How to make rice cake. Step-by-step recipe with photos

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing rice dishes. Rice is considered a dietary product rich in various beneficial microelements and vitamins. And many people prepare a wide variety of dishes from it almost every day. Sometimes it often happens that after preparing the next breakfast, lunch or dinner from this wonderful cereal, there is a little boiled rice left, which no one really wants to eat anymore, and it’s a pity to throw it away. For just such a case, you will need this recipe for flatbreads, which will give completely edible rice a new life. Rice cakes make a great substitute. Tasty, appetizing and aromatic, suitable for almost any dish. Or you can simply serve them still warm for breakfast with your morning coffee or tea with a piece of butter. Almost no one will guess what they are made of, so the rice cakes will be eaten immediately!


  • flour - 1 cup.
  • rice (boiled) – 0.5 cups.
  • water – 100 ml.
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • dry yeast – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • spices - to taste.
  • Number of servings: 6.

How to make rice cakes: recipe with photos

The recipe for making the dough is quite simple and does not require any special skills. You just need to combine all the ingredients together. Place the rice in a deep bowl.

Add flour (it is not necessary to sift, which greatly simplifies the process).

Pour in oil; in the absence of olive oil, feel free to replace it with any odorless vegetable oil.

All that remains is to add yeast, salt and any spices to your taste. This could be, for example, paprika or ordinary Provençal herbs.

Mix everything and start adding water in small portions. Knead the dough and collect it into a ball.

The dough must be covered with a clean towel and put in a warm place for 30 minutes. If there is absolutely no time, then you can start frying the tortillas after 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into six equal parts.

Then roll out the flatbreads on a greased surface. If you like them crispy, make them thinner; if you want them more fluffy and soft, then form cakes of a smaller diameter.

Fry the flatbreads in a hot dry frying pan on both sides. I fried it in a slow cooker on the “fry” mode, carefully turning it over with a special spatula. I also did not lubricate the bottom of the bowl with anything.

Place the finished cakes with rice in a pile; when serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs. Delicious both hot and cold.

Bon appetit!!!

Multicooker POLARIS PMC 0511 AD. Power 650 W.

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.

Rice has been grown by people for many centuries and even millennia, and it is quite rightly called one of the most popular cereals in the world. As they show, the history of rice began a very long time ago - 6-7 thousand years ago people already knew how to grow and eat rice. This is evidenced by traces of rice on the remains of pottery and manuscripts of ancient China; in addition, there are references to rice in manuscripts of ancient India.

Asia is considered to be the birthplace of rice; people first began to grow rice on the territory of modern Vietnam and Thailand. Then it gradually spread to all other continents and, having adapted to local climatic conditions, took its rightful place in the national cuisines of the peoples of the world.

Rice grains contain more starch than any other grains. Rice is a balanced dietary product, because it contains everything necessary for the human body, it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Rice is rich in potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, B vitamins and iron compounds. It also contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, which provide our body with energy. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from it: pilaf, porridge, risotto, rice cakes, rolls and sushi, it is added to soups, and meat dishes are prepared with it.

Do you have rice lying around and can’t figure out what to cook with it? Do regular homemade porridges turn your nose up, the side dish turns out sticky, and are you already tired of pilaf? Then try making homemade flatbreads, which will be a great find for many housewives. It looks like bread, but there is no need to knead the dough for a long time.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, boil, drain in a colander and cool, then add sugar, juice, orange zest and cinnamon. Mix everything well, form into flat cakes and roll them in sesame seeds, fry in oil until golden yellow. If it turns out too loose, you need to add beaten egg white. Place the finished rice cakes on a dish and pour over the heated mixture of honey and wine.

2. Yeasted rice cakes.

Ingredients: 250 grams of long rice, 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered yeast, 50 ml. warm water, 5 eggs, 100 grams of sugar, 30 grams of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of flour, fat.

Boil the rice until soft, dry and stir. Add yeast diluted in warm water to the rice and let it brew for two hours. Beat the eggs with salt, sugar, flour and nutmeg, add the mixture to the rice and stir. Set aside for 30 minutes. After this, heat the fat in a frying pan and, spooning out the resulting “dough,” fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown.

3. Japanese mochi rice cakes. To prepare them, you will need 500 grams of mochi-gome rice.

Rinse the rice and leave it in water overnight. In the morning, steam the rice in a steamer until soft. Place the still hot rice into a damp wooden mortar and mash it until it becomes a homogeneous, mushy, sticky mass. Place the resulting dough on a surface sprinkled with rice flour and form into slightly flattened balls. After this, you need to place it in the refrigerator for some time. Japanese rice cakes "mochi" are seasoned with soy or any other sauce to taste and served.

Rice cakes for rolls, round, diameter 16 cm, 200 g

Ingredients: rice flour, water.
Manufactured by Safoco Vietnam.

You can make spring rolls from rice paper. This amazingly beautiful and delicious dish is widespread in Vietnamese, Thai, Korean and Chinese cuisines. In China, spring rolls are usually eaten during the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), hence the name of these pancakes.

For those who care about their waistline, there is good news: spring rolls do not need to be fried.

Rice paper pancakes can be eaten raw, wrapped with different fillings, they can be steamed, as they do in Korea, or they can be deep-fried, resulting in Vietnamese rice pancakes NEM (recipe below).

How to make rice paper spring rolls?

To do this, just carefully take a sheet of rice cake, put it in warm water, after a couple of seconds, pull it out and put it on the table. After some (short) time, the rice cake will be completely saturated with water and become elastic. Now you can add the filling you like, such as strips of meat (usually beef or chicken) or seafood: shrimp.

Vietnamese fried spring rolls typically use pork. In Singapore, hot shrimp paste is added to spring rolls.

You can make Lenten pancakes with different fillings during Lent.

Vegetarian filling for rice paper pancakes:

lettuce, carrots, bean sprouts, cucumbers, avocado or mushrooms.

In eastern China, sweet spring rolls are made with red bean paste or red adzuki mung bean paste.

Spring rolls with chicken

Chicken spring rolls can be prepared by frying finely chopped chicken pieces and combining them with fresh thinly sliced ​​carrots, strips of Chinese cabbage or Chinese cabbage. Season the filling 1 tbsp at a time. soy sauce, oyster sauce, chopped garlic and ginger root. Cilantro, basil and green onions add aroma and flavor to the spring rolls. (Vegetables can be placed raw in the roll, or you can fry them a little beforehand, preserving the crunch of the vegetable.)

It is important that the paper is not torn and the roll is sealed, otherwise hot oil will get inside and steam will explode the spring roll from the inside. To do this, spread the filling compactly on the part of the “pancake” closest to you, retreating 3-4 centimeters from the edge, wrap it from the bottom, then cover the middle with the side parts, and roll it tightly into a roll.

Once you have done this with each roll, heat the oil in a wok and deep fry the spring rolls for a couple of minutes.

Spring rolls with shrimp

Shrimp spring rolls are best paired with rice noodles, thinly sliced ​​cucumber, carrots and avocado. Can be combined with Chinese cabbage, carrots, and bean sprouts. Sauces of your choice are also added.

Vietnamese dish NEM made from rice cake.

For 12 pieces.
300 g minced meat
5 g bean vermicelli
15 g onions
100 g carrots
1 egg
30 gr. fish sauce
30 gr. water (boiled and cooled)
1 head of garlic
salt and black pepper to taste

Pre-soak bean vermicelli in water for 15 minutes. Finely chop vermicelli, onions and carrots and mix with minced meat. Lightly moisten a sheet of rice cake in water, spread it out, put the filling on it, and roll it into a cylindrical shape.
Fry the rolls in oil until golden brown.
Prepare the sauce by mixing chopped garlic, fish sauce and chilled boiled water.

Bon appetit!

First we need to steam the rice to make sticky rice as it is called in Thailand. Any short-grain rice is best suited for this, for example, I usually use Krasnodar rice. Long-grain and steamed rice are not suitable - in this case, the rice will not stick together and will be crumbly! There is no need to rinse the rice, otherwise it will lose the starch that we need to give the rice sticky properties.

Mix rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. (I took 300 ml rice for 600 ml water)
Wait until it boils, cover the lid, and boil the rice for exactly 5 minutes from the moment it starts boiling, stirring occasionally. Our goal is for the rice to absorb some moisture and soften. (in Thailand, for this purpose, rice is soaked in water for 12 hours, but it’s easier to boil it for 5 minutes and it will already be in the right condition for subsequent steaming)

Drain the water after boiling for 5 minutes. At this point, the rice should already look like porridge and not be crumbly.

Now we prepare a container for steaming rice in a multicooker. Since there are round holes in it that the rice will fall through, I cut a circle from a sieve and placed it in this container. (can be used multiple times)

Place rice in this container.
Set the program “Steam”, “Vegetables” for 40 minutes. In different multicookers, the name of the program and cooking time may be different. The longer the rice cooks, the stickier it will be, so see for yourself. 30 minutes is possible, but 40 is better.
Add a couple of pinches of salt, close the lid and turn on steaming. Below, under the rice, we have, of course, poured water, which will boil and process the rice with this hot steam. This is the essence of steaming foods.
After 20 minutes, turn the rice over and add salt again.

When the rice is ready, remove it from the multicooker, let it cool a little and lightly pour rice vinegar over it. It gives a special taste to rice. Rice can already be used in this form as a base for meat or fish dishes. Steamed rice is more delicious and healthier than regular rice, and you will definitely like it if you haven’t tried it yet!

But we will go further and will make even more delicious rice cakes from this rice, in order to use them as a side dish for soup instead of bread.
Take parchment paper. (sold in any store as baking paper) and some round molds (you can also buy them at the grocery store). We measure out the circles in the places where the rice will be located.

Pour rice into round molds. It’s best to do this about 20 minutes after removing the rice from the multicooker to allow the rice to cool and become even more sticky.

Now we grease the mugs where the rice will be placed with coconut oil (I use coconut oil, since frying with it is safer for health, but you can use regular oil) - 1 tablespoon of oil for 2 servings. I'll have 4 servings, so I spread 2 tablespoons of butter among all the mugs. Then sprinkle salt, black or red pepper, breadcrumbs (optional), paprika, curry or other seasoning on top.

Lightly spread this mixture with a spoon.

We place the molds with rice in the place where we have greased with oil and seasonings.

Remove the molds. As you can see in the photo, the rice did not crumble, which means the necessary stickiness has been achieved. If at this moment your rice crumbles, then stop frying and eat the rice as usual, since you won’t be able to fry rice cakes from crumbly rice.

Cover the top with the second side treated with oil and seasonings.

Now let's move on to frying in a frying pan. The pan must be dry, no need to add oil to it! Turn on the empty frying pan at maximum power and wait 2 minutes for it to heat up.
Place 4 rice cakes in the pan with parchment paper covering the rice on both sides.

Reduce power to slightly below maximum. My maximum setting is “9”, and I fry rice at “7”. After 5 minutes, carefully turn this entire package over to the other side, holding the paper and rice with your hands (don’t get burned, just handle the paper with your hands, without touching the hot frying pan!) and fry for another 5 minutes on the other side. That is, fry for 5 minutes on each side. Those who like a toasted crust can increase the power or cooking time, but do not overdo it, otherwise the crust may turn out too hard for the teeth.
