption of Christianity in Rus' Cities, trade and craft of Ancient Rus' Genealogical tree of Rurikovich Russian principalities at the end of the 12th century

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Mid-1st millennium East Slavic tribes Slovenes Krivichi Vyatichi Polyane Drevlyans 15 tribes and others

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The economy of the Slavs: agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, beekeeping, blacksmithing and foundry. General defensive line “Serpentine Ramparts” Religion worship of the forces of nature cult of ancestors

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Paganism (from Church Slavonic pagans - peoples, foreigners) - the designation of non-Christian polytheistic (polytheism - polytheism) religions Worship of natural phenomena Pagan gods Ancestor cult Agricultural cults

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Methods of land cultivation Swidden shifting Three-field Use of a burnt area of ​​forest Leaving a plot Moving to another Spring crops Winter crops Fallow Returned to the previous field Field was left for several years

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(IX – XII centuries) Government - early feudal monarchy Grand Duke

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The founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first ancient Russian prince. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to reign in 862 by the Ilmen Slovenes, Chud and all of the Varangian lands. He reigned in Ladoga, and then in all the Novgorod lands. Before his death, he transferred power to his relative (or senior warrior) - Oleg Prince - leader of a tribe, ruler of a state or state entity. Possible etymology From Bulgarian. knez - elder From Finnish. kuningas – king

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Nestor, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, chronicler. (c. 1050-c. 1113) Nestor is the author of “Reading about the life and destruction of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb”, “The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk”, the first edition of the chronicle collection “The Tale of Bygone Years”. Nestor is considered the greatest historian of the Middle Ages. N. M. Karamzin called Nestor “the father of Russian history.” In working on the main work of his life - “The Tale of Bygone Years” - Nestor used official Byzantine chronicles, folk legends, and texts of acts of the great princes as a historical source. The Tale of Bygone Years covers the period of reign of the seven great princes: almost two and a half centuries (850-1110). “The Tale of Bygone Years” is the conventional name of the all-Russian chronicle compiled in the second decade of the 12th century by the monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery Nestor. In the title of the great work: “This is the story of bygone years, where the Russian land came from, who first began to reign in Kyiv and where the Russian land began to eat,” Nestor explained his task: to connect the history of the Russian land with the history of the countries and peoples of the world known to him. He traced the origins of the Eastern Slavs, on whose territory the Russian state was formed, to the times of the biblical Great Flood. Nestor finished his work, bringing the narrative to the contemporary events of the first decade of the 12th century. “The Tale of Bygone Years” formed the basis for most of the surviving Russian chronicle collections of the 14th-16th centuries.

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In 882, he captured Kyiv and made it the capital of the Old Russian state, killing Askold and Dir, who had previously reigned there. The first real ruler of Ancient Rus', who united the lands of the Slavic tribes along the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Subjugated the tribes of the Drevlyans, Northerners, and Radimichi. Strengthened the foreign policy position. In 907 he made a successful military campaign against Constantinople, which resulted in two peace treaties beneficial for Rus' (907 and 911).

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“Per year 6415 (907). Oleg went against the Greeks. . . on horses and in ships; and the number of the ships was two thousand. And he came to Constantinople; The Greeks closed the Court and closed the city. And Oleg went ashore and began to fight, and committed many murders to the Greeks in the vicinity of the city, and broke many chambers, and burned churches. And those who were captured, some were beheaded, others were tortured, others were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians did many other evils to the Greeks, as enemies usually do.” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”). “The Tale of Bygone Years” tells the story of Oleg’s death. Once Oleg met sorcerers and magicians and asked how he would die. One of the magicians replied that the cause of death would be the prince’s favorite horse. These words “sank into Oleg’s soul,” and he ordered to take his beloved horse away, groom and cherish him, but never bring him near him. His order was carried out. A few years later, Oleg remembered the prediction, “called the elder grooms and said: “Where is my horse, which I ordered to feed and take care of?” He answered: “He died.” Oleg laughed at the magician who told a lie. And he wanted to see the remains of the horse. “And he came to the place where the bare bones and the bare skull lay. . . laughed and said: “Should I die from this skull?” And he stepped on the skull with his foot, and a snake crawled out of the skull and bit him on the leg. And from this he became ill and died.”

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Expanded the borders of the Old Russian state, Subduing the Ulich tribe and contributing to the founding of Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula Repelled the raids of the nomadic Pechenegs Organized military campaigns against Byzantium 941 - ended in failure 944 - conclusion of a mutually beneficial treaty Killed by the Drevlyans while collecting tribute in 945

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For the first time, she established a clear procedure for collecting tribute (“polyudya”) by introducing: lessons - determining the exact amount of tribute 2) graveyards - establishing places for collecting tribute Trip to Byzantium (957) and adoption of Christianity under the name Elena In 968, she led the defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs Wife Prince Igor, ruled in Rus' during his military campaigns and during the childhood of his son Svyatoslav

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“Per year 6463 (955). Olga went to the Greek land and came to Constantinople.” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”) Emperor of Byzantium Constantine Porphyrogenitus, according to legend, was fascinated by Olga’s intelligence and wisdom and said that “she is worthy to reign in the capital - Constantinople.” Princess Olga asked to be baptized into the Christian faith: “I am a pagan; If you want to baptize me, then baptize me yourself, otherwise I won’t be baptized.” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”) The Emperor and the Patriarch baptized the Russian princess and gave her the name Elena at baptism (that was the name of the mother of Constantine the Great). The Byzantine Patriarch gave her his instructions and church commandments: “Blessed are you among the Russian women, because you loved the light and left the darkness. Russian descendants will bless you in future generations of your grandchildren.” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”) After returning to her homeland, Princess Olga wanted to convert her son Svyatoslav to the true faith. “He did not listen to this, saying: “How can I alone accept a different faith? And my squad will mock.” . . And he did not listen to his mother, continuing to live according to pagan customs.” ("The Tale of Bygone Years")

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Son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. Ruler of the Old Russian State in 964-972. Initiator and leader of many military campaigns. The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate and its capital Itil. Campaigns in Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantium (968-971) Military clashes with the Pechenegs (969-972) Treaty between Russia and Byzantium (971) Killed by the Pechenegs during their return from Bulgaria In 972 on the Dnieper rapids Initiator and leader of many military campaigns Killed by the Pechenegs during their return from Bulgaria In 972 on the Dnieper rapids Son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. Ruler of the Old Russian State in 964-972. The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate and its capital Itil Campaigns in Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantium (968-971) Military clashes with the Pechenegs (969-972) Treaty between Russia and Byzantium (971)

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*The first internecine war for power between the Sons of Svyatoslav - Vladimir and Yaropolk (972-980). Victory of Vladimir and his establishment on the Kiev throne *980 - Pagan reform of Prince Vladimir. Creation of a pantheon of pagan gods led by Perun (an attempt to adapt paganism to the needs of the Old Russian state and Society ended in failure) * 988 - Adoption of Christianity * Further expansion and strengthening of the Old Russian state. Vladimir finally conquered the Radimichi, made successful campaigns against the Poles, Pechenegs, founded new fortress-cities (Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, etc.) *The first internecine war for power between the Sons of Svyatoslav - Vladimir and Yaropolk (972-980). Victory of Vladimir and his establishment on the Kiev throne *980 - Pagan reform of Prince Vladimir. Creation of a pantheon of pagan gods led by Perun (an attempt to adapt paganism to the needs of the Old Russian state and Society ended in failure) *988 - Adoption of Christianity Further expansion and strengthening of the Old Russian state. Vladimir finally conquered the Radimichi, made successful campaigns against the Poles and Pechenegs. Founded new fortress-cities (Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, etc.) The first internecine war for power between the Sons of Svyatoslav - Vladimir and Yaropolk (972-980). Victory of Vladimir and his establishment on the Kiev throne 980 - Pagan reform of Prince Vladimir. Creation of a pantheon of pagan gods led by Perun (an attempt to adapt paganism to the Needs of the Old Russian state and Society ended in failure) 988 - Adoption of Christianity

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“In 6496 (988) Vladimir went with an army to Korsun, a Greek city... “After a many-month siege, the city was surrendered, and Vladimir sent a message to the Byzantine emperors with an ultimatum that the same thing would happen to Constantinople (Constantinople) if they did not give up to marry his sister Anna. The emperors replied that it was indecent for a Christian to marry a pagan. Vladimir agreed to be baptized and accept the new religion, the power of which he experienced himself. Anna arrived in Korsun, but at that time “by Divine providence he fell ill... Vladimir’s eyes and saw nothing and he grieved greatly and did not know what to do”... And the queen sent to him to tell him to be baptized quickly. “Vladimir said: “If this really comes true, then the Christian God is truly great.” And he ordered himself to be baptized. The bishop of Korsun with the Tsarina’s priests, having announced, baptized Vladimir. Vladimir, feeling his sudden healing, glorified God: “Now I have recognized the true God”... He was baptized in the Church of St. Basil, and that church stands in the city of Korsun in the middle of the city, where the Korsun people gather for bargaining.” ("The Tale of Bygone Years")

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Patron of education and construction Contributed to the rise of the international authority of Rus' Carried out military campaigns Founder of written Russian legislation Autonomous ruler of Ancient Rus' Contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state Established broad dynastic ties with European and Byzantine courts “Russian Truth” “Yaroslav’s Truth” to the Baltic states to the Polish-Lithuanian lands to Byzantium finally defeated the Pechenegs Established on the Kiev throne after long strife with Svyatopolk the Accursed and Mstislav of Tmutarakan

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An outstanding achievement of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise was the compilation of a set of laws, called “Russian Truth”. The code included articles, both criminal and civil. He established legal proceedings and determined punishments. In civil cases, Russkaya Pravda established a court of twelve elected officials. Unlike the laws of other countries of that time, the “Russian Truth” did not provide for the use of torture and corporal punishment, although the death penalty existed for the most serious crimes. The code limited blood feud to a significant extent. The main type of punishment was monetary fines: Article 20. If a fireman (manager) is killed by a bandit attack on him, and local peasants do not look for the killer, then the vira (fine) is paid by the entire village (community), on whose land the body of the murdered person was found. Article 21: If a fireman is killed in a house or near horses and cows, then the culprit should be killed “in the dog’s place” (like a dog). The same should be done when killing a tiun (close prince). Article 22: For the murder of a princely tyun, a fine of 80 hryvnia... Article 23: For the murder of a smerd or a serf, a fine of 5 hryvnia. The fine for killing a tiun was equal to the value of 80 oxen or 400 rams. Such a fine could ruin an entire community.

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Grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, son of Prince Vsevolod I and Maria, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh. Organizer of successful campaigns of princes against the Polovtsians (1103, 1109, 1111) He advocated the unity of Rus'. Participant of the congress of ancient Russian princes in Lyubech (1097) Put into effect the “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh” Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. Was married to the daughter of the English king Harold II - Gita. Stopped the collapse of the Old Russian state. Wrote an “Order” in which he condemned strife and called for the unity of the Russian land.

  • To introduce the circumstances of the emergence of Old Russian literature, its features and themes.
  • Give an idea of ​​the genre of chronicle
  • Give an idea of ​​handwritten and printed books
  • To introduce the creators of the first alphabet and determine their role in the cultural development of Rus'

  • Legends
  • Legends
  • Fairy tales
  • Songs
  • Puzzles

988 – adoption of Christianity in Rus'

need for book distribution

Prince of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Handwritten books

They wrote on parchment.

They made wooden bindings covered with leather.

Books were very expensive.

Kept in monasteries

Genres of Old Russian literature .

  • chronicles
  • walking
  • teachings
  • messages
  • oratorical writings

(mid-11th century)

The narration in them was carried out year by year in chronological order.

"summer" - denoted not only the season of the year, but also the year itself.

"Into the summer…" - the beginning of each new entry in the chronicle.

  • Annual entry (short message about the event, without description)
  • Chronicle story (detailed story about the event)
  • Necrological characteristics (description of the prince’s death and praise to him)

"The Tale of Bygone Years"

beginning of the 12th century

monk Nestor

Motives of “The Tale...”:

  • Information about the origin of the Slavs
  • Description of the territory of the Russian land, the tribes that inhabited it in ancient times and their customs
  • A story about the founding of Kyiv and the first Russian princes.
  • A story about the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
  • A story about the treachery of Svyatopolk (son of Vladimir) and the wise reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

“This is the Tale of Bygone Years, where the Russian land came from, who began the first reign in Kyiv, and where the Russian land began to eat...”

A particularly important theme of “The Tale...” is the idea of ​​the need for peace between princes.

Duchess Olga

(wife of Prince Igor)

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Prophetic Oleg

Prince Igor


The first printed book, accurately dated, was published in Moscow in 1564.

Printed by Ivan Fedorov.

Kirill(c. 827 – 869) and Methodius(c. 815 -885) – educators of the Slavic peoples, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Church Slavonic.


  • Chronicle writing in Rus' began:

A) in the 10th century;

B) in the 11th century;

B) in the 12th century.

2. The first chronicler was a monk:

B) Nestor;

B) Sylvester.

3. The chronicle is:

A) a work of ancient Russian literature containing a weather record of historical events;

B) historical document;

C) a narrative containing, along with fictional episodes, information about historical events.

4. In which ancient book the main idea is a call for peace between princes:

A) “Apostle”;

B) “The Tale of Bygone Years”;

B) “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh.”

  • So let's begin this story;
  • The smoke hit the sword;
  • Russian princes own it.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Ancient Russian literature fills us with pride for our distant predecessors, teaches us to respect their work, struggle, and their concern for the good of their homeland. D.S. Likhachev Literature of Ancient Rus'

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Literature of Ancient Rus' The literature of Ancient Rus' reflected various periods of the formation of the Russian state from the 11th to the 18th centuries. The works contain invaluable historical material: we learn about events that took place in the past, about outstanding statesmen, we have a vivid idea of ​​ordinary people of various classes who lived in that distant era.

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Features of Old Russian literature Old Russian literature arose in the 12th century after the adoption of Christianity as spiritual and religious literature. She allowed almost no fiction and strictly followed the fact. The task of the ancient Russian author is to convey the truth. However, Old Russian literature was not historical literature in the real sense of the word. Everything in it was created according to the canon - certain rules and patterns. Therefore, often the image of a historical figure was far from reality. In various works, the image of the ideal prince was unchanged: piety, courage, mercy, justice were his mandatory qualities.

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Features of Old Russian Literature The author's principle in Old Russian literature is muted. The names of many authors of ancient Russian monuments are not known today. And this is not because their names were forgotten by ungrateful descendants, but because the authors of those years themselves did not indicate their names. And in the ancient Russian books themselves, the image of the author is quite conventional. We can hardly see his relationship to the events or people depicted. He is a cold-blooded writer of everyday life, a chronicler whose main task is to preserve for posterity the great deeds of princes or to list historical events significant for Rus'. And the assessment of princes and events, according to ancient Russian writers, should have been given by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Genres of Old Russian Literature A genre is a historically established type of literary work, on the basis of which the texts of specific literary works are created. The genres of literature of Ancient Rus' differ significantly from modern ones. primary unifying

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life word teaching story Primary genres Uniting genres chronicle chronograph chetyi-menaion patericon apocrypha

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LIFE is the most widespread and beloved genre of ancient Russian literature. The life was created by people who directly communicated with a person or could reliably testify to his life. The life was always created after the death of a person, who was soon canonized as a saint. It performed a huge educational function, because the life of the saint was perceived as an example of a righteous life that must be imitated.

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“The Life of Sergius of Radonezh” In 1417 - 1418. Epiphanius the Wise creates the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the founder and abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Before accepting monasticism, three miracles occur to Sergius, indicating his chosenness by God. Even before his birth, Bartholomew (this is the worldly name of Sergius), during the service, cried out loudly three times in his mother’s womb. As an infant, he refused his mother's milk when she ate meat during fasting days. In his adolescence, Sergius acquired the gift of understanding book literacy thanks to a miraculous loaf of bread, which was given to him by a certain elder. Sergius of Radonezh played a significant role in the political and church life of Rus' in the second half of the 14th century.

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“The Life of Sergius of Radonezh” Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov. Vision to the youth Bartholomew. 1889 – 1890

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The painting “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew” was painted on a plot taken by Nesterov from the ancient “Life of St. Sergius”, written by his student Epiphanius the Wise. The youth Bartholomew, the future Sergius, was not given a letter, although he loved to read, and he secretly often prayed to God to instruct and enlighten him. One day his father sent him to look for the missing foals. Under an oak tree in the field, the youth saw a certain monk, a holy elder, “radiant and angelic,” diligently praying with tears. The elder looked at Bartholomew and saw with his inner eyes that in front of him was a vessel chosen by the Holy Spirit, and asked him: “What are you looking for, or what do you want, child?” The youth answered: “My soul loved above all else to learn this reading and writing, even though I had long ago learned it, and now my soul is extremely sorrowful, because I am still learning to read and write and do not know how.” He asked the holy father to pray to God for him that he “knew how to read and write.” The elder, “having made a diligent prayer,” took out a piece of prosphora from his pocket “treasury” and gave it to the youth with the words: “Take this and sleep, behold, a sign of the grace of God and the wisdom of Holy Scripture is given to you.” And when the boy ate the prosphora, the elder said to him: “About literacy, child, do not grieve: this is why the Lord will grant you the ability to read and write very well.” And so it happened. Nesterov was imbued with the naive and poetic story of Epiphanius the Wise, his simple-minded faith in miracles: “I was full of my picture. In it, in its atmosphere, in the atmosphere of a vision, a miracle that was about to happen, I lived then” (Nesterov wrote in “Memoirs” ").

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The famous Trinity icon was painted by Andrei Rublev, the favorite student of Sergius of Radonezh. Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, setting out on a campaign against the Golden Horde, stopped by Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing. The Holy Father gave the prince two warrior monks with him - Oslyabya and Peresvet. The latter acted as a fighter for the Russian army, fighting to the death with the Khan’s favorite Chelubey.

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TEACHING is a type of genre of ancient Russian eloquence. In their teachings, ancient Russian chroniclers tried to present a model of behavior for any ancient Russian person: both for the prince and for the commoner. The most striking example of this genre is “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh.” In his teaching, Vladimir Monomakh gives advice on how one should lead one’s life, how one should seek the salvation of the soul in seclusion, and serve God by helping those in need.

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THE WORD is a type of genre of ancient Russian eloquence; This is a lesson and a message to posterity. An example is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which tells about Prince Igor’s military campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185. Researchers suggest that the author of “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” was one of the participants in this campaign. Another example of this genre is “The Lay of the Death of the Russian Land,” which was created immediately after the Mongol-Tatars came to Rus'.

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TALE (military or historical) is an ancient Russian work that tells about the deeds of warrior princes, their struggle with external enemies, military exploits and princely feuds. Examples of military stories are “The Tale of the Battle of the Kalka River”, “The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu Khan”, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”.

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“The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” In the second half of the 13th century, the life of the great Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, nicknamed Nevsky, was created. Victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva 1240) and over the German knights (Battle of the Ice 1242) are associated with his name. The author shows the prince as a zealous defender of the Russian land, Orthodoxy and a skillful politician. “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” absorbed the traditions of both hagiographic literature and military stories and became a model of princely biography.

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In Ancient Rus', the chronicle played a very important role, because not only reported on historical events of the past, but also talked about how to act in certain situations. The oldest chronicle is the Tale of Bygone Years. The chronicle tells about the origin of the Russians, the genealogy of the family of the Kyiv princes and the emergence of the ancient Russian state. CHRONICLES are historical narratives that were told over the years; the most ancient genre of ancient Russian literature.

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THE ORIGIN OF CHRONICLES The first Russian books were chronicles Chronicles originated in Kyiv and Novgorod in the 11th century Chronicles were all-Russian and local The first Russian chronicles were created in monasteries Chronicles were written by monks, specially trained for this by senior masters Chronicles were written by hand, on parchment, with quill quills, black and red in ink Chronicles were written at the behest of one or another prince Kiev-Pechersk Monastery

Handwritten books in Ancient Rus'. Code. Good writer. Izbornik 1076 Old Russian scribe. Elm. Costs of production of the Four Gospels. Old Russian proverbs about the book. Scroll. What were books written on? Collection of Svyatoslav. Correspondence of books. Half-tired. Bookbinding art. Arkhangelsk Gospel. Sheet with a headband from the Ostromir Gospel. Cursive. Mstislav's Gospel. The most ancient Russian books.

“Literature of Antiquity” - Iambic. Hesiod. Post-Homeric epic. Comedy. Stages of the origin of the world and gods. Periodization of creativity. The formation of Roman literature. Actions of people. Ancient criticism. Greek lyrics. Aristophanes. Hellenistic period. Didactic (instructive) epic. Attic period. Ancient literature. Biographical information about the playwright. Tragedy. Herodotus. Elegiac poets. Bacchylides. The most ancient literary monuments.

“The work “The Tale of Bygone Years”” - There are currently several copies available. Nestor was the first ancient Russian feudal historiographer. All-Russian chronicle compiled in Kyiv. Dictionary. May the descendants of the Orthodox of their native land know the past fate... The chronology in Rus' was carried out “from the creation of the world.” Chronicler Nestor. First documents. "The Tale of Bygone Years." The Tale of Bygone Years. For what purpose was the story created? Manuscripts were placed in specially designated places - libraries and archives.

“Genres of Old Russian Literature” - Walking. Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh. Teaching. Word. Features of the chronicles. Russian literature is more than a thousand years old. Monument. A military story. Chronicle. Old Russian literature. Life of Sergei of Radonezh. The Tale of Bygone Years. Life. Genre system. Genres of Old Russian literature. A work about the feat of a brave Russian merchant. Summary.

“The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir” - What style is called classical. Kremlin. The legend of the princes of Vladimir. Architect Domenico Trezzini. Style in architecture. Ivan Fedorov. Literary and journalistic monument. A word about Igor's regiment. Monument of ancient Russian literature. Russian alphabet. Classicism. Pashkov's house in Moscow. Summer Palace. Pashkov house. Saint Sophie Cathedral. Zadonshchina of the Grand Duke. Patterned. Temple patron. Intercession Cathedral.

“The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” - The unification of the Russian principalities under Vladimir Monomakh. Read expressively the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh. What tasks does Monomakh set for the princes? Vocabulary work on the text “Teachings”. Military feat is the duty of the prince to the people. Portrait of Monomakh on an ancient fresco. Let us turn to the first period of ancient Russian literature. Old Russian literature. Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir Monomakh. The prince's spirit and body were tempered during the hunt.
