Arabic proverbs and sayings. Arabic sayings - all the wisdom of the Bedouins, accessible to everyone Arabic proverbs with translation about life

Appetite comes with the first bite, quarrel with the first word.

Drum about me, and I will play the flute about you.
The trouble of the envious is in his envy.
Poverty without debt is prosperity.
A poor man without patience is like a lamp without oil.
The Bedouin took revenge after forty years and said: "I hastened."
Without people, what is the use of swords?
The safety of a man is in the sweetness of his tongue.
Beat the innocent so that the guilty confess.
Take care of your tongue - it will save you; dismiss him - he will betray you.
Take care of the old; something new may not remain with you.
Worry about what to buy, not about what to sell.
Beating the dead is a sin.
Give thanks to those who do you good deeds; do good deeds to those who thank you.
Well-being is safe.
The noble will remain noble even if he is touched by evil.
A close enemy is better than a distant friend.
Close smoke is blinding.
Loquacity leads to remorse.
Brother is a wing.
Will the shadow be straight if the trunk is curved?
Be merciful to those who are on earth - those who are in heaven will be merciful to you.
Be the tail of a good deed, but don't be the head of an evil one.
The bull protects its nose with horns.
The bull is tied by the horns, and the man is tied by the tongue.
To be better in words than in deeds is baseness.

In trouble, people forget mutual malice.
In conversation, the path is shortened.
In July, the water in the jug boils.
Have a friend in every city.
Each stem contains juice.
Heavy rain in late September.
In March, sparrows make their nests, and the trees turn green.
At the beginning of winter, sell the donkey to the donkey. (In winter, the donkey is less used on the farm)
There are no two heads in one turban.
Repetition is useful.
In September, prepare scales for lentils, peas and beans. (Lentils, peas and beans are the main products that farmers stock up for the winter)
IN Hard time friend right here.
In someone else's eye, even a straw looks like a camel, but in your own, the whole bridge is not noticeable.
In a foreign land, even a hare will eat your child.
Take dates to Basra. (Basra is famous for its date groves)
The crown of courage is modesty.
A man's faith is known from his oaths.
The camel carries gold on itself, and eats thorns.
Camel - a ship on land.
Faithful friend don't sell for thousands.
The winds don't blow the way the ships want.
The evening word can be erased by the day word.
A thing that is destined to deteriorate cannot be saved, even if you store it in a chest.
A look speaks louder than a word.
"Have you seen a camel?" “I didn’t even see the driver.” (About people who know how to keep a secret)
What has been seen needs no explanation.
In every beauty there is a flaw.
Hair from here, hair from there - you get a beard.
A hair from a pig's tail is good.
Educate the elder, and the younger one will learn.
Education is more valuable than gold.
A donkey entered the pharmacy and came out a donkey.
Man's enemy is his stupidity, man's friend is his mind.
The hostility of relatives is more dangerous than the sting of a scorpion.
The hostility of a wise man is better than the friendship of a fool.
Be at enmity with the emir, but don't be at enmity with the watchman.
Time is a good teacher.
All roads lead to the mill.
All the dreams of a cat are only mice.
Anything in abundance gets boring.
Everything that falls will be picked up (that is, every word must be heard by someone).
Get up early - you will succeed.
Every tailed man boasts of his tail.
Every chick comes out of an egg.
Choose your companion before you hit the road.
Choose your neighbor before you build a house.
Leaving the bath is harder than entering it. (In Muslim baths, fees were charged not at the entrance, but at the exit)
He who gets wet in the rain thinks that everyone is wet.
Stretch your legs along the length of your carpet.
Flexible board does not break.

The eye does not rise above the eyebrow.
The eye of the honest is his scales.
The eyes of love are blind.
A fool is forgiven seventy mistakes, and a scientist is not one.
The anger of lovers is like spring rain.
The anger of a fool is in his words, the wrath of a wise man is in his deeds.
The oppression of a person destroys him (that is, the evil caused by a person will turn against him).
If you go hungry for a year, you will live a life of wealth.
The lazy man's head is the house of the devil.
A hungry cat will eat all the mice in the house, a well-fed dog will guard the house.
Hungry was asked: “How much will one be alone?” He replied: "One cake."
A hungry man dreams of a bread market.
Any shirt will do for a naked person.
The vociferous rooster is already screaming from the egg.
Grief teaches crying, and joy teaches cries of jubilation.
The Lord sold halvah to those who have no teeth.
The chest of the wise man is the chest of his own secret.

Even when the chicken is dying, her eyes are on the garbage heap.
Even a hundred bars of soap will not whiten someone who is not naturally white.
Give the guest at least a cake with a cake, if only he does not go to bed hungry.
Far from the eyes - far from the heart.
Distance causes melancholy, and proximity causes coldness.
You can't hold two grenades in one hand.
Two tightrope walkers cannot walk on the same tightrope.
Two swords are not included in one scabbard.
Two things reveal their value after losing them - youth and health.
The door of disaster is wide.
The carpenter's door is always broken.
Movement is good, slowness is death.
A cousin can take the bride off his horse. (ABOUT priority right for marriage)
The girl is a locked chest with a lost key.
Actions testify to the mind of a person, words - to his knowledge.
The day has two eyes.
The day of joy is short.
The day of a scientist is more valuable than the whole life of an ignoramus.
Money is like birds: they fly and fly.
A tree grows from a seed.
Keep your dog hungry and he will follow you.
Children are the wings of man.
Children first bring poverty, and then wealth.
For every word spoken, there is a listening ear.
Choose silk for clothes, a prince for friendship.
The days of sowing are numbered, but the days of harvest are unlimited. (Sev falls at the beginning of the rainy season - the last part of November and the end of December. The harvest can stretch until the end of summer)
Arrangement at plowing - what a clear light.
Proof by deed is better than the testimony of men.
A long wedding will teach you how to dance.
Long experience enriches the mind.
The house into which the sun enters, the doctor can not be visited.
Home is our home and the moon is our neighbor. (About good neighbors and a pleasant life)
The path of the little ones is narrow. (About a case done unreasonably, childishly)
The virtue of a word is brevity.
A daughter is like a mother, a son is like a father.
Your friend is the one you love, even if he looks like a bear.
The friendship of a fool is tiresome.
Bad news travels fast.

He needs a funeral so he can slap his cheeks.
If a Bedouin recognizes the entrance to your house, make another door.
If you're afraid, don't speak; if he said - do not be afraid.
If poverty were a person, I would kill her.
If the camel knew that he was a hunchback, his legs would give way under him.
If a camel saw his hump, he would fall and break his neck.
If people acted fairly, the judges would rest.
If the owl were useful, the hunter would not neglect it.
If you hit, hit hard, if you scream, scream loudly.
If water stagnates in one place, it deteriorates.
If you give a horse, give a bridle, and with a camel, give reins.
If a rich man eats a snake, it will be said that he did it out of wisdom; if he is poor, they will say out of ignorance.
If someone has conceived something without consulting you, you do not need to congratulate him on the successful outcome of the case.
If you can't tell, show.
If you don't teach your son, life will teach him.
If you cannot achieve everything, you should not give up a part.
If you don't have what you want, want what you have.
If a wise man makes a mistake, the whole world stumbles after him.
If the rainbow stretches from south to north, finish your work in your field and leave.
If you once told a lie, then try to remember it.
As wealth grows, so does the number of friends.
If one donkey escapes, we will have another.
If you have become a master, do not abuse it.
If you become an anvil, be patient; if you become a hammer - hit.
If your friend becomes honey, don't lick it all off.
If you are destined to live among the crooked, gouge out one of your eyes.
If my mother-in-law loves me, she will send me to the oven; if she hates me, she will send me to the oven anyway.
If you are in the boat of greed, your companion will be poverty.
If you have done good - hide; If you have done good - tell.
If you have a business with a dog, say "brother" to him.
If you examine bread properly, you will not eat it.
If the owner of the house likes to play the tambourine, the household is destined to dance.
If you want to get to the dignitary, make friends with the doorkeeper and the storekeeper.
If you want to know their secrets, ask their children.
If you want a country to decline, pray that it has many rulers.
If I say dates, he will say coals.
If I start selling fez, people will be born without a head.
There is a cure for every disease if its causes are known.
Eat little, live long.

The thirsty one breaks the jug.
The one who wants good is like the one who does good.
Iron is treated with iron only.
The stomach is the enemy of man.
Marriage is joy for a month and sadness for life.
A woman without shame is like food without salt.
Pregnant cattle are afraid of the vigorous ones.
live dog better than dead lion.
Live, horse, until the grass grows.
Live together like brothers, and in business act like strangers.
A live donkey is better than a dead philosopher.
Life in a foreign land will teach itself.

Sit in the middle for food, sleep on the edge.
They took the mute husband away, she spoke.
The envious of power cannot be seen.
The supply of two is enough for three.
A slaughtered sheep does not hurt when it is skinned.
Dawn is engaged without cock crow.
Go to your enemy hungry, but do not go to him naked (i.e., hunger can be hidden, but nakedness cannot).
The mirror of love is blind.
The snake does not die from its poison.
"Do you know such and such?" - "Yes!" - "And his relatives?" - "No!" "Then you don't know him."

And among the evils there is a choice.
The needle takes over the tailor.
A needle with two threads in it does not sew.
Only what is in it can be poured out of the jug.
Out of curiosity, the importunate climbed into the fire and said that the firewood was damp.
Roses come out of the thorns.
Got rid of the press, but got into the mill.
An apology will not fill the stomach of a hungry man.
Due to the lack of horses, they plowed on dogs.
Sometimes a bad shooter hits the target.
A skilled craftswoman can even spin on the leg of a donkey.
Use your sword - you will become an emir; feed people with bread - you will become a sheikh. (Sheikh - (here) spiritual mentor)
Their disadvantage is their small number. (talking about money)

A boy came to the blind; so they gouged out his eyes by feeling them all the time.
Each bird enjoys its song.
Every dog ​​barks at its gate.
Everyone knows more about his camel than others.
Everyone sings his Layla. (Leyli is the heroine famous legend about two lovers "Layli and Majnun")
Every cock on his garbage heap is vociferous.
Everyone tries to move his cake to the fire.
Like a drum: the voice is loud, but inside is empty.
Like a camel: his mouth is full of grass, but he keeps looking at the grass.
Like a camel: it tramples everything that plows.
How short is the night for a sleeper!
How easy war is for spectators!
Like the mother of the bride: both free and busy.
How can one who is crooked himself reproach a one-eyed one?
No matter how the grain spins, it remains in the millstones.
Like a peacock - admiring its plumage.
Like threshing barley: a lot of noise, little use.
Like a candle that burns itself but shines on others.
Like a dismissed Turk, he prays only for the sake of being hired.
What good is the stars if the moon shines?
A slanderer in an hour will set the work for a month.
The summer carpet is spacious.
When the bull falls, many knives rise above him.
When an old man falls in love, no one can stop him.
When the moon rises, it is easier to stay awake.
When a guest comes, he becomes the master; when he sits down - a prisoner; when he leaves - a poet.
When you lend, you are a friend; when you demand it back, you are an enemy.
When the mind is exhausted, there are not enough words.
When shame disappears, trouble appears.
When a lion grows old, jackals laugh at him.
When his hand got stronger, he shot at me (after I taught him how to shoot every day).
When angels appear, devils hide.
When you return from a trip, bring at least a pebble to your relatives.
When the wave breaks, bend your head.
When you get angry with someone, leave room for reconciliation.
When a person is told: “Your ear is long”, he will certainly feel it.
Whoever is destined to die on the second day will not live to see the third.
The horse knows its rider best.
A ship with two captains is sinking.
The cow does not get tired of her horns.
Kings rule over people, and scientists rule over kings.
Nomadic Arabs know the way of water.
The beauty of the face is in the beauty of character.
Blood never turns to water (i.e. kindred blood takes over)
Those who are afraid are beaten.
Whoever throws a weapon is not killed.
Whoever grew up with any habit will turn gray with it.
Whoever thinks about the consequences saves himself from disasters.
Whoever eats sweet must also endure bitter.
Whoever plays with a cat must endure scratches.
Who is looking for a friend without flaws, remains alone.
Who seeks, he finds the desired or part of it.
Who laughs a lot loses the respect of people.
Whoever is satisfied with a loaf will be satisfied with half of it.
He who is not afraid of people is not afraid of people either.
Whoever has not tasted the bitter will not appreciate the taste of the sweet.
Whoever does not temper his heart will not raise a child.
He who has not saddled fear will not achieve his desires.
He who does not fall does not rise.
Whoever does not become a wolf will be gnawed by wolves.
Whoever draws the sword of oppression will perish by it.
Who fears wolves prepares dogs.
Anyone who bites off too large a chunk may choke.
Whoever tells you about others will tell others about you.
Whoever travels will know.
Whoever drinks the water from the Nile will want to return to it again.
Who makes a fire, he is warmed by it.
Whoever wooes a girl, he pays money for her.
He who sows thorns will not reap the grapes.
Whoever gets angry over a trifle is satisfied with a trifle.
Whoever imposes his opinion by force, perishes.
Who is in a hurry with the answer, he thinks slowly.
Who is ashamed of his wife will not have children.
Whoever stole the egg will also steal the chicken.
Whoever praises in a person what is not in him, he mocks him.
Who speaks well - listens well.
Whoever wants honey must endure bee stings.
Someone steals chickens, and they put me in jail.
He bought dates for one piastres, but he says that he has a whole grove of date palms. (Piastres - small coin)
Buying teaches selling.
Smoking without coffee for a guest is like a sultan without expensive clothes. (IN Arab countries the guest is usually offered a smoking device and served coffee)
A piece of bread for a hungry belly is better than the building of a mosque.

The barking of dogs does not harm the clouds.
A lion is a lion even in a cage.
A lion remains a lion even if his claws are weakened; a dog remains a dog even if it has been raised among lions.
Extra good - only good.
Lies are a disease, truth is a cure.
Onions always have the same smell.
The moon is shining, and the sun is brighter than it.
The best of things is new; the best of friends is the old one.
The best habit is to keep your mouth shut.
Better century to be single than to be a widow for a month.
It is better to listen to the reproaches of friends than to lose them.
Better to keep a son in the market than money in a chest.
Better breathe fresh air than taking medication.
Better shut up your door than to blame your neighbor.
It is better to make your son cry than to cry for him later.
It is better to have a thousand enemies outside the house than one inside the house.
better to have pure heart than a full wallet.
Better open reproach than secret malice.
Better to live one day like a rooster than a year like a hen.
It is better to meet a monkey in the morning than a beardless man.
Better own cat than common camel.
Better own weed grass than imported wheat (that is, it is better to marry girls from your village).
It is better to first agree in the field than to quarrel later in the yard (i.e., when dividing the crop).
It is better to eat a bitter onion calmly than a chicken with caution.
It's better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.
Better the oppression of cats than the justice of mice.
Better the oppression of the Turks than the justice of the Bedouins.
Best time for sowing - spring.
The best thing a person has is a true friend.
The best cases are average.
The best of gifts is intelligence, the worst of misfortunes is ignorance.
The best ruler is the one who knows how to command himself.
A woman hides love for forty years, does not hide hatred and disgust.
Love is the friend of blindness.
He who loves his money has no friends; the enemy of his money - has no enemies.
People don't like what they don't know.

Little evil - and then a lot.
Oil in the dough does not disappear.
Oil is obtained from olives only with the help of a press.
Mothers who have lost children love each other.
The mother of the murderer forgets, but the mother of the murdered does not.
There is hatred among relatives, and envy among neighbors.
Between two the secret is kept, but between three it opens the door and goes out.
The sword of power is long.
The world is a mirror: show it to him and he will show you.
A lot of money blinds a person.
The experienced is better than the wise.
Verbosity - to failure.
Can a falcon fly without wings?
"Prayer is better than sleep." - "We tried both."
There is lightning, it would be nice if it started to rain now.
Silence is the brother of consent.
Silence is the attire of the wise and the mask of the fool.
The silence of the ignorant is his shield.
He who is silent in a right deed is like one who shouts in an unjust deed.
The musician is already dying, but the fingers are still playing.
We taught them to beg, and they beat us to the door.
We were silent when he entered, so he brought the donkey in.
The thought of a wise man is more valuable than the confidence of a fool.
The mouse converted to Islam, but the number of Muslims did not increase, and the number of Christians did not decrease.
The butcher is not afraid of the multitude of cattle.

There is a milkmaid for every cow.
Every speech has an answer.
Anyone can climb a low wall.
There are no fees for speaking.
Nudity teaches to spin.
Hope without action is like a tree without fruit.
Mercenary soldiers don't shoot too hard.
Science that does not benefit is like medicine that does not cure the sick.
If you teach your dog to bite, he will bite you too.
The beginning of anger is madness, and the end of it is remorse.
The beginning of the tree is the seed.
Our land is like a dancer: it dances a little for everyone.
Don't take a puppy angry dog.
Not all white is fat, and not all black is dates.
Not everyone in a tiger skin is a brave man.
Don't say "grapes" until it's in the basket.
Do not keep the same servant for two years.
Don't expect rest from an old enemy.
It is not the cawing of crows that causes rain.
Do not lie to your Lord and your friend.
Do not swords of such arrows that you cannot repel.
Don't open a door you can't close.
Dates are not obtained by letters (that is, they do not beg for a gift).
Do not let the tree that gives you shade be cut down.
He does not sleep hungry, chilled and frightened.
Don't quarrel with the neighbor you greet every morning.
Do not save eggs and cut chickens.
Do not cut your beard in front of two people, for one will say "long" and the other - "short."
Do not stick your head between the tree and the bark (i.e., in the affairs of relatives or lovers).
Do not hold others back from what you yourself follow.
No one who leads a camel can hide.
Do not teach an orphan to cry.
The ignoramus is his own enemy.
The ignoramus learns at the expense of his own purse, and the wise one at the expense of the purse of others.
Ignorance is like a camel: whoever rides her will become despicable, whoever accompanies her will go astray.
Money brings the bride.
It is impossible to close the rays of the sun, it is impossible to put out the light of truth.
The downside of the conversation is that it's lengthy.
The dumb knows the language of the deaf.
A dumb wise guy is better than a talkative ignoramus.
There are two insatiable people: one who seeks knowledge and one who seeks wealth.
An indecisive merchant neither wins nor loses.
The injustice of a man strikes him.
The misfortune of the head comes from the tongue.
There is no sin after repentance.
There is no better messenger than money.
There is no sultan without people.
No vessel can hold more than its volume, except for the vessel of knowledge - it is constantly expanding.
Low-lying land absorbs both its own and other people's water.
Juha had never worn a fez, and now he felt that his head was cold. (Juha is a comic character in Arabic folklore)
Nothing rises above the truth.
An insignificant person is one who needs scoundrels.
The beggar owns half the world.
Feet lead only where a person wants.
Need is the mother of ingenuity.

What can a blind man dream of but a pair of eyes?
The promise of the noble is a duty.
Gluttony clouds the mind.
The owner of wealth gets tired.
Lighten the load of the ship - it will float.
Work the clay while it's wet.
Education is wealth, and its application is perfection.
See a doctor before you get sick.
Clothing that keeps you out of the cold will also keep you out of the heat.
One hair is not a beard.
One donkey is dead, but the other is intact.
One beggar does not tolerate another, and the owner of the house - both.
One stream of the sea will not muddy.
One trouble is easier than two.
One spark burns the whole block.
One bird in hand is better than ten in a tree.
You can't cover your face with one finger.
Hope alone will not reach the goal.
One grain outweighs the scales.
By doing good deeds to relatives, a person acquires power over them.
An excuse for what is absent from him.
The weapon of the weak is a complaint.
A donkey remains an ass, even if it carries the Sultan's treasury.
The donkey does not get tired of work (i.e., work loves fools).
The donkey is invited to the wedding to either carry firewood or carry water.
Only a wolf will be born from a she-wolf.
A falcon will not be born from a raven.
He escaped from the bear, but fell into the well.
Many sailors sank the ship.
From many hands the food was burnt.
He fled from death and came to death.
From the one who does not eat garlic, garlic does not smell.
Give bread to the baker, even if he eats half. (In the East, bakers go from house to house for daily work)
The donkey went for the horns, but returned with cropped ears.

The stick is the weapon of the weak.
They move one day, and the good spoils for a whole year.
The rooster was told: "Sing," and he replied: "Every thing is good in its time."
Pawn! When did you become a queen?
The fruit of a man's life is his good name.
The one who does not want to be seen is bad.
Bad thoughts - from great avarice.
A bad customer either arrives early or late.
Victory over the weak is like defeat.
Beat me - and cried; overtook me - and complained.
Supporting the truth is an honor, supporting a lie is a loss of honor.
Like a festive nut - decorated and empty.
Like a garden scarecrow - it scares from afar.
Like a fish - it approaches the hook with its tail. (Speaking of a watchful, vigilant person)
Shame is longer than life.
While the son is small, be his tutor; when he grows up - brother.
While you are healthy, many friends visit you.
Getting hit by a loved one is like eating a raisin.
Help a friend at least with your voice.
Satan hoped to go to heaven.
Reprimand is a gift from friends.
The vices of a child are from his relatives.
After my donkey, at least the grass does not grow.
There is no reproach after death.
If you follow the owl, you will fall into the ruins.
The proverb does not tell a lie.
A proverb is the salt of speech.
Haste from the devil.
Haste leads to repentance, and caution leads to well-being.
He built a palace, but destroyed the whole city.
Send a wise man and do not instruct him.
Be patient, do not tear green grapes, and you will eat ripe grapes.
Loss teaches resourcefulness.
Losing your sight is easier than losing your mind.
Honor the elders - the younger ones will respect you.
Respect is given to wealth, not to man.
The truth shines, and the lie stutters.
Truth that hurts is better than a lie that pleases.
The truth does not satisfy both sides.
Before choosing a bride, find out about her mother.
Before you shoot, you need to fill the quiver with arrows.
At the mention good man he appears himself.
The friendliness of the face is an additional gift.
Tie the horse next to the donkey; if she does not learn to roar from him, she will learn to beat with a hoof.
They came like angels and left like devils.
The seller does not go first to the buyer.
Sell ​​cattle, but buy land.
Sold the vineyard - bought a press.
Wet is not afraid of rain.
Against an evil dog it is necessary to release an evil one.
The bird is caught by the bird.
An empty well will not fill with dew.
Let the honey stay in the jar until prices go up.
Let Ali's supporters cry for Ali (i.e., I don't care about that).
The dust of labor is better than the saffron of inaction.
A drunk feels like a sultan while he is drunk.

For the sake of his belly, he let his beard be shaved off.
Since you have escaped the lion, then stop hunting him.
Does it rain without clouds?
Does a snake give birth to anything but a snake?
Do they buy fish from the sea?
Do they bring a bear into their own vineyard?
The angry one is the brother of the insane.
It is better to repent in silence than to repent in spoken words.
Divide your lunch - stay for dinner.
The child of an old man is like an orphan; the old man's wife is a widow.
The crow decided to walk like a partridge - she forgot her own gait.
Dig a well, dig it in - but don't leave your servant idle.
The growth of a palm tree, and the mind of a lamb.
Scold me, but be truthful.
The hand of the noble is the scales.

With a well bucket there should be a rope.
The most acute pain is the one that worries now.
The most alien is a country where there is no friend.
The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland.
The most miserable day for a rooster is when his legs are washed (i.e., after he was slaughtered to fry).
A light coin is useful on a rainy day.
The candle of a liar does not shine.
What is cheap is better than expensive belonging to others.
He considers himself a bunch of grapes, and the rest - showered grapes.
The hearts of the noble are graves of secrets.
Hearts rust like iron rusts.
The heart sees before the eye.
The heart of a fool is in his tongue, the tongue of a wise man is in his heart.
Strength is a stupid thing.
strong fear relieves pain.
No matter how much you teach a dumbass, by morning everything will be forgotten.
Scorpio is the brother of the snake.
A miserly rich man is poorer than a generous poor man.
A miser eats from his own bag, and a generous man eats from the bag of others.
The miserly rich are like mules and donkeys, carrying gold and silver, but content themselves with straw and barley.
The weak in business turns to fate.
The sweetness of victory erases the bitterness of patience.
The words of a man are the measure of his mind.
Words are like honey, deeds are like reeds.
A word from the heart touches another heart.
With a word you pierce what you cannot pierce with a needle.
I hear the roar of the millstone, but I do not see the flour. (About those who do not keep promises)
Lubricate with ointment from an empty bottle. (About a man who does not keep his promises)
Death has come, and the camel is running around the well.
The death of a person between his jaws (i.e., from a long tongue).
Laughter for no reason is a sign of bad parenting.
First censure, then punishment.
Take advice from both the elder and the younger, but rely on your own mind.
The treasure of the wise is in his knowledge, the treasure of the fool is in wealth.
The solar disk cannot be closed with a sieve.
Neighbor, you are in your house, and I am in mine!
Neighbors both in front and behind: if they don’t see your face, they will notice your back.
Save money with money.
The mule was asked: "Who is your father?" He replied: "The horse is my uncle."
Among the blind, the one-eyed one is the sultan.
The old does not become new; enemy does not become friend.
Calf cattle do not butt.
The walls are a crazy book.
He suffers from thirst, and his mouth is in the sea. (About a miserly person)
A wandering mother hen will never raise chicks.
Passion for enrichment is stronger than thirst.
The fussy one will not find satisfaction, the angry one will not find joy, the dull one will not find a friend.
The knot took over the carpenter.
The son of a son is the son of a beloved, the son of a daughter is the son of a stranger.
The well-fed cuts slices for the hungry slowly.

The dancer dies, but her body keeps dancing.
Your companion is your adversary.
Your religion is your dinar.
Your secret is your prisoner, but if you betrayed it, you yourself became its prisoner.
Do you want the truth or her cousin?
Patience is the key to joy.
Only first love is true.
He who has a pen in his hand will not write himself that he is a robber.
The one who gave you the lamb will lure the camel out of you.
The one who achieves wealth without having it is like one who carries water in a sieve.
The one who calls for dinner must take care of the lodging for the night.
He who changes his habits reduces his happiness.
He who swears a lot, lies a lot.
One who can eat a whole cake is not weak.
The one who cannot dance says that his legs are crooked.
The one who comes uninvited sleeps without a bed.
He who hides a goat under his arm must bleat himself.
He who wants to butt does not hide his horns.
Anyone who wants to get drunk does not count how much he drank.
He who wants to become a camel driver must make the doors of his house higher.
Whoever has money will eat ice cream even in hellfire.
He who has flour does not put out the fire.
The one who has one piastres says: “What should I do with it?”, And the one who has a hundred - “Lord, add more!”
Those who do not have weapons do not fight.
He who does not have the old does not have the new either.
He whose house is made of glass does not throw stones at people.
The rumble of a drum can be heard from afar.
Three things evoke love: faith, modesty, and generosity.
Three things cannot be hidden: love, pregnancy and camel riding.
Three things lengthen life: a spacious house, a fast horse, and a submissive wife.
You must obey the one you want to serve.
Are you - and wash the dead, and provide them with paradise?
Pumpkin surrounded herself with cucumbers and told them, "Let's cross the river." (They talk about the weak, taking on an impossible task)
A prison is still a prison, even if it is a garden.

Every head has its own pain.
The liar's house burned down - no one believed.
Love has no advisers.
Muslims have a lazy person - a dervish, Christians - a priest.
The quiet horse has a plucked tail.
One who has acquired knowledge only from books has more mistakes than correct steps.
Consider losses before profits.
Loss that teaches is profit.
He saw the letter "aleph" and imagined that in front of him was a minaret. (About an illiterate, uneducated person. Aleph - the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, looks like a vertical line)
If you hit a cat, it will scratch it.
The decoration of a girl is good manners, not gilded clothes.
A person bitten by a snake is also afraid of ropes.
The mind of a woman is in her beauty, the beauty of a man is in his mind.
Intelligence and wealth hide any lack, poverty and ignorance reveal it.
A smart thief in his neighborhood doesn't steal.
A smart person will understand if you wink, and a fool will understand if you push.
The smart man takes care of himself.
A wise man trusts in his work, a fool in his hopes.
Tire your body, but do not tire your mind.
Morning does not need a lamp.
Learning in childhood is like engraving on stone.
A scientist without labor is like a cloud without rain.

The dog's tail will remain curled even if you straighten it in the block.
Go visit every other day - and you will win love.
The owner of the house is better to know what is there.
Good work completed.
The lameness of a camel from his lips (i.e., everyone is to blame for their own misfortune)

The older a person gets, the more his worries grow.
Honor is more valuable than money.
Your mother's womb will not bring you an enemy.
Whatever your uncle gives you, take it (that is, take the opportunity, take everything that comes into your hands).
What have we seen from Ramadan besides what we have heard about its food? (Ramadan is the month of Muslim fasting. Believers fast all day and break their fast only after sunset)
What is good for the liver is bad for the spleen.
What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity.
To get oil, you need to churn it.
Anything is better than nothing.
A stranger is one who has no friend.
The foreigner is blind if he is sighted.
Stranger to stranger brother.

A step on arable land, a step on virgin soil (that is, one must be moderately careful)
Satan does not destroy his house.
The jackal will never get enough of the chickens.

I don't know, and the astrologer doesn't know (i.e. nobody knows).
I taught him how to steal, and he put his hand in my pocket.
I did not sell my house, but a neighbor (i.e., I sold the house because of a bad neighbor).
I am the emir and you are the emir. Who will chase the donkeys?
The tongue is without bones, but it breaks the bones.
The tongue is long for those whose arguments are short.
The language of circumstances is clearer than the language of words.
Language is the translator of the heart.
Your tongue is your horse: if you save it, it will save you; if you dismiss him, he will humiliate him.
Your tongue is a lion: if you keep it, it will protect you; if you release it, it will tear it apart.
A stone's egg cannot be broken (i.e., the weak cannot resist the strong).

At all times, people have sought not only to accumulate knowledge and experience, but also to pass them on to their descendants in a simple and accessible form. One of these forms is a saying, a brightly colored expression that reflects emotions and is easy to remember. All languages ​​in the world have them, and Arabic is no exception. We often use them without even knowing it. So what are they, Arabic sayings?

Each nation is unique, but wisdom and knowledge accumulated in one world. That is why wisdom different peoples similar and forms a common, international fund proverbs and sayings. For thousands of years, all the peoples of the world have developed special rules and techniques, with the help of which the wisdom of ancestors, social ideals and the very philosophy of the worldview are transmitted. Reading Arabic sayings absolutely unknown to us, we can always find something similar with Russian ones. This is primarily due to the fact that certain situations and the conclusions drawn from them are approximately the same for most peoples.

Like any complete thought, Arabic proverbs are devoted to a topic:

  • friendship;
  • respect for elders;
  • protecting the weak and disadvantaged;
  • hospitality;
  • wisdom;
  • boldness and bravery;
  • the concept of honor and dignity, etc.

In the folklore of any nation, you can find sayings devoted to these topics, and they will be very close. For example: "Sadi´k ti'ri´fu fi-d-di´k" (translated as "You recognize a friend in trouble"). The Russians have a very similar one: "Friends are known in trouble."

Specificity and national characteristics

National Features Arab people left their mark on Arabic sayings, giving them a special charm. On them you can trace what you encountered arab people for a long time. Found in sayings their place and specific musical instruments, and tools, and national cuisine, and outfits. The climate and landscape characteristic of the Arab habitat is also reflected in the national

Animals in proverbs

Consider the specificity on the example of animals. The camel plays an important role in the folklore of the Arabs. For the Bedouin, this animal is very valuable, because it is both a transport, a breadwinner, a currency, and a sign of well-being. Total 20 different words in Arabic are translated into Russian as "camel" or "camel". In many sayings there are references to this animal. Here are some Arabic sayings with translation in transcription so that you can pronounce them out loud. Feel their originality, originality and charm, and if you wish, pick up Russian sayings similar in meaning.

"La naka li fiha ўa la jamalya" - "In this there is neither a camel nor a camel for me."

"Kad yumta as-saabu baada mo ramaha" - "And you can saddle a fearful camel."

It will be interesting

How often do you hear, and perhaps you yourself use the expression: "He who seeks will always find"? There is a similar expression in Arabic, and the translation sounds like this: "Who seeks, he finds the desired or part of it." Beautifully said, isn't it?

It is a pity that we are little interested in the wisdom of other peoples, otherwise many Arabic proverbs and sayings would have been used long ago. And who knows, maybe after reading the article you will have a desire to get to know them better and even use them.

Statuses for social networks can be found in Arabic sayings. And they will be fresh and original. As you like, for example: "If you love someone, then love them in their entirety, along with their scars, sadness and flaws." Why not a status?

And finally, a little oriental humor: "The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman for at least a minute."

1. Will the shadow be straight if the trunk is curved?
2. The winds don't blow the way ships want.
3. Every beauty has a flaw.
4. Everything that is in abundance is boring
5. A fool is forgiven seventy mistakes, and a scientist is not a single one.
6. Movement is good, slowness is death
7. The day of joy is short
8. If not, what you want, want what you have
9. If you become an anvil, be patient; if you become a hammer - beat
10. If you want to know their secrets, ask their children
11. He who desires good is like one who does good
12. The stomach is the enemy of man
13. A woman without shame, that food is 6e without salt
14. Only what is in it can be poured out of a jug
15. An apology will not fill the stomach of a hungry person.
16. Like a drum: the voice is loud, but the inside is empty
17. How easy war is for spectators!
18. When the bull falls, many knives rise above him.
19. When you lend - a friend, and when you demand back - an enemy
20. He who is afraid of wolves does not breed sheep
21. Whoever is afraid is beaten
22. Who is looking for a friend without flaws, remains alone
23. It is better to make your son cry than to cry about him later.
24. The mother of the murderer forgets, but the mother of the murdered does not.
25. Experienced is better than the wise
26. Do not send a young man to marry, but an old man to buy a donkey
27. Silence is the outfit of the smart and the mask of the fool
28. We eat the same piece, why are you staring at me?
29. We were silent when he entered, so he brought the donkey in
30. There is a milkmaid for every cow
31. Anyone can climb a low wall
32. Do not sleep hungry, chilled and scared
33. Do not hold others back from what you yourself follow
34. Do not hide the one who leads the camel
35. Don't teach an orphan to cry
36. An insignificant person is one who needs scoundrels
37. Beggar owns half the world
38. One hair is not a beard
39. You can't cover your face with one finger
40. A donkey remains a donkey, even if it carries the Sultan's treasury
41. From the one who does not eat garlic, garlic does not smell
42. Pawn, when did you become a queen?
43. Victory over the weak is like defeat
44. Shame is longer than life
45. Loss teaches resourcefulness
46. ​​Wet is not afraid of rain
47. Against an evil dog it is necessary to release an evil
48. Distribute your lunch - stay for dinner
49. An old man's child is like an orphan; old man's wife - widow
50. Scold me, but be truthful
51. The heart sees before the head
52. First censure, then punishment
53. The fussy one will not find satisfaction, the angry one will not find joy, the boring one will not find a friend.
54. The knot took over the carpenter
55. The well-fed cuts slices for the hungry slowly
56. Patience is the key to joy
57. The one who calls for dinner should take care of the lodging for the night
58. He who comes 6ez without an invitation sleeps without a bed
59. He whose house is made of glass does not throw stones at people.
60. Three things cause love: faith, modesty and generosity
61. A smart thief in his neighborhood does not steal.
62. A smart man will understand if you wink, and a fool - if you push
63. What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity
64. Anything is better than nothing
65. I am the emir, and you are the emir. Who will chase the donkeys?
66. Do not break the egg of a stone.

6. Exaggeration sharp corners

Many illusions are explained by the ability of our vision to exaggerate what we see on flat figures sharp corners. Firstly, perhaps this kind of illusion appears due to the phenomenon of irradiation, as the light space we see expands around the dark lines that limit the acute angle. Secondly, it is also possible that an acute angle increases due to a general psychological contrast, since often acute angles lie next to obtuse ones, and the situation has an influence.

Third, great importance for the emergence of these illusions has the direction of movement of the eyes and their mobility in general. If there is a break in the lines, then our eye first of all "grabs" an acute angle, since the axis of the field of view moves first along the shortest direction and only then examines the sides of obtuse angles. The fact that this illusion really depends on the movement of the eyes is confirmed by the fact that when the field of vision is illuminated with short-term flashes, many of the illusions of this kind are not observed, since the eye does not have time to move during the flash to view both sharp and obtuse angles of the figure.

In architecture, in particular, to avoid the illusion of curvature is really parallel lines, intersected by lines that form sharp and obtuse angles with the first, use a special breakdown of parts and give preference to radial lines.

A person changes the direction of movement of his eyes with a certain effort, and therefore special methods are used in architecture to gradually slow down the movement of the eyes before they should change the direction of movement. best example This is the capitals and bases of the columns, which delay the movement of our gaze from the bottom up and, conversely, from the top down along the trunk of the columns. Finally, in some cases, the apparent sharp corners may be exaggerated due to astigmatism of the eye. In any case, sharp corners always seem to us larger than they really are, and therefore certain distortions appear in the true ratio of the parts of the visible figure. Here are some visual illusions that arise from the overestimation of sharp corners (fig. 63-70).

Rice. 63. Segments of straight lines crossing parallels at acute angles appear to be displaced and either do not belong to the same straight lines (left and center) or are not sides of the same angle (right). [Poggendorff illusion. ]

Rice. 64. It seems that when continuing, the left arcs will not converge with the right ones, in fact they converge. This kind of illusion can often be seen in buildings that have vaulted ceilings, doors or windows. It seems that the lines of the vault, dissected by the standing column in front, do not converge.

On fig. 65-67 the simplest illusions are presented, due to the exaggeration of sharp corners.

Rice. 65. Straight ab seems broken at the point ABOUT, and at the top "corner" aOb it seems less than 180°, and at the bottom it is more than 180°.

Rice. 66. Are the segments A And IN, as well as segments WITH And D continuation of one another?

Rice. 67. Each subsequent increase in the angle seems to be larger than the previous one, although in all cases the difference is 5°.

When we look at two lines separated by a gap, we are able to connect them "in the mind" and determine whether one of them is a continuation of the other or not. If, however, we draw another to one of these lines so that they form an acute angle, the confidence in our assessment will immediately disappear.

For example, in fig. 66 extension A appears to be below line B, and extension C appears to be to the right of D.

To make the illusion disappear, you need to close the line C or L. The angles can also change the apparent length of the lines, which is easy to see by looking at fig. 22 and 24.

Note that the illusion disappears if we choose a different position of observation, i.e., the appearance of the illusion depends on the "point of view" on the given object.

So, if in Fig. 68, 69 and 70 look along parallel lines, combining the plane of the picture with the direction of view, then the illusion will disappear. The illusion may not be observed if the conditions of observation do not favor it. Therefore, sometimes we can see what we fail to see in other surroundings.

Rice. 68

Rice. 69

Rice. 70. Parallel straight lines due to the influence of the background appear non-parallel and curved.

This principle is based on the examination of the so-called "mysterious pictures" and the reading of "mysterious inscriptions". These pictures are drawn by deliberately increasing the vertical length of objects and greatly reducing the horizontal one, and the inscriptions are written so that they consist of letters deliberately stretched in height and narrow in the horizontal direction (Fig. 71).

Rice. 71. Read an Arabic proverb.

Combining the plane of the sheet with the plane of the eyes, we reduce the visible vertical dimensions of the letters and freely read this "mysterious inscription".

It turns out that if the figures in Fig. 68, 69 and 70 are viewed with a brief flash of light, then the illusion disappears.

It should be noted that sometimes a change in the direction of the lines and a distortion of the shape of the figure also occurs from the fact that the eye follows the directions of other lines in the field of view.

Thus, there may be cases of a combination of causes that cause the illusion of vision, for example, exaggeration of sharp corners and psychological contrast, or one of the indicated circumstances, and the fact that the gaze, when viewing a figure, slides along the background lines surrounding it (Fig. 72-78).

Rice. 72. The middle parts of the lines of this figure are parallel, but appear to be non-parallel.

Rice. 73. The rectilinear sides of the square appear curved, and the entire square appears deformed.

Rice. 74. Store they are square and straight lines seem curved, non-parallel.

Rice. 75. Right top corner the square does not seem straight, but sharp.

Rice. 76. The circle appears to be an oval.

Rice. 77. The circle appears to be an oval, symmetrical about the bisector of the angle.

It should be noted that the vast majority of the illusions of vision given by us in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 can, if desired, be eliminated by the appropriate representation of lines and figures in those drawings and drawings where these illusions may appear. For example, all those segments in Fig. 21-45, which seem large to us, can be deliberately depicted as smaller; curves, angles, circles that seem smaller can be intentionally enlarged; straight lines that appear crooked can be drawn as curves so that they appear straight, and so on (Fig. 78).

Rice. 78. Intentional curvature of straight lines fig. 74 may give the impression that a regular square and parallel lines are drawn against the background of concentric circles (the illusion will disappear).

These opportunities are widely used by artists, as L. Euler pointed out back in 1774, who wrote: “ Painters are best able to use this common and all-related deceit in favor, ”and further explained:“ All pictorial art is based on this deceit. If we are accustomed to judging things by the very truth, then this art could not have a place, as well as when we were blind».

As mentioned earlier, architects are also very often faced with the need to correct the erroneous visual impression created by certain parts of structures. Already architects Ancient Greece deliberately made appropriate corrections (corrections) of the apparent curvature resulting from visual illusions when observing elements located much higher than the horizon. Similar corrections were made in 1764 during the construction of a portico in the building of the Soufflot Pantheon in Paris.

Illusions based on our ability to assimilate (Fig. 45-50) are more difficult to eliminate, but in this case we can avoid optical illusions using such simple devices as a ruler and compasses. In rare cases, it is not advisable to eliminate the illusion, for example, in the case of a typographic font (Fig. 58).
