Present perfect use. Present Perfect

There are 26 tenses in the grammatical system of the English language. This is often the reason for the appearance of difficulties in the process of studying it. After all, a Russian person, in mother tongue which is only 3 times, it is quite difficult to catch the difference in the use of these categories.

The greatest difficulty for students studying English is Present Perfect - present perfect tense.

This difficult English. Present Perfect

The present perfect tense denotes an action that took place in the past, but its result is related to the present:

I have done my homework. I can go for a walk. - I did my homework. I can go for a walk homework fulfilled, and as a result, the opportunity to go for a walk).

I have lost my key. I can't enter my flat. - I lost my keys. I cannot enter the house.

Method of formation Present Perfect

My mum has just made a cake. My mother has just made a pie.

Ann has already washed up. - When I arrived, Anya had already washed all the dishes.

We had dinner today. - We've had lunch today.

IN colloquial speech instead of the full form, you can use the abbreviations ‘ve, ‘s:

I've arrived in Moscow today. - Today I arrived in Moscow.

He's lost his key. - He lost his keys.

To form negative forms, the particle not is attached to the auxiliary verb:

He hasnt prepared for English exam. He didn't prepare for the English exam.

They haven't come home yet. - They haven't come home yet.

Interrogative present perfect tense

To build a general type of questions in the Present Perfect tense category, has / have auxiliary verbs are placed at the beginning of the sentence:

Have you ever been in Greece? - Have you ever been to Greece?

Has she graduated from the University this year? - She graduated from university this year?

To create a special type of question, the following word order is used:

1) question word;

3) subject;

4) adverb of time (if any), predicate, etc.

What has she just cooked? What did she just cook?

Where did you walk this evening? - Where did you walk tonight?

Correct or not?

As mentioned earlier, this tense category is created using a special form of the semantic verb. In English, regular verbs are distinguished, which form the simple past and present perfect by adding the ending -ed, and irregular verbs. Present Perfect is the time in which their use is necessary.

But, unfortunately, this part of speech causes many difficulties for students. form temporary forms according to a special algorithm that defies any rules. In fact, they cannot be called exceptions, since there are more than a hundred of them in the English language.

An example of an irregular verb: go-went-gone (to go). The first word is an infinitive verb, the second is used to indicate the past tense (it is also called participle 2), and the third is used to express an action in the present perfect tense. This one does not have a specific way of forming the first or second participle form. The only way out of this situation is cramming. There is nothing to worry about, because basically all these verbs are "by ear", they are quickly remembered and firmly embedded in speech.

Faithful companions

As accompanying adverbs of this time are used:

  • Already - already:

I have already passed my exam. - I have already passed the exam.

  • Just - just now:

You have just won the prize! - You just won the grand prize!

  • Ever - ever:

Have you ever been to Milan? - Have you ever been to Milan? (this is how the verb "be" present perfect is expressed)

  • Before - before, earlier:

I have never met him before. - I've never met him before.

  • Yet - yet, still, still:

I haven't been tired yet. - I'm not tired yet.

As can be seen from the examples, accompanying adverbs are placed after the auxiliary verb. The exception is the word "yet".

Of course, the accompanying adverbs will not be used in every case of the present perfect tense. But the presence of these words serves as a certain clue to the recognition of a new temporal category.

Use cases

As it was said earlier, given time used to indicate the effectiveness of an action done in the past. In addition, the Present Perfect time is necessary in the following cases:

1. When talking about an action without specifying the time of its completion:

He has done all his work. - He did all his work.

2. When the action has ended, but the time period in which it was carried out has not yet ended.


I had breakfast this morning. - I had breakfast this morning. (The morning is not yet over).

I had breakfast this morning. - I had breakfast this morning (it is evening now, the action is in the past).

3. The present perfect tense can be used to refer to previous actions, for example:

I have taken on my coat before I went out. - I put on my coat before leaving the house.

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

To refer to actions that began in the past and continue in the present, the Present Perfect is used. Offers:

I have lived there since 2000. - I have lived here since 2000.

She has worked here as a secretary for 5 years. She has been working here as a secretary for 5 years.

IN this case the present perfect tense is very closely related to another temporary category - Present Perfect Continuous. It is also necessary to indicate actions lasting from some point in the past to the present. A person, using a given tense in speech, wants to show the process of the action, its duration.

I have been flying in the plane for 3 hours. - I have been flying on an airplane for 3 hours (the process itself is indicated).

What is the difference between the simple and the real complete?

The main difficulty in mastering this tense is that a Russian-speaking student often cannot catch the difference between the past tense and the present perfect. So that the choice between these tenses does not become a real dilemma and an endless obstacle to acquiring language skills, it is necessary to highlight specific cases of their use.

1. Present Perfect denotes a result, while Past simple indicates the completion of an action in the past that has nothing to do with the present.


I visited a museum a week ago. - I went to the museum a week ago.

I have just visited this museum! The exhibition is really worth seeing. - I just visited the museum. The exhibition is really worth seeing.

If in the first case the action ended in the past and the sentence only states the fact of visiting the museum, then in the second case a direct connection with the present is shown - there is a result, that is, the person got pleasure from contemplating the pictures. In addition, in the first example, a specific indication of time is given - a week ago, which is the main sign of the simple past tense.

2. If the question begins with the word when, then in this case, instead of the present perfect tense, the simple past will be used.


Have you ever seen this girl? - Have you ever seen this girl (at all)?

When did you see this girl? - When did you see this girl (a specific period of time in the past is recognized)?

Do you need time band Perfect in colloquial speech

Often, memorizing huge tables with tenses, irregular verbs and other intricacies of the English language, many do not understand the meaning of such language bells and whistles, hearing the everyday uncomplicated speech of a foreigner. Indeed, the inhabitants of some countries have simplified English beyond recognition, forgotten many temporary forms and other grammatical phenomena. Therefore, the question arises: is it worth suffering and delving into all this if it is not useful?

Worth it, because it will definitely come in handy. After all, English is not only communication with a foreigner via Skype in a "broken" language. This:

  • foreign periodicals;
  • literary masterpieces worldwide famous authors- Dickens, Thackeray, Hardy;
  • the opportunity to work in serious foreign companies, enter prestigious universities, engage in tutoring, etc.

Thus, the study of the grammatical features of the English language is simply necessary. After all, lexical units, like beads, are strung on the connecting threads of grammar.

Present Perfect is a complex phenomenon, but understandable for a diligent student. In order for it to be firmly absorbed in the mind, it is necessary to perform appropriate exercises to develop grammatical skills, read as much as possible classical literature in a foreign language - after all, where else can you find an abundance of linguistic forms? Actively use new grammatical material in speech, if possible.

The present perfect in translation is the present completed tense. Used in English to describe actions that began in the past, without a precise start time, and their completion is closely related to the present. They have ended by the current moment or in a period that can be called the present. There are often problems with understanding this tense, at least due to the fact that sentences in the Present perfect are translated into Russian in the past tense, and in English it is Present - present tense. Yes, and how a completed action can be in the present tense is also not immediately clear.

2. Education Present perfect

2.1. affirmative form

Verb conjugation table in affirmative sentence

More examples can be found in the article.

Statement Formation Rules

The affirmative form of the present completed tense is formed as follows: the subject is followed by the auxiliary verb have (has), plus the main verb in form 3 (past participle).

Both pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) and nouns (boy, cars, snow) can be used as the subject.

The auxiliary verb have is almost always used, but in the 3rd person singular, that is, for the pronouns he, she, it and singular nouns (boy, snow), has is used (see the conjugation table above).

Shortened forms of the auxiliary verbs have and has: 've' and 's respectively. For example, I have worked = I've worked, He has worked = He's worked. Note that ‘s is also used to abbreviate the verb is. Which word is abbreviated in such a record will have to be understood from the context.

The third form of the verb is the verb with the ending -ed if the verb is regular. If the verb is irregular, then its third form must be remembered.

List irregular verbs You can view . You are now only interested in column 3, but we recommend learning all three forms at once. In the second part of that article, there is a life hack for more convenient memorization of irregular verbs.

The ending -ed is also not as simple as it seems at first glance, the rules for writing it are described in the article.

General scheme

S + have (has) + V3

Where S (subject) is the subject (pronoun or noun)

V3 (verb) – verb in 3rd form

2.2. Interrogative sentences

2.2.1. General issues

Example of verb conjugation in interrogative form
Rules for constructing a question

For education interrogative sentence, it is enough to move the auxiliary verb have (has) to the beginning of the sentence, before the subject.

The main verb remains in the 3rd form.

Has is used in the same cases as in the affirmative sentence, that is, it depends on the subject.

Question formula in present completed tense

Have (Has) + S + V3?

Where Have (Has) is an auxiliary verb

S - subject

V3 - verb in 3rd form

2.2.2. Answer to a general question

2.2.3. Special questions

Construction rules

The special question is formed from general question by adding a question word (who, what, when, where) before the auxiliary verb have (has).

Formulation formula for a special question

Wh + have (has) + S + V3?

Where Wh is a question word

have (has) – auxiliary verb

S - subject

V3 - verb in 3rd form

Table with examples of special questions

Rules for writing negatives

To form a negation from an affirmative sentence, write the negation particle not after the auxiliary verb. The auxiliary verb remains the same, the main verb remains in the 3rd form.

Abbreviated have not and has not - haven't and hasn't, respectively.

Fix the mastered rules for the formation of questions and negatives by doing.

General scheme of negation in Present perfect

S + have (has) + not + V3

Where S is the subject

have (has) – auxiliary verb

not - particle of negation

V3 - verb in 3rd form

3. The use of Present perfect and examples with translation

The present completed tense is used in the following cases:

3.1. When the fact that the action completed with a certain result is important, but the exact time when it happened is not important

I have bought a new skirt - I bought a new skirt. Now I have it, no matter when I bought it.

If you want to emphasize that you bought it at a weekend sale, that is, to indicate the time, then you should use: I bought a new skirt last weekend .

3.2. If an action has recently completed and now its result affects the current

I'm not hungry. I have just eaten. I'm not hungry, I just ate.

Note that just is used in these cases.

3.3. When talking about personal experience

I have been to London, but I haven't been to Moscow - I have been to London, but have not been to Moscow. Sometime in the past, no matter when exactly, I was in London, this is a complete fact, but I have not been to Moscow, although I can go there.

Again, as soon as you want to specify exact time of your visit, you will need to use the Past simple: I was in London 2 years ago .

When you talk about your experience, you can also point out that it happened repeatedly.

Perfect time value and translation.

Perfect (Perfect) denotes an action that precedes a certain moment or another action in the past, present or future tense. The main purpose is to express antecedence (past, present and future).
In Russian there is no form similar to Perfect, therefore, in order to correctly translate a sentence, you need to think about its meaning.

Present Perfect: I have bought a lamp. I bought a lamp.
Past Indefinite: Yesterday. I bought a lamp. Yesterday I bought a lamp.

The first sentence with the Present Perfect already shows the result of the action: I bought a lamp. The lamp has already been purchased by now.
The second sentence, where the verb in Past Indefinite is simply talking about a fact that happened yesterday.

All Perfect tenses are formed using the auxiliary verb to have in the appropriate tense (present, past and future) and the 3rd main form of the verb.

Present Perfect (Real perfect)

The Present Perfect expresses the connection between the past and the present. This relationship can be expressed in two ways:
firstly, the presence of the result of a previously committed action;
secondly, the continuation at the present time of an action that began in the past;

Verb conjugation table in Present Perfect
affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form
I have seen the film. I watched a movie

Have I seen the film? I watched a movie?

I have not seen the film. I didn't watch the movie

He, she, it has seen the film. He, she, it watched (la) the film.

Has he, she, seen the film. Did he, she, it see (la) the movie?

He, she, it has not seen the film. He, she, it did not watch (la) the film.

We have seen the film. We watched a movie.

Have we seen the film? Have we seen the movie?

We have not seen the film. We haven't seen the movie.

You have seen the film. You have watched the movie.

Have you seen the film. Have you watched the movie?

You have not seen the film. You haven't seen the movie.

They have seen the film. They watched the movie.

Have they seen the film. Did they watch the movie?

They have not seen the film. They haven't seen the movie.

Present Perfect (The present is perfect) can be used in the following cases:

1. To express an action that has ended by the time of speech, so it can be called present. The time of the action is usually not important, since the very fact of the action to date or its result is important.

Kate has read this book. Anna has (already) read this book.
Do not go to the shop, I have bought bread. Don't go to the store, I bought bread.
I have seen the film and I think it's dull. I have (already) seen the movie and I think it's boring.


The present perfect tense (Present Perfect) is often used with adverbs such as:
- just (just now);
- already (already);
- lately (recently);
- of late (in Lately);
- yet (in negative sentences);

2. To express an action that has already taken place for the period in which it took place, is still ongoing and can be indicated by the circumstance of time today, this week, this month, this year, this century.

I have seen the film twice this week. I have already watched this movie twice this week.

I have written a letter this morning. I already wrote a letter this morning.

3. To express an action that began in the past, continued to the present and proceeds in the present, that is, an action that covers a whole period of time, including the present moment.

I have always been in love with you. I have always loved you (I loved you before, I love you now).
I have known him all my life. I have known him all my life. (I knew before, I know now).

Past perfect (Past Perfect)

The past perfect (Past Perfect) expresses the past action that preceded any particular moment in the past or ended before another action in the past, the previous one. It is translated in the past tense, sometimes with the addition already.

Verb conjugation table in Past Perfect
affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form
I had seen the film. I have (already) seen the movie

Had I seen the film? Have I (already) seen the movie?

I had not seen the film. I haven't (yet) seen the movie

He, she, it had seen the film. He, she, it has (already) seen (la) the film.

Had he, she, it seen the film. Has he, she, it (already) seen (la) the movie?

He, she, it had not seen the film. He, she, it (yet) has not seen (la) the film.

We had seen the film. We have (already) seen the movie.

Had we seen the film? Have we (already) seen the movie?

We had not seen the film. We haven't (yet) seen the movie.

You had seen the film. You have (already) seen the movie.

Had you seen the film. Have you (already) seen the movie?

You had not seen the film. You have not (yet) seen the movie.

They had seen the film. They have (already) seen the movie.

Had they seen the film. Have they (already) seen the movie?

They had not seen the film. They haven't (yet) seen the movie.

The past perfect (Past Perfect) can be used in the following cases:

1. To express a past action that has already taken place up to a certain point in the past. A given point in time can be indicated by a circumstance of time. (by 6 o'clock, by Saturday, by that time, by the end of the week)

He had left by the 5th of January. He left before January 5th.
I had never seen him before yesterday. I never saw him until yesterday.
I had cleaned the office by 7 o'clock. By seven o'clock I had cleaned the office.

2. To express a past action that has already taken place before another, later past action, expressed by a verb in Past Indefinite, that is, the past perfect (Past Perfect) is used in complex sentences.

He had already gone when I arrived. He had already left when I showed up.
My mother had visited Moscow before, and so the city was not new for her. My mother had visited Moscow earlier, and therefore the city was not unfamiliar to her.

After she had cried, she felt better. After she cried, she felt better.

Future Perfect

The Future Perfect is used to express a future action that will end before a certain point in the future (pre-future).

Verb conjugation table in Future Perfect
affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form
I shall have seen the film. I will watch a movie

Shall I have seen the film? Will I watch a movie?

I shall not have seen the film. I won't watch the movie

He, she, it will have seen the film. He, she, it will watch (la) the film.

Will he, she, it seen the film. Will he, she, it watch a movie?

He, she, it will not have seen the film. He, she, it will not watch a movie.

We shall have seen the film. We'll watch a movie.

Shall we have seen the film? Are we going to watch a movie?

We shall not have seen the film. We won't watch a movie.

You will have seen the film. You watch a movie.

Will you see the film. Will you watch the movie?

You will not have seen the film. You don't watch the movie.

They will have seen the film. They will watch a movie.

Will they see the film. Will they watch a movie?

They will not have seen the film. They won't watch the movie.

The moment in the future before which the action will end is expressed as:

A) The circumstance of time with the preposition by. (by 6 o'clock, by the end of the week)
B) Another future action, expressed by Present Indefinite in a subordinate clause of time and condition with such unions: before, when.

When they meet next time, he will have read this book. The next time they meet, he will read this book.
I shall have finished this work before you return. I will have finished this work before you return.

Future Perfect is used with already and other adverbial words, these words are placed after shall.

By the end of this week my friend will already have written his report. By the end of the week my friend will have written his report.


The Future Perfect is not used to express a future action in adverbial circumstances. subordinate clauses time and conditions that are entered by the words after, when, as soon as, if and others. In these cases, the Present Perfect is used instead of the Future Perfect.

She will go to the country as soon as she passed her exams. She will go to the village as soon as she passes her exams.
I shall give you the book after I have read it. I will give you the book after I have read it.
They will start at 7 o'clock if it has stopped raining by that time. They will leave by seven o'clock if the rain stops by that time.

After learning Past, Present and Future Simple this topic will seem very complicated and incomprehensible. One has only to translate this time into Russian, the panic is already beginning. How can one time unite past and present? That is the essence of this time. Consider the simplest example:

I have broken my leg. - I broke my leg.

As you can see, the speaker does not give the exact date and time, but simply tells that he broke his leg in the past and is currently in a cast.

The Present Perfect (present perfect tense) is formed by the verb have, which appears as an auxiliary verb and a perfect participle. These are the forms that are located in the 3rd column of irregular verbs.

Have (has) + V3.

If you carefully consider the formula, it becomes clear that the past participle is an invariable part in the sentence, but have (has) will change depending on the person and number of the narrator. At any time, including the Present Perfect, the rules must be taught in such a way that they can be remembered at any time. If you memorize the above scheme, then there will be no problems in solving the exercises. But you should not stop at one scheme, so we move on.

Present Perfect: rules and examples

This time marks the completed action by the time of the narration. The difficulty of perceiving Present Perfect time lies in the fact that when translating a sentence into our language, verbs denote the past tense. You should not miss the moment that the translated verbs refer to the present tense, since they have a connection with the result of the action. Based on this, it is concluded that the action in the Present Perfect was performed in a certain period of time, which is not indicated in the sentence and is not so important.

Everything related to Present Perfect rules say that in this tense it is categorically impossible to use words indicating a specific past time:

At that moment;

Such circumstances of time are used only in Past Simple. But in the Present Perfect, the rules allow the use of helper words that indicate this time:

many or several times;


I have run into him several times in the summer camp. “I ran into him a few times at summer camp. (That is, the speaker saw the person, but does not name the specific date and time).

It is worth noting that the rules characteristic of the Present Perfect are most difficult for beginners to learn English. Let's try to understand them in more depth.

When is this tense used?

This tense expresses the following concepts:

I have been to Italy.

Here the speaker means that he has already been to Italy. So, he has experience of traveling to this country.

2. Changes that have occurred in a segment (during) time.

He has grown a bear since the last time I saw him.

This example shows an action that happened in a certain period of time. The speaker did not see the other person for some period of time, and by the time of the meeting, he had already grown a beard. In such sentences, the second verb is used in the Past Simple (saw) form.

3. Achievements.

Our son has learned to play piano.

This sentence indicates the achievements of the guy, but at what time he achieved this is not indicated.

4. Unfulfilled but expected action.

Nick has not arrived yet.

That is, the process is still ongoing and is expected to complete. The sentence is about a guy who, at the time of the dialogue, has not yet arrived, but he will come soon, and the process will be completed. pay attention to the last word yet. At the beginning of the study of the topic, it was said that the Present Perfect time has its own helper words. This word is one of them. It already serves as a signal that this sentence belongs to the time of Present Perfect Tense.

5. Several actions in the past.

The team has led the game 5 times so far.

IN this example it is clear that the team's games have been played 5 times so far, but at the moment of the story it is still playing.

In Present Perfect time, the rules allow the use of the following tense circumstances:

This week (month).

Present Perfect or Past Simple

Present Perfect, Past Simple - the rules for using these tenses are completely different. If in the first case the action that has taken place has a connection with the present time, then in the second case there is no connection. In the Past Simple, the auxiliary verb is did, and in the Present Perfect, it is have or has. In the first case, time does not play any role. What matters here is the result or the fact that the action is done. In the second, only the time when this action occurred is important.

The following are examples of how these tenses are used:

Present Perfect Continuous Simple. Rules of use

Present Perfect Continuous Simple implies a certain process that began in the past tense and is still ongoing at the time of the story. And to put it more simply, this is an action that began in the past tense and by the time of the conversation either had just ended or was still in progress.

How is Present Perfect Continuous Simple formed?

affirmative sentences:

I have been reading.

Interrogative sentences:

Have I been reading?

Negative suggestions:

I have not/haven't been reading.

To indicate this time, it is necessary to put the verb to be in the Present Perfect (have been or has been). Then the sacrament is added to it. To get it, you need to add the ending -ing to the initial form of the word.

Cases when this tense is used:

1. The process began in the past and by the time of the conversation is not completed, but continues.

2. An action that began in the past lasted a certain amount of time, and by the time the conversation had already ended.

Even though it's pretty difficult topic, do not give up. English grammar is not "Chinese literacy". You just need to be careful when studying this topic, analyze examples, perform exercises of varying complexity, memorize the rules. Only then will you be able to master the entire grammar of the English language.

It is the turn of Present Perfect Tense - Present Perfect Tense.

Formation of the Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is formed using the auxiliary verb have + (third column on the table of irregular verbs)

Google shortcode

Pay attention to the formula for the formation of R.R.T. indicated in the table. As you can see, the Present Perfect Tense is formed with the help of the verb and the past participle, and the participle is a fixed part of the formula, and the verb have changes depending on the person and number of the subject and acts as an auxiliary verb in this tense.

When forming an interrogative form, the auxiliary verb have (has) is placed before the subject. When translating interrogative sentences, follow the established word order of the interrogative sentence 1 - interrogative word (for example, who? when? what?), 2 - auxiliary verb (have or has), 3 - subject, 4 - predicate (in this case participle)

  • Have you ordered pizza? - Did you order pizza? (there is no question word, so the question starts with have)
  • Where has he put my glasses? Where did he put my glasses?

Questions to the subject begin with the word Who?

  • Who has painted this picture? - who painted this picture?

When is Present Perfect Tense used?

The present perfect tense, although it belongs to the group of present, denotes an action that has already happened, completed by the present moment. This tense is used when self is important. fact of an action.

  • I have already bought bread - the action has already taken place, no matter when it happened - I have bought some bread

The action expressed by Present Perfect is translated into Russian perfect past tense verb (What did you do?)

The time of the action is either not indicated at all, or covers a period of time that has not yet elapsed (that is, the period has not yet ended, but the action has already taken place ): Today ( today), this morning, afternoon or evening ( this morning/ afternoon/ evening), this week ( this week), this month ( this month), this year ( this year)

  • Peter has washed his car today - Peter washed the car today (still today, but the car has already been washed)
  • I have met her twice this week - This week I met her twice (the week is still going on, and I have already met her twice)

Often adverbs are used with the Present Perfect:

  • I have already finished reading this newspaper.- I have already finished reading the newspaper
  • Have you posted the letter yet? Have you sent the letter yet?
  • The adverb already in questions conveys surprise and means not “already”, but “really ... already”. Compare:
    Has your brother arrived yet? "Has your brother arrived yet?" And
    Has your brother already arrived? “Has your brother already arrived?”
  • Note that the adverb yet is always placed at the end of a sentence.

The verb to be is used in the present perfect tense in the sense of "to visit, go, visit" and is accompanied by the preposition of the direction to:

  • Have you ever been to London? -Have you ever been to London?
  • I have been to Japan twice - I have been to Japan twice

For and Since

Verbs in the Present Perfect tense can also denote actions that began long before the moment of speech, but still have not ended. In this case, verbs are used with such circumstances of time as for - during and since - since (as long as)

In this case, the verb is translated into Russian in the present tense:

    • She has known my brother for five years - She has known my brother for five years
    • I've known her sister since 1992 - I've known her sister since 1992

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

In Russian, verbs in both Past Simple and Present Perfect are translated by past tense verbs, so it is sometimes difficult for English learners to determine what time to use in a given situation. The following table will help you better understand the difference between these two English tenses:
