Present perfect continuous interrogative. Examples of Present Perfect Continuous

Why are examples given in the rules? Perhaps a detailed explanation would suffice? But no! Visual perception of the English sentence, text, comparison with the Russian version are important, if not the main elements of the entire learning process. This is what will help to comprehend the soul of each phenomenon, for example, Present Perfect Continuous.

Let's start with the fact that this time is not just present, but completed and continued. This can only mean one thing: it lasts at the moment of the conversation or literally just ended. Despite the long name, Present Perfect Continuous is easy to use: just two situations or functions.

Examples of Present Perfect Continuous

  • If action lasts for the moment of the conversation, but it started in the past, happened in that time period, and is still relevant now, then we use Present Perfect Continuous. In such sentences, you can find clues already, for, since, recently, a question with How long. It can be two parallel actions, and those that were performed repeatedly (several times).

Is it still raining? — It's been raining since yesterday morning.— Is it still raining? It has been raining since yesterday morning.

Tom has been playing tennis recently. Tom has been playing tennis lately.

I have been watching the game since I have been sitting there.— I've been watching the game since I've been sitting here.

I have been repairing my car for several days. I have been repairing my car for several days now.

He has been smoking for 10 years. He has been smoking for 10 years.

  • An action that started in the past lasted finished talking. Most often, signal words are not found in such sentences, the whole situation, and hence the time, follows from the context.

Sorry. I'm late. I have been preparing for my examination. Have you been waiting?- Sorry I'm late. I was preparing for my exams. Have you been waiting?

You are out of breath! Have you been trained?- You're out of breath. Have you been exercising?

Why are you so dirty? What have you been doing?- You're so dirty. What did you do?

I've been talking about your problem to my mother.— I talked about your problem with your mother.

  • In a separate line, you can display emotionally colored sentences that also use Present Perfect Continuous

She has been telling lies again. She's lying again!

  • Very often it is difficult to use the cases of Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple, because each of them is based on the connection of the past and the present. Let's look at the sentences in Present Perfect Continuous and compare.

1. If we care about ourselves process, not result , then we use long time.

Ann is covered in paint. She has been painting her country house. Anna is covered in paint. She was painting a country house.
The country house was yellow. Now it's blue. Ann has painted it.— The country house was yellow. Now he is blue. Anna painted it.

Tom should smoke less, because he has been smoking too much recently.- He should smoke less. He has been smoking too much lately.
The guests have smoked all my cigarettes. The guests smoked all my cigarettes.

2. Continuous emphasizes the process itself, how long did the action last, and therefore answers the question how long? (how long) . Present Perfect Simple answers the question How much? (How many) and comments on how much work was done in a certain time.

My friends have been writing poems all day. My friends have been writing poems all day.
My friends have written 2 poems today. Today my friends wrote 2 poems.

How long have you been writing your last novel? How long did it take you to write your last novel?
How many pages of your novel have you written? How many pages of your novel have you written?

3. The continuous present refers to temporary actions, and completed to permanent .

That man has been standing outside for hours. That man stood outside for several hours.
That man has always worked hard. That man always works hard.

I have known him for some time.— I've known him for a while.
She has been in Minsk for the past last week. She has been in Minsk for the past week.

But Present Perfect Continuous Passive does not exist. You can rejoice, with Passive Voice it will already be easier.

Summarize. Perfect Continuous is not as difficult to remember as it seems. If you clearly see the pointers, look at the lexical side of the sentence, learn the rules, look at the examples, then you will not confuse this tense with another.

In a huge family of present tenses, the Present Perfect Continuous occupies a special place. Let's look at everything about the formation, use and changing soul of this grammatical phenomenon in the article.

If you have reached the study of Present Perfect Continuous (progressive), then you can easily understand the word-for-word translation of each element from the name: the present perfect continuous tense. But don't be put off by the long and cluttered title. The biggest difficulty is to remember education, because there are quite a few components. But the use is even simpler than Present Simple.


Grammar Present Perfect Continuous, which is based on the correct construction of the sentence, includes auxiliary verbs have / has, been and Ving . With pronouns he, she, it has is used, and with I we, you, they- have. This is, in principle, not new. Even at the initial stage, it is necessary to get acquainted with the features of the conjugation to have. The semantic verb or predicate is used with the ending ing, the form of which corresponds to participle 1. For more information about exceptions to writing with this ending, see the article “Countinuous Times”. When forming a negation, it is only necessary to insert the particle “not”, and questions - swap the have / has and the subject.

narrative negative interrogative
I have been teaching I have not been teaching Have I been teaching?
She (he, it) has been teaching She (he, it) has not been teaching Has she (he, it) been teaching?
We have been teaching We have not been teaching Have we been teaching?
You have been teaching You have not been teaching Have you been teaching?
They have been teaching They have not been teaching Have they been teaching?

Short forms are also important to know so that your written language is literate.

You have = you've

He (she, it) has = he's (she's, it's)

We have = we've

They have = they've

Have not = haven't, has not = hasn't.

I have been waiting for my brother for a long time.
I've been waiting for my brother for a long time.

I have not been waiting for my brother for a long time.
I haven't been waiting for my brother for a long time.


Present Perfect Progressive has several uses, which distinguishes it from other tenses.

  • If the action began in the past, lasted, continues until now, or has just ended, then you can safely use the present perfect continius.

My sisters have been watching TV for 3 hours. My sisters watch TV for 3 hours.
He showed the picture he has been working on. He showed the painting he was working on.

You can find out, determine this time, and, accordingly, put the correct form, if you set Q: How long? How much time?. Signal words that not only accompany the predicate, but also characterize it in this tense, can be called for - during(for a month, for a long time, for an hour). Or the union is used since - since then, which serves as the starting point of the action that started it all. Sometimes none of the hints is used, which means that it is necessary to peer into the context.

  • The event started, lasted and ended up to the moment of the conversation, but affects it. In this case, the time indicator is not always used.

She has been looking for a rich man all her life and now she has found one. “She has been looking for a rich man all her life, and now she has found him.
They have been living abroad, but now they are at home. They lived abroad, but now at home.

In order not to confuse this time with other present ones, for example, Present Simple and Present Continuous, carefully look at the following table and compare:

Action currently taking place
Present Perfect Continuous (it is necessary to indicate how long the action takes) Present Simple and Present Continuous (no indication of how long the action takes)
I have been waiting for him for a long time. “I have been waiting for it for a very long time. I am waiting for him. - I am waiting for him.
I have been cooking dinner since 2 o'clock. — I have been preparing dinner since 2 o’clock. I am cooking dinner. - I cook dinner.
He has been living in Minsk for 5 years. – He has been living in Minsk for 5 years. He lives in Minsk. — He lives in Minsk.
She has been teaching English since 1930. She has been teaching English since 1930. She teaches English. - She teaches English.

In order not to confuse Present Perfect Continuous with Present Perfect, it is important to take into account some details. Compare?

Perfect Action
Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect
duration is important result
I have been doing the work. — I did the work. I have done the work. - I've done the job.
unwanted result desired result
Why are you so dirty? I have been working in the garden. - Why are you so dirty? I worked in the garden. I have worked in the garden. Now, I'm free. — I worked in the garden. Now I am free.
beginning of action (starting point) last time
I have been playing the piano since 10 o'clock. I have been playing the piano since 10 o'clock. I haven't played the piano since childhood. I haven't played the piano since childhood.
answers to questions: How long? How long? answers to questions: How many? How often? What?

However, the Present Perfect Continuous rules do not end there. Here, a very important point is translation. So, in the first case, we translate in the present tense: works, lives, reads. And in the second - the past, and it sounds like this: worked, lived, read.

As well as in other Continuous, verbs of feelings, perception, possession are not used in this tense. All this in great detail can be found in the article “Verbs not used in Continuous”.

The main thing to consider when translating Present Perfect Continuous is the moment of the conversation and the end of the action, when forming, do not forget all the components, but when using, pay attention to whether the duration is emphasized or you are simply informed about the fact of accomplishment. Well! We got acquainted with the rule, go for it! It's time to move on to the exercises and tests!

What is the most important thing in the study of times? Don't be afraid of them! Because they don't bite. Try to speak more English, and then you yourself will notice that you don’t even think about where to use this or that time.
Present perfect continuous tense is pronounced (present perfect continius), English transcription. In this article, you will learn how sentences are built in the present perfect continuous. Start studying!

The text below will help you familiarize yourself with commonly used tenses in English.

Jimmy and Peter are best friends. They have been spending time together since they were young boys. Every evening, they get dressed and walk to the market. They have been walking together to the market every evening for the past 10 years.
Lately, Jimmy has not been feeling well. Peter has been walking to the market alone each evening. Then he visits Jimmy at home. He has been bringing Jimmy products every evening for 2 weeks. He hopes Jimmy feels better as soon as possible.

Education Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous is formed by the formula:

  • subject + have/has/haven't/hasn't + been + present participle of main verb
  • Subject + have/has + been + past participle of semantic verb. Just and already stands between have/has And past particle.

Example sentences with the present perfect continuous tense:

Jim has been changing tires all morning - Jim changed tires all morning.
My dog ​​has been trying to open the door - My dog ​​is trying to open the door.
I've been trained since 2003 - I have been training since 2003.

Cases of using Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Cont. used in several cases. Below are examples with explanations:

1. Actions that started in the past and continue in the present


He's been building a shed in the garden since 5 o'clock - He has been building a shed in the garden since 5 o'clock (He started at 5 and is still building it).
— They have been talking on the phone since 9 o'clock this morning - They have been talking on the phone since 9 am.

2. Past actions of a certain duration that have a visible result or effect in the present


— She has been running She was running (visible result - she was tired).
— He has been walking all morning - He walked all morning (The result is visible - his legs hurt).
— I feel dizzy because I have been lying in the sun for too long - I feel dizzy, because I lay in the sun for too long.
Have you have been drinking beer? I can smell it - Have you been drinking beer? I smell beer (Action that has recently completed).

  • When we use the Present Perfect Continuous for actions that have recently completed, the adverb just is often used.


You have got dirt all over your pants.
— Oh, I have just been fixing the lorry.

  • Often used lately/recently with Present Perfect Progressive.


— I'm so hungry. I haven't been eating well lately.

3. Anger, irritation, explanations, criticism


— Someone has been reading my diary again! Someone read my diary again!
— Who' s been drinking my orange juice? Who drank my orange juice!

4. Emphasis on duration, usually with words (for, since, how long)


—How long have you have been teaching Italian? How long have you been teaching Italian?
— We have been called to you since this morning - We have been calling you since morning.

note : live, work, feel can be used with and Present Perfect Progressive, since the meaning does not change:

— I' have been living/I' ve lived in England for a year.

  • Also words work and live that describe temporary or permanent situations, native speakers use + for/since for a long time and present perfect continuous for short time:

— You have worked on Wall Street for 30 years (present perfect).
— You have been working on Wall Street for a week (present perfect cont.).

Companion words (time markers) Present Perfect Continuous

Pointer words, also called signal words, are great for recognizing the present perfect long tense in English. Let's look at sentences with auxiliary words in the present perfect continuous below.
How long, for, since, for ages, all day, the whole week, for 4 years, since 1993, lately.


— I haven't been playing handball since 2013– I have not played handball since 2013.
— The cat hasn't been eating all day The cat hasn't eaten all day.
— My parents haven't been traveling for ages My parents haven't traveled for ages.

Present Perfect Continuous sentence forms

There are three sentence forms in English that are very simple. Consider the examples in the tables.

Affirmative sentence form Present Perfect Continuous (Positive or Affirmative sentences)

Who? Who? Form of verb (verb form) Examples (examples)
I (I) have + been + verb + ing I have been preparing for the final examination
He/She/It (he, she, it) have + been + verb + ing He has been sailing
She has been sleeping
It has been working
You (you, you) have + been + verb + ing You have been searching
We (we) have + been + verb + ing We have been trying
They (they) have + been + verb + ing They have been swimming

Abbreviated form of affirmative sentences:

I've been waiting for an opportunity for 2 years.
He's been teaching Ron how to play marbles.

Negative sentence form Present Perfect Continuous (Negative sentences)

Who? Who? Form of verb (verb form) Examples (examples)
I (I) I have not been sailing
He/She/It (he, she, it) has + not + been + verb + ing He has not been building
She has not been sleeping
It has not been eaten
You (you, you) has + not + been + verb + ing You have not been searching
We (we) has + not + been + verb + ing We have not been living
We (we) has + not + been + verb + ing They have not been swimming

Abbreviated form of negative sentences:

— She hasnt been singing since she was very young.

Interrogative sentence Present Perfect Continuous (Interrogative sentences)

To have verb Who? Who? Form of verb (verb form) Examples (examples)
Have I (I) been + verb + ing Have I been sailing?
Has He/She/It (he, she, it) been + verb + ing Has he been washing?
Has she been sleeping?
Has it been working?
Have You (you, you) been + verb + ing Have you been searching?
Have We (we) been + verb + ing Have you been crying?
Have They (they) been + verb + ing Have they been swimming?

Shortened interrogative-negative form:

Has he not been sitting?
Hasn't he was sitting?

+Bonus rule and pronunciation of just/already adverbs

Some verbs are not used in Present Perfect Continuous, then comes to the rescue. Most simple examples with verbs know/be:

WRONG: I've been here for a minute.
- CORRECT: I've been here for a minute.
- WRONG: I've been knowing him for many years.
- CORRECT: I've known him for many years.

Note: already

Already can be placed at the end of affirmative or interrogative sentences:

— They have already been staying there for forty minutes.
—Have they already been staying there for forty minutes?
— They have been staying there for forty minutes already.
—Have they been staying there for forty minutes already?

Pronunciation of just/already adverbs

In sentences with already/just, it is usually not stressed on have/has or already/just. The emphasis is on the subject and on the present participle:

— The fish has already been cooking for 20 minutes.

But we can emphasize already and just if we want to emphasize that something happened recently:

— The fish must be ready by now. It's already been cooking for 20 minutes.

Remember that the present participle is formed with the ending -ing. However, there are a few exceptions:

  • Ending - e at the end of the word is not preserved, but - ee, —oe, —ye saved unchanged:

— Com e– Coming.
— Agr ee– agreeing.

  • The final consonant is doubled in words when the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant. However -w, -y, -x do not double:

— Si t– sitting
— Mi x– mixing

  • -L as a final consonant after a vowel is always doubled in British but not in American:

— Marve ll ing (British)
— Marveling (American)

  • ie changes to - y:

— T ie– t y ing

Differences between Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect

Many people ask how to distinguish from the present perfect continuous or vice versa. But in fact, if you look at examples and situations, the incomprehensible becomes understandable.

Let's look at the difference between and Present Perfect Continuous.

We use Real perfect tense with action verbs to emphasize completed events in the recent past. The present perfect continuous is used when we are talking about continuous situations that started in the past and are still going on.


I've read that huge book you gave me. I finished reading it yesterday - I read this huge book that you gave me. I finished reading it yesterday.
I've been reading that huge book you gave me. I've got another 100 pages to read - I'm reading this book that you gave me. I still have 100 pages to read.

I've read- indicates that the action is completed.
I've been reading– Present Perfect Cont., unfinished action. I am still reading the book. Ongoing activity.

More explanations on the comparison between and Present Perfect Continuous HERE.
Below you will find tasks for comparing these two times.

General Table Present Perfect Continuous

Affirmative sentence I/you/we/they have + been+ V-ing
He/she/it has + been+ V-ing
Negative sentence I/you/we/they have not + been+ V-ing
He/she/it has not + been+ V-ing
Interrogative sentence Have I/you/we/they + been+V- ing?
Has he/she/it + been+V- ing?
Special question WH + have I/you/we/they + been+V- ing
WH+ has+ he/she/it + been+V- ing
WH Why, when, where, etc.

Exercises for Present Perfect Continuous

To consolidate the material covered, do the exercises below for the Present Perfect Continuous:

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive).

1. I (feel) sleepy all week.

2. It (rain) continuously for the past three weeks.

3. We (look) for that document all day.

4. Someone (wash) clothes in the sink and they are still there.

5. Kathy and Jack (argue) for half an hour.


1. Have been feeling
2. Has been raining
3. Have been looking
4. Has been washed
5. Have been arguing

Exercise 2. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Harry's skin hurts because he (sit) on the beach for six hours.

2. It (snow). The garden's all white.

3. She (not clean) the staff room yet.

4. They (already/repair) the roof.

5. I can't find her anywhere; I (look) for her for about 13 minutes.

7. I (wash) the windows, I (sweep) up the leaves, but I (not wash) the dishes yet.

8. What do you (do)? You're covered in flour.

9. Have you got any plaster? I (chop) potatoes for lunch and I (cut) my finger.

10. I think the waiter (forget) us. We (wait) here for over two hours.


1. Has been sitting
2. Has been snowing
3. Has not been cleaned
4. Have already repaired
5. Have been looking
6. Have decided, have been thinking
7. Have washed, have swept, haven't washed
8. Have you been doing
9. Have been chopping, I've cut
10. Has forgotten, have been waiting

Exercise 3. Open parenthesis.

1. I (cycle) and my legs are tired.

2. Who (eat) my biscuits?

3. He must be exhausted. He (train) all morning.

4. They (travel) for months.

5. I (read) that magazine you lent me. I'll give it back tomorrow.

6. Rick (play) tennis since he was a child.

7. I've been very tired. We (walk) too fast.

8. You (drink). You can't drive.

9. I (teach) in this school for 10 years.

10. How long did you (exercise)?


1. Have been cycling
2. has been eating
3.has been trained
4. have been traveling
5. gave been reading
6.has been playing
7. have been walking
8. have been drinking
9. have been teaching
10. have you been exercising

Exercise 4. Open parenthesis. Put the verb in the appropriate tense.

1. How long have you (know) Terry?

2. My arms are hurting. I (iron) all evening.

3. You look awful. What (do) all day?

4. He (learn) German words for hours, but he still doesn't remember all of them.

5. We (not seen) Diana recently.

6. They (cook) all day, but they (finish) yet.

7. My husband is so irresponsible. He (feed) the dog the whole day.

8. I (be) on this island for five months now.

9. I never (read) such a good book.

10. Sarah is very happy because she (move) to a bigger house.


1. have known
2. have been ironing
3.have been doing
4.has been learning
5. haven't seen
6. have been cooking, haven't finished
7. has not been fed
8. have been
9. have never read
10.has moved

Make 5 sentences on Present Perfect Continuous. And share them in the comments.

To consolidate the material, look at the dialogue, how this tense is used in everyday life.

Present Perfect Continuous (Present Perfect Progressive) is the present continuous perfect tense. Present Perfect Continuous is not very popular in English for three reasons:

  1. Long form.
  2. Narrow aspect of use.
  3. Interchangeability. In some cases Present Perfect Continuous can be easily replaced with Present Perfect without changing the meaning of the sentence.

But this does not mean that our article should be closed and forgotten about the existence Present Perfect Continuous. Scope of use Present Perfect Continuous rather narrow, but this time takes its place in the English language, and it is sometimes impossible to replace it with another one. Moreover, in speech Present Perfect Continuous sounds very impressive if you use it correctly.

How is Present Perfect Continuous formed?


The peculiarity of this time is that it combines two aspects - Perfect And continuous. Present Perfect Continuous formed with the help auxiliary verb to be V Present Perfecthave been(or has been for pronouns he, she, it and nouns in the singular). The main verb is the verb + ending -ing.

I/We/You/They + have been + verb- ing He/She/It + has been + verb- ing
I have been read ing . - I am reading.

We have been wait ing . - We expect.

You have been play ing . - You're playing.

They have been work ing . - They work.

He has been runn ing . - He is running.

She has been laugh ing . - She is laughing.

It has been work ing . - It works.


In negation, a particle appears not, which must be placed between have (has) And been.

I/We/You/They + have not been + verb- ing He/She/It + has not been + verb- ing
I have not been read ing . - I do not read.

We have not been wait ing . We don't expect.

You have not been play ing . - You don't play.

They have not been work ing . - They do not work.

He has not been runn ing . - He doesn't run.

She has not been laugh ing . She doesn't laugh.

It has not been work ing . - It doesn't work.

We can use abbreviated forms for the verb have (has). In an affirmative sentence have/has combined with the pronoun:

  • You've been playing.
  • She's been laughing.

In a negative sentence have/has merges with not:

  • We haven't been waiting.
  • He hasn't been running.


In an interrogative sentence have/has comes first, and been stays with the main verb. Thus, it turns out that in the first place we have have (has), after which the subject, then been and closes this long chain of the main verb.

Have + I/we/you/they + been verb- ing Has + he/she/it + been verb- ing
Have I been read ing ? - I am reading?

Have we been wait ing ? - We expect?

Have you been play ing ? - You're playing?

Have they been work ing ? - They work?

Has he been runn ing ? - He is running?

Has she been laugh ing ? - She is laughing?

Has it been work ing ? - It works?

In order to make it convenient for you to study this time, we divided all its functions into three blocks: green (for entry-level), yellow (for intermediate), red (for high).

Using Present Perfect Continuous

First level

Time Present Perfect Continuous looks like at the same time Present Perfect, and on Present Continuous. This time has two main functions: one contains the meaning of the aspect continuous, the second - aspect Perfect.

  1. We use Present Perfect Continuous if the action started in the past, lasted for some time and is still going on in the present. This function shows a long action, it was inherited from the aspect continuous.

    As a rule, the offer indicates the time of action, but without clear time limits. That is, we can know when the action began, how long it lasted, but we do not know when it will end. To show the time, we use the following words and expressions: lately(recently, recently) recently(recently, recently) quite a while(pretty long), all day(all day), as well as prepositions for(during) and since(beginning with).

    Tom has been watching TV all day. - Volume looks TV all day. (Tom started watching TV in the morning, watched it all day and is still watching it)

    It has been raining for 3 hours. - Rain goes within three hours. (it started raining three hours ago, lasted for three hours and is still raining)

    Since this function shows the duration, then the question is Present Perfect Continuous usually starts with expressions how long(how long, what time) and since when(since when, since when).

    How long has she have been learning French? - How long she teaches French?
    – She has been learning French for seven years. - She teaches French during seven years old.

    Since when have you have been learning German? - Since when You you teach German?
    – I have been learning German since yesterday. - I I teach German co yesterday.

    Pay attention to the translation. We are talking about an action that continues in the present, so when translated into Russian, the verb will be in the present tense.

  2. We use Present Perfect Continuous if the action ended recently and its result is now visible. This function was inherited from the aspect Perfect. But using Perfect Continuous, we emphasize that the action in the past lasted for some time.

    Your clothes are dirty. What have you been doing? - Your clothes are dirty. What you did? (now it is dirty, so before that he was doing something where you could get dirty)

    I 've been talking to Sandy about the problem and she agrees with me. - I talked with Sandy about this issue, and she agrees with me. (in the present, Sandy agrees with me because we have discussed this issue in the past)

    In this function, the action time may or may not be specified.

    We are very tired. We have been walking in the mountains. - We are very tired. We walked in the mountains.

    We are very tired. We have been walking in the mountains since early morning. - We are very tired. We walked in the mountains c early morning.

    Pay attention to the translation. In this function, we are talking about an action that has already ended, so when translated into Russian, the verb will be in the past tense.

Where else is Present Perfect Continuous found?

Average level

  1. With verbs like work, live, feel, teach, are used as Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Continuous no difference in meaning. These verbs imply that the action takes a long period of time, that is, it becomes already a permanent state.

    I 've worked here for 20 years. = I 've been working here for 20 years. - I Working here for 20 years.

    her family has lived in Moscow since 1781. = Her family has been living in Moscow since 1781. – Her family lives in Moscow since 1781.

    If you want to emphasize that the situation is temporary, use Present Perfect Continuous.

  2. (status verbs) are most often not used in Present Perfect Continuous. But, as is often the case in English, there are exceptions. If we want to highlight some action emotionally, we can use Present Perfect Continuous. Verbs are often used in this function. mean(to gather, intend) want(want), wish(to wish), other state verbs are less common.

    We 've been wishing to visit India for ages. - We want visit India for many years.

    He 's been thinking it over. - He is ponders. = He's been over it for a long time meditates.

Difficult cases of using Present Perfect Continuous

High level

  1. Present Perfect Continuous used together with past simple V complex sentences with union since. In a clause that starts with since, we use past simple, it is the starting point for the action in the main clause. And in the main sentence it will be Present Perfect Continuous.

    Silvia has been playing tennis since she was ten. – Sylvia plays tennis since then, How to her turned ten. (she has been playing tennis since she was ten years old)

  2. We use Present Perfect Continuous when we draw a conclusion from what we have seen or heard, in most cases with a touch of dissatisfaction or criticism.

    Who has been messing around with my papers?! How should I work now?! - Who rummaged in my papers? How can I work now?

    He has been eating chocolate though he knows that he is allergic to it! - He ate chocolate even though he knows he's allergic!

    Present Perfect Continuous shows resentment by an action that happened once, while Present Continuous suggests dissatisfaction with an action that is constantly repeated.

Present Perfect Continuous- a time with a frightening name and a long form of education. But appearances are deceiving, it has only 2 main functions in the language: to show a long-term action and an action with a result. The remaining functions can be considered derivatives. If you suddenly forget how Present Perfect Continuous, you can always look in the table. And in order not to forget anything, take the test.

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Present Perfect Continuous - Present Continuous Perfect in English

Hello, friends. The last time from the present group (Present) is Present Perfect Continuous. Consider education and rules use of present perfect continuous. This is the longest of the present tenses, which always consists of 3 words.

Unit 9 Present Perfect Continuous

Video version of the lesson:

It has been raining - It was raining(translated into Russian in the past tense)

Consider the situation

The form of the verb in this tense is:
have (has) + been + verb-ing is the present perfect continuous

Note that been is part of the given time, and it does not disappear anywhere. Those. Present Perfect Continuous is formed using 3 words:
have (has) points to present - present
been indicates perfect
the verb ing indicates a process (continuous)
Let's look at the table.

When is the Present Perfect Continuous used (situation 1)?

We use it for activities that have recently ended or have just ended. At the same time, there is a connection with the present and a desire to show that the action lasted long enough.


It has been raining for 2 hours - It has been raining for 2 hours(translated into Russian by the present)

Consider an example
It began raining two hours ago and it is still raining. — It started raining 2 hours ago and is still falling.
how long has it been raining? - How long has he been going?
It has been raining for two hours. - He's been walking for 2 hours.

When is the Present Perfect Continuous used (situation 2)?

We use this tense with words like
how long - how long
for - during
since - from such and such a time

An action that began in the past (we either know when it started, or we know exactly how long it has been going on) is still going on or ended at the moment of speaking.


You can use have/has been …-ing for actions that repeat periodically over time.


Debbie is a very good tennis player. She 's been playing since she was eight.- Debbie is a very good tennis player. She has been playing tennis since she was 8 years old.

Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They 've been going there for years. Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They have been going there for many years.

So that you do not confuse Present perfect continuous and present continuous, let's compare them.

Present Perfect Continuous, like any Continuous, is associated with the period during which something happened or is still happening. Accordingly, it is translated into Russian either past or present.

How to understand that it is necessary to apply this temporary form? - There is a connection with the present (it can be either in this sentence, or in another sentence closely related to this) - It is known when the action began, lasting until the current moment - It is known how much time the event took place up to the present.

Expression form: have (has) + been + verb-ing Most often in a sentence with a given tense, the words since and for are used.

English tests for self-examination and consolidation of knowledge on the topic

The more examples with Present Perfect Continuous you analyze, the faster you will “feel” and learn how to use this time.

More related examples

We've been reading the whole day. We read all day.

I have been thinking about it recently. I've been thinking about this lately.

We've been dancing since 10 o'clock. We have been dancing since 10 o'clock.

I've been studying it all term. I've been studying this all semester.

I've been practicing it all week. I practice this all week.
