What is the spiritual world of man? The spiritual world of man

Completed by a first year student

Groups BD-14

Sycheva Victoria


Sooner or later, every person, at least at certain moments in life, begins to think about the meaning of his existence and spiritual development.

In the spiritual sphere, the most important difference between man and other living beings is born and realized - spirituality. Man, his spirit and his culture are the crown and goal of the universe... Man becomes fully human only in the process of culture, and only in it, at its peaks, do the highest aspirations and possibilities find expression.

The spiritual personality constitutes that invisible core, the core of our “I”, on which everything rests. These are internal mental states that reflect aspirations towards certain spiritual values ​​and ideals. They may not be fully realized, but one way or another, caring for the “soul” is the quintessence of personal development.

The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inextricable connection between the individual and society. A person enters a society that has a certain spiritual fund, which he has to master in life. The path of spiritual development of a person is endless...

Thus, the relevance of the topic is beyond doubt.

The purpose of this essay: a comprehensive study and characterization of the spiritual world of the individual.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The total volume of work is ____ pages.

1. The concept of the spiritual world of the individual

The spiritual world of a person is a special, individual, unique form of manifestation, existence, and functioning of the spiritual life of society. Ancient philosophers called the inner, spiritual world of man a “microcosm” - in contrast to the “big world” - “cosmos”, which surrounds both man himself and the region of the universe inhabited by humanity - the Ecumene. The human microcosm, on the one hand, is purely individual, since each person is unique due to the uniqueness of his personal qualities, abilities, life path, and his place in society. But, on the other hand, the spiritual world of a person cannot but contain moments that unite him with other people, common sometimes to all humanity, sometimes to an ethnic or age group, sometimes to a social group or collective.

So, what is the spiritual world of the individual?

Let's start with the word "peace". Thinkers of the past often identified the spiritual world with the soul. The idea of ​​the soul was characterized as the belief that our thoughts, will, feelings, life itself are determined by something different from the body, although connected with it. Much later, in modern European philosophy, the term “soul” began to be used to designate the inner world of a person, his self-awareness.

The essence of the spiritual world of man was also defined by the word “spirit” as the human dimension, the human mind or its inclination. Then the concept of “people’s spiritual life” came into scientific use, which embraces the wealth of human feelings and achievements of the mind, uniting both the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values ​​and the creative creation of new ones.

A person whose spiritual life is highly developed, as a rule, possesses an important personal quality: he acquires spirituality as a desire for the height of his ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities. Spirituality presupposes adherence to humanistic value guidelines, sincerity, and friendliness in relationships between people.

Some researchers characterize spirituality as the morally oriented will and mind of a person. It is noted that spirituality also characterizes practice, and not just consciousness.

On the contrary, a person whose spiritual life is underdeveloped is unspiritual.

The basis of spiritual life is consciousness, which is the highest ability of the individual, regulating not only his actions and activities, but also life in general. Consciousness reflects reality, gives a person an idea of ​​what is distant from him in space and time, it transports a person to other continents and into the depths of centuries. At the same time, consciousness reflects the inner world of the individual, how she strives to express it, to bring her goals and intentions to life.

The spiritual world of a person means the possession of important personal qualities: the desire for the height of one’s ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities. In the process of inner life, a person comprehends what has been done and considers new actions to achieve his goals. Successful or unsuccessful actions again provide food for thought and evaluation.

The spiritual life of an individual includes: knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, goals of people. The spiritual life of an individual is impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The relationship between man and the culture around him constantly changed in the process of civilization development, but the main thing remained the same - the interdependence of national and world culture and the culture of the individual. After all, a person acts both as a bearer of the general culture of mankind, and as its creator, and as its critic, and national and world culture - as an indispensable condition for the formation and development of the spiritual culture of an individual.

The more developed a person is, the higher his culture, the richer his spiritual life. The range of spiritual culture accumulated by humanity gives each person an almost unlimited opportunity to choose spiritual values ​​that best suit his attitudes, tastes, abilities and living conditions.

The main thing in the spiritual culture of an individual is an active, creative and responsible attitude towards life - towards nature, other people, towards oneself. A sign of a person’s spiritual culture is the person’s readiness for dedication and self-development.

2. The process of formation of the spiritual world of the individual

What is the most essential for the spiritual world of man? Let's start with spiritual needs. These are the needs for knowledge about the world, about oneself, about the meaning and purpose of one’s life, and essentially all human cognitive activity is aimed at satisfying this group of spiritual needs. Cognition is the foundation of the spiritual life of an individual.

To reveal the spiritual world of the individual, it is necessary, first of all, to dwell on the process of formation of individual consciousness, the structure and content of which are the basis, the foundation on which the spiritual world of the individual is formed. When revealing the spiritual world of an individual, the emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the individual’s realization of his worldview, the realization of his self-conscious essence.

The process of formation of the spiritual world begins with the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge acts as a way of existence of consciousness, as well as recording the results of life experience, the results of an individual’s interaction with the outside world. Knowledge is acquired in two main ways.

The first of them is the acquisition of knowledge, carried out in the process of direct, sensory, empirical interaction of the individual with reality. This level of knowledge acquisition is, on the one hand, the initial premise and basis for the formation of individual consciousness in its integrity, and, on the other hand, it is a relatively independent level of knowledge acquisition.

The second way of acquiring knowledge is the assimilation of human experience recorded in language. Language is, first of all, a means of communicating human experience, selecting and systematizing knowledge, preserving and transmitting it from person to person, from generation to generation, from era to era. It is a means of communication between people and a means of actively influencing a person. With the help of language, an individual assimilates the rules, norms, and principles developed by humanity that determine the nature of his actions and actions.

On the basis of knowledge, innate and acquired, a person’s ability for independent logical thinking - the mind - is formed. This ability cannot be reduced to the amount of knowledge. The mind is the ability to penetrate into the essence of things, phenomena, processes, to analyze and independently assess reality, and to create. Formation of the mind is the most important task of the entire process of training and education. Knowledge and intelligence in their relationship form the basis of what is commonly called intellect (a word of Latin origin meaning “cognition, understanding, reason”). However, knowledge and intelligence turn into personal characteristics when a person, on their basis, develops the ability to determine his attitude to the world and to himself, to evaluate the nature of the actions of other people and his own. This feature of individual consciousness, which at the same time acts as a characteristic feature of the spiritual world of the individual, acquires relative independence - this is “reason”. An important feature of reason is that here knowledge and intelligence acquire a sensual and emotional coloring, expressing a person’s personal attitude to reality.

An important role in the formation of the spiritual world of the individual is played by the fact that society and individuals carry out their life activities in a system of objective conditions that develop independently of the will and desires of people and the development of which is subject to the action of the objective laws of nature and society. Therefore, in order to ensure their lives, people are forced to coordinate their activities with the laws of development of nature, society, thinking, and take into account the results of the impact of their conscious activities on the world around them and on themselves. On this basis, a special level of the spiritual world is formed, which is called “mind” - a higher level of human mastery of the surrounding reality. Therefore, a reasonable attitude and reasonable activity covers all aspects of human life, starting with the problems of immediate individual life and ending with the global problems that life poses to the individual and all humanity. In other words, reason includes a person’s concern for the future.

Thus, knowledge, mind, reason and intelligence represent mutual aspects of a single whole - the spiritual world of the individual, characterizing it from the point of view of content and significance for the life of the individual. All these aspects are characterized by the fact that they are connected, on the one hand, with an objective and meaningful reflection of reality in the human mind, and on the other, with sensory-emotional evaluative perception and awareness of this content.

But the spiritual world of man is not limited to knowledge. An important place in it is occupied by emotions - subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality. A person, having received this or that information, experiences emotional feelings of grief or joy, love or hatred, fear or fearlessness. Emotions, as it were, paint acquired knowledge or information in one or another “color” and express a person’s attitude towards them.

In a person’s life, a special role is played by guidelines for his activity, a kind of spiritual “beacons”, which are not a product of the activity of only the person who “carries” them within himself, but, as a rule, they are developed by the centuries-old experience of mankind and are passed on from generation to generation , from parents to children, from teachers to students. They are quite rightly called the values ​​of life and culture.

Values ​​are what is dear to people, what makes a person’s life more meaningful, allows them to understand the phenomena of the surrounding world and navigate it. Value grows from the ideals of the individual, represent the subject of a person’s aspirations, and are the most important point in the meaning of his life. There are social values ​​- public ideals that serve as the standard of what is proper in various spheres of public life, and personal values ​​- the ideals of an individual, serving as one of the sources of motivation for his behavior. Values ​​are historical in nature; they change with changes in the content and forms of life. However, modern civilization has approached the possibility of developing universal human values, which are based on humanism. Universal human values ​​reflect the spiritual experience of all humanity and create conditions for the realization of universal human interests (i.e., the universal needs of people that are inherent in them regardless of national, age, religious, class or other differences). Universal human values ​​acquire priority over group values, ensuring the full existence and development of each individual.

The totality of a number of the best, noble, personal qualities of an individual is characterized by the concept of intelligence (translated from Latin - understanding, thinking). Signs of intelligence include: following the dictates of conscience and a heightened sense of social justice; familiarization with the riches of world and national culture and the assimilation of universal human values; personal decency and tact, excluding manifestations of intolerance and hostility in national relations, rudeness in interpersonal relations; tolerance for dissent, combined with the ability to defend one’s point of view; capacity for compassion.

The characteristics of a person’s spiritual culture cannot be complete if it does not touch upon his moral character. It’s good when a person strives for knowledge and increases the level of development of his intellect. However, it is also important to know what this knowledge is aimed at and to what extent it is related to humanistic goals.

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Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics

Subject: "Philosophy"

On the topic: “The spiritual world of man”

Completed by: cadet 142 gr. Skvortsov D.A.

Checked by: teacher Fomicheva A.A.

Cherepovets 2016


1. The concept of the spiritual world of the individual

2. The process of formation of the human spiritual world




Sooner or later, every person, at least at certain moments in life, begins to think about the meaning of his existence and spiritual development.

In the spiritual sphere, the most important difference between man and other living beings is born and realized - spirituality. Man, it's spirit and his culture is the crown and goal of the universe... A person becomes fully human only in the process of culture, and only in it, at its peaks, do the highest aspirations and possibilities find expression. Culture distinguishes man from other earthly creatures, who have only instincts.

The spiritual personality constitutes that invisible core, the core of our “I”, on which everything rests. These are internal mental states that reflect aspirations towards certain spiritual values ​​and ideals. They may not be fully realized, but one way or another, caring for the “soul” is the quintessence of personal development.

The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inextricable connection between the individual and society. A person is, first of all, a cell of society, entering which he has to master a certain spiritual fund.

Spirituality is a specific feature of a person. It manifests itself in all people in the form of a universal human basic need for orientation towards higher values. The question has not yet been resolved: whether spirituality is of divine origin or is a consequence of the socio-historical existence of man. However, no one doubts that spirituality is a purely human phenomenon.

Spirituality is an important concept used to characterize the inner world of a person.

Spirituality is the constant improvement of oneself as an individual. Every person must realize that the fate of humanity and the whole world is in his hands. Therefore, self-development is necessary, the efforts and efforts of each of us are necessary.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is beyond doubt. Human spirituality - like a classic - never goes out of fashion and has incomparable interest among peoples of all times and eras.

The purpose of this essay: a comprehensive study and characterization of the spiritual world of the individual.

1. Concept of spiritualworld of personality

The spiritual world of a person is a special, individual, unique form of manifestation, existence, and functioning of the spiritual life of society. Ancient philosophers called the inner, spiritual world of man a “microcosm” - in contrast to the “big world” - “cosmos”, which surrounds both man himself and the region of the universe inhabited by humanity - the Ecumene. The human microcosm, on the one hand, is purely individual, since each person is unique due to the uniqueness of his personal qualities, abilities, life path, and his place in society. But, on the other hand, the spiritual world of a person cannot but contain moments that unite him with other people, common sometimes to all humanity, sometimes to an ethnic or age group, sometimes to a social group or collective.

So, what is the spiritual world of the individual?

Let's start with the word "peace". Thinkers of the past often identified the spiritual world with the soul. The idea of ​​the soul was characterized as the belief that our thoughts, will, feelings, life itself are determined by something different from the body, although connected with it. Much later, in modern European philosophy, the term “soul” began to be used to designate the inner world of a person, his self-awareness.

The essence of the spiritual world of man was determined by the word " spirit"as a human dimension, the human mind or its inclination. Then the concept of “the spiritual life of people” came into scientific use, which embraces the wealth of human feelings and achievements of the mind, unites both the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values ​​and the creative creation of new ones.

A person whose spiritual life is highly developed, as a rule, possesses an important personal quality: he acquires spirituality as a desire for the height of his ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities.

Spirituality presupposes adherence to humanistic value guidelines, sincerity, and friendliness in relationships between people.

Some researchers characterize spirituality as the morally oriented will and mind of a person. It is noted that spirituality also characterizes practice, and not just consciousness.

On the contrary, a person whose spiritual life is underdeveloped is unspiritual.

The basis of spiritual life is consciousness, which is the highest ability of the individual, regulating not only his actions and activities, but also life in general. Consciousness reflects reality, gives a person an idea of ​​what is distant from him in space and time, it transports a person to other continents and into the depths of centuries. At the same time, consciousness reflects the inner world of the individual, how she strives to express it, to bring her goals and intentions to life.

The spiritual world of a person means the possession of important personal qualities: the desire for the height of one’s ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities. In the process of inner life, a person comprehends what has been done and considers new actions to achieve his goals. Successful or unsuccessful actions again provide food for thought and evaluation.

The spiritual life of an individual includes: knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, goals of people. The spiritual life of an individual is impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The relationship between man and the culture around him constantly changed in the process of civilization development, but the main thing remained the same - the interdependence of national and world culture and the culture of the individual. After all, a person acts both as a bearer of the general culture of mankind, and as its creator, and as its critic, and national and world culture - as an indispensable condition for the formation and development of the spiritual culture of an individual.

The more developed a person is, the higher his culture, the richer his spiritual life. The range of spiritual culture accumulated by humanity gives each person an almost unlimited opportunity to choose spiritual values ​​that best suit his attitudes, tastes, abilities and living conditions.

The main thing in the spiritual culture of an individual is an active, creative and responsible attitude towards life - towards nature, other people, towards oneself. A sign of a person’s spiritual culture is the person’s readiness for dedication and self-development.

2. The process of formation of the human spiritual world

What is the most essential for the spiritual world of man? Let's start with spiritual needs. These are the needs for knowledge about the world, about oneself, about the meaning and purpose of one’s life, and essentially all human cognitive activity is aimed at satisfying this group of spiritual needs. Cognition is the foundation of the spiritual life of an individual.

To reveal the spiritual world of the individual, it is necessary, first of all, to dwell on the process of formation of individual consciousness, the structure and content of which are the basis, the foundation on which the spiritual world of the individual is formed. When revealing the spiritual world of an individual, the emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the individual’s realization of his worldview, the realization of his self-conscious essence. spirituality personality philosopher

The process of formation of the spiritual world begins with the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge acts as a way of existence of consciousness, as well as recording the results of life experience, the results of an individual’s interaction with the outside world. Knowledge is acquired in two main ways.

The first of them is the acquisition of knowledge, carried out in the process of direct, sensory, empirical interaction of the individual with reality. This level of knowledge acquisition is, on the one hand, the initial premise and basis for the formation of individual consciousness in its integrity, and, on the other hand, it is a relatively independent level of knowledge acquisition.

The second way of acquiring knowledge is the assimilation of human experience recorded in language. Language is, first of all, a means of communicating human experience, selecting and systematizing knowledge, preserving and transmitting it from person to person, from generation to generation, from era to era. It is a means of communication between people and a means of actively influencing a person. With the help of language, an individual assimilates the rules, norms, and principles developed by humanity that determine the nature of his actions and actions.

On the basis of knowledge, innate and acquired, a person’s ability for independent logical thinking is formed - the mind. This ability cannot be reduced to the amount of knowledge. The mind is the ability to penetrate into the essence of things, phenomena, processes, to analyze and independently assess reality, and to create. Formation of the mind is the most important task of the entire process of training and education. Knowledge and intelligence in their relationship form the basis of what is commonly called intelligence. However, knowledge and intelligence turn into personal characteristics when a person, on their basis, develops the ability to determine his attitude to the world and to himself, to evaluate the nature of the actions of other people and his own. This feature of individual consciousness, which at the same time acts as a characteristic feature of the spiritual world of the individual, acquires relative independence - this is “reason”.

An important role in the formation of the spiritual world of the individual is played by the fact that society and individuals carry out their life activities in a system of objective conditions that develop independently of the will and desires of people and the development of which is subject to the action of the objective laws of nature and society. Therefore, in order to ensure their lives, people are forced to coordinate their activities with the laws of development of nature, society, thinking, and take into account the results of the impact of their conscious activities on the world around them and on themselves. On this basis, a special level of the spiritual world is formed, which is called “mind” - a higher level of human mastery of the surrounding reality.

Thus, knowledge, mind, reason and intelligence represent mutual aspects of a single whole - the spiritual world of the individual, characterizing it from the point of view of content and significance for the life of the individual. All these aspects are characterized by the fact that they are connected, on the one hand, with an objective and meaningful reflection of reality in the human mind, and on the other, with sensory-emotional evaluative perception and awareness of this content.

In a person’s life, a special role is played by guidelines for his activity, a kind of spiritual “beacons”, which are not a product of the activity of only the person who “carries” them within himself, but, as a rule, they are developed by the centuries-old experience of mankind and are passed on from generation to generation , from parents to children, from teachers to students. They are quite rightly called the values ​​of life and culture.

Values ​​are what is dear to people, what makes a person’s life more meaningful, allows them to understand the phenomena of the surrounding world and navigate it. Value grows from the ideals of the individual, represent the subject of a person’s aspirations, and are the most important point in the meaning of his life. There are social values ​​- public ideals that serve as the standard of what is proper in various spheres of public life, and personal values ​​- the ideals of an individual, serving as one of the sources of motivation for his behavior. Values ​​are historical in nature; they change with changes in the content and forms of life.

However, modern civilization has approached the possibility of developing universal human values, which are based on humanism. Universal human values ​​reflect the spiritual experience of all humanity and create conditions for the realization of universal human interests. Universal human values ​​acquire priority over group values, ensuring the full existence and development of each individual.

In the process of a person’s life, there is a continuous accumulation, expansion and deepening of knowledge about the world around him; there is not only a selection of necessary knowledge, but also life attitudes that determine the nature of a person’s awareness of his place in the world and his attitude towards it. These features of the spiritual world find their expression in faith and belief.

Faith is a sensory-emotional state of the psyche, which is characterized by the following main features.

One of the main features is the ability to perceive knowledge as true, regardless of whether it is actually true or false. Thus, a person can believe a lie, mistaking it for true knowledge. At the same time, if true knowledge raises doubts about its truth or is recognized as false, there is no faith.

All these signs are interconnected. Their identification is advisable only from the point of view of a more complete disclosure of the content of faith as a special phenomenon of the spiritual world and its role in the life of the individual

Conviction, like faith, is characterized by recognition of the truth of perceived knowledge, which becomes a person’s way of understanding the phenomena of reality, a guide to action. Conviction differs from faith, first of all, in that the truth of perceived knowledge is confirmed directly by the practice of life, by sufficient logical argumentation based on specific facts and theoretical justifications. In addition, belief can be associated with awareness of the truth of both the desired and the undesirable.

Faith and conviction play an important role in shaping a person’s worldview. Worldview is understood as a set of generalized views on objective reality and man’s place in it, on people’s attitudes towards the surrounding reality and themselves, as well as the beliefs, principles, ideas and ideals determined by these views.

The role of worldview in human life is enormous, without it it is impossible to carry out goal-setting activities. Man is generally impossible without a worldview, even the most primitive one. Based on the worldview, a person determines the meaning of his life, which is the main ideological issue, the core of the worldview, on its basis the values, ideals and attitudes of a person are formed. Worldview is formed as a result of the acquisition and accumulation of knowledge, and also, based on the value orientation of the subject, determines the quality and direction of human cognitive activity. It records not just knowledge, but also the subject’s attitude to reality and to other people, determines the choice of certain means of activity, and the achievement of set goals.

There are several types of worldview:

1) everyday (or everyday), which is based on personal experience and is formed under the influence of life circumstances;

2) religious, which is based on a person’s religious views, ideas and beliefs;

3) scientific, which is based on the achievements of modern science and reflects the scientific picture of the world, the results of modern scientific knowledge;

4) humanistic, combining the best aspects of the scientific worldview with ideas about social justice, environmental safety and moral ideal.

The worldview is formed on the basis of all the structural elements of the spiritual world of the individual and the entire content of social consciousness, but is not reduced to their sum. It acquires relative independence in the spiritual world and acts in relation to the individual as a kind of internal imperative, a regulator that determines the very way a person sees the world and himself in it.

Being tested by life experience, the worldview is transformed into the life position of the individual. A life position is a readiness for action based on ideological attitudes and life experience. The position can be active or passive. The implementation of a life position into activity is carried out through will, which is a person’s ability to consciously mobilize all physical and spiritual forces, to direct his life activity to achieve goals. Formed in the process of formation of the spiritual world of the individual and life experience, it acquires relative independence and influences the very process of development of the spiritual world, becomes an important factor in self-education, self-improvement, an internal commanding force that directs the life of the individual in a certain direction.

The sphere and method of realizing the spiritual world of the individual, worldviews and life position is social activity. Social activity is a person’s way of self-realization of the goals and meaning of life he understands. Social activity is also an indicator of the degree of social maturity of an individual and his citizenship.

Social development, especially at turning points, contains various, often alternative, possibilities. Which of them will be implemented in practice? What will our Fatherland be like in a few years? Ultimately, this depends on the conscious and active activity of people.

Modern society provides a person with a wide choice of areas to apply their strengths, find their place in the world, determine ways to solve complex problems that arise, see opportunities for the most complete realization of their abilities, and establish themselves as an individual.


In conclusion, it should be said that the spiritual world of a person is a complex system, the elements of which are:

spiritual needs in understanding the surrounding world, in self-expression through the means of culture, art, other forms of activity, in using the achievements of culture, etc. Spiritual culture is a necessary condition for the existence of both the whole society and for the formation of the individual and his inner world. Each person has enormous potential for the perception of accumulated cultural values;

knowledge about nature, society, man, oneself;

belief in the truth of those beliefs that a person shares;

beliefs that determine human activity in all its manifestations and spheres;

values ​​that underlie a person’s relationship to the world and himself, giving meaning to his activities, reflecting his ideals;

abilities for certain forms of social activity;

feelings and emotions that express his relationship with nature and society;

goals that he consciously sets for himself

an important element of a person’s spiritual world is worldview,

the totality of his views on the world as a whole and the associated attitude towards the world.

The worldview idea of ​​the value of an ordinary person, his life forces today in culture to highlight moral values ​​as the most important, determining in the modern situation the very possibility of his existence on Earth.

Thus, the spiritual world of the individual, being inextricably linked with the spiritual life of society, characterizes the individual in terms of its content, its relationship to the surrounding world, to other people, to itself, which allows us to determine its place and role in the life of society.

Man is the creator of his spiritual life, culture, the bearer of spirit and mind.


1. Bessonov B.N. Civil society and spiritual development of personality / B.N. Bessonov, V.V. Dubitsky. - Omsk: OSU, 2002.

2. Chuprina A.A. Spiritual and moral aspects of the formation of a modern personality // Materials of the Second International Conference. - Stavropol: SevKavGTU, 2000.

3. Nikitin E. P. The spiritual world: organic cosmos or a diverging universe? // Questions of Philosophy, 1991.

4. Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of culture: Textbook for higher school. - M.: 2009.

5. Weiss F.R. Moral foundations of life. - Minsk, 2008.

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The spiritual world of man is a kind of mirror in which the intellectual life of the entire society is reflected. Its basis is social consciousness with all its structural elements and social levels. At the same time, the individual also has his own, separate world, capable of functioning independently, regardless of what is happening in society. The formation of the spiritual world of the individual is influenced by:

  • conditions of everyday life, both domestic and general political;
  • targeted influence on the individual by society;
  • practical activities in society;
  • training, education, improvement, self-control.

Worldview and meaning of life evolve over time on a rational and empirical level, taking into account the psychology of society, its consciousness and ideology. Social consciousness becomes the fundamental basis on which the formation of personality takes place. Unlike the consciousness of an individual, which is focused mainly on its own intellectual content and structure, the spiritual world of a person is aimed at the embodiment of ideological goals and human essence as a whole.

What does the inner world of an individual consist of?

The spiritual world of any person contains:

  • a system of values ​​that define the worldview and give it practical meaning;
  • goals that are consciously set to realize one’s value baggage;
  • spiritual needs, consisting in the opportunity to understand the world around us, to express oneself through art, science, culture and other forms of human activity;
  • the ability to understand and realize oneself in a social environment in one way or another;
  • conviction of the significance of one’s actions for others, based on already formed views of the world;
  • emotional and sensory support for one’s views and actions from an authoritative part of society.

All this is based only on society’s knowledge of the world around us and faith in its ultimate justice. Both are based on the individual’s value apparatus and his worldview, which can be:

  1. everyday - based on life experience and formed based on current circumstances;
  2. religious - based on the religious ideas of the individual;
  3. scientific - the authority for which is only scientific knowledge;
  4. humanistic - based on ideas about the scientific nature of views, their justice in a social sense, morality, as well as environmental considerations.

The system of human values, from which any worldview stems, is oriented towards the aspirations of the individual and the meaning of his life. As for the ideals of an individual, they act as a standard of behavior in society and motivate the behavior itself.

The spiritual values ​​of an individual are not eternal. They depend on living conditions and may vary as they change. Another thing is the universal human values ​​that modern civilization has developed over the centuries. They are based on the spiritual practice of all generations of humanity, which includes the universal needs of each individual, regardless of race, nationality, class, religion or age.

The priority of universal human values ​​over individual ones is undeniable. The inner world of any personality should be formed within this framework. The individual becomes involved in social life and gradually masters its constants, developed by time and constituting his moral foundation.

Knowledge is one of the pillars of the inner world

The consciousness of the individual, and with it the spiritual world of the individual in its formation, is based on acquired knowledge about the surrounding reality, which is refracted through the prism of existing information and experience and fixed in human memory. Memory records, stores and, if necessary, reproduces the results of cognitive activity. This function of the human psyche is selective: not all information received at a certain moment is remembered for a long time, but only that part of it that caused a sufficiently strong emotional reaction and has special significance in the life of an individual. Everything else is forgotten and no longer belongs to knowledge.

Cognition in spiritual life works as a method of realizing consciousness through life experience obtained as a result of the interaction of the individual with the surrounding reality. Humanity has developed two main ways of acquiring knowledge:

  1. Empirical. Based on sensory experience, leaving in memory specific knowledge about the environment;
  2. Theory. This is the knowledge that includes the historical experience of all humanity, contained in fiction and scientific literature, works of culture and art, architectural creations left over from the past.

The worldview of life, obtained empirically, begins in a child from the moment of his birth. The sense organs turn out to be a kind of windows into the world, through which the child’s spiritual life is filled with first impressions that make up his worldview. As time passes, information accumulates in memory, is systematized there, and will subsequently become a spiritual guide in practical activities.

Language becomes the main tool in the theoretical way of acquiring knowledge. It is with its help that a person accumulates and generalizes other people’s experience, which goes beyond the limits of individual consciousness. In addition, language facilitates communication with other people, as well as targeted influence on them. Through linguistic communication, a person acquires a number of norms and principles that determine his actions in the social environment.

Empirical and theoretical knowledge, brought into logical unity, form the basis of an individual’s worldview, or his intellect. The level of intelligence is determined not only by the amount of knowledge. In the first place for a truly spiritual person is the ability to use them in practice.

The role of faith in human spiritual life

Few educated people doubt that religion has become one of the leading factors in human history. Its influence on individuals, their societies and states was different. It elevated some and elevated them to the heights of culture, while it destroyed others or reduced their spiritual life to an absolute primitive. This applies to a whole range of human communities.

At the heart of every religion is Faith. When applied to a specific religious institution, we are talking about belief in a specific god. If we talk about a more general definition of faith, it consists in the belief that there is an all-powerful force in the world that can solve all the problems that a person faces in life in some miraculous way. Religion is the personification of this faith.

Depending on the ideological trends of the era, Faith can unite a variety of people or make them enemies of each other, encourage heroism or call for non-resistance to evil, promote creativity, the development of written and monumental culture, or call for the burning of great works of art at the stake and the destruction of monuments.

Through religion, a person orients his life towards a specific religious worldview, which includes the ideals, views and principles of this Faith on the structure and functioning of the world, clarifies the place of each individual in it, and tells him the true meaning of human life. This gives society:

Knowledge and intelligence, as well as the ability to use them, form individual consciousness, but in themselves do not yet become the key to harmonious interaction with society. Social and civic experience become part of people's inner life only if they accept the moral and governmental foundations of this world. Only they are able to adequately evaluate their actions and activities in general.

The consciousness of an individual in a social environment is constantly controlled by reason, which consists in the ability to analyze and balance one’s achievements with intentions, which can be much broader than specific actions and are not always able to rely on generally accepted norms of a social group or society as a whole. Life in society forces people to be guided by its laws. This can cause a conflict between the individual and his own interests and needs, and from time to time push him to selfish actions that are contrary to generally accepted morality. In this case, the rule-breaker risks becoming an outcast and being ostracized by people.

The other side of this social coin is patriotism - an emotional and moral state that pushes a person to get closer to society, causing a willingness to live by its interests, to limit their material and spiritual needs for the sake of goals that seem more important than personal ones.

The sensory-emotional factor here becomes a consequence of the already formed spiritual life of the individual, who, having realized the significance of the knowledge acquired in the process of education and upbringing about society, its history, moral and religious norms, mobilizes all her intellectual baggage for the benefit of this society and thereby becomes socially significant , and not just a person in himself.

Not a single person can do without developing their inner world. Each of us, to one degree or another, has a certain amount of knowledge about life necessary for practical activities. But the highest value is only that state of the human spirit that is conducive not only to personal needs, but also to the life of society. Then the inner life of the individual will acquire true meaning and will not fall into oblivion.

The spiritual world of man- this is the area of ​​his life in which he demonstrates his intellectual and creative abilities . The spiritual world is individual and unique, constantly evolving. It manifests itself in certain types of activities (spiritual production), forms of behavior and a system of values ​​shared by a person.

The spiritual world is not something isolated. It goes beyond the individual interests of a person, coming into contact with the spiritual interests of other people. Possessing high moral qualities, creativity, and the desire to act for the benefit of others is called spirituality. Spirituality is not inherent in all people. A spiritual person has developed self-awareness, a need for knowledge and self-knowledge, and a continuous search for truth.

The criterion of spirituality is the participation of an individual in spiritual activity, which is conventionally divided into spiritual-theoretical and spiritual-practical. Spiritual activity in general is associated with a change in people's consciousness. Spiritual and theoretical activity is aimed at creating spiritual values ​​- ideas, theories, norms, ideals, which can take the form of scientific and artistic works. Spiritual and practical activities associated with the preservation, reproduction and dissemination of created spiritual values.

The term is often used to characterize spiritual activity spiritual production. Unlike material production, which creates material objects, spiritual production is aimed at achieving the results of mental activity in the form of scientific works and literary works, works of sculpture and architecture, music and painting, films and television programs, which include ideas and images created by their authors and feelings.

Spiritual production is directly related to material production. For spiritual production, paper, paints, writing materials, etc. are needed. At the same time, the results of spiritual production are often transformed into objects of the material world (for example, the creation of a new engine model based on scientific research).

Spiritual production is the professional activity of people such as artists, artists, sculptors, scientists. But often the subject of spiritual production is the people themselves, creating fairy tales, songs, epics, and other works of folk art.

Special institutions contribute to the preservation of the results of spiritual production: libraries, museums, art galleries, archives. By getting acquainted with their contents, we acquire new knowledge, satisfy spiritual needs and thereby carry out the process of spiritual consumption.

The spiritual values ​​that a person perceives do not disappear, but enrich his spiritual world. This perception is creative in nature. Each person interprets the content of a work of literature, art, etc. in his own way. People's spiritual needs vary greatly. One listens to classical music, and the other listens to pop music. Some people like to go to theaters, while others like to go to the cinema.

Research has shown that the level of education and general culture of a person directly affects his consumption of spiritual values. The higher a person’s culture and level of education, the more money and time he strives to allocate to satisfy spiritual needs.

In general, spiritual activity is diverse and has many manifestations. It can become the basis of a person’s profession, his hobby or a way of spending his leisure time. But in any case, it spiritually enriches, contributing to the realization of people’s creative potential.

One of the components of the human spiritual world is worldview - a set of views, ideas, assessments, norms that determine a person’s attitude to the world around him and act as regulators of his behavior.

A feeling of fear or harmony in relation to the world around us, satisfaction with reality or the desire to change it - all this is determined by worldview.

The worldview is historical in nature. In each era, humanity had a certain level of knowledge, specific problems, special ways to solve them, and a certain system of spiritual values. Each person has only his own characteristics. But there are a lot of factors that unite people and influence the formation of their common worldview. This is a community of homeland, language, culture, history of its people, property status, education, level of knowledge, etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people may have similar positions in assessing the world around them. Thus, worldview acts as a unifying factor that ensures the integrity of society. Through worldview, social consciousness influences a person’s consciousness, forcing him to take a meaningful position in life.

In science, there are many approaches to the problem of worldview classification. But regardless of type worldview addresses three main issues: 1) a person’s attitude to the world as a whole; 2) the place and purpose of man in the world around him and 3) knowledge and transformation of the world. There are five types of worldview - everyday, mythological, religious, philosopher-skew, scientific.

Everyday worldview is formed in the process of a person’s personal practical activity. If a person was not interested in ideological issues in an educational institution, did not study philosophy or religious teachings, then his worldview develops spontaneously, based on direct life experience. The disadvantage of this worldview is that

it has little contact with the experience of other people, the achievements of science and culture, or religion. However, the common worldview is widespread nowadays.

Mythological worldview existed among many peoples at the dawn of human development. Myth is a legend that symbolically expresses some events that took place in the past of a people, in the light of religious beliefs. A myth is a bizarre synthesis of the rational and irrational, truth and fiction, truth and error in the minds of people. Primitive people, unable to explain many natural phenomena, depicted the world as inhabited by fantastic creatures capable of performing miracles. Myths reflected the results of observations of natural objects and phenomena, contained legends about ancient events and stories about distant lands. All this was closely intertwined with each other and, passed on from generation to generation, acquired new details, both fictional and real. Myth is the earliest form of spiritual culture of humanity, combining the rudiments of knowledge, religious beliefs, political views, and oral creativity. Only much later did these elements become isolated and acquire independent existence. The mythological worldview denies the possibility of comprehending and explaining the world. It calls a person to humility and trust in the help of higher powers, personified in idols, talismans, and good spirits. In the modern world, the mythological worldview is not widespread. Various kinds of superstitions can be called its remnants.

Religious worldview - This is a worldview based on the dogmas of religions that have existed and exist in the world at the present time. The foundations of religious teachings contain the customs and traditions of pagans and the sacred books of world religions: the Bible in Christianity. Koran in Islam, etc. Religious postulates already contain views on the world, its origin, and the purpose of man; they define a godly way of life, rules of behavior (commandments), the fulfillment of which is associated with the salvation of the soul. According to religious norms, a person must accept religious dogmas on faith without any doubts or reflections. The one who doubts departs from God, falls into heresy and is condemned by the church. A religious worldview directs a person to commit moral actions and gives him faith in the possibility of achieving his goals. However, the weaknesses of the religious worldview include intransigence towards other positions in life, insufficient attention to the achievements of science, and sometimes their ignorance.

Unlike mythological and religious philosophical worldview gives an explanation of reality from the position of reason. Observation, generalization, conclusions, evidence began to supplant fiction and mythological plots, leaving them to art. Myths were revised and given a new, rational interpretation. Thus, the philosophical worldview not only dissociated itself from mythology, but also overcame the limitations of everyday consciousness. The emergence of a philosophical worldview meant the emergence of theoretical thought capable of not only accumulating a mass of objective information, but also explaining it, and at the same time creating an idea of ​​a holistic and fundamentally unified world. In addition to knowledge of the world, the philosophical worldview includes views on the nature of man, his fate and the meaning of human life. Various problems are considered through constant reflection on the relationship between man and the world.

Modern scientific worldview - This is a continuation of that direction of world philosophical thought, which in its development was based on the achievements of science. It includes a scientific picture of the world, generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge, principles of the relationship between man and the natural and artificial environment. The advantages of the scientific worldview lie in its reliance on the achievements of science and its close connection with the practical activities of people. Achievements of scientific and technological progress confirm many conclusions made by scientists on the basis of a scientific and worldview position. However, the problem remains the humanization of the scientific worldview, the assessment of the surrounding world from the point of view of strengthening universal human values: goodness, freedom and justice. Nevertheless, the scientific worldview is the most promising for the activities of modern people in a developing society along the path of scientific, technical, social and environmental progress.

Regardless of the type, worldview plays a big role in people's lives. It helps a person navigate the surrounding reality, set goals and determine the means to achieve them. Based on his ideological positions, a person decides what has true meaning for him and what is false and insignificant.

Questions and tasks

1. Describe the concept of “human spiritual world”.

2. What is spirituality? What are its criteria? Which person can be called spiritual and which cannot?

3. What is the difference between spiritual-theoretical activity and spiritual-practical activity?

4. What is spiritual production? How is it related to material production?

5. What are spiritual values? How are they absorbed by humans?

6. What role does worldview play in a person’s life?

7. What factors influence the formation of a worldview?

8. What types of worldviews exist? Give their characteristics.

9. What types of worldviews predominate in modern society?
What type of worldview would you classify your views as?

The spiritual world of a person means the possession of important personal qualities: the desire for the height of one’s ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities. Spirituality includes warmth and friendliness in relationships between people. The spiritual world of a person includes knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, and goals of people.

A person’s spiritual life is impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement. The range of spiritual culture accumulated by humanity gives each person an unlimited opportunity to choose spiritual values ​​that best suit his attitudes, tastes, abilities and living conditions.

The main thing in a person’s spiritual culture is an active, creative attitude towards life, towards nature, other people, towards oneself.

A sign of a person’s spiritual culture is readiness for dedication and self-development. The pursuit of knowledge and increasing the level of human intelligence should be aimed at the benefit of others.

The spiritual (or inner) world of a person is the totality of his internal, mental processes (sensations, perceptions, emotions, feelings, will, memory, reason, level of knowledge, spiritual interests, life positions, value orientations). If, in principle, it is possible to find people identical in biological characteristics (twins), then there are no two people with the same spiritual world. The spiritual world of a person is what determines his uniqueness and uniqueness, makes him a person. The basis of a person’s spiritual world is worldview.

Worldview in the broad sense of the word includes the totality of all views on the world - on natural phenomena, society, and human phenomena. There are different types of worldview:

  1. ordinary (or everyday). It is formed under the influence of life circumstances and is based on personal experience;
  2. religious. It is based on a person’s religious views, ideas and beliefs;
  3. scientific. It is formed on the basis of the achievements of modern science, reflects the scientific picture of the world, the results of modern scientific knowledge;
  4. humanistic. It is spoken of more as a goal than as a reality. The humanistic worldview combines the best aspects of the scientific worldview with ideas about social justice, environmental safety, and moral ideals.

By worldview we can understand the method and result of mastering the world, a person’s formulation of his attitude to this world. The core of a person's worldview is values.

Values ​​are specifically social definitions of objects in the surrounding world, revealing their positive significance for humans and society. The common basis of values ​​and anti-values ​​are the concepts of good and evil, reflecting, respectively, the possibilities of satisfying the healthy or vicious needs of people. Higher spiritual values ​​play an important role in the formation of one or another type of worldview. Thus, the value of faith for a given individual can be determined by his religious worldview, the value of truth - natural science, the value of beauty and perfection - aesthetic worldview, the value of goodness and justice - moral.

Depending on the values, a life strategy is formed. This could be a well-being strategy, e.g. complete satisfaction with material goods. The strategy of success and prestige in the social hierarchy can motivate a person to a certain line of behavior, sometimes even to the detriment of material well-being. The strategy of self-realization and spiritual improvement often determines the ascetic model of human behavior. Life strategy, therefore, depends on the values ​​and worldview of a person and, ultimately, is determined by the purpose and meaning of life set by a given individual. The problem of the meaning of life is real only when the question is raised about the integrity of life, about the relationship between its beginning and end. The problem of death and what comes after life gives particular relevance to the question of the purpose of existence. As one historian puts it, death is a great component of culture, a screen onto which all life's values ​​are projected.

The spiritual world of the individual (human microcosm) is a holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomenon. This is a complex system, the elements of which are:

  1. spiritual needs in understanding the world around us, in self-expression through the means of culture, art, other forms of activity, in using cultural achievements, etc.;
  2. knowledge about nature, society, man, oneself;
  3. belief in the truth of those beliefs that a person shares;
  4. representation;
  5. beliefs that determine human activity in all its manifestations and spheres;
  6. values ​​that underlie a person’s relationship to the world and himself, giving meaning to his activities, reflecting his ideals;
  7. abilities for certain forms of social activity;
  8. feelings and emotions that express his relationship with nature and society;
  9. goals that he consciously sets for himself.

The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inextricable connection between the individual and society. A person enters a society that has a certain spiritual fund, which he has to master in life.
