Where are the personal endings of the verb written? Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings, conjugations, exceptions

Spelling of personal endings of verbs is a rule tested during the state final certification in the ninth and eleventh grade. Despite the large number of hours allocated by the school curriculum to study this topic, many students continue to make annoying mistakes in writing. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, since the topic can hardly be considered complex.

A little theory about verbs

Words of this part of speech are usually divided into two large groups: conjugated and non-conjugated. The first group consists of verbs that change according to tenses, persons and moods. They have another name - personal. The second group includes the infinitive, participle, and gerund, since they do not have the grammatical category of person or mood.

Personal endings of verbs included in the first group can be unstressed or stressed. The choice of vowels in endings that are under stress does not cause difficulties. The rule says that you should write the letter that you hear. For example, they scream, weave, talk, burn. Unstressed personal endings of verbs should be written based on the infinitive.

In order not to make mistakes in spelling, you need to know what verb conjugation is. The personal endings of verbs depend precisely on this constant morphological feature.

Correct spelling algorithm

To avoid mistakes, you should proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Put the word in its initial form. It is imperative to ensure that the word and its dictionary form belong to the same type: perfect or imperfect.
  2. Determine the conjugation at the end of the infinitive.
  3. Choose the ending depending on the person and number.

Sample reasoning

1. In the sentence “The man is hiding ... behind the curtain at the far window,” a vowel is missing at the end of the predicate. The second syllable -va- is stressed, so the choice of the missing letter must be made based on the conjugation.

2. The person (what is he doing?) is hiding.. This is an imperfect verb, which in an indefinite form will answer the question “what to do?”. The initial form is to hide.

3. The word ends in -аt and is not one of the exceptions, therefore “to hide” is a verb of the first conjugation.

4. Personal endings of verbs of this group are written with a vowel e. In the 3rd person singular form, this word will have the ending -et: A man is hiding behind a curtain at the far window.


There are two conjugations in the Russian language.

The first conjugation includes words ending in -at, -et, -yat, -ot, -ut. For example, drown, bargain, darken, stab, fight, pick, tickle, hang, rush, shoot, weed, blacken.

The second conjugation includes all verbs ending in -it. For example, to stain, demolish, wound, paint, argue, spoil, cut.

However, as is often the case in the Russian language, there are exceptions to the rule. There are thirteen such words, and you need to remember them.

On a note

It is important to remember that words that are formed by prefixes from exceptions will have the same constant morphological feature as their non-prefixed forms. For example, shave, shave, lay, lay will belong to the first conjugation, and endure, consider, hold, drive - to the second.

Very often, students incorrectly determine the conjugation of verbs with the prefix you-, which leads to the wrong spelling of the ending. The reason for this phenomenon may be that the prefix pulls the accent towards itself, which automatically makes the ending unstressed. In order to correctly write the personal endings of verbs, the conjugation must be determined by their prefixless form.

Verbs with the postfix -sya have the same constant morphological feature as their verbs. For example, shave - shave, cut - cut, dig - dig, chase - chase, look - look, throw away - throw away.

Some words can have both conjugations. The word “honor,” for example, has 2 forms in the 3rd person plural: honor and honor.

Comparative table of verb conjugations with and without the prefix you-
pickpick outraisegrow
1 picking, pickingI pick it out, I pick it outgrowing, growingI'll grow, I'll grow
2 you pick, you pickyou pick it out, you pick it outgrow, growgrow up, grow up
3 picking, pickingpicks out, picks outraises, raiseswill grow, will grow

Writing vowels

Vowels in the personal endings of verbs that are in an unstressed position depend on the conjugation. Words of the first conjugation end with a vowel e, words of the second conjugation - with a vowel And.

Difficulties can arise with differently conjugated verbs. Unstressed personal endings of verbs of this category can have endings of both conjugations. This group is formed by words want, run, honor. Verbs give, There is and their derivatives do not belong to this group, but also have different endings when changing according to persons and numbers.

Spelling personal endings of verbs does not require students to memorize large amounts of theoretical information. You should place the emphasis correctly, remembering several nuances (conjugation, the phenomenon of heteroconjugation, algorithm for choosing a vowel), and be guided by them when writing.

The writing of unstressed endings of verbs depends on which conjugation (first or second) the word belongs to.

CONJUGATION II includes all verbs ending in –IT in an indefinite form (for example: MOLDING, CLEANING, MASTERING), as well as 11 exception verbs, of which four end in –AT (DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, HEAR) and 7 end in to -EAT (DEPEND, SEE, OFFEND, TOLERATE, TURN, HATE, WATCH).
It is necessary to remember that the letters I, A, I (-ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at, -yat) are written at the endings of verbs of the second conjugation. For example: depend, depend, depend, depend.

The first conjugation includes the remaining verbs, that is, those whose indefinite form does not end in –IT (but in –OTY, -UT, -ET, -AT, -TI, etc.), as well as three exception verbs: SHAVE, LAY, LAY.

It is necessary to remember that the letters E, U, Yu are written at the endings of verbs of the first conjugation (-eat, -et, -em, -ete, -ut, -yut). For example: you babble, babble, babble, babble.

Please note: in the Russian language there is a small group of verbs that have endings of both the first and second conjugations mixed together. For example, the verb WANT in singular. in number has the ending of the first conjugation (you want, wants), and in plural. including the second (want, want, want). Such verbs are called differently conjugated, and the spelling of the endings in them needs to be checked in a dictionary or memorized. This group includes the words: WANT, RUN, GIVE, EAT, DISGUST.


1. Prince Andrei clearly saw that the old man hoped that the feeling of him or his future bride would not withstand the test of the year... (L. Tolstoy)

2. So the genius trembles joyfully,
Knows his greatness
When there is thunder and glitter before him
Another genius's flight. (N. Yazykov)

3. You’ll become scared, and then, as if you’ll hear someone, someone’s voice, as if someone is whispering... (F. Dostoevsky)

4. Let us take a good look at all this, and instead of indignation, our hearts will be filled with sincere compassion. (A. Pushkin)

5. You will go wild, you know, you will live locked up all the time. (N. Gogol)

6. They soon get acquainted, and before you have time to look back, they are already saying “you” to you. (N. Gogol)

7. Ah, I am often careless, but I didn’t think that you would take my words for a caustic joke. (F. Dostoevsky)

8. You see, I’ve known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law. (L. Tolstoy)

9. Sisters-in-law - beaters, well, this fly won’t hurt_ t. (L. Tolstoy)

10. Let the sea go crazy and lash,
The crests of the waves rose into the sky,
No one trembles before a thunderstorm,
Not one will furl the sails. (N. Gumilev)

11. I am sending you, Posthumus, these books.
What's in the capital? Softly laying down? Isn't it hard to sleep?
How is Caesar... (I. Brodsky)

12. And the magnificent feast seemed to be dozing,
The guests are silent, the choir is silent. (A. Pushkin)

13. Waste and labor, eternal minions of valor,
He fights for a feat hidden in danger.
Whoever has success is the one who is wise in human opinion... (Pindar)

14. He felt that his activities took place independently of the matter, that they did not cling to the matter and did not force him to move. (L. Tolstoy)

15. – I don’t like hanging out with Bezukhova and wouldn’t recommend it; Well, if you promised, go and sit down,” she added, turning to Natasha. (L. Tolstoy)

16. Having thus fulfilled the highest law, you will find traces of the ancient majesty you have lost. (L. Tolstoy)

17. “I knew it,” the uncle spoke (this was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), “I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you’re eating.” Pure march! (L. Tolstoy)

18. And they all fight and suffer, and torment, and spoil their soul, their eternal soul, in order to achieve benefits, the duration of which is an instant. (L. Tolstoy)

19. Our window was opened; the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the air is breathing spring aromas, and all nature is reviving - well, and the rest was also corresponding... (F. Dostoevsky)

20. A man insulted you and you killed him, and you say that you do not know God and that you hate your life. (L. Tolstoy)

The exercise was prepared by N. Solovyova and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

The writing of personal endings of verbs in the present or future simple tense differs:

a) in I conjugation: -e sew, -eat, -eat, -e-e-, -ut or -yut;

b) in II conjugation: -And sew, -it, -im, -ite, -at or -yat.

For verbs with an unstressed ending, the conjugation is determined as follows:

II conjugation includes verbs in -And t in the infinitive, except verbs shave , rest on, be ruffled (shavingshave, builds- are built, unsteady), And the following 11 verbs: twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, drive, hold, breathe, hear, as well as derivatives from them. Verb breeze it has different conjugated forms glimmering are dreaming . The remaining verbs belong to the I conjugation (cf.: grind- you're chattering- grind, sow- you sow- sow).

When determining conjugation, it is necessary to correctly correlate the form of interest with the infinitive ( will drive away from drive away drives away from drive away ).

Note 1. Verb lay used only in the indefinite form and past tense, personal verb forms are formed from the verb I conjugation lay (you lay it downlay).

Note 2. Verbs recover, get sick of, get sick of and some others of this type are conjugated in the literary language according to the first conjugation: you'll get well you'll get well, you'll get sick of it become disgusted, disgusted become disgusted.

Note 3. Transitive verbs with prefix without - (obes-) are conjugated according to the II conjugation, and intransitive ones - according to the I conjugation. Wed:

A) weaken (someone): I'll be exhausted you'll become weak become weak;

b) become weak (himself): I'll be exhausted you'll become exhausted will become weak.

Corresponding infinitive suffixes -And - And -e- stored in past tense forms. Wed: Loss of blood, exhausted And la wounded.Sick girl exhausted e la.

Note 4. The spellings of similar-sounding unstressed endings of the future tense of the perfect form differ in spelling. -e those and imperative mood -ite, For example: choose yeah choose ite, exit yeah exit ite, sweep yeah sweep ite, write it out yeah write it out ite, wipe yeah wipe ite, came out yeah came out ite, shout yeah shout ite, knock yeah knock ite.

Note 5. The past tense of the verb is formed from the stem of the infinitive, preserving the vowel that was before the suffix of the infinitive, and does not depend in any way on whether the verb belongs to the I or II conjugation, for example: grievances e t- offense e l, hear A t– hearing A l, sow- se I l, exhausted e t- exhausted e l, exhausted And t- exhausted And l.

Note 6. It is necessary to pay attention to the formation of colloquial forms of verbs sprinkle, ruffle, pinch. In contrast to the neutral forms belonging to the I conjugation pouring, pouring, pouring, pouring, pouring, colloquial forms pouring, pouring, pouring, pouring, pouring (similar to flutter and pinch ) belong to the mixed conjugation - all personal forms of the singular and forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural belong to the 1st conjugation, and the form of the 3rd person plural belongs to the 2nd conjugation.

§49. The use of the letter ь in verb forms

Letter b is written:

1) in the indefinite form of the verb, for example: wash b - wash b sya, take care b – berech b Xia;

2) at the end of the 2nd person singular of the present or future simple tense, for example: bathe b - bathe b oh, come back b -return b Xia;

3) in the imperative mood after consonants, for example: corrected b – corrected b those hiding b Xia- hide b hang on(But: lie down - lie down );

4) in a reflexive particle (suffix) standing after a vowel sound, for example: will return b, come back b, returned b.

§50. Verb suffixes

1. Suffixes are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense. -O va -, -eva-, if in the 1st person singular present or future simple tense the verb ends in -yu, -yu, and suffixes -yva, -iva-, if in the indicated forms the verb ends in -I am, -I am. For example:

A) manager wow - manager ova yea, manager ova l; confession wow – confession ova yeah, confession ova l; sermon wow – sermon ova uh, sermon ova l; in yuyu – in Eve yeah, in Eve l; koch wow – koch Eve oh, koch Eve l;

b) mortgage I feel mortgage yva yeah, mortgage yva l; reconnaissance I feel reconnaissance yva uh, reconnaissance yva l; nasta Ivayu nasta willow oh, now willow l.

The indicated verbal suffixes are preserved in the forms of active past participles; compare: manager ova-vsh-y (from manager ova-th),conversation- ova-vsh-ymortgage- yva-vsh-y(from mortgage- yva-th),peek- yva-vsh-y.

1. Verbs ending in stressed -V at , -vayu, have before the suffix -va- the same vowel as in the indefinite form without this suffix, for example: hall And thall willow yeah, hall willow Yu; overcome e tovercome Eve oh, overcome Eve Yu.

Exceptions: stuck I t– stuck Eve no, stuck Eve Yu; eclipse And t– eclipse Eve uh, eclipse Eve Yu; extended And t– extended Eve yeah, extended Eve Yu and some others.

2. In verbs (o)tree go crazy, (o)ice go crazy, (o)cost go crazy, (o) shelter go crazy, (o)-glass go crazy, (o) pillar go crazy there is a compound suffix- nope.

What personal ending should be written for this or that part of speech? This question arises quite often among schoolchildren, but only if the last syllable of a word is in an unstressed position. After all, it is in such situations that it is very difficult to hear the letter that should be written at the end. This is especially true for verbs.

General information

This or that personal ending of verbs depends entirely on what conjugation the word belongs to. Knowing how to correctly identify it, you will never ask yourself a similar question again.

Personal standing in shock position

With stressed endings (personal) of verbs everything is always clear. After all, a letter standing in this position is heard as clearly as possible and is a test letter. Here are some examples: watch, seethe, create etc. As you can see, all the endings of these words are stressed, that is, they are written exactly the same way as they are heard (pronounced).

Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs

If the endings of verbs are in an unstressed position, then determining the correct spelling of a particular letter becomes problematic. That is why it is necessary to refer to the corresponding rule. It says that all verbs in the Russian language belong either to the first conjugation or to the second.

Conjugation first

All verbs in the infinitive form ending in -ot, -at, -et, -yat, -ity and -ut belong to the 1st conjugation: melt, dig, get wet etc. The personal ending of these words in an unstressed position has the letter “e”.

Here's an example: melting, melting, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, melting etc. However, in the 3rd person plural. number verbs of the 1st conjugation have the following endings: -ut or -yut. For example, dig, get wet, melt etc.

Second conjugation

All verbs that are in the infinitive and ending in -it should be classified as the 2nd conjugation: nag, be proud, pray etc. The personal endings of these words in an unstressed position have the letter “and”.

Here's an example: sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing, proud, proud, begging, begging, begging etc. However, in the 2nd conjugation they have the following endings: -at or -yat. For example: sawing, proud, begging etc.

Exceptions to the rules

Now you know which vowels should be written in the personal endings of verbs if they are in an unstressed position. To do this, you only need to determine the conjugation by putting this part of speech in an indefinite form. However, this rule has its exceptions. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Shave, lay. that these words have -it at the end, they should still be classified as the 1st conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “e” (-yut, -ut). Here's an example: spread, spread, spread, spread etc.
  • To endure, to offend, to see, to depend, to watch, to turn, to hate, to breathe, to hear, to drive, to hold. Despite the fact that these words have -et and -at at the end, they still belong to the second conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “and” (-yat, -at). Here's an example: offend, see, depend, look, twirl, hate, breathe, drive, hold etc.

Exception words should be memorized and remembered, since many schoolchildren make mistakes in them.

Variably conjugated words

Knowing the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can quickly and easily compose a literate text. However, it should be noted that in the school curriculum of the Russian Language discipline, special attention is paid not only to conjugations and exception words, but also to lexical units that are differently conjugated. These include the following: want, run. Why are they called that? The fact is that in different persons these words can have both the ending of the first conjugation and the second:

  • he runs, he wants;
  • you run, you want;
  • I run, I want;
  • they run, they want;
  • you run, you want;
  • we run, we want.

Let's sum it up

To determine one or another spelling of personal endings of verbs, it is recommended to follow the scheme described below:

  1. Determine in what position the ending of the verb is (stressed or unstressed). If it is in shock, then it should not be checked. If in unstressed, it is necessary to continue the analysis.
  2. Put the verb into the infinitive (or the so-called indefinite form), and then check its ending. If the word ends in -it, then it is conjugated. Therefore, it is necessary to write the letter “and” at the end (in the third person plural - -at or -yat). Otherwise, it is necessary to continue the discussion.
  3. You need to check whether this verb is included in the list of exception words in -аt or -еть. If included, then it also belongs to the second conjugation, that is, the ending should be written “and”. If not included, then the first conjugation. At the end you should write “e” (in the 3rd person plural we write -yut or -ut).

Spelling suffixes and verb endings

1) Remember the rules for spelling personal endings of verbs.

In the present and future (simple) tense, two types of conjugation are distinguished depending on the personal endings of the verbs; to determine the type of conjugation, you need to put the verb in the indefinite form and correlate it with the type of conjugation (it’s easier to check starting from the second conjugation).

The II conjugation includes all verbs that in an indefinite form end in -it, except for the verbs shave, lay, build, sway, + 11 verbs ending in -at and na -et: drive, breathe, hold, offend, hear, see, hate , endure, twirl, depend and watch.

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation, i.e. those that have indefinite endings –at, -ot, -et (meaning unstressed endings), and exceptions from II conjugation ( shave, lay, rest(only two forms are used: builds and builds

), sway).

For example: glue - verb ending in -it, - 2 sp., therefore, you glue; fight - a verb that does not end in – it, 1 sp., therefore, they are fighting; lay - verb - exception from 2 sp., therefore, 1 sp. – creeping; see – verb 2 sp., therefore - you see.

There are so-called differently conjugated verbs. These are the verbs to dream, to run, to want. Wed. he runs and they run; the dawn is dawning and change is dawning. Pay attention to the forms of the verb to torture. Possible conjugation options for this verb (both 2nd and 1st conjugation):

  • I'm torturing I'm torturing
  • you're torturing you're torturing
  • he torments he torments
  • they torment they torment

The literary verbs measure, measure, measure, etc. are conjugated according to the II conjugation (measure, measure, measure... measure), and the colloquial verbs measure, measure, measure, measure are conjugated according to the I conjugation (measure, measure, measures).

So, verbs of the first conjugation have the endings -eat, -et, -eat, -ete, -ut/-ut; verbs of the second conjugation have the endings -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at/-yat.

Pay attention to the verbs with the prefix you-; for example, look, get enough sleep. The conjugation of these verbs should be determined using the prefixless form:

sleep - check using the verb sleep (II conjugation, endings are under stress): you sleep, he sleeps, they sleep; therefore, you will get enough sleep, he will get enough sleep, they will get enough sleep.

2) Remember the spelling of verb suffixes

Writing suffixes –ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- in the indefinite form and in the past tense of the verb causes difficulty, because. they are unstressed. To determine which suffix is ​​being written, you need to put the verb in the present (or simple future) form; if the suffix is ​​preserved, then it is written –yva- ; if the suffix is ​​omitted, then - -ova-/-eva- .

For example: to reconnoiter (present time - I reconnaissance - the suffix is ​​preserved, therefore, it is written -yva- ); condition (present tense - I condition-iva-yu – the suffix is ​​preserved, therefore, it is written -willow- ), advise (present time - I advise-u-yu - the suffix disappears, therefore, it is written -ova- ), treat (present time - I potch-u-yu - the suffix disappears, therefore, it is written -Eve-


From suffixes –ova- /-eva-; -yva- /-iva- suffix should be distinguished -va- . This suffix is ​​always stressed; it is preceded by a root vowel, which can be verified. For example: overcome - overcome; keep up - have time; publish - publish; entwine - entwine; to fan - to fan, to overcome - to overcome.

The spelling of some verbs should be remembered: in them before the stressed suffix -va- is written -e- ; For example: overshadow, exhort, intend


Writing suffixes -e

-And -And- determined by the transitivity and intransitivity of verbs. If verbs denote intransitive actions, i.e. are performed by the subject himself, in the objects themselves and do not transfer to the object, then it is written -e- ; if verbs denote actions that go to an object, then it is written -And- . Compare pairs of verbs:

lack of money e t - lack of money And t (he is destitute e l - left without money; big expenses, depriving him of money And li - they took the money);

exhausted e th - exhausted And t (he is exhausted e l – left without strength; work exhausted And la him - took away his strength);

dehydration e t – dehydration And t (dewatering section e l – lost water; drought dehydration And la site).

3) Spelling verbs in the past tense.

Remember that writing root vowels before suffixes in past tense verbs is not related to conjugation. The past tense of verbs is formed from the stem of the infinitive using a suffix l . Accordingly, in gerunds and active past participles the stem vowel is also retained.

For example: see – verb 2 conjugations, written in the present tense And – you look And sew, but the letter is retained in the past tense e - you look e l (from the infinitive see+ suffix l ); hope I hope - hope I hope - hope I sya; multiply And t - multiply And l – multiply And fallen; align I t – align I l – level I gone

4) Consumption b in verbs

Letter b written in the infinitive form of the verb. Presence or absence b in verb forms should be checked by the question posed to the verb (if the question contains b , then it is written in the verb b ). For example: need to work– the verb is in an indefinite form and answers a question what to do?- hence it is written b

; the store should open - the verb is in an indefinite form and answers a question what to do?- hence it is written b . Please note that verbs in the present or future tense have 3rd person singular b not written. For example: he works what is he doing?- hence b not written; the store will open soon– the verb is in the 3 l form. units numbers and answer the question what will he do?- hence b not written.


pairs of phrases: you need to prepare - he will definitely prepare; he boasts - there is no need to boast; it's time for him to retire - he will retire soon.

Please note that in impersonal verbs (similar to the 3rd person form, the singular is present or future tense) b is not written, for example: he is not feeling well; he has to work a lot


Letter b written in the 2nd person singular of the present or future tense and in the imperative mood, for example: hold b, organize b, imagine b Xia; leaving b, increase b those, sit down b those.
